blob: acb59cbd0bd3d0a660491599b45ee40838b4a4d4 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2020 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
. /usr/share/misc/ || exit 1
. /usr/sbin/ || exit 1
. /usr/share/misc/shflags || exit 1
# Constant variables related to dlcservice.
readonly BLOCK_SIZE=4096
readonly DLC_CACHE_PATH="/var/cache/dlc"
readonly DLC_HASHTREE_FILE="hashtree"
readonly DLC_IMG_FILE="dlc.img"
readonly DLC_LIB_PATH="/var/lib/dlcservice/dlc"
readonly DLC_METADATA_PATH="/opt/google/dlc"
readonly DLC_PACKAGE="package"
readonly DLC_PRELOAD_PATH="/mnt/stateful_partition/var_overlay/cache/dlc-images"
readonly DLC_SLOT_A="dlc_a"
readonly DLC_SLOT_B="dlc_b"
readonly DLC_TABLE_FILE="table"
readonly IMAGELOADER_JSON_FILE="imageloader.json"
readonly MOUNT_PATH="/run/imageloader"
# Command line parsing variables.
readonly FLAGS_HELP="Usage:
[Unpacking a DLC]
$(basename $0) --unpack --id=<id> <path>
<path> to which the DLC image will be unpacked to.
[Packaging a DLC]
$(basename $0) --id=<id> <path>
<path> from which to create the DLC image and manifest.
DEFINE_string "id" "" "ID name of the DLC to pack"
DEFINE_boolean "unpack" false "To unpack the DLC passed to --id" "u"
# Parse command line.
FLAGS "$@" || exit "$?"
eval set -- "${FLAGS_ARGV}"
# Setup working directory and cleanup.
WORK_DIR="$(mktemp -d)"
cleanup() {
rm -rf "${WORK_DIR}"
trap cleanup EXIT
# Command line parse usage helper.
usage() {
echo "$@"
exit 1
# Check the correctness for command line flags.
check_flags() {
if [[ ! -n "${FLAGS_id}" ]]; then
usage "--id is missing"
# Print message prior to exiting.
die() {
echo "ERROR: $*"
exit 1
path_exists() {
local path="$1"
[[ -f "${path}" || -d "${path}" ]]
# Check if the DLC is preloadable.
is_dlc_preloadable() {
# Locate the active DLC image from cache.
locate_dlc_image() {
local root_part=$(get_partition_number $(rootdev -s))
local dlc_cache_path="${DLC_CACHE_PATH}/${FLAGS_id}/${DLC_PACKAGE}"
if [[ "${root_part}" == "${PARTITION_NUM_ROOT_A}" ]]; then
echo "${dlc_cache_path}/${DLC_SLOT_A}/${DLC_IMG_FILE}"
elif [[ "${root_part}" == "${PARTITION_NUM_ROOT_B}" ]]; then
echo "${dlc_cache_path}/${DLC_SLOT_B}/${DLC_IMG_FILE}"
die "Unexpected root partition ${root_part}"
# Unpack (unsquashfs) the DLC image.
unpack_dlc() {
# If the path already exists, alert user.
if path_exists "${DIR_NAME}"; then
die "${DIR_NAME} is a path which already exists."
# If the DLC is preloadable, install it.
if is_dlc_preloadable; then
echo "Preloading DLC to not override deployed DLC images."
dlcservice_util --install --id="${FLAGS_id}" || die "Failed to preload."
unsquashfs -d "${DIR_NAME}" $(locate_dlc_image) || die "Failed to unpack."
# Checks to see if the rootfs is writable.
check_writable_rootfs() {
if [ ! -w "/" ]; then
local doc_url=""
local doc_path="/chromiumos/docs/+/master/"
die "Disable rootfs verification to use this script." \
"Reference: ${doc_url}${doc_path}"
# Unmount and delete a DLC by force.
force_delete() {
imageloader --unmount --mount_point="${MOUNT_PATH}/${FLAGS_id}/${DLC_PACKAGE}"
rm -rf "${DLC_CACHE_PATH}/${FLAGS_id}" "${DLC_LIB_PATH}/${FLAGS_id}" \
# Check if the directory can be packed as DLC image.
check_dlc_requirements() {
# /root must exist in a DLC image as that is where contents reside.
if ! [ -d "${DIR_NAME}/root" ]; then
die "root directory is missing"
# Creates a squashfs image conforming to DLC requirements.
create_squashfs_image() {
mksquashfs "${DIR_NAME}" "${DLC_IMG_FILE}" -4k-align -noappend
# Gets the size of a file in bytes.
get_file_size() {
local file="$1"
stat -c%s "${file}"
# Gets the number of blocks ceiling to nearest integer.
get_num_blocks() {
local file="$1"
local bs="$2"
local size=$(get_file_size "${file}")
