blob: 23cc7f71d57eff983fb9eb1d81e9c0bce01a4422 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "arc/container/obb-mounter/volume.h"
#include <endian.h>
#include <linux/msdos_fs.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include <base/callback.h>
#include <base/logging.h>
#include "arc/container/obb-mounter/util.h"
namespace fat {
namespace {
// Converts a msdos_dir_entry to a DirectoryEntry.
void MsdosDirEntryToDirectoryEntry(FatType fat_type,
const msdos_dir_entry& in,
Volume::DirectoryEntry* out) {
out->is_directory = in.attr & ATTR_DIR;
out->file_size = le32toh(in.size);
out->start_cluster = le16toh(in.start);
out-> = le16toh(;
out->last_modification.time = le16toh(in.time);
if (fat_type == FatType::FAT_32) {
out->start_cluster += (le16toh(in.starthi) << 16);
} // namespace
base::Time Volume::Time::ToBaseTime() const {
base::Time::Exploded exploded = {};
exploded.year = 1980 + ((date >> 9) & 0x7f);
exploded.month = (date >> 5) & 0x0f;
exploded.day_of_month = date & 0x1f;
exploded.hour = (time >> 11) & 0x1f;
exploded.minute = (time >> 5) & 0x3f;
exploded.second = (time & 0x1f) * 2;
base::Time base_time;
if (!base::Time::FromLocalExploded(exploded, &base_time)) {
// In some cases, probably on DST switching timing, FromLocalExploded
// may fail. In such a failure case, FromLocalExploded will return
// base::Time(0) as its result, so this function still use it
// with logging for the further investigation.
LOG(ERROR) << "Time::FromLocalExploded failed with date: " << date
<< ", time: " << time;
return base_time;
Volume::FileReader::FileReader(Volume* volume,
int64_t start_cluster,
int64_t file_size)
: volume_(volume),
current_cluster_(start_cluster_) {}
Volume::FileReader::~FileReader() {}
int64_t Volume::FileReader::Read(char* buf, int64_t size, int64_t offset) {
int64_t total = 0;
const int64_t end_offset = std::min(offset + size, file_size_);
while (offset + total < end_offset) {
if (!Seek(offset + total)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to seek.";
return -1;
const int64_t cluster_size =
volume_->bytes_per_sector_ * volume_->sectors_per_cluster_;
const int64_t read_size =
std::min(cluster_size - (current_offset_ % cluster_size),
end_offset - current_offset_);
const int64_t position =
volume_->GetClusterStartSector(current_cluster_)) +
current_offset_ % cluster_size;
const int64_t read_bytes =
volume_->image_file_.Read(position, buf + total, read_size);
if (read_bytes == 0) {
} else if (read_bytes < 0) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to read.";
return -1;
total += read_bytes;
return total;
bool Volume::FileReader::Seek(int64_t offset) {
if (offset < current_offset_) {
// To move backward, we have to restart from the beginning.
current_offset_ = 0;
current_cluster_ = start_cluster_;
// Follow the cluster chain until we reach the target cluster.
const int64_t cluster_size =
volume_->bytes_per_sector_ * volume_->sectors_per_cluster_;
const int64_t n_steps =
offset / cluster_size - current_offset_ / cluster_size;
for (int64_t i = 0; i < n_steps; ++i) {
current_cluster_ = ReadFileAllocationTable(
&volume_->image_file_, volume_->fat_type_,
if (current_cluster_ == kInvalidValue) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to track the cluster chain.";
current_offset_ = 0;
current_cluster_ = start_cluster_;
return false;
current_offset_ = offset;
return true;
Volume::Volume() {}
Volume::~Volume() {}
bool Volume::Initialize(base::File image_file) {
image_file_ = std::move(image_file);
// The first sector is the boot sector.
fat_boot_sector boot_sector = {};
if (image_file_.Read(0, reinterpret_cast<char*>(&boot_sector),
sizeof(boot_sector)) != sizeof(boot_sector)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to read the boot sector.";
return false;
bytes_per_sector_ = GetUnalignedLE16(boot_sector.sector_size);
if (bytes_per_sector_ <= 0 || bytes_per_sector_ % sizeof(msdos_dir_entry)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid sector size " << bytes_per_sector_;
return false;
sectors_per_cluster_ = boot_sector.sec_per_clus;
if (sectors_per_cluster_ <= 0) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid cluster size " << sectors_per_cluster_;
return false;
// A volume can contain multiple file allocation tables (FATs) for robustness.
int n_fats = boot_sector.fats;
if (n_fats <= 0) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid # of FATs " << n_fats;
return false;
int64_t sectors_per_fat = le16toh(boot_sector.fat_length);
bool is_fat32 = false;
if (sectors_per_fat == 0) { // This volume should be FAT32.
is_fat32 = true;
sectors_per_fat = le32toh(boot_sector.fat32.length);
if (sectors_per_fat <= 0) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid FAT size " << sectors_per_fat;
return false;
int64_t total_sectors = GetUnalignedLE16(boot_sector.sectors);
if (total_sectors == 0) {
total_sectors = le32toh(boot_sector.total_sect);
// File allocation tables (FATs) after the reserved sectors (including the
// boot sector).
