blob: 167771d75b4a8c712379b507887d468d0b724ff6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <base/files/file_path.h>
#include <base/files/scoped_file.h>
#include <brillo/errors/error.h>
#include "debugd/src/sandboxed_process.h"
namespace debugd {
// Represents a process whose output can be collected.
// The process must be Run() to completion before its output can be collected.
// By default both stdout and stderr are included in the output.
class ProcessWithOutput : public SandboxedProcess {
using ArgList = std::vector<std::string>;
enum { kRunError = -1 };
~ProcessWithOutput() override;
bool Init() override;
bool GetOutput(std::string* output);
bool GetOutputLines(std::vector<std::string>* output);
// Reads the stderr output. Must have called set_separate_stderr(true) and
// run the process to completion.
bool GetError(std::string* error);
// Separates stderr from stdout. Must be called before Init() to have effect.
void set_separate_stderr(bool separate_stderr) {
separate_stderr_ = separate_stderr;
// Sets whether to use Minijail or not. Disabling Minijail will omit all
// sandboxing functionality from the process, and should only be used from
// within helper programs that are already sandboxed. The purpose of this is
// to allow the process to search PATH for the executable, since Minijail does
// not support this.
// This must be called before Init() to have any effect. Defaults to true.
void set_use_minijail(bool use_minijail) { use_minijail_ = use_minijail; }
// Initializes, configures, and runs a ProcessWithOutput. The D-Bus error will
// only be set if process setup fails, it's up to the caller to check the
// process exit code and handle run failures as needed.
// |stdin| is a string to pipe into the process, and |stdout| and |stderr|
// will be filled with the corresponding process output. |error| will be
// set if process setup fails and the process was never able to run. All
// four of these parameters can be null.
// Returns the process exit code or kRunError on setup failure.
static int RunProcess(const std::string& command,
const ArgList& arguments,
bool requires_root,
const std::string* stdin,
std::string* stdout,
std::string* stderr,
brillo::ErrorPtr* error);
// Like RunProcess() but to run helper programs. |helper| should be specified
// relative to the helpers/ directory.
static int RunHelper(const std::string& helper,
const ArgList& arguments,
bool requires_root,
const std::string* stdin,
std::string* stdout,
std::string* stderr,
brillo::ErrorPtr* error);
// Like RunProcess() but from within helper programs. This function will
// not use minijail0 or any sandboxing (since helper programs should already
// be sandboxed) and $PATH will be searched to execute |command|.
static int RunProcessFromHelper(const std::string& command,
const ArgList& arguments,
const std::string* stdin,
std::string* stdout,
std::string* stderr);
base::FilePath outfile_path_, errfile_path_;
base::ScopedFILE outfile_, errfile_;
bool separate_stderr_, use_minijail_;
// Private function to do the work of running the process and handling I/O.
static int DoRunProcess(const std::string& command,
const ArgList& arguments,
const std::string* stdin,
std::string* stdout,
std::string* stderr,
brillo::ErrorPtr* error,
ProcessWithOutput* process);
} // namespace debugd