blob: 3903ae6ab51d6f5dadd864516a3237a3cf4c9856 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2019-2020 Intel Corporation
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "modules/sandboxing/IPCGraphConfig.h"
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <memory>
#include "iutils/CameraLog.h"
#include "iutils/Errors.h"
#include "iutils/Utils.h"
namespace icamera {
IPCGraphConfig::IPCGraphConfig() {
LOGIPC("@%s", __func__);
IPCGraphConfig::~IPCGraphConfig() {
LOGIPC("@%s", __func__);
status_t IPCGraphConfig::readDataFromXml(const char* fileName, char* dataPtr, size_t* dataSize,
int maxSize) {
CheckError(!dataSize || !fileName || !dataPtr, UNKNOWN_ERROR, "%s, invalid argument", __func__);
struct stat statBuf;
int ret = stat(fileName, &statBuf);
CheckError((ret != 0), UNKNOWN_ERROR, "Failed to query the size of file: %s!", fileName);
CheckError(statBuf.st_size > maxSize, BAD_VALUE, "The memory size less than file size: %s",
*dataSize = static_cast<size_t>(statBuf.st_size);
LOGIPC("%s, fileName: %s, size: %zu", __func__, fileName, *dataSize);
FILE* file = fopen(fileName, "rb");
CheckError(!file, NAME_NOT_FOUND, "%s, Failed to open file: %s", __func__, fileName);
size_t len = fread(dataPtr, 1, *dataSize, file);
CheckError((len != *dataSize), UNKNOWN_ERROR, "%s, Failed to read data from file: %s", __func__,
return OK;
bool IPCGraphConfig::clientFlattenParse(void* pData, uint32_t size, int cameraId,
const char* graphDescFile, const char* settingsFile) {
LOGIPC("@%s, pData:%p, size: %zu, cameraId: %d", __func__, pData, size, cameraId);
CheckError(!pData || !graphDescFile || !settingsFile, false,
"@%s, pData, graphDescFile or settingsFile is nullptr", __func__);
CheckError(size < sizeof(GraphParseParams), false, "@%s, buffer is small", __func__);
GraphParseParams* params = static_cast<GraphParseParams*>(pData);
params->cameraId = cameraId;
int ret =
readDataFromXml(graphDescFile, params->GD, &(params->gdSize), MAX_GRAPH_DESCRIPTOR_SIZE);
CheckError(ret != OK, false, "Failed to read the graph descriptor file: %s", graphDescFile);
ret = readDataFromXml(settingsFile, params->GS, &(params->gsSize), MAX_GRAPH_SETTINGS_SIZE);
CheckError(ret != OK, false, "Failed to read the graph settings file: %s", settingsFile);
return true;
bool IPCGraphConfig::serverUnflattenParse(void* pData, uint32_t size,
GraphParseParams** parseParam) {
LOGIPC("@%s, pData:%p, size: %zu", __func__, pData, size);
CheckError(!pData, false, "@%s, pData is nullptr", __func__);
CheckError(size < sizeof(GraphParseParams), false, "@%s, buffer is small", __func__);
CheckError(!parseParam, false, "@%s, parseParam is nullptr", __func__);
GraphParseParams* params = static_cast<GraphParseParams*>(pData);
*parseParam = params;
return true;
bool IPCGraphConfig::clientFlattenConfigStreams(void* pData, uint32_t size, GraphBaseInfo info,
GraphSettingType type,
const std::vector<HalStream*>& streams) {
LOGIPC("@%s, pData:%p, cameraId: %d, configMode: %d", __func__, pData, info.cameraId,
CheckError(!pData, false, "@%s, pData is nullptr", __func__);
CheckError(size < sizeof(GraphConfigStreamParams), false, "@%s, buffer is small", __func__);
CheckError(streams.empty(), false, "@%s, stream vector is empty", __func__);
GraphConfigStreamParams* params = static_cast<GraphConfigStreamParams*>(pData);
params->baseInfo = info;
params->type = type;
for (size_t i = 0; i < streams.size(); ++i) {
params->streamCfg[i] = *(streams[i]);
params->streamPriv[i] = *(static_cast<stream_t*>(streams[i]->mPrivate));
return true;
bool IPCGraphConfig::serverUnflattenConfigStreams(void* pData, uint32_t size, GraphBaseInfo* info,
GraphSettingType* type,
std::vector<HalStream*>* streams) {
LOGIPC("@%s, pData:%p, size: %zu", __func__, pData, size);
CheckError(!pData, false, "@%s, pData is nullptr", __func__);
CheckError(size < sizeof(GraphConfigStreamParams), false, "@%s, buffer is small", __func__);
