blob: 83e095cd73c9722c5aa7b8b732cbcf3ddbd93e48 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <base/check.h>
#include <base/check_op.h>
#include <base/command_line.h>
#include <base/logging.h>
#include <brillo/syslog_logging.h>
#include <brillo/userdb_utils.h>
#include <libminijail.h>
#include <scoped_minijail.h>
#include "trunks/csme/tpm_tunnel_service.h"
namespace {
namespace switches {
constexpr char kNoCloseOnDaemonize[] = "noclose";
constexpr char kNoDaemonize[] = "nodaemonize";
constexpr char kLogToStderr[] = "log_to_stderr";
} // namespace switches
constexpr uid_t kRootUID = 0;
constexpr char kTpmTunnelUser[] = "tpm_tunneld";
constexpr char kTpmTunnelGroup[] = "tpm_tunneld";
constexpr char kTpmTunnelSeccompPath[] =
void InitMinijailSandbox() {
uid_t tpm_tunnel_uid;
gid_t tpm_tunnel_gid;
CHECK(brillo::userdb::GetUserInfo(kTpmTunnelUser, &tpm_tunnel_uid,
<< "Error getting tpm_tunnel uid and gid.";
CHECK_EQ(getuid(), kRootUID) << "tpm_tunneld not initialized as root.";
ScopedMinijail j(minijail_new());
// TODO(b/193660214): enable seccomp filter once the code is validated on
// kernl v5.4. for now we just disable it in order to unblock developemnt
// using TPM tunnel.
#if 0
minijail_parse_seccomp_filters(j.get(), kTpmTunnelSeccompPath);
minijail_change_user(j.get(), kTpmTunnelUser);
minijail_change_group(j.get(), kTpmTunnelGroup);
CHECK_EQ(getuid(), tpm_tunnel_uid)
<< "tpm_tunneld was not able to drop user privilege.";
CHECK_EQ(getgid(), tpm_tunnel_gid)
<< "tpm_tunneld was not able to drop group privilege.";
} // namespace
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
base::CommandLine::Init(argc, argv);
base::CommandLine* cl = base::CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess();
int flags = brillo::kLogToSyslog;
if (cl->HasSwitch(switches::kLogToStderr)) {
flags |= brillo::kLogToStderr;
bool noclose = cl->HasSwitch(switches::kNoCloseOnDaemonize);
bool daemonize = !cl->HasSwitch(switches::kNoDaemonize);
// Upstart would know tpm_tunneld is ready after tpm_tunneld daemonized.
if (daemonize) {
PLOG_IF(FATAL, daemon(0, noclose) == -1) << "Failed to daemonize";
trunks::csme::TpmTunnelService service;
bool success = service.Run();
// In case any error that brings the connetion to MEI a bad state, crash the
// program so it can recover by upstart control.
CHECK(success) << " Error when handling requests.";
return 0;