blob: 8e8f152a5373392afa6de9d0118139d132fdf14b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/statvfs.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include <base/callback_forward.h>
#include <base/files/file.h>
#include <base/files/file_enumerator.h>
#include <base/files/file_path.h>
#include <base/files/scoped_file.h>
#include <base/macros.h>
#include <base/optional.h>
#include <brillo/process/process.h>
#include <brillo/secure_blob.h>
#include <gtest/gtest_prod.h>
extern "C" {
#include <keyutils.h>
#include "cryptohome/dircrypto_util.h"
namespace base {
class Thread;
class Time;
} // namespace base
namespace cryptohome {
// Default umask
extern const int kDefaultUmask;
// Default mount flags for Platform::Mount.
extern const uint32_t kDefaultMountFlags;
// Default ext4 format opts.
extern const std::vector<std::string> kDefaultExt4FormatOpts;
// Loop devices prefix.
extern const char kLoopPrefix[];
class ProcessInformation;
// Decoded content of /proc/<id>/mountinfo file that has format:
// 36 35 98:0 /mnt1 /mnt2 rw,noatime master:1 - ext3 /dev/root rw,errors=..
// (0)(1)(2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
struct DecodedProcMountInfo {
// (3) The pathname of the directory in the filesystem which forms the root of
// this mount.
std::string root;
// (4) The pathname of the mount point relative to the process's root
// directory.
std::string mount_point;
// (8) The filesystem type in the form "type[.subtype]".
std::string filesystem_type;
// (9) Filesystem-specific information or "none".
std::string mount_source;
// A class for enumerating the files in a provided path. The order of the
// results is not guaranteed.
// DO NOT USE FROM THE MAIN THREAD of your application unless it is a test
// program where latency does not matter. This class is blocking.
// See base::FileEnumerator for details. This is merely a mockable wrapper.
class FileEnumerator {
// Copy and assign enabled.
class FileInfo {
explicit FileInfo(const base::FileEnumerator::FileInfo& file_info);
FileInfo(const base::FilePath& name, const base::stat_wrapper_t& stat);
FileInfo(const FileInfo& other);
virtual ~FileInfo();
FileInfo& operator=(const FileInfo& other);
bool IsDirectory() const;
base::FilePath GetName() const;
int64_t GetSize() const;
base::Time GetLastModifiedTime() const;
const base::stat_wrapper_t& stat() const;
void Assign(const base::FileEnumerator::FileInfo& file_info);
std::unique_ptr<base::FileEnumerator::FileInfo> info_;
base::FilePath name_;
base::stat_wrapper_t stat_;
FileEnumerator(const base::FilePath& root_path,
bool recursive,
int file_type);
FileEnumerator(const base::FilePath& root_path,
bool recursive,
int file_type,
const std::string& pattern);
// Meant for testing only.
virtual ~FileEnumerator();
// Returns an empty file name if there are no more results.
virtual base::FilePath Next();
// Write the file info into |info|.
virtual FileInfo GetInfo();
std::unique_ptr<base::FileEnumerator> enumerator_;
// Platform specific routines abstraction layer.
// Also helps us to be able to mock them in tests.
class Platform {
struct Permissions {
uid_t user;
gid_t group;
mode_t mode;
struct LoopDevice {
base::FilePath backing_file;
base::FilePath device;
typedef base::Callback<bool(const base::FilePath&,
const base::stat_wrapper_t&)>
Platform(const Platform&) = delete;
Platform& operator=(const Platform&) = delete;
virtual ~Platform();
// Calls the platform mount
// Parameters
// from - The node to mount from
// to - The node to mount to
// type - The fs type
// mount_options - The mount options to pass to mount()
virtual bool Mount(const base::FilePath& from,
const base::FilePath& to,
const std::string& type,
uint32_t mount_flags,
const std::string& mount_options);
// Creates a bind mount
// Parameters
// from - Where to mount from
// to - Where to mount to
// is_shared - Whether the bind mount should be remounted with MS_SHARED.
virtual bool Bind(const base::FilePath& from,
const base::FilePath& to,
bool is_shared = false);
// Calls the platform unmount
// Parameters
// path - The path to unmount
// lazy - Whether to call a lazy unmount
// was_busy (OUT) - Set to true on return if the mount point was busy
virtual bool Unmount(const base::FilePath& path, bool lazy, bool* was_busy);
// Lazily unmounts |path|.