CheckError(!info || !type || !streams, false, "%s, the info, type or streams is nullptr",
GraphConfigStreamParams* params = static_cast<GraphConfigStreamParams*>(pData);
*info = params->baseInfo;
*type = params->type;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < params->streamNum; ++i) {
params->streamCfg[i].mPrivate = static_cast<void*>(&(params->streamPriv[i]));
return true;
bool IPCGraphConfig::clientFlattenGetGraphData(void* pData, uint32_t size, GraphBaseInfo info) {
LOGIPC("@%s, pData:%p, cameraId: %d, configMode: %d", __func__, pData, info.cameraId,
CheckError(!pData, false, "@%s, pData is nullptr", __func__);
CheckError(size < sizeof(GraphGetDataParams), false, "@%s, buffer is small", __func__);
GraphGetDataParams* params = static_cast<GraphGetDataParams*>(pData);
params->baseInfo = info;
return true;
bool IPCGraphConfig::serverUnflattenGetGraphData(void* pData, uint32_t size, GraphBaseInfo* info) {
LOGIPC("@%s, pData:%p, size: %zu", __func__, pData, size);
CheckError(!pData || !info, false, "@%s, pData or info is nullptr", __func__);
CheckError(size < sizeof(GraphGetDataParams), false, "@%s, buffer is small", __func__);
GraphGetDataParams* params = static_cast<GraphGetDataParams*>(pData);
*info = params->baseInfo;
return true;
bool IPCGraphConfig::serverFlattenGetGraphData(void* pData, uint32_t size,
IGraphType::GraphConfigData graphData) {
LOGIPC("@%s, pData:%p, size: %zu", __func__, pData, size);
CheckError(!pData, false, "@%s, pData is nullptr", __func__);
CheckError(size < sizeof(GraphGetDataParams), false, "@%s, buffer is small", __func__);
GraphGetDataParams* params = static_cast<GraphGetDataParams*>(pData);
params->mcId = graphData.mcId;
params->graphId = graphData.graphId;
params->gdcKernelId = graphData.gdcKernelId;
params->csiReso = graphData.csiReso;
params->gdcReso = graphData.gdcReso;
LOGIPC("%s, mcId: %d, graphId: %d, gdcKernelId: %d", __func__, params->mcId, params->graphId,
params->streamIdNum = graphData.streamIds.size();
for (size_t i = 0; i < graphData.streamIds.size(); ++i) {
params->streamIdData[i] = graphData.streamIds[i];
params->pgInfoNum = graphData.pgInfo.size();
for (size_t i = 0; i < graphData.pgInfo.size(); ++i) {
size_t len = graphData.pgInfo[i].pgName.copy(params->pgInfoData[i].pgName, MAX_NAME_LENGTH);
params->pgInfoData[i].pgName[len] = '\0';
params->pgInfoData[i].pgId = graphData.pgInfo[i].pgId;
params->pgInfoData[i].streamId = graphData.pgInfo[i].streamId;
params->pgInfoData[i].rbmByte = graphData.pgInfo[i].rbmValue.rbm_bytes;
if (params->pgInfoData[i].rbmByte > 0) {
MEMCPY_S(params->pgInfoData[i].rbmData, MAX_NAME_LENGTH,
graphData.pgInfo[i].rbmValue.rbm, graphData.pgInfo[i].rbmValue.rbm_bytes);
params->mBrInfoNum = graphData.mbrInfo.size();
for (size_t i = 0; i < graphData.mbrInfo.size(); ++i) {
params->mBrInfoData[i].streamId = graphData.mbrInfo[i].streamId;
params->mBrInfoData[i].mBrData = graphData.mbrInfo[i].data;
params->pgNamesNum = graphData.pgNames.size();
for (size_t i = 0; i < params->pgNamesNum; ++i) {
size_t len = graphData.pgNames[i].copy(params->pgNames[i], MAX_NAME_LENGTH);
params->pgNames[i][len] = '\0';
params->kernelArrayNum = graphData.programGroup.size();
for (size_t i = 0; i < params->kernelArrayNum; ++i) {
params->kernelArray[i].streamId = graphData.programGroup[i].streamId;
ia_isp_bxt_program_group* pgPtr = graphData.programGroup[i].pgPtr;
params->kernelArray[i].group = *pgPtr;
for (unsigned int j = 0; j < params->kernelArray[i].group.kernel_count; ++j) {
params->kernelArray[i].runKernels[j] = pgPtr->run_kernels[j];
if (pgPtr->run_kernels[j].resolution_info) {
params->kernelArray[i].resoInfo[j] = *(pgPtr->run_kernels[j].resolution_info);
params->kernelArray[i].runKernels[j].resolution_info =
} else {
params->kernelArray[i].runKernels[j].resolution_info = nullptr;
if (pgPtr->run_kernels[j].resolution_history) {
