blob: 086eb4abe4d729517e279d4d6004c7f7c3ef2895 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <base/macros.h>
#include "power_manager/powerd/system/acpi_wakeup_helper_interface.h"
namespace power_manager {
namespace system {
// Abstraction layer around /proc/acpi/wakeup so that we can substitute it for
// testing. We cannot just use a regular file because read/write have special
// semantics.
class AcpiWakeupFileInterface {
AcpiWakeupFileInterface() {}
AcpiWakeupFileInterface(const AcpiWakeupFileInterface&) = delete;
AcpiWakeupFileInterface& operator=(const AcpiWakeupFileInterface&) = delete;
virtual ~AcpiWakeupFileInterface() {}
// Checks whether the file exists.
virtual bool Exists() = 0;
// Reads file contents. Returns true on success.
virtual bool Read(std::string* contents) = 0;
// Writes file contents. Returns true on success.
virtual bool Write(const std::string& contents) = 0;
class AcpiWakeupHelper : public AcpiWakeupHelperInterface {
AcpiWakeupHelper(const AcpiWakeupHelper&) = delete;
AcpiWakeupHelper& operator=(const AcpiWakeupHelper&) = delete;
~AcpiWakeupHelper() override;
// Forces use of a fake implementation instead of /proc/acpi/wakeup. Only for
// testing.
void set_file_for_testing(std::unique_ptr<AcpiWakeupFileInterface> file);
// Implementation of AcpiWakeupHelperInterface.
bool IsSupported() override;
bool GetWakeupEnabled(const std::string& device_name,
bool* enabled_out) override;
bool SetWakeupEnabled(const std::string& device_name, bool enabled) override;
// Toggles ACPI wakeup for a given device. Used internally by
// SetWakeupEnabled, since the kernel interface does not expose an interface
// to set it directly.
bool ToggleWakeupEnabled(const std::string& device_name);
std::unique_ptr<AcpiWakeupFileInterface> file_;
} // namespace system
} // namespace power_manager