blob: a3cc209fd7381086e05337fa02950eb5a63f08f6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
namespace lorgnette {
const char kManagerServiceName[] = "org.chromium.lorgnette";
const char kManagerServiceInterface[] = "org.chromium.lorgnette.Manager";
const char kManagerServicePath[] = "/org/chromium/lorgnette/Manager";
const char kManagerServiceError[] = "org.chromium.lorgnette.Error";
// Methods.
const char kListScannersMethod[] = "ListScanners";
const char kGetScannerCapabilitiesMethod[] = "GetScannerCapabilities";
const char kScanImageMethod[] = "ScanImage";
const char kStartScanMethod[] = "StartScan";
const char kStartScanMultiPageMethod[] = "StartScanMultiPage";
const char kGetNextImageMethod[] = "GetNextImage";
// Signals.
const char kScanStatusChangedSignal[] = "ScanStatusChanged";
// Parameters supplied to a "ScanImage" request.
const char kScanPropertyMode[] = "Mode";
const char kScanPropertyModeColor[] = "Color";
const char kScanPropertyModeGray[] = "Gray";
const char kScanPropertyModeLineart[] = "Lineart";
const char kScanPropertyResolution[] = "Resolution";
// The name used as a source name for the only DocumentSource in
// ScannerCapabilities' source field if the SANE backend does not export a
// source option.
const char kUnspecifiedDefaultSourceName[] = "DefaultSource";
} // namespace lorgnette