blob: 0aa2e20afb3c260b8831336d42447c0f88efb707 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <base/bind.h>
#include <base/single_thread_task_runner.h>
#include <base/threading/thread.h>
#include <mojo/edk/embedder/embedder.h>
#include <mojo/edk/embedder/process_delegate.h>
#include <mojo/public/cpp/bindings/binding.h>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include "media_perception/producer_impl.h"
#include "media_perception/receiver_impl.h"
#include "media_perception/video_capture_service_client.h"
#include "mojom/connector.mojom.h"
namespace mri {
class MojoConnector : public mojo::edk::ProcessDelegate {
~MojoConnector() {}
// Uses a file descriptor to establish a Mojo connection.
void ReceiveMojoInvitationFileDescriptor(int fd_int);
// Use the Mojo connector to ensure the video capture servicec is started in
// Chrome and get access to the video capture service Mojo API.
void ConnectToVideoCaptureService();
// Get the list of video devices from the video capture service.
void GetDevices(
const VideoCaptureServiceClient::GetDevicesCallback& callback);
// Attempts to acquire exclusive access to a video device. Note that this does
// not block another client of the video capture service from taking over
// access on this device, which would disconnect this client.
void SetActiveDevice(
std::string device_id,
const VideoCaptureServiceClient::SetActiveDeviceCallback& callback);
// Starts video capture on the active device.
void StartVideoCapture(const CaptureFormat& capture_format,
std::function<void(uint64_t timestamp_in_microseconds,
const uint8_t* data, int data_size)>
// Stops video capture on the active device.
void StopVideoCapture();
// Creates a new virtual device that frames can be fed into.
// producer_impl is owned by the caller.
void CreateVirtualDevice(
const VideoDevice& video_device, ProducerImpl* producer_impl,
const VideoCaptureServiceClient::VirtualDeviceCallback& callback);
// producer_impl is owned by the caller.
void PushFrameToVirtualDevice(ProducerImpl* producer_impl,
base::TimeDelta timestamp,
std::unique_ptr<const uint8_t[]> data,
int data_size, PixelFormat pixel_format,
int frame_width, int frame_height);
// Handler for when the Mojo connection is closed or errors out.
void OnConnectionErrorOrClosed();
// mojo::edk::ProcessDelegate:
void OnShutdownComplete() override;
void AcceptConnectionOnIpcThread(base::ScopedFD fd);
void ConnectToVideoCaptureServiceOnIpcThread();
void GetDevicesOnIpcThread(
const VideoCaptureServiceClient::GetDevicesCallback& callback);
void OnDeviceInfosReceived(
const VideoCaptureServiceClient::GetDevicesCallback& callback,
mojo::Array<media::mojom::VideoCaptureDeviceInfoPtr> infos);
void SetActiveDeviceOnIpcThread(
std::string device_id,
const VideoCaptureServiceClient::SetActiveDeviceCallback& callback);
void OnSetActiveDeviceCallback(
const VideoCaptureServiceClient::SetActiveDeviceCallback& callback,
video_capture::mojom::DeviceAccessResultCode code);
void StartVideoCaptureOnIpcThread(const CaptureFormat& capture_format);
void StopVideoCaptureOnIpcThread();
// producer_impl is owned by the caller.
void CreateVirtualDeviceOnIpcThread(
const VideoDevice& video_device, ProducerImpl* producer_impl,
const VideoCaptureServiceClient::VirtualDeviceCallback& callback);
// producer_impl is owned by the caller.
void PushFrameToVirtualDeviceOnIpcThread(
ProducerImpl* producer_impl, base::TimeDelta timestamp,
std::unique_ptr<const uint8_t[]> data, int data_size,
PixelFormat pixel_format, int frame_width, int frame_height);
// Separate thread for doing IPC via Mojo because Mojo is asynchronous
// by default.
base::Thread ipc_thread_;
// Mojo object for connecting to the video capture service.
::chromeos::media_perception::mojom::ConnectorPtr connector_;
// Entry point Mojo object for talking to the video capture service API.
video_capture::mojom::DeviceFactoryPtr device_factory_;
// Provides interface to an open device.
video_capture::mojom::DevicePtr active_device_;
// Provides interface for receiving frames from the video capture service.
ReceiverImpl receiver_impl_;
} // namespace mri