blob: 60e39b739cd9fd28810454e77c171a0975b8ea92 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
description "Extract Chrome OS machine info for Enterprise enrollment"
author ""
# /tmp/machine-info contains the serial number and other information that may
# identify the device. This information is required by OOBE and enterprise
# enrollment, and as of Chrome OS 58, we display it on the login screen.
# On the other hand, we don't want it around after login for privacy reasons.
# That's why /tmp/machine-info is removed on the start-user-session signal.
# This starts every time the UI (re)starts in order to restore
# /tmp/machine-info if needed.
start on starting ui
# Remove /tmp/machine-info when a user logs in, in which case session_manager
# emits the start-user-session signal. Also stop when the ui terminates so
# restarts of the ui job trigger a full stop/start cycle.
stop on start-user-session or stopping ui
env MACHINE_INFO=/tmp/machine-info
# This is a pre-start so that this task will run before the "start" stanza
# of the ui job.
pre-start exec /usr/share/cros/init/write-machine-info
post-stop exec rm -f $MACHINE_INFO