blob: ff15fe157c8be858c5dae9a7838283ec81455e10 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <set>
#include <utility>
#include "dlcservice/dlc_manager.h"
#include <base/strings/stringprintf.h>
#include <base/strings/string_number_conversions.h>
#include <brillo/message_loops/message_loop.h>
#include <chromeos/dbus/service_constants.h>
#include <dbus/dlcservice/dbus-constants.h>
#include "dlcservice/utils.h"
using base::Callback;
using base::File;
using base::FilePath;
using std::string;
using std::unique_ptr;
namespace dlcservice {
// Keep kDlcMetadataFilePingActive in sync with update_engine's.
const char kDlcMetadataFilePingActive[] = "active";
const char kDlcMetadataActiveValue[] = "1";
class DlcManager::DlcManagerImpl {
std::unique_ptr<BootSlot> boot_slot,
const FilePath& manifest_dir,
const FilePath& preloaded_content_dir,
const FilePath& content_dir,
const FilePath& metadata_dir)
: image_loader_proxy_(std::move(image_loader_proxy)),
metadata_dir_(metadata_dir) {
string boot_disk_name;
if (!boot_slot->GetCurrentSlot(&boot_disk_name, &current_boot_slot_))
LOG(FATAL) << "Can not get current boot slot.";
// Initialize supported DLC modules.
supported_ = ScanDirectory(manifest_dir_);
~DlcManagerImpl() = default;
bool IsInstalling() { return !installing_.empty(); }
std::set<DlcId> GetSupported() {
return supported_;
DlcRootMap GetInstalled() {
// Verify that all the images are correct before returning the list to
// update_engine. This will prevent update_engine from trying to update DLCs
// which have issues with their images.
DlcRootMap installed_with_good_images;
for (auto& installed_dlc_module : installed_) {
if (ValidateImageFiles(installed_dlc_module.first)) {
installed_with_good_images[installed_dlc_module.first] =
return installed_with_good_images;
void PreloadDlcModuleImages() { RefreshPreloaded(); }
void LoadDlcModuleImages() { RefreshInstalled(); }
bool InitInstall(const DlcRootMap& requested_install,
string* err_code,
string* err_msg) {
installing_ = requested_install;
for (const auto& dlc : installing_) {
const string& id = dlc.first;
string throwaway_err_code, throwaway_err_msg;
// If already installed, pick up the root.
if (installed_.find(id) != installed_.end()) {
installing_[id] = installed_[id];
} else {
if (!Create(id, err_code, err_msg)) {
CancelInstall(&throwaway_err_code, &throwaway_err_msg);
return false;
// Failure to set the metadata flags should not fail the install.
if (!SetActive(id, &throwaway_err_code, &throwaway_err_msg)) {
LOG(WARNING) << throwaway_err_msg;
return true;
DlcRootMap GetInstalling() {
DlcRootMap required_installing;
for (const auto& dlc : installing_)
if (dlc.second.empty())
return required_installing;
bool FinishInstall(DlcRootMap* installed, string* err_code, string* err_msg) {
*installed = installing_;
ScopedCleanups<base::Callback<void()>> scoped_cleanups;
for (const auto& dlc : installing_) {
const string& id = dlc.first;
auto cleanup = base::Bind(
[](Callback<bool()> unmounter, Callback<bool()> deleter,
string* err_code, string* err_msg) {
if (!unmounter.Run())
LOG(ERROR) << *err_code << ":" << *err_msg;
if (!deleter.Run())
LOG(ERROR) << *err_code << ":" << *err_msg;
base::Bind(&DlcManagerImpl::Unmount, base::Unretained(this), id,
err_code, err_msg),
base::Bind(&DlcManagerImpl::Delete, base::Unretained(this), id,
err_code, err_msg),
err_code, err_msg);
base::Bind(&DlcManagerImpl::ClearInstalling, base::Unretained(this)));
for (auto& dlc : installing_) {
const string &id = dlc.first, root = dlc.second;
if (!root.empty())
string mount_point;
if (!Mount(id, &mount_point, err_code, err_msg))
return false;
dlc.second = mount_point;
for (const auto& dlc : installing_) {
const string &id = dlc.first, root = dlc.second;
installed_[id] = installed->operator[](id) = root;
return true;
