blob: cf25eea210311ab12b4a7742bebdaf8c9b8dd92b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (C) 2019 The Android Open Source Project
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// This file is automatically generated by gen_amalgamated. Do not edit.
// gen_amalgamated begin header: include/perfetto/tracing.h
// gen_amalgamated begin header: include/perfetto/tracing/buffer_exhausted_policy.h
* Copyright (C) 2019 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
namespace perfetto {
// Determines how SharedMemoryArbiterImpl::GetNewChunk() behaves when no free
// chunks are available.
enum class BufferExhaustedPolicy {
// SharedMemoryArbiterImpl::GetNewChunk() will stall if no free SMB chunk is
// available and wait for the tracing service to free one. Note that this
// requires that messages the arbiter sends to the tracing service (from any
// TraceWriter thread) will be received by it, even if all TraceWriter threads
// are stalled.
// SharedMemoryArbiterImpl::GetNewChunk() will return an invalid chunk if no
// free SMB chunk is available. In this case, the TraceWriter will fall back
// to a garbage chunk and drop written data until acquiring a future chunk
// succeeds again.
// TODO(eseckler): Switch to kDrop by default and change the Android code to
// explicitly request kStall instead.
kDefault = kStall
} // namespace perfetto
// gen_amalgamated begin header: include/perfetto/tracing/core/data_source_config.h
// gen_amalgamated begin header: include/perfetto/tracing/core/forward_decls.h
* Copyright (C) 2019 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
// Forward declares classes that are generated at build-time from protos.
// First of all, why are we forward declaring at all?
// 1. Chromium diverges from the Google style guide on this, because forward
// declarations typically make build times faster, and that's a desirable
// property for a large and complex codebase.
// 2. Adding #include to build-time-generated headers from headers typically
// creates subtle build errors that are hard to spot in GN. This is because
// once a standard header (say foo.h) has an #include "protos/foo.gen.h",
// the build target that depends on foo.h needs to depend on the genrule
// that generates foo.gen.h. This is achievable using public_deps in GN but
// is not testable / enforceable, hence too easy to get wrong.
// Historically the classes below used to be generated from the corresponding
// .proto(s) at CL *check-in* time (!= build time) in the ::perfetto namespace.
// Nowadays we have code everywhere that assume the right class is
// ::perfetto::TraceConfig or the like. Back then other headers could just
// forward declared ::perfetto::TraceConfig. These days, the real class is
// ::perfetto::protos::gen::TraceConfig and core/trace_config.h aliases that as
// using ::perfetto::TraceConfig = ::perfetto::protos::gen::TraceConfig.
// In C++ one cannot forward declare a type alias (but only the aliased type).
// Hence this header, which should be used every time one wants to forward
// declare classes like TraceConfig.
// The overall plan is that, when one of the classes below is needed:
// The .h file includes this file.
// The .cc file includes perfetto/tracing/core/trace_config.h (or equiv). That
// header will pull the full declaration from trace_config.gen.h and will also
// setup the alias in the ::perfetto namespace.
namespace perfetto {
namespace protos {
namespace gen {
class ChromeConfig;
class CommitDataRequest;
class DataSourceConfig;
class DataSourceDescriptor;
class ObservableEvents;
class TraceConfig;
class TraceStats;
class TracingServiceCapabilities;
class TracingServiceState;
} // namespace gen
} // namespace protos
using ChromeConfig = ::perfetto::protos::gen::ChromeConfig;
using CommitDataRequest = ::perfetto::protos::gen::CommitDataRequest;
using DataSourceConfig = ::perfetto::protos::gen::DataSourceConfig;
using DataSourceDescriptor = ::perfetto::protos::gen::DataSourceDescriptor;
using ObservableEvents = ::perfetto::protos::gen::ObservableEvents;
using TraceConfig = ::perfetto::protos::gen::TraceConfig;
using TraceStats = ::perfetto::protos::gen::TraceStats;
using TracingServiceCapabilities =
using TracingServiceState = ::perfetto::protos::gen::TracingServiceState;
} // namespace perfetto
// gen_amalgamated begin header: gen/protos/perfetto/config/data_source_config.gen.h
// gen_amalgamated begin header: include/perfetto/protozero/cpp_message_obj.h
// gen_amalgamated begin header: include/perfetto/base/export.h
// gen_amalgamated begin header: include/perfetto/base/build_config.h
// gen_amalgamated begin header: gen/build_config/perfetto_build_flags.h
* Copyright (C) 2019 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
// Generated by ../../gn/
// fix_include_guards: off
// clang-format off
// clang-format on
* Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
// Allows to define build flags that give a compiler error if the header that
// defined the flag is not included, instead of silently ignoring the #if block.
#define PERFETTO_BUILDFLAG(flag) \
#if defined(__ANDROID__)
#elif defined(__APPLE__)
// Include TARGET_OS_IPHONE when on __APPLE__ systems.
#include <TargetConditionals.h>
#elif defined(__linux__)
#elif defined(_WIN32)
#elif defined(__EMSCRIPTEN__)
#elif defined(__Fuchsia__)
#elif defined(__native_client__)
#error OS not supported (see build_config.h)
#if defined(__clang__)
#elif defined(__GNUC__) // Careful: Clang also defines this!
#elif defined(_MSC_VER)
// perfetto_build_flags.h contains the tweakable build flags defined via GN.
// - In GN builds (e.g., standalone, chromium, v8) this file is generated at
// build time via the gen_rule //gn/gen_buildflags.
// - In Android in-tree builds, this file is generated by tools/gen_android_bp
// and checked in into include/perfetto/base/build_configs/android_tree/. The
// default cflags add this path to the default include path.
// - Similarly, in bazel builds, this file is generated by tools/gen_bazel and
// checked in into include/perfetto/base/build_configs/bazel/.
// - In amaglamated builds, this file is generated by tools/gen_amalgamated and
// added to the amalgamated headers.
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto_build_flags.h" // no-include-violation-check
* Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/base/build_config.h"
#define PERFETTO_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
#define PERFETTO_EXPORT __declspec(dllimport)
#define PERFETTO_EXPORT __attribute__((visibility("default")))
* Copyright (C) 2019 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/base/export.h"
namespace protozero {
// Base class for generated .gen.h classes, which are full C++ objects that
// support both ser and deserialization (but are not zero-copy).
// This is only used by the "cpp" targets not the "pbzero" ones.
class PERFETTO_EXPORT CppMessageObj {
virtual ~CppMessageObj();
virtual std::string SerializeAsString() const = 0;
virtual std::vector<uint8_t> SerializeAsArray() const = 0;
virtual bool ParseFromArray(const void*, size_t) = 0;
bool ParseFromString(const std::string& str) {
return ParseFromArray(, str.size());
} // namespace protozero
// gen_amalgamated begin header: include/perfetto/protozero/copyable_ptr.h
* Copyright (C) 2019 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <memory>
namespace protozero {
// This class is essentially a std::vector<T> of fixed size = 1.
// It's a pointer wrapper with deep copying and deep equality comparison.
// At all effects this wrapper behaves like the underlying T, with the exception
// of the heap indirection.
// Conversely to a std::unique_ptr, the pointer will be always valid, never
// null. The problem it solves is the following: when generating C++ classes
// from proto files, we want to keep each header hermetic (i.e. not #include
// headers of dependent types). As such we can't directly instantiate T
// field members but we can instead rely on pointers, so only the .cc file needs
// to see the actual definition of T. If the generated classes were move-only we
// could just use a unique_ptr there. But they aren't, hence this wrapper.
// Converesely to unique_ptr, this wrapper:
// - Default constructs the T instance in its constructor.
// - Implements deep comparison in operator== instead of pointer comparison.
template <typename T>
class CopyablePtr {
CopyablePtr() : ptr_(new T()) {}
~CopyablePtr() = default;
// Copy operators.
CopyablePtr(const CopyablePtr& other) : ptr_(new T(*other.ptr_)) {}
CopyablePtr& operator=(const CopyablePtr& other) {
*ptr_ = *other.ptr_;
return *this;
// Move operators.
CopyablePtr(CopyablePtr&& other) noexcept : ptr_(std::move(other.ptr_)) {
other.ptr_.reset(new T());
CopyablePtr& operator=(CopyablePtr&& other) {
ptr_ = std::move(other.ptr_);
other.ptr_.reset(new T());
return *this;
T* get() { return ptr_.get(); }
const T* get() const { return ptr_.get(); }
T* operator->() { return ptr_.get(); }
const T* operator->() const { return ptr_.get(); }
T& operator*() { return *ptr_; }
const T& operator*() const { return *ptr_; }
friend bool operator==(const CopyablePtr& lhs, const CopyablePtr& rhs) {
return *lhs == *rhs;
friend bool operator!=(const CopyablePtr& lhs, const CopyablePtr& rhs) {
// In theory the underlying type might have a special operator!=
// implementation which is not just !(x == y). Respect that.
return *lhs != *rhs;
std::unique_ptr<T> ptr_;
} // namespace protozero
// DO NOT EDIT. Autogenerated by Perfetto cppgen_plugin
#include <stdint.h>
#include <bitset>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <type_traits>
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/cpp_message_obj.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/copyable_ptr.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/base/export.h"
namespace perfetto {
namespace protos {
namespace gen {
class DataSourceConfig;
class TestConfig;
class TestConfig_DummyFields;
class ChromeConfig;
} // namespace perfetto
} // namespace protos
} // namespace gen
namespace protozero {
class Message;
} // namespace protozero
namespace perfetto {
namespace protos {
namespace gen {
class PERFETTO_EXPORT DataSourceConfig : public ::protozero::CppMessageObj {
enum FieldNumbers {
kNameFieldNumber = 1,
kTargetBufferFieldNumber = 2,
kTraceDurationMsFieldNumber = 3,
kStopTimeoutMsFieldNumber = 7,
kEnableExtraGuardrailsFieldNumber = 6,
kTracingSessionIdFieldNumber = 4,
kFtraceConfigFieldNumber = 100,
kInodeFileConfigFieldNumber = 102,
kProcessStatsConfigFieldNumber = 103,
kSysStatsConfigFieldNumber = 104,
kHeapprofdConfigFieldNumber = 105,
kJavaHprofConfigFieldNumber = 110,
kAndroidPowerConfigFieldNumber = 106,
kAndroidLogConfigFieldNumber = 107,
kGpuCounterConfigFieldNumber = 108,
kPackagesListConfigFieldNumber = 109,
kPerfEventConfigFieldNumber = 111,
kVulkanMemoryConfigFieldNumber = 112,
kTrackEventConfigFieldNumber = 113,
kAndroidPolledStateConfigFieldNumber = 114,
kChromeConfigFieldNumber = 101,
kLegacyConfigFieldNumber = 1000,
kForTestingFieldNumber = 1001,
~DataSourceConfig() override;
DataSourceConfig(DataSourceConfig&&) noexcept;
DataSourceConfig& operator=(DataSourceConfig&&);
DataSourceConfig(const DataSourceConfig&);
DataSourceConfig& operator=(const DataSourceConfig&);
bool operator==(const DataSourceConfig&) const;
bool operator!=(const DataSourceConfig& other) const { return !(*this == other); }
bool ParseFromArray(const void*, size_t) override;
std::string SerializeAsString() const override;
std::vector<uint8_t> SerializeAsArray() const override;
void Serialize(::protozero::Message*) const;
bool has_name() const { return _has_field_[1]; }
const std::string& name() const { return name_; }
void set_name(const std::string& value) { name_ = value; _has_field_.set(1); }
bool has_target_buffer() const { return _has_field_[2]; }
uint32_t target_buffer() const { return target_buffer_; }
void set_target_buffer(uint32_t value) { target_buffer_ = value; _has_field_.set(2); }
bool has_trace_duration_ms() const { return _has_field_[3]; }
uint32_t trace_duration_ms() const { return trace_duration_ms_; }
void set_trace_duration_ms(uint32_t value) { trace_duration_ms_ = value; _has_field_.set(3); }
bool has_stop_timeout_ms() const { return _has_field_[7]; }
uint32_t stop_timeout_ms() const { return stop_timeout_ms_; }
void set_stop_timeout_ms(uint32_t value) { stop_timeout_ms_ = value; _has_field_.set(7); }
bool has_enable_extra_guardrails() const { return _has_field_[6]; }
bool enable_extra_guardrails() const { return enable_extra_guardrails_; }
void set_enable_extra_guardrails(bool value) { enable_extra_guardrails_ = value; _has_field_.set(6); }
bool has_tracing_session_id() const { return _has_field_[4]; }
uint64_t tracing_session_id() const { return tracing_session_id_; }
void set_tracing_session_id(uint64_t value) { tracing_session_id_ = value; _has_field_.set(4); }
const std::string& ftrace_config_raw() const { return ftrace_config_; }
void set_ftrace_config_raw(const std::string& raw) { ftrace_config_ = raw; _has_field_.set(100); }
const std::string& inode_file_config_raw() const { return inode_file_config_; }
void set_inode_file_config_raw(const std::string& raw) { inode_file_config_ = raw; _has_field_.set(102); }
const std::string& process_stats_config_raw() const { return process_stats_config_; }
void set_process_stats_config_raw(const std::string& raw) { process_stats_config_ = raw; _has_field_.set(103); }
const std::string& sys_stats_config_raw() const { return sys_stats_config_; }
void set_sys_stats_config_raw(const std::string& raw) { sys_stats_config_ = raw; _has_field_.set(104); }
const std::string& heapprofd_config_raw() const { return heapprofd_config_; }
void set_heapprofd_config_raw(const std::string& raw) { heapprofd_config_ = raw; _has_field_.set(105); }
const std::string& java_hprof_config_raw() const { return java_hprof_config_; }
void set_java_hprof_config_raw(const std::string& raw) { java_hprof_config_ = raw; _has_field_.set(110); }
const std::string& android_power_config_raw() const { return android_power_config_; }
void set_android_power_config_raw(const std::string& raw) { android_power_config_ = raw; _has_field_.set(106); }
const std::string& android_log_config_raw() const { return android_log_config_; }
void set_android_log_config_raw(const std::string& raw) { android_log_config_ = raw; _has_field_.set(107); }
const std::string& gpu_counter_config_raw() const { return gpu_counter_config_; }
void set_gpu_counter_config_raw(const std::string& raw) { gpu_counter_config_ = raw; _has_field_.set(108); }
const std::string& packages_list_config_raw() const { return packages_list_config_; }
void set_packages_list_config_raw(const std::string& raw) { packages_list_config_ = raw; _has_field_.set(109); }
const std::string& perf_event_config_raw() const { return perf_event_config_; }
void set_perf_event_config_raw(const std::string& raw) { perf_event_config_ = raw; _has_field_.set(111); }
const std::string& vulkan_memory_config_raw() const { return vulkan_memory_config_; }
void set_vulkan_memory_config_raw(const std::string& raw) { vulkan_memory_config_ = raw; _has_field_.set(112); }
const std::string& track_event_config_raw() const { return track_event_config_; }
void set_track_event_config_raw(const std::string& raw) { track_event_config_ = raw; _has_field_.set(113); }
const std::string& android_polled_state_config_raw() const { return android_polled_state_config_; }
void set_android_polled_state_config_raw(const std::string& raw) { android_polled_state_config_ = raw; _has_field_.set(114); }
bool has_chrome_config() const { return _has_field_[101]; }
const ChromeConfig& chrome_config() const { return *chrome_config_; }
ChromeConfig* mutable_chrome_config() { _has_field_.set(101); return chrome_config_.get(); }
bool has_legacy_config() const { return _has_field_[1000]; }
const std::string& legacy_config() const { return legacy_config_; }
void set_legacy_config(const std::string& value) { legacy_config_ = value; _has_field_.set(1000); }
bool has_for_testing() const { return _has_field_[1001]; }
const TestConfig& for_testing() const { return *for_testing_; }
TestConfig* mutable_for_testing() { _has_field_.set(1001); return for_testing_.get(); }
std::string name_{};
uint32_t target_buffer_{};
uint32_t trace_duration_ms_{};
uint32_t stop_timeout_ms_{};
bool enable_extra_guardrails_{};
uint64_t tracing_session_id_{};
std::string ftrace_config_; // [lazy=true]
std::string inode_file_config_; // [lazy=true]
std::string process_stats_config_; // [lazy=true]
std::string sys_stats_config_; // [lazy=true]
std::string heapprofd_config_; // [lazy=true]
std::string java_hprof_config_; // [lazy=true]
std::string android_power_config_; // [lazy=true]
std::string android_log_config_; // [lazy=true]
std::string gpu_counter_config_; // [lazy=true]
std::string packages_list_config_; // [lazy=true]
std::string perf_event_config_; // [lazy=true]
std::string vulkan_memory_config_; // [lazy=true]
std::string track_event_config_; // [lazy=true]
std::string android_polled_state_config_; // [lazy=true]
::protozero::CopyablePtr<ChromeConfig> chrome_config_;
std::string legacy_config_{};
::protozero::CopyablePtr<TestConfig> for_testing_;
// Allows to preserve unknown protobuf fields for compatibility
// with future versions of .proto files.
std::string unknown_fields_;
std::bitset<1002> _has_field_{};
} // namespace perfetto
} // namespace protos
} // namespace gen
* Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
// Creates the aliases in the ::perfetto namespace, doing things like:
// using ::perfetto::Foo = ::perfetto::protos::gen::Foo.
// See comments in forward_decls.h for the historical reasons of this
// indirection layer.
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/tracing/core/forward_decls.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "protos/perfetto/config/data_source_config.gen.h"
// gen_amalgamated begin header: include/perfetto/tracing/core/data_source_descriptor.h
// gen_amalgamated begin header: gen/protos/perfetto/common/data_source_descriptor.gen.h
// DO NOT EDIT. Autogenerated by Perfetto cppgen_plugin
#include <stdint.h>
#include <bitset>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <type_traits>
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/cpp_message_obj.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/copyable_ptr.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/base/export.h"
namespace perfetto {
namespace protos {
namespace gen {
class DataSourceDescriptor;
} // namespace perfetto
} // namespace protos
} // namespace gen
namespace protozero {
class Message;
} // namespace protozero
namespace perfetto {
namespace protos {
namespace gen {
class PERFETTO_EXPORT DataSourceDescriptor : public ::protozero::CppMessageObj {
enum FieldNumbers {
kNameFieldNumber = 1,
kWillNotifyOnStopFieldNumber = 2,
kWillNotifyOnStartFieldNumber = 3,
kHandlesIncrementalStateClearFieldNumber = 4,
kGpuCounterDescriptorFieldNumber = 5,
kTrackEventDescriptorFieldNumber = 6,
~DataSourceDescriptor() override;
DataSourceDescriptor(DataSourceDescriptor&&) noexcept;
DataSourceDescriptor& operator=(DataSourceDescriptor&&);
DataSourceDescriptor(const DataSourceDescriptor&);
DataSourceDescriptor& operator=(const DataSourceDescriptor&);
bool operator==(const DataSourceDescriptor&) const;
bool operator!=(const DataSourceDescriptor& other) const { return !(*this == other); }
bool ParseFromArray(const void*, size_t) override;
std::string SerializeAsString() const override;
std::vector<uint8_t> SerializeAsArray() const override;
void Serialize(::protozero::Message*) const;
bool has_name() const { return _has_field_[1]; }
const std::string& name() const { return name_; }
void set_name(const std::string& value) { name_ = value; _has_field_.set(1); }
bool has_will_notify_on_stop() const { return _has_field_[2]; }
bool will_notify_on_stop() const { return will_notify_on_stop_; }
void set_will_notify_on_stop(bool value) { will_notify_on_stop_ = value; _has_field_.set(2); }
bool has_will_notify_on_start() const { return _has_field_[3]; }
bool will_notify_on_start() const { return will_notify_on_start_; }
void set_will_notify_on_start(bool value) { will_notify_on_start_ = value; _has_field_.set(3); }
bool has_handles_incremental_state_clear() const { return _has_field_[4]; }
bool handles_incremental_state_clear() const { return handles_incremental_state_clear_; }
void set_handles_incremental_state_clear(bool value) { handles_incremental_state_clear_ = value; _has_field_.set(4); }
const std::string& gpu_counter_descriptor_raw() const { return gpu_counter_descriptor_; }
void set_gpu_counter_descriptor_raw(const std::string& raw) { gpu_counter_descriptor_ = raw; _has_field_.set(5); }
const std::string& track_event_descriptor_raw() const { return track_event_descriptor_; }
void set_track_event_descriptor_raw(const std::string& raw) { track_event_descriptor_ = raw; _has_field_.set(6); }
std::string name_{};
bool will_notify_on_stop_{};
bool will_notify_on_start_{};
bool handles_incremental_state_clear_{};
std::string gpu_counter_descriptor_; // [lazy=true]
std::string track_event_descriptor_; // [lazy=true]
// Allows to preserve unknown protobuf fields for compatibility
// with future versions of .proto files.
std::string unknown_fields_;
std::bitset<7> _has_field_{};
} // namespace perfetto
} // namespace protos
} // namespace gen
* Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
// Creates the aliases in the ::perfetto namespace, doing things like:
// using ::perfetto::Foo = ::perfetto::protos::gen::Foo.
// See comments in forward_decls.h for the historical reasons of this
// indirection layer.
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/tracing/core/forward_decls.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "protos/perfetto/common/data_source_descriptor.gen.h"
// gen_amalgamated begin header: include/perfetto/tracing/core/trace_config.h
// gen_amalgamated begin header: gen/protos/perfetto/config/trace_config.gen.h
// DO NOT EDIT. Autogenerated by Perfetto cppgen_plugin
#include <stdint.h>
#include <bitset>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <type_traits>
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/cpp_message_obj.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/copyable_ptr.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/base/export.h"
namespace perfetto {
namespace protos {
namespace gen {
class TraceConfig;
class TraceConfig_IncidentReportConfig;
class TraceConfig_IncrementalStateConfig;
class TraceConfig_TriggerConfig;
class TraceConfig_TriggerConfig_Trigger;
class TraceConfig_GuardrailOverrides;
class TraceConfig_StatsdMetadata;
class TraceConfig_ProducerConfig;
class TraceConfig_BuiltinDataSource;
class TraceConfig_DataSource;
class DataSourceConfig;
class TestConfig;
class TestConfig_DummyFields;
class ChromeConfig;
class TraceConfig_BufferConfig;
enum TraceConfig_LockdownModeOperation : int;
enum TraceConfig_CompressionType : int;
enum TraceConfig_TriggerConfig_TriggerMode : int;
enum BuiltinClock : int;
enum TraceConfig_BufferConfig_FillPolicy : int;
} // namespace perfetto
} // namespace protos
} // namespace gen
namespace protozero {
class Message;
} // namespace protozero
namespace perfetto {
namespace protos {
namespace gen {
enum TraceConfig_LockdownModeOperation : int {
TraceConfig_LockdownModeOperation_LOCKDOWN_UNCHANGED = 0,
TraceConfig_LockdownModeOperation_LOCKDOWN_CLEAR = 1,
TraceConfig_LockdownModeOperation_LOCKDOWN_SET = 2,
enum TraceConfig_CompressionType : int {
TraceConfig_CompressionType_COMPRESSION_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED = 0,
TraceConfig_CompressionType_COMPRESSION_TYPE_DEFLATE = 1,
enum TraceConfig_TriggerConfig_TriggerMode : int {
TraceConfig_TriggerConfig_TriggerMode_UNSPECIFIED = 0,
TraceConfig_TriggerConfig_TriggerMode_START_TRACING = 1,
TraceConfig_TriggerConfig_TriggerMode_STOP_TRACING = 2,
enum TraceConfig_BufferConfig_FillPolicy : int {
TraceConfig_BufferConfig_FillPolicy_UNSPECIFIED = 0,
TraceConfig_BufferConfig_FillPolicy_RING_BUFFER = 1,
TraceConfig_BufferConfig_FillPolicy_DISCARD = 2,
class PERFETTO_EXPORT TraceConfig : public ::protozero::CppMessageObj {
using BufferConfig = TraceConfig_BufferConfig;
using DataSource = TraceConfig_DataSource;
using BuiltinDataSource = TraceConfig_BuiltinDataSource;
using ProducerConfig = TraceConfig_ProducerConfig;
using StatsdMetadata = TraceConfig_StatsdMetadata;
using GuardrailOverrides = TraceConfig_GuardrailOverrides;
using TriggerConfig = TraceConfig_TriggerConfig;
using IncrementalStateConfig = TraceConfig_IncrementalStateConfig;
using IncidentReportConfig = TraceConfig_IncidentReportConfig;
using LockdownModeOperation = TraceConfig_LockdownModeOperation;
static constexpr auto LOCKDOWN_UNCHANGED = TraceConfig_LockdownModeOperation_LOCKDOWN_UNCHANGED;
static constexpr auto LOCKDOWN_CLEAR = TraceConfig_LockdownModeOperation_LOCKDOWN_CLEAR;
static constexpr auto LOCKDOWN_SET = TraceConfig_LockdownModeOperation_LOCKDOWN_SET;
static constexpr auto LockdownModeOperation_MIN = TraceConfig_LockdownModeOperation_LOCKDOWN_UNCHANGED;
static constexpr auto LockdownModeOperation_MAX = TraceConfig_LockdownModeOperation_LOCKDOWN_SET;
using CompressionType = TraceConfig_CompressionType;
static constexpr auto COMPRESSION_TYPE_DEFLATE = TraceConfig_CompressionType_COMPRESSION_TYPE_DEFLATE;
static constexpr auto CompressionType_MIN = TraceConfig_CompressionType_COMPRESSION_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED;
static constexpr auto CompressionType_MAX = TraceConfig_CompressionType_COMPRESSION_TYPE_DEFLATE;
enum FieldNumbers {
kBuffersFieldNumber = 1,
kDataSourcesFieldNumber = 2,
kBuiltinDataSourcesFieldNumber = 20,
kDurationMsFieldNumber = 3,
kEnableExtraGuardrailsFieldNumber = 4,
kLockdownModeFieldNumber = 5,
kProducersFieldNumber = 6,
kStatsdMetadataFieldNumber = 7,
kWriteIntoFileFieldNumber = 8,
kOutputPathFieldNumber = 29,
kFileWritePeriodMsFieldNumber = 9,
kMaxFileSizeBytesFieldNumber = 10,
kGuardrailOverridesFieldNumber = 11,
kDeferredStartFieldNumber = 12,
kFlushPeriodMsFieldNumber = 13,
kFlushTimeoutMsFieldNumber = 14,
kDataSourceStopTimeoutMsFieldNumber = 23,
kNotifyTraceurFieldNumber = 16,
kTriggerConfigFieldNumber = 17,
kActivateTriggersFieldNumber = 18,
kIncrementalStateConfigFieldNumber = 21,
kAllowUserBuildTracingFieldNumber = 19,
kUniqueSessionNameFieldNumber = 22,
kCompressionTypeFieldNumber = 24,
kIncidentReportConfigFieldNumber = 25,
kTraceUuidMsbFieldNumber = 27,
kTraceUuidLsbFieldNumber = 28,
~TraceConfig() override;
TraceConfig(TraceConfig&&) noexcept;
TraceConfig& operator=(TraceConfig&&);
TraceConfig(const TraceConfig&);
TraceConfig& operator=(const TraceConfig&);
bool operator==(const TraceConfig&) const;
bool operator!=(const TraceConfig& other) const { return !(*this == other); }
bool ParseFromArray(const void*, size_t) override;
std::string SerializeAsString() const override;
std::vector<uint8_t> SerializeAsArray() const override;
void Serialize(::protozero::Message*) const;
int buffers_size() const { return static_cast<int>(buffers_.size()); }
const std::vector<TraceConfig_BufferConfig>& buffers() const { return buffers_; }
std::vector<TraceConfig_BufferConfig>* mutable_buffers() { return &buffers_; }
void clear_buffers() { buffers_.clear(); }
TraceConfig_BufferConfig* add_buffers() { buffers_.emplace_back(); return &buffers_.back(); }
int data_sources_size() const { return static_cast<int>(data_sources_.size()); }
const std::vector<TraceConfig_DataSource>& data_sources() const { return data_sources_; }
std::vector<TraceConfig_DataSource>* mutable_data_sources() { return &data_sources_; }
void clear_data_sources() { data_sources_.clear(); }
TraceConfig_DataSource* add_data_sources() { data_sources_.emplace_back(); return &data_sources_.back(); }
bool has_builtin_data_sources() const { return _has_field_[20]; }
const TraceConfig_BuiltinDataSource& builtin_data_sources() const { return *builtin_data_sources_; }
TraceConfig_BuiltinDataSource* mutable_builtin_data_sources() { _has_field_.set(20); return builtin_data_sources_.get(); }
bool has_duration_ms() const { return _has_field_[3]; }
uint32_t duration_ms() const { return duration_ms_; }
void set_duration_ms(uint32_t value) { duration_ms_ = value; _has_field_.set(3); }
bool has_enable_extra_guardrails() const { return _has_field_[4]; }
bool enable_extra_guardrails() const { return enable_extra_guardrails_; }
void set_enable_extra_guardrails(bool value) { enable_extra_guardrails_ = value; _has_field_.set(4); }
bool has_lockdown_mode() const { return _has_field_[5]; }
TraceConfig_LockdownModeOperation lockdown_mode() const { return lockdown_mode_; }
void set_lockdown_mode(TraceConfig_LockdownModeOperation value) { lockdown_mode_ = value; _has_field_.set(5); }
int producers_size() const { return static_cast<int>(producers_.size()); }
const std::vector<TraceConfig_ProducerConfig>& producers() const { return producers_; }
std::vector<TraceConfig_ProducerConfig>* mutable_producers() { return &producers_; }
void clear_producers() { producers_.clear(); }
TraceConfig_ProducerConfig* add_producers() { producers_.emplace_back(); return &producers_.back(); }
bool has_statsd_metadata() const { return _has_field_[7]; }
const TraceConfig_StatsdMetadata& statsd_metadata() const { return *statsd_metadata_; }
TraceConfig_StatsdMetadata* mutable_statsd_metadata() { _has_field_.set(7); return statsd_metadata_.get(); }
bool has_write_into_file() const { return _has_field_[8]; }
bool write_into_file() const { return write_into_file_; }
void set_write_into_file(bool value) { write_into_file_ = value; _has_field_.set(8); }
bool has_output_path() const { return _has_field_[29]; }
const std::string& output_path() const { return output_path_; }
void set_output_path(const std::string& value) { output_path_ = value; _has_field_.set(29); }
bool has_file_write_period_ms() const { return _has_field_[9]; }
uint32_t file_write_period_ms() const { return file_write_period_ms_; }
void set_file_write_period_ms(uint32_t value) { file_write_period_ms_ = value; _has_field_.set(9); }
bool has_max_file_size_bytes() const { return _has_field_[10]; }
uint64_t max_file_size_bytes() const { return max_file_size_bytes_; }
void set_max_file_size_bytes(uint64_t value) { max_file_size_bytes_ = value; _has_field_.set(10); }
bool has_guardrail_overrides() const { return _has_field_[11]; }
const TraceConfig_GuardrailOverrides& guardrail_overrides() const { return *guardrail_overrides_; }
TraceConfig_GuardrailOverrides* mutable_guardrail_overrides() { _has_field_.set(11); return guardrail_overrides_.get(); }
bool has_deferred_start() const { return _has_field_[12]; }
bool deferred_start() const { return deferred_start_; }
void set_deferred_start(bool value) { deferred_start_ = value; _has_field_.set(12); }
bool has_flush_period_ms() const { return _has_field_[13]; }
uint32_t flush_period_ms() const { return flush_period_ms_; }
void set_flush_period_ms(uint32_t value) { flush_period_ms_ = value; _has_field_.set(13); }
bool has_flush_timeout_ms() const { return _has_field_[14]; }
uint32_t flush_timeout_ms() const { return flush_timeout_ms_; }
void set_flush_timeout_ms(uint32_t value) { flush_timeout_ms_ = value; _has_field_.set(14); }
bool has_data_source_stop_timeout_ms() const { return _has_field_[23]; }
uint32_t data_source_stop_timeout_ms() const { return data_source_stop_timeout_ms_; }
void set_data_source_stop_timeout_ms(uint32_t value) { data_source_stop_timeout_ms_ = value; _has_field_.set(23); }
bool has_notify_traceur() const { return _has_field_[16]; }
bool notify_traceur() const { return notify_traceur_; }
void set_notify_traceur(bool value) { notify_traceur_ = value; _has_field_.set(16); }
bool has_trigger_config() const { return _has_field_[17]; }
const TraceConfig_TriggerConfig& trigger_config() const { return *trigger_config_; }
TraceConfig_TriggerConfig* mutable_trigger_config() { _has_field_.set(17); return trigger_config_.get(); }
int activate_triggers_size() const { return static_cast<int>(activate_triggers_.size()); }
const std::vector<std::string>& activate_triggers() const { return activate_triggers_; }
std::vector<std::string>* mutable_activate_triggers() { return &activate_triggers_; }
void clear_activate_triggers() { activate_triggers_.clear(); }
void add_activate_triggers(std::string value) { activate_triggers_.emplace_back(value); }
std::string* add_activate_triggers() { activate_triggers_.emplace_back(); return &activate_triggers_.back(); }
bool has_incremental_state_config() const { return _has_field_[21]; }
const TraceConfig_IncrementalStateConfig& incremental_state_config() const { return *incremental_state_config_; }
TraceConfig_IncrementalStateConfig* mutable_incremental_state_config() { _has_field_.set(21); return incremental_state_config_.get(); }
bool has_allow_user_build_tracing() const { return _has_field_[19]; }
bool allow_user_build_tracing() const { return allow_user_build_tracing_; }
void set_allow_user_build_tracing(bool value) { allow_user_build_tracing_ = value; _has_field_.set(19); }
bool has_unique_session_name() const { return _has_field_[22]; }
const std::string& unique_session_name() const { return unique_session_name_; }
void set_unique_session_name(const std::string& value) { unique_session_name_ = value; _has_field_.set(22); }
bool has_compression_type() const { return _has_field_[24]; }
TraceConfig_CompressionType compression_type() const { return compression_type_; }
void set_compression_type(TraceConfig_CompressionType value) { compression_type_ = value; _has_field_.set(24); }
bool has_incident_report_config() const { return _has_field_[25]; }
const TraceConfig_IncidentReportConfig& incident_report_config() const { return *incident_report_config_; }
TraceConfig_IncidentReportConfig* mutable_incident_report_config() { _has_field_.set(25); return incident_report_config_.get(); }
bool has_trace_uuid_msb() const { return _has_field_[27]; }
int64_t trace_uuid_msb() const { return trace_uuid_msb_; }
void set_trace_uuid_msb(int64_t value) { trace_uuid_msb_ = value; _has_field_.set(27); }
bool has_trace_uuid_lsb() const { return _has_field_[28]; }
int64_t trace_uuid_lsb() const { return trace_uuid_lsb_; }
void set_trace_uuid_lsb(int64_t value) { trace_uuid_lsb_ = value; _has_field_.set(28); }
std::vector<TraceConfig_BufferConfig> buffers_;
std::vector<TraceConfig_DataSource> data_sources_;
::protozero::CopyablePtr<TraceConfig_BuiltinDataSource> builtin_data_sources_;
uint32_t duration_ms_{};
bool enable_extra_guardrails_{};
TraceConfig_LockdownModeOperation lockdown_mode_{};
std::vector<TraceConfig_ProducerConfig> producers_;
::protozero::CopyablePtr<TraceConfig_StatsdMetadata> statsd_metadata_;
bool write_into_file_{};
std::string output_path_{};
uint32_t file_write_period_ms_{};
uint64_t max_file_size_bytes_{};
::protozero::CopyablePtr<TraceConfig_GuardrailOverrides> guardrail_overrides_;
bool deferred_start_{};
uint32_t flush_period_ms_{};
uint32_t flush_timeout_ms_{};
uint32_t data_source_stop_timeout_ms_{};
bool notify_traceur_{};
::protozero::CopyablePtr<TraceConfig_TriggerConfig> trigger_config_;
std::vector<std::string> activate_triggers_;
::protozero::CopyablePtr<TraceConfig_IncrementalStateConfig> incremental_state_config_;
bool allow_user_build_tracing_{};
std::string unique_session_name_{};
TraceConfig_CompressionType compression_type_{};
::protozero::CopyablePtr<TraceConfig_IncidentReportConfig> incident_report_config_;
int64_t trace_uuid_msb_{};
int64_t trace_uuid_lsb_{};
// Allows to preserve unknown protobuf fields for compatibility
// with future versions of .proto files.
std::string unknown_fields_;
std::bitset<30> _has_field_{};
class PERFETTO_EXPORT TraceConfig_IncidentReportConfig : public ::protozero::CppMessageObj {
enum FieldNumbers {
kDestinationPackageFieldNumber = 1,
kDestinationClassFieldNumber = 2,
kPrivacyLevelFieldNumber = 3,
kSkipDropboxFieldNumber = 4,
~TraceConfig_IncidentReportConfig() override;
TraceConfig_IncidentReportConfig(TraceConfig_IncidentReportConfig&&) noexcept;
TraceConfig_IncidentReportConfig& operator=(TraceConfig_IncidentReportConfig&&);
TraceConfig_IncidentReportConfig(const TraceConfig_IncidentReportConfig&);
TraceConfig_IncidentReportConfig& operator=(const TraceConfig_IncidentReportConfig&);
bool operator==(const TraceConfig_IncidentReportConfig&) const;
bool operator!=(const TraceConfig_IncidentReportConfig& other) const { return !(*this == other); }
bool ParseFromArray(const void*, size_t) override;
std::string SerializeAsString() const override;
std::vector<uint8_t> SerializeAsArray() const override;
void Serialize(::protozero::Message*) const;
bool has_destination_package() const { return _has_field_[1]; }
const std::string& destination_package() const { return destination_package_; }
void set_destination_package(const std::string& value) { destination_package_ = value; _has_field_.set(1); }
bool has_destination_class() const { return _has_field_[2]; }
const std::string& destination_class() const { return destination_class_; }
void set_destination_class(const std::string& value) { destination_class_ = value; _has_field_.set(2); }
bool has_privacy_level() const { return _has_field_[3]; }
int32_t privacy_level() const { return privacy_level_; }
void set_privacy_level(int32_t value) { privacy_level_ = value; _has_field_.set(3); }
bool has_skip_dropbox() const { return _has_field_[4]; }
bool skip_dropbox() const { return skip_dropbox_; }
void set_skip_dropbox(bool value) { skip_dropbox_ = value; _has_field_.set(4); }
std::string destination_package_{};
std::string destination_class_{};
int32_t privacy_level_{};
bool skip_dropbox_{};
// Allows to preserve unknown protobuf fields for compatibility
// with future versions of .proto files.
