blob: 55dd517329f0133f1940094869f6d094ae6297b0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <base/time/time.h>
#include <chromeos/dbus/service_constants.h>
#include "power_manager/common/clock.h"
#include "power_manager/powerd/system/display/display_power_setter.h"
namespace power_manager {
namespace system {
// Stub DisplayPowerSetterInterface implementation for tests that just
// keeps track of the most-recently-requested change.
class DisplayPowerSetterStub : public DisplayPowerSetterInterface {
DisplayPowerSetterStub(const DisplayPowerSetterStub&) = delete;
DisplayPowerSetterStub& operator=(const DisplayPowerSetterStub&) = delete;
~DisplayPowerSetterStub() override;
chromeos::DisplayPowerState state() const { return state_; }
base::TimeDelta delay() const { return delay_; }
int num_power_calls() const { return num_power_calls_; }
void reset_num_power_calls() { num_power_calls_ = 0; }
bool dimmed() const { return dimmed_; }
base::TimeTicks last_set_display_power_time() const {
return last_set_display_power_time_;
void set_clock(Clock* clock) { clock_ = clock; }
// DisplayPowerSetterInterface implementation:
void SetDisplayPower(chromeos::DisplayPowerState state,
base::TimeDelta delay) override;
void SetDisplaySoftwareDimming(bool dimmed) override;
// Not owned and may be null. Used to update |last_set_display_power_time_|.
Clock* clock_;
// Arguments passed to most-recent SetDisplayPower() call.
chromeos::DisplayPowerState state_;
base::TimeDelta delay_;
// Number of times that SetDisplayPower() has been called.
int num_power_calls_;
// Last time at which SetDisplayPower() was called.
base::TimeTicks last_set_display_power_time_;
// Value of most-recent SetDisplaySoftwareDimming() call.
bool dimmed_;
} // namespace system
} // namespace power_manager