bool CancelInstall(string* err_code, string* err_msg) {
bool ret = true;
if (installing_.empty()) {
LOG(WARNING) << "No install started to being with, nothing to cancel.";
return ret;
for (const auto& dlc : installing_) {
const string &id = dlc.first, root = dlc.second;
if (!root.empty())
if (!Delete(id, err_code, err_msg)) {
LOG(ERROR) << *err_msg;
ret = false;
return ret;
bool Delete(const string& id, string* err_code, string* err_msg) {
if (!DeleteInternal(id, err_code, err_msg))
return false;
return true;
bool Mount(const string& id,
string* mount_point,
string* err_code,
string* err_msg) {
if (!image_loader_proxy_->LoadDlcImage(
id, GetDlcPackage(id),
current_boot_slot_ == BootSlot::Slot::A ? imageloader::kSlotNameA
: imageloader::kSlotNameB,
mount_point, nullptr)) {
*err_code = kErrorInternal;
*err_msg = "Imageloader is unavailable.";
return false;
if (mount_point->empty()) {
*err_code = kErrorInternal;
*err_msg = "Imageloader LoadDlcImage() call failed.";
return false;
return true;
bool Unmount(const string& id, string* err_code, string* err_msg) {
bool success = false;
if (!image_loader_proxy_->UnloadDlcImage(id, GetDlcPackage(id), &success,
nullptr)) {
*err_code = kErrorInternal;
*err_msg = "Imageloader is unavailable.";
return false;
if (!success) {
*err_code = kErrorInternal;
*err_msg = "Imageloader UnloadDlcImage() call failed for DLC: " + id;
return false;
return true;
string GetDlcPackage(const string& id) {
return *(ScanDirectory(JoinPaths(manifest_dir_, id)).begin());
void ClearInstalling() { installing_.clear(); }
// Returns true if the DLC module has a boolean true for 'preload-allowed'
// attribute in the manifest for the given |id| and |package|.
bool IsDlcPreloadAllowed(const base::FilePath& dlc_manifest_path,
const std::string& id) {
imageloader::Manifest manifest;
if (!GetDlcManifest(dlc_manifest_path, id, GetDlcPackage(id), &manifest)) {
// Failing to read the manifest will be considered a preloading blocker.
return false;
return manifest.preload_allowed();
bool CreateMetadata(const std::string& id,
string* err_code,
string* err_msg) {
// Create the DLC ID metadata directory with correct permissions if it
// doesn't exist.
FilePath metadata_path_local = JoinPaths(metadata_dir_, id);
if (!base::PathExists(metadata_path_local)) {
if (!CreateDirWithDlcPermissions(metadata_path_local)) {
*err_code = kErrorInternal;
*err_msg = "Failed to create the DLC metadata directory for DLC:" + id;
return false;
return true;
bool SetActive(const string& id, string* err_code, string* err_msg) {
// Create the metadata directory if it doesn't exist.
if (!CreateMetadata(id, err_code, err_msg)) {
LOG(ERROR) << err_msg;
return false;
FilePath active_metadata =
JoinPaths(metadata_dir_, id, dlcservice::kDlcMetadataFilePingActive);
base::ScopedFILE active_metadata_fp(base::OpenFile(active_metadata, "w"));
if (active_metadata_fp == nullptr) {
*err_code = kErrorInternal;
*err_msg = "Failed to open 'active' metadata file for DLC:" + id;
return false;
// Set 'active' value to true.
if (!base::WriteFileDescriptor(fileno(active_metadata_fp.get()),
dlcservice::kDlcMetadataActiveValue, 1)) {
*err_code = kErrorInternal;
*err_msg = "Failed to write into active metadata file for DLC:" + id;
return false;
return true;
// Create the DLC |id| and |package| directories if they don't exist.
bool CreateDlcPackagePath(const string& id,
const string& package,
string* err_code,
string* err_msg) {
FilePath content_path_local = JoinPaths(content_dir_, id);
FilePath content_package_path = JoinPaths(content_dir_, id, package);
// Create the DLC ID directory with correct permissions.
if (!CreateDirWithDlcPermissions(content_path_local)) {
*err_code = kErrorInternal;
*err_msg = "Failed to create DLC(" + id + ") directory";
return false;
// Create the DLC package directory with correct permissions.
