blob: e98ed5bf3b66b3ce73f7389d40206052aca7248d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#![doc(file = "../../")]
//! **A framework for adding trace events to your Rust code.**
//! See the `` from the source repository for more information.
//! # Example
//! This example uses the function attributes to adding tracing to some functions.
//! ```rust
//! use trace_events::{counter, duration, instant};
//! #[instant]
//! fn handle_mouse_click() {
//! // ...
//! }
//! #[duration]
//! fn long_running_task() {
//! // ...
//! }
//! #[counter]
//! fn commonly_called_routine() {
//! // ...
//! }
//! ```
//! This example sets the global tracer and enables tracing on a category.
//! ```rust
//! use trace_events::{set_tracer_boxed, enable_category, trivial_tracer::TrivialTracer};
//! set_tracer_boxed(Box::new(TrivialTracer::default()));
//! enable_category("interesting".to_owned());
//! ```
use std::collections::BTreeSet;
use std::num::NonZeroU64;
use std::ptr::null_mut;
use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicUsize, Ordering};
pub mod sys;
use sys::*;
pub mod trivial_tracer;
mod macros;
pub use macros::*;
pub use trace_events_macros::{counter, duration, instant};
/// A generic value used as the value for `Argument`.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Debug)]
pub enum ArgumentValue<'a> {
String(&'a str),
impl<'a> ArgumentValue<'a> {
/// Converts this value of any lifetime into the same value with 'static lifetime or panics if
/// it is unable (i.e. `self` is a `String`).
fn as_static(&self) -> ArgumentValue<'static> {
use ArgumentValue::*;
match self {
Bool(b) => Bool(*b),
Sint(i) => Sint(*i),
Uint(i) => Uint(*i),
Float(f) => Float(*f),
_ => panic!("argument value is not static"),
impl<'a> From<&'a str> for ArgumentValue<'a> {
fn from(v: &'a str) -> ArgumentValue<'a> {
macro_rules! impl_from_value {
($t:ty, $v:expr, $c:ident) => {
impl From<$t> for ArgumentValue<'static> {
fn from(v: $t) -> ArgumentValue<'static> {
use ArgumentValue::*;
impl_from_value!(bool, Bool, bool);
impl_from_value!(i8, Sint, i64);
impl_from_value!(i16, Sint, i64);
impl_from_value!(i32, Sint, i64);
impl_from_value!(i64, Sint, i64);
impl_from_value!(u8, Uint, u64);
impl_from_value!(u16, Uint, u64);
impl_from_value!(u32, Uint, u64);
impl_from_value!(u64, Uint, u64);
impl_from_value!(f32, Float, f64);
impl_from_value!(f64, Float, f64);
/// A user-defined argument to be included with the trace event.
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Debug)]
pub struct Argument<'a, 'b> {
/// A generic key associated with the value.
pub key: &'a str,
/// A value associated with a trace event.
pub value: ArgumentValue<'b>,
impl<'a, 'b> Argument<'a, 'b> {
/// Constructs a new `Argument` from a key-value pair.
pub fn new<V: Into<ArgumentValue<'b>>>(key: &'a str, value: V) -> Argument<'a, 'b> {
Argument {
value: value.into(),
/// The category and name associated with a trace event. The `category` is used to filter what
/// events get written, and the `name` is used to identify events in a trace viewer.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Debug)]
pub struct Label<'a> {
pub category: &'a str,
pub name: &'a str,
impl<'a> Label<'a> {
/// Constructs a new `Label` with the given `category` and `name`.
pub fn new(category: &'a str, name: &'a str) -> Label<'a> {
Label { category, name }
/// A point in the timeline of events including a monotonic timestamp and the thread/process id of
/// the originating trace event.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Debug, Default)]
pub struct Point {
/// A monotonic timestamp in nanoseconds from an epoch.
pub ts: u64,
/// A monotonic timestamp in nanoseconds from an epoch associated with the thread.
pub thread_ts: Option<NonZeroU64>,
/// A process id.
pub pid: u32,
/// A thread/task id.
pub tid: u32,
impl Point {
/// Constructs a point for here (current process and thread) and now (current monotonic clock
/// time).
pub fn now() -> Point {
let (pid, tid) = get_pid_tid();
Point {
ts: get_monotonic(),
thread_ts: None,
/// Constructs a point for here (current process and thread) and the given timestamp in
/// nanoseconds.
pub fn from_timestamp(ts: u64) -> Point {
let (pid, tid) = get_pid_tid();
Point {
thread_ts: None,
/// The scope of a trace event.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Debug)]
pub enum Scope {
/// A local thread scope. This is the default.
