blob: 2dc88de52f5cb474f5910a1c6f33a3a5063d2b18 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
// This is a definition of the grammar.
// First, a list of all symbols corresponding to a single byte:
// c' - character ' (single quote)
// c" - character " (double quotes)
// c` - character ` (grave accent)
// c\ - character \ (backslash)
// c; - character ; (semicolon)
// cn - character \n (end-of-line)
// c| - character | (pipe)
// c( - character ( (open parenthesis)
// c) - character ) (close parenthesis)
// c= - character = (equals)
// cs - character 0x20 (space)
// ct - character \t (tabulator)
// ByteAny - any byte
// ByteCommon - any byte different than c', c", c` and c\ .
// ByteNative - any alphanumeric character (0-9,A-Z,a-z) or . (dot) or
// / (slash) or _ (underscore) or - (minus) or + (plus) or
// @ (at) or % (percent)
// The rules below are using the following notation:
// - A | B - means A or B
// - *( A ) - means "zero or more" A elements (Kleene operator)
// - +( A ) - means "one or more" A elements (Kleene plus operator)
// Example:
// +( A | B C | D ) matches any of the following:
// A B C D
// A A A D D B C
// B C D A D B C
// but does not match:
// B B
// B A C
// These are the tokens extracted by the scanner (see scanner.h):
// LiteralString = c' *( ByteCommon | c" | c` | c\ ) c'
// ExecutedString = c` *( ByteCommon | c' | c" | c\ ByteAny ) c`
// InterpretedString = c" *( ByteCommon | c' | c\ | c\ c" | c\ c` | c\ c\ |
// | ExecutedString ) c"
// NativeString = +( ByteNative | c\ ByteAny )
// Space = +( cs | ct )
// These are the nodes of the parsing tree built by the parser (see parser.h).
// StringAtom = +( LiteralString | ExecutedString | InterpretedString
// | NativeString | c= )
// Command = *( Variable c= StringAtom Space ) Application *( Space Parameter )
// Variable = NativeString
// Application = NativeString
// Parameter = StringAtom
// Pipeline = PipeSegment OptSpace *( c| OptSpace PipeSegment OptSpace )
// PipeSegment = c( Script c) | Command
// OptSpace = Space | Empty
// Script = OptSpace *( SepP OptSpace ) Pipeline
// *( +( SepP OptSpace ) Pipeline ) *( SepP OptSpace )
// Script = OptSpace *( SepP OptSpace )
// SepP = c; | cn
// All conflicts are solved by choosing the largest possible match.
namespace foomatic_shell {
// This represents a single token extracted by the scanner. All bytes from the
// input that are not a part of LiteralString, ExecutedString, NativeString,
// InterpretedString or Space are represented as token of type kByte.
struct Token {
enum Type {
} type;
// For |type|=k*String, the range below points directly to the string
// content (without ', " or `).
// For |type|=kSpace, the range corresponds to the longest possible
// sequence of spaces and tabulators.
// For |type|=kByte, the range points to exactly one character.
// For |type|=kEOF, the range points to the end iterator.
std::string::const_iterator begin;
std::string::const_iterator end;
std::string value;
// Represents StringAtom node.
struct StringAtom {
std::vector<Token> components;
struct VariableAssignment {
Token variable;
StringAtom new_value;
// Represents Command node.
struct Command {
std::vector<VariableAssignment> variables_with_values;
Token application;
std::vector<StringAtom> parameters;
struct Script;
// Represents PipeSegment node. Only one of the fields is set.
struct PipeSegment {
std::unique_ptr<Command> command;
std::unique_ptr<Script> script;
// Represents Pipeline node.
struct Pipeline {
std::vector<PipeSegment> segments;
// Represents Script node.
struct Script {
std::vector<Pipeline> pipelines;
} // namespace foomatic_shell