std::string unknown_fields_;
std::bitset<5> _has_field_{};
class PERFETTO_EXPORT TraceConfig_IncrementalStateConfig : public ::protozero::CppMessageObj {
enum FieldNumbers {
kClearPeriodMsFieldNumber = 1,
~TraceConfig_IncrementalStateConfig() override;
TraceConfig_IncrementalStateConfig(TraceConfig_IncrementalStateConfig&&) noexcept;
TraceConfig_IncrementalStateConfig& operator=(TraceConfig_IncrementalStateConfig&&);
TraceConfig_IncrementalStateConfig(const TraceConfig_IncrementalStateConfig&);
TraceConfig_IncrementalStateConfig& operator=(const TraceConfig_IncrementalStateConfig&);
bool operator==(const TraceConfig_IncrementalStateConfig&) const;
bool operator!=(const TraceConfig_IncrementalStateConfig& other) const { return !(*this == other); }
bool ParseFromArray(const void*, size_t) override;
std::string SerializeAsString() const override;
std::vector<uint8_t> SerializeAsArray() const override;
void Serialize(::protozero::Message*) const;
bool has_clear_period_ms() const { return _has_field_[1]; }
uint32_t clear_period_ms() const { return clear_period_ms_; }
void set_clear_period_ms(uint32_t value) { clear_period_ms_ = value; _has_field_.set(1); }
uint32_t clear_period_ms_{};
// Allows to preserve unknown protobuf fields for compatibility
// with future versions of .proto files.
std::string unknown_fields_;
std::bitset<2> _has_field_{};
class PERFETTO_EXPORT TraceConfig_TriggerConfig : public ::protozero::CppMessageObj {
using Trigger = TraceConfig_TriggerConfig_Trigger;
using TriggerMode = TraceConfig_TriggerConfig_TriggerMode;
static constexpr auto UNSPECIFIED = TraceConfig_TriggerConfig_TriggerMode_UNSPECIFIED;
static constexpr auto START_TRACING = TraceConfig_TriggerConfig_TriggerMode_START_TRACING;
static constexpr auto STOP_TRACING = TraceConfig_TriggerConfig_TriggerMode_STOP_TRACING;
static constexpr auto TriggerMode_MIN = TraceConfig_TriggerConfig_TriggerMode_UNSPECIFIED;
static constexpr auto TriggerMode_MAX = TraceConfig_TriggerConfig_TriggerMode_STOP_TRACING;
enum FieldNumbers {
kTriggerModeFieldNumber = 1,
kTriggersFieldNumber = 2,
kTriggerTimeoutMsFieldNumber = 3,
~TraceConfig_TriggerConfig() override;
TraceConfig_TriggerConfig(TraceConfig_TriggerConfig&&) noexcept;
TraceConfig_TriggerConfig& operator=(TraceConfig_TriggerConfig&&);
TraceConfig_TriggerConfig(const TraceConfig_TriggerConfig&);
TraceConfig_TriggerConfig& operator=(const TraceConfig_TriggerConfig&);
bool operator==(const TraceConfig_TriggerConfig&) const;
bool operator!=(const TraceConfig_TriggerConfig& other) const { return !(*this == other); }
bool ParseFromArray(const void*, size_t) override;
std::string SerializeAsString() const override;
std::vector<uint8_t> SerializeAsArray() const override;
void Serialize(::protozero::Message*) const;
bool has_trigger_mode() const { return _has_field_[1]; }
TraceConfig_TriggerConfig_TriggerMode trigger_mode() const { return trigger_mode_; }
void set_trigger_mode(TraceConfig_TriggerConfig_TriggerMode value) { trigger_mode_ = value; _has_field_.set(1); }
int triggers_size() const { return static_cast<int>(triggers_.size()); }
const std::vector<TraceConfig_TriggerConfig_Trigger>& triggers() const { return triggers_; }
std::vector<TraceConfig_TriggerConfig_Trigger>* mutable_triggers() { return &triggers_; }
void clear_triggers() { triggers_.clear(); }
TraceConfig_TriggerConfig_Trigger* add_triggers() { triggers_.emplace_back(); return &triggers_.back(); }
bool has_trigger_timeout_ms() const { return _has_field_[3]; }
uint32_t trigger_timeout_ms() const { return trigger_timeout_ms_; }
void set_trigger_timeout_ms(uint32_t value) { trigger_timeout_ms_ = value; _has_field_.set(3); }
TraceConfig_TriggerConfig_TriggerMode trigger_mode_{};
std::vector<TraceConfig_TriggerConfig_Trigger> triggers_;
uint32_t trigger_timeout_ms_{};
// Allows to preserve unknown protobuf fields for compatibility
// with future versions of .proto files.
std::string unknown_fields_;
std::bitset<4> _has_field_{};
class PERFETTO_EXPORT TraceConfig_TriggerConfig_Trigger : public ::protozero::CppMessageObj {
enum FieldNumbers {
kNameFieldNumber = 1,
kProducerNameRegexFieldNumber = 2,
kStopDelayMsFieldNumber = 3,
~TraceConfig_TriggerConfig_Trigger() override;
TraceConfig_TriggerConfig_Trigger(TraceConfig_TriggerConfig_Trigger&&) noexcept;
TraceConfig_TriggerConfig_Trigger& operator=(TraceConfig_TriggerConfig_Trigger&&);
TraceConfig_TriggerConfig_Trigger(const TraceConfig_TriggerConfig_Trigger&);
TraceConfig_TriggerConfig_Trigger& operator=(const TraceConfig_TriggerConfig_Trigger&);
bool operator==(const TraceConfig_TriggerConfig_Trigger&) const;
bool operator!=(const TraceConfig_TriggerConfig_Trigger& other) const { return !(*this == other); }
bool ParseFromArray(const void*, size_t) override;
std::string SerializeAsString() const override;
std::vector<uint8_t> SerializeAsArray() const override;
void Serialize(::protozero::Message*) const;
bool has_name() const { return _has_field_[1]; }
const std::string& name() const { return name_; }
void set_name(const std::string& value) { name_ = value; _has_field_.set(1); }
bool has_producer_name_regex() const { return _has_field_[2]; }
const std::string& producer_name_regex() const { return producer_name_regex_; }
void set_producer_name_regex(const std::string& value) { producer_name_regex_ = value; _has_field_.set(2); }
bool has_stop_delay_ms() const { return _has_field_[3]; }
uint32_t stop_delay_ms() const { return stop_delay_ms_; }
void set_stop_delay_ms(uint32_t value) { stop_delay_ms_ = value; _has_field_.set(3); }
std::string name_{};
std::string producer_name_regex_{};
uint32_t stop_delay_ms_{};
// Allows to preserve unknown protobuf fields for compatibility
// with future versions of .proto files.
std::string unknown_fields_;
std::bitset<4> _has_field_{};
class PERFETTO_EXPORT TraceConfig_GuardrailOverrides : public ::protozero::CppMessageObj {
enum FieldNumbers {
kMaxUploadPerDayBytesFieldNumber = 1,
~TraceConfig_GuardrailOverrides() override;
TraceConfig_GuardrailOverrides(TraceConfig_GuardrailOverrides&&) noexcept;
TraceConfig_GuardrailOverrides& operator=(TraceConfig_GuardrailOverrides&&);
TraceConfig_GuardrailOverrides(const TraceConfig_GuardrailOverrides&);
TraceConfig_GuardrailOverrides& operator=(const TraceConfig_GuardrailOverrides&);
bool operator==(const TraceConfig_GuardrailOverrides&) const;
bool operator!=(const TraceConfig_GuardrailOverrides& other) const { return !(*this == other); }
bool ParseFromArray(const void*, size_t) override;
std::string SerializeAsString() const override;
std::vector<uint8_t> SerializeAsArray() const override;
void Serialize(::protozero::Message*) const;
bool has_max_upload_per_day_bytes() const { return _has_field_[1]; }
uint64_t max_upload_per_day_bytes() const { return max_upload_per_day_bytes_; }
void set_max_upload_per_day_bytes(uint64_t value) { max_upload_per_day_bytes_ = value; _has_field_.set(1); }
uint64_t max_upload_per_day_bytes_{};
// Allows to preserve unknown protobuf fields for compatibility
// with future versions of .proto files.
std::string unknown_fields_;
std::bitset<2> _has_field_{};
class PERFETTO_EXPORT TraceConfig_StatsdMetadata : public ::protozero::CppMessageObj {
enum FieldNumbers {
kTriggeringAlertIdFieldNumber = 1,
kTriggeringConfigUidFieldNumber = 2,
kTriggeringConfigIdFieldNumber = 3,
kTriggeringSubscriptionIdFieldNumber = 4,
~TraceConfig_StatsdMetadata() override;
TraceConfig_StatsdMetadata(TraceConfig_StatsdMetadata&&) noexcept;
TraceConfig_StatsdMetadata& operator=(TraceConfig_StatsdMetadata&&);
TraceConfig_StatsdMetadata(const TraceConfig_StatsdMetadata&);
TraceConfig_StatsdMetadata& operator=(const TraceConfig_StatsdMetadata&);
bool operator==(const TraceConfig_StatsdMetadata&) const;
bool operator!=(const TraceConfig_StatsdMetadata& other) const { return !(*this == other); }
bool ParseFromArray(const void*, size_t) override;
std::string SerializeAsString() const override;
std::vector<uint8_t> SerializeAsArray() const override;
void Serialize(::protozero::Message*) const;
bool has_triggering_alert_id() const { return _has_field_[1]; }
int64_t triggering_alert_id() const { return triggering_alert_id_; }
void set_triggering_alert_id(int64_t value) { triggering_alert_id_ = value; _has_field_.set(1); }
bool has_triggering_config_uid() const { return _has_field_[2]; }
int32_t triggering_config_uid() const { return triggering_config_uid_; }
void set_triggering_config_uid(int32_t value) { triggering_config_uid_ = value; _has_field_.set(2); }
bool has_triggering_config_id() const { return _has_field_[3]; }
int64_t triggering_config_id() const { return triggering_config_id_; }
void set_triggering_config_id(int64_t value) { triggering_config_id_ = value; _has_field_.set(3); }
bool has_triggering_subscription_id() const { return _has_field_[4]; }
int64_t triggering_subscription_id() const { return triggering_subscription_id_; }
void set_triggering_subscription_id(int64_t value) { triggering_subscription_id_ = value; _has_field_.set(4); }
int64_t triggering_alert_id_{};
int32_t triggering_config_uid_{};
int64_t triggering_config_id_{};
int64_t triggering_subscription_id_{};
// Allows to preserve unknown protobuf fields for compatibility
// with future versions of .proto files.
std::string unknown_fields_;
std::bitset<5> _has_field_{};
class PERFETTO_EXPORT TraceConfig_ProducerConfig : public ::protozero::CppMessageObj {
enum FieldNumbers {
kProducerNameFieldNumber = 1,
kShmSizeKbFieldNumber = 2,
kPageSizeKbFieldNumber = 3,
~TraceConfig_ProducerConfig() override;
TraceConfig_ProducerConfig(TraceConfig_ProducerConfig&&) noexcept;
TraceConfig_ProducerConfig& operator=(TraceConfig_ProducerConfig&&);
TraceConfig_ProducerConfig(const TraceConfig_ProducerConfig&);
TraceConfig_ProducerConfig& operator=(const TraceConfig_ProducerConfig&);
bool operator==(const TraceConfig_ProducerConfig&) const;
bool operator!=(const TraceConfig_ProducerConfig& other) const { return !(*this == other); }
bool ParseFromArray(const void*, size_t) override;
std::string SerializeAsString() const override;
std::vector<uint8_t> SerializeAsArray() const override;
void Serialize(::protozero::Message*) const;
bool has_producer_name() const { return _has_field_[1]; }
const std::string& producer_name() const { return producer_name_; }
void set_producer_name(const std::string& value) { producer_name_ = value; _has_field_.set(1); }
bool has_shm_size_kb() const { return _has_field_[2]; }
uint32_t shm_size_kb() const { return shm_size_kb_; }
void set_shm_size_kb(uint32_t value) { shm_size_kb_ = value; _has_field_.set(2); }
bool has_page_size_kb() const { return _has_field_[3]; }
uint32_t page_size_kb() const { return page_size_kb_; }
void set_page_size_kb(uint32_t value) { page_size_kb_ = value; _has_field_.set(3); }
std::string producer_name_{};
uint32_t shm_size_kb_{};
uint32_t page_size_kb_{};
// Allows to preserve unknown protobuf fields for compatibility
// with future versions of .proto files.
std::string unknown_fields_;
std::bitset<4> _has_field_{};
class PERFETTO_EXPORT TraceConfig_BuiltinDataSource : public ::protozero::CppMessageObj {
enum FieldNumbers {
kDisableClockSnapshottingFieldNumber = 1,
kDisableTraceConfigFieldNumber = 2,
kDisableSystemInfoFieldNumber = 3,
kDisableServiceEventsFieldNumber = 4,
kPrimaryTraceClockFieldNumber = 5,
kSnapshotIntervalMsFieldNumber = 6,
~TraceConfig_BuiltinDataSource() override;
TraceConfig_BuiltinDataSource(TraceConfig_BuiltinDataSource&&) noexcept;
TraceConfig_BuiltinDataSource& operator=(TraceConfig_BuiltinDataSource&&);
TraceConfig_BuiltinDataSource(const TraceConfig_BuiltinDataSource&);
TraceConfig_BuiltinDataSource& operator=(const TraceConfig_BuiltinDataSource&);
bool operator==(const TraceConfig_BuiltinDataSource&) const;
bool operator!=(const TraceConfig_BuiltinDataSource& other) const { return !(*this == other); }
bool ParseFromArray(const void*, size_t) override;
std::string SerializeAsString() const override;
std::vector<uint8_t> SerializeAsArray() const override;
void Serialize(::protozero::Message*) const;
bool has_disable_clock_snapshotting() const { return _has_field_[1]; }
bool disable_clock_snapshotting() const { return disable_clock_snapshotting_; }
void set_disable_clock_snapshotting(bool value) { disable_clock_snapshotting_ = value; _has_field_.set(1); }
bool has_disable_trace_config() const { return _has_field_[2]; }
bool disable_trace_config() const { return disable_trace_config_; }
void set_disable_trace_config(bool value) { disable_trace_config_ = value; _has_field_.set(2); }
bool has_disable_system_info() const { return _has_field_[3]; }
bool disable_system_info() const { return disable_system_info_; }
void set_disable_system_info(bool value) { disable_system_info_ = value; _has_field_.set(3); }
bool has_disable_service_events() const { return _has_field_[4]; }
bool disable_service_events() const { return disable_service_events_; }
void set_disable_service_events(bool value) { disable_service_events_ = value; _has_field_.set(4); }
bool has_primary_trace_clock() const { return _has_field_[5]; }
BuiltinClock primary_trace_clock() const { return primary_trace_clock_; }
void set_primary_trace_clock(BuiltinClock value) { primary_trace_clock_ = value; _has_field_.set(5); }
bool has_snapshot_interval_ms() const { return _has_field_[6]; }
uint32_t snapshot_interval_ms() const { return snapshot_interval_ms_; }
void set_snapshot_interval_ms(uint32_t value) { snapshot_interval_ms_ = value; _has_field_.set(6); }
bool disable_clock_snapshotting_{};
bool disable_trace_config_{};
bool disable_system_info_{};
bool disable_service_events_{};
BuiltinClock primary_trace_clock_{};
uint32_t snapshot_interval_ms_{};
// Allows to preserve unknown protobuf fields for compatibility
// with future versions of .proto files.
std::string unknown_fields_;
std::bitset<7> _has_field_{};
class PERFETTO_EXPORT TraceConfig_DataSource : public ::protozero::CppMessageObj {
enum FieldNumbers {
kConfigFieldNumber = 1,
kProducerNameFilterFieldNumber = 2,
kProducerNameRegexFilterFieldNumber = 3,
~TraceConfig_DataSource() override;
TraceConfig_DataSource(TraceConfig_DataSource&&) noexcept;
TraceConfig_DataSource& operator=(TraceConfig_DataSource&&);
TraceConfig_DataSource(const TraceConfig_DataSource&);
TraceConfig_DataSource& operator=(const TraceConfig_DataSource&);
bool operator==(const TraceConfig_DataSource&) const;
bool operator!=(const TraceConfig_DataSource& other) const { return !(*this == other); }
bool ParseFromArray(const void*, size_t) override;
std::string SerializeAsString() const override;
std::vector<uint8_t> SerializeAsArray() const override;
void Serialize(::protozero::Message*) const;
bool has_config() const { return _has_field_[1]; }
const DataSourceConfig& config() const { return *config_; }
DataSourceConfig* mutable_config() { _has_field_.set(1); return config_.get(); }
int producer_name_filter_size() const { return static_cast<int>(producer_name_filter_.size()); }
const std::vector<std::string>& producer_name_filter() const { return producer_name_filter_; }
std::vector<std::string>* mutable_producer_name_filter() { return &producer_name_filter_; }
void clear_producer_name_filter() { producer_name_filter_.clear(); }
void add_producer_name_filter(std::string value) { producer_name_filter_.emplace_back(value); }
std::string* add_producer_name_filter() { producer_name_filter_.emplace_back(); return &producer_name_filter_.back(); }
int producer_name_regex_filter_size() const { return static_cast<int>(producer_name_regex_filter_.size()); }
const std::vector<std::string>& producer_name_regex_filter() const { return producer_name_regex_filter_; }
std::vector<std::string>* mutable_producer_name_regex_filter() { return &producer_name_regex_filter_; }
void clear_producer_name_regex_filter() { producer_name_regex_filter_.clear(); }
void add_producer_name_regex_filter(std::string value) { producer_name_regex_filter_.emplace_back(value); }
std::string* add_producer_name_regex_filter() { producer_name_regex_filter_.emplace_back(); return &producer_name_regex_filter_.back(); }
::protozero::CopyablePtr<DataSourceConfig> config_;
std::vector<std::string> producer_name_filter_;
std::vector<std::string> producer_name_regex_filter_;
// Allows to preserve unknown protobuf fields for compatibility
// with future versions of .proto files.
std::string unknown_fields_;
std::bitset<4> _has_field_{};
class PERFETTO_EXPORT TraceConfig_BufferConfig : public ::protozero::CppMessageObj {
using FillPolicy = TraceConfig_BufferConfig_FillPolicy;
static constexpr auto UNSPECIFIED = TraceConfig_BufferConfig_FillPolicy_UNSPECIFIED;
static constexpr auto RING_BUFFER = TraceConfig_BufferConfig_FillPolicy_RING_BUFFER;
static constexpr auto DISCARD = TraceConfig_BufferConfig_FillPolicy_DISCARD;
static constexpr auto FillPolicy_MIN = TraceConfig_BufferConfig_FillPolicy_UNSPECIFIED;
static constexpr auto FillPolicy_MAX = TraceConfig_BufferConfig_FillPolicy_DISCARD;
enum FieldNumbers {
kSizeKbFieldNumber = 1,
kFillPolicyFieldNumber = 4,
~TraceConfig_BufferConfig() override;
TraceConfig_BufferConfig(TraceConfig_BufferConfig&&) noexcept;
TraceConfig_BufferConfig& operator=(TraceConfig_BufferConfig&&);
TraceConfig_BufferConfig(const TraceConfig_BufferConfig&);
TraceConfig_BufferConfig& operator=(const TraceConfig_BufferConfig&);
bool operator==(const TraceConfig_BufferConfig&) const;
bool operator!=(const TraceConfig_BufferConfig& other) const { return !(*this == other); }
bool ParseFromArray(const void*, size_t) override;
std::string SerializeAsString() const override;
std::vector<uint8_t> SerializeAsArray() const override;
void Serialize(::protozero::Message*) const;
bool has_size_kb() const { return _has_field_[1]; }
uint32_t size_kb() const { return size_kb_; }
void set_size_kb(uint32_t value) { size_kb_ = value; _has_field_.set(1); }
bool has_fill_policy() const { return _has_field_[4]; }
TraceConfig_BufferConfig_FillPolicy fill_policy() const { return fill_policy_; }
void set_fill_policy(TraceConfig_BufferConfig_FillPolicy value) { fill_policy_ = value; _has_field_.set(4); }
uint32_t size_kb_{};
TraceConfig_BufferConfig_FillPolicy fill_policy_{};
// Allows to preserve unknown protobuf fields for compatibility
// with future versions of .proto files.
std::string unknown_fields_;
std::bitset<5> _has_field_{};
} // namespace perfetto
} // namespace protos
} // namespace gen
* Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
// Creates the aliases in the ::perfetto namespace, doing things like:
// using ::perfetto::Foo = ::perfetto::protos::gen::Foo.
// See comments in forward_decls.h for the historical reasons of this
// indirection layer.
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/tracing/core/forward_decls.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "protos/perfetto/config/trace_config.gen.h"
// gen_amalgamated begin header: include/perfetto/tracing/data_source.h
// gen_amalgamated begin header: include/perfetto/base/compiler.h
* Copyright (C) 2019 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <type_traits>
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/base/build_config.h"
#define PERFETTO_LIKELY(_x) __builtin_expect(!!(_x), 1)
#define PERFETTO_UNLIKELY(_x) __builtin_expect(!!(_x), 0)
#if defined(__GNUC__) || defined(__clang__)
#define PERFETTO_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT __attribute__((warn_unused_result))
#if defined(__clang__)
#define PERFETTO_ALWAYS_INLINE __attribute__((__always_inline__))
#define PERFETTO_NO_INLINE __attribute__((__noinline__))
// GCC is too pedantic and often fails with the error:
// "always_inline function might not be inlinable"
#if defined(__GNUC__) || defined(__clang__)
#elif defined(_MSC_VER)
static_assert(false, "Not implemented for this compiler")
#if defined(__GNUC__) || defined(__clang__)
__attribute__((__format__(__printf__, x, y)))
// TODO(b/158814068): For iOS builds, thread_local is only supported since iOS
// 8. We'd have to use pthread for thread local data instead here. For now, just
// define it to nothing since we don't support running perfetto or the client
// lib on iOS right now.
#define PERFETTO_THREAD_LOCAL thread_local
namespace perfetto {
namespace base {
template <typename... T>
inline void ignore_result(const T&...) {}
} // namespace base
} // namespace perfetto
// gen_amalgamated begin header: include/perfetto/protozero/message.h
// gen_amalgamated begin header: include/perfetto/base/logging.h
* Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <errno.h>
#include <string.h> // For strerror.
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/base/build_config.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/base/compiler.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/base/export.h"
// Ignore GCC warning about a missing argument for a variadic macro parameter.
#pragma GCC system_header
// TODO(primiano): move this to base/build_config.h, turn into
// PERFETTO_BUILDFLAG(DCHECK_IS_ON) and update call sites to use that instead.
#if defined(NDEBUG) && !defined(DCHECK_ALWAYS_ON)
#error "Async-safe logging is limited to Android tree builds"
// For binaries which need a very lightweight logging implementation.
// Note that this header is incompatible with android/log.h.
#include <async_safe/log.h>
// Normal android logging.
#include <android/log.h>
namespace perfetto {
namespace base {
// Constexpr functions to extract basename(__FILE__), e.g.: ../foo/f.c -> f.c .
constexpr const char* StrEnd(const char* s) {
return *s ? StrEnd(s + 1) : s;
constexpr const char* BasenameRecursive(const char* s,
const char* begin,
const char* end) {
return (*s == '/' && s < end)
? (s + 1)
: ((s > begin) ? BasenameRecursive(s - 1, begin, end) : s);
constexpr const char* Basename(const char* str) {
return BasenameRecursive(StrEnd(str), str, StrEnd(str));
enum LogLev { kLogDebug = 0, kLogInfo, kLogImportant, kLogError };
PERFETTO_EXPORT void LogMessage(LogLev,
const char* fname,
int line,
const char* fmt,
#define PERFETTO_XLOG(level, fmt, ...) \
do { \
async_safe_format_log((ANDROID_LOG_DEBUG + level), "perfetto", \
"%s:%d " fmt, ::perfetto::base::Basename(__FILE__), \
__LINE__, ##__VA_ARGS__); \
} while (0)
#define PERFETTO_XLOG(level, fmt, ...) \
::perfetto::base::LogMessage(level, ::perfetto::base::Basename(__FILE__), \
__LINE__, fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__)
do { \
__builtin_trap(); \
__builtin_unreachable(); \
} while (0)
#define PERFETTO_LOG(fmt, ...) \
PERFETTO_XLOG(::perfetto::base::kLogInfo, fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__)
#define PERFETTO_LOG(...) ::perfetto::base::ignore_result(__VA_ARGS__)
#define PERFETTO_ILOG(fmt, ...) \
PERFETTO_XLOG(::perfetto::base::kLogImportant, fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__)
#define PERFETTO_ELOG(fmt, ...) \
PERFETTO_XLOG(::perfetto::base::kLogError, fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__)
#define PERFETTO_FATAL(fmt, ...) \
do { \
PERFETTO_PLOG(fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__); \
} while (0)
#define PERFETTO_PLOG(x, ...) \
PERFETTO_ELOG(x " (errno: %d, %s)", ##__VA_ARGS__, errno, strerror(errno))
#define PERFETTO_DLOG(fmt, ...) \
PERFETTO_XLOG(::perfetto::base::kLogDebug, fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__)
#define PERFETTO_DPLOG(x, ...) \
PERFETTO_DLOG(x " (errno: %d, %s)", ##__VA_ARGS__, errno, strerror(errno))
#define PERFETTO_DLOG(...) ::perfetto::base::ignore_result(__VA_ARGS__)
#define PERFETTO_DPLOG(...) ::perfetto::base::ignore_result(__VA_ARGS__)
#define PERFETTO_DCHECK(x) \
do { \
if (PERFETTO_UNLIKELY(!(x))) { \
} \
} while (0)
#define PERFETTO_DFATAL(fmt, ...) \
do { \
PERFETTO_PLOG(fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__); \
} while (0)
#define PERFETTO_DCHECK(x) \
do { \
} while (false && (x))
#define PERFETTO_CHECK(x) \
do { \
if (PERFETTO_UNLIKELY(!(x))) { \
} \
} while (0)
#define PERFETTO_DFATAL(...) ::perfetto::base::ignore_result(__VA_ARGS__)
} // namespace base
} // namespace perfetto
// gen_amalgamated begin header: include/perfetto/protozero/contiguous_memory_range.h
* Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <assert.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
namespace protozero {
// Keep this struct trivially constructible (no ctors, no default initializers).
struct ContiguousMemoryRange {
uint8_t* begin;
uint8_t* end; // STL style: one byte past the end of the buffer.
inline bool is_valid() const { return begin != nullptr; }
inline void reset() { begin = nullptr; }
inline size_t size() const { return static_cast<size_t>(end - begin); }
} // namespace protozero
// gen_amalgamated begin header: include/perfetto/protozero/proto_utils.h
* Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <type_traits>
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/base/logging.h"
namespace protozero {
namespace proto_utils {
// See wire types.
// This is a type encoded into the proto that provides just enough info to
// find the length of the following value.
enum class ProtoWireType : uint32_t {
kVarInt = 0,
kFixed64 = 1,
kLengthDelimited = 2,
kFixed32 = 5,
// This is the type defined in the proto for each field. This information
// is used to decide the translation strategy when writing the trace.
enum class ProtoSchemaType {
kUnknown = 0,
kGroup, // Deprecated (proto2 only)
inline const char* ProtoSchemaToString(ProtoSchemaType v) {
switch (v) {
case ProtoSchemaType::kUnknown:
return "unknown";
case ProtoSchemaType::kDouble:
return "double";
case ProtoSchemaType::kFloat:
return "float";
case ProtoSchemaType::kInt64:
return "int64";
case ProtoSchemaType::kUint64:
return "uint64";
case ProtoSchemaType::kInt32:
return "int32";
case ProtoSchemaType::kFixed64:
return "fixed64";
case ProtoSchemaType::kFixed32:
return "fixed32";
case ProtoSchemaType::kBool:
return "bool";
case ProtoSchemaType::kString:
return "string";
case ProtoSchemaType::kGroup:
return "group";
case ProtoSchemaType::kMessage:
return "message";
case ProtoSchemaType::kBytes:
return "bytes";
case ProtoSchemaType::kUint32:
return "uint32";
case ProtoSchemaType::kEnum:
return "enum";
case ProtoSchemaType::kSfixed32:
return "sfixed32";
case ProtoSchemaType::kSfixed64:
return "sfixed64";
case ProtoSchemaType::kSint32:
return "sint32";
case ProtoSchemaType::kSint64:
return "sint64";
// For gcc:
return "";
// Maximum message size supported: 256 MiB (4 x 7-bit due to varint encoding).
constexpr size_t kMessageLengthFieldSize = 4;
constexpr size_t kMaxMessageLength = (1u << (kMessageLengthFieldSize * 7)) - 1;
// Field tag is encoded as 32-bit varint (5 bytes at most).
// Largest value of simple (not length-delimited) field is 64-bit varint
// (10 bytes at most). 15 bytes buffer is enough to store a simple field.
constexpr size_t kMaxTagEncodedSize = 5;
constexpr size_t kMaxSimpleFieldEncodedSize = kMaxTagEncodedSize + 10;
// Proto types: (int|uint|sint)(32|64), bool, enum.
constexpr uint32_t MakeTagVarInt(uint32_t field_id) {
return (field_id << 3) | static_cast<uint32_t>(ProtoWireType::kVarInt);
// Proto types: fixed64, sfixed64, fixed32, sfixed32, double, float.
template <typename T>
constexpr uint32_t MakeTagFixed(uint32_t field_id) {
static_assert(sizeof(T) == 8 || sizeof(T) == 4, "Value must be 4 or 8 bytes");
return (field_id << 3) |
static_cast<uint32_t>((sizeof(T) == 8 ? ProtoWireType::kFixed64
: ProtoWireType::kFixed32));
// Proto types: string, bytes, embedded messages.
constexpr uint32_t MakeTagLengthDelimited(uint32_t field_id) {
return (field_id << 3) |
// Proto types: sint64, sint32.
template <typename T>
inline typename std::make_unsigned<T>::type ZigZagEncode(T value) {
using UnsignedType = typename std::make_unsigned<T>::type;
// Right-shift of negative values is implementation specific.
// Assert the implementation does what we expect, which is that shifting any
// positive value by sizeof(T) * 8 - 1 gives an all 0 bitmap, and a negative
// value gives and all 1 bitmap.
constexpr uint64_t kUnsignedZero = 0u;
constexpr int64_t kNegativeOne = -1;
constexpr int64_t kPositiveOne = 1;
static_assert(static_cast<uint64_t>(kNegativeOne >> 63) == ~kUnsignedZero,
"implementation does not support assumed rightshift");
static_assert(static_cast<uint64_t>(kPositiveOne >> 63) == kUnsignedZero,
"implementation does not support assumed rightshift");
return (static_cast<UnsignedType>(value) << 1) ^
static_cast<UnsignedType>(value >> (sizeof(T) * 8 - 1));
// Proto types: sint64, sint32.
template <typename T>
inline typename std::make_signed<T>::type ZigZagDecode(T value) {
using UnsignedType = typename std::make_unsigned<T>::type;
auto u_value = static_cast<UnsignedType>(value);
return static_cast<typename std::make_signed<T>::type>(
((u_value >> 1) ^ -(u_value & 1)));
template <typename T>
inline uint8_t* WriteVarInt(T value, uint8_t* target) {
// If value is <= 0 we must first sign extend to int64_t (see [1]).
// Finally we always cast to an unsigned value to to avoid arithmetic
// (sign expanding) shifts in the while loop.
// [1]: "If you use int32 or int64 as the type for a negative number, the
// resulting varint is always ten bytes long".
// -
// So for each input type we do the following casts:
// uintX_t -> uintX_t -> uintX_t
// int8_t -> int64_t -> uint64_t
// int16_t -> int64_t -> uint64_t
// int32_t -> int64_t -> uint64_t
// int64_t -> int64_t -> uint64_t
using MaybeExtendedType =
typename std::conditional<std::is_unsigned<T>::value, T, int64_t>::type;
using UnsignedType = typename std::make_unsigned<MaybeExtendedType>::type;
MaybeExtendedType extended_value = static_cast<MaybeExtendedType>(value);
UnsignedType unsigned_value = static_cast<UnsignedType>(extended_value);
while (unsigned_value >= 0x80) {
*target++ = static_cast<uint8_t>(unsigned_value) | 0x80;
unsigned_value >>= 7;
*target = static_cast<uint8_t>(unsigned_value);
return target + 1;
// Writes a fixed-size redundant encoding of the given |value|. This is
// used to backfill fixed-size reservations for the length field using a
// non-canonical varint encoding (e.g. \x81\x80\x80\x00 instead of \x01).
// See
// In particular, this is used for nested messages. The size of a nested message
// is not known until all its field have been written. |kMessageLengthFieldSize|
// bytes are reserved to encode the size field and backfilled at the end.
inline void WriteRedundantVarInt(uint32_t value, uint8_t* buf) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < kMessageLengthFieldSize; ++i) {
const uint8_t msb = (i < kMessageLengthFieldSize - 1) ? 0x80 : 0;
buf[i] = static_cast<uint8_t>(value) | msb;
value >>= 7;
template <uint32_t field_id>
void StaticAssertSingleBytePreamble() {
static_assert(field_id < 16,
"Proto field id too big to fit in a single byte preamble");
// Parses a VarInt from the encoded buffer [start, end). |end| is STL-style and
// points one byte past the end of buffer.
// The parsed int value is stored in the output arg |value|. Returns a pointer
// to the next unconsumed byte (so start < retval <= end) or |start| if the
// VarInt could not be fully parsed because there was not enough space in the
// buffer.
inline const uint8_t* ParseVarInt(const uint8_t* start,
const uint8_t* end,
uint64_t* out_value) {
const uint8_t* pos = start;
uint64_t value = 0;
for (uint32_t shift = 0; pos < end && shift < 64u; shift += 7) {
// Cache *pos into |cur_byte| to prevent that the compiler dereferences the
// pointer twice (here and in the if() below) due to char* aliasing rules.
uint8_t cur_byte = *pos++;
value |= static_cast<uint64_t>(cur_byte & 0x7f) << shift;
if ((cur_byte & 0x80) == 0) {
// In valid cases we get here.
*out_value = value;
return pos;
*out_value = 0;
return start;
} // namespace proto_utils
} // namespace protozero
// gen_amalgamated begin header: include/perfetto/protozero/scattered_stream_writer.h
* Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <assert.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <string.h>
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/base/compiler.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/base/export.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/contiguous_memory_range.h"
namespace protozero {
// This class deals with the following problem: append-only proto messages want
// to write a stream of bytes, without caring about the implementation of the
// underlying buffer (which concretely will be either the trace ring buffer
// or a heap-allocated buffer). The main deal is: proto messages don't know in
// advance what their size will be.
// Due to the tracing buffer being split into fixed-size chunks, on some
// occasions, these writes need to be spread over two (or more) non-contiguous
// chunks of memory. Similarly, when the buffer is backed by the heap, we want
// to avoid realloc() calls, as they might cause a full copy of the contents
// of the buffer.
// The purpose of this class is to abstract away the non-contiguous write logic.
// This class knows how to deal with writes as long as they fall in the same
// ContiguousMemoryRange and defers the chunk-chaining logic to the Delegate.
class PERFETTO_EXPORT ScatteredStreamWriter {
class PERFETTO_EXPORT Delegate {
virtual ~Delegate();
virtual ContiguousMemoryRange GetNewBuffer() = 0;
explicit ScatteredStreamWriter(Delegate* delegate);
inline void WriteByte(uint8_t value) {
if (write_ptr_ >= cur_range_.end)
*write_ptr_++ = value;
// Assumes that the caller checked that there is enough headroom.
// TODO(primiano): perf optimization, this is a tracing hot path. The
// compiler can make strong optimization on memcpy if the size arg is a
// constexpr. Make a templated variant of this for fixed-size writes.
// TODO(primiano): restrict / noalias might also help.
inline void WriteBytesUnsafe(const uint8_t* src, size_t size) {
uint8_t* const end = write_ptr_ + size;
assert(end <= cur_range_.end);
memcpy(write_ptr_, src, size);
write_ptr_ = end;
inline void WriteBytes(const uint8_t* src, size_t size) {
uint8_t* const end = write_ptr_ + size;
if (PERFETTO_LIKELY(end <= cur_range_.end))
return WriteBytesUnsafe(src, size);
WriteBytesSlowPath(src, size);
void WriteBytesSlowPath(const uint8_t* src, size_t size);
// Reserves a fixed amount of bytes to be backfilled later. The reserved range
// is guaranteed to be contiguous and not span across chunks. |size| has to be
// <= than the size of a new buffer returned by the Delegate::GetNewBuffer().
uint8_t* ReserveBytes(size_t size);
// Fast (but unsafe) version of the above. The caller must have previously
// checked that there are at least |size| contiguous bytes available.