if (!CreateDirWithDlcPermissions(content_package_path)) {
*err_code = kErrorInternal;
*err_msg = "Failed to create DLC(" + id + ") package directory";
return false;
return true;
bool Create(const string& id, string* err_code, string* err_msg) {
if (supported_.find(id) == supported_.end()) {
*err_code = kErrorInvalidDlc;
*err_msg = "The DLC(" + id + ") provided is not supported.";
return false;
const string& package = GetDlcPackage(id);
FilePath content_path_local = JoinPaths(content_dir_, id);
if (base::PathExists(content_path_local)) {
*err_code = kErrorInternal;
*err_msg = "The DLC(" + id + ") is installed or duplicate.";
return false;
if (!CreateDlcPackagePath(id, package, err_code, err_msg))
return false;
// Creates DLC module storage.
// TODO(xiaochu): Manifest currently returns a signed integer, which means
// it will likely fail for modules >= 2 GiB in size.
imageloader::Manifest manifest;
if (!dlcservice::GetDlcManifest(manifest_dir_, id, package, &manifest)) {
*err_code = kErrorInternal;
*err_msg = "Failed to create DLC(" + id + ") manifest.";
return false;
int64_t image_size = manifest.preallocated_size();
if (image_size <= 0) {
*err_code = kErrorInternal;
*err_msg = "Preallocated size in manifest is illegal: " +
return false;
// Creates image A.
FilePath image_a_path =
GetDlcImagePath(content_dir_, id, package, BootSlot::Slot::A);
if (!CreateFile(image_a_path, image_size)) {
*err_code = kErrorInternal;
*err_msg = "Failed to create slot A DLC(" + id + ") image file.";
return false;
// Creates image B.
FilePath image_b_path =
GetDlcImagePath(content_dir_, id, package, BootSlot::Slot::B);
if (!CreateFile(image_b_path, image_size)) {
*err_code = kErrorInternal;
*err_msg = "Failed to create slot B DLC(" + id + ") image file.";
return false;
return true;
// Validate that:
// - [1] Inactive image for a |dlc_id| exists and create it if missing.
// -> Failure to do so returns false.
// - [2] Active and inactive images both are the same size and try fixing for
// certain scenarios after update only.
// -> Failure to do so only logs error.
bool ValidateImageFiles(const string& id) {
string mount_point;
const string& package = GetDlcPackage(id);
FilePath inactive_img_path = GetDlcImagePath(
content_dir_, id, package,
current_boot_slot_ == BootSlot::Slot::A ? BootSlot::Slot::B
: BootSlot::Slot::A);
imageloader::Manifest manifest;
if (!dlcservice::GetDlcManifest(manifest_dir_, id, package, &manifest)) {
return false;
int64_t max_allowed_img_size = manifest.preallocated_size();
// [1]
if (!base::PathExists(inactive_img_path)) {
LOG(WARNING) << "The DLC image " << inactive_img_path.value()
<< " does not exist.";
string err_code, err_msg;
if (!CreateDlcPackagePath(id, package, &err_code, &err_msg)) {
LOG(ERROR) << err_msg;
return false;
if (!CreateFile(inactive_img_path, max_allowed_img_size)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to create DLC image: "
<< inactive_img_path.value();
return false;
// Different scenarios possible to hit this flow:
// - Inactive and manifest size are the same -> Do nothing.
// TODO( This requires further design updates to both
// dlcservice and upate_engine in order to fully handle. Solution pending.
// - Update applied and not rebooted -> Do nothing. A lot more corner cases
// than just always keeping active and inactive image sizes the same.
// - Update applied and rebooted -> Try fixing up inactive image.
// [2]
int64_t inactive_img_size;
if (!base::GetFileSize(inactive_img_path, &inactive_img_size)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to get DLC(" << id << ") size.";
} else {
// When |inactive_img_size| is less than the size permitted in the
// manifest, this means that we rebooted into an update.
if (inactive_img_size < max_allowed_img_size) {
// Only increasing size, the inactive DLC is still usable in case of
// reverts.
