blob: 8b48f8962ba46bdb753f3ddf1feb206d481708f5 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2016 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#include <base/command_line.h>
#include <base/files/file_path.h>
#include <base/logging.h>
#include <base/notreached.h>
#include <base/strings/string_split.h>
#include <base/strings/stringprintf.h>
#include <brillo/flag_helper.h>
#include <brillo/syslog_logging.h>
#include <dirent.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <fuse/fuse.h>
#include <fuse/fuse_common.h>
#include <linux/limits.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/vfs.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#define USER_NS_SHIFT 655360
#define CHRONOS_UID 1000
#define CHRONOS_GID 1000
// Android's media_rw UID and GID shifted by USER_NS_SHIFT.
#define AID_MEDIA_RW_UID 656383
#define AID_MEDIA_RW_GID 656383
#define WRAP_FS_CALL(res) ((res) < 0 ? -errno : 0)
namespace {
constexpr uid_t kAndroidAppUidStart = 10000 + USER_NS_SHIFT;
constexpr gid_t kAndroidAppUidEnd = 19999 + USER_NS_SHIFT;
struct FusePrivateData {
std::string android_app_access_type;
bool force_group_permission = false;
// Given android_app_access_type, figure out the source of /storage mount in
// Android.
std::vector<std::string> get_storage_source(
const std::string& android_app_access_type) {
std::string storage_source;
// Either full (if no Android permission check is needed), read (for Android
// READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE permission check), or write (for Android
if (android_app_access_type == "full") {
return {};
} else if (android_app_access_type == "read") {
// to access the read view. This is useful for MyFiles so that we can expose
// a read-only view (this one) as a second mount point under
// /mnt/runtime/write.
return {"/runtime/read", "/runtime/write"};
} else if (android_app_access_type == "write") {
return {"/runtime/write"};
} else {
return {"notreached"};
// Perform the following checks (only for Android apps):
// 1. if android_app_access_type is read, checks if READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE
// permission is granted
// 2. if android_app_access_type is write, checks if WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE
// permission is granted
// 3. if android_app_access_type is full, performs no check.
// Caveat: This method is implemented based on Android storage permission that
// uses mount namespace. If Android changes their permission in the future
// release, than this method needs to be adjusted.
int check_allowed() {
fuse_context* context = fuse_get_context();
// We only check Android app process for the Android external storage
// permissions. Other kind of permissions (such as uid/gid) should be checked
// through the standard Linux permission checks.
if (context->uid < kAndroidAppUidStart || context->uid > kAndroidAppUidEnd) {
return 0;
std::vector<std::string> storage_source =
// No check is required because the android_app_access_type is "full".
if (storage_source.empty()) {
return 0;
std::string mountinfo_path =
base::StringPrintf("/proc/%d/mountinfo", context->pid);
std::ifstream in(mountinfo_path);
if (!in.is_open()) {
PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to open " << mountinfo_path;
return -EPERM;
while (!in.eof()) {
std::string line;
std::getline(in, line);
if (in.bad()) {
return -EPERM;
std::vector<std::string> tokens = base::SplitString(
line, " ", base::KEEP_WHITESPACE, base::SPLIT_WANT_ALL);
if (tokens.size() < 5) {
std::string source = tokens[3];
auto source_iterator =
std::find(storage_source.begin(), storage_source.end(), source);
std::string target = tokens[4];
if (source_iterator != storage_source.end() && target == "/storage") {
return 0;
return -EPERM;
int passthrough_create(const char* path,
mode_t mode,
struct fuse_file_info* fi) {
int check_allowed_result = check_allowed();
if (check_allowed_result < 0) {
return check_allowed_result;
// Ignore specified |mode| and always use a fixed mode since we do not allow
// chmod anyway. Note that we explicitly set the umask to 0022 in main().
int fd = open(path, fi->flags, 0644);
if (fd < 0) {
return -errno;
fi->fh = fd;
return 0;
int passthrough_fgetattr(const char*,
struct stat* buf,
struct fuse_file_info* fi) {
int fd = static_cast<int>(fi->fh);
// File owner is overridden by uid/gid options passed to fuse.
return WRAP_FS_CALL(fstat(fd, buf));
int passthrough_fsync(const char*, int datasync, struct fuse_file_info* fi) {
int fd = static_cast<int>(fi->fh);
return datasync ? WRAP_FS_CALL(fdatasync(fd)) : WRAP_FS_CALL(fsync(fd));
int passthrough_fsyncdir(const char*, int datasync, struct fuse_file_info* fi) {
DIR* dirp = reinterpret_cast<DIR*>(fi->fh);
int fd = dirfd(dirp);
return datasync ? WRAP_FS_CALL(fdatasync(fd)) : WRAP_FS_CALL(fsync(fd));
int passthrough_ftruncate(const char*, off_t size, struct fuse_file_info* fi) {
int fd = static_cast<int>(fi->fh);
return WRAP_FS_CALL(ftruncate(fd, size));
int passthrough_getattr(const char* path, struct stat* buf) {
// File owner is overridden by uid/gid options passed to fuse.