// Parameters
// path - The destination path to unmount
virtual void LazyUnmount(const base::FilePath& path);
// Returns true if any mounts match. Populates |mounts| with list of mounts
// from loop device to user directories that are used in ephemeral mode.
// Parameters
// mounts - matching mounted paths, can't be NULL
virtual bool GetLoopDeviceMounts(
std::multimap<const base::FilePath, const base::FilePath>* mounts);
// Returns true if any mounts match. Populates |mounts| if
// any mount sources have a matching prefix (|from_prefix|).
// Parameters
// from_prefix - Prefix for matching mount sources
// mounts - matching mounted paths, may be NULL
virtual bool GetMountsBySourcePrefix(
const base::FilePath& from_prefix,
std::multimap<const base::FilePath, const base::FilePath>* mounts);
// Returns true if the directory is in the mount_info
// Parameters
// directory - The directory to check
virtual bool IsDirectoryMounted(const base::FilePath& directory);
// Returns true for each directory that is in the mount_info
// On error returns an empty vector
// Parameters
// directories - The directories to check
virtual base::Optional<std::vector<bool>> AreDirectoriesMounted(
const std::vector<base::FilePath>& directories);
// Returns an instance of class brillo::Process that can be mocked out in
// tests.
virtual std::unique_ptr<brillo::Process> CreateProcessInstance();
// GetProcessesWithOpenFiles
// Parameters
// path - The path to check if the process has open files on
// pids (OUT) - The PIDs found
virtual void GetProcessesWithOpenFiles(
const base::FilePath& path_in,
std::vector<ProcessInformation>* processes);
// Calls the platform stat() or lstat() function to obtain the ownership of
// a given path. The path may be a directory or a file.
// Parameters
// path - The path to look up
// user_id - The user ID of the path. NULL if the result is not needed.
// group_id - The group ID of the path. NULL if the result is not needed.
// follow_links - Whether or not to dereference symlinks
virtual bool GetOwnership(const base::FilePath& path,
uid_t* user_id,
gid_t* group_id,
bool follow_links) const;
// Calls the platform chown() or lchown() function on the given path.
// The path may be a directory or a file.
// Parameters
// path - The path to set ownership on
// user_id - The user_id to assign ownership to
// group_id - The group_id to assign ownership to
// follow_links - Whether or not to dereference symlinks
virtual bool SetOwnership(const base::FilePath& directory,
uid_t user_id,
gid_t group_id,
bool follow_links) const;
// Calls the platform stat() function to obtain the permissions of
// the given path. The path may be a directory or a file.
// Parameters
// path - The path to look up
// mode - The permissions of the path
virtual bool GetPermissions(const base::FilePath& path, mode_t* mode) const;
// Calls the platform chmod() function on the given path.
// The path may be a directory or a file.
// Parameters
// path - The path to change the permissions on
// mode - the mode to change the permissions to
virtual bool SetPermissions(const base::FilePath& path, mode_t mode) const;
// Sets the path accessible by a group with specified permissions
// Parameters
// path - The path to change the ownership and permissions on
// group_id - The group ID to assign to the path
// group_mode - The group permissions to assign to the path
virtual bool SetGroupAccessible(const base::FilePath& path,
gid_t group_id,
mode_t group_mode) const;
// Applies ownership and permissions recursively if they do not already match.
// Logs a warning each time ownership or permissions need to be set.
// Parameters
// path - The base path.
// default_file_info - Default ownership / perms for files.
// default_dir_info - Default ownership / perms for directories.
