blob: 1b3bba38354ec9c91b27ffa8cde2573a580a1856 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The ChromiumOS Authors.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// API exposed by rmad's root-level executor. This is used by the sandboxed
// rmad daemon when it needs to perform a high-privilege operation.
module chromeos.rmad.mojom;
// Root-level executor interface exposed to the rmad daemon. In production,
// this is implemented by the Executor daemon.
interface Executor {
// Mount a device path and write the logs to a file.
// Input:
// * |device_id| - a char between 'a' and 'z' indicating the device path is
// "/dev/sd${device_id}1".
// * |log_string| - a string containing the logs to save.
// Response:
// * |file_name| - the file name of the saved log if successfully writes the
// log, or null if failed to save the log.
MountAndWriteLog(uint8 device_id, string log_string) => (string? file_name);
// Mount a ChromeOS rootfs partition and copy the firmware updater to a
// fixed path /usr/lib/rmad/chromeos-firmwareupdate.
// Input:
// * |device_id| - a char between 'a' and 'z' indicating the device path of
// the rootfs partition is "/dev/sd${device_id}3".
// Response:
// * |success| - true if successfully copies the firmware updater.
MountAndCopyFirmwareUpdater(uint8 device_id) => (bool success);