echo "(${size} + ${bs} - 1) / ${bs}" | bc
# Generates the verity (hashtree and table) for the DLC image.
generate_verity() {
local blocks=$(get_num_blocks "${DLC_IMG_FILE}" "${BLOCK_SIZE}")
verity \
mode=create \
alg=sha256 \
payload="${DLC_IMG_FILE}" \
payload_blocks="${blocks}" \
hashtree="${DLC_HASHTREE_FILE}" \
salt=random \
# Appends the hashtree generated from verity to the DLC image.
append_merkle_tree() {
# Gets the SHA256 sum of the given file.
get_sha256sum() {
local file="$1"
sha256sum "${file}" | cut -d " " -f1
# Replace the regex with replacement in the given content.
replace_txt() {
local content="$1"
local regex="$2"
local replacement="$3"
echo "${content}" | sed -e 's/'"${regex}"'/'"${replacement}"'/g'
# Generates the imageloader.json file read by imageloader + used by dlcservice.
generate_imageloader_json() {
local metadata_path="${DLC_METADATA_PATH}/${FLAGS_id}/${DLC_PACKAGE}"
local json_path="${metadata_path}/${IMAGELOADER_JSON_FILE}"
[ -f "${json_path}" ] || die "${json_path} does not exist"
local json=$(cat "${json_path}")
# Replace the image-sha256-hash.
local image_hash=$(get_sha256sum "${DLC_IMG_FILE}")
local ih_regex="\"image-sha256-hash\":[[:space:]]*\"[[:alnum:]]\\+\""
local ih_rplc="\"image-sha256-hash\":\"${image_hash}\""
local json=$(replace_txt "${json}" "${ih_regex}" "${ih_rplc}")
# Replace the table-hash.
local table_hash=$(get_sha256sum "${DLC_TABLE_FILE}")
local th_regex="\"table-sha256-hash\":[[:space:]]*\"[[:alnum:]]\\+\""
local th_rplc="\"table-sha256-hash\":\"${table_hash}\""
local json=$(replace_txt "${json}" "${th_regex}" "${th_rplc}")
local num_blocks=$(get_num_blocks "${DLC_IMG_FILE}" "${BLOCK_SIZE}")
local new_size=$((${num_blocks} * ${BLOCK_SIZE}))
# Replace the size.
local size_regex="\"size\":[[:space:]]*\"[[:digit:]]\\+\""
local size_rplc="\"size\":\"${new_size}\""
local json=$(replace_txt "${json}" "${size_regex}" "${size_rplc}")
# Replace the pre-allocated-size, just use same as size.
local prealloc_regex="\"pre-allocated-size\":[[:space:]]*\"[[:digit:]]\\+\""
local prealloc_rplc="\"pre-allocated-size\":\"${new_size}\""
local json=$(replace_txt "${json}" "${prealloc_regex}" "${prealloc_rplc}")
echo "${json}" > "${IMAGELOADER_JSON_FILE}"
# Writes the metadata files into the rootfs.
write_metadata_to_rootfs() {
local metadata_path="${DLC_METADATA_PATH}/${FLAGS_id}/${DLC_PACKAGE}"
mkdir -p "${metadata_path}"
cp "${IMAGELOADER_JSON_FILE}" "${DLC_TABLE_FILE}" "${metadata_path}/"
# Writes the DLC image to dlcservice cache.
write_dlc_image() {
local cache_path="${DLC_CACHE_PATH}/${FLAGS_id}/${DLC_PACKAGE}"
local cache_path_A="${cache_path}/dlc_a"
local cache_path_B="${cache_path}/dlc_b"
mkdir -p "${cache_path_A}" "${cache_path_B}"
echo "${cache_path_A}" "${cache_path_B}" | xargs -n 1 cp "${DLC_IMG_FILE}"
deploy_dlc() {
# Check if valid DLC image.
# Create the DLC image.
# Generate the verity for the DLC image.
# Append the hashtree to the DLC image.
# Generate the imageloader.json from DLC image.
# Copy metadata + DLC image.
# Main function.
main() {
# Unpacking the DLC.
if [ "${FLAGS_unpack}" -eq "${FLAGS_TRUE}" ]; then
echo "Unpacking DLC (${FLAGS_id}) to: ${DIR_NAME}"
exit "$?"
echo "Packing DLC (${FLAGS_id}) from: ${DIR_NAME}"
echo "Stopping dlcservice"
stop dlcservice
echo "Force deleting ${FLAGS_id}"
echo "Creating DLC from: ${DIR_NAME}"
echo "Starting dlcservice"
start dlcservice && sleep 1
# Install the new DLC image.
dlcservice_util --install --id="${FLAGS_id}" || die "Failed to install"
if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then
usage "<path> is missing"
# Run under a subshell inside $WORK_DIR
(DIR_NAME=$(realpath "$1") && cd "${WORK_DIR}" && main)