blob: 57b123974041fb4279d1b0e62b1cec512eeea223 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "shill/cli/command.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <utility>
#include <base/bind.h>
#include <base/check.h>
#include <base/check_op.h>
#include <base/logging.h>
namespace shill_cli {
namespace {
constexpr char kHelpCommand[] = "help";
int CommonLength(const std::string& a, const std::string& b) {
size_t max_len = std::min(a.size(), b.size());
for (size_t len = 0; len < max_len; ++len) {
if (a[len] != b[len]) {
return static_cast<int>(len);
return -1;
bool StartsWith(std::string_view prefix, std::string_view word) {
if (prefix.size() > word.size()) {
return false;
return prefix == word.substr(0, prefix.size());
bool ArgsFunctionWrapper(Command* cmd, Command::TakeArgsFunction cb) {
const auto& args_begin = cmd->extra_args_begin();
const auto& args_end = cmd->extra_args_end();
// Since |cb| is directly handling arguments, first check for a help command
// to ensure `.. help` always works.
if (args_begin != args_end && StartsWith(*args_begin, kHelpCommand)) {
return cmd->Help(std::next(args_begin), args_end);
return cb.Run(args_begin, args_end);
} // namespace
Command::Command(std::string full_name, std::string short_description)
: Command(std::move(full_name),
base::Bind(&Command::Top, base::Unretained(this))) {}
Command::Command(std::string full_name,
std::string short_description,
base::Callback<bool()> func)
: full_name_(full_name),
top_function_(std::move(func)) {
// Avoid infinite loop of Command constructors.
if (full_name != kHelpCommand) {
AddSubcommand(kHelpCommand, "Help for this command",
base::Bind(&Command::Help, base::Unretained(this)));
Command::Command(std::string full_name,
std::string short_description,
TakeArgsFunction top_function)
: Command(std::move(full_name),
std::move(top_function))) {
consume_extra_args_ = true;
bool Command::Run(ArgsIterator args_current,
ArgsIterator args_end,
std::string current_command) {
if (args_current == args_end || consume_extra_args_) {
extra_args_begin_ = args_current;
extra_args_end_ = args_end;
return top_function_.Run();
auto match = std::find_if(subcommands_.begin(), subcommands_.end(),
[args_current](const auto& pair) {
return StartsWith(*args_current, pair.first);
if (match == subcommands_.end()) {
LOG(INFO) << "Unknown command '" << *args_current << "'. Try `"
<< current_command << " " << kHelpCommand << "`";
return false;
// Since we're iterating over sorted strings, multiple matches must occur one
// after the other.
auto next = std::next(match);
if (next != subcommands_.end() && StartsWith(*args_current, next->first)) {
LOG(INFO) << "Ambiguous command '" << *args_current << "'. Try `"
<< current_command << " " << kHelpCommand << "`";
return false;
current_command += " " + match->first;
return match->second->Run(std::next(args_current), args_end,
bool Command::Help(ArgsIterator /*begin*/, ArgsIterator /*end*/) const {
LOG(INFO) << short_description_;
if (subcommands_.empty()) {
return true;
LOG(INFO) << "";
return true;
void Command::AddSubcommand(std::unique_ptr<Command> cmd) {
CHECK(!cmd->full_name_.empty() && cmd->full_name_[0] != ' ');
// Ensure every command has a unique prefix.
for (auto iter = subcommands_.begin(); iter != subcommands_.end(); ++iter) {
CHECK_NE(CommonLength(cmd->full_name_, iter->first), -1);
subcommands_.insert({cmd->full_name_, std::move(cmd)});
void Command::AddSubcommand(std::string full_name,
std::string short_description,
base::Callback<bool()> top_function) {
// Note that std::make_unique does not have access to this Command
// constructor.
new Command(std::move(full_name), std::move(short_description),
void Command::AddSubcommand(std::string full_name,
std::string short_description,
TakeArgsFunction top_function) {
// Note that std::make_unique does not have access to this Command
// constructor.
new Command(std::move(full_name), std::move(short_description),
void Command::ListSubcommands() const {
if (subcommands_.empty()) {
auto command_names = GetPrefixedSubcommands();
int max_length =
std::max_element(command_names.begin(), command_names.end(),
[](auto& a, auto& b) { return a.size() < b.size(); })
auto iter = subcommands_.begin();
for (auto name : command_names) {
LOG(INFO) << std::string(4, ' ') << name
<< std::string(max_length + 4 - name.size(), ' ')
<< iter->second->short_description();
std::vector<std::string> Command::GetPrefixedSubcommands() const {
std::vector<std::string> command_names;
if (subcommands_.empty()) {
return command_names;
command_names.reserve(subcommands_.size() + 1);
for (auto iter = subcommands_.begin(); iter != subcommands_.end(); ++iter) {
// Add sentinel to the end to reduce edge cases.
command_names.push_back(" ");
// Since |command_names| is sorted, we only need to check consecutive
// neighbors in order to find the unique prefix for each command.
int match_length = CommonLength(command_names[0], command_names[1]);
command_names[0].insert(match_length + 1, "[");
for (int i = 1; i < command_names.size() - 1; ++i) {
// |match_length| now represents the common length with the element to the
// left. |new_match_length| represents the common length with the element
// to the right.
int new_match_length = CommonLength(command_names[i], command_names[i + 1]);
command_names[i].insert(std::max(match_length, new_match_length) + 1, "[");
match_length = new_match_length;
return command_names;
} // namespace shill_cli