if (!ResizeFile(inactive_img_path, max_allowed_img_size)) {
<< "Failed to increase inactive image, update_engine may "
"face problems in updating when stateful is full later.";
return true;
bool DeleteInternal(const string& id, string* err_code, string* err_msg) {
for (const auto& path :
{JoinPaths(content_dir_, id), JoinPaths(metadata_dir_, id)}) {
if (!base::DeleteFile(path, true)) {
*err_code = kErrorInternal;
*err_msg = base::StringPrintf("DLC folder(%s) could not be deleted.",
return false;
return true;
// Helper used by |RefreshPreload()| to load in (copy + cleanup) preloadable
// files for the given DLC ID.
bool RefreshPreloadedCopier(const string& id) {
const string& package = GetDlcPackage(id);
FilePath image_preloaded_path =
JoinPaths(preloaded_content_dir_, id, package, kDlcImageFileName);
FilePath image_a_path =
GetDlcImagePath(content_dir_, id, package, BootSlot::Slot::A);
FilePath image_b_path =
GetDlcImagePath(content_dir_, id, package, BootSlot::Slot::B);
// Check the size of file to copy is valid.
imageloader::Manifest manifest;
if (!dlcservice::GetDlcManifest(manifest_dir_, id, package, &manifest)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to get DLC(" << id << " module manifest.";
return false;
int64_t max_allowed_image_size = manifest.preallocated_size();
// Scope the |image_preloaded| file so it always closes before deleting.
int64_t image_preloaded_size;
if (!base::GetFileSize(image_preloaded_path, &image_preloaded_size)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to get preloaded DLC(" << id << ") size.";
return false;
if (image_preloaded_size > max_allowed_image_size) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Preloaded DLC(" << id << ") is (" << image_preloaded_size
<< ") larger than the preallocated size("
<< max_allowed_image_size << ") in manifest.";
return false;
// Based on |current_boot_slot_|, copy the preloadable image.
FilePath image_boot_path, image_non_boot_path;
switch (current_boot_slot_) {
case BootSlot::Slot::A:
image_boot_path = image_a_path;
image_non_boot_path = image_b_path;
case BootSlot::Slot::B:
image_boot_path = image_b_path;
image_non_boot_path = image_a_path;
// TODO(kimjae): when preloaded images are place into unencrypted, this
// operation can be a move.
if (!CopyAndResizeFile(image_preloaded_path, image_boot_path,
max_allowed_image_size)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to preload DLC(" << id << ") into boot slot.";
return false;
return true;
// Loads the preloadable DLC(s) from |preloaded_content_dir_| by scanning the
// preloaded DLC(s) and verifying the validity to be preloaded before doing
// so.
void RefreshPreloaded() {
string err_code, err_msg;
// Load all preloaded DLC modules into |content_dir_| one by one.
for (auto id : ScanDirectory(preloaded_content_dir_)) {
if (!IsDlcPreloadAllowed(manifest_dir_, id)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Preloading for DLC(" << id << ") is not allowed.";
DlcRootMap dlc_root_map = {{id, ""}};
if (!InitInstall(dlc_root_map, &err_code, &err_msg)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to create DLC(" << id << ") for preloading.";
if (!RefreshPreloadedCopier(id)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Something went wrong during preloading DLC(" << id
<< "), please check for previous errors.";
CancelInstall(&err_code, &err_msg);
// When the copying is successful, go ahead and finish installation.
if (!FinishInstall(&dlc_root_map, &err_code, &err_msg)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to |FinishInstall()| preloaded DLC(" << id << ") "
<< "because: " << err_code << "|" << err_msg;
// Delete the preloaded DLC only after both copies into A and B succeed as
// well as mounting.
FilePath image_preloaded_path = JoinPaths(
preloaded_content_dir_, id, GetDlcPackage(id), kDlcImageFileName);
if (!base::DeleteFile(image_preloaded_path.DirName().DirName(), true)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to delete preloaded DLC(" << id << ").";
// A refresh mechanism that keeps installed DLC(s), |installed_|, in check.
