blob: 93c8aa11cfcfeeba2c017431b36c95323507ba4f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
//! Events reported by VDA encode API over pipe FD.
use enumn::N;
use std::error;
use std::fmt::{self, Display};
use super::bindings;
use super::session::{VeaInputBufferId, VeaOutputBufferId};
use crate::error::*;
/// Represents an error from a libvda encode session.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, N)]
pub enum VeaError {
IllegalState = bindings::vea_error_ILLEGAL_STATE_ERROR,
InvalidArgument = bindings::vea_error_INVALID_ARGUMENT_ERROR,
PlatformFailure = bindings::vea_error_PLATFORM_FAILURE_ERROR,
impl error::Error for VeaError {}
impl VeaError {
pub(crate) fn new(res: bindings::vea_error_t) -> VeaError {
VeaError::n(res).unwrap_or_else(|| panic!("Unknown error is reported from VEA: {}", res))
impl Display for VeaError {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
use self::VeaError::*;
match self {
IllegalState => write!(f, "illegal state"),
InvalidArgument => write!(f, "invalid argument"),
PlatformFailure => write!(f, "platform failure"),
/// Represents a notified event from libvda.
pub enum Event {
/// Requests the user to provide input buffers.
RequireInputBuffers {
input_count: u32,
input_frame_width: u32,
input_frame_height: u32,
output_buffer_size: u32,
/// Notifies the user that an input buffer has been processed.
/// Notifies the user that an output buffer has been processed.
ProcessedOutputBuffer {
output_buffer_id: VeaOutputBufferId,
payload_size: u32,
key_frame: bool,
timestamp: i64,
/// Notifies the result of operation issued by `Session::flush`.
FlushResponse { flush_done: bool },
/// Notifies the user of an error.
impl Event {
/// Creates a new `Event` from a `vea_event_t` instance.
/// This function is safe if `event` was a value read from libvda's pipe.
pub(crate) unsafe fn new(event: bindings::vea_event_t) -> Result<Self> {
use self::Event::*;
let bindings::vea_event_t {
} = event;
match event_type {
bindings::vea_event_type_REQUIRE_INPUT_BUFFERS => {
let d = event_data.require_input_buffers;
Ok(RequireInputBuffers {
input_count: d.input_count,
input_frame_width: d.input_frame_width,
input_frame_height: d.input_frame_height,
output_buffer_size: d.output_buffer_size,
bindings::vea_event_type_PROCESSED_INPUT_BUFFER => {
bindings::vea_event_type_PROCESSED_OUTPUT_BUFFER => {
let d = event_data.processed_output_buffer;
Ok(ProcessedOutputBuffer {
output_buffer_id: d.output_buffer_id,
payload_size: d.payload_size,
key_frame: d.key_frame == 1,
timestamp: d.timestamp,
bindings::vea_event_type_VEA_FLUSH_RESPONSE => Ok(FlushResponse {
flush_done: event_data.flush_done == 1,
bindings::vea_event_type_VEA_NOTIFY_ERROR => {
t => panic!("Unknown event is reported from VEA: {}", t),