blob: 14fe853f7255597a66782491f41c0668ae933a7f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <ostream>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <base/callback.h>
#include <base/cancelable_callback.h>
#include <base/memory/ref_counted.h>
#include <base/memory/weak_ptr.h>
#include <base/time/time.h>
#include <brillo/http/http_request.h>
#include <gtest/gtest_prod.h> // for FRIEND_TEST
#include "shill/http_request.h"
#include "shill/http_url.h"
#include "shill/net/ip_address.h"
#include "shill/net/sockets.h"
#include "shill/service.h"
namespace shill {
class EventDispatcher;
class Metrics;
// The PortalDetector class implements the portal detection
// facility in shill, which is responsible for checking to see
// if a connection has "general internet connectivity".
// This information can be used for ranking one connection
// against another, or for informing UI and other components
// outside the connection manager whether the connection seems
// available for "general use" or if further user action may be
// necessary (e.g, click through of a WiFi Hotspot's splash
// page).
// This is achieved by using one or more trial attempts
// to access a URL and expecting a specific response. Any result
// that deviates from this result (DNS or HTTP errors, as well as
// deviations from the expected content) are considered failures.
class PortalDetector {
// The Phase enum indicates the phase at which the probe fails.
enum class Phase {
kConnection, // Failure to establish connection with server
kDNS, // Failure to resolve hostname or DNS server failure
kHTTP, // Failure to read or write to server
kContent // Content mismatch in response
enum class Status { kFailure, kSuccess, kTimeout, kRedirect };
struct Properties {
: http_url_string(kDefaultHttpUrl),
fallback_http_url_strings(kDefaultFallbackHttpUrls) {}
Properties(const std::string& http_url_string,
const std::string& https_url_string,
const std::vector<std::string>& fallback_http_url_strings)
: http_url_string(http_url_string),
fallback_http_url_strings(fallback_http_url_strings) {}
bool operator==(const Properties& b) const {
return http_url_string == b.http_url_string &&
https_url_string == b.https_url_string &&
fallback_http_url_strings.end()) ==
std::string http_url_string;
std::string https_url_string;
std::vector<std::string> fallback_http_url_strings;
// Represents the result of a complete portal detection attempt (DNS
// resolution, HTTP probe, HTTPS probe).
struct Result {
// Final Phase of the HTTP probe when the trial finished.
Phase http_phase = Phase::kUnknown;
// Final Status of the HTTP probe when the trial finished.
Status http_status = Status::kFailure;
// Final Phase of the HTTPS probe when the trial finished.
Phase https_phase = Phase::kUnknown;
// Final Status of the HTTPS probe when the trial finished.
Status https_status = Status::kFailure;
// The HTTP response status code from the http probe.
int http_status_code = 0;
// The HTTP response status code from the http probe.
int https_status_code = 0;
// The total number of trial attempts so far.
int num_attempts;
// Non-empty redirect URL if status is kRedirect.
std::string redirect_url_string;
// Probe URL used to reach redirect URL if status is kRedirect.
std::string probe_url_string;
// Boolean used for tracking the completion state of both http and https
// probes.
bool http_probe_completed = false;
bool https_probe_completed = false;
// Returns true if both http and https probes have completed, successfully
// or not.
bool IsComplete() const;
// Returns the Service ConnectionState value inferred from this captive
// portal detection result.
Service::ConnectState GetConnectionState() const;
static const char kDefaultHttpUrl[];
static const char kDefaultHttpsUrl[];
static const std::vector<std::string> kDefaultFallbackHttpUrls;
static const char kDefaultCheckPortalList[];
PortalDetector(EventDispatcher* dispatcher,
Metrics* metrics,
base::Callback<void(const Result&)> callback);
PortalDetector(const PortalDetector&) = delete;
PortalDetector& operator=(const PortalDetector&) = delete;
virtual ~PortalDetector();
// Static method used to map a portal detection phase to a string. This
// includes the phases for connection, DNS, HTTP, returned content and
// unknown.