// special_cases - A map of absolute path to ownership / perms.
virtual bool ApplyPermissionsRecursive(
const base::FilePath& path,
const Permissions& default_file_info,
const Permissions& default_dir_info,
const std::map<base::FilePath, Permissions>& special_cases);
// Returns the user and group ids for a user
// Parameters
// user - The username to query for
// user_id (OUT) - The user ID on success
// group_id (OUT) - The group ID on success
virtual bool GetUserId(const std::string& user,
uid_t* user_id,
gid_t* group_id) const;
// Returns the group id for a group
// Parameters
// group - The group name to query for
// group_id (OUT) - The group ID on success
virtual bool GetGroupId(const std::string& group, gid_t* group_id) const;
// Return the available disk space in bytes on the volume containing |path|,
// or -1 on failure.
// Code duplicated from Chrome's base::SysInfo::AmountOfFreeDiskSpace().
// Parameters
// path - the pathname of any file within the mounted file system
virtual int64_t AmountOfFreeDiskSpace(const base::FilePath& path) const;
// Returns the current space for the given uid from quotactl syscall, or -1 if
// the syscall fails.
// Parameters
// device - The pathname to the block special device
// user_id - The user ID to query for
virtual int64_t GetQuotaCurrentSpaceForUid(const base::FilePath& device,
uid_t user_id) const;
// Returns the current space for the given gid from quotactl syscall, or -1 if
// the syscall fails.
// Parameters
// device - The pathname to the block special device
// group_id - The group ID to query for
virtual int64_t GetQuotaCurrentSpaceForGid(const base::FilePath& device,
gid_t group_id) const;
// Returns the current space for the given project ID from quotactl syscall,
// or -1 if the syscall fails.
// Parameters
// device - The pathname to the block special device
// project_id - The project ID to query for
virtual int64_t GetQuotaCurrentSpaceForProjectId(const base::FilePath& device,
int project_id) const;
// Sets the project ID to the file/directory pointed by path.
// Returns true if ioctl syscall succeeds.
// Parameters
// project_id - The project ID
// path - Path of the file/directory to set the project ID
virtual bool SetQuotaProjectId(int project_id,
const base::FilePath& path) const;
// Returns true if the specified file exists.
// Parameters
// path - Path of the file to check
virtual bool FileExists(const base::FilePath& path);
// Calls Access() on path with flag
// Parameters
// path - Path of file to access.
// flag - Access flag.
virtual int Access(const base::FilePath& path, uint32_t flag);
// Check if a directory exists as the given path
virtual bool DirectoryExists(const base::FilePath& path);
// Provides the size of a file at |path| if it exists.
// Parameters
// path - Path of the file to check
// size - int64_t* to populate with the size
// Returns true if the size was acquired and false otherwise.
virtual bool GetFileSize(const base::FilePath& path, int64_t* size);
// Returns the disk usage of a directory at |path| if it exists.
// Note that this computes the disk space used/occupied by the directory,
// instead of the apparent size.
// Parameters
// path - Path of the directory to check
// Returns the directory disk usage in bytes.
virtual int64_t ComputeDirectoryDiskUsage(const base::FilePath& path);
// Opens a file, if possible, returning a FILE*. If not, returns NULL.
// Parameters
// path - Path of the file to open
// mode - mode string of the file when opened
virtual FILE* OpenFile(const base::FilePath& path, const char* mode);
// Closes a FILE* opened with OpenFile()
// Parameters
// fp - FILE* to close
virtual bool CloseFile(FILE* fp);
// Creates and opens a temporary file if possible.
// Parameters
// path - Pointer to where the file is created if successful.
virtual FILE* CreateAndOpenTemporaryFile(base::FilePath* path);
// Initializes a base::File. The caller is responsible for verifying that
// the file was successfully opened by calling base::File::IsValid().
// Parameters
// file - The base::File object to open the file in.
// path - Path of the file to open.
// flags - Flags to use when opening the file. See base::File::Flags.
virtual void InitializeFile(base::File* file,
const base::FilePath& path,
uint32_t flags);
// Applies an exclusive advisory lock on the file.
// The lock will be released when the file is closed.
// Parameters
// fd - File descriptor to lock.
virtual bool LockFile(int fd);
// Reads a file completely into a blob/string.
// Parameters
// path - Path of the file to read
// blob/string (OUT) - blob/string to populate
virtual bool ReadFile(const base::FilePath& path, brillo::Blob* blob);
virtual bool ReadFileToString(const base::FilePath& path,
std::string* string);
virtual bool ReadFileToSecureBlob(const base::FilePath& path,
brillo::SecureBlob* sblob);
// Writes to the open file pointer.
