blob: 432ecc1632aa9b92c156969575d7a7102d236c75 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2016-2020 Intel Corporation.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#pragma once
#include <map>
#include "AiqResult.h"
#include "Ltm.h"
#include "Dvs.h"
#include "AiqStatistics.h"
#include "iutils/Utils.h"
#include "iutils/Thread.h"
#include "iutils/RWLock.h"
namespace icamera {
* \class AiqResultStorage
* This class provides interfaces for setting and getting AiqResult, and a storage space
* which is able to contain at most `kStorageSize` AiqResults at same time.
* It's a singleton based on camera id, and its life cycle can be maintained by
* its static methods getInstance and releaseAiqResultStorage.
class AiqResultStorage {
* \brief Get internal instance for cameraId.
* param[in] int camera id: only one instance for one particular camera id.
* return the instance of AiqResultStorage for cameraId
static AiqResultStorage* getInstance(int cameraId);
* \brief Release the static instance of AiqResultStorage for cameraId.
static void releaseAiqResultStorage(int cameraId);
* \brief Acquire Aiq result.
* The function will return one Aiq result pointer which is kept by Aiq algo.
* The sequence id is set to -1 which indicates the Aiq result is invalid.
* return Aiq result pointer to be kept by Aiq algo.
AiqResult* acquireAiqResult();
* \brief Update mCurrentIndex and set sequence id into internal storage.
void updateAiqResult(long sequence);
* \brief Get the pointer of aiq result to internal storage by given sequence id.
* The function will return the internal pointer of AiqResult, the caller MUST use this
* pointer quickly, let's say less than 10ms. For any time-consuming operations, it's
* the caller's responsibility to do a deep-copy, otherwise the data in returned AiqResult
* may not be consistent.
* param[in] long sequence: specify which aiq result is needed.
* return 1. when sequence id is -1 or not provided, the lastest result will be returned.
* 2. when sequence id is larger than -1, the result with gaven sequence id will be returned.
* 3. if cannot find in result storage, it means either sequence id is too old and its
* result was overrided, or the sequence id is too new, and its result has not been
* saved into storage yet. For both cases, nullptr will be returned.
const AiqResult* getAiqResult(long sequence = -1);
* \brief Acquire Ltm result.
* The function will return one Ltm result pointer which is kept by LTM algo.
* The sequence id is set to -1 which indicates the Ltm result is invalid.
* return Ltm result pointer to be kept by LTM algo.
ltm_result_t* acquireLtmResult();
* \brief Update mCurrentLtmIndex and set sequence id in internal storage.
void updateLtmResult(long sequence);
* \brief Get the pointer of ltm_result_t.
* The function will return the latest Ltm result.
* return the latest Ltm result.
const ltm_result_t* getLtmResult(long sequence = -1);
* \brief Acquire Dvs result.
* The function will return one Dvs result pointer which is kept by Dvs algo.
* The sequence id is set to -1 which indicates the Dvs result is invalid.
* return Dvs result pointer to be kept by Dvs algo.
DvsResult* acquireDvsResult();
* \brief Update mCurrentDvsIndex and set sequence id in internal storage.
void updateDvsResult(long sequence);
* \brief Get the pointer of DvsResult to internal storage.
* The function will return the latest DVS result.
* param[in] long sequence: specify which aiq result is needed.
* return the latest dvs result if sequence is -1, otherwise return the result of sequence.
const DvsResult* getDvsResult(long sequence = -1);
* \brief Acquire AIQ statistics.
* The function will return one AIQ statistics pointer which is kept by AIQ statistics decoder.
* The sequence id is set to -1 which indicates the AIQ statistics is invalid.
* return AIQ statistics pointer to be kept by AIQ statistics decoder..
AiqStatistics* acquireAiqStatistics();
* \brief Update mCurrentAiqStatsIndex and set sequence id in internal storage.
void updateAiqStatistics(long sequence);
* \brief Get the pointer of AIQ statistics to internal storage.
* The function will return the latest AIQ statistics, and set the mInUse flag to true.
* return the latest AIQ statistics.
const AiqStatistics* getAndLockAiqStatistics();
* \brief Clear the mInUse flag of all the AIQ statitics in internal storage.
void unLockAiqStatistics();
* DVS statistics storage.
* A pair of {pointer to ia_dvs_statistics, sequence} is stored.
* The function updateDvsStatistics() is called by PipeExecutor, while getDvsStatistics()
* called by Dvs. They are called in the same thread on PSys statistics available.
* \brief Update the dvs statistics in internal storage.
void updateDvsStatistics(const DvsStatistics &dvsStats) { mDvsStatistics = dvsStats; }
* \brief Get the pointer of dvs statistics to internal storage.
DvsStatistics* getDvsStatistics() { return &mDvsStatistics; }
* LTM statistics storage.
* A pair of {pointer to ia_isp_bxt_hdr_yv_grid_t, sequence} is stored.
* The function updateLtmStatistics() is called by PipeExecutor, while getLtmStatistics()
* called by Ltm. They are called in the same thread on PSys statistics available.
* \brief Update the ltm statistics in internal storage.
void updateLtmStatistics(const LtmStatistics &ltmStats) { mLtmStatistics = ltmStats; }
* \brief Get the pointer of ltm statistics to internal storage.
LtmStatistics* getLtmStatistics() { return &mLtmStatistics; }
AiqResultStorage(int cameraId);
static AiqResultStorage* getInstanceLocked(int cameraId);
static std::map<int, AiqResultStorage*> sInstances;
// Guard for singleton creation.
static Mutex sLock;
int mCameraId;
RWLock mDataLock; // lock for all the data storage below
static const int kStorageSize = MAX_SETTING_COUNT; // Should > MAX_BUFFER_COUNT + sensorLag
int mCurrentIndex = -1;
AiqResult* mAiqResults[kStorageSize];
static const int kLtmStorageSize = MAX_SETTING_COUNT; // Should > MAX_BUFFER_COUNT + ltmLag
int mCurrentLtmIndex = -1;
ltm_result_t* mLtmResults[kLtmStorageSize];
static const int kDvsStorageSize = MAX_SETTING_COUNT;
int mCurrentDvsIndex = -1;
DvsResult* mDvsResults[kDvsStorageSize];
static const int kAiqStatsStorageSize = 3; // Always use the latest, but may hold for long time
int mCurrentAiqStatsIndex = -1;
AiqStatistics mAiqStatistics[kAiqStatsStorageSize];
DvsStatistics mDvsStatistics;
LtmStatistics mLtmStatistics;
} //namespace icamera