// Unfortunately, we dont have check_allowed() here because getattr is called
// by kernel VFS during fstat (which receives fd). We couldn't prohibit such
// fd calls to happen, so we need to relax this.
return WRAP_FS_CALL(lstat(path, buf));
int passthrough_mkdir(const char* path, mode_t mode) {
int check_allowed_result = check_allowed();
if (check_allowed_result < 0) {
return check_allowed_result;
// When |force_group_permission| is true, forcefully grant full group access
// permission so that Android's MediaProvider can access the new directory.
if (static_cast<FusePrivateData*>(fuse_get_context()->private_data)
->force_group_permission) {
mode |= S_IRWXG;
return WRAP_FS_CALL(mkdir(path, mode));
int passthrough_open(const char* path, struct fuse_file_info* fi) {
int check_allowed_result = check_allowed();
if (check_allowed_result < 0) {
return check_allowed_result;
int fd = open(path, fi->flags);
if (fd < 0) {
return -errno;
fi->fh = fd;
return 0;
int passthrough_opendir(const char* path, struct fuse_file_info* fi) {
int check_allowed_result = check_allowed();
if (check_allowed_result < 0) {
return check_allowed_result;
DIR* dirp = opendir(path);
if (!dirp) {
return -errno;
fi->fh = reinterpret_cast<uint64_t>(dirp);
return 0;
int passthrough_read(
const char*, char* buf, size_t size, off_t off, struct fuse_file_info* fi) {
int fd = static_cast<int>(fi->fh);
int res = pread(fd, buf, size, off);
if (res < 0) {
return -errno;
return res;
int passthrough_read_buf(const char*,
struct fuse_bufvec** srcp,
size_t size,
off_t off,
struct fuse_file_info* fi) {
int fd = static_cast<int>(fi->fh);
struct fuse_bufvec* src =
static_cast<struct fuse_bufvec*>(malloc(sizeof(struct fuse_bufvec)));
*src = FUSE_BUFVEC_INIT(size);
src->buf[0].flags =
static_cast<fuse_buf_flags>(FUSE_BUF_IS_FD | FUSE_BUF_FD_SEEK);
src->buf[0].fd = fd;
src->buf[0].pos = off;
*srcp = src;
return 0;
int passthrough_readdir(const char*,
void* buf,
fuse_fill_dir_t filler,
off_t off,
struct fuse_file_info* fi) {
// TODO(nya): This implementation returns all files at once and thus
// inefficient. Make use of offset and be better to memory.
DIR* dirp = reinterpret_cast<DIR*>(fi->fh);
errno = 0;
for (;;) {
struct dirent* entry = readdir(dirp);
if (entry == nullptr) {
// Only IF part of st_mode matters. See fill_dir() in fuse.c.
struct stat stbuf = {};
stbuf.st_mode = DTTOIF(entry->d_type);
filler(buf, entry->d_name, &stbuf, 0);
return -errno;
int passthrough_release(const char*, struct fuse_file_info* fi) {
int fd = static_cast<int>(fi->fh);
return WRAP_FS_CALL(close(fd));
int passthrough_releasedir(const char*, struct fuse_file_info* fi) {
DIR* dirp = reinterpret_cast<DIR*>(fi->fh);
return WRAP_FS_CALL(closedir(dirp));
int passthrough_rename(const char* oldpath, const char* newpath) {
int check_allowed_result = check_allowed();
if (check_allowed_result < 0) {
return check_allowed_result;
return WRAP_FS_CALL(rename(oldpath, newpath));
int passthrough_rmdir(const char* path) {
int check_allowed_result = check_allowed();
if (check_allowed_result < 0) {
return check_allowed_result;
return WRAP_FS_CALL(rmdir(path));
int passthrough_statfs(const char* path, struct statvfs* buf) {
int check_allowed_result = check_allowed();
if (check_allowed_result < 0) {
return check_allowed_result;
return WRAP_FS_CALL(statvfs(path, buf));
int passthrough_truncate(const char* path, off_t size) {
int check_allowed_result = check_allowed();
if (check_allowed_result < 0) {
return check_allowed_result;
return WRAP_FS_CALL(truncate(path, size));
int passthrough_unlink(const char* path) {
int check_allowed_result = check_allowed();
if (check_allowed_result < 0) {
return check_allowed_result;
return WRAP_FS_CALL(unlink(path));
int passthrough_utimens(const char* path, const struct timespec tv[2]) {
int check_allowed_result = check_allowed();
if (check_allowed_result < 0) {
return check_allowed_result;
return WRAP_FS_CALL(utimensat(AT_FDCWD, path, tv, 0));
int passthrough_write(const char*,
const char* buf,
size_t size,
off_t off,
struct fuse_file_info* fi) {
int fd = static_cast<int>(fi->fh);
int res = pwrite(fd, buf, size, off);
if (res < 0) {
return -errno;
return res;
int passthrough_write_buf(const char*,