// Parameters
// fp - pointer to the FILE*
// blob - data to write
virtual bool WriteOpenFile(FILE* fp, const brillo::Blob& blob);
// Writes the entirety of the given data to |path| with 0640 permissions
// (modulo umask). If missing, parent (and parent of parent etc.) directories
// are created with 0700 permissions (modulo umask). Returns true on success.
// Parameters
// path - Path of the file to write
// blob/data - blob/string/array to populate from
// (size - array size)
virtual bool WriteFile(const base::FilePath& path, const brillo::Blob& blob);
virtual bool WriteSecureBlobToFile(const base::FilePath& path,
const brillo::SecureBlob& blob);
virtual bool WriteStringToFile(const base::FilePath& path,
const std::string& data);
virtual bool WriteArrayToFile(const base::FilePath& path,
const char* data,
size_t size);
// Atomically writes the entirety of the given data to |path| with |mode|
// permissions (modulo umask). If missing, parent (and parent of parent etc.)
// directories are created with 0700 permissions (modulo umask). Returns true
// if the file has been written successfully and it has physically hit the
// disk. Returns false if either writing the file has failed or if it cannot
// be guaranteed that it has hit the disk.
// Parameters
// path - Path of the file to write
// data - Blob to populate from
// mode - File permission bit-pattern, eg. 0644 for rw-r--r--
virtual bool WriteFileAtomic(const base::FilePath& path,
const brillo::Blob& blob,
mode_t mode);
virtual bool WriteSecureBlobToFileAtomic(const base::FilePath& path,
const brillo::SecureBlob& blob,
mode_t mode);
virtual bool WriteStringToFileAtomic(const base::FilePath& path,
const std::string& data,
mode_t mode);
// Atomically and durably writes the entirety of the given data to |path| with
// |mode| permissions (modulo umask). If missing, parent (and parent of
// parent etc.) directories are created with 0700 permissions (modulo umask).
// Returns true if the file has been written successfully and it has
// physically hit the disk. Returns false if either writing the file has
// failed or if it cannot be guaranteed that it has hit the disk.
// Parameters
// path - Path of the file to write
// blob/data - blob/string to populate from
// mode - File permission bit-pattern, eg. 0644 for rw-r--r--
virtual bool WriteFileAtomicDurable(const base::FilePath& path,
const brillo::Blob& blob,
mode_t mode);
virtual bool WriteSecureBlobToFileAtomicDurable(
const base::FilePath& path, const brillo::SecureBlob& blob, mode_t mode);
virtual bool WriteStringToFileAtomicDurable(const base::FilePath& path,
const std::string& data,
mode_t mode);
// Creates empty file durably, i.e. ensuring that the directory entry is
// created on-disk immediately. Set 0640 permissions (modulo umask).
// Parameters
// path - Path to the file to create
virtual bool TouchFileDurable(const base::FilePath& path);
// Delete the given path.
// Parameters
// path - string containing file path to delete
virtual bool DeleteFile(const base::FilePath& path);
// Delete the given path and the subtree recursively.
// Parameters
// path - string containing file path to delete
virtual bool DeletePathRecursively(const base::FilePath& path);
// Deletes file durably, i.e. ensuring that the directory entry is immediately
// removed from the on-disk directory structure.
// Parameters
// path - Path to the file to delete
virtual bool DeleteFileDurable(const base::FilePath& path, bool recursive);
// Deletes file securely, ensuring that the data is removed from the
// underlying media. Only works for supported mounts/devices.
// Parameters
// path - Path to the file to delete
virtual bool DeleteFileSecurely(const base::FilePath& path);
// Create a directory with the given path (including parent directories, if
// missing). All created directories will have 0700 permissions (modulo
// umask).
virtual bool CreateDirectory(const base::FilePath& path);
// Enumerate all directory entries in a given directory
// Parameters
// path - root of the tree to enumerate
// is_recursive - true to enumerate recursively
// ent_list - vector of strings to add enumerate directory entry paths into
virtual bool EnumerateDirectoryEntries(const base::FilePath& path,
bool is_recursive,
std::vector<base::FilePath>* ent_list);
// Returns a new FileEnumerator instance.