fat_start_sector_ = le16toh(boot_sector.reserved);
if (fat_start_sector_ < 1) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid FAT start sector " << fat_start_sector_;
return false;
if (is_fat32) {
// FAT32 explicitly specifies the position of the root dir.
data_start_sector_ = fat_start_sector_ + n_fats * sectors_per_fat;
root_dir_start_sector_ =
if (root_dir_start_sector_ < data_start_sector_ ||
total_sectors <= root_dir_start_sector_) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid root dir start sector " << root_dir_start_sector_;
return false;
} else {
// FAT12/16 puts the root dir between the FATs and the data region.
root_dir_start_sector_ = fat_start_sector_ + n_fats * sectors_per_fat;
int n_root_dir_entries = GetUnalignedLE16(boot_sector.dir_entries);
int size = sizeof(msdos_dir_entry) * n_root_dir_entries;
if (size % bytes_per_sector_) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid # of root directory entries.";
return false;
data_start_sector_ = root_dir_start_sector_ + size / bytes_per_sector_;
// Data region after the FATs and the FAT12/16 root dir.
int64_t data_sectors = total_sectors - data_start_sector_;
if (data_sectors < 0) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid # of data sectors " << data_sectors;
return false;
if (is_fat32) {
fat_type_ = FatType::FAT_32;
} else {
// Use the # of cluster to determine the FAT type.
int64_t n_clusters = data_sectors / sectors_per_cluster_;
if (n_clusters > MAX_FAT12) {
fat_type_ = FatType::FAT_16;
} else {
fat_type_ = FatType::FAT_12;
return true;
bool Volume::ReadDirectory(int64_t start_sector,
const ReadDirectoryCallback& callback) {
std::vector<char> dir_entry_buf(bytes_per_sector_);
std::vector<base::char16> long_name_buf;
for (int64_t pos = 0, sector = start_sector;
pos < FAT_MAX_DIR_SIZE && sector != kInvalidValue;
pos += bytes_per_sector_, sector = GetNextSector(sector)) {
// Read the sector.
if (image_file_.Read(GetSectorPosition(sector),,
dir_entry_buf.size()) !=
static_cast<int>(dir_entry_buf.size())) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to read sector " << sector;
return false;
// Visit each directory entry.
for (size_t offset = 0; offset < dir_entry_buf.size();
offset += sizeof(msdos_dir_entry)) {
const auto& dir_entry = *reinterpret_cast<const msdos_dir_entry*>( + offset);
switch ([0]) {
case 0: // Terminate.
return true;
case DELETED_FLAG: // This entry is unused.
if (dir_entry.attr == ATTR_EXT) {
// This is a long file name slot for the coming directory entry.
reinterpret_cast<const msdos_dir_slot&>(dir_entry), &long_name_buf);
// This is a directory entry.
// long_name_buf holds characters in the reversed order.
std::reverse(long_name_buf.begin(), long_name_buf.end());
// Find 0 and truncate at it if found.
auto it = std::find(long_name_buf.begin(), long_name_buf.end(), 0);
if (it != long_name_buf.end()) {
long_name_buf.resize(it - long_name_buf.begin());
if (long_name_buf.empty()) {
// Ignoring entries without long names.
// TODO(hashimoto): Use short name if long name is not available?
// A non-root directory contains "." and ".." without long names,
// but we ignore them intentionally.
static const char kDot[MSDOS_NAME + 1] = ". ";
static const char kDotDot[MSDOS_NAME + 1] = ".. ";
const bool expected = memcmp(kDot,, MSDOS_NAME) == 0 ||
memcmp(kDotDot,, MSDOS_NAME) == 0;
// Log only when ignoring unexpected entries.
LOG_IF(WARNING, !expected)
<< "Ignoring: "
<< std::string(, + MSDOS_NAME);
DirectoryEntry entry;
MsdosDirEntryToDirectoryEntry(fat_type_, dir_entry, &entry);
if (!callback.Run(
base::StringPiece16(, long_name_buf.size()),
entry)) {
return true;
return true;
int64_t Volume::GetNextSector(int64_t sector) {
if (sector >= data_start_sector_) {
// We're in the data region. Follow the cluster chain.
const int64_t cluster = GetCluster(sector);
const int64_t cluster_end_sector =
GetClusterStartSector(cluster) + sectors_per_cluster_;
if (sector + 1 >= cluster_end_sector) {
// Move to the next cluster.
const int64_t next_cluster = ReadFileAllocationTable(
&image_file_, fat_type_, GetSectorPosition(fat_start_sector_),
if (next_cluster == kInvalidValue) {
return kInvalidValue;
return GetClusterStartSector(next_cluster);
// Move ahead in the current cluster.
return sector + 1;
if (sector >= root_dir_start_sector_) {
// We're in the FAT16 root directory region.
if (sector + 1 >= data_start_sector_) { // Reached the end.
return kInvalidValue;
return sector + 1;
// Invalid argument.
return kInvalidValue;
} // namespace fat