// Returns only the start pointer of the reservation.
uint8_t* ReserveBytesUnsafe(size_t size) {
uint8_t* begin = write_ptr_;
write_ptr_ += size;
assert(write_ptr_ <= cur_range_.end);
return begin;
// Resets the buffer boundaries and the write pointer to the given |range|.
// Subsequent WriteByte(s) will write into |range|.
void Reset(ContiguousMemoryRange range);
// Number of contiguous free bytes in |cur_range_| that can be written without
// requesting a new buffer.
size_t bytes_available() const {
return static_cast<size_t>(cur_range_.end - write_ptr_);
uint8_t* write_ptr() const { return write_ptr_; }
uint64_t written() const {
return written_previously_ +
static_cast<uint64_t>(write_ptr_ - cur_range_.begin);
ScatteredStreamWriter(const ScatteredStreamWriter&) = delete;
ScatteredStreamWriter& operator=(const ScatteredStreamWriter&) = delete;
void Extend();
Delegate* const delegate_;
ContiguousMemoryRange cur_range_;
uint8_t* write_ptr_;
uint64_t written_previously_ = 0;
} // namespace protozero
* Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <string>
#include <type_traits>
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/base/export.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/base/logging.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/contiguous_memory_range.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_utils.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/scattered_stream_writer.h"
namespace perfetto {
namespace shm_fuzz {
class FakeProducer;
} // namespace shm_fuzz
} // namespace perfetto
namespace protozero {
class MessageHandleBase;
// Base class extended by the proto C++ stubs generated by the ProtoZero
// compiler. This class provides the minimal runtime required to support
// append-only operations and is designed for performance. None of the methods
// require any dynamic memory allocation.
class PERFETTO_EXPORT Message {
friend class MessageHandleBase;
// Adjust the |nested_messages_arena_| size when changing this, or the
// static_assert in the .cc file will bark.
static constexpr uint32_t kMaxNestingDepth = 10;
// Ctor and Dtor of Message are never called, with the exeception
// of root (non-nested) messages. Nested messages are allocated via placement
// new in the |nested_messages_arena_| and implictly destroyed when the arena
// of the root message goes away. This is fine as long as all the fields are
// PODs, which is checked by the static_assert in the ctor (see the Reset()
// method in the .cc file).
Message() = default;
// Clears up the state, allowing the message to be reused as a fresh one.
void Reset(ScatteredStreamWriter*);
// Commits all the changes to the buffer (backfills the size field of this and
// all nested messages) and seals the message. Returns the size of the message
// (and all nested sub-messages), without taking into account any chunking.
// Finalize is idempotent and can be called several times w/o side effects.
uint32_t Finalize();
// Optional. If is_valid() == true, the corresponding memory region (its
// length == proto_utils::kMessageLengthFieldSize) is backfilled with the size
// of this message (minus |size_already_written| below). This is the mechanism
// used by messages to backfill their corresponding size field in the parent
// message.
uint8_t* size_field() const { return size_field_; }
void set_size_field(uint8_t* size_field) { size_field_ = size_field; }
// This is to deal with case of backfilling the size of a root (non-nested)
// message which is split into multiple chunks. Upon finalization only the
// partial size that lies in the last chunk has to be backfilled.
void inc_size_already_written(uint32_t sz) { size_already_written_ += sz; }
Message* nested_message() { return nested_message_; }
bool is_finalized() const { return finalized_; }
void set_handle(MessageHandleBase* handle) { handle_ = handle; }
// Proto types: uint64, uint32, int64, int32, bool, enum.
template <typename T>
void AppendVarInt(uint32_t field_id, T value) {
if (nested_message_)
uint8_t buffer[proto_utils::kMaxSimpleFieldEncodedSize];
uint8_t* pos = buffer;
pos = proto_utils::WriteVarInt(proto_utils::MakeTagVarInt(field_id), pos);
// WriteVarInt encodes signed values in two's complement form.
pos = proto_utils::WriteVarInt(value, pos);
WriteToStream(buffer, pos);
// Proto types: sint64, sint32.
template <typename T>
void AppendSignedVarInt(uint32_t field_id, T value) {
AppendVarInt(field_id, proto_utils::ZigZagEncode(value));
// Proto types: bool, enum (small).
// Faster version of AppendVarInt for tiny numbers.
void AppendTinyVarInt(uint32_t field_id, int32_t value) {
PERFETTO_DCHECK(0 <= value && value < 0x80);
if (nested_message_)
uint8_t buffer[proto_utils::kMaxSimpleFieldEncodedSize];
uint8_t* pos = buffer;
// MakeTagVarInt gets super optimized here for constexpr.
pos = proto_utils::WriteVarInt(proto_utils::MakeTagVarInt(field_id), pos);
*pos++ = static_cast<uint8_t>(value);
WriteToStream(buffer, pos);
// Proto types: fixed64, sfixed64, fixed32, sfixed32, double, float.
template <typename T>
void AppendFixed(uint32_t field_id, T value) {
if (nested_message_)
uint8_t buffer[proto_utils::kMaxSimpleFieldEncodedSize];
uint8_t* pos = buffer;
pos = proto_utils::WriteVarInt(proto_utils::MakeTagFixed<T>(field_id), pos);
memcpy(pos, &value, sizeof(T));
pos += sizeof(T);
// TODO: Optimize memcpy performance, see .
WriteToStream(buffer, pos);
void AppendString(uint32_t field_id, const char* str);
void AppendString(uint32_t field_id, const std::string& str) {
AppendBytes(field_id,, str.size());
void AppendBytes(uint32_t field_id, const void* value, size_t size);
// Append raw bytes for a field, using the supplied |ranges| to
// copy from |num_ranges| individual buffers.
size_t AppendScatteredBytes(uint32_t field_id,
ContiguousMemoryRange* ranges,
size_t num_ranges);
// Begins a nested message, using the static storage provided by the parent
// class (see comment in |nested_messages_arena_|). The nested message ends
// either when Finalize() is called or when any other Append* method is called
// in the parent class.
// The template argument T is supposed to be a stub class auto generated from
// a .proto, hence a subclass of Message.
template <class T>
T* BeginNestedMessage(uint32_t field_id) {
// This is to prevent subclasses (which should be autogenerated, though), to
// introduce extra state fields (which wouldn't be initialized by Reset()).
static_assert(std::is_base_of<Message, T>::value,
"T must be a subclass of Message");
static_assert(sizeof(T) == sizeof(Message),
"Message subclasses cannot introduce extra state.");
T* message = reinterpret_cast<T*>(nested_messages_arena_);
BeginNestedMessageInternal(field_id, message);
return message;
ScatteredStreamWriter* stream_writer_for_testing() { return stream_writer_; }
// Appends some raw bytes to the message. The use-case for this is preserving
// unknown fields in the decode -> re-encode path of classes
// generated by the
// The caller needs to guarantee that the appended data is properly
// proto-encoded and each field has a proto preamble.
void AppendRawProtoBytes(const void* data, size_t size) {
const uint8_t* src = reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(data);
WriteToStream(src, src + size);
Message(const Message&) = delete;
Message& operator=(const Message&) = delete;
void BeginNestedMessageInternal(uint32_t field_id, Message*);
// Called by Finalize and Append* methods.
void EndNestedMessage();
void WriteToStream(const uint8_t* src_begin, const uint8_t* src_end) {
PERFETTO_DCHECK(src_begin <= src_end);
const uint32_t size = static_cast<uint32_t>(src_end - src_begin);
stream_writer_->WriteBytes(src_begin, size);
size_ += size;
// Only POD fields are allowed. This class's dtor is never called.
// See the comment on the static_assert in the corresponding .cc file.
// The stream writer interface used for the serialization.
ScatteredStreamWriter* stream_writer_;
uint8_t* size_field_;
// Keeps track of the size of the current message.
uint32_t size_;
// See comment for inc_size_already_written().
uint32_t size_already_written_;
// When true, no more changes to the message are allowed. This is to DCHECK
// attempts of writing to a message which has been Finalize()-d.
bool finalized_;
// Used to detect attemps to create messages with a nesting level >
// kMaxNestingDepth. |nesting_depth_| == 0 for root (non-nested) messages.
uint8_t nesting_depth_;
// Current generation of message. Incremented on Reset.
// Used to detect stale handles.
uint32_t generation_;
MessageHandleBase* handle_;
// Pointer to the last child message created through BeginNestedMessage(), if
// any, nullptr otherwise. There is no need to keep track of more than one
// message per nesting level as the proto-zero API contract mandates that
// nested fields can be filled only in a stacked fashion. In other words,
// nested messages are finalized and sealed when any other field is set in the
// parent message (or the parent message itself is finalized) and cannot be
// accessed anymore afterwards.
// TODO(primiano): optimization: I think that nested_message_, when non-null.
// will always be @ (this) + offsetof(nested_messages_arena_).
Message* nested_message_;
// The root message owns the storage for all its nested messages, up to a max
// of kMaxNestingDepth levels (see the .cc file). Note that the boundaries of
// the arena are meaningful only for the root message.
// Unfortunately we cannot put the sizeof() math here because we cannot sizeof
// the current class in a header. However the .cc file has a static_assert
// that guarantees that (see the Reset() method in the .cc file).
alignas(sizeof(void*)) uint8_t nested_messages_arena_[512];
// DO NOT add any fields below |nested_messages_arena_|. The memory layout of
// nested messages would overflow the storage allocated by the root message.
} // namespace protozero
// gen_amalgamated begin header: include/perfetto/protozero/message_handle.h
* Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <functional>
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/base/export.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/message.h"
namespace protozero {
class Message;
// MessageHandle allows to decouple the lifetime of a proto message
// from the underlying storage. It gives the following guarantees:
// - The underlying message is finalized (if still alive) if the handle goes
// out of scope.
// - In Debug / DCHECK_ALWAYS_ON builds, the handle becomes null once the
// message is finalized. This is to enforce the append-only API. For instance
// when adding two repeated messages, the addition of the 2nd one forces
// the finalization of the first.
// Think about this as a WeakPtr<Message> which calls
// Message::Finalize() when going out of scope.
class PERFETTO_EXPORT MessageHandleBase {
// Move-only type.
MessageHandleBase(MessageHandleBase&&) noexcept;
MessageHandleBase& operator=(MessageHandleBase&&);
explicit operator bool() const {
PERFETTO_DCHECK(!message_ || generation_ == message_->generation_);
return !!message_;
explicit MessageHandleBase(Message* = nullptr);
Message* operator->() const {
PERFETTO_DCHECK(!message_ || generation_ == message_->generation_);
return message_;
Message& operator*() const { return *(operator->()); }
friend class Message;
MessageHandleBase(const MessageHandleBase&) = delete;
MessageHandleBase& operator=(const MessageHandleBase&) = delete;
void reset_message() {
// This is called by Message::Finalize().
message_ = nullptr;
void Move(MessageHandleBase&&);
void FinalizeMessage() { message_->Finalize(); }
Message* message_;
uint32_t generation_;
template <typename T>
class MessageHandle : public MessageHandleBase {
MessageHandle() : MessageHandle(nullptr) {}
explicit MessageHandle(T* message) : MessageHandleBase(message) {}
explicit operator bool() const { return MessageHandleBase::operator bool(); }
T& operator*() const {
return static_cast<T&>(MessageHandleBase::operator*());
T* operator->() const {
return static_cast<T*>(MessageHandleBase::operator->());
T* get() const { return static_cast<T*>(MessageHandleBase::operator->()); }
} // namespace protozero
// gen_amalgamated begin header: include/perfetto/tracing/internal/basic_types.h
* Copyright (C) 2019 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
namespace perfetto {
namespace internal {
// A static_assert in guarantees that this stays in sync
// with the definition in tracing/core/basic_types.h
using BufferId = uint16_t;
// This is a direct index in the TracingMuxer::backends_ vector.
// Backends are only added and never removed.
using TracingBackendId = size_t;
// Max numbers of data sources that can be registered in a process.
constexpr size_t kMaxDataSources = 32;
// Max instances for each data source type. This typically matches the
// "max number of concurrent tracing sessions". However remember that a data
// source can be instantiated more than once within one tracing session by
// creating two entries for it in the trace config.
constexpr size_t kMaxDataSourceInstances = 8;
} // namespace internal
} // namespace perfetto
// gen_amalgamated begin header: include/perfetto/tracing/internal/data_source_internal.h
// gen_amalgamated begin header: include/perfetto/tracing/trace_writer_base.h
* Copyright (C) 2019 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/message_handle.h"
namespace perfetto {
namespace protos {
namespace pbzero {
class TracePacket;
} // namespace pbzero
} // namespace protos
// The bare-minimum subset of the TraceWriter interface that is exposed as a
// fully public API.
// See comments in /include/perfetto/ext/tracing/core/trace_writer.h.
class TraceWriterBase {
virtual ~TraceWriterBase();
virtual protozero::MessageHandle<protos::pbzero::TracePacket>
NewTracePacket() = 0;
virtual void Flush(std::function<void()> callback = {}) = 0;
virtual uint64_t written() const = 0;
} // namespace perfetto
* Copyright (C) 2019 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <array>
#include <atomic>
#include <functional>
#include <memory>
#include <mutex>
// No perfetto headers (other than tracing/api and protozero) should be here.
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/tracing/buffer_exhausted_policy.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/tracing/internal/basic_types.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/tracing/trace_writer_base.h"
namespace perfetto {
class DataSourceBase;
class TraceWriterBase;
namespace internal {
class TracingTLS;
// This maintains the internal state of a data source instance that is used only
// to implement the tracing mechanics and is not exposed to the API client.
// There is one of these object per DataSource instance (up to
// kMaxDataSourceInstances).
struct DataSourceState {
// This boolean flag determines whether the DataSource::Trace() method should
// do something or be a no-op. This flag doesn't give the full guarantee
// that tracing data will be visible in the trace, it just makes it so that
// the client attemps writing trace data and interacting with the service.
// For instance, when a tracing session ends the service will reject data
// commits that arrive too late even if the producer hasn't received the stop
// IPC message.
// This flag is set right before calling OnStart() and cleared right before
// calling OnStop(), unless using HandleStopAsynchronously() (see comments
// in data_source.h).
// Keep this flag as the first field. This allows the compiler to directly
// dereference the DataSourceState* pointer in the trace fast-path without
// doing extra pointr arithmetic.
bool trace_lambda_enabled = false;
// The central buffer id that all TraceWriter(s) created by this data source
// must target.
BufferId buffer_id = 0;
// The index within TracingMuxerImpl.backends_. Practically it allows to
// lookup the Producer object, and hence the IPC channel, for this data
// source.
TracingBackendId backend_id = 0;
// The instance id as assigned by the tracing service. Note that because a
// process can be connected to >1 services, this ID is not globally unique but
// is only unique within the scope of its backend.
// Only the tuple (backend_id, data_source_instance_id) is globally unique.
uint64_t data_source_instance_id = 0;
// A hash of the trace config used by this instance. This is used to
// de-duplicate instances for data sources with identical names (e.g., track
// event).
uint64_t config_hash = 0;
// This lock is not held to implement Trace() and it's used only if the trace
// code wants to access its own data source state.
// This is to prevent that accessing the data source on an arbitrary embedder
// thread races with the internal IPC thread destroying the data source
// because of a end-of-tracing notification from the service.
std::recursive_mutex lock;
std::unique_ptr<DataSourceBase> data_source;
// This is to allow lazy-initialization and avoid static initializers and
// at-exit destructors. All the entries are initialized via placement-new when
// DataSource::Register() is called, see TracingMuxerImpl::RegisterDataSource().
struct DataSourceStateStorage {
alignas(DataSourceState) char storage[sizeof(DataSourceState)]{};
// Per-DataSource-type global state.
struct DataSourceStaticState {
// Unique index of the data source, assigned at registration time.
uint32_t index = kMaxDataSources;
// A bitmap that tells about the validity of each |instances| entry. When the
// i-th bit of the bitmap it's set, instances[i] is valid.
std::atomic<uint32_t> valid_instances{};
std::array<DataSourceStateStorage, kMaxDataSourceInstances> instances{};
// Can be used with a cached |valid_instances| bitmap.
DataSourceState* TryGetCached(uint32_t cached_bitmap, size_t n) {
return cached_bitmap & (1 << n)
? reinterpret_cast<DataSourceState*>(&instances[n])
: nullptr;
DataSourceState* TryGet(size_t n) {
return TryGetCached(valid_instances.load(std::memory_order_acquire), n);
void CompilerAsserts() {
static_assert(sizeof(valid_instances.load()) * 8 >= kMaxDataSourceInstances,
"kMaxDataSourceInstances too high");
// Per-DataSource-instance thread-local state.
struct DataSourceInstanceThreadLocalState {
using IncrementalStatePointer = std::unique_ptr<void, void (*)(void*)>;
void Reset() {
backend_id = 0;
buffer_id = 0;
std::unique_ptr<TraceWriterBase> trace_writer;
IncrementalStatePointer incremental_state = {nullptr, [](void*) {}};
TracingBackendId backend_id;
BufferId buffer_id;
// Per-DataSource-type thread-local state.
struct DataSourceThreadLocalState {
DataSourceStaticState* static_state = nullptr;
// Pointer to the parent tls object that holds us. Used to retrieve the
// generation, which is per-global-TLS and not per data-source.
TracingTLS* root_tls = nullptr;
// One entry per each data source instance.
std::array<DataSourceInstanceThreadLocalState, kMaxDataSourceInstances>
} // namespace internal
} // namespace perfetto
// gen_amalgamated begin header: include/perfetto/tracing/internal/tracing_muxer.h
// gen_amalgamated begin header: include/perfetto/tracing/internal/tracing_tls.h
// gen_amalgamated begin header: include/perfetto/tracing/platform.h
* Copyright (C) 2019 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <functional>
#include <memory>
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/base/export.h"
namespace perfetto {
namespace base {
class TaskRunner;
} // namespace base
// This abstract class is used to abstract dependencies on platform-specific
// primitives that cannot be implemented by the perfetto codebase and must be
// provided or overridden by the embedder.
// This is, for instance, for cases where we want to use some particular
// base:: class in Chrome and provide instead POSIX fallbacks for other
// embedders.
// Base class for thread-local objects. This is to get a basic object vtable and
// delegate destruction to the embedder. See Platform::CreateThreadLocalObject.
class PERFETTO_EXPORT PlatformThreadLocalObject {
// Implemented by perfetto internal code. The embedder must call this when
// implementing GetOrCreateThreadLocalObject() to create an instance for the
// first time on each thread.
static std::unique_ptr<PlatformThreadLocalObject> CreateInstance();
virtual ~PlatformThreadLocalObject();
class PERFETTO_EXPORT Platform {
// Embedders can use this unless they have custom needs (e.g. Chrome wanting
// to use its own base class for TLS).
static Platform* GetDefaultPlatform();
virtual ~Platform();
// Creates a thread-local object. The embedder must:
// - Create an instance per-thread calling ThreadLocalObject::CreateInstance.
// - Own the lifetime of the returned object as long as the thread is alive.
// - Destroy it when the thread exits.
// Perfetto requires only one thread-local object overall (obviously, one
// instance per-thread) from the embedder.
using ThreadLocalObject = ::perfetto::PlatformThreadLocalObject;
virtual ThreadLocalObject* GetOrCreateThreadLocalObject() = 0;
// Creates a sequenced task runner. The easiest implementation is to create
// a new thread (e.g. use base::ThreadTaskRunner) but this can also be
// implemented in some more clever way (e.g. using chromiums's scheduler).
struct CreateTaskRunnerArgs {};
virtual std::unique_ptr<base::TaskRunner> CreateTaskRunner(
const CreateTaskRunnerArgs&) = 0;
// Used to derive the producer name. Mostly relevant when using the
// kSystemBackend mode. It can be an arbitrary string when using the
// in-process mode.
virtual std::string GetCurrentProcessName() = 0;
} // namespace perfetto
* Copyright (C) 2019 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <array>
#include <memory>
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/tracing/internal/basic_types.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/tracing/internal/data_source_internal.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/tracing/platform.h"
namespace perfetto {
class TraceWriterBase;
namespace internal {
// Organization of the thread-local storage
// ----------------------------------------
// First of all, remember the cardinality of the problem: at any point in time
// there are M data sources registered (i.e. number of subclasses of DataSource)
// and up to N concurrent instances for each data source, so up to M * N total
// data source instances around.
// Each data source instance can be accessed by T threads (no upper bound).
// We can safely put hard limits both to M and N (i.e. say that we support at
// most 32 data source types per process and up to 8 concurrent instances).
// We want to make it so from the Platform viewpoint, we use only one global
// TLS object, so T instances in total, one per thread, regardless of M and N.
// This allows to deal with at-thread-exit destruction only in one place, rather
// than N, M or M * N.
// Visually:
// [ Thread 1 ] [ Thread 2 ] [ Thread T ]
// +---------------+ +---------------+ +---------------+
// Data source Foo | | | | | |
// Instance 1 | TLS | | TLS | | TLS |
// Instance 2 | Object | | Object | | Object |
// Instance 3 | | | | | |
// | | | | | |
// Data source Bar | | | | | |
// Instance 1 | | | | | |
// Instance 2 | | | | | |
// +---------------+ +---------------+ +---------------+
// Each TLS Object is organized as an array of M DataSourceThreadLocalState.
// Each DSTLS itself is an array of up to N per-instance objects.
// The only per-instance object for now is the TraceWriter.
// So for each data source, for each instance, for each thread we keep one
// TraceWriter.
// The lookup is O(1): Given the TLS object, the TraceWriter is just tls[M][N].
class TracingTLS : public Platform::ThreadLocalObject {
~TracingTLS() override;
// This is checked against TraceMuxerImpl's global generation counter to
// handle destruction of TraceWriter(s) that belong to data sources that
// have been stopped. When the two numbers diverge, a scan of all the
// thread-local TraceWriter(s) is issued.
uint32_t generation = 0;
// By default all data source instances have independent thread-local state
// (see above).
std::array<DataSourceThreadLocalState, kMaxDataSources> data_sources_tls{};
// Track event data sources, however, share the same thread-local state in
// order to be able to share trace writers and interning state across all
// track event categories.
DataSourceThreadLocalState track_event_tls{};
} // namespace internal
} // namespace perfetto
* Copyright (C) 2019 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <atomic>
#include <memory>
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/base/export.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/tracing/core/forward_decls.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/tracing/internal/basic_types.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/tracing/internal/tracing_tls.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/tracing/platform.h"
namespace perfetto {
class DataSourceBase;
class TraceWriterBase;
struct TracingInitArgs;
class TracingSession;
namespace internal {
struct DataSourceStaticState;
// This class acts as a bridge between the public API methods and the
// TracingBackend(s). It exposes a simplified view of the world to the API
// methods, so that they don't have to care about the multiplicity of backends.
// It handles all the bookkeeping to map data source instances and trace writers
// to the various backends.
// See tracing_muxer_impl.h for the full picture. This class contains only the
// fewer fields and methods that need to be exposed to public/ headers. Fields
// and methods that are required to implement them should go into
// src/tracing/internal/tracing_muxer_impl.h instead: that one can pull in
// perfetto headers outside of public, this one cannot.
class PERFETTO_EXPORT TracingMuxer {
static TracingMuxer* Get() { return instance_; }
virtual ~TracingMuxer();
TracingTLS* GetOrCreateTracingTLS() {
return static_cast<TracingTLS*>(platform_->GetOrCreateThreadLocalObject());
// This method can fail and return false if trying to register more than
// kMaxDataSources types.
using DataSourceFactory = std::function<std::unique_ptr<DataSourceBase>()>;
virtual bool RegisterDataSource(const DataSourceDescriptor&,
DataSourceStaticState*) = 0;
// It identifies the right backend and forwards the call to it.
// The returned TraceWriter must be used within the same sequence (for most
// projects this means "same thread"). Alternatively the client needs to take
// care of using synchronization primitives to prevent concurrent accesses.
virtual std::unique_ptr<TraceWriterBase> CreateTraceWriter(
BufferExhaustedPolicy buffer_exhausted_policy) = 0;
virtual void DestroyStoppedTraceWritersForCurrentThread() = 0;
uint32_t generation(std::memory_order ord) { return generation_.load(ord); }
explicit TracingMuxer(Platform* platform) : platform_(platform) {}
static TracingMuxer* instance_;
Platform* const platform_ = nullptr;
// Incremented every time a data source is destroyed. See tracing_tls.h.
std::atomic<uint32_t> generation_{};
} // namespace internal
} // namespace perfetto
// gen_amalgamated begin header: include/perfetto/tracing/locked_handle.h
* Copyright (C) 2019 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <mutex>
namespace perfetto {
// This is used for GetDataSourceLocked(), in the (rare) case where the
// tracing code wants to access the state of its data source from the Trace()
// method.
template <typename T>
class LockedHandle {
LockedHandle(std::recursive_mutex* mtx, T* obj) : lock_(*mtx), obj_(obj) {}
LockedHandle() = default; // For the invalid case.
LockedHandle(LockedHandle&&) = default;
LockedHandle& operator=(LockedHandle&&) = default;
bool valid() const { return obj_; }
explicit operator bool() const { return valid(); }
T* operator->() {
return obj_;
T& operator*() { return *(this->operator->()); }
std::unique_lock<std::recursive_mutex> lock_;
T* obj_ = nullptr;
} // namespace perfetto
// gen_amalgamated begin header: gen/protos/perfetto/trace/trace_packet.pbzero.h
// gen_amalgamated begin header: include/perfetto/protozero/packed_repeated_fields.h
* Copyright (C) 2019 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <array>
#include <memory>
#include <type_traits>
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/base/logging.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_utils.h"
namespace protozero {
// This file contains classes used when encoding packed repeated fields.
// To encode such a field, the caller is first expected to accumulate all of the
// values in one of the following types (depending on the wire type of the
// individual elements), defined below:
// * protozero::PackedVarInt
// * protozero::PackedFixedSizeInt</*element_type=*/ uint32_t>
// Then that buffer is passed to the protozero-generated setters as an argument.
// After calling the setter, the buffer can be destroyed.
// An example of encoding a packed field:
// protozero::HeapBuffered<protozero::Message> msg;
// protozero::PackedVarInt buf;
// buf.Append(42);
// buf.Append(-1);
// msg->set_fieldname(buf);
// msg.SerializeAsString();
class PackedBufferBase {
PackedBufferBase() { Reset(); }
// Copy or move is disabled due to pointers to stack addresses.
PackedBufferBase(const PackedBufferBase&) = delete;
PackedBufferBase(PackedBufferBase&&) = delete;
PackedBufferBase& operator=(const PackedBufferBase&) = delete;
PackedBufferBase& operator=(PackedBufferBase&&) = delete;
void Reset();
const uint8_t* data() const { return storage_begin_; }
size_t size() const {
return static_cast<size_t>(write_ptr_ - storage_begin_);
void GrowIfNeeded() {
PERFETTO_DCHECK(write_ptr_ >= storage_begin_ && write_ptr_ <= storage_end_);
if (PERFETTO_UNLIKELY(write_ptr_ + kMaxElementSize > storage_end_)) {
void GrowSlowpath();
// max(uint64_t varint encoding, biggest fixed type (uint64)).
static constexpr size_t kMaxElementSize = 10;
// So sizeof(this) == 8k.
static constexpr size_t kOnStackStorageSize = 8192 - 32;
uint8_t* storage_begin_;
uint8_t* storage_end_;
uint8_t* write_ptr_;
std::unique_ptr<uint8_t[]> heap_buf_;
alignas(uint64_t) uint8_t stack_buf_[kOnStackStorageSize];
class PackedVarInt : public PackedBufferBase {
template <typename T>
void Append(T value) {
write_ptr_ = proto_utils::WriteVarInt(value, write_ptr_);
template <typename T /* e.g. uint32_t for Fixed32 */>
class PackedFixedSizeInt : public PackedBufferBase {
void Append(T value) {
static_assert(sizeof(T) == 4 || sizeof(T) == 8,
"PackedFixedSizeInt should be used only with 32/64-bit ints");
static_assert(sizeof(T) <= kMaxElementSize,
"kMaxElementSize needs to be updated");
PERFETTO_DCHECK(reinterpret_cast<size_t>(write_ptr_) % alignof(T) == 0);
memcpy(reinterpret_cast<T*>(write_ptr_), &value, sizeof(T));
write_ptr_ += sizeof(T);
} // namespace protozero
// gen_amalgamated begin header: include/perfetto/protozero/proto_decoder.h
// gen_amalgamated begin header: include/perfetto/protozero/field.h
* Copyright (C) 2019 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/base/logging.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/contiguous_memory_range.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_utils.h"
namespace protozero {
struct ConstBytes {
std::string ToStdString() const {
return std::string(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(data), size);
const uint8_t* data;
size_t size;
struct ConstChars {
// Allow implicit conversion to perfetto's base::StringView without depending
// on perfetto/base or viceversa.
static constexpr bool kConvertibleToStringView = true;
std::string ToStdString() const { return std::string(data, size); }
const char* data;
size_t size;
// A protobuf field decoded by the protozero proto decoders. It exposes
// convenience accessors with minimal debug checks.
// This class is used both by the iterator-based ProtoDecoder and by the
// one-shot TypedProtoDecoder.
// If the field is not valid the accessors consistently return zero-integers or
// null strings.
class Field {
bool valid() const { return id_ != 0; }
uint16_t id() const { return id_; }
explicit operator bool() const { return valid(); }
proto_utils::ProtoWireType type() const {
auto res = static_cast<proto_utils::ProtoWireType>(type_);
PERFETTO_DCHECK(res == proto_utils::ProtoWireType::kVarInt ||
res == proto_utils::ProtoWireType::kLengthDelimited ||
res == proto_utils::ProtoWireType::kFixed32 ||
res == proto_utils::ProtoWireType::kFixed64);
return res;
bool as_bool() const {
PERFETTO_DCHECK(!valid() || type() == proto_utils::ProtoWireType::kVarInt);
return static_cast<bool>(int_value_);
uint32_t as_uint32() const {
PERFETTO_DCHECK(!valid() || type() == proto_utils::ProtoWireType::kVarInt ||
type() == proto_utils::ProtoWireType::kFixed32);
return static_cast<uint32_t>(int_value_);
int32_t as_int32() const {
PERFETTO_DCHECK(!valid() || type() == proto_utils::ProtoWireType::kVarInt ||
type() == proto_utils::ProtoWireType::kFixed32);
return static_cast<int32_t>(int_value_);
int32_t as_sint32() const {
PERFETTO_DCHECK(!valid() || type() == proto_utils::ProtoWireType::kVarInt);
return proto_utils::ZigZagDecode(static_cast<uint32_t>(int_value_));
uint64_t as_uint64() const {
PERFETTO_DCHECK(!valid() || type() == proto_utils::ProtoWireType::kVarInt ||
type() == proto_utils::ProtoWireType::kFixed32 ||
type() == proto_utils::ProtoWireType::kFixed64);
return int_value_;
int64_t as_int64() const {
PERFETTO_DCHECK(!valid() || type() == proto_utils::ProtoWireType::kVarInt ||
type() == proto_utils::ProtoWireType::kFixed32 ||
type() == proto_utils::ProtoWireType::kFixed64);
return static_cast<int64_t>(int_value_);
int64_t as_sint64() const {
PERFETTO_DCHECK(!valid() || type() == proto_utils::ProtoWireType::kVarInt);
return proto_utils::ZigZagDecode(static_cast<uint64_t>(int_value_));
float as_float() const {
PERFETTO_DCHECK(!valid() || type() == proto_utils::ProtoWireType::kFixed32);
float res;
uint32_t value32 = static_cast<uint32_t>(int_value_);
memcpy(&res, &value32, sizeof(res));
return res;
double as_double() const {
PERFETTO_DCHECK(!valid() || type() == proto_utils::ProtoWireType::kFixed64);
double res;
memcpy(&res, &int_value_, sizeof(res));
return res;
ConstChars as_string() const {
type() == proto_utils::ProtoWireType::kLengthDelimited);
return ConstChars{reinterpret_cast<const char*>(data()), size_};
std::string as_std_string() const { return as_string().ToStdString(); }
ConstBytes as_bytes() const {
type() == proto_utils::ProtoWireType::kLengthDelimited);
return ConstBytes{data(), size_};
const uint8_t* data() const {
type() == proto_utils::ProtoWireType::kLengthDelimited);
return reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(int_value_);
size_t size() const {
type() == proto_utils::ProtoWireType::kLengthDelimited);
return size_;
uint64_t raw_int_value() const { return int_value_; }
void initialize(uint16_t id,
uint8_t type,
uint64_t int_value,
uint32_t size) {
id_ = id;
type_ = type;
int_value_ = int_value;
size_ = size;
// For use with templates. This is used by RepeatedFieldIterator::operator*().
void get(bool* val) const { *val = as_bool(); }
void get(uint32_t* val) const { *val = as_uint32(); }
void get(int32_t* val) const { *val = as_int32(); }
void get(uint64_t* val) const { *val = as_uint64(); }
void get(int64_t* val) const { *val = as_int64(); }
void get(float* val) const { *val = as_float(); }
void get(double* val) const { *val = as_double(); }
void get(std::string* val) const { *val = as_std_string(); }
void get(ConstChars* val) const { *val = as_string(); }
void get(ConstBytes* val) const { *val = as_bytes(); }
void get_signed(int32_t* val) const { *val = as_sint32(); }
void get_signed(int64_t* val) const { *val = as_sint64(); }
// For enum types.
template <typename T,
typename = typename std::enable_if<std::is_enum<T>::value, T>::type>
void get(T* val) const {
*val = static_cast<T>(as_int32());
// Serializes the field back into a proto-encoded byte stream and appends it
// to |dst|. |dst| is resized accordingly.
void SerializeAndAppendTo(std::string* dst) const;
// Serializes the field back into a proto-encoded byte stream and appends it
// to |dst|. |dst| is resized accordingly.
void SerializeAndAppendTo(std::vector<uint8_t>* dst) const;
template <typename Container>
void SerializeAndAppendToInternal(Container* dst) const;
// Fields are deliberately not initialized to keep the class trivially
// constructible. It makes a large perf difference for ProtoDecoder.
uint64_t int_value_; // In kLengthDelimited this contains the data() addr.
uint32_t size_; // Only valid when when type == kLengthDelimited.
uint16_t id_; // Proto field ordinal.
uint8_t type_; // proto_utils::ProtoWireType.
// The Field struct is used in a lot of perf-sensitive contexts.
static_assert(sizeof(Field) == 16, "Field struct too big");
} // namespace protozero
* Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <array>
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/base/compiler.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/base/logging.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/field.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_utils.h"
namespace protozero {
// A generic protobuf decoder. Doesn't require any knowledge about the proto
// schema. It tokenizes fields, retrieves their ID and type and exposes
// accessors to retrieve its values.
// It does NOT recurse in nested submessages, instead it just computes their
// boundaries, recursion is left to the caller.
// This class is designed to be used in perf-sensitive contexts. It does not
// allocate and does not perform any proto semantic checks (e.g. repeated /
// required / optional). It's supposedly safe wrt out-of-bounds memory accesses
// (see
// This class serves also as a building block for TypedProtoDecoder, used when
// the schema is known at compile time.
class PERFETTO_EXPORT ProtoDecoder {
// Creates a ProtoDecoder using the given |buffer| with size |length| bytes.
ProtoDecoder(const void* buffer, size_t length)
: begin_(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(buffer)),
end_(begin_ + length),
read_ptr_(begin_) {}
ProtoDecoder(const std::string& str) : ProtoDecoder(, str.size()) {}
ProtoDecoder(const ConstBytes& cb) : ProtoDecoder(, cb.size) {}
// Reads the next field from the buffer and advances the read cursor. If a
// full field cannot be read, the returned Field will be invalid (i.e.
// field.valid() == false).
Field ReadField();
// Finds the first field with the given id. Doesn't affect the read cursor.
Field FindField(uint32_t field_id);
// Resets the read cursor to the start of the buffer.
void Reset() { read_ptr_ = begin_; }
// Resets the read cursor to the given position (must be within the buffer).
void Reset(const uint8_t* pos) {
PERFETTO_DCHECK(pos >= begin_ && pos < end_);
read_ptr_ = pos;
// Returns the position of read cursor, relative to the start of the buffer.
size_t read_offset() const { return static_cast<size_t>(read_ptr_ - begin_); }
size_t bytes_left() const {
PERFETTO_DCHECK(read_ptr_ <= end_);
return static_cast<size_t>(end_ - read_ptr_);
const uint8_t* begin() const { return begin_; }
const uint8_t* end() const { return end_; }
const uint8_t* const begin_;
const uint8_t* const end_;
const uint8_t* read_ptr_ = nullptr;
// An iterator-like class used to iterate through repeated fields. Used by
// TypedProtoDecoder. The iteration sequence is a bit counter-intuitive due to
// the fact that fields_[field_id] holds the *last* value of the field, not the
// first, but the remaining storage holds repeated fields in FIFO order.
// Assume that we push the 10,11,12 into a repeated field with ID=1.
// Decoder memory layout: [ fields storage ] [ repeated fields storage ]
// 1st iteration: 10
// 2nd iteration: 11 10
// 3rd iteration: 12 10 11
// We start the iteration @ fields_[num_fields], which is the start of the
// repeated fields storage, proceed until the end and lastly jump @ fields_[id].
template <typename T>
class RepeatedFieldIterator {
RepeatedFieldIterator(uint32_t field_id,
const Field* begin,
const Field* end,
const Field* last)
: field_id_(field_id), iter_(begin), end_(end), last_(last) {
// Constructs an invalid iterator.