/// A process wide scope.
/// A global (or at least system-wide) scope.
impl Default for Scope {
fn default() -> Self {
/// Trait that trace event generators can use to inform `Tracer` implementors of trace events.
/// Filtering is not in any of the methods. Callers of `Tracer` should filter events using
/// `is_category_enabled` before calling any of these methods. Implementors should assume category
/// filtering was already done.
pub trait Tracer: Send + Sync {
/// Write the beginning of a duration type event.
fn duration_begin(&self, label: Label, begin: Point, args: &[Argument]) {
let _ = label;
let _ = begin;
let _ = args;
/// Write the ending of a duration type event.
fn duration_end(&self, label: Label, end: Point, args: &[Argument]) {
let _ = label;
let _ = end;
let _ = args;
/// Write a combined begin/end duration type event.
/// By default, this will use `duration_begin` and `duration_end` to log the trace event, but
/// some backends may specialize this as an optimization.
fn duration(&self, label: Label, begin: Point, duration: u64, args: &[Argument]) {
self.duration_begin(label, begin, args);
let end = Point {
ts: begin.ts.saturating_add(duration),
self.duration_end(label, end, args);
/// Write an instant type trace event.
fn instant(&self, label: Label, instant: Point, scope: Scope, args: &[Argument]) {
let _ = label;
let _ = instant;
let _ = scope;
let _ = args;
/// Write a counter type trace event.
fn counter(&self, label: Label, instant: Point, counters: &[(&str, u64)]) {
let _ = label;
let _ = instant;
let _ = counters;
// TODO(zachr): metadata, object, async events
struct NullTracer;
impl Tracer for NullTracer {}
static STATE: AtomicUsize = AtomicUsize::new(0);
const UNINITIALIZED: usize = 0;
const INITIALIZING: usize = 1;
const INITIALIZED: usize = 2;
static mut TRACER: &'static Tracer = &NullTracer;
/// Returns a reference to the global tracer backend.
/// The returned tracer has static lifetime. As such it will always be available. Before
/// `set_tracer` or `set_tracer_boxed` is called, this will return a tracer that does nothing.
pub fn tracer() -> &'static dyn Tracer {
// Safe because the preconditions of the preconditions of this function.
unsafe { TRACER }
/// Sets the global tracer backend that will be returned by `tracer()`.
/// This may only be called once per process and will panic if it is called more than once. Because
/// this takes a reference to a static `Tracer` implementors must be `Send + Sync`.
pub fn set_tracer(tracer: &'static dyn Tracer) {
match STATE.compare_and_swap(UNINITIALIZED, INITIALIZING, Ordering::SeqCst) {
// This statement can only happen once because of the `STATE` variable. it is safe
// because the previous Tracer was NullTracer (which has static lifetime and will remain
// valid in case anybody still has a ref).
unsafe {
TRACER = tracer;
}, Ordering::SeqCst);
INITIALIZING => panic!("global tracer is being initialized already"),
INITIALIZED => panic!("global tracer has already been initialized"),
_ => panic!("global tracer state is invalid"),
/// A convenience wrapper around `set_tracer` that takes a boxed `Tracer` and "leaks" it to ensure
/// that the `Tracer` has static lifetime.
pub fn set_tracer_boxed(tracer: Box<dyn Tracer>) {
/// Can be locked by readers or writers.
const CATEGORY_GUARD_VACANT: usize = 0;
/// Can't be locked by anybody
const CATEGORY_GUARD_WRITING: usize = usize::max_value() / 2 + 1;
/// A guard variable for `ENABLED_CATEGORIES`.
static CATEGORY_GUARD: AtomicUsize = AtomicUsize::new(0);
/// As an optimization for the common case where no categories are enabled, this is null.
static mut ENABLED_CATEGORIES: *mut BTreeSet<String> = null_mut();
/// Spins until a write lock can be obtained. Can be started by concurrent readers.
fn spinlock_write() {
while CATEGORY_GUARD.compare_and_swap(
/// Spins until a read lock can be obtained. If already in READING state, increments the number of
/// readers.
fn spinlock_read() {
loop {
if CATEGORY_GUARD.fetch_add(1, Ordering::SeqCst) & CATEGORY_GUARD_WRITING == 0 {
CATEGORY_GUARD.fetch_sub(1, Ordering::SeqCst);
/// Unlocks this read lock. Panics if the there was no lock.
