blob: a734dc30c1f092962918d2f5ed30fd86c287c286 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <memory>
#include <queue>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <base/callback.h>
#include <base/compiler_specific.h>
#include <base/files/file_path.h>
#include <base/macros.h>
#include <base/time/time.h>
#include <base/timer/timer.h>
#include "power_manager/common/clock.h"
struct i2c_rdwr_ioctl_data;
namespace power_manager {
namespace system {
// Class for controlling an external display via DDC/CI.
// A brief summary:
// DDC/CI is a protocol enabling the host system to read and write various
// properties exposed by an external display over the I2C bus. This class is
// specifically interested in the display's brightness (a.k.a. luminance)
// property.
// DDC/CI allows the current and maximum brightness to be read by sending a
// request to the display, waiting for at least 40 milliseconds, and then
// reading the reply. It allows the brightness to be modified by sending a
// request to the display and then waiting at least 50 milliseconds before
// sending any following requests.
// This class caches the current brightness for a brief period of time after
// reading it from or writing it to the display; subsequent
// AdjustBrightnessByPercent() calls use that cached brightness as a starting
// point when computing new brightness levels. If an adjustment is requested
// after the cached brightness expires, the brightness is read before the update
// level is written. Multiple adjustments are coalesced when possible.
// This class is implemented as a simple state machine. The UpdateState() method
// is responsible for transitioning between states.
class ExternalDisplay {
// I2C address to use for DDC/CI.
static const uint8_t kDdcI2CAddress;
// Address corresponding to the host.
static const uint8_t kDdcHostAddress;
// Address corresponding to the display.
static const uint8_t kDdcDisplayAddress;
// "Virtual host address" used as a starting point when checksumming replies
// from the display (see DDC/CI v1.1 4.0).
static const uint8_t kDdcVirtualHostAddress;
// Mask applied to the byte containing the message body length.
static const uint8_t kDdcMessageBodyLengthMask;
// Opcodes for "Get VCP Feature" requests, "Get VCP Feature" replies, and "Set
// VCP Feature" requests, respectively (per DDC/CI v1.1 4.3 and 4.4).
static const uint8_t kDdcGetCommand;
static const uint8_t kDdcGetReplyCommand;
static const uint8_t kDdcSetCommand;
// Index of the screen brightness (a.k.a. "luminance") feature.
static const uint8_t kDdcBrightnessIndex;
// Minimum amount of time to wait after sending a "Set VCP Feature" message
// before sending the next message (per DDC/CI v1.1 4.4).
static const int kDdcSetDelayMs;
// Amount of time to wait after sending a "Get VCP Feature" message before
// reading the reply message (per DDC/CI v1.1 4.3).
static const int kDdcGetDelayMs;
// Amount of time that the brightness value last read from or written to the
// display should be honored before a new brightness value is read.
static const int kCachedBrightnessValidMs;
// Possible outcomes when sending a message to the display. These values are
// reported as a histogram and cannot be renumbered.
enum class SendResult {
// The message was successfully sent to the display.
// The ioctl() syscall failed.
// Possible outcomes when reading a message from the display. These values are
// reported as a histogram and cannot be renumbered.
enum class ReceiveResult {
// The message was successfully read from the display.
// The ioctl() syscall failed.
// The message had a bad checksum.
// The message had an unexpected source address.
// The message body's length didn't match the expected length.
// The message body contained an unexpected command code.
// The message body contained a non-successful result code.
// The message body contained an unexpected feature index.
// The message body contained an unexpected maximum value of zero.
// Interface that abstracts the portion of ExternalDisplay that needs to
// communicate with devices.
class Delegate {
virtual ~Delegate() {}
// Returns a name describing the I2C bus represented by this object.
virtual std::string GetName() const = 0;
// Performs the I2C operation described by |data| and returns true on
// success.
virtual bool PerformI2COperation(struct i2c_rdwr_ioctl_data* data) = 0;
// Real implementation of the Delegate interface.
class RealDelegate : public Delegate {
RealDelegate(const RealDelegate&) = delete;
RealDelegate& operator=(const RealDelegate&) = delete;
~RealDelegate() override;
// Initializes the object to use the I2C device at |i2c_path|.
void Init(const base::FilePath& i2c_path);
// Delegate implementation:
std::string GetName() const override;
bool PerformI2COperation(struct i2c_rdwr_ioctl_data* data) override;
// These values are reported as a histogram and cannot be renumbered.
enum class OpenResult {
// Calling open() on the I2C device succeeded.
