blob: 4714d1d14e7ee3b7a709b5755a3b3f08ab2705a5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <base/files/file_path.h>
#include <base/values.h>
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include "runtime_probe/probe_function.h"
namespace runtime_probe {
// Read system directory into key value pairs.
// Kernel modules export attributes as files under /sys, this funciton is
// aimed to read this kind of structure.
// For example,
// /sys/bus/cool/devices/Da/ contains file "1",
// /sys/bus/cool/devices/Db/ contains file "1",
// /sys/bus/cool/devices/Db/ contains file "2",
// /sys/bus/cool/devices/Dc/ contains file "2",
// /sys/bus/cool/devices/Dc/ contains file "4",
// And the probe statement is::
// {
// "dir_path": "/sys/bus/cool/devices/D*",
// "keys": ["1"],
// "optional_keys": ["2"]
// }
// Then the probe result will be::
// [
// {
// "1": "<content of Da/1>"
// // no entry "2" because "Da/2" doesn't exists.
// },
// {
// "1": "<content of Db/1>",
// "2": "<content of Db/2>"
// }
// // No report for "Dc" because "Dc/1" doesn't exists.
// ]
class SysfsFunction : public ProbeFunction {
// All probe functions should inherit runtime_probe::ProbeFunction
using ProbeFunction::ProbeFunction;
// The identifier / function name of this probe function.
// It will be used for both parsing and logging.
// Define a parser for this function.
// This function takes the arguments in `const base::Value&` type.
// This function should parse the `dict_value`, if the `dict_value` has
// correct format, this function should return a new instance of
// `SysfsFunction` whose members are decided by `dict_value`.
// @args dict_value: a JSON dictionary to parse arguments from.
// @return pointer to new `SysfsFunction` instance on success, nullptr
// otherwise.
template <typename T>
static auto FromKwargsValue(const base::Value& dict_value) {
PARSE_ARGUMENT(optional_keys, {});
// Override `EvalImpl` function, which should return a list of Value.
DataType EvalImpl() const override;
// Declare function arguments
// The path of target sysfs folder, the last component can contain '*'.
std::string dir_path_;
// Required file names in the sysfs folder.
std::vector<std::string> keys_;
// Optional fils names in the sysfs folder.
std::vector<std::string> optional_keys_;
// A mocked sysfs path that we allow to read while testing.
base::FilePath sysfs_path_for_testing_;
// Set mocked sysfs path for testing.
// Normally, this probe function will fail if |dir_path_| is not a
// subdirectory of /sys/. Call this function to allow an additional path.
// This function will fail if the mock path is set twice.
void MockSysfsPathForTesting(base::FilePath mock_path);
FRIEND_TEST(SysfsFunctionTest, TestRead);
} // namespace runtime_probe