blob: 932acd2577e5e659ed4ad7fe28229eef7bb95cad [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2020 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#include "hal/usb/cros_device_config.h"
#include <base/strings/stringprintf.h>
#include <base/system/sys_info.h>
#include "cros-camera/common.h"
namespace cros {
namespace {
constexpr char kCrosConfigCameraPath[] = "/camera";
constexpr char kCrosConfigLegacyUsbKey[] = "legacy-usb";
} // namespace
CrosDeviceConfig::CrosDeviceConfig() {}
CrosDeviceConfig::~CrosDeviceConfig() {}
CrosDeviceConfig CrosDeviceConfig::Get() {
CrosDeviceConfig res = {};
brillo::CrosConfig cros_config;
if (!cros_config.Init()) {
LOGF(ERROR) << "Failed to initialize CrOS config";
return res;
if (!cros_config.GetString("/", "name", &res.model_name)) {
LOGF(ERROR) << "Failed to get model name of CrOS device";
return res;
std::string use_legacy_usb;
if (cros_config.GetString(kCrosConfigCameraPath, kCrosConfigLegacyUsbKey,
&use_legacy_usb)) {
if (use_legacy_usb == "true") {
LOGF(INFO) << "The CrOS device is marked to have v1 camera devices";
res.is_v1_device = use_legacy_usb == "true";
} else {
res.is_v1_device = false;
// Get USB camera count from "count" and "devices" array in cros_config.
// TODO(kamesan): Use the ids, facing, orientation in cros_config to identify
// cameras and their layout.
res.usb_camera_count = [&]() -> base::Optional<int> {
// The "count" includes both MIPI and USB cameras, so we only know there's
// no USB camera when it's zero.
std::string count_str;
if (cros_config.GetString("/camera", "count", &count_str)) {
if (count_str == "0") {
return 0;
int count = 0;
for (int i = 0;; ++i) {
std::string interface;
if (!cros_config.GetString(base::StringPrintf("/camera/devices/%i", i),
"interface", &interface)) {
if (i == 0) {
// The "devices" array may be empty because there's no camera or
// the config is not provided, so we get no information in this case.
return base::nullopt;
if (interface == "usb") {
return count;
res.is_initialized = true;
return res;
} // namespace cros