params->kernelArray[i].resoHistory[j] = *(pgPtr->run_kernels[j].resolution_history);
params->kernelArray[i].runKernels[j].resolution_history =
} else {
params->kernelArray[i].runKernels[j].resolution_history = nullptr;
params->kernelArray[i].group.run_kernels = params->kernelArray[i].runKernels;
if (pgPtr->pipe) {
params->kernelArray[i].pipeInfo = *(pgPtr->pipe);
params->kernelArray[i].group.pipe = &(params->kernelArray[i].pipeInfo);
} else {
params->kernelArray[i].group.pipe = nullptr;
return true;
bool IPCGraphConfig::clientUnflattenGetGraphData(void* pData, uint32_t size,
IGraphType::GraphConfigData* graphData) {
LOGIPC("@%s, pData:%p, size: %zu", __func__, pData, size);
CheckError(!pData || !graphData, false, "@%s, pData or graphData is nullptr", __func__);
CheckError(size < sizeof(GraphGetDataParams), false, "@%s, buffer is small", __func__);
GraphGetDataParams* params = static_cast<GraphGetDataParams*>(pData);
graphData->mcId = params->mcId;
graphData->graphId = params->graphId;
graphData->gdcKernelId = params->gdcKernelId;
graphData->csiReso = params->csiReso;
graphData->gdcReso = params->gdcReso;
LOGIPC("%s, mcId: %d, graphId: %d, gdcKernelId: %d", __func__, params->mcId, params->graphId,
for (size_t i = 0; i < params->streamIdNum; ++i) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < params->pgInfoNum; ++i) {
IGraphType::PgInfo info;
info.pgName = params->pgInfoData[i].pgName;
info.pgId = params->pgInfoData[i].pgId;
info.streamId = params->pgInfoData[i].streamId;
if (params->pgInfoData[i].rbmByte > 0) {
info.rbmValue.rbm_bytes = params->pgInfoData[i].rbmByte;
info.rbmValue.rbm = params->pgInfoData[i].rbmData;
} else {
info.rbmValue.rbm = nullptr;
info.rbmValue.rbm_bytes = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < params->mBrInfoNum; ++i) {
IGraphType::MbrInfo info;
info.streamId = params->mBrInfoData[i].streamId; = params->mBrInfoData[i].mBrData;
for (size_t i = 0; i < params->pgNamesNum; ++i) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < params->kernelArrayNum; ++i) {
IGraphType::ProgramGroupInfo info;
info.streamId = params->kernelArray[i].streamId;
info.pgPtr = &(params->kernelArray[i].group);
info.pgPtr->run_kernels = params->kernelArray[i].runKernels;
for (unsigned j = 0; j < info.pgPtr->kernel_count; ++j) {
if (params->kernelArray[i].runKernels[j].resolution_info) {
info.pgPtr->run_kernels[j].resolution_info = &(params->kernelArray[i].resoInfo[j]);
} else {
info.pgPtr->run_kernels[j].resolution_info = nullptr;
if (params->kernelArray[i].runKernels[j].resolution_history) {
info.pgPtr->run_kernels[j].resolution_history =
} else {
info.pgPtr->run_kernels[j].resolution_history = nullptr;
if (params->kernelArray[i].group.pipe) {
info.pgPtr->pipe = &(params->kernelArray[i].pipeInfo);
} else {
info.pgPtr->pipe = nullptr;
return true;
bool IPCGraphConfig::clientFlattenGetPgId(void* pData, uint32_t size, GraphBaseInfo info,
const int streamId, const int kernelId) {
LOGIPC("@%s, pData:%p, size:%u, cameraId :%d, config mode:%d, streamId: %d, kernelId: %d",
__func__, pData, size, info.cameraId, info.configMode, streamId, kernelId);
CheckError(!pData, false, "@%s, pData is nullptr", __func__);
CheckError(size < sizeof(GraphGetPgIdParams), false, "@%s, buffer is small", __func__);
GraphGetPgIdParams* params = static_cast<GraphGetPgIdParams*>(pData);
params->baseInfo = info;
params->streamId = streamId;
params->kernelId = kernelId;
return true;
bool IPCGraphConfig::serverUnFlattenGetPgId(void* pData, uint32_t size, GraphBaseInfo* info,
uint32_t* streamId, int32_t* kernelId) {
LOGIPC("@%s, pData:%p, size:%u", __func__, pData, size);
CheckError(!pData, false, "@%s, pData is nullptr", __func__);
CheckError(size < sizeof(GraphGetPgIdParams), false, "@%s, buffer is small", __func__);
CheckError(!info || !streamId || !kernelId, false, "@%s, info, streamId or kernelId is nullptr",
GraphGetPgIdParams* params = static_cast<GraphGetPgIdParams*>(pData);