: field_id_(0u), iter_(nullptr), end_(nullptr), last_(nullptr) {}
explicit operator bool() const { return iter_ != end_; }
const Field& field() const { return *iter_; }
T operator*() const {
T val{};
return val;
const Field* operator->() const { return iter_; }
RepeatedFieldIterator& operator++() {
PERFETTO_DCHECK(iter_ != end_);
if (iter_ == last_) {
iter_ = end_;
return *this;
return *this;
RepeatedFieldIterator operator++(int) {
PERFETTO_DCHECK(iter_ != end_);
RepeatedFieldIterator it(*this);
return it;
void FindNextMatchingId() {
PERFETTO_DCHECK(iter_ != last_);
for (; iter_ != end_; ++iter_) {
if (iter_->id() == field_id_)
iter_ = last_->valid() ? last_ : end_;
uint32_t field_id_;
// Initially points to the beginning of the repeated field storage, then is
// incremented as we call operator++().
const Field* iter_;
// Always points to fields_[size_], i.e. past the end of the storage.
const Field* end_;
// Always points to fields_[field_id].
const Field* last_;
// As RepeatedFieldIterator, but allows iterating over a packed repeated field
// (which will be initially stored as a single length-delimited field).
// See |GetPackedRepeatedField| for details.
// Assumes little endianness, and that the input buffers are well formed -
// containing an exact multiple of encoded elements.
template <proto_utils::ProtoWireType wire_type, typename CppType>
class PackedRepeatedFieldIterator {
PackedRepeatedFieldIterator(const uint8_t* data_begin,
size_t size,
bool* parse_error_ptr)
: data_end_(data_begin ? data_begin + size : nullptr),
parse_error_(parse_error_ptr) {
using proto_utils::ProtoWireType;
static_assert(wire_type == ProtoWireType::kVarInt ||
wire_type == ProtoWireType::kFixed32 ||
wire_type == ProtoWireType::kFixed64,
"invalid type");
// Either the field is unset (and there are no data pointer), or the field
// is set with a zero length payload. Mark the iterator as invalid in both
// cases.
if (size == 0) {
curr_value_valid_ = false;
if ((wire_type == ProtoWireType::kFixed32 && (size % 4) != 0) ||
(wire_type == ProtoWireType::kFixed64 && (size % 8) != 0)) {
*parse_error_ = true;
curr_value_valid_ = false;
const CppType operator*() const { return curr_value_; }
explicit operator bool() const { return curr_value_valid_; }
PackedRepeatedFieldIterator& operator++() {
using proto_utils::ProtoWireType;
if (PERFETTO_UNLIKELY(!curr_value_valid_))
return *this;
if (PERFETTO_UNLIKELY(read_ptr_ == data_end_)) {
curr_value_valid_ = false;
return *this;
if (wire_type == ProtoWireType::kVarInt) {
uint64_t new_value = 0;
const uint8_t* new_pos =
proto_utils::ParseVarInt(read_ptr_, data_end_, &new_value);
if (PERFETTO_UNLIKELY(new_pos == read_ptr_)) {
// Failed to decode the varint (probably incomplete buffer).
*parse_error_ = true;
curr_value_valid_ = false;
} else {
read_ptr_ = new_pos;
curr_value_ = static_cast<CppType>(new_value);
} else { // kFixed32 or kFixed64
constexpr size_t kStep = wire_type == ProtoWireType::kFixed32 ? 4 : 8;
// NB: the raw buffer is not guaranteed to be aligned, so neither are
// these copies.
memcpy(&curr_value_, read_ptr_, sizeof(CppType));
read_ptr_ += kStep;
return *this;
PackedRepeatedFieldIterator operator++(int) {
PackedRepeatedFieldIterator it(*this);
return it;
// Might be null if the backing proto field isn't set.
const uint8_t* const data_end_;
// The iterator looks ahead by an element, so |curr_value| holds the value
// to be returned when the caller dereferences the iterator, and |read_ptr_|
// points at the start of the next element to be decoded.
// |read_ptr_| might be null if the backing proto field isn't set.
const uint8_t* read_ptr_;
CppType curr_value_ = 0;
// Set to false once we've exhausted the iterator, or encountered an error.
bool curr_value_valid_ = true;
// Where to set parsing errors, supplied by the caller.
bool* const parse_error_;
// This decoder loads all fields upfront, without recursing in nested messages.
// It is used as a base class for typed decoders generated by the pbzero plugin.
// The split between TypedProtoDecoderBase and TypedProtoDecoder<> is to have
// unique definition of functions like ParseAllFields() and ExpandHeapStorage().
// The storage (either on-stack or on-heap) for this class is organized as
// follows:
// |-------------------------- fields_ ----------------------|
// [ field 0 (invalid) ] [ fields 1 .. N ] [ repeated fields ]
// ^ ^
// num_fields_ size_
class PERFETTO_EXPORT TypedProtoDecoderBase : public ProtoDecoder {
// If the field |id| is known at compile time, prefer the templated
// specialization at<kFieldNumber>().
const Field& Get(uint32_t id) const {
return PERFETTO_LIKELY(id < num_fields_) ? fields_[id] : fields_[0];
// Returns an object that allows to iterate over all instances of a repeated
// field given its id. Example usage:
// for (auto it = decoder.GetRepeated<int32_t>(N); it; ++it) { ... }
template <typename T>
RepeatedFieldIterator<T> GetRepeated(uint32_t field_id) const {
return RepeatedFieldIterator<T>(field_id, &fields_[num_fields_],
&fields_[size_], &fields_[field_id]);
// Returns an objects that allows to iterate over all entries of a packed
// repeated field given its id and type. The |wire_type| is necessary for
// decoding the packed field, the |cpp_type| is for convenience & stronger
// typing.
// The caller must also supply a pointer to a bool that is set to true if the
// packed buffer is found to be malformed while iterating (so you need to
// exhaust the iterator if you want to check the full extent of the buffer).
// Note that unlike standard protobuf parsers, protozero does not allow
// treating of packed repeated fields as non-packed and vice-versa (therefore
// not making the packed option forwards and backwards compatible). So
// the caller needs to use the right accessor for correct results.
template <proto_utils::ProtoWireType wire_type, typename cpp_type>
PackedRepeatedFieldIterator<wire_type, cpp_type> GetPackedRepeated(
uint32_t field_id,
bool* parse_error_location) const {
const Field& field = Get(field_id);
if (field.valid()) {
return PackedRepeatedFieldIterator<wire_type, cpp_type>(, field.size(), parse_error_location);
} else {
return PackedRepeatedFieldIterator<wire_type, cpp_type>(
nullptr, 0, parse_error_location);
TypedProtoDecoderBase(Field* storage,
uint32_t num_fields,
uint32_t capacity,
const uint8_t* buffer,
size_t length)
: ProtoDecoder(buffer, length),
capacity_(capacity) {
// The reason why Field needs to be trivially de/constructible is to avoid
// implicit initializers on all the ~1000 entries. We need it to initialize
// only on the first |max_field_id| fields, the remaining capacity doesn't
// require initialization.
static_assert(std::is_trivially_constructible<Field>::value &&
std::is_trivially_destructible<Field>::value &&
"Field must be a trivial aggregate type");
memset(fields_, 0, sizeof(Field) * num_fields_);
void ParseAllFields();
// Called when the default on-stack storage is exhausted and new repeated
// fields need to be pushed.
void ExpandHeapStorage();
// Used only in presence of a large number of repeated fields, when the
// default on-stack storage is exhausted.
std::unique_ptr<Field[]> heap_storage_;
// Points to the storage, either on-stack (default, provided by the template
// specialization) or |heap_storage_| after ExpandHeapStorage() is called, in
// case of a large number of repeated fields.
Field* fields_;
// Number of fields without accounting repeated storage. This is equal to
// MAX_FIELD_ID + 1 (to account for the invalid 0th field).
// This value is always <= size_ (and hence <= capacity);
uint32_t num_fields_;
// Number of active |fields_| entries. This is initially equal to the highest
// number of fields for the message (num_fields_ == MAX_FIELD_ID + 1) and can
// grow up to |capacity_| in the case of repeated fields.
uint32_t size_;
// Initially equal to kFieldsCapacity of the TypedProtoDecoder
// specialization. Can grow when falling back on heap-based storage, in which
// case it represents the size (#fields with each entry of a repeated field
// counted individually) of the |heap_storage_| array.
uint32_t capacity_;
// Template class instantiated by the auto-generated decoder classes declared in
// xxx.pbzero.h files.
class TypedProtoDecoder : public TypedProtoDecoderBase {
TypedProtoDecoder(const uint8_t* buffer, size_t length)
: TypedProtoDecoderBase(on_stack_storage_,
/*num_fields=*/MAX_FIELD_ID + 1,
length) {
static_assert(MAX_FIELD_ID <= kMaxDecoderFieldId, "Field ordinal too high");
template <uint32_t FIELD_ID>
const Field& at() const {
return fields_[FIELD_ID];
TypedProtoDecoder(TypedProtoDecoder&& other) noexcept
: TypedProtoDecoderBase(std::move(other)) {
// If the moved-from decoder was using on-stack storage, we need to update
// our pointer to point to this decoder's on-stack storage.
if (fields_ == other.on_stack_storage_) {
fields_ = on_stack_storage_;
memcpy(on_stack_storage_, other.on_stack_storage_,
// In the case of non-repeated fields, this constant defines the highest field
// id we are able to decode. This is to limit the on-stack storage.
// In the case of repeated fields, this constant defines the max number of
// repeated fields that we'll be able to store before falling back on the
// heap. Keep this value in sync with the one in
static constexpr size_t kMaxDecoderFieldId = 999;
// If we the message has no repeated fields we need at most N Field entries
// in the on-stack storage, where N is the highest field id.
// Otherwise we need some room to store repeated fields.
static constexpr size_t kCapacity =
Field on_stack_storage_[kCapacity];
} // namespace protozero
// Autogenerated by the ProtoZero compiler plugin. DO NOT EDIT.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/message.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/packed_repeated_fields.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_decoder.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_utils.h"
namespace perfetto {
namespace protos {
namespace pbzero {
class AndroidLogPacket;
class BatteryCounters;
class ChromeBenchmarkMetadata;
class ChromeEventBundle;
class ChromeMetadataPacket;
class ClockSnapshot;
class CpuInfo;
class DeobfuscationMapping;
class FtraceEventBundle;
class FtraceStats;
class GpuCounterEvent;
class GpuLog;
class GpuMemTotalEvent;
class GpuRenderStageEvent;
class GraphicsFrameEvent;
class HeapGraph;
class InitialDisplayState;
class InodeFileMap;
class InternedData;
class ModuleSymbols;
class PackagesList;
class PerfSample;
class PerfettoMetatrace;
class PowerRails;
class ProcessDescriptor;
class ProcessStats;
class ProcessTree;
class ProfilePacket;
class ProfiledFrameSymbols;
class SmapsPacket;
class StreamingProfilePacket;
class SysStats;
class SystemInfo;
class TestEvent;
class ThreadDescriptor;
class TraceConfig;
class TracePacketDefaults;
class TraceStats;
class TracingServiceEvent;
class TrackDescriptor;
class TrackEvent;
class Trigger;
class VulkanApiEvent;
class VulkanMemoryEvent;
enum TracePacket_SequenceFlags : int32_t {
TracePacket_SequenceFlags_SEQ_UNSPECIFIED = 0,
TracePacket_SequenceFlags_SEQ_INCREMENTAL_STATE_CLEARED = 1,
TracePacket_SequenceFlags_SEQ_NEEDS_INCREMENTAL_STATE = 2,
const TracePacket_SequenceFlags TracePacket_SequenceFlags_MIN = TracePacket_SequenceFlags_SEQ_UNSPECIFIED;
const TracePacket_SequenceFlags TracePacket_SequenceFlags_MAX = TracePacket_SequenceFlags_SEQ_NEEDS_INCREMENTAL_STATE;
class TracePacket_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/900, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
TracePacket_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit TracePacket_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit TracePacket_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_timestamp() const { return at<8>().valid(); }
uint64_t timestamp() const { return at<8>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_timestamp_clock_id() const { return at<58>().valid(); }
uint32_t timestamp_clock_id() const { return at<58>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_process_tree() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes process_tree() const { return at<2>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_process_stats() const { return at<9>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes process_stats() const { return at<9>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_inode_file_map() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes inode_file_map() const { return at<4>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_chrome_events() const { return at<5>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes chrome_events() const { return at<5>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_clock_snapshot() const { return at<6>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes clock_snapshot() const { return at<6>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_sys_stats() const { return at<7>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes sys_stats() const { return at<7>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_track_event() const { return at<11>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes track_event() const { return at<11>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_trace_config() const { return at<33>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes trace_config() const { return at<33>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_ftrace_stats() const { return at<34>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes ftrace_stats() const { return at<34>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_trace_stats() const { return at<35>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes trace_stats() const { return at<35>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_profile_packet() const { return at<37>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes profile_packet() const { return at<37>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_battery() const { return at<38>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes battery() const { return at<38>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_power_rails() const { return at<40>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes power_rails() const { return at<40>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_android_log() const { return at<39>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes android_log() const { return at<39>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_system_info() const { return at<45>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes system_info() const { return at<45>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_trigger() const { return at<46>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes trigger() const { return at<46>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_packages_list() const { return at<47>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes packages_list() const { return at<47>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_chrome_benchmark_metadata() const { return at<48>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes chrome_benchmark_metadata() const { return at<48>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_perfetto_metatrace() const { return at<49>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes perfetto_metatrace() const { return at<49>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_chrome_metadata() const { return at<51>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes chrome_metadata() const { return at<51>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_gpu_counter_event() const { return at<52>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes gpu_counter_event() const { return at<52>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_gpu_render_stage_event() const { return at<53>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes gpu_render_stage_event() const { return at<53>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_streaming_profile_packet() const { return at<54>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes streaming_profile_packet() const { return at<54>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_heap_graph() const { return at<56>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes heap_graph() const { return at<56>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_graphics_frame_event() const { return at<57>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes graphics_frame_event() const { return at<57>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_vulkan_memory_event() const { return at<62>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes vulkan_memory_event() const { return at<62>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_gpu_log() const { return at<63>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes gpu_log() const { return at<63>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_vulkan_api_event() const { return at<65>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes vulkan_api_event() const { return at<65>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_perf_sample() const { return at<66>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes perf_sample() const { return at<66>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_cpu_info() const { return at<67>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes cpu_info() const { return at<67>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_smaps_packet() const { return at<68>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes smaps_packet() const { return at<68>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_service_event() const { return at<69>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes service_event() const { return at<69>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_initial_display_state() const { return at<70>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes initial_display_state() const { return at<70>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_gpu_mem_total_event() const { return at<71>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes gpu_mem_total_event() const { return at<71>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_profiled_frame_symbols() const { return at<55>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes profiled_frame_symbols() const { return at<55>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_module_symbols() const { return at<61>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes module_symbols() const { return at<61>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_deobfuscation_mapping() const { return at<64>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes deobfuscation_mapping() const { return at<64>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_track_descriptor() const { return at<60>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes track_descriptor() const { return at<60>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_process_descriptor() const { return at<43>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes process_descriptor() const { return at<43>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_thread_descriptor() const { return at<44>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes thread_descriptor() const { return at<44>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_ftrace_events() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes ftrace_events() const { return at<1>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_synchronization_marker() const { return at<36>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes synchronization_marker() const { return at<36>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_compressed_packets() const { return at<50>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes compressed_packets() const { return at<50>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_for_testing() const { return at<900>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes for_testing() const { return at<900>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_trusted_uid() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
int32_t trusted_uid() const { return at<3>().as_int32(); }
bool has_trusted_packet_sequence_id() const { return at<10>().valid(); }
uint32_t trusted_packet_sequence_id() const { return at<10>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_interned_data() const { return at<12>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes interned_data() const { return at<12>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_sequence_flags() const { return at<13>().valid(); }
uint32_t sequence_flags() const { return at<13>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_incremental_state_cleared() const { return at<41>().valid(); }
bool incremental_state_cleared() const { return at<41>().as_bool(); }
bool has_trace_packet_defaults() const { return at<59>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes trace_packet_defaults() const { return at<59>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_previous_packet_dropped() const { return at<42>().valid(); }
bool previous_packet_dropped() const { return at<42>().as_bool(); }
class TracePacket : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = TracePacket_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kTimestampFieldNumber = 8,
kTimestampClockIdFieldNumber = 58,
kProcessTreeFieldNumber = 2,
kProcessStatsFieldNumber = 9,
kInodeFileMapFieldNumber = 4,
kChromeEventsFieldNumber = 5,
kClockSnapshotFieldNumber = 6,
kSysStatsFieldNumber = 7,
kTrackEventFieldNumber = 11,
kTraceConfigFieldNumber = 33,
kFtraceStatsFieldNumber = 34,
kTraceStatsFieldNumber = 35,
kProfilePacketFieldNumber = 37,
kBatteryFieldNumber = 38,
kPowerRailsFieldNumber = 40,
kAndroidLogFieldNumber = 39,
kSystemInfoFieldNumber = 45,
kTriggerFieldNumber = 46,
kPackagesListFieldNumber = 47,
kChromeBenchmarkMetadataFieldNumber = 48,
kPerfettoMetatraceFieldNumber = 49,
kChromeMetadataFieldNumber = 51,
kGpuCounterEventFieldNumber = 52,
kGpuRenderStageEventFieldNumber = 53,
kStreamingProfilePacketFieldNumber = 54,
kHeapGraphFieldNumber = 56,
kGraphicsFrameEventFieldNumber = 57,
kVulkanMemoryEventFieldNumber = 62,
kGpuLogFieldNumber = 63,
kVulkanApiEventFieldNumber = 65,
kPerfSampleFieldNumber = 66,
kCpuInfoFieldNumber = 67,
kSmapsPacketFieldNumber = 68,
kServiceEventFieldNumber = 69,
kInitialDisplayStateFieldNumber = 70,
kGpuMemTotalEventFieldNumber = 71,
kProfiledFrameSymbolsFieldNumber = 55,
kModuleSymbolsFieldNumber = 61,
kDeobfuscationMappingFieldNumber = 64,
kTrackDescriptorFieldNumber = 60,
kProcessDescriptorFieldNumber = 43,
kThreadDescriptorFieldNumber = 44,
kFtraceEventsFieldNumber = 1,
kSynchronizationMarkerFieldNumber = 36,
kCompressedPacketsFieldNumber = 50,
kForTestingFieldNumber = 900,
kTrustedUidFieldNumber = 3,
kTrustedPacketSequenceIdFieldNumber = 10,
kInternedDataFieldNumber = 12,
kSequenceFlagsFieldNumber = 13,
kIncrementalStateClearedFieldNumber = 41,
kTracePacketDefaultsFieldNumber = 59,
kPreviousPacketDroppedFieldNumber = 42,
using SequenceFlags = ::perfetto::protos::pbzero::TracePacket_SequenceFlags;
static const SequenceFlags SEQ_UNSPECIFIED = TracePacket_SequenceFlags_SEQ_UNSPECIFIED;
static const SequenceFlags SEQ_NEEDS_INCREMENTAL_STATE = TracePacket_SequenceFlags_SEQ_NEEDS_INCREMENTAL_STATE;
void set_timestamp(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(8, value);
void set_timestamp_clock_id(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(58, value);
template <typename T = ProcessTree> T* set_process_tree() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(2);
template <typename T = ProcessStats> T* set_process_stats() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(9);
template <typename T = InodeFileMap> T* set_inode_file_map() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(4);
template <typename T = ChromeEventBundle> T* set_chrome_events() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(5);
template <typename T = ClockSnapshot> T* set_clock_snapshot() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(6);
template <typename T = SysStats> T* set_sys_stats() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(7);
template <typename T = TrackEvent> T* set_track_event() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(11);
template <typename T = TraceConfig> T* set_trace_config() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(33);
template <typename T = FtraceStats> T* set_ftrace_stats() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(34);
template <typename T = TraceStats> T* set_trace_stats() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(35);
template <typename T = ProfilePacket> T* set_profile_packet() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(37);
template <typename T = BatteryCounters> T* set_battery() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(38);
template <typename T = PowerRails> T* set_power_rails() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(40);
template <typename T = AndroidLogPacket> T* set_android_log() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(39);
template <typename T = SystemInfo> T* set_system_info() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(45);
template <typename T = Trigger> T* set_trigger() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(46);
template <typename T = PackagesList> T* set_packages_list() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(47);
template <typename T = ChromeBenchmarkMetadata> T* set_chrome_benchmark_metadata() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(48);
template <typename T = PerfettoMetatrace> T* set_perfetto_metatrace() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(49);
template <typename T = ChromeMetadataPacket> T* set_chrome_metadata() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(51);
template <typename T = GpuCounterEvent> T* set_gpu_counter_event() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(52);
template <typename T = GpuRenderStageEvent> T* set_gpu_render_stage_event() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(53);
template <typename T = StreamingProfilePacket> T* set_streaming_profile_packet() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(54);
template <typename T = HeapGraph> T* set_heap_graph() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(56);
template <typename T = GraphicsFrameEvent> T* set_graphics_frame_event() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(57);
template <typename T = VulkanMemoryEvent> T* set_vulkan_memory_event() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(62);
template <typename T = GpuLog> T* set_gpu_log() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(63);
template <typename T = VulkanApiEvent> T* set_vulkan_api_event() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(65);
template <typename T = PerfSample> T* set_perf_sample() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(66);
template <typename T = CpuInfo> T* set_cpu_info() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(67);
template <typename T = SmapsPacket> T* set_smaps_packet() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(68);
template <typename T = TracingServiceEvent> T* set_service_event() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(69);
template <typename T = InitialDisplayState> T* set_initial_display_state() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(70);
template <typename T = GpuMemTotalEvent> T* set_gpu_mem_total_event() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(71);
template <typename T = ProfiledFrameSymbols> T* set_profiled_frame_symbols() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(55);
template <typename T = ModuleSymbols> T* set_module_symbols() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(61);
template <typename T = DeobfuscationMapping> T* set_deobfuscation_mapping() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(64);
template <typename T = TrackDescriptor> T* set_track_descriptor() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(60);
template <typename T = ProcessDescriptor> T* set_process_descriptor() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(43);
template <typename T = ThreadDescriptor> T* set_thread_descriptor() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(44);
template <typename T = FtraceEventBundle> T* set_ftrace_events() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(1);
void set_synchronization_marker(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(36,, value.size());
void set_synchronization_marker(const uint8_t* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(36, data, size);
void set_compressed_packets(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(50,, value.size());
void set_compressed_packets(const uint8_t* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(50, data, size);
template <typename T = TestEvent> T* set_for_testing() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(900);
void set_trusted_uid(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void set_trusted_packet_sequence_id(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(10, value);
template <typename T = InternedData> T* set_interned_data() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(12);
void set_sequence_flags(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(13, value);
void set_incremental_state_cleared(bool value) {
AppendTinyVarInt(41, value);
template <typename T = TracePacketDefaults> T* set_trace_packet_defaults() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(59);
void set_previous_packet_dropped(bool value) {
AppendTinyVarInt(42, value);
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
#endif // Include guard.
* Copyright (C) 2019 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
// This header contains the key class (DataSource) that a producer app should
// override in order to create a custom data source that gets tracing Start/Stop
// notifications and emits tracing data.
#include <assert.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <array>
#include <atomic>
#include <functional>
#include <memory>
#include <mutex>
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/base/build_config.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/base/compiler.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/base/export.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/message.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/message_handle.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/tracing/buffer_exhausted_policy.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/tracing/core/forward_decls.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/tracing/internal/basic_types.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/tracing/internal/data_source_internal.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/tracing/internal/tracing_muxer.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/tracing/locked_handle.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/tracing/trace_writer_base.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "protos/perfetto/trace/trace_packet.pbzero.h"
// PERFETTO_COMPONENT_EXPORT is used to mark symbols in Perfetto's headers
// (typically templates) that are defined by the user outside of Perfetto and
// should be made visible outside the current module. (e.g., in Chrome's
// component build).
namespace perfetto {
namespace internal {
class TracingMuxerImpl;
class TrackEventCategoryRegistry;
template <typename, const internal::TrackEventCategoryRegistry*>
class TrackEventDataSource;
} // namespace internal
// Base class with the virtual methods to get start/stop notifications.
// Embedders are supposed to derive the templated version below, not this one.
class PERFETTO_EXPORT DataSourceBase {
virtual ~DataSourceBase();
// TODO(primiano): change the const& args below to be pointers instead. It
// makes it more awkward to handle output arguments and require mutable(s).
// This requires synchronizing a breaking API change for existing embedders.
// OnSetup() is invoked when tracing is configured. In most cases this happens
// just before starting the trace. In the case of deferred start (see
// deferred_start in trace_config.proto) start might happen later.
class SetupArgs {
// This is valid only within the scope of the OnSetup() call and must not
// be retained.
const DataSourceConfig* config = nullptr;
// The index of this data source instance (0..kMaxDataSourceInstances - 1).
uint32_t internal_instance_index = 0;
virtual void OnSetup(const SetupArgs&);
class StartArgs {
// The index of this data source instance (0..kMaxDataSourceInstances - 1).
uint32_t internal_instance_index = 0;
virtual void OnStart(const StartArgs&);
class StopArgs {
virtual ~StopArgs();
// HandleAsynchronously() can optionally be called to defer the tracing
// session stop and write tracing data just before stopping.
// This function returns a closure that must be invoked after the last
// trace events have been emitted. The returned closure can be called from
// any thread. The caller also needs to explicitly call TraceContext.Flush()
// from the last Trace() lambda invocation because no other implicit flushes
// will happen after the stop signal.
// When this function is called, the tracing service will defer the stop of
// the tracing session until the returned closure is invoked.
// However, the caller cannot hang onto this closure for too long. The
// tracing service will forcefully stop the tracing session without waiting
// for pending producers after TraceConfig.data_source_stop_timeout_ms
// (default: 5s, can be overridden by Consumers when starting a trace).
// If the closure is called after this timeout an error will be logged and
// the trace data emitted will not be present in the trace. No other
// functional side effects (e.g. crashes or corruptions) will happen. In
// other words, it is fine to accidentally hold onto this closure for too
// long but, if that happens, some tracing data will be lost.
virtual std::function<void()> HandleStopAsynchronously() const = 0;
// The index of this data source instance (0..kMaxDataSourceInstances - 1).
uint32_t internal_instance_index = 0;
virtual void OnStop(const StopArgs&);
struct DefaultDataSourceTraits {
// |IncrementalStateType| can optionally be used store custom per-sequence
// incremental data (e.g., interning tables). It should have a Clear() method
// for when incremental state needs to be cleared. See
// TraceContext::GetIncrementalState().
using IncrementalStateType = void;
// Allows overriding what type of thread-local state configuration the data
// source uses. By default every data source gets independent thread-local
// state, which means every instance uses separate trace writers and
// incremental state even on the same thread. Some data sources (most notably
// the track event data source) want to share trace writers and incremental
// state on the same thread.
static internal::DataSourceThreadLocalState* GetDataSourceTLS(
internal::DataSourceStaticState* static_state,
internal::TracingTLS* root_tls) {
auto* ds_tls = &root_tls->data_sources_tls[static_state->index];
// The per-type TLS is either zero-initialized or must have been initialized
// for this specific data source type.
assert(!ds_tls->static_state ||
ds_tls->static_state->index == static_state->index);
return ds_tls;
// Templated base class meant to be derived by embedders to create a custom data
// source. DataSourceType must be the type of the derived class itself, e.g.:
// class MyDataSource : public DataSourceBase<MyDataSource> {...}.
// |DataSourceTraits| allows customizing the behavior of the data source. See
// |DefaultDataSourceTraits|.
template <typename DataSourceType,
typename DataSourceTraits = DefaultDataSourceTraits>
class DataSource : public DataSourceBase {
struct DefaultTracePointTraits;
// The BufferExhaustedPolicy to use for TraceWriters of this DataSource.
// Override this in your DataSource class to change the default, which is to
// drop data on shared memory overruns.
constexpr static BufferExhaustedPolicy kBufferExhaustedPolicy =
// Argument passed to the lambda function passed to Trace() (below).
class TraceContext {
using TracePacketHandle =
TraceContext(TraceContext&&) noexcept = default;
~TraceContext() = default;
TracePacketHandle NewTracePacket() {
return tls_inst_->trace_writer->NewTracePacket();
// Forces a commit of the thread-local tracing data written so far to the
// service. This is almost never required (tracing data is periodically
// committed as trace pages are filled up) and has a non-negligible
// performance hit (requires an IPC + refresh of the current thread-local
// chunk). The only case when this should be used is when handling OnStop()
// asynchronously, to ensure sure that the data is committed before the
// Stop timeout expires.
// The TracePacketHandle obtained by the last NewTracePacket() call must be
// finalized before calling Flush() (either implicitly by going out of scope
// or by explicitly calling Finalize()).
// |cb| is an optional callback. When non-null it will request the
// service to ACK the flush and will be invoked on an internal thread after
// the service has acknowledged it. The callback might be NEVER INVOKED if
// the service crashes or the IPC connection is dropped.
void Flush(std::function<void()> cb = {}) {
// Returns the number of bytes written on the current thread by the current
// data-source since its creation.
// This can be useful for splitting protos that might grow very large.
uint64_t written() { return tls_inst_->trace_writer->written(); }
// Returns a RAII handle to access the data source instance, guaranteeing
// that it won't be deleted on another thread (because of trace stopping)
// while accessing it from within the Trace() lambda.
// The returned handle can be invalid (nullptr) if tracing is stopped
// immediately before calling this. The caller is supposed to check for its
// validity before using it. After checking, the handle is guaranteed to
// remain valid until the handle goes out of scope.
LockedHandle<DataSourceType> GetDataSourceLocked() {
auto* internal_state = static_state_.TryGet(instance_index_);
if (!internal_state)
return LockedHandle<DataSourceType>();
return LockedHandle<DataSourceType>(
typename DataSourceTraits::IncrementalStateType* GetIncrementalState() {
return reinterpret_cast<typename DataSourceTraits::IncrementalStateType*>(
friend class DataSource;
template <typename, const internal::TrackEventCategoryRegistry*>
friend class internal::TrackEventDataSource;
TraceContext(internal::DataSourceInstanceThreadLocalState* tls_inst,
uint32_t instance_index)
: tls_inst_(tls_inst), instance_index_(instance_index) {}
TraceContext(const TraceContext&) = delete;
TraceContext& operator=(const TraceContext&) = delete;
internal::DataSourceInstanceThreadLocalState* const tls_inst_;
uint32_t const instance_index_;
// The main tracing method. Tracing code should call this passing a lambda as
// argument, with the following signature: void(TraceContext).
// The lambda will be called synchronously (i.e., always before Trace()
// returns) only if tracing is enabled and the data source has been enabled in
// the tracing config.
// The lambda can be called more than once per Trace() call, in the case of
// concurrent tracing sessions (or even if the data source is instantiated
// twice within the same trace config).
template <typename Lambda>
static void Trace(Lambda tracing_fn) {
CallIfEnabled<DefaultTracePointTraits>([&tracing_fn](uint32_t instances) {
// An efficient trace point guard for checking if this data source is active.
// |callback| is a function which will only be called if there are active
// instances. It is given an instance state parameter, which should be passed
// to TraceWithInstances() to actually record trace data.
template <typename Traits = DefaultTracePointTraits, typename Callback>
static void CallIfEnabled(Callback callback) PERFETTO_ALWAYS_INLINE {
// |instances| is a per-class bitmap that tells:
// 1. If the data source is enabled at all.
// 2. The index of the slot within |static_state_| that holds the instance
// state. In turn this allows to map the data source to the tracing
// session and buffers.
// memory_order_relaxed is okay because:
// - |instances| is re-read with an acquire barrier below if this succeeds.
// - The code between this point and the acquire-load is based on static
// storage which has indefinite lifetime.
uint32_t instances =
// This is the tracing fast-path. Bail out immediately if tracing is not
// enabled (or tracing is enabled but not for this data source).
if (PERFETTO_LIKELY(!instances))
// The "lower half" of a trace point which actually performs tracing after
// this data source has been determined to be active.
// |instances| must be the instance state value retrieved through
// CallIfEnabled().
// |tracing_fn| will be called to record trace data as in Trace().
// TODO(primiano): all the stuff below should be outlined from the trace
// point. Or at least we should have some compile-time traits like
// kOptimizeBinarySize / kOptimizeTracingLatency.
template <typename Traits = DefaultTracePointTraits, typename Lambda>
static void TraceWithInstances(uint32_t instances, Lambda tracing_fn) {
constexpr auto kMaxDataSourceInstances = internal::kMaxDataSourceInstances;
// See tracing_muxer.h for the structure of the TLS.
auto* tracing_impl = internal::TracingMuxer::Get();
if (PERFETTO_UNLIKELY(!tls_state_))
tls_state_ = GetOrCreateDataSourceTLS(&static_state_);
// TracingTLS::generation is a global monotonic counter that is incremented
// every time a tracing session is stopped. We use that as a signal to force
// a slow-path garbage collection of all the trace writers for the current
// thread and to destroy the ones that belong to tracing sessions that have
// ended. This is to avoid having too many TraceWriter instances alive, each
// holding onto one chunk of the shared memory buffer.
// Rationale why memory_order_relaxed should be fine:
// - The TraceWriter object that we use is always constructed and destructed
// on the current thread. There is no risk of accessing a half-initialized
// TraceWriter (which would be really bad).
// - In the worst case, in the case of a race on the generation check, we
// might end up using a TraceWriter for the same data source that belongs
// to a stopped session. This is not really wrong, as we don't give any
// guarantee on the global atomicity of the stop. In the worst case the
// service will reject the data commit if this arrives too late.
tls_state_->root_tls->generation !=
tracing_impl->generation(std::memory_order_relaxed))) {
// Will update root_tls->generation.
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < kMaxDataSourceInstances; i++) {
internal::DataSourceState* instance_state =
static_state_.TryGetCached(instances, i);
if (!instance_state)
// Even if we passed the check above, the DataSourceInstance might be
// still destroyed concurrently while this code runs. The code below is
// designed to deal with such race, as follows:
// - We don't access the user-defined data source instance state. The only
// bits of state we use are |backend_id| and |buffer_id|.
// - Beyond those two integers, we access only the TraceWriter here. The
// TraceWriter is always safe because it lives on the TLS.
// - |instance_state| is backed by static storage, so the pointer is
// always valid, even after the data source instance is destroyed.
// - In the case of a race-on-destruction, we'll still see the latest
// backend_id and buffer_id and in the worst case keep trying writing
// into the tracing shared memory buffer after stopped. But this isn't
// really any worse than the case of the stop IPC being delayed by the
// kernel scheduler. The tracing service is robust against data commit
// attemps made after tracing is stopped.
// There is a theoretical race that would case the wrong behavior w.r.t
// writing data in the wrong buffer, but it's so rare that we ignore it:
// if the data source is stopped and started kMaxDataSourceInstances
// times (so that the same id is recycled) while we are in this function,
// we might end up reusing the old data source's backend_id and buffer_id
// for the new one, because we don't see the generation change past this
// point. But stopping and starting tracing (even once) takes so much
// handshaking to make this extremely unrealistic.
auto& tls_inst = tls_state_->per_instance[i];
if (PERFETTO_UNLIKELY(!tls_inst.trace_writer)) {
// Here we need an acquire barrier, which matches the release-store made
// by TracingMuxerImpl::SetupDataSource(), to ensure that the backend_id
// and buffer_id are consistent.
instances =
instance_state = static_state_.TryGetCached(instances, i);
if (!instance_state || !instance_state->trace_lambda_enabled)
tls_inst.backend_id = instance_state->backend_id;
tls_inst.buffer_id = instance_state->buffer_id;
tls_inst.trace_writer = tracing_impl->CreateTraceWriter(
instance_state, DataSourceType::kBufferExhaustedPolicy);
static_cast<typename DataSourceTraits::IncrementalStateType*>(
// Even in the case of out-of-IDs, SharedMemoryArbiterImpl returns a
// NullTraceWriter. The returned pointer should never be null.
tracing_fn(TraceContext(&tls_inst, i));
// Registers the data source on all tracing backends, including ones that
// connect after the registration. Doing so enables the data source to receive
// Setup/Start/Stop notifications and makes the Trace() method work when
// tracing is enabled and the data source is selected.
// This must be called after Tracing::Initialize().
// Can return false to signal failure if attemping to register more than
// kMaxDataSources (32) data sources types or if tracing hasn't been
// initialized.
static bool Register(const DataSourceDescriptor& descriptor) {
// Silences -Wunused-variable warning in case the trace method is not used
// by the translation unit that declares the data source.
auto factory = [] {
return std::unique_ptr<DataSourceBase>(new DataSourceType());
auto* tracing_impl = internal::TracingMuxer::Get();
if (!tracing_impl)
return false;
return tracing_impl->RegisterDataSource(descriptor, factory,
// Traits for customizing the behavior of a specific trace point.
struct DefaultTracePointTraits {
// By default, every call to DataSource::Trace() will record trace events
// for every active instance of that data source. A single trace point can,
// however, use a custom set of enable flags for more fine grained control
// of when that trace point is active.