fn unlock_read() {
let old_guard = CATEGORY_GUARD.fetch_sub(1, Ordering::SeqCst);
if old_guard == 0 {
panic!("unlock called while lock was not held");
/// Unlocks this write lock.
fn unlock_write() {, Ordering::SeqCst);
/// Call while holding any lock. Returns true if any tracing is enabled for the given category.
unsafe fn locked_is_category_enabled(cat: &str) -> bool {
// Call while holding a write lock. Enables the given category of tracing.
unsafe fn write_locked_enable_category(cat: String) {
(&mut *ENABLED_CATEGORIES).insert(cat);
// Call while holding a write lock. Disables the given category of tracing.
unsafe fn write_locked_disable_category(cat: &str) {
(&mut *ENABLED_CATEGORIES).remove(cat);
/// Enables traces for the given category.
pub fn enable_category(category: String) {
if unsafe { ENABLED_CATEGORIES }.is_null() {
unsafe { ENABLED_CATEGORIES = Box::into_raw(Box::new(Default::default())) }
// Safe because we hold the write lock and ensured ENABLED_CATEGORIES is non-null.
unsafe { write_locked_enable_category(category) };
/// Disables traces for the given category.
pub fn disable_category(category: &str) {
// Note the easy to miss logical inverse (!).
if !unsafe { ENABLED_CATEGORIES }.is_null() {
// Safe because we hold the write lock and ensured ENABLED_CATEGORIES is non-null.
unsafe {
if unsafe { &*ENABLED_CATEGORIES }.is_empty() {
unsafe {
/// Disables traces for all previously enabled categories.
pub fn disable_all() {
// Note the easy to miss logical inverse (!).
if unsafe { ENABLED_CATEGORIES }.is_null() {
unsafe {
/// Returns `true` if the given category is currently enabled.
pub fn is_category_enabled(category: &str) -> bool {
if unsafe { ENABLED_CATEGORIES }.is_null() {
return false;
if unsafe { ENABLED_CATEGORIES }.is_null() {
return false;
// Safe because we hold the read lock and ensured ENABLED_CATEGORIES is non-null.
let enabled = unsafe { locked_is_category_enabled(category) };
mod tests {
use super::*;
use super::trivial_tracer::{OwnedTraceRecord as Record, TrivialTracer};
use std::thread::sleep;
use std::time::Duration;
fn point_now() {
let a = Point::now();
let b = Point::now();
assert!(a.ts < b.ts);
assert_eq!(a.tid, b.tid);
fn duration() {
let t = TrivialTracer::default();
let l = Label::new("gpu", "composite");
let begin = Point::from_timestamp(100);
let duration = 23;
let end = Point::from_timestamp(begin.ts + duration);
t.duration(l, begin, duration, &[]);
let records = t.clone_records();
assert_eq!(records.len(), 2);
(l.into(), Record::Begin(begin, Default::default()))
assert_eq!(records[1], (l.into(), Record::End(end, Default::default())));
fn duration_begin_end() {
let t = TrivialTracer::default();
let l = Label::new("gpu", "composite");
let begin = Point::from_timestamp(100);
let end = Point::from_timestamp(123);
t.duration_begin(l, Point::from_timestamp(100), &[]);
t.duration_end(l, Point::from_timestamp(123), &[]);
let records = t.clone_records();
assert_eq!(records.len(), 2);
(l.into(), Record::Begin(begin, Default::default()))
assert_eq!(records[1], (l.into(), Record::End(end, Default::default())));
fn instant() {
let t = TrivialTracer::default();
let l = Label::new("gpu", "vblank");
let p = Point::from_timestamp(456);
let s = Scope::Global;
t.instant(l, p, s, &[]);
let records = t.clone_records();
assert_eq!(records.len(), 1);
(l.into(), Record::Instant(p, s, Default::default()))
fn counter() {
let t = TrivialTracer::default();
let l = Label::new("gpu", "vblank");
let p = Point::from_timestamp(678);
t.counter(l, p, &[("cats", 0)]);
t.counter(l, p, &[("cats", 10)]);
t.counter(l, p, &[("cats", 3)]);
let records = t.clone_records();
assert_eq!(records.len(), 3);
(l.into(), Record::Counter(p, vec![("cats".to_owned(), 0)]))
(l.into(), Record::Counter(p, vec![("cats".to_owned(), 10)]))
(l.into(), Record::Counter(p, vec![("cats".to_owned(), 3)]))