// The caller TAKES OWNERSHIP of the returned pointer.
// Parameters
// (see FileEnumerator())
virtual FileEnumerator* GetFileEnumerator(const base::FilePath& root_path,
bool recursive,
int file_type);
// Look up information about a file or directory
// Parameters
// path - element to look up
// buf - buffer to store results into
virtual bool Stat(const base::FilePath& path, base::stat_wrapper_t* buf);
// Return true if |path| has extended attribute |name|.
// Parameters
// path - absolute file or directory path to look up
// name - name including a namespace prefix. See getxattr(2).
virtual bool HasExtendedFileAttribute(const base::FilePath& path,
const std::string& name);
// Add all extended attribute names on |path| to |attr_list|.
// Parameters
// path - absolute file or directory path to list attributes for.
// attr_list - vector to store attribute names in to.
virtual bool ListExtendedFileAttributes(const base::FilePath& path,
std::vector<std::string>* attr_list);
// Return true if extended attribute |name| could be read from |path|,
// storing the value in |value|.
// Parameters
// path - absolute file or directory path to get attributes for
// name - name including a namespace prefix. See getxattr(2)
// value - variable to store the resulting value in
virtual bool GetExtendedFileAttributeAsString(const base::FilePath& path,
const std::string& name,
std::string* value);
// Return true if extended attribute |name| could be read from |path|,
// storing the value in |value|.
// Parameters
// path - absolute file or directory path to get attributes for
// name - name including a namespace prefix. See getxattr(2)
// value - pointer to store the resulting value in
// size - The expected size of the extended attribute. If this does not
// match the actual size false will be returned.
virtual bool GetExtendedFileAttribute(const base::FilePath& path,
const std::string& name,
char* value,
ssize_t size);
// Return true if the extended attribute |name| could be set with value
// |value| on |path|. Note that user namespace xattrs are not supported on
// symlinks in linux and will return ENOTSUP if attempted.
// Parameters
// path - absolute file or directory path to set attributes for
// name - name including a namespace prefix. See getxattr(2)
// value - value to set for the extended attribute
virtual bool SetExtendedFileAttribute(const base::FilePath& path,
const std::string& name,
const char* value,
size_t size);
// Return true if the extended attribute |name| could be removed on |path|.
// parameters
// path - absolute file or directory path to remove attributes from.
// name - name including a namespace prefix. See removexattr
virtual bool RemoveExtendedFileAttribute(const base::FilePath& path,
const std::string& name);
// Return true if the ext file attributes for |name| could be succesfully set
// in |flags|, possibly following symlink.
// Parameters
// path - absolute file or directory path to get attributes for
// flags - the pointer which will store the read flags
virtual bool GetExtFileAttributes(const base::FilePath& path, int* flags);
// Return true if the ext file attributes for |name| could be changed to
// |flags|, possibly following symlink.
// Parameters
// path - absolute file or directory path to get attributes for
// flags - the value to update the ext attributes to
virtual bool SetExtFileAttributes(const base::FilePath& path, int flags);
// Return if ext file attributes associated with the |name| has FS_NODUMP_FL,
// possibly following symlink.
// Parameters
// path - absolute file or directory path to look up
virtual bool HasNoDumpFileAttribute(const base::FilePath& path);
// Rename a file or directory
// Parameters
// from
// to
virtual bool Rename(const base::FilePath& from, const base::FilePath& to);
// Returns the current time.
virtual base::Time GetCurrentTime() const;
// Copies from to to.
virtual bool Copy(const base::FilePath& from, const base::FilePath& to);
// Copies and retains permissions and ownership.
virtual bool CopyWithPermissions(const base::FilePath& from,
const base::FilePath& to);
// Moves a given path on the filesystem
// Parameters
// from - path to move
// to - destination of the move
virtual bool Move(const base::FilePath& from, const base::FilePath& to);
// Calls statvfs() on path.
// Parameters
// path - path to statvfs on
// vfs - buffer to store result in
virtual bool StatVFS(const base::FilePath& path, struct statvfs* vfs);
// Check if the two paths are in the same vfs.
