blob: 28dfa3f9199357a6668a38cc63ef62bbb97aa800 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include <base/callback.h>
#include <base/files/file_path.h>
namespace cryptohome {
class Platform;
class Service;
// This class handles recovery of encrypted data from the stateful partition.
// At present, it provides a simple way to export the encrypted data while the
// feature is maturing by checking for the existence of a file on the
// unencrypted portion of stateful.
// Once the feature has seen satisfactory airtime and all
// related tooling is robust, this class will implement a tighter mechanism
// for recovering the encrypted data in stateful that requires physical device
// modification or device owner modification:
class StatefulRecovery {
// MountFunction is a function prototype that will mount the cryptohome for
// the specified username and passkey. If the mounting is successful, true is
// returned and out_home_path is set to the home path for the home directory
// for the target user. Otherwise, false is returned and out_home_path is
// unchanged. Note that it is the responsibility of the function to log any
// detailed error should any arises.
typedef base::RepeatingCallback<bool(const std::string& username,
const std::string& passkey,
base::FilePath* out_home_path)>
// UnmountFunction is a function that unmount all cryptohome. It returns true
// on success and false on failure. Note that it is the responsibility of the
// function to log any detailed error should any arises.
typedef base::RepeatingCallback<bool()> UnmountFunction;
// IsOwnerFunction is a function that returns true if the given user is the
// owner, and false otherwise.
typedef base::RepeatingCallback<bool(const std::string& username)>
explicit StatefulRecovery(Platform* platform,
MountFunction mountfn,
UnmountFunction unmountfn,
IsOwnerFunction isownerfn);
virtual ~StatefulRecovery() = default;
// Returns true if recovery was requested by the device user.
virtual bool Requested();
// Returns true if it successfully recovered stateful contents.
virtual bool Recover();
// On Chrome hardware, sets the recovery request field and reboots.
virtual void PerformReboot();
static const char kRecoverSource[];
static const char kRecoverDestination[];
static const char kRecoverBlockUsage[];
static const char kRecoverFilesystemDetails[];
static const char kFlagFile[];
// Returns true if a flag file indicating a recovery request exists and
// contains the expected content.
bool ParseFlagFile();
// Copies encrypted partition details to recovery directory.
bool CopyPartitionInfo();
// Copies encrypted partition contents to recovery directory.
bool CopyPartitionContents();
// Copies the mounted user directory to recovery directory.
bool CopyUserContents();
// Versions of the recovery handler.
bool RecoverV1();
bool RecoverV2();
bool requested_;
Platform* platform_;
MountFunction mountfn_;
UnmountFunction unmountfn_;
IsOwnerFunction isownerfn_;
std::string version_;
std::string user_;
std::string passkey_;
} // namespace cryptohome