blob: c06da8a7031c3439fb0384234ccef7b6e4b3445e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <linux/genetlink.h>
#include <linux/netlink.h>
#include <memory>
#include <base/macros.h>
#include "shill/net/attribute_list.h"
#include "shill/net/shill_export.h"
namespace shill {
class ByteString;
class SHILL_EXPORT NetlinkPacket {
NetlinkPacket(const unsigned char* buf, size_t len);
virtual ~NetlinkPacket();
// Returns whether a packet was properly retrieved in the constructor.
bool IsValid() const;
// Returns the entire packet length (including the nlmsghdr). Callers
// can consider this to be the number of bytes consumed from |buf| in the
// constructor. This value will not change as data is consumed -- use
// GetRemainingLength() instead for this.
size_t GetLength() const;
// Get the message type from the header.
uint16_t GetMessageType() const;
// Get the sequence number from the header.
uint32_t GetMessageSequence() const;
// Returns the remaining (un-consumed) payload length.
size_t GetRemainingLength() const;
// Returns the payload data. It is a fatal error to call this method
// on an invalid packet.
const ByteString& GetPayload() const;
// Consume netlink attributes from the remaining payload.
bool ConsumeAttributes(const AttributeList::NewFromIdMethod& factory,
const AttributeListRefPtr& attributes);
// Consume |len| bytes out of the payload, and place them in |data|.
// Any trailing alignment padding in |payload| is also consumed. Returns
// true if there is enough data, otherwise returns false and does not
// modify |data|.
bool ConsumeData(size_t len, void* data);
// Copies the initial part of the payload to |header| without
// consuming any data. Returns true if this operation succeeds (there
// is enough data in the payload), false otherwise.
bool GetGenlMsgHdr(genlmsghdr* header) const;
// Returns the nlmsghdr associated with the packet. It is a fatal error
// to call this method on an invalid packet.
const nlmsghdr& GetNlMsgHeader() const;
// These getters are protected so that derived classes may allow
// the packet contents to be modified.
nlmsghdr* mutable_header() { return &header_; }
ByteString* mutable_payload() { return payload_.get(); }
void set_consumed_bytes(size_t consumed_bytes) {
consumed_bytes_ = consumed_bytes;
friend class NetlinkPacketTest;
nlmsghdr header_;
std::unique_ptr<ByteString> payload_;
size_t consumed_bytes_;
// Mutable Netlink packets are used in unit tests where it is convenient
// to modify the header and payload of a packet before passing it to the
// NetlinkMessage subclasses or NetlinkManager.
class SHILL_EXPORT MutableNetlinkPacket : public NetlinkPacket {
MutableNetlinkPacket(const unsigned char* buf, size_t len);
virtual ~MutableNetlinkPacket();
// Reset consumed_bytes_ as if this packet never underwent processing.
// This is useful for unit tests that wish to re-send a previously
// processed packet.
void ResetConsumedBytes();
// Returns mutable references to the header and payload.
nlmsghdr* GetMutableHeader();
ByteString* GetMutablePayload();
// Set the message type in the header.
void SetMessageType(uint16_t type);
// Set the sequence number in the header.
void SetMessageSequence(uint32_t sequence);
} // namespace shill