// DANGER: when doing this, the data source must use the appropriate memory
// fences when changing the state of the bitmap.
static constexpr std::atomic<uint32_t>* GetActiveInstances() {
return &static_state_.valid_instances;
// Create the user provided incremental state in the given thread-local
// storage. Note: The second parameter here is used to specialize the case
// where there is no incremental state type.
template <typename T>
static void CreateIncrementalState(
internal::DataSourceInstanceThreadLocalState* tls_inst,
const T*) {
tls_inst->incremental_state =
reinterpret_cast<void*>(new T()),
[](void* p) { delete reinterpret_cast<T*>(p); });
static void CreateIncrementalState(
const void*) {}
// Note that the returned object is one per-thread per-data-source-type, NOT
// per data-source *instance*.
static internal::DataSourceThreadLocalState* GetOrCreateDataSourceTLS(
internal::DataSourceStaticState* static_state) {
PERFETTO_FATAL("Data source TLS not supported on iOS, see b/158814068");
auto* tracing_impl = internal::TracingMuxer::Get();
internal::TracingTLS* root_tls = tracing_impl->GetOrCreateTracingTLS();
internal::DataSourceThreadLocalState* ds_tls =
DataSourceTraits::GetDataSourceTLS(static_state, root_tls);
// We keep re-initializing as the initialization is idempotent and not worth
// the code for extra checks.
ds_tls->static_state = static_state;
assert(!ds_tls->root_tls || ds_tls->root_tls == root_tls);
ds_tls->root_tls = root_tls;
return ds_tls;
// Static state. Accessed by the static Trace() method fastpaths.
static internal::DataSourceStaticState static_state_;
// This TLS object is a cached raw pointer and has deliberately no destructor.
// The Platform implementation is supposed to create and manage the lifetime
// of the Platform::ThreadLocalObject and take care of destroying it.
// This is because non-POD thread_local variables have subtleties (global
// destructors) that we need to defer to the embedder. In chromium's platform
// implementation, for instance, the tls slot is implemented using
// chromium's base::ThreadLocalStorage.
static PERFETTO_THREAD_LOCAL internal::DataSourceThreadLocalState* tls_state_;
// static
template <typename T, typename D>
internal::DataSourceStaticState DataSource<T, D>::static_state_;
// static
template <typename T, typename D>
PERFETTO_THREAD_LOCAL internal::DataSourceThreadLocalState*
DataSource<T, D>::tls_state_;
} // namespace perfetto
// If placed at the end of a macro declaration, eats the semicolon at the end of
// the macro invocation (e.g., "MACRO(...);") to avoid warnings about extra
// semicolons.
extern int perfetto_internal_unused
// This macro must be used once for each data source next to the data source's
// declaration.
template <> \
PERFETTO_COMPONENT_EXPORT perfetto::internal::DataSourceStaticState \
perfetto::DataSource<__VA_ARGS__>::static_state_; \
template <> \
PERFETTO_COMPONENT_EXPORT thread_local perfetto::internal:: \
DataSourceThreadLocalState* \
// This macro must be used once for each data source in one source file to
// allocate static storage for the data source's static state.
template <> \
PERFETTO_COMPONENT_EXPORT perfetto::internal::DataSourceStaticState \
perfetto::DataSource<__VA_ARGS__>::static_state_{}; \
template <> \
PERFETTO_COMPONENT_EXPORT thread_local perfetto::internal:: \
DataSourceThreadLocalState* \
perfetto::DataSource<__VA_ARGS__>::tls_state_ = nullptr
// gen_amalgamated begin header: include/perfetto/tracing/tracing.h
// gen_amalgamated begin header: include/perfetto/tracing/internal/in_process_tracing_backend.h
// gen_amalgamated begin header: include/perfetto/tracing/tracing_backend.h
* Copyright (C) 2019 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <memory>
#include <string>
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/base/export.h"
// The embedder can (but doesn't have to) extend the TracingBackend class and
// pass as an argument to Tracing::Initialize(kCustomBackend) to override the
// way to reach the service. This is for peculiar cases where the embedder has
// a multi-process architecture and wants to override the IPC transport. The
// real use-case for this at the time of writing is chromium (+ Mojo IPC).
// Extending this class requires depending on the full set of perfetto headers
// (not just /public/). Contact the team before doing so as the non-public
// headers are not guaranteed to be API stable.
namespace perfetto {
namespace base {
class TaskRunner;
// These classes are declared in headers outside of /public/.
class Consumer;
class ConsumerEndpoint;
class Producer;
class ProducerEndpoint;
class PERFETTO_EXPORT TracingBackend {
virtual ~TracingBackend();
// Connects a Producer instance and obtains a ProducerEndpoint, which is
// essentially a 1:1 channel between one Producer and the Service.
// To disconnect just destroy the returned endpoint object. It is safe to
// destroy the Producer once Producer::OnDisconnect() has been invoked.
struct ConnectProducerArgs {
std::string producer_name;
// The Producer object that will receive calls like Start/StopDataSource().
// The caller has to guarantee that this object is valid as long as the
// returned ProducerEndpoint is alive.
Producer* producer = nullptr;
// The task runner where the Producer methods will be called onto.
// The caller has to guarantee that the passed TaskRunner is valid as long
// as the returned ProducerEndpoint is alive.
::perfetto::base::TaskRunner* task_runner = nullptr;
// These get propagated from TracingInitArgs and are optionally provided by
// the client when calling Tracing::Initialize().
uint32_t shmem_size_hint_bytes = 0;
uint32_t shmem_page_size_hint_bytes = 0;
virtual std::unique_ptr<ProducerEndpoint> ConnectProducer(
const ConnectProducerArgs&) = 0;
// As above, for the Consumer-side.
struct ConnectConsumerArgs {
// The Consumer object that will receive calls like OnTracingDisabled(),
// OnTraceData().
Consumer* consumer{};
// The task runner where the Consumer methods will be called onto.
::perfetto::base::TaskRunner* task_runner{};
virtual std::unique_ptr<ConsumerEndpoint> ConnectConsumer(
const ConnectConsumerArgs&) = 0;
} // namespace perfetto
* Copyright (C) 2019 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/base/export.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/tracing/tracing_backend.h"
namespace perfetto {
namespace base {
class TaskRunner;
class Producer;
class TracingService;
namespace internal {
// A built-in implementation of TracingBackend that creates a tracing service
// instance in-process. Instantiated when the embedder calls
// Tracing::Initialize(kInProcessBackend). Solves most in-app-only tracing
// use-cases.
class PERFETTO_EXPORT InProcessTracingBackend : public TracingBackend {
static TracingBackend* GetInstance();
// TracingBackend implementation.
std::unique_ptr<ProducerEndpoint> ConnectProducer(
const ConnectProducerArgs&) override;
std::unique_ptr<ConsumerEndpoint> ConnectConsumer(
const ConnectConsumerArgs&) override;
TracingService* GetOrCreateService(base::TaskRunner*);
std::unique_ptr<TracingService> service_;
} // namespace internal
} // namespace perfetto
// gen_amalgamated begin header: include/perfetto/tracing/internal/system_tracing_backend.h
* Copyright (C) 2019 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/base/export.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/tracing/tracing_backend.h"
namespace perfetto {
namespace base {
class TaskRunner;
class Producer;
// A built-in implementation of TracingBackend that connects to the system
// tracing daemon (traced) via a UNIX socket using the perfetto built-in
// proto-based IPC mechanism. Instantiated when the embedder calls
// Tracing::Initialize(kSystemBackend). It allows to get app-traces fused
// together with system traces, useful to correlate on the timeline system
// events (e.g. scheduling slices from the kernel) with in-app events.
namespace internal {
class PERFETTO_EXPORT SystemTracingBackend : public TracingBackend {
static TracingBackend* GetInstance();
// TracingBackend implementation.
std::unique_ptr<ProducerEndpoint> ConnectProducer(
const ConnectProducerArgs&) override;
std::unique_ptr<ConsumerEndpoint> ConnectConsumer(
const ConnectConsumerArgs&) override;
} // namespace internal
} // namespace perfetto
* Copyright (C) 2019 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <functional>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/base/compiler.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/base/export.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/base/logging.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/tracing/core/forward_decls.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/tracing/internal/in_process_tracing_backend.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/tracing/internal/system_tracing_backend.h"
namespace perfetto {
namespace internal {
class TracingMuxerImpl;
class TracingBackend;
class Platform;
class TracingSession; // Declared below.
enum BackendType : uint32_t {
kUnspecifiedBackend = 0,
// Connects to a previously-initialized perfetto tracing backend for
// in-process. If the in-process backend has not been previously initialized
// it will do so and create the tracing service on a dedicated thread.
kInProcessBackend = 1 << 0,
// Connects to the system tracing service (e.g. on Linux/Android/Mac uses a
// named UNIX socket).
kSystemBackend = 1 << 1,
// Used to provide a custom IPC transport to connect to the service.
// TracingInitArgs::custom_backend must be non-null and point to an
// indefinitely lived instance.
kCustomBackend = 1 << 2,
struct TracingInitArgs {
uint32_t backends = 0; // One or more BackendFlags.
TracingBackend* custom_backend = nullptr; // [Optional].
// [Optional] Platform implementation. It allows the embedder to take control
// of platform-specific bits like thread creation and TLS slot handling. If
// not set it will use Platform::GetDefaultPlatform().
Platform* platform = nullptr;
// [Optional] Tune the size of the shared memory buffer between the current
// process and the service backend(s). This is a trade-off between memory
// footprint and the ability to sustain bursts of trace writes (see comments
// in shared_memory_abi.h).
// If set, the value must be a multiple of 4KB. The value can be ignored if
// larger than kMaxShmSize (32MB) or not a multiple of 4KB.
uint32_t shmem_size_hint_kb = 0;
// [Optional] Specifies the preferred size of each page in the shmem buffer.
// This is a trade-off between IPC overhead and fragmentation/efficiency of
// the shmem buffer in presence of multiple writer threads.
// Must be one of [4, 8, 16, 32].
uint32_t shmem_page_size_hint_kb = 0;
friend class Tracing;
friend class internal::TracingMuxerImpl;
// Used only by the DCHECK in, to check that the config is the
// same in case of re-initialization.
bool operator==(const TracingInitArgs& other) const {
return std::tie(backends, custom_backend, platform, shmem_size_hint_kb,
shmem_page_size_hint_kb, in_process_backend_factory_,
system_backend_factory_, dcheck_is_on_) ==
std::tie(other.backends, other.custom_backend, other.platform,
other.shmem_size_hint_kb, other.shmem_page_size_hint_kb,
other.system_backend_factory_, other.dcheck_is_on_);
using BackendFactoryFunction = TracingBackend* (*)();
BackendFactoryFunction in_process_backend_factory_ = nullptr;
BackendFactoryFunction system_backend_factory_ = nullptr;
bool dcheck_is_on_ = PERFETTO_DCHECK_IS_ON();
// The entry-point for using perfetto.
class PERFETTO_EXPORT Tracing {
// Initializes Perfetto with the given backends in the calling process and/or
// with a user-provided backend. No-op if called more than once.
static inline void Initialize(const TracingInitArgs& args)
TracingInitArgs args_copy(args);
// This code is inlined to allow dead-code elimination for unused backends.
// This saves ~200 KB when not using the in-process backend (b/148198993).
// The logic behind it is the following:
// Nothing other than the code below references the two GetInstance()
// methods. From a linker-graph viewpoint, those GetInstance() pull in many
// other pieces of the codebase (e.g. InProcessTracingBackend pulls the
// whole TracingServiceImpl, SystemTracingBackend pulls the whole //ipc
// layer). Due to the inline, the compiler can see through the code and
// realize that some branches are always not taken. When that happens, no
// reference to the backends' GetInstance() is emitted and that allows the
// linker GC to get rid of the entire set of dependencies.
if (args.backends & kInProcessBackend) {
args_copy.in_process_backend_factory_ =
if (args.backends & kSystemBackend) {
args_copy.system_backend_factory_ =
// Start a new tracing session using the given tracing backend. Use
// |kUnspecifiedBackend| to select an available backend automatically.
// For the moment this can be used only when initializing tracing in
// kInProcess mode. For the system mode use the 'bin/perfetto' cmdline client.
static std::unique_ptr<TracingSession> NewTrace(
BackendType = kUnspecifiedBackend);
static void InitializeInternal(const TracingInitArgs&);
Tracing() = delete;
class PERFETTO_EXPORT TracingSession {
virtual ~TracingSession();
// Configure the session passing the trace config.
// If a writable file handle is given through |fd|, the trace will
// automatically written to that file. Otherwise you should call ReadTrace()
// to retrieve the trace data. This call does not take ownership of |fd|.
// TODO(primiano): add an error callback.
virtual void Setup(const TraceConfig&, int fd = -1) = 0;
// Enable tracing asynchronously.
virtual void Start() = 0;
// Enable tracing and block until tracing has started. Note that if data
// sources are registered after this call was initiated, the call may return
// before the additional data sources have started. Also, if other producers
// (e.g., with system-wide tracing) have registered data sources without start
// notification support, this call may return before those data sources have
// started.
virtual void StartBlocking() = 0;
// Disable tracing asynchronously.
// Use SetOnStopCallback() to get a notification when the tracing session is
// fully stopped and all data sources have acked.
virtual void Stop() = 0;
// Disable tracing and block until tracing has stopped.
virtual void StopBlocking() = 0;
// This callback will be invoked when tracing is disabled.
// This can happen either when explicitly calling TracingSession.Stop() or
// when the trace reaches its |duration_ms| time limit.
// This callback will be invoked on an internal perfetto thread.
virtual void SetOnStopCallback(std::function<void()>) = 0;
// Struct passed as argument to the callback passed to ReadTrace().
// [data, size] is guaranteed to contain 1 or more full trace packets, which
// can be decoded using trace.proto. No partial or truncated packets are
// exposed. If the trace is empty this returns a zero-sized nullptr with
// |has_more| == true to signal EOF.
// This callback will be invoked on an internal perfetto thread.
struct ReadTraceCallbackArgs {
const char* data = nullptr;
size_t size = 0;
// When false, this will be the last invocation of the callback for this
// read cycle.
bool has_more = false;
// Reads back the trace data (raw protobuf-encoded bytes) asynchronously.
// Can be called at any point during the trace, typically but not necessarily,
// after stopping. Reading the trace data is a destructive operation w.r.t.
// contents of the trace buffer and is not idempotent.
// A single ReadTrace() call can yield >1 callback invocations, until
// |has_more| is false.
using ReadTraceCallback = std::function<void(ReadTraceCallbackArgs)>;
virtual void ReadTrace(ReadTraceCallback) = 0;
// Synchronous version of ReadTrace(). It blocks the calling thread until all
// the trace contents are read. This is slow and inefficient (involves more
// copies) and is mainly intended for testing.
std::vector<char> ReadTraceBlocking();
// Struct passed as an argument to the callback for GetTraceStats(). Contains
// statistics about the tracing session.
struct GetTraceStatsCallbackArgs {
// Whether or not querying statistics succeeded.
bool success = false;
// Serialized TraceStats protobuf message. To decode:
// perfetto::protos::gen::TraceStats trace_stats;
// trace_stats.ParseFromArray(,
// args.trace_stats_data.size());
std::vector<uint8_t> trace_stats_data;
// Requests a snapshot of statistical data for this tracing session. Only one
// query may be active at a time. This callback will be invoked on an internal
// perfetto thread.
using GetTraceStatsCallback = std::function<void(GetTraceStatsCallbackArgs)>;
virtual void GetTraceStats(GetTraceStatsCallback) = 0;
// Synchronous version of GetTraceStats() for convenience.
GetTraceStatsCallbackArgs GetTraceStatsBlocking();
} // namespace perfetto
// gen_amalgamated begin header: include/perfetto/tracing/track_event.h
// gen_amalgamated begin header: include/perfetto/base/time.h
* Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <time.h>
#include <chrono>
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/base/build_config.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/base/logging.h"
#include <mach/mach_init.h>
#include <mach/mach_port.h>
#include <mach/mach_time.h>
#include <mach/thread_act.h>
#include <emscripten/emscripten.h>
namespace perfetto {
namespace base {
using TimeSeconds = std::chrono::seconds;
using TimeMillis = std::chrono::milliseconds;
using TimeNanos = std::chrono::nanoseconds;
inline TimeNanos FromPosixTimespec(const struct timespec& ts) {
return TimeNanos(ts.tv_sec * 1000000000LL + ts.tv_nsec);
void SleepMicroseconds(unsigned interval_us);
TimeNanos GetWallTimeNs();
TimeNanos GetThreadCPUTimeNs();
// TODO: Clock that counts time during suspend is not implemented on Windows.
inline TimeNanos GetBootTimeNs() {
return GetWallTimeNs();
inline TimeNanos GetWallTimeNs() {
auto init_time_factor = []() -> uint64_t {
mach_timebase_info_data_t timebase_info;
return timebase_info.numer / timebase_info.denom;
static uint64_t monotonic_timebase_factor = init_time_factor();
return TimeNanos(mach_absolute_time() * monotonic_timebase_factor);
// TODO: Clock that counts time during suspend is not implemented on Mac.
inline TimeNanos GetBootTimeNs() {
return GetWallTimeNs();
inline TimeNanos GetThreadCPUTimeNs() {
mach_port_t this_thread = mach_thread_self();
mach_msg_type_number_t count = THREAD_BASIC_INFO_COUNT;
thread_basic_info_data_t info{};
kern_return_t kr =
thread_info(this_thread, THREAD_BASIC_INFO,
reinterpret_cast<thread_info_t>(&info), &count);
mach_port_deallocate(mach_task_self(), this_thread);
if (kr != KERN_SUCCESS) {
PERFETTO_DFATAL("Failed to get CPU time.");
return TimeNanos(0);
return TimeNanos(info.user_time.seconds * 1000000000LL +
info.user_time.microseconds * 1000LL +
info.system_time.seconds * 1000000000LL +
info.system_time.microseconds * 1000LL);
inline TimeNanos GetWallTimeNs() {
return TimeNanos(static_cast<uint64_t>(emscripten_get_now()) * 1000000);
inline TimeNanos GetThreadCPUTimeNs() {
return TimeNanos(0);
// TODO: Clock that counts time during suspend is not implemented on WASM.
inline TimeNanos GetBootTimeNs() {
return GetWallTimeNs();
// Tracing time doesn't need to work on NaCl since its going away shortly. We
// just need to compile on it. The only function NaCl could support is
// GetWallTimeNs(), but to prevent false hope we leave it unimplemented.
inline TimeNanos GetWallTimeNs() {
return TimeNanos(0);
inline TimeNanos GetThreadCPUTimeNs() {
return TimeNanos(0);
inline TimeNanos GetBootTimeNs() {
return TimeNanos(0);
#else // posix
constexpr clockid_t kWallTimeClockSource = CLOCK_MONOTONIC;
inline TimeNanos GetTimeInternalNs(clockid_t clk_id) {
struct timespec ts = {};
PERFETTO_CHECK(clock_gettime(clk_id, &ts) == 0);
return FromPosixTimespec(ts);
// Return ns from boot. Conversely to GetWallTimeNs, this clock counts also time
// during suspend (when supported).
inline TimeNanos GetBootTimeNs() {
// Determine if CLOCK_BOOTTIME is available on the first call.
static const clockid_t kBootTimeClockSource = [] {
struct timespec ts = {};
int res = clock_gettime(CLOCK_BOOTTIME, &ts);
return res == 0 ? CLOCK_BOOTTIME : kWallTimeClockSource;
return GetTimeInternalNs(kBootTimeClockSource);
inline TimeNanos GetWallTimeNs() {
return GetTimeInternalNs(kWallTimeClockSource);
inline TimeNanos GetThreadCPUTimeNs() {
return GetTimeInternalNs(CLOCK_THREAD_CPUTIME_ID);
inline TimeSeconds GetBootTimeS() {
return std::chrono::duration_cast<TimeSeconds>(GetBootTimeNs());
inline TimeMillis GetWallTimeMs() {
return std::chrono::duration_cast<TimeMillis>(GetWallTimeNs());
inline TimeSeconds GetWallTimeS() {
return std::chrono::duration_cast<TimeSeconds>(GetWallTimeNs());
inline struct timespec ToPosixTimespec(TimeMillis time) {
struct timespec ts {};
const long time_s = static_cast<long>(time.count() / 1000);
ts.tv_sec = time_s;
ts.tv_nsec = (static_cast<long>(time.count()) - time_s * 1000L) * 1000000L;
return ts;
} // namespace base
} // namespace perfetto
// gen_amalgamated begin header: include/perfetto/tracing/internal/track_event_data_source.h
// gen_amalgamated begin header: include/perfetto/tracing/event_context.h
// gen_amalgamated begin header: include/perfetto/tracing/internal/track_event_internal.h
// gen_amalgamated begin header: include/perfetto/base/flat_set.h
* Copyright (C) 2019 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>
// A vector-based set::set-like container.
// It's more cache friendly than std::*set and performs for cases where:
// 1. A high number of dupes is expected (e.g. pid tracking in ftrace).
// 2. The working set is small (hundreds of elements).
// Performance characteristics (for uniformly random insertion order):
// - For smaller insertions (up to ~500), it outperforms both std::set<int> and
// std::unordered_set<int> by ~3x.
// - Up until 4k insertions, it is always faster than std::set<int>.
// - unordered_set<int> is faster with more than 2k insertions.
// - unordered_set, however, it's less memory efficient and has more caveats
// (see chromium's base/containers/
// See and the charts in go/perfetto-int-set-benchmark.
namespace perfetto {
namespace base {
template <typename T>
class FlatSet {
using value_type = T;
using const_pointer = const T*;
using iterator = typename std::vector<T>::iterator;
using const_iterator = typename std::vector<T>::const_iterator;
FlatSet() = default;
// Mainly for tests. Deliberately not marked as "expicit".
FlatSet(std::initializer_list<T> initial) : entries_(initial) {
std::sort(entries_.begin(), entries_.end());
entries_.erase(std::unique(entries_.begin(), entries_.end()),
const_iterator find(T value) const {
auto entries_end = entries_.end();
auto it = std::lower_bound(entries_.begin(), entries_end, value);
return (it != entries_end && *it == value) ? it : entries_end;
size_t count(T value) const { return find(value) == entries_.end() ? 0 : 1; }
std::pair<iterator, bool> insert(T value) {
auto entries_end = entries_.end();
auto it = std::lower_bound(entries_.begin(), entries_end, value);
if (it != entries_end && *it == value)
return std::make_pair(it, false);
// If the value is not found |it| is either end() or the next item strictly
// greater than |value|. In both cases we want to insert just before that.
it = entries_.insert(it, std::move(value));
return std::make_pair(it, true);
size_t erase(T value) {
auto it = find(value);
if (it == entries_.end())
return 0;
return 1;
void clear() { entries_.clear(); }
bool empty() const { return entries_.empty(); }
void reserve(size_t n) { entries_.reserve(n); }
size_t size() const { return entries_.size(); }
const_iterator begin() const { return entries_.begin(); }
const_iterator end() const { return entries_.end(); }
std::vector<T> entries_;
} // namespace base
} // namespace perfetto
// gen_amalgamated begin header: include/perfetto/protozero/scattered_heap_buffer.h
* Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/base/export.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/base/logging.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/scattered_stream_writer.h"
namespace protozero {
class Message;
class PERFETTO_EXPORT ScatteredHeapBuffer
: public protozero::ScatteredStreamWriter::Delegate {
explicit Slice(size_t size);
Slice(Slice&& slice) noexcept;
Slice& operator=(Slice&&);
inline protozero::ContiguousMemoryRange GetTotalRange() const {
return {buffer_.get(), buffer_.get() + size_};
inline protozero::ContiguousMemoryRange GetUsedRange() const {
return {buffer_.get(), buffer_.get() + size_ - unused_bytes_};
uint8_t* start() const { return buffer_.get(); }
size_t size() const { return size_; }
size_t unused_bytes() const { return unused_bytes_; }
void set_unused_bytes(size_t unused_bytes) {
PERFETTO_DCHECK(unused_bytes_ <= size_);
unused_bytes_ = unused_bytes;
void Clear();
std::unique_ptr<uint8_t[]> buffer_;
size_t size_;
size_t unused_bytes_;
ScatteredHeapBuffer(size_t initial_slice_size_bytes = 128,
size_t maximum_slice_size_bytes = 128 * 1024);
~ScatteredHeapBuffer() override;
// protozero::ScatteredStreamWriter::Delegate implementation.
protozero::ContiguousMemoryRange GetNewBuffer() override;
// Stitch all the slices into a single contiguous buffer.
std::vector<uint8_t> StitchSlices();
// Note that the returned ranges point back to this buffer and thus cannot
// outlive it.
std::vector<protozero::ContiguousMemoryRange> GetRanges();
const std::vector<Slice>& slices() const { return slices_; }
void set_writer(protozero::ScatteredStreamWriter* writer) {
writer_ = writer;
// Update unused_bytes() of the current |Slice| based on the writer's state.
void AdjustUsedSizeOfCurrentSlice();
// Returns the total size the slices occupy in heap memory (including unused).
size_t GetTotalSize();
// Reset the contents of this buffer but retain one slice allocation (if it
// exists) to be reused for future writes.
void Reset();
size_t next_slice_size_;
const size_t maximum_slice_size_;
protozero::ScatteredStreamWriter* writer_ = nullptr;
std::vector<Slice> slices_;
// Used to keep an allocated slice around after this buffer is reset.
Slice cached_slice_;
// Helper function to create heap-based protozero messages in one line.
// Useful when manually serializing a protozero message (primarily in
// tests/utilities). So instead of the following:
// protozero::MyMessage msg;
// protozero::ScatteredHeapBuffer shb;
// protozero::ScatteredStreamWriter writer(&shb);
// shb.set_writer(&writer);
// msg.Reset(&writer);
// ...
// You can write:
// protozero::HeapBuffered<protozero::MyMessage> msg;
// msg->set_stuff(...);
// msg.SerializeAsString();
template <typename T = ::protozero::Message>
class HeapBuffered {
HeapBuffered() : HeapBuffered(4096, 4096) {}
HeapBuffered(size_t initial_slice_size_bytes, size_t maximum_slice_size_bytes)
: shb_(initial_slice_size_bytes, maximum_slice_size_bytes),
writer_(&shb_) {
// This can't be neither copied nor moved because Message hands out pointers
// to itself when creating submessages.
HeapBuffered(const HeapBuffered&) = delete;
HeapBuffered& operator=(const HeapBuffered&) = delete;
HeapBuffered(HeapBuffered&&) = delete;
HeapBuffered& operator=(HeapBuffered&&) = delete;
T* get() { return &msg_; }
T* operator->() { return &msg_; }
bool empty() const { return shb_.slices().empty(); }
std::vector<uint8_t> SerializeAsArray() {
return shb_.StitchSlices();
std::string SerializeAsString() {
auto vec = SerializeAsArray();
return std::string(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(, vec.size());
std::vector<protozero::ContiguousMemoryRange> GetRanges() {
return shb_.GetRanges();
void Reset() {
ScatteredHeapBuffer shb_;
ScatteredStreamWriter writer_;
T msg_;
} // namespace protozero
// gen_amalgamated begin header: include/perfetto/tracing/debug_annotation.h
// gen_amalgamated begin header: gen/protos/perfetto/trace/track_event/debug_annotation.pbzero.h
// Autogenerated by the ProtoZero compiler plugin. DO NOT EDIT.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/message.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/packed_repeated_fields.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_decoder.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_utils.h"
namespace perfetto {
namespace protos {
namespace pbzero {
class DebugAnnotation_NestedValue;
enum DebugAnnotation_NestedValue_NestedType : int32_t;
enum DebugAnnotation_NestedValue_NestedType : int32_t {
DebugAnnotation_NestedValue_NestedType_UNSPECIFIED = 0,
DebugAnnotation_NestedValue_NestedType_DICT = 1,
DebugAnnotation_NestedValue_NestedType_ARRAY = 2,
const DebugAnnotation_NestedValue_NestedType DebugAnnotation_NestedValue_NestedType_MIN = DebugAnnotation_NestedValue_NestedType_UNSPECIFIED;
const DebugAnnotation_NestedValue_NestedType DebugAnnotation_NestedValue_NestedType_MAX = DebugAnnotation_NestedValue_NestedType_ARRAY;
class DebugAnnotationName_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/2, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
DebugAnnotationName_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit DebugAnnotationName_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit DebugAnnotationName_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_iid() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t iid() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_name() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars name() const { return at<2>().as_string(); }
class DebugAnnotationName : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = DebugAnnotationName_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kIidFieldNumber = 1,
kNameFieldNumber = 2,
void set_iid(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_name(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(2,, value.size());
void set_name(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(2, data, size);
class DebugAnnotation_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/10, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
DebugAnnotation_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit DebugAnnotation_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit DebugAnnotation_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_name_iid() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t name_iid() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_name() const { return at<10>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars name() const { return at<10>().as_string(); }
bool has_bool_value() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
bool bool_value() const { return at<2>().as_bool(); }
bool has_uint_value() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
uint64_t uint_value() const { return at<3>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_int_value() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
int64_t int_value() const { return at<4>().as_int64(); }
bool has_double_value() const { return at<5>().valid(); }
double double_value() const { return at<5>().as_double(); }
bool has_string_value() const { return at<6>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars string_value() const { return at<6>().as_string(); }
bool has_pointer_value() const { return at<7>().valid(); }
uint64_t pointer_value() const { return at<7>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_nested_value() const { return at<8>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes nested_value() const { return at<8>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_legacy_json_value() const { return at<9>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars legacy_json_value() const { return at<9>().as_string(); }
class DebugAnnotation : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = DebugAnnotation_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kNameIidFieldNumber = 1,
kNameFieldNumber = 10,
kBoolValueFieldNumber = 2,
kUintValueFieldNumber = 3,
kIntValueFieldNumber = 4,
kDoubleValueFieldNumber = 5,
kStringValueFieldNumber = 6,
kPointerValueFieldNumber = 7,
kNestedValueFieldNumber = 8,
kLegacyJsonValueFieldNumber = 9,
using NestedValue = ::perfetto::protos::pbzero::DebugAnnotation_NestedValue;
void set_name_iid(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_name(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(10,, value.size());
void set_name(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(10, data, size);
void set_bool_value(bool value) {
AppendTinyVarInt(2, value);
void set_uint_value(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void set_int_value(int64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(4, value);
void set_double_value(double value) {
AppendFixed(5, value);
void set_string_value(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(6,, value.size());
void set_string_value(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(6, data, size);
void set_pointer_value(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(7, value);
template <typename T = DebugAnnotation_NestedValue> T* set_nested_value() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(8);
void set_legacy_json_value(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(9,, value.size());
void set_legacy_json_value(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(9, data, size);
class DebugAnnotation_NestedValue_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/8, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/true> {
DebugAnnotation_NestedValue_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit DebugAnnotation_NestedValue_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit DebugAnnotation_NestedValue_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_nested_type() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
int32_t nested_type() const { return at<1>().as_int32(); }
bool has_dict_keys() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
::protozero::RepeatedFieldIterator<::protozero::ConstChars> dict_keys() const { return GetRepeated<::protozero::ConstChars>(2); }
bool has_dict_values() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
::protozero::RepeatedFieldIterator<::protozero::ConstBytes> dict_values() const { return GetRepeated<::protozero::ConstBytes>(3); }
bool has_array_values() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
::protozero::RepeatedFieldIterator<::protozero::ConstBytes> array_values() const { return GetRepeated<::protozero::ConstBytes>(4); }
bool has_int_value() const { return at<5>().valid(); }
int64_t int_value() const { return at<5>().as_int64(); }
bool has_double_value() const { return at<6>().valid(); }
double double_value() const { return at<6>().as_double(); }
bool has_bool_value() const { return at<7>().valid(); }
bool bool_value() const { return at<7>().as_bool(); }
bool has_string_value() const { return at<8>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars string_value() const { return at<8>().as_string(); }
class DebugAnnotation_NestedValue : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = DebugAnnotation_NestedValue_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kNestedTypeFieldNumber = 1,
kDictKeysFieldNumber = 2,
kDictValuesFieldNumber = 3,
kArrayValuesFieldNumber = 4,
kIntValueFieldNumber = 5,
kDoubleValueFieldNumber = 6,
kBoolValueFieldNumber = 7,
kStringValueFieldNumber = 8,
using NestedType = ::perfetto::protos::pbzero::DebugAnnotation_NestedValue_NestedType;
static const NestedType UNSPECIFIED = DebugAnnotation_NestedValue_NestedType_UNSPECIFIED;
static const NestedType DICT = DebugAnnotation_NestedValue_NestedType_DICT;
static const NestedType ARRAY = DebugAnnotation_NestedValue_NestedType_ARRAY;
void set_nested_type(::perfetto::protos::pbzero::DebugAnnotation_NestedValue_NestedType value) {
AppendTinyVarInt(1, value);
void add_dict_keys(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(2,, value.size());
void add_dict_keys(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(2, data, size);
template <typename T = DebugAnnotation_NestedValue> T* add_dict_values() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(3);
template <typename T = DebugAnnotation_NestedValue> T* add_array_values() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(4);
void set_int_value(int64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(5, value);
void set_double_value(double value) {
AppendFixed(6, value);
void set_bool_value(bool value) {
AppendTinyVarInt(7, value);
void set_string_value(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(8,, value.size());
void set_string_value(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(8, data, size);
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
#endif // Include guard.