struct fuse_bufvec* src,
off_t off,
struct fuse_file_info* fi) {
int fd = static_cast<int>(fi->fh);
struct fuse_bufvec dst = FUSE_BUFVEC_INIT(fuse_buf_size(src));
dst.buf[0].flags =
static_cast<fuse_buf_flags>(FUSE_BUF_IS_FD | FUSE_BUF_FD_SEEK);
dst.buf[0].fd = fd;
dst.buf[0].pos = off;
return fuse_buf_copy(&dst, src, static_cast<fuse_buf_copy_flags>(0));
void setup_passthrough_ops(struct fuse_operations* passthrough_ops) {
memset(passthrough_ops, 0, sizeof(*passthrough_ops));
#define FILL_OP(name) passthrough_ops->name = passthrough_##name
#undef FILL_OP
passthrough_ops->flag_nullpath_ok = 1;
passthrough_ops->flag_nopath = 1;
} // namespace
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
DEFINE_string(source, "", "Source path of FUSE mount (required)");
DEFINE_string(dest, "", "Target path of FUSE mount (required)");
DEFINE_string(fuse_umask, "",
"Umask to set filesystem permissions in FUSE (required)");
DEFINE_int32(fuse_uid, -1, "UID set as file owner in FUSE (required)");
DEFINE_int32(fuse_gid, -1, "GID set as file group in FUSE (required)");
android_app_access_type, "",
"What type of permission checks should be done for Android apps."
" Must be either full, read, or write (required)");
// TODO(b/123669632): Remove the argument |force_group_permission| and related
// logic once we start to run the daemon as MediaProvider UID and GID from
// mount-passthrough-jailed-play.
DEFINE_bool(force_group_permission, false,
"Forcefully grant full group access permission for newly created"
" directories (optional)");
// Use "arc-" prefix so that the log is recorded in /var/log/arc.log.
brillo::OpenLog("arc-mount-passthrough", true /*log_pid*/);
brillo::InitLog(brillo::kLogToSyslog | brillo::kLogHeader |
brillo::FlagHelper::Init(argc, argv, "mount-passthrough");
if (FLAGS_source.empty()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "--source must be specified.";
return 1;
if (FLAGS_dest.empty()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "--dest must be specified.";
return 1;
if (FLAGS_fuse_umask.empty()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "--fuse_umask must be specified.";
return 1;
if (FLAGS_fuse_uid < 0) {
LOG(ERROR) << "--fuse_uid must be specified as a non-negative integer.";
return 1;
if (FLAGS_fuse_gid < 0) {
LOG(ERROR) << "--fuse_gid must be specified as a non-negative integer.";
return 1;
if (FLAGS_android_app_access_type.empty()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "--android_app_access_type must be specified.";
return 1;
if (FLAGS_android_app_access_type != "full" &&
FLAGS_android_app_access_type != "read" &&
FLAGS_android_app_access_type != "write") {
LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid android_app_access_type: "
<< FLAGS_android_app_access_type
<< ". It must be either full, read, or write.";
return 1;
const uid_t daemon_uid = getuid();
if (daemon_uid != CHRONOS_UID && daemon_uid != AID_MEDIA_RW_UID) {
LOG(ERROR) << "This daemon must run as chronos or Android's media_rw user.";
return 1;
const gid_t daemon_gid = getgid();
if (daemon_gid != CHRONOS_GID && daemon_gid != AID_MEDIA_RW_GID) {
LOG(ERROR) << "This daemon must run as chronos or Android's media_rw"
<< " group.";
return 1;
struct fuse_operations passthrough_ops;
const std::string fuse_subdir_opt("subdir=" + FLAGS_source);
const std::string fuse_uid_opt(
"uid=" + std::to_string(FLAGS_fuse_uid + USER_NS_SHIFT));
const std::string fuse_gid_opt(
"gid=" + std::to_string(FLAGS_fuse_gid + USER_NS_SHIFT));
const std::string fuse_umask_opt("umask=" + FLAGS_fuse_umask);
LOG(INFO) << "subdir_opt(" << fuse_subdir_opt << ") "
<< "uid_opt(" << fuse_uid_opt << ") "
<< "gid_opt(" << fuse_gid_opt << ") "
<< "umask_opt(" << fuse_umask_opt << ")";
const char* fuse_argv[] = {
// Never cache attr/dentry since our backend storage is not exclusive to
// this process.
int fuse_argc = sizeof(fuse_argv) / sizeof(fuse_argv[0]);
const mode_t daemon_umask = FLAGS_force_group_permission ? 0002 : 0022;
FusePrivateData private_data;
private_data.android_app_access_type = FLAGS_android_app_access_type;
private_data.force_group_permission = FLAGS_force_group_permission;
return fuse_main(fuse_argc, const_cast<char**>(fuse_argv), &passthrough_ops,