// Provides correction to DLC(s) that may have been altered by non-internal
// actions.
void RefreshInstalled() {
// Recheck installed DLC modules.
for (auto installed_dlc_id : ScanDirectory(content_dir_)) {
if (supported_.find(installed_dlc_id) == supported_.end()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Found unsupported DLC(" << installed_dlc_id
<< ") installed, will delete.";
string err_code, err_msg;
if (!Delete(installed_dlc_id, &err_code, &err_msg))
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to fully delete unsupported DLC("
<< installed_dlc_id << "): " << err_code << "|" << err_msg;
} else {
for (auto installed_dlc_module_itr = installed_.begin();
installed_dlc_module_itr != installed_.end();
/* Don't increment here */) {
const string& installed_dlc_module_id = installed_dlc_module_itr->first;
string& installed_dlc_module_root = installed_dlc_module_itr->second;
string err_code, err_msg;
// Create the metadata directory if it doesn't exist.
if (!CreateMetadata(installed_dlc_module_id, &err_code, &err_msg)) {
LOG(WARNING) << err_msg;
if (base::PathExists(FilePath(installed_dlc_module_root))) {
string mount_point;
if (!ValidateImageFiles(installed_dlc_module_id) ||
!Mount(installed_dlc_module_id, &mount_point, &err_code, &err_msg)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to mount DLC module during refresh: "
<< installed_dlc_module_id << ". " << err_msg;
if (!DeleteInternal(installed_dlc_module_id, &err_code, &err_msg)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to delete an unmountable DLC module: "
<< installed_dlc_module_id;
} else {
installed_dlc_module_root =
FilePath manifest_dir_;
FilePath preloaded_content_dir_;
FilePath content_dir_;
FilePath metadata_dir_;
BootSlot::Slot current_boot_slot_;
string installing_omaha_url_;
DlcRootMap installing_;
DlcRootMap installed_;
std::set<DlcId> supported_;
unique_ptr<BootSlot> boot_slot,
const FilePath& manifest_dir,
const FilePath& preloaded_content_dir,
const FilePath& content_dir,
const FilePath& metadata_dir) {
impl_ = std::make_unique<DlcManagerImpl>(
std::move(image_loader_proxy), std::move(boot_slot), manifest_dir,
preloaded_content_dir, content_dir, metadata_dir);
DlcManager::~DlcManager() = default;
bool DlcManager::IsInstalling() {
return impl_->IsInstalling();
DlcModuleList DlcManager::GetInstalled() {
return ToDlcModuleList(impl_->GetInstalled(),
[](DlcId, DlcRoot) { return true; });
void DlcManager::LoadDlcModuleImages() {
bool DlcManager::InitInstall(const DlcModuleList& dlc_module_list,
string* err_code,
string* err_msg) {
DlcRootMap dlc_root_map =
ToDlcRootMap(dlc_module_list, [](DlcModuleInfo) { return true; });
if (dlc_module_list.dlc_module_infos().empty()) {
*err_code = kErrorInvalidDlc;
*err_msg = "Must provide at lease one DLC to install.";
return false;
if (dlc_root_map.size() != dlc_module_list.dlc_module_infos_size()) {
*err_code = kErrorInvalidDlc;
*err_msg = "Must not pass in duplicate DLC(s) to install.";
return false;
return impl_->InitInstall(dlc_root_map, err_code, err_msg);
DlcModuleList DlcManager::GetMissingInstalls() {
// Only return the DLC(s) that aren't already installed.
return ToDlcModuleList(impl_->GetInstalling(),
[](DlcId, DlcRoot root) { return root.empty(); });
bool DlcManager::FinishInstall(DlcModuleList* dlc_module_list,
string* err_code,
string* err_msg) {
DlcRootMap dlc_root_map;
if (!impl_->FinishInstall(&dlc_root_map, err_code, err_msg))
return false;
*dlc_module_list = ToDlcModuleList(dlc_root_map, [](DlcId id, DlcRoot root) {
return true;
return true;
bool DlcManager::CancelInstall(std::string* err_code, std::string* err_msg) {
return impl_->CancelInstall(err_code, err_msg);
bool DlcManager::Delete(const string& id,
std::string* err_code,
std::string* err_msg) {
auto supported_dlcs = impl_->GetSupported();
if (supported_dlcs.find(id) == supported_dlcs.end()) {
*err_code = kErrorInvalidDlc;
*err_msg = "Trying to delete DLC(" + id + ") which isn't supported.";
return false;
auto installed_dlcs = impl_->GetInstalled();
if (installed_dlcs.find(id) == installed_dlcs.end()) {
LOG(WARNING) << "Uninstalling DLC(" << id << ") that's not installed.";
return true;
if (!impl_->Unmount(id, err_code, err_msg))
return false;
if (!impl_->Delete(id, err_code, err_msg))
return false;
return true;
} // namespace dlcservice