* Copyright (C) 2019 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/base/export.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "protos/perfetto/trace/track_event/debug_annotation.pbzero.h"
#include <stdint.h>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
namespace {
// std::underlying_type can't be used with non-enum types, so we need this
// indirection.
template <typename T, bool = std::is_enum<T>::value>
struct safe_underlying_type {
using type = typename std::underlying_type<T>::type;
template <typename T>
struct safe_underlying_type<T, false> {
using type = T;
} // namespace
namespace perfetto {
namespace protos {
namespace pbzero {
class DebugAnnotation;
} // namespace pbzero
} // namespace protos
// A base class for custom track event debug annotations.
class PERFETTO_EXPORT DebugAnnotation {
DebugAnnotation() = default;
virtual ~DebugAnnotation();
// Called to write the contents of the debug annotation into the trace.
virtual void Add(protos::pbzero::DebugAnnotation*) const = 0;
namespace internal {
// Overloads for all the supported built in debug annotation types. Numeric
// types are handled with templates to avoid problems with overloading
// platform-specific types (e.g., size_t).
void PERFETTO_EXPORT WriteDebugAnnotation(protos::pbzero::DebugAnnotation*,
const char*);
void PERFETTO_EXPORT WriteDebugAnnotation(protos::pbzero::DebugAnnotation*,
const std::string&);
void PERFETTO_EXPORT WriteDebugAnnotation(protos::pbzero::DebugAnnotation*,
const void*);
void PERFETTO_EXPORT WriteDebugAnnotation(protos::pbzero::DebugAnnotation*,
const DebugAnnotation&);
template <typename T>
void WriteDebugAnnotation(
protos::pbzero::DebugAnnotation* annotation,
T value,
typename std::enable_if<std::is_floating_point<T>::value>::type* =
nullptr) {
template <typename T>
void WriteDebugAnnotation(
protos::pbzero::DebugAnnotation* annotation,
T value,
typename std::enable_if<std::is_integral<T>::value &&
!std::is_same<T, bool>::value &&
std::is_signed<T>::value>::type* = nullptr) {
template <typename T>
void WriteDebugAnnotation(
protos::pbzero::DebugAnnotation* annotation,
T value,
typename std::enable_if<
std::is_enum<T>::value &&
std::is_signed<typename safe_underlying_type<T>::type>::value>::type* =
nullptr) {
template <typename T>
void WriteDebugAnnotation(
protos::pbzero::DebugAnnotation* annotation,
T value,
typename std::enable_if<std::is_enum<T>::value &&
std::is_unsigned<typename safe_underlying_type<
T>::type>::value>::type* = nullptr) {
template <typename T>
void WriteDebugAnnotation(
protos::pbzero::DebugAnnotation* annotation,
T value,
typename std::enable_if<std::is_integral<T>::value &&
!std::is_same<T, bool>::value &&
std::is_unsigned<T>::value>::type* = nullptr) {
template <typename T>
void WriteDebugAnnotation(
protos::pbzero::DebugAnnotation* annotation,
T value,
typename std::enable_if<std::is_same<T, bool>::value>::type* = nullptr) {
template <typename T>
void WriteDebugAnnotation(protos::pbzero::DebugAnnotation* annotation,
const std::unique_ptr<T>& value) {
WriteDebugAnnotation(annotation, *value);
} // namespace internal
} // namespace perfetto
// gen_amalgamated begin header: include/perfetto/tracing/track.h
// gen_amalgamated begin header: include/perfetto/base/proc_utils.h
* Copyright (C) 2019 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <stdint.h>
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/base/build_config.h"
#include <Windows.h>
#include <processthreadsapi.h>
#include <zircon/process.h>
#include <zircon/types.h>
#include <unistd.h>
namespace perfetto {
namespace base {
using PlatformProcessId = zx_handle_t;
inline PlatformProcessId GetProcessId() {
return zx_process_self();
using PlatformProcessId = uint64_t;
inline PlatformProcessId GetProcessId() {
return static_cast<uint64_t>(GetCurrentProcessId());
using PlatformProcessId = pid_t;
inline PlatformProcessId GetProcessId() {
return getpid();
} // namespace base
} // namespace perfetto
// gen_amalgamated begin header: include/perfetto/base/thread_utils.h
* Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <stdint.h>
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/base/build_config.h"
#include <Windows.h>
#include <processthreadsapi.h>
#include <zircon/process.h>
#include <zircon/types.h>
#include <sys/syscall.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <pthread.h>
namespace perfetto {
namespace base {
using PlatformThreadId = pid_t;
inline PlatformThreadId GetThreadId() {
return gettid();
using PlatformThreadId = pid_t;
inline PlatformThreadId GetThreadId() {
return static_cast<pid_t>(syscall(__NR_gettid));
using PlatformThreadId = zx_handle_t;
inline PlatformThreadId GetThreadId() {
return zx_thread_self();
using PlatformThreadId = uint64_t;
inline PlatformThreadId GetThreadId() {
uint64_t tid;
pthread_threadid_np(nullptr, &tid);
return tid;
using PlatformThreadId = uint64_t;
inline PlatformThreadId GetThreadId() {
return static_cast<uint64_t>(GetCurrentThreadId());
using PlatformThreadId = pid_t;
inline PlatformThreadId GetThreadId() {
return reinterpret_cast<int32_t>(pthread_self());
#else // Default to pthreads in case no OS is set.
using PlatformThreadId = pthread_t;
inline PlatformThreadId GetThreadId() {
return pthread_self();
} // namespace base
} // namespace perfetto
// gen_amalgamated begin header: gen/protos/perfetto/trace/track_event/track_descriptor.gen.h
// DO NOT EDIT. Autogenerated by Perfetto cppgen_plugin
#include <stdint.h>
#include <bitset>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <type_traits>
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/cpp_message_obj.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/copyable_ptr.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/base/export.h"
namespace perfetto {
namespace protos {
namespace gen {
class TrackDescriptor;
class CounterDescriptor;
class ChromeThreadDescriptor;
class ThreadDescriptor;
class ChromeProcessDescriptor;
class ProcessDescriptor;
enum CounterDescriptor_BuiltinCounterType : int;
enum CounterDescriptor_Unit : int;
enum ChromeThreadDescriptor_ThreadType : int;
enum ThreadDescriptor_ChromeThreadType : int;
enum ChromeProcessDescriptor_ProcessType : int;
enum ProcessDescriptor_ChromeProcessType : int;
} // namespace perfetto
} // namespace protos
} // namespace gen
namespace protozero {
class Message;
} // namespace protozero
namespace perfetto {
namespace protos {
namespace gen {
class PERFETTO_EXPORT TrackDescriptor : public ::protozero::CppMessageObj {
enum FieldNumbers {
kUuidFieldNumber = 1,
kParentUuidFieldNumber = 5,
kNameFieldNumber = 2,
kProcessFieldNumber = 3,
kChromeProcessFieldNumber = 6,
kThreadFieldNumber = 4,
kChromeThreadFieldNumber = 7,
kCounterFieldNumber = 8,
~TrackDescriptor() override;
TrackDescriptor(TrackDescriptor&&) noexcept;
TrackDescriptor& operator=(TrackDescriptor&&);
TrackDescriptor(const TrackDescriptor&);
TrackDescriptor& operator=(const TrackDescriptor&);
bool operator==(const TrackDescriptor&) const;
bool operator!=(const TrackDescriptor& other) const { return !(*this == other); }
bool ParseFromArray(const void*, size_t) override;
std::string SerializeAsString() const override;
std::vector<uint8_t> SerializeAsArray() const override;
void Serialize(::protozero::Message*) const;
bool has_uuid() const { return _has_field_[1]; }
uint64_t uuid() const { return uuid_; }
void set_uuid(uint64_t value) { uuid_ = value; _has_field_.set(1); }
bool has_parent_uuid() const { return _has_field_[5]; }
uint64_t parent_uuid() const { return parent_uuid_; }
void set_parent_uuid(uint64_t value) { parent_uuid_ = value; _has_field_.set(5); }
bool has_name() const { return _has_field_[2]; }
const std::string& name() const { return name_; }
void set_name(const std::string& value) { name_ = value; _has_field_.set(2); }
bool has_process() const { return _has_field_[3]; }
const ProcessDescriptor& process() const { return *process_; }
ProcessDescriptor* mutable_process() { _has_field_.set(3); return process_.get(); }
bool has_chrome_process() const { return _has_field_[6]; }
const ChromeProcessDescriptor& chrome_process() const { return *chrome_process_; }
ChromeProcessDescriptor* mutable_chrome_process() { _has_field_.set(6); return chrome_process_.get(); }
bool has_thread() const { return _has_field_[4]; }
const ThreadDescriptor& thread() const { return *thread_; }
ThreadDescriptor* mutable_thread() { _has_field_.set(4); return thread_.get(); }
bool has_chrome_thread() const { return _has_field_[7]; }
const ChromeThreadDescriptor& chrome_thread() const { return *chrome_thread_; }
ChromeThreadDescriptor* mutable_chrome_thread() { _has_field_.set(7); return chrome_thread_.get(); }
bool has_counter() const { return _has_field_[8]; }
const CounterDescriptor& counter() const { return *counter_; }
CounterDescriptor* mutable_counter() { _has_field_.set(8); return counter_.get(); }
uint64_t uuid_{};
uint64_t parent_uuid_{};
std::string name_{};
::protozero::CopyablePtr<ProcessDescriptor> process_;
::protozero::CopyablePtr<ChromeProcessDescriptor> chrome_process_;
::protozero::CopyablePtr<ThreadDescriptor> thread_;
::protozero::CopyablePtr<ChromeThreadDescriptor> chrome_thread_;
::protozero::CopyablePtr<CounterDescriptor> counter_;
// Allows to preserve unknown protobuf fields for compatibility
// with future versions of .proto files.
std::string unknown_fields_;
std::bitset<9> _has_field_{};
} // namespace perfetto
} // namespace protos
} // namespace gen
// gen_amalgamated begin header: gen/protos/perfetto/trace/track_event/track_descriptor.pbzero.h
// Autogenerated by the ProtoZero compiler plugin. DO NOT EDIT.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/message.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/packed_repeated_fields.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_decoder.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_utils.h"
namespace perfetto {
namespace protos {
namespace pbzero {
class ChromeProcessDescriptor;
class ChromeThreadDescriptor;
class CounterDescriptor;
class ProcessDescriptor;
class ThreadDescriptor;
class TrackDescriptor_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/8, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
TrackDescriptor_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit TrackDescriptor_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit TrackDescriptor_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_uuid() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t uuid() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_parent_uuid() const { return at<5>().valid(); }
uint64_t parent_uuid() const { return at<5>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_name() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars name() const { return at<2>().as_string(); }
bool has_process() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes process() const { return at<3>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_chrome_process() const { return at<6>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes chrome_process() const { return at<6>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_thread() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes thread() const { return at<4>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_chrome_thread() const { return at<7>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes chrome_thread() const { return at<7>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_counter() const { return at<8>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes counter() const { return at<8>().as_bytes(); }
class TrackDescriptor : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = TrackDescriptor_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kUuidFieldNumber = 1,
kParentUuidFieldNumber = 5,
kNameFieldNumber = 2,
kProcessFieldNumber = 3,
kChromeProcessFieldNumber = 6,
kThreadFieldNumber = 4,
kChromeThreadFieldNumber = 7,
kCounterFieldNumber = 8,
void set_uuid(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_parent_uuid(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(5, value);
void set_name(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(2,, value.size());
void set_name(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(2, data, size);
template <typename T = ProcessDescriptor> T* set_process() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(3);
template <typename T = ChromeProcessDescriptor> T* set_chrome_process() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(6);
template <typename T = ThreadDescriptor> T* set_thread() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(4);
template <typename T = ChromeThreadDescriptor> T* set_chrome_thread() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(7);
template <typename T = CounterDescriptor> T* set_counter() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(8);
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
#endif // Include guard.
* Copyright (C) 2019 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/base/export.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/base/proc_utils.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/base/thread_utils.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/message_handle.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/scattered_heap_buffer.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "protos/perfetto/trace/trace_packet.pbzero.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "protos/perfetto/trace/track_event/track_descriptor.gen.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "protos/perfetto/trace/track_event/track_descriptor.pbzero.h"
#include <stdint.h>
#include <map>
#include <mutex>
namespace perfetto {
namespace internal {
class TrackRegistry;
// Track events are recorded on a timeline track, which maintains the relative
// time ordering of all events on that track. Each thread has its own default
// track (ThreadTrack), which is by default where all track events are written.
// Thread tracks are grouped under their hosting process (ProcessTrack).
// Events which aren't strictly scoped to a thread or a process, or don't
// correspond to synchronous code execution on a thread can use a custom
// track (Track, ThreadTrack or ProcessTrack). A Track object can also
// optionally be parented to a thread or a process.
// A track is represented by a uuid, which must be unique across the entire
// recorded trace.
// For example, to record an event that begins and ends on different threads,
// use a matching id to tie the begin and end events together:
// TRACE_EVENT_BEGIN("category", "AsyncEvent", perfetto::Track(8086));
// ...
// TRACE_EVENT_END("category", perfetto::Track(8086));
// Tracks can also be annotated with metadata:
// auto desc = track.Serialize();
// desc.set_name("MyTrack");
// perfetto::TrackEvent::SetTrackDescriptor(track, desc);
// Threads and processes can also be named in a similar way, e.g.:
// auto desc = perfetto::ProcessTrack::Current().Serialize();
// desc.mutable_process()->set_process_name("MyProcess");
// perfetto::TrackEvent::SetTrackDescriptor(
// perfetto::ProcessTrack::Current(), desc);
// The metadata remains valid between tracing sessions. To free up data for a
// track, call EraseTrackDescriptor:
// perfetto::TrackEvent::EraseTrackDescriptor(track);
struct PERFETTO_EXPORT Track {
const uint64_t uuid;
const uint64_t parent_uuid;
constexpr Track() : uuid(0), parent_uuid(0) {}
// Construct a track with identifier |id|, optionally parented under |parent|.
// If no parent is specified, the track's parent is the current process's
// track.
// To minimize the chances for accidental id collisions across processes, the
// track's effective uuid is generated by xorring |id| with a random,
// per-process cookie.
explicit Track(uint64_t id, Track parent = MakeProcessTrack())
: uuid(id ^ parent.uuid), parent_uuid(parent.uuid) {}
explicit operator bool() const { return uuid; }
void Serialize(protos::pbzero::TrackDescriptor*) const;
protos::gen::TrackDescriptor Serialize() const;
// Construct a global track with identifier |id|.
// Beware: the globally unique |id| should be chosen carefully to avoid
// accidental clashes with track identifiers emitted by other producers.
static Track Global(uint64_t id) { return Track(id, Track()); }
static Track MakeThreadTrack(base::PlatformThreadId tid) {
// If tid were 0 here (which is an invalid tid), we would create a thread
// track with a uuid that conflicts with the corresponding ProcessTrack.
return Track(static_cast<uint64_t>(tid), MakeProcessTrack());
static Track MakeProcessTrack() { return Track(process_uuid, Track()); }
friend class internal::TrackRegistry;
static uint64_t process_uuid;
// A process track represents events that describe the state of the entire
// application (e.g., counter events). Currently a ProcessTrack can only
// represent the current process.
struct PERFETTO_EXPORT ProcessTrack : public Track {
const base::PlatformProcessId pid;
static ProcessTrack Current() { return ProcessTrack(); }
void Serialize(protos::pbzero::TrackDescriptor*) const;
protos::gen::TrackDescriptor Serialize() const;
ProcessTrack() : Track(MakeProcessTrack()), pid(base::GetProcessId()) {}
// A thread track is associated with a specific thread of execution. Currently
// only threads in the current process can be referenced.
struct PERFETTO_EXPORT ThreadTrack : public Track {
const base::PlatformProcessId pid;
const base::PlatformThreadId tid;
static ThreadTrack Current() { return ThreadTrack(base::GetThreadId()); }
// Represents a thread in the current process.
static ThreadTrack ForThread(base::PlatformThreadId tid_) {
return ThreadTrack(tid_);
void Serialize(protos::pbzero::TrackDescriptor*) const;
protos::gen::TrackDescriptor Serialize() const;
explicit ThreadTrack(base::PlatformThreadId tid_)
: Track(MakeThreadTrack(tid_)),
tid(tid_) {}
namespace internal {
// Keeps a map of uuids to serialized track descriptors and provides a
// thread-safe way to read and write them. Each trace writer keeps a TLS set of
// the tracks it has seen (see TrackEventIncrementalState). In the common case,
// this registry is not consulted (and no locks are taken). However when a new
// track is seen, this registry is used to write either 1) the default
// descriptor for that track (see *Track::Serialize) or 2) a serialized
// descriptor stored in the registry which may have additional metadata (e.g.,
// track name).
// TODO(eseckler): Remove PERFETTO_EXPORT once Chromium no longer calls
// TrackRegistry::InitializeInstance() directly.
class PERFETTO_EXPORT TrackRegistry {
using SerializedTrackDescriptor = std::string;
static void InitializeInstance();
static TrackRegistry* Get() { return instance_; }
void EraseTrack(Track);
// Store metadata for |track| in the registry. |fill_function| is called
// synchronously to record additional properties for the track.
template <typename TrackType>
void UpdateTrack(
const TrackType& track,
std::function<void(protos::pbzero::TrackDescriptor*)> fill_function) {
UpdateTrackImpl(track, [&](protos::pbzero::TrackDescriptor* desc) {
// This variant lets the user supply a serialized track descriptor directly.
void UpdateTrack(Track, const std::string& serialized_desc);
// If |track| exists in the registry, write out the serialized track
// descriptor for it into |packet|. Otherwise just the ephemeral track object
// is serialized without any additional metadata.
template <typename TrackType>
void SerializeTrack(
const TrackType& track,
protozero::MessageHandle<protos::pbzero::TracePacket> packet) {
// If the track has extra metadata (recorded with UpdateTrack), it will be
// found in the registry. To minimize the time the lock is held, make a copy
// of the data held in the registry and write it outside the lock.
std::string desc_copy;
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mutex_);
const auto& it = tracks_.find(track.uuid);
if (it != tracks_.end()) {
desc_copy = it->second;
if (!desc_copy.empty()) {
WriteTrackDescriptor(std::move(desc_copy), std::move(packet));
} else {
// Otherwise we just write the basic descriptor for this type of track
// (e.g., just uuid, no name).
static void WriteTrackDescriptor(
const SerializedTrackDescriptor& desc,
protozero::MessageHandle<protos::pbzero::TracePacket> packet);
void UpdateTrackImpl(
std::function<void(protos::pbzero::TrackDescriptor*)> fill_function);
std::mutex mutex_;
std::map<uint64_t /* uuid */, SerializedTrackDescriptor> tracks_;
static TrackRegistry* instance_;
} // namespace internal
} // namespace perfetto
// gen_amalgamated begin header: gen/protos/perfetto/common/builtin_clock.pbzero.h
// Autogenerated by the ProtoZero compiler plugin. DO NOT EDIT.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/message.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/packed_repeated_fields.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_decoder.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_utils.h"
namespace perfetto {
namespace protos {
namespace pbzero {
enum BuiltinClock : int32_t {
const BuiltinClock BuiltinClock_MIN = BUILTIN_CLOCK_UNKNOWN;
const BuiltinClock BuiltinClock_MAX = BUILTIN_CLOCK_MAX_ID;
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
#endif // Include guard.
// gen_amalgamated begin header: gen/protos/perfetto/trace/interned_data/interned_data.pbzero.h
// Autogenerated by the ProtoZero compiler plugin. DO NOT EDIT.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/message.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/packed_repeated_fields.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_decoder.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_utils.h"
namespace perfetto {
namespace protos {
namespace pbzero {
class Callstack;
class DebugAnnotationName;
class EventCategory;
class EventName;
class Frame;
class InternedGpuRenderStageSpecification;
class InternedGraphicsContext;
class InternedString;
class LogMessageBody;
class Mapping;
class ProfiledFrameSymbols;
class SourceLocation;
class InternedData_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/24, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/true> {
InternedData_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit InternedData_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit InternedData_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_event_categories() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
::protozero::RepeatedFieldIterator<::protozero::ConstBytes> event_categories() const { return GetRepeated<::protozero::ConstBytes>(1); }
bool has_event_names() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
::protozero::RepeatedFieldIterator<::protozero::ConstBytes> event_names() const { return GetRepeated<::protozero::ConstBytes>(2); }
bool has_debug_annotation_names() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
::protozero::RepeatedFieldIterator<::protozero::ConstBytes> debug_annotation_names() const { return GetRepeated<::protozero::ConstBytes>(3); }
bool has_source_locations() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
::protozero::RepeatedFieldIterator<::protozero::ConstBytes> source_locations() const { return GetRepeated<::protozero::ConstBytes>(4); }
bool has_log_message_body() const { return at<20>().valid(); }
::protozero::RepeatedFieldIterator<::protozero::ConstBytes> log_message_body() const { return GetRepeated<::protozero::ConstBytes>(20); }
bool has_build_ids() const { return at<16>().valid(); }
::protozero::RepeatedFieldIterator<::protozero::ConstBytes> build_ids() const { return GetRepeated<::protozero::ConstBytes>(16); }
bool has_mapping_paths() const { return at<17>().valid(); }
::protozero::RepeatedFieldIterator<::protozero::ConstBytes> mapping_paths() const { return GetRepeated<::protozero::ConstBytes>(17); }
bool has_source_paths() const { return at<18>().valid(); }
::protozero::RepeatedFieldIterator<::protozero::ConstBytes> source_paths() const { return GetRepeated<::protozero::ConstBytes>(18); }
bool has_function_names() const { return at<5>().valid(); }
::protozero::RepeatedFieldIterator<::protozero::ConstBytes> function_names() const { return GetRepeated<::protozero::ConstBytes>(5); }
bool has_profiled_frame_symbols() const { return at<21>().valid(); }
::protozero::RepeatedFieldIterator<::protozero::ConstBytes> profiled_frame_symbols() const { return GetRepeated<::protozero::ConstBytes>(21); }
bool has_mappings() const { return at<19>().valid(); }
::protozero::RepeatedFieldIterator<::protozero::ConstBytes> mappings() const { return GetRepeated<::protozero::ConstBytes>(19); }
bool has_frames() const { return at<6>().valid(); }
::protozero::RepeatedFieldIterator<::protozero::ConstBytes> frames() const { return GetRepeated<::protozero::ConstBytes>(6); }
bool has_callstacks() const { return at<7>().valid(); }
::protozero::RepeatedFieldIterator<::protozero::ConstBytes> callstacks() const { return GetRepeated<::protozero::ConstBytes>(7); }
bool has_vulkan_memory_keys() const { return at<22>().valid(); }
::protozero::RepeatedFieldIterator<::protozero::ConstBytes> vulkan_memory_keys() const { return GetRepeated<::protozero::ConstBytes>(22); }
bool has_graphics_contexts() const { return at<23>().valid(); }
::protozero::RepeatedFieldIterator<::protozero::ConstBytes> graphics_contexts() const { return GetRepeated<::protozero::ConstBytes>(23); }
bool has_gpu_specifications() const { return at<24>().valid(); }
::protozero::RepeatedFieldIterator<::protozero::ConstBytes> gpu_specifications() const { return GetRepeated<::protozero::ConstBytes>(24); }
class InternedData : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = InternedData_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kEventCategoriesFieldNumber = 1,
kEventNamesFieldNumber = 2,
kDebugAnnotationNamesFieldNumber = 3,
kSourceLocationsFieldNumber = 4,
kLogMessageBodyFieldNumber = 20,
kBuildIdsFieldNumber = 16,
kMappingPathsFieldNumber = 17,
kSourcePathsFieldNumber = 18,
kFunctionNamesFieldNumber = 5,
kProfiledFrameSymbolsFieldNumber = 21,
kMappingsFieldNumber = 19,
kFramesFieldNumber = 6,
kCallstacksFieldNumber = 7,
kVulkanMemoryKeysFieldNumber = 22,
kGraphicsContextsFieldNumber = 23,
kGpuSpecificationsFieldNumber = 24,
template <typename T = EventCategory> T* add_event_categories() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(1);
template <typename T = EventName> T* add_event_names() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(2);
template <typename T = DebugAnnotationName> T* add_debug_annotation_names() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(3);
template <typename T = SourceLocation> T* add_source_locations() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(4);
template <typename T = LogMessageBody> T* add_log_message_body() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(20);
template <typename T = InternedString> T* add_build_ids() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(16);
template <typename T = InternedString> T* add_mapping_paths() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(17);
template <typename T = InternedString> T* add_source_paths() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(18);
template <typename T = InternedString> T* add_function_names() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(5);
template <typename T = ProfiledFrameSymbols> T* add_profiled_frame_symbols() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(21);
template <typename T = Mapping> T* add_mappings() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(19);
template <typename T = Frame> T* add_frames() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(6);
template <typename T = Callstack> T* add_callstacks() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(7);
template <typename T = InternedString> T* add_vulkan_memory_keys() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(22);
template <typename T = InternedGraphicsContext> T* add_graphics_contexts() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(23);
template <typename T = InternedGpuRenderStageSpecification> T* add_gpu_specifications() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(24);
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
#endif // Include guard.
// gen_amalgamated begin header: gen/protos/perfetto/trace/track_event/track_event.pbzero.h
// Autogenerated by the ProtoZero compiler plugin. DO NOT EDIT.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/message.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/packed_repeated_fields.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_decoder.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_utils.h"
namespace perfetto {
namespace protos {
namespace pbzero {
class ChromeCompositorSchedulerState;
class ChromeFrameReporter;
class ChromeHistogramSample;
class ChromeKeyedService;
class ChromeLatencyInfo;
class ChromeLegacyIpc;
class ChromeUserEvent;
class DebugAnnotation;
class LogMessage;
class TaskExecution;
class TrackEvent_LegacyEvent;
enum TrackEvent_LegacyEvent_FlowDirection : int32_t;
enum TrackEvent_LegacyEvent_InstantEventScope : int32_t;
enum TrackEvent_Type : int32_t;
enum TrackEvent_Type : int32_t {
TrackEvent_Type_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED = 0,
TrackEvent_Type_TYPE_SLICE_BEGIN = 1,
TrackEvent_Type_TYPE_SLICE_END = 2,
TrackEvent_Type_TYPE_INSTANT = 3,
TrackEvent_Type_TYPE_COUNTER = 4,
const TrackEvent_Type TrackEvent_Type_MIN = TrackEvent_Type_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED;
const TrackEvent_Type TrackEvent_Type_MAX = TrackEvent_Type_TYPE_COUNTER;
enum TrackEvent_LegacyEvent_FlowDirection : int32_t {
TrackEvent_LegacyEvent_FlowDirection_FLOW_UNSPECIFIED = 0,
TrackEvent_LegacyEvent_FlowDirection_FLOW_IN = 1,
TrackEvent_LegacyEvent_FlowDirection_FLOW_OUT = 2,
TrackEvent_LegacyEvent_FlowDirection_FLOW_INOUT = 3,
const TrackEvent_LegacyEvent_FlowDirection TrackEvent_LegacyEvent_FlowDirection_MIN = TrackEvent_LegacyEvent_FlowDirection_FLOW_UNSPECIFIED;
const TrackEvent_LegacyEvent_FlowDirection TrackEvent_LegacyEvent_FlowDirection_MAX = TrackEvent_LegacyEvent_FlowDirection_FLOW_INOUT;
enum TrackEvent_LegacyEvent_InstantEventScope : int32_t {
TrackEvent_LegacyEvent_InstantEventScope_SCOPE_UNSPECIFIED = 0,
TrackEvent_LegacyEvent_InstantEventScope_SCOPE_GLOBAL = 1,
TrackEvent_LegacyEvent_InstantEventScope_SCOPE_PROCESS = 2,
TrackEvent_LegacyEvent_InstantEventScope_SCOPE_THREAD = 3,
const TrackEvent_LegacyEvent_InstantEventScope TrackEvent_LegacyEvent_InstantEventScope_MIN = TrackEvent_LegacyEvent_InstantEventScope_SCOPE_UNSPECIFIED;
const TrackEvent_LegacyEvent_InstantEventScope TrackEvent_LegacyEvent_InstantEventScope_MAX = TrackEvent_LegacyEvent_InstantEventScope_SCOPE_THREAD;
class EventName_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/2, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
EventName_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit EventName_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit EventName_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_iid() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t iid() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_name() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars name() const { return at<2>().as_string(); }
class EventName : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = EventName_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kIidFieldNumber = 1,
kNameFieldNumber = 2,
void set_iid(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_name(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(2,, value.size());
void set_name(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(2, data, size);
class EventCategory_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/2, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
EventCategory_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit EventCategory_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit EventCategory_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_iid() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t iid() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_name() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars name() const { return at<2>().as_string(); }
class EventCategory : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = EventCategory_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kIidFieldNumber = 1,
kNameFieldNumber = 2,
void set_iid(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_name(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(2,, value.size());
void set_name(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(2, data, size);
class TrackEventDefaults_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/31, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/true> {
TrackEventDefaults_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit TrackEventDefaults_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit TrackEventDefaults_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_track_uuid() const { return at<11>().valid(); }
uint64_t track_uuid() const { return at<11>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_extra_counter_track_uuids() const { return at<31>().valid(); }
::protozero::RepeatedFieldIterator<uint64_t> extra_counter_track_uuids() const { return GetRepeated<uint64_t>(31); }
class TrackEventDefaults : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = TrackEventDefaults_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kTrackUuidFieldNumber = 11,
kExtraCounterTrackUuidsFieldNumber = 31,
void set_track_uuid(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(11, value);
void add_extra_counter_track_uuids(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(31, value);
class TrackEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/32, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/true> {
TrackEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit TrackEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit TrackEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_category_iids() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
::protozero::RepeatedFieldIterator<uint64_t> category_iids() const { return GetRepeated<uint64_t>(3); }
bool has_categories() const { return at<22>().valid(); }
::protozero::RepeatedFieldIterator<::protozero::ConstChars> categories() const { return GetRepeated<::protozero::ConstChars>(22); }
bool has_name_iid() const { return at<10>().valid(); }
uint64_t name_iid() const { return at<10>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_name() const { return at<23>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars name() const { return at<23>().as_string(); }
bool has_type() const { return at<9>().valid(); }
int32_t type() const { return at<9>().as_int32(); }
bool has_track_uuid() const { return at<11>().valid(); }
uint64_t track_uuid() const { return at<11>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_counter_value() const { return at<30>().valid(); }
int64_t counter_value() const { return at<30>().as_int64(); }
bool has_extra_counter_track_uuids() const { return at<31>().valid(); }
::protozero::RepeatedFieldIterator<uint64_t> extra_counter_track_uuids() const { return GetRepeated<uint64_t>(31); }
bool has_extra_counter_values() const { return at<12>().valid(); }
::protozero::RepeatedFieldIterator<int64_t> extra_counter_values() const { return GetRepeated<int64_t>(12); }
bool has_debug_annotations() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
::protozero::RepeatedFieldIterator<::protozero::ConstBytes> debug_annotations() const { return GetRepeated<::protozero::ConstBytes>(4); }
bool has_task_execution() const { return at<5>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes task_execution() const { return at<5>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_log_message() const { return at<21>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes log_message() const { return at<21>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_cc_scheduler_state() const { return at<24>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes cc_scheduler_state() const { return at<24>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_chrome_user_event() const { return at<25>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes chrome_user_event() const { return at<25>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_chrome_keyed_service() const { return at<26>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes chrome_keyed_service() const { return at<26>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_chrome_legacy_ipc() const { return at<27>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes chrome_legacy_ipc() const { return at<27>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_chrome_histogram_sample() const { return at<28>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes chrome_histogram_sample() const { return at<28>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_chrome_latency_info() const { return at<29>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes chrome_latency_info() const { return at<29>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_chrome_frame_reporter() const { return at<32>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes chrome_frame_reporter() const { return at<32>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_timestamp_delta_us() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
int64_t timestamp_delta_us() const { return at<1>().as_int64(); }
bool has_timestamp_absolute_us() const { return at<16>().valid(); }
int64_t timestamp_absolute_us() const { return at<16>().as_int64(); }
bool has_thread_time_delta_us() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
int64_t thread_time_delta_us() const { return at<2>().as_int64(); }
bool has_thread_time_absolute_us() const { return at<17>().valid(); }
int64_t thread_time_absolute_us() const { return at<17>().as_int64(); }
bool has_thread_instruction_count_delta() const { return at<8>().valid(); }
int64_t thread_instruction_count_delta() const { return at<8>().as_int64(); }
bool has_thread_instruction_count_absolute() const { return at<20>().valid(); }
int64_t thread_instruction_count_absolute() const { return at<20>().as_int64(); }
bool has_legacy_event() const { return at<6>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes legacy_event() const { return at<6>().as_bytes(); }
class TrackEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = TrackEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kCategoryIidsFieldNumber = 3,
kCategoriesFieldNumber = 22,
kNameIidFieldNumber = 10,
kNameFieldNumber = 23,
kTypeFieldNumber = 9,
kTrackUuidFieldNumber = 11,
kCounterValueFieldNumber = 30,
kExtraCounterTrackUuidsFieldNumber = 31,
kExtraCounterValuesFieldNumber = 12,
kDebugAnnotationsFieldNumber = 4,
kTaskExecutionFieldNumber = 5,
kLogMessageFieldNumber = 21,
kCcSchedulerStateFieldNumber = 24,
kChromeUserEventFieldNumber = 25,
kChromeKeyedServiceFieldNumber = 26,
kChromeLegacyIpcFieldNumber = 27,
kChromeHistogramSampleFieldNumber = 28,
kChromeLatencyInfoFieldNumber = 29,
kChromeFrameReporterFieldNumber = 32,
kTimestampDeltaUsFieldNumber = 1,
kTimestampAbsoluteUsFieldNumber = 16,
kThreadTimeDeltaUsFieldNumber = 2,
kThreadTimeAbsoluteUsFieldNumber = 17,
kThreadInstructionCountDeltaFieldNumber = 8,
kThreadInstructionCountAbsoluteFieldNumber = 20,
kLegacyEventFieldNumber = 6,
using LegacyEvent = ::perfetto::protos::pbzero::TrackEvent_LegacyEvent;
using Type = ::perfetto::protos::pbzero::TrackEvent_Type;
static const Type TYPE_UNSPECIFIED = TrackEvent_Type_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED;
static const Type TYPE_SLICE_BEGIN = TrackEvent_Type_TYPE_SLICE_BEGIN;
static const Type TYPE_SLICE_END = TrackEvent_Type_TYPE_SLICE_END;
static const Type TYPE_INSTANT = TrackEvent_Type_TYPE_INSTANT;
static const Type TYPE_COUNTER = TrackEvent_Type_TYPE_COUNTER;
void add_category_iids(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void add_categories(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(22,, value.size());
void add_categories(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(22, data, size);
void set_name_iid(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(10, value);
void set_name(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(23,, value.size());
void set_name(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(23, data, size);
void set_type(::perfetto::protos::pbzero::TrackEvent_Type value) {
AppendTinyVarInt(9, value);
void set_track_uuid(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(11, value);
void set_counter_value(int64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(30, value);
void add_extra_counter_track_uuids(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(31, value);
void add_extra_counter_values(int64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(12, value);
template <typename T = DebugAnnotation> T* add_debug_annotations() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(4);
template <typename T = TaskExecution> T* set_task_execution() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(5);
template <typename T = LogMessage> T* set_log_message() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(21);
template <typename T = ChromeCompositorSchedulerState> T* set_cc_scheduler_state() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(24);
template <typename T = ChromeUserEvent> T* set_chrome_user_event() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(25);
template <typename T = ChromeKeyedService> T* set_chrome_keyed_service() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(26);
template <typename T = ChromeLegacyIpc> T* set_chrome_legacy_ipc() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(27);
template <typename T = ChromeHistogramSample> T* set_chrome_histogram_sample() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(28);
template <typename T = ChromeLatencyInfo> T* set_chrome_latency_info() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(29);
template <typename T = ChromeFrameReporter> T* set_chrome_frame_reporter() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(32);
void set_timestamp_delta_us(int64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_timestamp_absolute_us(int64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(16, value);
void set_thread_time_delta_us(int64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_thread_time_absolute_us(int64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(17, value);
void set_thread_instruction_count_delta(int64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(8, value);
void set_thread_instruction_count_absolute(int64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(20, value);
template <typename T = TrackEvent_LegacyEvent> T* set_legacy_event() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(6);
class TrackEvent_LegacyEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/19, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
TrackEvent_LegacyEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit TrackEvent_LegacyEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit TrackEvent_LegacyEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_name_iid() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t name_iid() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_phase() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
int32_t phase() const { return at<2>().as_int32(); }
bool has_duration_us() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
int64_t duration_us() const { return at<3>().as_int64(); }
bool has_thread_duration_us() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
int64_t thread_duration_us() const { return at<4>().as_int64(); }
bool has_thread_instruction_delta() const { return at<15>().valid(); }
int64_t thread_instruction_delta() const { return at<15>().as_int64(); }
bool has_unscoped_id() const { return at<6>().valid(); }
uint64_t unscoped_id() const { return at<6>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_local_id() const { return at<10>().valid(); }
uint64_t local_id() const { return at<10>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_global_id() const { return at<11>().valid(); }
uint64_t global_id() const { return at<11>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_id_scope() const { return at<7>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars id_scope() const { return at<7>().as_string(); }
bool has_use_async_tts() const { return at<9>().valid(); }
bool use_async_tts() const { return at<9>().as_bool(); }
bool has_bind_id() const { return at<8>().valid(); }
uint64_t bind_id() const { return at<8>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_bind_to_enclosing() const { return at<12>().valid(); }
bool bind_to_enclosing() const { return at<12>().as_bool(); }
bool has_flow_direction() const { return at<13>().valid(); }
int32_t flow_direction() const { return at<13>().as_int32(); }
bool has_instant_event_scope() const { return at<14>().valid(); }
int32_t instant_event_scope() const { return at<14>().as_int32(); }
bool has_pid_override() const { return at<18>().valid(); }
int32_t pid_override() const { return at<18>().as_int32(); }
bool has_tid_override() const { return at<19>().valid(); }
int32_t tid_override() const { return at<19>().as_int32(); }
class TrackEvent_LegacyEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = TrackEvent_LegacyEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kNameIidFieldNumber = 1,
kPhaseFieldNumber = 2,
kDurationUsFieldNumber = 3,
kThreadDurationUsFieldNumber = 4,
kThreadInstructionDeltaFieldNumber = 15,
kUnscopedIdFieldNumber = 6,
kLocalIdFieldNumber = 10,
kGlobalIdFieldNumber = 11,
kIdScopeFieldNumber = 7,
kUseAsyncTtsFieldNumber = 9,
kBindIdFieldNumber = 8,
kBindToEnclosingFieldNumber = 12,
kFlowDirectionFieldNumber = 13,
kInstantEventScopeFieldNumber = 14,
kPidOverrideFieldNumber = 18,
kTidOverrideFieldNumber = 19,
using FlowDirection = ::perfetto::protos::pbzero::TrackEvent_LegacyEvent_FlowDirection;
using InstantEventScope = ::perfetto::protos::pbzero::TrackEvent_LegacyEvent_InstantEventScope;
static const FlowDirection FLOW_UNSPECIFIED = TrackEvent_LegacyEvent_FlowDirection_FLOW_UNSPECIFIED;
static const FlowDirection FLOW_IN = TrackEvent_LegacyEvent_FlowDirection_FLOW_IN;
static const FlowDirection FLOW_OUT = TrackEvent_LegacyEvent_FlowDirection_FLOW_OUT;
static const FlowDirection FLOW_INOUT = TrackEvent_LegacyEvent_FlowDirection_FLOW_INOUT;
static const InstantEventScope SCOPE_UNSPECIFIED = TrackEvent_LegacyEvent_InstantEventScope_SCOPE_UNSPECIFIED;
static const InstantEventScope SCOPE_GLOBAL = TrackEvent_LegacyEvent_InstantEventScope_SCOPE_GLOBAL;
static const InstantEventScope SCOPE_PROCESS = TrackEvent_LegacyEvent_InstantEventScope_SCOPE_PROCESS;
static const InstantEventScope SCOPE_THREAD = TrackEvent_LegacyEvent_InstantEventScope_SCOPE_THREAD;
void set_name_iid(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_phase(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_duration_us(int64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void set_thread_duration_us(int64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(4, value);
void set_thread_instruction_delta(int64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(15, value);
void set_unscoped_id(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(6, value);
void set_local_id(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(10, value);
void set_global_id(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(11, value);
void set_id_scope(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(7,, value.size());
void set_id_scope(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(7, data, size);
void set_use_async_tts(bool value) {
AppendTinyVarInt(9, value);
void set_bind_id(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(8, value);
void set_bind_to_enclosing(bool value) {
AppendTinyVarInt(12, value);
void set_flow_direction(::perfetto::protos::pbzero::TrackEvent_LegacyEvent_FlowDirection value) {
AppendTinyVarInt(13, value);
void set_instant_event_scope(::perfetto::protos::pbzero::TrackEvent_LegacyEvent_InstantEventScope value) {
AppendTinyVarInt(14, value);
void set_pid_override(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(18, value);
void set_tid_override(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(19, value);
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
#endif // Include guard.
* Copyright (C) 2019 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/base/flat_set.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/scattered_heap_buffer.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/tracing/core/forward_decls.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/tracing/debug_annotation.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/tracing/trace_writer_base.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/tracing/track.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "protos/perfetto/common/builtin_clock.pbzero.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "protos/perfetto/trace/interned_data/interned_data.pbzero.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "protos/perfetto/trace/track_event/track_event.pbzero.h"
#include <unordered_map>
namespace perfetto {
class EventContext;
struct Category;
namespace protos {
namespace gen {
class TrackEventConfig;
} // namespace gen
namespace pbzero {
class DebugAnnotation;
} // namespace pbzero
} // namespace protos
namespace internal {
class TrackEventCategoryRegistry;
class BaseTrackEventInternedDataIndex {
virtual ~BaseTrackEventInternedDataIndex();
const char* type_id_ = nullptr;
struct TrackEventIncrementalState {
static constexpr size_t kMaxInternedDataFields = 32;
bool was_cleared = true;
// A heap-allocated message for storing newly seen interned data while we are
// in the middle of writing a track event. When a track event wants to write
// new interned data into the trace, it is first serialized into this message
// and then flushed to the real trace in EventContext when the packet ends.