// Parameters
// mnt_a - first path.
// mnt_b - second path.
virtual bool SameVFS(const base::FilePath& mnt_a,
const base::FilePath& mnt_b);
// Find the device for a given filesystem.
// Parameters
// filesystem - the filesystem to examine
// device - output: the device name that "filesystem" in mounted on
virtual bool FindFilesystemDevice(const base::FilePath& filesystem,
std::string* device);
// Runs "tune2fs -l" with redirected output.
// Parameters
// filesystem - the filesystem to examine
// lgofile - the path written with output
virtual bool ReportFilesystemDetails(const base::FilePath& filesystem,
const base::FilePath& logfile);
// Sets up a process keyring which links to the user keyring and the session
// keyring.
virtual bool SetupProcessKeyring();
// Returns the state of the directory's encryption key.
virtual dircrypto::KeyState GetDirCryptoKeyState(const base::FilePath& dir);
// Sets up a directory to be encrypted with the provided key.
virtual bool SetDirCryptoKey(const base::FilePath& dir,
const dircrypto::KeyReference& key_reference);
// Adds the key to the dircrypto keyring and sets permissions.
virtual bool AddDirCryptoKeyToKeyring(const brillo::SecureBlob& key,
dircrypto::KeyReference* key_reference);
// Invalidates the key to make dircrypto data inaccessible.
virtual bool InvalidateDirCryptoKey(
const dircrypto::KeyReference& key_reference,
const base::FilePath& shadow_root);
// Clears the kernel-managed user keyring
virtual bool ClearUserKeyring();
// Creates an ecryptfs auth token and installs it in the kernel keyring.
// Parameters
// key - The key to add
// key_sig - The key's (ascii) signature
// salt - The salt
virtual bool AddEcryptfsAuthToken(const brillo::SecureBlob& key,
const std::string& key_sig,
const brillo::SecureBlob& salt);
// Override the location of the mountinfo file used.
// Default is kMountInfoFile.
virtual void set_mount_info_path(const base::FilePath& mount_info_path) {
mount_info_path_ = mount_info_path;
// Report condition of the Firmware Write-Protect flag.
virtual bool FirmwareWriteProtected();
// Syncs file data to disk for the given |path| but syncs metadata only to the
// extent that is required to acess the file's contents. (I.e. the directory
// entry and file size are sync'ed if changed, but not atime or mtime.) This
// method is expensive and synchronous, use with care. Returns true on
// success.
virtual bool DataSyncFile(const base::FilePath& path);
// Syncs file data to disk for the given |path|. All metadata is synced as
// well as file contents. This method is expensive and synchronous, use with
// care. Returns true on success.
virtual bool SyncFile(const base::FilePath& path);
// Calls fsync() on directory. Returns true on success.
// Parameters
// path - Directory to be sync'ed
virtual bool SyncDirectory(const base::FilePath& path);
// Syncs everything to disk. This method is synchronous and very, very
// expensive; use with even more care than SyncFile.
virtual void Sync();
// Gets the system HWID. This is the same ID that is used on some systems to
// extend the TPM's PCR_1.
virtual std::string GetHardwareID();
// Creates a new symbolic link at |path| pointing to |target|. Returns false
// if the link could not be created successfully.
// Parametesr
// path - The path to create the symbolic link at.
// target - The path that the symbolic link should point to.
virtual bool CreateSymbolicLink(const base::FilePath& path,
const base::FilePath& target);
// Reads the target of a symbolic link at |path| into |target|. If |path| is
// not a symbolic link or the target cannot be read false is returned.
// Parameters
// path - The path of the symbolic link to read
// target - The path to fill with the symbolic link target. If an error is
// encounted and false is returned, target will be cleared.
virtual bool ReadLink(const base::FilePath& path, base::FilePath* target);
// Sets the atime and mtime of a file to the provided values, optionally
// following symlinks.
// Parameters
// path - The path of the file to set times for. If this is a relative
// path, it is interpreted as relative to the current working directory of
// the calling process.
// atime - The time to set as the file's last access time.