static const std::string PhaseToString(Phase phase);
// Static method to map from the result of a portal detection phase to a
// status string. This method supports success, timeout and failure.
static const std::string StatusToString(Status status);
// Static method mapping from HttpRequest responses to PortalDetection
// Phases. For example, if the HttpRequest result is kResultDNSFailure,
// this method returns Phase::kDNS.
static Phase GetPortalPhaseForRequestResult(HttpRequest::Result result);
// Static method mapping from HttpRequest responses to PortalDetection
// Status. For example, if the HttpRequest result is kResultDNSFailure,
// this method returns Status::kFailure.
static Status GetPortalStatusForRequestResult(HttpRequest::Result result);
// Start a portal detection test. Returns true if |props.http_url_string| and
// |props.https_url_string| correctly parse as URLs. Returns false (and does
// not start) if they fail to parse.
// As each attempt completes the callback handed to the constructor will
// be called.
virtual bool Start(const Properties& props,
const std::string& ifname,
const IPAddress& src_address,
const std::vector<std::string>& dns_list,
base::TimeDelta delay = kZeroTimeDelta);
// End the current portal detection process if one exists, and do not call
// the callback.
virtual void Stop();
// Returns whether portal request is "in progress".
virtual bool IsInProgress();
// Returns the time delay for scheduling the next portal detection attempt
// with Start().
virtual base::TimeDelta GetNextAttemptDelay();
// Return |logging_tag_| appended with the |attempt_count_|.
std::string LoggingTag() const;
friend class PortalDetectorTest;
FRIEND_TEST(PortalDetectorTest, StartAttemptFailed);
FRIEND_TEST(PortalDetectorTest, AdjustStartDelayImmediate);
FRIEND_TEST(PortalDetectorTest, AdjustStartDelayAfterDelay);
FRIEND_TEST(PortalDetectorTest, AttemptCount);
FRIEND_TEST(PortalDetectorTest, RequestSuccess);
FRIEND_TEST(PortalDetectorTest, RequestHTTPFailureHTTPSSuccess);
FRIEND_TEST(PortalDetectorTest, IsInProgress);
static constexpr base::TimeDelta kZeroTimeDelta = base::TimeDelta();
// Picks the HTTP probe URL based on |attempt_count_|. Returns kDefaultHttpUrl
// if this is the first attempt. Otherwise, randomly returns an element of
// kDefaultFallbackHttpUrls.
const std::string PickHttpProbeUrl(const Properties& props);
// Internal method used to start the actual connectivity trial, called after
// the start delay completes.
void StartTrialTask();
// Callback used to return data read from the HTTP HttpRequest.
void HttpRequestSuccessCallback(
std::shared_ptr<brillo::http::Response> response);
// Callback used to return data read from the HTTPS HttpRequest.
void HttpsRequestSuccessCallback(
std::shared_ptr<brillo::http::Response> response);
// Callback used to return the error from the HTTP HttpRequest.
void HttpRequestErrorCallback(HttpRequest::Result result);
// Callback used to return the error from the HTTPS HttpRequest.
void HttpsRequestErrorCallback(HttpRequest::Result result);
// Called after each trial to return |result| after attempting to determine
// connectivity status.
void CompleteTrial(Result result);
// Internal method used to cancel the timeout timer and stop an active
// HttpRequest.
void CleanupTrial();
std::string logging_tag_;
int attempt_count_;
base::Time last_attempt_start_time_;
EventDispatcher* dispatcher_;
Metrics* metrics_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<PortalDetector> weak_ptr_factory_;
base::Callback<void(const Result&)> portal_result_callback_;
std::unique_ptr<HttpRequest> http_request_;
std::unique_ptr<HttpRequest> https_request_;
std::unique_ptr<Result> result_;
std::string http_url_string_;
std::string https_url_string_;
base::CancelableClosure trial_;
bool is_active_;
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& stream, PortalDetector::Phase phase);
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& stream, PortalDetector::Status status);
} // namespace shill