// The message is cached here as a part of incremental state so that we can
// reuse the underlying buffer allocation for subsequently written interned
// data.
// In-memory indices for looking up interned data ids.
// For each intern-able field (up to a max of 32) we keep a dictionary of
// field-value -> interning-key. Depending on the type we either keep the full
// value or a hash of it (See track_event_interned_data_index.h)
using InternedDataIndex =
std::pair</* interned_data.proto field number */ size_t,
std::array<InternedDataIndex, kMaxInternedDataFields> interned_data_indices =
// Track uuids for which we have written descriptors into the trace. If a
// trace event uses a track which is not in this set, we'll write out a
// descriptor for it.
base::FlatSet<uint64_t> seen_tracks;
// Dynamically registered category names that have been encountered during
// this tracing session. The value in the map indicates whether the category
// is enabled or disabled.
std::unordered_map<std::string, bool> dynamic_categories;
// The backend portion of the track event trace point implemention. Outlined to
// a separate .cc file so it can be shared by different track event category
// namespaces.
class PERFETTO_EXPORT TrackEventInternal {
static bool Initialize(
const TrackEventCategoryRegistry&,
bool (*register_data_source)(const DataSourceDescriptor&));
static void EnableTracing(const TrackEventCategoryRegistry& registry,
const protos::gen::TrackEventConfig& config,
uint32_t instance_index);
static void DisableTracing(const TrackEventCategoryRegistry& registry,
uint32_t instance_index);
static bool IsCategoryEnabled(const TrackEventCategoryRegistry& registry,
const protos::gen::TrackEventConfig& config,
const Category& category);
static perfetto::EventContext WriteEvent(
const Category* category,
const char* name,
uint64_t timestamp = GetTimeNs());
template <typename T>
static void AddDebugAnnotation(perfetto::EventContext* event_ctx,
const char* name,
T&& value) {
auto annotation = AddDebugAnnotation(event_ctx, name);
WriteDebugAnnotation(annotation, value);
// If the given track hasn't been seen by the trace writer yet, write a
// descriptor for it into the trace. Doesn't take a lock unless the track
// descriptor is new.
template <typename TrackType>
static void WriteTrackDescriptorIfNeeded(
const TrackType& track,
TraceWriterBase* trace_writer,
TrackEventIncrementalState* incr_state) {
auto it_and_inserted = incr_state->seen_tracks.insert(track.uuid);
if (PERFETTO_LIKELY(!it_and_inserted.second))
WriteTrackDescriptor(track, trace_writer);
// Unconditionally write a track descriptor into the trace.
template <typename TrackType>
static void WriteTrackDescriptor(const TrackType& track,
TraceWriterBase* trace_writer) {
track, NewTracePacket(trace_writer, GetTimeNs()));
// Get the current time in nanoseconds in the trace clock timebase.
static uint64_t GetTimeNs();
// Get the clock used by GetTimeNs().
static constexpr protos::pbzero::BuiltinClock GetClockId() {
return protos::pbzero::BUILTIN_CLOCK_BOOTTIME;
return protos::pbzero::BUILTIN_CLOCK_MONOTONIC;
static void ResetIncrementalState(TraceWriterBase*, uint64_t timestamp);
static protozero::MessageHandle<protos::pbzero::TracePacket> NewTracePacket(
uint64_t timestamp,
uint32_t seq_flags =
static protos::pbzero::DebugAnnotation* AddDebugAnnotation(
const char* name);
} // namespace internal
} // namespace perfetto
* Copyright (C) 2019 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/message_handle.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/tracing/internal/track_event_internal.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "protos/perfetto/trace/trace_packet.pbzero.h"
namespace perfetto {
namespace internal {
class TrackEventInternal;
// Allows adding custom arguments into track events. Example:
// TRACE_EVENT_BEGIN("category", "Title",
// [](perfetto::EventContext ctx) {
// auto* dbg = ctx.event()->add_debug_annotations();
// dbg->set_name("name");
// dbg->set_int_value(1234);
// });
class PERFETTO_EXPORT EventContext {
EventContext(EventContext&&) = default;
// For Chromium during the transition phase to the client library.
// TODO(eseckler): Remove once Chromium has switched to client lib entirely.
explicit EventContext(protos::pbzero::TrackEvent* event)
: event_(event), incremental_state_(nullptr) {}
protos::pbzero::TrackEvent* event() const { return event_; }
template <typename, size_t, typename, typename>
friend class TrackEventInternedDataIndex;
friend class internal::TrackEventInternal;
using TracePacketHandle =
EventContext(TracePacketHandle, internal::TrackEventIncrementalState*);
EventContext(const EventContext&) = delete;
TracePacketHandle trace_packet_;
protos::pbzero::TrackEvent* event_;
internal::TrackEventIncrementalState* incremental_state_;
} // namespace perfetto
// gen_amalgamated begin header: include/perfetto/tracing/track_event_category_registry.h
* Copyright (C) 2019 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/tracing/data_source.h"
#include <stddef.h>
#include <atomic>
#include <utility>
namespace perfetto {
class DynamicCategory;
// A compile-time representation of a track event category. See
// PERFETTO_DEFINE_CATEGORIES for registering your own categories.
struct PERFETTO_EXPORT Category {
using Tags = std::array<const char*, 4>;
const char* const name = nullptr;
const char* const description = nullptr;
const Tags tags = {};
constexpr Category(const Category&) = default;
constexpr explicit Category(const char* name_)
: name(CheckIsValidCategory(name_)),
name_sizes_(ComputeNameSizes(name_)) {}
constexpr Category SetDescription(const char* description_) const {
return Category(name, description_, tags, name_sizes_);
template <typename... Args>
constexpr Category SetTags(Args&&... args) const {
return Category(name, description, {std::forward<Args>(args)...},
// A comma separated list of multiple categories to be used in a single trace
// point.
static constexpr Category Group(const char* names) {
return Category(names, AllowGroup{});
// Used for parsing dynamic category groups. Note that |name| and
// |DynamicCategory| must outlive the returned object because the category
// name isn't copied.
static Category FromDynamicCategory(const char* name);
static Category FromDynamicCategory(const DynamicCategory&);
constexpr bool IsGroup() const { return GetNameSize(1) > 0; }
// Returns the number of character in the category name. Not valid for
// category groups.
size_t name_size() const {
return GetNameSize(0);
// Iterates over all the members of this category group, or just the name of
// the category itself if this isn't a category group. Return false from
// |callback| to stop iteration.
template <typename T>
void ForEachGroupMember(T callback) const {
const char* name_ptr = name;
size_t i = 0;
while (size_t name_size = GetNameSize(i++)) {
if (!callback(name_ptr, name_size))
name_ptr += name_size + 1;
static constexpr size_t kMaxGroupSize = 4;
using NameSizes = std::array<uint8_t, kMaxGroupSize>;
constexpr Category(const char* name_,
const char* description_,
Tags tags_,
NameSizes name_sizes)
: name(name_),
name_sizes_(name_sizes) {}
enum AllowGroup {};
constexpr Category(const char* name_, AllowGroup)
: name(CheckIsValidCategoryGroup(name_)),
name_sizes_(ComputeNameSizes(name_)) {}
constexpr size_t GetNameSize(size_t i) const {
return i < name_sizes_.size() ? name_sizes_[i] : 0;
static constexpr NameSizes ComputeNameSizes(const char* s) {
static_assert(kMaxGroupSize == 4, "Unexpected maximum category group size");
return NameSizes{{static_cast<uint8_t>(GetNthNameSize(0, s, s)),
static_cast<uint8_t>(GetNthNameSize(1, s, s)),
static_cast<uint8_t>(GetNthNameSize(2, s, s)),
static_cast<uint8_t>(GetNthNameSize(3, s, s))}};
static constexpr ptrdiff_t GetNthNameSize(int n,
const char* start,
const char* end,
int counter = 0) {
return (!*end || *end == ',')
? ((!*end || counter == n)
? (counter == n ? end - start : 0)
: GetNthNameSize(n, end + 1, end + 1, counter + 1))
: GetNthNameSize(n, start, end + 1, counter);
static constexpr const char* CheckIsValidCategory(const char* n) {
// We just replace invalid input with a nullptr here; it will trigger a
// static assert in TrackEventCategoryRegistry::ValidateCategories().
return GetNthNameSize(1, n, n) ? nullptr : n;
static constexpr const char* CheckIsValidCategoryGroup(const char* n) {
// Same as above: replace invalid input with nullptr.
return !GetNthNameSize(1, n, n) || GetNthNameSize(kMaxGroupSize, n, n)
? nullptr
: n;
// An array of lengths of the different names associated with this category.
// If this category doesn't represent a group of multiple categories, only the
// first element is non-zero.
const NameSizes name_sizes_ = {};
// Dynamically constructed category names should marked as such through this
// container type to make it less likely for trace points to accidentally start
// using dynamic categories. Events with dynamic categories will always be
// slightly more expensive than regular events, so use them sparingly.
class PERFETTO_EXPORT DynamicCategory final {
explicit DynamicCategory(const std::string& name_) : name(name_) {}
explicit DynamicCategory(const char* name_) : name(name_) {}
DynamicCategory() {}
~DynamicCategory() = default;
const std::string name;
namespace internal {
constexpr const char* NullCategory(const char*) {
return nullptr;
perfetto::DynamicCategory NullCategory(const perfetto::DynamicCategory&);
constexpr bool StringMatchesPrefix(const char* str, const char* prefix) {
return !*str ? !*prefix
: !*prefix ? true
: *str != *prefix
? false
: StringMatchesPrefix(str + 1, prefix + 1);
constexpr bool IsStringInPrefixList(const char*) {
return false;
template <typename... Args>
constexpr bool IsStringInPrefixList(const char* str,
const char* prefix,
Args... args) {
return StringMatchesPrefix(str, prefix) ||
IsStringInPrefixList(str, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
// Holds all the registered categories for one category namespace. See
// PERFETTO_DEFINE_CATEGORIES for building the registry.
class PERFETTO_EXPORT TrackEventCategoryRegistry {
constexpr TrackEventCategoryRegistry(size_t category_count,
const Category* categories,
std::atomic<uint8_t>* state_storage)
: categories_(categories),
state_storage_(state_storage) {
sizeof(state_storage[0].load()) * 8 >= kMaxDataSourceInstances,
"The category state must have enough bits for all possible data source "
size_t category_count() const { return category_count_; }
// Returns a category based on its index.
const Category* GetCategory(size_t index) const;
// Turn tracing on or off for the given category in a track event data source
// instance.
void EnableCategoryForInstance(size_t category_index,
uint32_t instance_index) const;
void DisableCategoryForInstance(size_t category_index,
uint32_t instance_index) const;
constexpr std::atomic<uint8_t>* GetCategoryState(
size_t category_index) const {
return &state_storage_[category_index];
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Trace point support
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// (The following methods are used by the track event trace point
// implementation and typically don't need to be called by other code.)
// At compile time, turn a category name into an index into the registry.
// Returns kInvalidCategoryIndex if the category was not found, or
// kDynamicCategoryIndex if |is_dynamic| is true or a DynamicCategory was
// passed in.
static constexpr size_t kInvalidCategoryIndex = static_cast<size_t>(-1);
static constexpr size_t kDynamicCategoryIndex = static_cast<size_t>(-2);
constexpr size_t Find(const char* name, bool is_dynamic) const {
return CheckIsValidCategoryIndex(FindImpl(name, is_dynamic));
constexpr size_t Find(const DynamicCategory&, bool) const {
return kDynamicCategoryIndex;
constexpr bool ValidateCategories(size_t index = 0) const {
return (index == category_count_)
? true
: IsValidCategoryName(categories_[index].name)
? ValidateCategories(index + 1)
: false;
// TODO(skyostil): Make the compile-time routines nicer with C++14.
constexpr size_t FindImpl(const char* name,
bool is_dynamic,
size_t index = 0) const {
return is_dynamic ? kDynamicCategoryIndex
: (index == category_count_)
? kInvalidCategoryIndex
: StringEq(categories_[index].name, name)
? index
: FindImpl(name, false, index + 1);
// A compile time helper for checking that a category index is valid.
static constexpr size_t CheckIsValidCategoryIndex(size_t index) {
// Relies on PERFETTO_CHECK() (and the surrounding lambda) being a
// non-constexpr function, which will fail the build if the given |index| is
// invalid. The funny formatting here is so that clang shows the comment
// below as part of the error message.
// clang-format off
return index != kInvalidCategoryIndex ? index : \
/* Invalid category -- add it to PERFETTO_DEFINE_CATEGORIES(). */ [] {
false &&
"A track event used an unknown category. Please add it to "
return kInvalidCategoryIndex;
// clang-format on
static constexpr bool IsValidCategoryName(const char* name) {
return (!name || *name == '\"' || *name == '*' || *name == ' ')
? false
: *name ? IsValidCategoryName(name + 1) : true;
static constexpr bool StringEq(const char* a, const char* b) {
return *a != *b ? false
: (!*a || !*b) ? (*a == *b) : StringEq(a + 1, b + 1);
const Category* const categories_;
const size_t category_count_;
std::atomic<uint8_t>* const state_storage_;
} // namespace internal
} // namespace perfetto
// gen_amalgamated begin header: gen/protos/perfetto/config/track_event/track_event_config.gen.h
// DO NOT EDIT. Autogenerated by Perfetto cppgen_plugin
#include <stdint.h>
#include <bitset>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <type_traits>
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/cpp_message_obj.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/copyable_ptr.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/base/export.h"
namespace perfetto {
namespace protos {
namespace gen {
class TrackEventConfig;
} // namespace perfetto
} // namespace protos
} // namespace gen
namespace protozero {
class Message;
} // namespace protozero
namespace perfetto {
namespace protos {
namespace gen {
class PERFETTO_EXPORT TrackEventConfig : public ::protozero::CppMessageObj {
enum FieldNumbers {
kDisabledCategoriesFieldNumber = 1,
kEnabledCategoriesFieldNumber = 2,
kDisabledTagsFieldNumber = 3,
kEnabledTagsFieldNumber = 4,
~TrackEventConfig() override;
TrackEventConfig(TrackEventConfig&&) noexcept;
TrackEventConfig& operator=(TrackEventConfig&&);
TrackEventConfig(const TrackEventConfig&);
TrackEventConfig& operator=(const TrackEventConfig&);
bool operator==(const TrackEventConfig&) const;
bool operator!=(const TrackEventConfig& other) const { return !(*this == other); }
bool ParseFromArray(const void*, size_t) override;
std::string SerializeAsString() const override;
std::vector<uint8_t> SerializeAsArray() const override;
void Serialize(::protozero::Message*) const;
int disabled_categories_size() const { return static_cast<int>(disabled_categories_.size()); }
const std::vector<std::string>& disabled_categories() const { return disabled_categories_; }
std::vector<std::string>* mutable_disabled_categories() { return &disabled_categories_; }
void clear_disabled_categories() { disabled_categories_.clear(); }
void add_disabled_categories(std::string value) { disabled_categories_.emplace_back(value); }
std::string* add_disabled_categories() { disabled_categories_.emplace_back(); return &disabled_categories_.back(); }
int enabled_categories_size() const { return static_cast<int>(enabled_categories_.size()); }
const std::vector<std::string>& enabled_categories() const { return enabled_categories_; }
std::vector<std::string>* mutable_enabled_categories() { return &enabled_categories_; }
void clear_enabled_categories() { enabled_categories_.clear(); }
void add_enabled_categories(std::string value) { enabled_categories_.emplace_back(value); }
std::string* add_enabled_categories() { enabled_categories_.emplace_back(); return &enabled_categories_.back(); }
int disabled_tags_size() const { return static_cast<int>(disabled_tags_.size()); }
const std::vector<std::string>& disabled_tags() const { return disabled_tags_; }
std::vector<std::string>* mutable_disabled_tags() { return &disabled_tags_; }
void clear_disabled_tags() { disabled_tags_.clear(); }
void add_disabled_tags(std::string value) { disabled_tags_.emplace_back(value); }
std::string* add_disabled_tags() { disabled_tags_.emplace_back(); return &disabled_tags_.back(); }
int enabled_tags_size() const { return static_cast<int>(enabled_tags_.size()); }
const std::vector<std::string>& enabled_tags() const { return enabled_tags_; }
std::vector<std::string>* mutable_enabled_tags() { return &enabled_tags_; }
void clear_enabled_tags() { enabled_tags_.clear(); }
void add_enabled_tags(std::string value) { enabled_tags_.emplace_back(value); }
std::string* add_enabled_tags() { enabled_tags_.emplace_back(); return &enabled_tags_.back(); }
std::vector<std::string> disabled_categories_;
std::vector<std::string> enabled_categories_;
std::vector<std::string> disabled_tags_;
std::vector<std::string> enabled_tags_;
// Allows to preserve unknown protobuf fields for compatibility
// with future versions of .proto files.
std::string unknown_fields_;
std::bitset<5> _has_field_{};
} // namespace perfetto
} // namespace protos
} // namespace gen
* Copyright (C) 2019 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/base/compiler.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/message_handle.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/tracing/core/data_source_config.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/tracing/data_source.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/tracing/event_context.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/tracing/internal/track_event_internal.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/tracing/track.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/tracing/track_event_category_registry.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "protos/perfetto/common/builtin_clock.pbzero.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "protos/perfetto/config/track_event/track_event_config.gen.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "protos/perfetto/trace/track_event/track_event.pbzero.h"
#include <type_traits>
namespace perfetto {
namespace internal {
namespace {
// A template helper for determining whether a type can be used as a track event
// lambda, i.e., it has the signature "void(EventContext)". This is achieved by
// checking that we can pass an EventContext value (the inner declval) into a T
// instance (the outer declval). If this is a valid expression, the result
// evaluates to sizeof(0), i.e., true.
// TODO(skyostil): Replace this with std::is_convertible<std::function<...>>
// once we have C++14.
template <typename T>
static constexpr bool IsValidTraceLambdaImpl(
typename std::enable_if<static_cast<bool>(
sizeof(std::declval<T>()(std::declval<EventContext>()), 0))>::type* =
nullptr) {
return true;
template <typename T>
static constexpr bool IsValidTraceLambdaImpl(...) {
return false;
template <typename T>
static constexpr bool IsValidTraceLambda() {
return IsValidTraceLambdaImpl<T>(nullptr);
} // namespace
struct TrackEventDataSourceTraits : public perfetto::DefaultDataSourceTraits {
using IncrementalStateType = TrackEventIncrementalState;
// Use a one shared TLS slot so that all track event data sources write into
// the same sequence and share interning dictionaries.
static DataSourceThreadLocalState* GetDataSourceTLS(DataSourceStaticState*,
TracingTLS* root_tls) {
return &root_tls->track_event_tls;
// A helper that ensures movable debug annotations are passed by value to
// minimize binary size at the call site, while allowing non-movable and
// non-copiable arguments to be passed by reference.
// TODO(skyostil): Remove this with C++17.
template <typename T>
struct DebugAnnotationArg {
using type = typename std::
conditional<std::is_move_constructible<T>::value, T, T&&>::type;
// A generic track event data source which is instantiated once per track event
// category namespace.
template <typename DataSourceType, const TrackEventCategoryRegistry* Registry>
class TrackEventDataSource
: public DataSource<DataSourceType, TrackEventDataSourceTraits> {
using Base = DataSource<DataSourceType, TrackEventDataSourceTraits>;
// DataSource implementation.
void OnSetup(const DataSourceBase::SetupArgs& args) override {
auto config_raw = args.config->track_event_config_raw();
bool ok = config_.ParseFromArray(, config_raw.size());
TrackEventInternal::EnableTracing(*Registry, config_,
void OnStart(const DataSourceBase::StartArgs&) override {}
void OnStop(const DataSourceBase::StopArgs& args) override {
TrackEventInternal::DisableTracing(*Registry, args.internal_instance_index);
static void Flush() {
Base::template Trace([](typename Base::TraceContext ctx) { ctx.Flush(); });
// Determine if tracing for the given static category is enabled.
template <size_t CategoryIndex>
static bool IsCategoryEnabled() {
return Registry->GetCategoryState(CategoryIndex)
// Determine if tracing for the given dynamic category is enabled.
static bool IsDynamicCategoryEnabled(
const DynamicCategory& dynamic_category) {
bool enabled = false;
Base::template Trace([&](typename Base::TraceContext ctx) {
enabled = IsDynamicCategoryEnabled(&ctx, dynamic_category);
return enabled;
// This is the inlined entrypoint for all track event trace points. It tries
// to be as lightweight as possible in terms of instructions and aims to
// compile down to an unlikely conditional jump to the actual trace writing
// function.
template <size_t CategoryIndex, typename Callback>
static void CallIfCategoryEnabled(Callback callback) PERFETTO_ALWAYS_INLINE {
Base::template CallIfEnabled<CategoryTracePointTraits<CategoryIndex>>(
[&callback](uint32_t instances) { callback(instances); });
// Once we've determined tracing to be enabled for this category, actually
// write a trace event onto this thread's default track. Outlined to avoid
// bloating code (mostly stack depth) at the actual trace point.
// To minimize call overhead at each trace point, we provide the following
// trace point argument variants:
// - None
// - Lambda
// - Lambda + timestamp
// - One debug annotation
// - Two debug annotations
// - Track
// - Track + Lambda
// - Track + timestamp
// - Track + Lambda + timestamp
// - Track + one debug annotation
// - Track + two debug annotations
// Trace point which takes no arguments.
template <size_t CategoryIndex, typename CategoryType>
static void TraceForCategory(uint32_t instances,
const CategoryType& dynamic_category,
const char* event_name,
perfetto::protos::pbzero::TrackEvent::Type type)
TraceForCategoryImpl<CategoryIndex>(instances, dynamic_category, event_name,
// Trace point which takes a lambda function argument.
template <size_t CategoryIndex,
typename CategoryType,
typename ArgumentFunction = void (*)(EventContext),
typename ArgumentFunctionCheck = typename std::enable_if<
static void TraceForCategory(uint32_t instances,
const CategoryType& dynamic_category,
const char* event_name,
perfetto::protos::pbzero::TrackEvent::Type type,
ArgumentFunction arg_function)
instances, dynamic_category, event_name, type, Track(),
TrackEventInternal::GetTimeNs(), std::move(arg_function));
// Trace point which takes a lambda function argument and an overridden
// timestamp. |timestamp| must be in nanoseconds in the trace clock timebase.
template <size_t CategoryIndex,
typename CategoryType,
typename ArgumentFunction = void (*)(EventContext),
typename ArgumentFunctionCheck = typename std::enable_if<
static void TraceForCategory(uint32_t instances,
const CategoryType& dynamic_category,
const char* event_name,
perfetto::protos::pbzero::TrackEvent::Type type,
uint64_t timestamp,
ArgumentFunction arg_function)
TraceForCategoryImpl<CategoryIndex>(instances, dynamic_category, event_name,
type, Track(), timestamp,
// This variant of the inner trace point takes a Track argument which can be
// used to emit events on a non-default track.
template <size_t CategoryIndex,
typename CategoryType,
typename TrackType,
typename TrackTypeCheck = typename std::enable_if<
std::is_convertible<TrackType, Track>::value>::type>
static void TraceForCategory(uint32_t instances,
const CategoryType& dynamic_category,
const char* event_name,
perfetto::protos::pbzero::TrackEvent::Type type,
const TrackType& track) PERFETTO_NO_INLINE {
TraceForCategoryImpl<CategoryIndex>(instances, dynamic_category, event_name,
type, track);
// Trace point with a track and a lambda function.
template <size_t CategoryIndex,
typename TrackType,
typename CategoryType,
typename ArgumentFunction = void (*)(EventContext),
typename ArgumentFunctionCheck = typename std::enable_if<
typename TrackTypeCheck = typename std::enable_if<
std::is_convertible<TrackType, Track>::value>::type>
static void TraceForCategory(uint32_t instances,
const CategoryType& dynamic_category,
const char* event_name,
perfetto::protos::pbzero::TrackEvent::Type type,
const TrackType& track,
ArgumentFunction arg_function)
instances, dynamic_category, event_name, type, track,
TrackEventInternal::GetTimeNs(), std::move(arg_function));
// Trace point with a track and overridden timestamp.
template <size_t CategoryIndex,
typename CategoryType,
typename TrackType,
typename TrackTypeCheck = typename std::enable_if<
std::is_convertible<TrackType, Track>::value>::type>
static void TraceForCategory(uint32_t instances,
const CategoryType& dynamic_category,
const char* event_name,
perfetto::protos::pbzero::TrackEvent::Type type,
const TrackType& track,
uint64_t timestamp) PERFETTO_NO_INLINE {
TraceForCategoryImpl<CategoryIndex>(instances, dynamic_category, event_name,
type, track, timestamp);
// Trace point with a track, a lambda function and an overridden timestamp.
// |timestamp| must be in nanoseconds in the trace clock timebase.
template <size_t CategoryIndex,
typename TrackType,
typename CategoryType,
typename ArgumentFunction = void (*)(EventContext),
typename ArgumentFunctionCheck = typename std::enable_if<
static void TraceForCategory(uint32_t instances,
const CategoryType& dynamic_category,
const char* event_name,
perfetto::protos::pbzero::TrackEvent::Type type,
const TrackType& track,
uint64_t timestamp,
ArgumentFunction arg_function)
TraceForCategoryImpl<CategoryIndex>(instances, dynamic_category, event_name,
type, track, timestamp,
// Trace point with one debug annotation.
// This type of trace point is implemented with an inner helper function which
// ensures |arg_value| is only passed by reference when required (i.e., with a
// custom DebugAnnotation type). This avoids the binary and runtime overhead
// of unnecessarily passing all types debug annotations by reference.
// Note that for this to work well, the _outer_ function (this function) has
// to be inlined at the call site while the _inner_ function
// (TraceForCategoryWithDebugAnnotations) is still outlined to minimize
// overall binary size.
template <size_t CategoryIndex, typename CategoryType, typename ArgType>
static void TraceForCategory(uint32_t instances,
const CategoryType& dynamic_category,
const char* event_name,
perfetto::protos::pbzero::TrackEvent::Type type,
const char* arg_name,
ArgType&& arg_value) PERFETTO_ALWAYS_INLINE {
TraceForCategoryWithDebugAnnotations<CategoryIndex, CategoryType, Track,
instances, dynamic_category, event_name, type, Track(), arg_name,
// A one argument trace point which takes an explicit track.
template <size_t CategoryIndex,
typename CategoryType,
typename TrackType,
typename ArgType>
static void TraceForCategory(uint32_t instances,
const CategoryType& dynamic_category,
const char* event_name,
perfetto::protos::pbzero::TrackEvent::Type type,
const TrackType& track,
const char* arg_name,
ArgType&& arg_value) PERFETTO_ALWAYS_INLINE {
TraceForCategoryWithDebugAnnotations<CategoryIndex, CategoryType, TrackType,
instances, dynamic_category, event_name, type, track, arg_name,
template <size_t CategoryIndex,
typename CategoryType,
typename TrackType,
typename ArgType>
static void TraceForCategoryWithDebugAnnotations(
uint32_t instances,
const CategoryType& dynamic_category,
const char* event_name,
perfetto::protos::pbzero::TrackEvent::Type type,
const TrackType& track,
const char* arg_name,
typename internal::DebugAnnotationArg<ArgType>::type arg_value)
instances, dynamic_category, event_name, type, track,
TrackEventInternal::GetTimeNs(), [&](EventContext event_ctx) {
TrackEventInternal::AddDebugAnnotation(&event_ctx, arg_name,
// Trace point with two debug annotations. Note that we only support up to two
// direct debug annotations. For more complicated arguments, you should
// define your own argument type in track_event.proto and use a lambda to fill
// it in your trace point.
template <size_t CategoryIndex,
typename CategoryType,
typename ArgType,
typename ArgType2>
static void TraceForCategory(uint32_t instances,
const CategoryType& dynamic_category,
const char* event_name,
perfetto::protos::pbzero::TrackEvent::Type type,
const char* arg_name,
ArgType&& arg_value,
const char* arg_name2,
ArgType2&& arg_value2) PERFETTO_ALWAYS_INLINE {
TraceForCategoryWithDebugAnnotations<CategoryIndex, CategoryType, Track,
ArgType, ArgType2>(
instances, dynamic_category, event_name, type, Track(), arg_name,
std::forward<ArgType>(arg_value), arg_name2,
// A two argument trace point which takes an explicit track.
template <size_t CategoryIndex,
typename CategoryType,
typename TrackType,
typename ArgType,
typename ArgType2>
static void TraceForCategory(uint32_t instances,
const CategoryType& dynamic_category,
const char* event_name,
perfetto::protos::pbzero::TrackEvent::Type type,
const TrackType& track,
const char* arg_name,
ArgType&& arg_value,
const char* arg_name2,
ArgType2&& arg_value2) PERFETTO_ALWAYS_INLINE {
TraceForCategoryWithDebugAnnotations<CategoryIndex, CategoryType, TrackType,
ArgType, ArgType2>(
instances, dynamic_category, event_name, type, track, arg_name,
std::forward<ArgType>(arg_value), arg_name2,
template <size_t CategoryIndex,
typename CategoryType,
typename TrackType,
typename ArgType,
typename ArgType2>
static void TraceForCategoryWithDebugAnnotations(
uint32_t instances,
const CategoryType& dynamic_category,
const char* event_name,
perfetto::protos::pbzero::TrackEvent::Type type,
TrackType track,
const char* arg_name,
typename internal::DebugAnnotationArg<ArgType>::type arg_value,
const char* arg_name2,
typename internal::DebugAnnotationArg<ArgType2>::type arg_value2)
instances, dynamic_category, event_name, type, track,
TrackEventInternal::GetTimeNs(), [&](EventContext event_ctx) {
TrackEventInternal::AddDebugAnnotation(&event_ctx, arg_name,
TrackEventInternal::AddDebugAnnotation(&event_ctx, arg_name2,
// Initialize the track event library. Should be called before tracing is
// enabled.
static bool Register() {
// Registration is performed out-of-line so users don't need to depend on
// DataSourceDescriptor C++ bindings.
return TrackEventInternal::Initialize(
[](const DataSourceDescriptor& dsd) { return Base::Register(dsd); });
// Record metadata about different types of timeline tracks. See Track.
static void SetTrackDescriptor(const Track& track,
const protos::gen::TrackDescriptor& desc) {
PERFETTO_DCHECK(track.uuid == desc.uuid());
TrackRegistry::Get()->UpdateTrack(track, desc.SerializeAsString());
Base::template Trace([&](typename Base::TraceContext ctx) {
track, ctx.tls_inst_->trace_writer.get());
// DEPRECATED. Only kept for backwards compatibility.
static void SetTrackDescriptor(
const Track& track,
std::function<void(protos::pbzero::TrackDescriptor*)> callback) {
SetTrackDescriptorImpl(track, std::move(callback));
// DEPRECATED. Only kept for backwards compatibility.
static void SetProcessDescriptor(
std::function<void(protos::pbzero::TrackDescriptor*)> callback,
const ProcessTrack& track = ProcessTrack::Current()) {
SetTrackDescriptorImpl(std::move(track), std::move(callback));
// DEPRECATED. Only kept for backwards compatibility.
static void SetThreadDescriptor(
std::function<void(protos::pbzero::TrackDescriptor*)> callback,
const ThreadTrack& track = ThreadTrack::Current()) {
SetTrackDescriptorImpl(std::move(track), std::move(callback));
static void EraseTrackDescriptor(const Track& track) {
// Returns the current trace timestamp in nanoseconds. Note the returned
// timebase may vary depending on the platform, but will always match the
// timestamps recorded by track events (see GetTraceClockId).
static uint64_t GetTraceTimeNs() { return TrackEventInternal::GetTimeNs(); }
// Returns the type of clock used by GetTraceTimeNs().
static constexpr protos::pbzero::BuiltinClock GetTraceClockId() {
return TrackEventInternal::GetClockId();
// Each category has its own enabled/disabled state, stored in the category
// registry.
template <size_t CategoryIndex>
struct CategoryTracePointTraits {
static constexpr std::atomic<uint8_t>* GetActiveInstances() {
CategoryIndex != TrackEventCategoryRegistry::kInvalidCategoryIndex,
"Invalid category index");
return Registry->GetCategoryState(CategoryIndex);
// TODO(skyostil): Make |CategoryIndex| a regular parameter to reuse trace
// point code across different categories.
template <size_t CategoryIndex,
typename CategoryType,
typename TrackType = Track,
typename ArgumentFunction = void (*)(EventContext),
typename ArgumentFunctionCheck = typename std::enable_if<
typename TrackTypeCheck = typename std::enable_if<
std::is_convertible<TrackType, Track>::value>::type>
static void TraceForCategoryImpl(
uint32_t instances,
const CategoryType& dynamic_category,
const char* event_name,
perfetto::protos::pbzero::TrackEvent::Type type,
const TrackType& track = Track(),
uint64_t timestamp = TrackEventInternal::GetTimeNs(),
ArgumentFunction arg_function = [](EventContext) {
instances, [&](typename Base::TraceContext ctx) {
// If this category is dynamic, first check whether it's enabled.
constexpr bool kIsDynamic =
CategoryIndex ==
if (kIsDynamic && !IsDynamicCategoryEnabled(
&ctx, DynamicCategory{dynamic_category})) {
// TODO(skyostil): Intern categories at compile time.
const Category* static_category =
kIsDynamic ? nullptr : Registry->GetCategory(CategoryIndex);
auto event_ctx = TrackEventInternal::WriteEvent(
ctx.tls_inst_->trace_writer.get(), ctx.GetIncrementalState(),
static_category, event_name, type, timestamp);
if (kIsDynamic) {
Category category{
[&](const char* member_name, size_t name_size) {
event_ctx.event()->add_categories(member_name, name_size);
return true;
if (track)
} // event_ctx
if (track) {
track, ctx.tls_inst_->trace_writer.get(),
template <size_t CategoryIndex, typename Lambda>
static void TraceWithInstances(uint32_t instances,
if (CategoryIndex == TrackEventCategoryRegistry::kDynamicCategoryIndex) {
Base::template TraceWithInstances(instances, std::move(lambda));
} else {
Base::template TraceWithInstances<
// Records a track descriptor into the track descriptor registry and, if we
// are tracing, also mirrors the descriptor into the trace.
template <typename TrackType>
static void SetTrackDescriptorImpl(
const TrackType& track,
std::function<void(protos::pbzero::TrackDescriptor*)> callback) {
TrackRegistry::Get()->UpdateTrack(track, std::move(callback));
Base::template Trace([&](typename Base::TraceContext ctx) {
track, ctx.tls_inst_->trace_writer.get());
// Determines if the given dynamic category is enabled, first by checking the
// per-trace writer cache or by falling back to computing it based on the
// trace config for the given session.
static bool IsDynamicCategoryEnabled(
typename Base::TraceContext* ctx,
const DynamicCategory& dynamic_category) {
auto incr_state = ctx->GetIncrementalState();
auto it = incr_state->dynamic_categories.find(;
if (it == incr_state->dynamic_categories.end()) {
// We haven't seen this category before. Let's figure out if it's enabled.
// This requires grabbing a lock to read the session's trace config.
auto ds = ctx->GetDataSourceLocked();
Category category{Category::FromDynamicCategory(dynamic_category)};
bool enabled = TrackEventInternal::IsCategoryEnabled(
*Registry, ds->config_, category);
// TODO(skyostil): Cap the size of |dynamic_categories|.
incr_state->dynamic_categories[] = enabled;
return enabled;
return it->second;
// Config for the current tracing session.
protos::gen::TrackEventConfig config_;
} // namespace internal
} // namespace perfetto
// gen_amalgamated begin header: include/perfetto/tracing/internal/track_event_macros.h
* Copyright (C) 2019 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
// This file contains underlying macros for the trace point track event
// implementation. Perfetto API users typically don't need to use anything here
// directly.
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/base/compiler.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/tracing/internal/track_event_data_source.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/tracing/track_event_category_registry.h"
// Ignore GCC warning about a missing argument for a variadic macro parameter.
#pragma GCC system_header
// Defines data structures for backing a category registry.
// Each category has one enabled/disabled bit per possible data source instance.
// The bits are packed, i.e., each byte holds the state for instances. To
// improve cache locality, the bits for each instance are stored separately from
// the names of the categories:
// byte 0 byte 1
// (inst0, inst1, ..., inst7), (inst0, inst1, ..., inst7)
namespace internal { \
constexpr ::perfetto::Category kCategories[] = {__VA_ARGS__}; \
constexpr size_t kCategoryCount = \
sizeof(kCategories) / sizeof(kCategories[0]); \
/* The per-instance enable/disable state per category */ \
extern std::atomic<uint8_t> g_category_state_storage[kCategoryCount]; \
/* The category registry which mediates access to the above structures. */ \
/* The registry is used for two purposes: */ \
/**/ \
/* 1) For looking up categories at build (constexpr) time. */ \
/* 2) For declaring the per-namespace TrackEvent data source. */ \
/**/ \
/* Because usage #1 requires a constexpr type and usage #2 requires an */ \
/* extern type (to avoid declaring a type based on a translation-unit */ \
/* variable), we need two separate copies of the registry with different */ \
/* storage specifiers. */ \
/**/ \
/* TODO(skyostil): Unify these using a C++17 inline constexpr variable. */ \
constexpr ::perfetto::internal::TrackEventCategoryRegistry \
kConstExprCategoryRegistry(kCategoryCount, \
&kCategories[0], \
&g_category_state_storage[0]); \
PERFETTO_COMPONENT_EXPORT extern const ::perfetto::internal:: \
TrackEventCategoryRegistry kCategoryRegistry; \
static_assert(kConstExprCategoryRegistry.ValidateCategories(), \
"Invalid category names found"); \
} // namespace internal
// In a .cc file, declares storage for each category's runtime state.
namespace internal { \
std::atomic<uint8_t> g_category_state_storage[kCategoryCount]; \
PERFETTO_COMPONENT_EXPORT constexpr ::perfetto::internal:: \
TrackEventCategoryRegistry kCategoryRegistry( \
kCategoryCount, \
&kCategories[0], \
&g_category_state_storage[0]); \
} // namespace internal
// Defines the TrackEvent data source for the current track event namespace.