// Calling open() on the I2C device failed with EACCES.
// Calling open() on the I2C device failed with ENOENT.
// Calling open() on the I2C device failed for some other reason.
// Opens |i2c_path_| and updates |fd_|.
bool OpenI2CFile();
// Name describing the I2C bus.
std::string name_;
// File descriptor corresponding to the I2C bus passed to the c'tor.
int fd_;
// File path for the I2C bus.
base::FilePath i2c_path_;
// Class used by tests to interact with ExternalDisplay's internals.
class TestApi {
explicit TestApi(ExternalDisplay* display);
TestApi(const TestApi&) = delete;
TestApi& operator=(const TestApi&) = delete;
// Advances |display_|'s clock by |interval|.
void AdvanceTime(base::TimeDelta interval);
// Returns the current delay for |display_|'s |timer_|.
base::TimeDelta GetTimerDelay() const;
// If |display_|'s |timer_| is running, stops it, executes UpdateState(),
// and returns true. Otherwise, returns false.
bool TriggerTimeout() WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
ExternalDisplay* display_; // weak pointer
explicit ExternalDisplay(std::unique_ptr<Delegate> delegate);
ExternalDisplay(const ExternalDisplay&) = delete;
ExternalDisplay& operator=(const ExternalDisplay&) = delete;
// Adjusts the display's brightness by |offset_percent|, a linearly-calculated
// percent in the range [-100.0, 100.0]. Note that the adjustment will happen
// asynchronously if the display's current brightness is initially unknown.
void AdjustBrightnessByPercent(double offset_percent);
enum class State {
// Not currently mid-request (but if |timer_| is running, temporarily
// blocked from sending another request due to a "set brightness" request
// having just been sent).
// Waiting before reading the reply to a "get brightness" request.
// Returns the monitor-specific brightness level corresponding to |percent|, a
// percentage in the range [0.0, 100.0].
uint16_t BrightnessPercentToLevel(double percent) const;
// Returns true if |current_brightness_percent_| and |max_brightness_level_|
// were updated recently enough to be trusted.
bool HaveCachedBrightness();
// Returns true if an adjustment (in |pending_brightness_adjustment_percent_|)
// is waiting to be applied.
bool HavePendingBrightnessAdjustment() const;
// Resets |timer_| to run UpdateState() after |delay|.
void StartTimer(base::TimeDelta delay);
// Sends a message to the display asking it to reply with the current and
// maximum brightness. Returns true if the request was sent successfully.
bool RequestBrightness();
// Reads a reply from the display containing the current and maximum
// brightness (in response to a request sent by RequestBrightness()). Returns
// true if the brightness was read successfully.
bool ReadBrightness();
// Sends a message to the display asking it to update the current brightness
// level (based on |pending_brightness_adjustment_percent_|). Returns true if
// the request was sent successfully.
bool WriteBrightness();
// Examines the current value of |state_| and performs appropriate actions.
void UpdateState();
// Sends a DDC message containing |body| to the display.
SendResult SendMessage(const std::vector<uint8_t>& body);
// Receives a DDC message from the display, copying its contents to |body|.
// |body|'s size determines the expected size of the message body.
ReceiveResult ReceiveMessage(std::vector<uint8_t>* body);
std::unique_ptr<Delegate> delegate_;
Clock clock_;
// Current state of the object.
State state_;
// Brightness believed to be currently used by the display, as a percentage in
// the range [0.0, 100.0]. Note that the actual brightness may change in the
// background, e.g. in response to the user hitting physical buttons on the
// display.
double current_brightness_percent_;
// Maximum brightness value supported by the display, in display-specific
// units.
uint16_t max_brightness_level_;
// Last time at which |current_brightness_percent_| and
// |max_brightness_level_| were updated.
base::TimeTicks last_brightness_update_time_;
// Amount by which the brightness should be offset, as a percentage in the
// range [-100.0, 100.0].
double pending_brightness_adjustment_percent_;
// Invokes UpdateState(). Used to enforce the mandatory delays between
// requesting the brightness and reading the reply, and after sending a "set"
// request to the display.
base::OneShotTimer timer_;
} // namespace system
} // namespace power_manager