blob: d29da82cc464242c2c53134d0d378cf1c4fe85df [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <base/macros.h>
#include "hammerd/dbus_wrapper.h"
#include "hammerd/pair_utils.h"
#include "hammerd/update_fw.h"
namespace hammerd {
class HammerUpdater {
enum class RunStatus {
HammerUpdater(const std::string& ec_image,
const std::string& touchpad_image,
uint16_t vendor_id,
uint16_t product_id,
int bus,
int port);
virtual ~HammerUpdater() = default;
// Handle the whole update process, including pre-processing, main update
// logic loop, and the post-processing.
virtual bool Run();
// Handle the main update logic loop. For each round, it establishes the USB
// connection, calls RunOnce() method, and runs some actions according the
// returned status.
virtual RunStatus RunLoop();
// Handle the update logic from connecting to the EC to sending reset signal.
// There is only one USB connection during each RunOnce() method call.
// |post_rw_jump| indicates whether we jumped to RW section last round.
virtual RunStatus RunOnce(const bool post_rw_jump,
const bool need_inject_entropy);
// The post processing after the RW section is up to date.
virtual RunStatus PostRWProcess();
// Update RO section if the device is in dogfood mode.
virtual RunStatus UpdateRO();
// Pair with the hammer device.
virtual RunStatus Pair();
// Update the touchpad firmware via the virtual address.
virtual RunStatus RunTouchpadUpdater();
// Used in unittests to inject mock instance.
HammerUpdater(const std::string& ec_image,
const std::string& touchpad_image,
std::unique_ptr<FirmwareUpdaterInterface> fw_updater,
std::unique_ptr<PairManagerInterface> pair_manager,
std::unique_ptr<DBusWrapperInterface> dbus_wrapper);
// Waits for hammer USB device ready. It is called after the whole updating
// process to prevent invoking hammerd infinitely.
void WaitUsbReady(HammerUpdater::RunStatus status);
// Sends DBus kBaseFirmwareUpdateStartedSignal to notify other processes that
// the RW section will now be updated.
void NotifyUpdateStarted();
template <typename HammerUpdaterType>
friend class HammerUpdaterTest;
// The EC_image data to be updated.
std::string ec_image_;
// The touchpad image data to be updated.
std::string touchpad_image_;
// The main firmware updater.
std::unique_ptr<FirmwareUpdaterInterface> fw_updater_;
// The pairing manager.
std::unique_ptr<PairManagerInterface> pair_manager_;
// The DBus wrapper is used to send signals to other processes.
std::unique_ptr<DBusWrapperInterface> dbus_wrapper_;
// When we send a DBus signal to notify that the update process is starting,
// we set this flag. After the whole process finishes, we will send another
// DBus signal to notify whether the process succeeded or failed, and the flag
// will be unset.
bool dbus_notified_;
} // namespace hammerd