// mtime - The time to set as the file's last modified time.
// follow_links - If set to true, symlinks will be dereferenced and their
// targets will be updated.
virtual bool SetFileTimes(const base::FilePath& path,
const struct timespec& atime,
const struct timespec& mtime,
bool follow_links);
// Copies |count| bytes of data from |from| to |to|, starting at |offset| in
// |from| and the current file offset in |to|. If
// the copy fails or is only partially successful (bytes written does not
// equal |count|) false is returned.
// Parameters
// fd_to - The file to copy data to.
// fd_from - The file to copy data from.
// offset - The location in |from| to begin copying data from. This has no
// impact on the location in |to| that data is written to.
// count - The number of bytes to copy.
virtual bool SendFile(int fd_to, int fd_from, off_t offset, size_t count);
// Creates a sparse file.
// Storage is only allocated when actually needed.
// Empty sparse file doesn't use any space.
// Returns true if the file is successfully created.
// Parameters
// path - The path to the file.
// size - The size to which sparse file should be resized.
virtual bool CreateSparseFile(const base::FilePath& path, int64_t size);
// Get the size of block device in bytes.
// Parameters
// device - path to the device.
// size (OUT) - size of the block device.
virtual bool GetBlkSize(const base::FilePath& device, uint64_t* size);
// Attaches the file to a loop device and returns path to that.
// New loop device might be allocated if no free device is present.
// Returns path to the loop device.
// Parameters
// path - Path to the file which should be associated to a loop device.
virtual base::FilePath AttachLoop(const base::FilePath& path);
// Detaches the loop device from associated file.
// Doesn't delete the loop device itself.
// Returns true if the loop device is successfully detached.
// Parameters
// device - Path to the loop device to be detached.
virtual bool DetachLoop(const base::FilePath& device);
// Returns list of attached loop devices.
virtual std::vector<LoopDevice> GetAttachedLoopDevices();
// Formats the file or device into ext4 filesystem with default opts.
// Returns true if formatting succeeded.
// Paratemers
// file - Path to the file or device to be formatted.
// opts - format opts.
// blocks - number of blocks.
virtual bool FormatExt4(const base::FilePath& file,
const std::vector<std::string>& opts,
uint64_t blocks);
// Resizes the file to blocks.
// Returns true if resize succeeded.
// Parameters
// file - Path to the file to be resized.
// blocks - number of blocks to be resized to.
virtual bool ResizeFilesystem(const base::FilePath& file, uint64_t blocks);
// Set the SELinux context for the file/directory pointed by path.
// Returns true if the context is set successfully.
// Parameters
// path - Path to set the SELinux context
// context - Name of the context that we want to set for path.
virtual bool SetSELinuxContext(const base::FilePath& path,
const std::string& context);
// Restore SELinux file contexts. No-op if not compiled with -DUSE_SELINUX=1
// Returns true if restorecon succeeded.
// Parameters
// path - Path to the file or directory to restore contexts.
// recursive - Whether to restore SELinux file contexts recursively.
virtual bool RestoreSELinuxContexts(const base::FilePath& path,
bool recursive);
// Creates a random string suitable to append to a filename. Returns empty
// string in case of error.
virtual std::string GetRandomSuffix();
// This safely creates a directory and sets the permissions, looking for
// symlinks and race conditions underneath.
virtual bool SafeCreateDirAndSetOwnership(const base::FilePath& path,
uid_t user_id,
gid_t gid);
// Returns the process and open file information for the specified process id
// with files open on the given path
// Parameters
// pid - The process to check
// path_in - The file path to check for
// process_info (OUT) - The ProcessInformation to store the results in
void GetProcessOpenFileInformation(pid_t pid,
const base::FilePath& path_in,
ProcessInformation* process_info);
// Returns a vector of PIDs that have files open on the given path
// Parameters
// path - The path to check if the process has open files on
// pids (OUT) - The PIDs found
void LookForOpenFiles(const base::FilePath& path, std::vector<pid_t>* pids);
// Returns true if child is a file or folder below or equal to parent. If
// parent is a directory, it should end with a '/' character.