*info = params->baseInfo;
*streamId = params->streamId;
*kernelId = params->kernelId;
return true;
bool IPCGraphConfig::serverFlattenGetPgId(void* pData, uint32_t size, int32_t pgId) {
LOGIPC("@%s, pData:%p, size:%u, pgId: %d", __func__, pData, size, pgId);
CheckError(!pData, false, "@%s, pData is nullptr", __func__);
CheckError(size < sizeof(GraphGetPgIdParams), false, "@%s, buffer is small", __func__);
GraphGetPgIdParams* params = static_cast<GraphGetPgIdParams*>(pData);
params->pgId = pgId;
return true;
bool IPCGraphConfig::clientUnFlattenGetPgId(void* pData, uint32_t size, int32_t* pgId) {
LOGIPC("@%s, pData:%p, size:%u", __func__, pData, size);
CheckError(!pData || !pgId, false, "@%s, pData or pgId is nullptr", __func__);
CheckError(size < sizeof(GraphGetPgIdParams), false, "@%s, buffer is small", __func__);
GraphGetPgIdParams* params = static_cast<GraphGetPgIdParams*>(pData);
*pgId = params->pgId;
return true;
bool IPCGraphConfig::clientFlattenGetConnection(void* pData, uint32_t size, GraphBaseInfo info,
const std::vector<std::string>& pgList) {
LOGIPC("@%s, pData:%p, size:%u, cameraId :%d, config mode:%d, pgName size: %zu", __func__,
pData, size, info.cameraId, info.configMode, pgList.size());
CheckError(!pData, false, "@%s, pData is nullptr", __func__);
CheckError(size < sizeof(GraphGetConnectionParams), false, "@%s, buffer is small", __func__);
GraphGetConnectionParams* params = static_cast<GraphGetConnectionParams*>(pData);
params->baseInfo = info;
params->pgListNum = pgList.size();
for (size_t i = 0; i < pgList.size(); ++i) {
size_t len = pgList[i].copy(params->pgList[i], MAX_NAME_LENGTH);
params->pgList[i][len] = '\0';
return true;
bool IPCGraphConfig::serverUnFlattenGetConnection(void* pData, uint32_t size, GraphBaseInfo* info,
std::vector<std::string>* pgList) {
LOGIPC("@%s, pData:%p, size:%u", __func__, pData, size);
CheckError(size < sizeof(GraphGetConnectionParams), false, "@%s, buffer is small", __func__);
CheckError(!pData || !info || !pgList, false, "@%s, pData, info or pgList is nullptr",
GraphGetConnectionParams* params = static_cast<GraphGetConnectionParams*>(pData);
*info = params->baseInfo;
for (size_t i = 0; i < params->pgListNum; ++i) {
return true;
bool IPCGraphConfig::serverFlattenGetConnection(
void* pData, uint32_t size, const std::vector<IGraphType::ScalerInfo>& scalerInfo,
const std::vector<IGraphType::PipelineConnection>& confVector) {
LOGIPC("@%s, pData:%p, size:%u", __func__, pData, size);
CheckError(!pData, false, "@%s, pData is nullptr", __func__);
CheckError(size < sizeof(GraphGetConnectionParams), false, "@%s, buffer is small", __func__);
GraphGetConnectionParams* params = static_cast<GraphGetConnectionParams*>(pData);
params->connectionArraySize = confVector.size();
for (size_t i = 0; i < confVector.size(); ++i) {
params->connectionArray[i].connection = confVector[i];
if (params->connectionArray[i] {
params->connectionArray[i].stream = *(confVector[i].stream);
params->scalerInfoNum = scalerInfo.size();
for (size_t i = 0; i < scalerInfo.size(); ++i) {
params->scalerInfoArray[i] = scalerInfo[i];
return true;
bool IPCGraphConfig::clientUnFlattenGetConnection(
void* pData, uint32_t size, std::vector<IGraphType::ScalerInfo>* scalerInfo,
std::vector<IGraphType::PipelineConnection>* confVector) {
LOGIPC("@%s, pData:%p, size:%u", __func__, pData, size);
CheckError(!pData || !confVector, false, "@%s, pData or confVector is nullptr", __func__);
CheckError(size < sizeof(GraphGetConnectionParams), false, "@%s, buffer is small", __func__);
GraphGetConnectionParams* params = static_cast<GraphGetConnectionParams*>(pData);
for (size_t i = 0; i < params->connectionArraySize; ++i) {
if (params->connectionArray[i] {
params->connectionArray[i] = &(params->connectionArray[i].stream);
for (size_t i = 0; i < params->scalerInfoNum; ++i) {
return true;
} // namespace icamera