blob: 6a05172e719fcddc398f5432264ccafa29f82c84 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string>
#include <base/callback.h>
#include <base/macros.h>
#include <linux/android/binder.h>
#include "binder_export.h" // NOLINT(build/include)
namespace protobinder {
class IBinder;
class StrongBinder;
class BINDER_EXPORT Parcel {
// Basic types.
bool WriteInt32(int32_t val);
bool WriteInt64(int64_t val);
bool WriteUInt32(uint32_t val);
bool WriteUInt64(uint64_t val);
bool WriteFloat(float val);
bool WriteDouble(double val);
bool WritePointer(uintptr_t val);
bool ReadInt32(int32_t* val);
bool ReadInt64(int64_t* val);
bool ReadUInt32(uint32_t* val);
bool ReadUInt64(uint64_t* val);
bool ReadFloat(float* val);
bool ReadDouble(double* val);
bool ReadPointer(uintptr_t* val);
// Buffers and strings.
bool Write(const void* data, size_t len);
bool WriteString16(const uint16_t* str, size_t len);
bool WriteString16(const std::string& str); // TODO(leecam): Use string16.
bool WriteString(const std::string& str);
bool Read(void* data, size_t len);
// Actual len returned in |len|
// |len| is number of uint16 not bytes
bool ReadString16(uint16_t* str, size_t* max_len);
bool ReadString16(std::string* str); // TODO(leecam): Use string16.
bool ReadString(std::string* str);
// Binder objects.
bool WriteStrongBinderFromProtocolBuffer(const StrongBinder& binder);
bool WriteStrongBinderFromIBinder(const IBinder& binder);
bool WriteFd(int fd);
bool WriteRawBinder(const void* binder);
bool WriteRawHandle(uint32_t handle);
bool ReadStrongBinderToIBinder(IBinder** binder);
bool ReadFd(int* fd);
bool ReadRawBinder(void** binder);
bool ReadRawHandle(uint32_t* handle);
// Allows concating of Parcels.
bool WriteParcel(Parcel* parcel);
// Returns a File Descriptor but does not advance
// the read postion.
// |offset| is used to index from current read postion.
bool GetFdAtOffset(int* fd, size_t offset);
bool CopyStrongBinderAtOffsetToProtocolBuffer(size_t offset,
StrongBinder* proto);
// getter/setters for the data buffer.
void* Data() const { return reinterpret_cast<void*>(data_); }
size_t Len() const { return data_len_; }
size_t Capacity() const { return data_capacity_; }
bool SetCapacity(size_t capacity);
bool SetLen(size_t len);
bool SetPos(size_t pos);
// getter/setters for the object offset buffer.
binder_size_t* ObjectData() const { return objects_; }
size_t ObjectCount() const { return objects_count_; }
bool IsEmpty() { return data_pos_ >= data_len_; }
using ReleaseCallback = base::Callback<void(Parcel*)>;
// Can be used configure an empty parcel to use data
// returned by the binder driver.
bool InitFromBinderTransaction(void* data,
size_t data_len,
binder_size_t* objects,
size_t objects_size,
const ReleaseCallback& release_callback);
template <class T>
bool WriteAligned(T val);
bool WriteObject(const flat_binder_object& object);
template <class T>
bool ReadAligned(T* val);
const flat_binder_object* ReadObject();
bool Grow(size_t extra_required);
void AdvancePostion(size_t len);
void* AllocatePaddedBuffer(size_t len);
void* GetPaddedBuffer(size_t len);
const flat_binder_object* GetObjectAtOffset(size_t offset);
// Buffer
uint8_t* data_; // Data buffer.
size_t data_len_; // Length of data within buffer.
size_t data_capacity_; // Size of allocated data buffer.
size_t data_pos_; // Postion within the buffer.
// Objects - This is an array of offsets pointing into the buffer.
// Each offset repersents a special objects such as a binder or
// file descriptor. The size of an object is always
// sizeof(struct flat_binder_object).
// Normal data is not delimited and can interleave with special objects.
binder_size_t* objects_;
size_t objects_count_;
size_t objects_capacity_;
ReleaseCallback release_callback_;
} // namespace protobinder