// Parameters
// parent - The parent directory
// child - The child directory/file
bool IsPathChild(const base::FilePath& parent, const base::FilePath& child);
// Calls fdatasync() on file if data_sync is true or fsync() on directory or
// file when data_sync is false. Returns true on success.
// Parameters
// path - File/directory to be sync'ed
// is_directory - True if |path| is a directory
// data_sync - True if |path| does not need metadata to be synced
bool SyncFileOrDirectory(const base::FilePath& path,
bool is_directory,
bool data_sync);
// Calls |callback| with |path| and, if |path| is a directory, with every
// entry recursively. Order is not guaranteed, see base::FileEnumerator. If
// |path| is an absolute path, then the file names sent to |callback| will
// also be absolute. Returns true if all invocations of |callback| succeed.
// If an invocation fails, the walk terminates and false is returned.
bool WalkPath(const base::FilePath& path,
const FileEnumeratorCallback& callback);
// Copies permissions from a file specified by |file_path| and |file_info| to
// another file with the same name but a child of |new_base|, not |old_base|.
bool CopyPermissionsCallback(const base::FilePath& old_base,
const base::FilePath& new_base,
const base::FilePath& file_path,
const base::stat_wrapper_t& file_info);
// Applies ownership and permissions to a single file or directory.
// Parameters
// default_file_info - Default ownership / perms for files.
// default_dir_info - Default ownership / perms for directories.
// special_cases - A map of absolute path to ownership / perms.
// file_info - Info about the file or directory.
bool ApplyPermissionsCallback(
const Permissions& default_file_info,
const Permissions& default_dir_info,
const std::map<base::FilePath, Permissions>& special_cases,
const base::FilePath& file_path,
const base::stat_wrapper_t& file_info);
void PostWorkerTask(const base::Closure& task);
// Reads file at |path| into a blob-like object.
// <T> needs to implement:
// * .size()
// * .resize()
// * .data()
// This function will attempt to verify a checksum for the file at |path|.
template <class T>
bool ReadFileToBlob(const base::FilePath& path, T* blob);
// Computes a checksum and returns an ASCII representation.
std::string GetChecksum(const void* input, size_t input_size);
// Computes a checksum of |content| and writes it atomically to the same
// |path| but with a .sum suffix and the given |mode|.
void WriteChecksum(const base::FilePath& path,
const void* content,
size_t content_size,
mode_t mode);
// Looks for a .sum file for |path| and verifies the checksum if it exists.
void VerifyChecksum(const base::FilePath& path,
const void* content,
size_t content_size);
// Returns list of mounts from |mount_info_path_| file.
std::vector<DecodedProcMountInfo> ReadMountInfoFile();
base::FilePath mount_info_path_;
friend class PlatformTest;
FRIEND_TEST(PlatformTest, ReadMountInfoFileCorruptedMountInfo);
FRIEND_TEST(PlatformTest, ReadMountInfoFileIncompleteMountInfo);
FRIEND_TEST(PlatformTest, ReadMountInfoFileGood);
class ProcessInformation {
ProcessInformation() : cmd_line_(), process_id_(-1) {}
virtual ~ProcessInformation() {}
std::string GetCommandLine() const {
std::string result;
for (const auto& cmd : cmd_line_) {
if (result.length() != 0) {
result.append(" ");
return result;
// Set the command line array. This method DOES swap out the contents of
// |value|. The caller should expect an empty vector on return.
void set_cmd_line(std::vector<std::string>* value) {
const std::vector<std::string>& get_cmd_line() const { return cmd_line_; }
// Set the open file array. This method DOES swap out the contents of
// |value|. The caller should expect an empty set on return.
void set_open_files(std::set<base::FilePath>* value) {
const std::set<base::FilePath>& get_open_files() const { return open_files_; }
// Set the command line array. This method DOES swap out the contents of
// |value|. The caller should expect an empty string on return.
void set_cwd(std::string* value) {
const std::string& get_cwd() const { return cwd_; }
void set_process_id(int value) { process_id_ = value; }
int get_process_id() const { return process_id_; }
std::vector<std::string> cmd_line_;
std::set<base::FilePath> open_files_;
std::string cwd_;
int process_id_;
} // namespace cryptohome