blob: 3910675bd8745cf6e32bdf54ce67f77b03de8128 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <cstdint>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <set>
#include <base/macros.h>
#include <base/memory/scoped_ptr.h>
#include <base/memory/weak_ptr.h>
// binder.h requires types.h to be included first.
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <linux/android/binder.h> // NOLINT(build/include_alpha)
#include "binder_driver.h" // NOLINT(build/include)
#include "binder_export.h" // NOLINT(build/include)
#include "parcel.h" // NOLINT(build/include)
#include "status.h" // NOLINT(build/include)
namespace protobinder {
class BinderHost;
class BinderProxy;
class IInterface;
// Interface for a singleton class for communicating using the binder protocol.
class BINDER_EXPORT BinderManagerInterface {
// Returns the singleton instance of BinderManagerInterface, creating it if
// necessary.
static BinderManagerInterface* Get();
// Overrides the automatically-created instance returned by Get(). Can be
// called by tests to install their own BinderManagerStub.
static void SetForTesting(scoped_ptr<BinderManagerInterface> manager);
virtual ~BinderManagerInterface() = default;
virtual Status Transact(uint32_t handle,
uint32_t code,
const Parcel& data,
Parcel* reply,
bool one_way) = 0;
virtual bool GetFdForPolling(int* fd) = 0;
virtual void HandleEvent() = 0;
// Returns the cookie that should be used to identify a new BinderHost().
virtual binder_uintptr_t GetNextBinderHostCookie() = 0;
// Registers or unregisters a mapping from a cookie to a host. Called by
// BinderHost's constructor and destructor, respectively.
virtual void RegisterBinderHost(BinderHost* host) = 0;
virtual void UnregisterBinderHost(BinderHost* host) = 0;
// Registers or unregisters a proxy. Called by BinderProxy's constructor and
// destructor, respectively.
virtual void RegisterBinderProxy(BinderProxy* proxy) = 0;
virtual void UnregisterBinderProxy(BinderProxy* proxy) = 0;
// If a test IInterface has been registered for |proxy|, returns it.
// Otherwise, returns null.
virtual std::unique_ptr<IInterface> CreateTestInterface(
const BinderProxy* proxy) = 0;
// Real implementation of BinderManagerInterface that communicates with the
// kernel via /dev/binder.
class BINDER_EXPORT BinderManager : public BinderManagerInterface {
explicit BinderManager(std::unique_ptr<BinderDriverInterface> driver);
~BinderManager() override;
// BinderManagerInterface:
Status Transact(uint32_t handle,
uint32_t code,
const Parcel& data,
Parcel* reply,
bool one_way) override;
bool GetFdForPolling(int* fd) override;
void HandleEvent() override;
binder_uintptr_t GetNextBinderHostCookie() override;
void RegisterBinderHost(BinderHost* host) override;
void UnregisterBinderHost(BinderHost* host) override;
void RegisterBinderProxy(BinderProxy* proxy) override;
void UnregisterBinderProxy(BinderProxy* proxy) override;
std::unique_ptr<IInterface> CreateTestInterface(
const BinderProxy* proxy) override;
struct HostInfo;
// Adds or removes a remote process's reference from the HostInfo struct
// identified by |cookie| in |hosts_|. If the reference count reaches zero and
// the underlying BinderHost object has already been destroyed,
// RemoveHostReference() removes the struct from |hosts_|.
void AddHostReference(binder_uintptr_t cookie);
void RemoveHostReference(binder_uintptr_t cookie);
Status WaitAndActionReply(Parcel* reply);
// Writes a command freeing |data|.
void ReleaseBinderBuffer(const uint8_t* data);
// Passes |parcel|'s data to ReleaseBinderBuffer().
void ReleaseParcel(Parcel* parcel);
void DoBinderReadWriteIoctl(bool do_read);
void SetUpTransaction(bool is_reply,
uint32_t handle,
uint32_t code,
const Parcel& data,
uint32_t flags);
// Process a single command from binder.
void ProcessCommand(uint32_t cmd);
void GetNextCommandAndProcess();
Status SendReply(const Parcel& reply, const Status& status);
Status HandleReply(const binder_transaction_data& tr, Parcel* reply);
// Increments or decrements the kernel's reference count for the binder
// identified by |handle|.
void IncWeakHandle(uint32_t handle);
void DecWeakHandle(uint32_t handle);
// Registers or unregisters a request for death notifications for the binder
// identified by |handle|.
void RequestDeathNotification(uint32_t handle);
void ClearDeathNotification(uint32_t handle);
// Notifies all of the BinderProxy objects keyed by |handle| in |proxies_|
// that the host side of their binder has died.
void NotifyProxiesAboutBinderDeath(uint32_t handle);
std::unique_ptr<BinderDriverInterface> driver_;
// These parcels are used to pass binder ioctl commands to binder.
// They carry binder command buffers, not to be confused with Parcels
// used in Transactions which carry user data.
Parcel out_commands_;
Parcel in_commands_;
// Value to be returned for next call to GetNextBinderHostCookie().
binder_uintptr_t next_host_cookie_;
// Associates cookies with hosts.
std::map<binder_uintptr_t, HostInfo> hosts_;
// Associates handles with BinderProxy objects. Note that multiple proxies may
// be created for a single binder handle.
std::multimap<uint32_t, BinderProxy*> proxies_;
// BinderProxy objects that NotifyProxiesAboutBinderDeath() is in the process
// of notifying. Stored in a member so that UnregisterBinderProxy() can update
// it if one of the death callbacks happens to destroy a still-scheduled
// proxy.
std::set<BinderProxy*> proxies_to_notify_about_death_;
// Keep this member last.
base::WeakPtrFactory<BinderManager> weak_ptr_factory_;
} // namespace protobinder