: public ::perfetto::internal::TrackEventDataSource< \
TrackEvent, &internal::kCategoryRegistry> {}
// At compile time, turns a category name represented by a static string into an
// index into the current category registry. A build error will be generated if
// the category hasn't been registered or added to the list of allowed dynamic
::PERFETTO_TRACK_EVENT_NAMESPACE::internal::kConstExprCategoryRegistry.Find( \
category, \
// Generate a unique variable name with a given prefix.
#define PERFETTO_INTERNAL_CONCAT2(a, b) a##b
// Efficiently determines whether tracing is enabled for the given category, and
// if so, emits one trace event with the given arguments.
#define PERFETTO_INTERNAL_TRACK_EVENT(category, ...) \
do { \
/* Compute the category index outside the lambda to work around a */ \
/* GCC 7 bug */ \
constexpr auto PERFETTO_UID(kCatIndex) = \
if (tns::internal::IsDynamicCategory(category)) { \
tns::TrackEvent::CallIfEnabled([&](uint32_t instances) { \
tns::TrackEvent::TraceForCategory<PERFETTO_UID(kCatIndex)>( \
instances, category, ##__VA_ARGS__); \
}); \
} else { \
tns::TrackEvent::CallIfCategoryEnabled<PERFETTO_UID(kCatIndex)>( \
[&](uint32_t instances) { \
/* TODO(skyostil): Get rid of the category name parameter. */ \
tns::TrackEvent::TraceForCategory<PERFETTO_UID(kCatIndex)>( \
instances, nullptr, ##__VA_ARGS__); \
}); \
} \
} while (false)
#define PERFETTO_INTERNAL_SCOPED_TRACK_EVENT(category, name, ...) \
struct PERFETTO_UID(ScopedEvent) { \
struct EventFinalizer { \
/* The parameter is an implementation detail. It allows the */ \
/* anonymous struct to use aggregate initialization to invoke the */ \
/* lambda (which emits the BEGIN event and returns an integer) */ \
/* with the proper reference capture for any */ \
/* TrackEventArgumentFunction in |__VA_ARGS__|. This is required so */ \
/* that the scoped event is exactly ONE line and can't escape the */ \
/* scope if used in a single line if statement. */ \
EventFinalizer(...) {} \
~EventFinalizer() { TRACE_EVENT_END(category); } \
} finalizer; \
} PERFETTO_UID(scoped_event) { \
[&]() { \
TRACE_EVENT_BEGIN(category, name, ##__VA_ARGS__); \
return 0; \
}() \
(::PERFETTO_TRACK_EVENT_NAMESPACE::internal::IsDynamicCategory(category) \
IsDynamicCategoryEnabled(::perfetto::DynamicCategory(category)) \
: ::PERFETTO_TRACK_EVENT_NAMESPACE::TrackEvent::IsCategoryEnabled< \
* Copyright (C) 2019 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/base/time.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/tracing/internal/track_event_data_source.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/tracing/internal/track_event_internal.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/tracing/internal/track_event_macros.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/tracing/track.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/tracing/track_event_category_registry.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "protos/perfetto/trace/track_event/track_event.pbzero.h"
#include <type_traits>
// This file contains a set of macros designed for instrumenting applications
// with track event trace points. While the underlying TrackEvent API can also
// be used directly, doing so efficiently requires some care (e.g., to avoid
// evaluating arguments while tracing is disabled). These types of optimizations
// are abstracted away by the macros below.
// ================
// Quickstart guide
// ================
// To add track events to your application, first define your categories in,
// e.g., my_tracing.h:
// perfetto::Category("base"),
// perfetto::Category("v8"),
// perfetto::Category("cc"));
// Then in a single .cc file, e.g.,
// #include "my_tracing.h"
// Finally, register track events at startup, after which you can record
// events with the TRACE_EVENT macros:
// #include "my_tracing.h"
// int main() {
// perfetto::TrackEvent::Register();
// // A basic track event with just a name.
// TRACE_EVENT("category", "MyEvent");
// // A track event with (up to two) debug annotations.
// TRACE_EVENT("category", "MyEvent", "parameter", 42);
// // A track event with a strongly typed parameter.
// TRACE_EVENT("category", "MyEvent", [](perfetto::EventContext ctx) {
// ctx.event()->set_foo(42);
// ctx.event()->set_bar(.5f);
// });
// }
// Note that track events must be nested consistently, i.e., the following is
// not allowed:
// TRACE_EVENT_BEGIN("a", "bar", ...);
// TRACE_EVENT_BEGIN("b", "foo", ...);
// TRACE_EVENT_END("a"); // "foo" must be closed before "bar".
// ====================
// Implementation notes
// ====================
// The track event library consists of the following layers and components. The
// classes the internal namespace shouldn't be considered part of the public
// API.
// .--------------------------------.
// .----| TRACE_EVENT |----.
// write | | - App instrumentation point | | write
// event | '--------------------------------' | arguments
// V V
// .----------------------------------. .-----------------------------.
// | TrackEvent | | EventContext |
// | - Registry of event categories | | - One track event instance |
// '----------------------------------' '-----------------------------'
// | |
// | | look up
// | is | interning ids
// V V
// .----------------------------------. .-----------------------------.
// | internal::TrackEventDataSource | | TrackEventInternedDataIndex |
// | - Perfetto data source | | - Corresponds to a field in |
// | - Has TrackEventIncrementalState | | in interned_data.proto |
// '----------------------------------' '-----------------------------'
// | | ^
// | | owns (1:many) |
// | write event '-------------------------'
// V
// .----------------------------------.
// | internal::TrackEventInternal |
// | - Outlined code to serialize |
// | one track event |
// '----------------------------------'
// Each compilation unit can be in exactly one track event namespace,
// allowing the overall program to use multiple track event data sources and
// category lists if necessary. Use this macro to select the namespace for the
// current compilation unit.
// If the program uses multiple track event namespaces, category & track event
// registration (see quickstart above) needs to happen for both namespaces
// separately.
// Deprecated; see perfetto::Category().
#define PERFETTO_CATEGORY(name) \
::perfetto::Category { #name }
// Internal helpers for determining if a given category is defined at build or
// runtime.
namespace internal {
// By default no statically defined categories are dynamic, but this can be
template <typename... T>
constexpr bool IsDynamicCategory(const char*) {
return false;
// Explicitly dynamic categories are always dynamic.
constexpr bool IsDynamicCategory(const ::perfetto::DynamicCategory&) {
return true;
} // namespace internal
namespace perfetto {
// A wrapper for marking strings that can't be determined to be static at build
// time, but are in fact static.
class PERFETTO_EXPORT StaticString final {
const char* value;
operator const char*() const { return value; }
namespace internal {
template <typename T = void>
constexpr bool IsStaticString(const char*) {
return true;
template <typename T = void>
constexpr bool IsStaticString(...) {
return false;
} // namespace internal
} // namespace perfetto
// Normally all categories are defined statically at build-time (see
// PERFETTO_DEFINE_CATEGORIES). However, some categories are only used for
// testing, and we shouldn't publish them to the tracing service or include them
// in a production binary. Use this macro to define a list of prefixes for these
// types of categories. Note that trace points using these categories will be
// slightly less efficient compared to regular trace points.
namespace internal { \
template <> \
constexpr bool IsDynamicCategory(const char* name) { \
return ::perfetto::internal::IsStringInPrefixList(name, __VA_ARGS__); \
} \
} /* namespace internal */ \
// Register the set of available categories by passing a list of categories to
// this macro: PERFETTO_CATEGORY(cat1), PERFETTO_CATEGORY(cat2), ...
/* The list of category names */ \
/* The track event data source for this set of categories */ \
// Allocate storage for each category by using this macro once per track event
// namespace.
// Ignore GCC warning about a missing argument for a variadic macro parameter.
#pragma GCC system_header
// Ensure that |string| is a static constant string.
// If you get a compiler failure here, you are most likely trying to use
// TRACE_EVENT with a dynamic event name. There are two ways to fix this:
// 1) If the event name is actually dynamic (e.g., std::string), write it into
// the event manually:
// TRACE_EVENT("category", nullptr, [&](perfetto::EventContext ctx) {
// ctx.event()->set_name(dynamic_name);
// });
// 2) If the name is static, but the pointer is computed at runtime, wrap it
// with perfetto::StaticString:
// TRACE_EVENT("category", perfetto::StaticString{name});
// DANGER: Using perfetto::StaticString with strings whose contents change
// dynamically can cause silent trace data corruption.
[&]() { \
static_assert( \
std::is_same<decltype(string), ::perfetto::StaticString>::value || \
::perfetto::internal::IsStaticString(string), \
"String must be static"); \
return static_cast<const char*>(string); \
// Begin a slice under |category| with the title |name|. Both strings must be
// static constants. The track event is only recorded if |category| is enabled
// for a tracing session.
// The slice is thread-scoped (i.e., written to the default track of the current
// thread) unless overridden with a custom track object (see Track).
// |name| must be a string with static lifetime (i.e., the same
// address must not be used for a different event name in the future). If you
// want to use a dynamically allocated name, do this:
// TRACE_EVENT("category", nullptr, [&](perfetto::EventContext ctx) {
// ctx.event()->set_name(dynamic_name);
// });
#define TRACE_EVENT_BEGIN(category, name, ...) \
::perfetto::protos::pbzero::TrackEvent::TYPE_SLICE_BEGIN, ##__VA_ARGS__)
// End a slice under |category|.
#define TRACE_EVENT_END(category, ...) \
category, nullptr, \
::perfetto::protos::pbzero::TrackEvent::TYPE_SLICE_END, ##__VA_ARGS__)
// Begin a slice which gets automatically closed when going out of scope.
#define TRACE_EVENT(category, name, ...) \
// Emit a slice which has zero duration.
#define TRACE_EVENT_INSTANT(category, name, ...) \
::perfetto::protos::pbzero::TrackEvent::TYPE_INSTANT, ##__VA_ARGS__)
// Efficiently determine if the given static or dynamic trace category or
// category group is enabled for tracing.
// TODO(skyostil): Add flow events.
// TODO(skyostil): Add counters.
// gen_amalgamated begin header: include/perfetto/tracing/track_event_interned_data_index.h
* Copyright (C) 2019 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/tracing/internal/track_event_internal.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/base/compiler.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/tracing/event_context.h"
#include <map>
#include <type_traits>
#include <unordered_map>
// This file has templates for defining your own interned data types to be used
// with track event. Interned data can be useful for avoiding repeating the same
// constant data (e.g., strings) throughout the trace.
// =============
// Example usage
// =============
// First define an interning index for your type. It should map to a specific
// field of interned_data.proto and define how the interned data is written into
// that message.
// struct MyInternedData
// : public perfetto::TrackEventInternedDataIndex<
// MyInternedData,
// perfetto::protos::pbzero::InternedData::kMyInternedDataFieldNumber,
// const char*> {
// static void Add(perfetto::protos::pbzero::InternedData* interned_data,
// size_t iid,
// const char* value) {
// auto my_data = interned_data->add_my_interned_data();
// my_data->set_iid(iid);
// my_data->set_value(value);
// }
// };
// Next, use your interned data in a trace point as shown below. The interned
// string will only be emitted the first time the trace point is hit.
// "category", "Event", [&](perfetto::EventContext ctx) {
// auto my_message = ctx.event()->set_my_message();
// size_t iid = MyInternedData::Get(&ctx, "Some data");
// my_message->set_iid(iid);
// });
namespace perfetto {
// By default, the interning index stores a full copy of the interned data. This
// ensures the same data is always mapped to the same interning id, and there is
// no danger of collisions. This comes at the cost of memory usage, however, so
// consider using HashedInternedDataTraits if that may be an issue.
// This type of index also performs hashing on the stored data for lookups; for
// types where this isn't necessary (e.g., raw const char*), use
// SmallInternedDataTraits.
struct BigInternedDataTraits {
template <typename ValueType>
class Index {
bool LookUpOrInsert(size_t* iid, const ValueType& value) {
size_t next_id = data_.size() + 1;
auto it_and_inserted = data_.insert(std::make_pair(value, next_id));
if (!it_and_inserted.second) {
*iid = it_and_inserted.first->second;
return true;
*iid = next_id;
return false;
std::unordered_map<ValueType, size_t> data_;
// This type of interning index keeps full copies of interned data without
// hashing the values. This is a good fit for small types that can be directly
// used as index keys.
struct SmallInternedDataTraits {
template <typename ValueType>
class Index {
bool LookUpOrInsert(size_t* iid, const ValueType& value) {
size_t next_id = data_.size() + 1;
auto it_and_inserted = data_.insert(std::make_pair(value, next_id));
if (!it_and_inserted.second) {
*iid = it_and_inserted.first->second;
return true;
*iid = next_id;
return false;
std::map<ValueType, size_t> data_;
// This type of interning index only stores the hash of the interned values
// instead of the values themselves. This is more efficient in terms of memory
// usage, but assumes that there are no hash collisions. If a hash collision
// occurs, two or more values will be mapped to the same interning id.
// Note that the given type must have a specialization for std::hash.
struct HashedInternedDataTraits {
template <typename ValueType>
class Index {
bool LookUpOrInsert(size_t* iid, const ValueType& value) {
auto key = std::hash<ValueType>()(value);
size_t next_id = data_.size() + 1;
auto it_and_inserted = data_.insert(std::make_pair(key, next_id));
if (!it_and_inserted.second) {
*iid = it_and_inserted.first->second;
return true;
*iid = next_id;
return false;
std::map<size_t, size_t> data_;
// A templated base class for an interned data type which corresponds to a field
// in interned_data.proto.
// |InternedDataType| must be the type of the subclass.
// |FieldNumber| is the corresponding protobuf field in InternedData.
// |ValueType| is the type which is stored in the index. It must be copyable.
// |Traits| can be used to customize the storage and lookup mechanism.
// The subclass should define a static method with the following signature for
// committing interned data together with the interning id |iid| into the trace:
// static void Add(perfetto::protos::pbzero::InternedData*,
// size_t iid,
// const ValueType& value);
template <typename InternedDataType,
size_t FieldNumber,
typename ValueType,
// Avoid unnecessary hashing for pointers by default.
typename Traits =
typename std::conditional<(std::is_pointer<ValueType>::value),
class TrackEventInternedDataIndex
: public internal::BaseTrackEventInternedDataIndex {
// Return an interning id for |value|. The returned id can be immediately
// written to the trace. The optional |add_args| are passed to the Add()
// function.
template <typename... Args>
static size_t Get(EventContext* ctx,
const ValueType& value,
Args&&... add_args) {
// First check if the value exists in the dictionary.
auto index_for_field = GetOrCreateIndexForField(ctx->incremental_state_);
size_t iid;
if (PERFETTO_LIKELY(index_for_field->index_.LookUpOrInsert(&iid, value))) {
return iid;
// If not, we need to serialize the definition of the interned value into
// the heap buffered message (which is committed to the trace when the
// packet ends).
ctx->incremental_state_->serialized_interned_data.get(), iid,
std::move(value), std::forward<Args>(add_args)...);
return iid;
static InternedDataType* GetOrCreateIndexForField(
internal::TrackEventIncrementalState* incremental_state) {
// Fast path: look for matching field number.
for (const auto& entry : incremental_state->interned_data_indices) {
if (entry.first == FieldNumber) {
entry.second->type_id_)) {
"Interned data accessed under different types! Previous type: "
"%s. New type: %s.",
entry.second->type_id_, PERFETTO_DEBUG_FUNCTION_IDENTIFIER());
return reinterpret_cast<InternedDataType*>(entry.second.get());
// No match -- add a new entry for this field.
for (auto& entry : incremental_state->interned_data_indices) {
if (!entry.first) {
entry.first = FieldNumber;
entry.second.reset(new InternedDataType());
entry.second->type_id_ = PERFETTO_DEBUG_FUNCTION_IDENTIFIER();
return reinterpret_cast<InternedDataType*>(entry.second.get());
// Out of space in the interned data index table.
// The actual interning dictionary for this type of interned data. The actual
// container type is defined by |Traits|, hence the extra layer of template
// indirection here.
typename Traits::template Index<ValueType> index_;
} // namespace perfetto
// gen_amalgamated begin header: include/perfetto/tracing/track_event_legacy.h
* Copyright (C) 2020 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
// This file defines a compatibility shim between legacy (Chrome, V8) trace
// event macros and track events. To avoid accidentally introducing legacy
// events in new code, the PERFETTO_ENABLE_LEGACY_TRACE_EVENTS macro must be set
// to 1 activate the compatibility layer.
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/base/compiler.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/tracing/track_event.h"
#include <stdint.h>
// Ignore GCC warning about a missing argument for a variadic macro parameter.
#pragma GCC system_header
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Constants.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
namespace perfetto {
namespace legacy {
enum TraceEventFlag {
kTraceEventFlagNone = 0,
kTraceEventFlagCopy = 1u << 0,
kTraceEventFlagHasId = 1u << 1,
kTraceEventFlagScopeOffset = 1u << 2,
kTraceEventFlagScopeExtra = 1u << 3,
kTraceEventFlagExplicitTimestamp = 1u << 4,
kTraceEventFlagAsyncTTS = 1u << 5,
kTraceEventFlagBindToEnclosing = 1u << 6,
kTraceEventFlagFlowIn = 1u << 7,
kTraceEventFlagFlowOut = 1u << 8,
kTraceEventFlagHasContextId = 1u << 9,
kTraceEventFlagHasProcessId = 1u << 10,
kTraceEventFlagHasLocalId = 1u << 11,
kTraceEventFlagHasGlobalId = 1u << 12,
// TODO(eseckler): Remove once we have native support for typed proto events
// in TRACE_EVENT macros.
kTraceEventFlagTypedProtoArgs = 1u << 15,
kTraceEventFlagJavaStringLiterals = 1u << 16,
enum PerfettoLegacyCurrentThreadId { kCurrentThreadId };
} // namespace legacy
} // namespace perfetto
// The following constants are defined in the global namespace, since they were
// originally implemented as macros.
// Event phases.
static constexpr char TRACE_EVENT_PHASE_BEGIN = 'B';
static constexpr char TRACE_EVENT_PHASE_END = 'E';
static constexpr char TRACE_EVENT_PHASE_COMPLETE = 'X';
static constexpr char TRACE_EVENT_PHASE_INSTANT = 'I';
static constexpr char TRACE_EVENT_PHASE_ASYNC_BEGIN = 'S';
static constexpr char TRACE_EVENT_PHASE_ASYNC_STEP_INTO = 'T';
static constexpr char TRACE_EVENT_PHASE_ASYNC_STEP_PAST = 'p';
static constexpr char TRACE_EVENT_PHASE_ASYNC_END = 'F';
static constexpr char TRACE_EVENT_PHASE_NESTABLE_ASYNC_BEGIN = 'b';
static constexpr char TRACE_EVENT_PHASE_NESTABLE_ASYNC_END = 'e';
static constexpr char TRACE_EVENT_PHASE_FLOW_BEGIN = 's';
static constexpr char TRACE_EVENT_PHASE_FLOW_STEP = 't';
static constexpr char TRACE_EVENT_PHASE_FLOW_END = 'f';
static constexpr char TRACE_EVENT_PHASE_METADATA = 'M';
static constexpr char TRACE_EVENT_PHASE_COUNTER = 'C';
static constexpr char TRACE_EVENT_PHASE_SAMPLE = 'P';
static constexpr char TRACE_EVENT_PHASE_CREATE_OBJECT = 'N';
static constexpr char TRACE_EVENT_PHASE_SNAPSHOT_OBJECT = 'O';
static constexpr char TRACE_EVENT_PHASE_DELETE_OBJECT = 'D';
static constexpr char TRACE_EVENT_PHASE_MEMORY_DUMP = 'v';
static constexpr char TRACE_EVENT_PHASE_MARK = 'R';
static constexpr char TRACE_EVENT_PHASE_CLOCK_SYNC = 'c';
static constexpr char TRACE_EVENT_PHASE_ENTER_CONTEXT = '(';
static constexpr char TRACE_EVENT_PHASE_LEAVE_CONTEXT = ')';
// Flags for changing the behavior of TRACE_EVENT_API_ADD_TRACE_EVENT.
static constexpr uint32_t TRACE_EVENT_FLAG_NONE =
static constexpr uint32_t TRACE_EVENT_FLAG_COPY =
static constexpr uint32_t TRACE_EVENT_FLAG_HAS_ID =
static constexpr uint32_t TRACE_EVENT_FLAG_SCOPE_OFFSET =
static constexpr uint32_t TRACE_EVENT_FLAG_SCOPE_EXTRA =
static constexpr uint32_t TRACE_EVENT_FLAG_EXPLICIT_TIMESTAMP =
static constexpr uint32_t TRACE_EVENT_FLAG_ASYNC_TTS =
static constexpr uint32_t TRACE_EVENT_FLAG_BIND_TO_ENCLOSING =
static constexpr uint32_t TRACE_EVENT_FLAG_FLOW_IN =
static constexpr uint32_t TRACE_EVENT_FLAG_FLOW_OUT =
static constexpr uint32_t TRACE_EVENT_FLAG_HAS_CONTEXT_ID =
static constexpr uint32_t TRACE_EVENT_FLAG_HAS_PROCESS_ID =
static constexpr uint32_t TRACE_EVENT_FLAG_HAS_LOCAL_ID =
static constexpr uint32_t TRACE_EVENT_FLAG_HAS_GLOBAL_ID =
static constexpr uint32_t TRACE_EVENT_FLAG_TYPED_PROTO_ARGS =
static constexpr uint32_t TRACE_EVENT_FLAG_JAVA_STRING_LITERALS =
static constexpr uint32_t TRACE_EVENT_FLAG_SCOPE_MASK =
// Type values for identifying types in the TraceValue union.
static constexpr uint8_t TRACE_VALUE_TYPE_BOOL = 1;
static constexpr uint8_t TRACE_VALUE_TYPE_UINT = 2;
static constexpr uint8_t TRACE_VALUE_TYPE_INT = 3;
static constexpr uint8_t TRACE_VALUE_TYPE_DOUBLE = 4;
static constexpr uint8_t TRACE_VALUE_TYPE_POINTER = 5;
static constexpr uint8_t TRACE_VALUE_TYPE_STRING = 6;
static constexpr uint8_t TRACE_VALUE_TYPE_COPY_STRING = 7;
static constexpr uint8_t TRACE_VALUE_TYPE_CONVERTABLE = 8;
// Enum reflecting the scope of an INSTANT event. Must fit within
static constexpr uint8_t TRACE_EVENT_SCOPE_GLOBAL = 0u << 2;
static constexpr uint8_t TRACE_EVENT_SCOPE_PROCESS = 1u << 2;
static constexpr uint8_t TRACE_EVENT_SCOPE_THREAD = 2u << 2;
static constexpr char TRACE_EVENT_SCOPE_NAME_GLOBAL = 'g';
static constexpr char TRACE_EVENT_SCOPE_NAME_PROCESS = 'p';
static constexpr char TRACE_EVENT_SCOPE_NAME_THREAD = 't';
static constexpr auto TRACE_EVENT_API_CURRENT_THREAD_ID =
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Internal legacy trace point implementation.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
namespace perfetto {
namespace legacy {
// The following user-provided adaptors are used to serialize user-defined
// thread id and time types into track events. For full compatibility, the user
// should also define the following macros appropriately:
// #define TRACE_TIME_TICKS_NOW() ...
// #define TRACE_TIME_NOW() ...
// User-provided function to convert an abstract thread id into either a track
// uuid or a pid/tid override. Return true if the conversion succeeded.
template <typename T>
bool ConvertThreadId(const T&,
uint64_t* track_uuid_out,
int32_t* pid_override_out,
int32_t* tid_override_out);
// User-provided function to convert an abstract timestamp into the trace clock
// timebase in nanoseconds.
template <typename T>
uint64_t ConvertTimestampToTraceTimeNs(const T&);
// Built-in implementation for events referring to the current thread.
template <>
bool PERFETTO_EXPORT ConvertThreadId(const PerfettoLegacyCurrentThreadId&,
} // namespace legacy
namespace internal {
// LegacyTraceId encapsulates an ID that can either be an integer or pointer.
class PERFETTO_EXPORT LegacyTraceId {
// Can be combined with WithScope.
class LocalId {
explicit LocalId(const void* raw_id)
: raw_id_(static_cast<uint64_t>(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(raw_id))) {}
explicit LocalId(uint64_t raw_id) : raw_id_(raw_id) {}
uint64_t raw_id() const { return raw_id_; }
uint64_t raw_id_;
// Can be combined with WithScope.
class GlobalId {
explicit GlobalId(uint64_t raw_id) : raw_id_(raw_id) {}
uint64_t raw_id() const { return raw_id_; }
uint64_t raw_id_;
class WithScope {
WithScope(const char* scope, uint64_t raw_id)
: scope_(scope), raw_id_(raw_id) {}
WithScope(const char* scope, LocalId local_id)
: scope_(scope), raw_id_(local_id.raw_id()) {
id_flags_ = legacy::kTraceEventFlagHasLocalId;
WithScope(const char* scope, GlobalId global_id)
: scope_(scope), raw_id_(global_id.raw_id()) {
id_flags_ = legacy::kTraceEventFlagHasGlobalId;
WithScope(const char* scope, uint64_t prefix, uint64_t raw_id)
: scope_(scope), has_prefix_(true), prefix_(prefix), raw_id_(raw_id) {}
WithScope(const char* scope, uint64_t prefix, GlobalId global_id)
: scope_(scope),
raw_id_(global_id.raw_id()) {
id_flags_ = legacy::kTraceEventFlagHasGlobalId;
uint64_t raw_id() const { return raw_id_; }
const char* scope() const { return scope_; }
bool has_prefix() const { return has_prefix_; }
uint64_t prefix() const { return prefix_; }
uint32_t id_flags() const { return id_flags_; }
const char* scope_ = nullptr;
bool has_prefix_ = false;
uint64_t prefix_;
uint64_t raw_id_;
uint32_t id_flags_ = legacy::kTraceEventFlagHasId;
LegacyTraceId(const void* raw_id)
: raw_id_(static_cast<uint64_t>(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(raw_id))) {
id_flags_ = legacy::kTraceEventFlagHasLocalId;
explicit LegacyTraceId(uint64_t raw_id) : raw_id_(raw_id) {}
explicit LegacyTraceId(uint32_t raw_id) : raw_id_(raw_id) {}
explicit LegacyTraceId(uint16_t raw_id) : raw_id_(raw_id) {}
explicit LegacyTraceId(uint8_t raw_id) : raw_id_(raw_id) {}
explicit LegacyTraceId(int64_t raw_id)
: raw_id_(static_cast<uint64_t>(raw_id)) {}
explicit LegacyTraceId(int32_t raw_id)
: raw_id_(static_cast<uint64_t>(raw_id)) {}
explicit LegacyTraceId(int16_t raw_id)
: raw_id_(static_cast<uint64_t>(raw_id)) {}
explicit LegacyTraceId(int8_t raw_id)
: raw_id_(static_cast<uint64_t>(raw_id)) {}
explicit LegacyTraceId(LocalId raw_id) : raw_id_(raw_id.raw_id()) {
id_flags_ = legacy::kTraceEventFlagHasLocalId;
explicit LegacyTraceId(GlobalId raw_id) : raw_id_(raw_id.raw_id()) {
id_flags_ = legacy::kTraceEventFlagHasGlobalId;
explicit LegacyTraceId(WithScope scoped_id)
: scope_(scoped_id.scope()),
id_flags_(scoped_id.id_flags()) {}
uint64_t raw_id() const { return raw_id_; }
const char* scope() const { return scope_; }
bool has_prefix() const { return has_prefix_; }
uint64_t prefix() const { return prefix_; }
uint32_t id_flags() const { return id_flags_; }
void Write(protos::pbzero::TrackEvent::LegacyEvent*,
uint32_t event_flags) const;
const char* scope_ = nullptr;
bool has_prefix_ = false;
uint64_t prefix_;
uint64_t raw_id_;
uint32_t id_flags_ = legacy::kTraceEventFlagHasId;
} // namespace internal
} // namespace perfetto
namespace perfetto {
namespace internal {
class PERFETTO_EXPORT TrackEventLegacy {
static constexpr protos::pbzero::TrackEvent::Type PhaseToType(char phase) {
// clang-format off
return (phase == TRACE_EVENT_PHASE_BEGIN) ?
protos::pbzero::TrackEvent::TYPE_SLICE_BEGIN :
protos::pbzero::TrackEvent::TYPE_SLICE_END :
protos::pbzero::TrackEvent::TYPE_INSTANT :
// clang-format on
// Reduce binary size overhead by outlining most of the code for writing a
// legacy trace event.
template <typename... Args>
static void WriteLegacyEvent(EventContext ctx,
char phase,
uint32_t flags,
Args&&... args) PERFETTO_NO_INLINE {
AddDebugAnnotations(&ctx, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
SetTrackIfNeeded(&ctx, flags);
if (NeedLegacyFlags(phase, flags)) {
auto legacy_event = ctx.event()->set_legacy_event();
SetLegacyFlags(legacy_event, phase, flags);
template <typename ThreadIdType, typename... Args>
static void WriteLegacyEventWithIdAndTid(EventContext ctx,
char phase,
uint32_t flags,
const LegacyTraceId& id,
const ThreadIdType& thread_id,
Args&&... args) PERFETTO_NO_INLINE {
// Overrides to consider:
// 1. If we have an id, we need to write {unscoped,local,global}_id and/or
// bind_id.
// 2. If we have a thread id, we need to write track_uuid() or
// {pid,tid}_override. This happens in embedder code since the thread id
// is embedder-specified.
// 3. If we have a timestamp, we need to write a different timestamp in the
// trace packet itself and make sure TrackEvent won't write one
// internally. This is already done at the call site.
flags |= id.id_flags();
AddDebugAnnotations(&ctx, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
int32_t pid_override = 0;
int32_t tid_override = 0;
uint64_t track_uuid = 0;
if (legacy::ConvertThreadId(thread_id, &track_uuid, &pid_override,
&tid_override) &&
track_uuid) {
if (track_uuid != ThreadTrack::Current().uuid)
} else if (pid_override || tid_override) {
// Explicitly clear the track so the overrides below take effect.
} else {
// No pid/tid/track overrides => obey the flags instead.
SetTrackIfNeeded(&ctx, flags);
if (NeedLegacyFlags(phase, flags) || pid_override || tid_override) {
auto legacy_event = ctx.event()->set_legacy_event();
SetLegacyFlags(legacy_event, phase, flags);
if (id.id_flags())
id.Write(legacy_event, flags);
if (pid_override)
if (tid_override)
// No arguments.
static void AddDebugAnnotations(EventContext*) {}
// One argument.
template <typename ArgType>
static void AddDebugAnnotations(EventContext* ctx,
const char* arg_name,
ArgType&& arg_value) {
TrackEventInternal::AddDebugAnnotation(ctx, arg_name, arg_value);
// Two arguments.
template <typename ArgType, typename ArgType2>
static void AddDebugAnnotations(EventContext* ctx,
const char* arg_name,
ArgType&& arg_value,
const char* arg_name2,
ArgType2&& arg_value2) {
TrackEventInternal::AddDebugAnnotation(ctx, arg_name, arg_value);
TrackEventInternal::AddDebugAnnotation(ctx, arg_name2, arg_value2);
static void SetTrackIfNeeded(EventContext* ctx, uint32_t flags) {
// Note: This avoids the need to set LegacyEvent::instant_event_scope.
auto scope = flags & TRACE_EVENT_FLAG_SCOPE_MASK;
switch (scope) {
// Thread scope is already the default.
static bool NeedLegacyFlags(char phase, uint32_t flags) {
if (PhaseToType(phase) == protos::pbzero::TrackEvent::TYPE_UNSPECIFIED)
return true;
// TODO(skyostil): Implement/deprecate:
return flags &
static void SetLegacyFlags(
protos::pbzero::TrackEvent::LegacyEvent* legacy_event,
char phase,
uint32_t flags) {
if (PhaseToType(phase) == protos::pbzero::TrackEvent::TYPE_UNSPECIFIED)
const auto kFlowIn = TRACE_EVENT_FLAG_FLOW_IN;
const auto kFlowOut = TRACE_EVENT_FLAG_FLOW_OUT;
const auto kFlowInOut = kFlowIn | kFlowOut;
if ((flags & kFlowInOut) == kFlowInOut) {
} else if (flags & kFlowIn) {
} else if (flags & kFlowOut) {
} // namespace internal
} // namespace perfetto
// Implementations for the INTERNAL_* adapter macros used by the trace points
// below.
#define INTERNAL_TRACE_EVENT_ADD(phase, category, name, flags, ...) \
category, ::perfetto::StaticString{name}, \
::perfetto::internal::TrackEventLegacy::PhaseToType(phase), \
[&](perfetto::EventContext ctx) { \
using ::perfetto::internal::TrackEventLegacy; \
TrackEventLegacy::WriteLegacyEvent(std::move(ctx), phase, flags, \
##__VA_ARGS__); \
#define INTERNAL_TRACE_EVENT_ADD_SCOPED(category, name, ...) \
category, ::perfetto::StaticString{name}, \
[&](perfetto::EventContext ctx) { \
using ::perfetto::internal::TrackEventLegacy; \
TrackEventLegacy::AddDebugAnnotations(&ctx, ##__VA_ARGS__); \
#define INTERNAL_TRACE_EVENT_ADD_SCOPED_WITH_FLOW(category, name, bind_id, \
flags, ...) \
category, ::perfetto::StaticString{name}, \
[&](perfetto::EventContext ctx) { \
using ::perfetto::internal::TrackEventLegacy; \
::perfetto::internal::LegacyTraceId trace_id{bind_id}; \
TrackEventLegacy::WriteLegacyEventWithIdAndTid( \
std::move(ctx), TRACE_EVENT_PHASE_BEGIN, flags, trace_id, \
#define INTERNAL_TRACE_EVENT_ADD_WITH_TIMESTAMP(phase, category, name, \
timestamp, flags, ...) \
category, ::perfetto::StaticString{name}, \
::perfetto::internal::TrackEventLegacy::PhaseToType(phase), \
::perfetto::legacy::ConvertTimestampToTraceTimeNs(timestamp), \
[&](perfetto::EventContext ctx) { \
using ::perfetto::internal::TrackEventLegacy; \
TrackEventLegacy::WriteLegacyEvent(std::move(ctx), phase, flags, \
##__VA_ARGS__); \
phase, category, name, id, thread_id, timestamp, flags, ...) \
category, ::perfetto::StaticString{name}, \
::perfetto::internal::TrackEventLegacy::PhaseToType(phase), \
::perfetto::legacy::ConvertTimestampToTraceTimeNs(timestamp), \
[&](perfetto::EventContext ctx) { \
using ::perfetto::internal::TrackEventLegacy; \
::perfetto::internal::LegacyTraceId trace_id{id}; \
TrackEventLegacy::WriteLegacyEventWithIdAndTid( \
std::move(ctx), phase, flags, trace_id, thread_id, ##__VA_ARGS__); \
#define INTERNAL_TRACE_EVENT_ADD_WITH_ID(phase, category, name, id, flags, \
...) \
category, ::perfetto::StaticString{name}, \
::perfetto::internal::TrackEventLegacy::PhaseToType(phase), \
[&](perfetto::EventContext ctx) { \
using ::perfetto::internal::TrackEventLegacy; \
::perfetto::internal::LegacyTraceId trace_id{id}; \
TrackEventLegacy::WriteLegacyEventWithIdAndTid( \
std::move(ctx), phase, flags, trace_id, \
#define INTERNAL_TRACE_EVENT_METADATA_ADD(category, name, ...) \
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Legacy tracing common API (adapted from trace_event_common.h).
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#define TRACE_DISABLED_BY_DEFAULT(name) "disabled-by-default-" name
// Scoped events.
#define TRACE_EVENT0(category_group, name) \
#define TRACE_EVENT_WITH_FLOW0(category_group, name, bind_id, flow_flags) \
INTERNAL_TRACE_EVENT_ADD_SCOPED_WITH_FLOW(category_group, name, bind_id, \
#define TRACE_EVENT1(category_group, name, arg1_name, arg1_val) \
INTERNAL_TRACE_EVENT_ADD_SCOPED(category_group, name, arg1_name, arg1_val)
#define TRACE_EVENT_WITH_FLOW1(category_group, name, bind_id, flow_flags, \
arg1_name, arg1_val) \
INTERNAL_TRACE_EVENT_ADD_SCOPED_WITH_FLOW(category_group, name, bind_id, \
flow_flags, arg1_name, arg1_val)
#define TRACE_EVENT2(category_group, name, arg1_name, arg1_val, arg2_name, \
arg2_val) \
INTERNAL_TRACE_EVENT_ADD_SCOPED(category_group, name, arg1_name, arg1_val, \
arg2_name, arg2_val)
#define TRACE_EVENT_WITH_FLOW2(category_group, name, bind_id, flow_flags, \
arg1_name, arg1_val, arg2_name, arg2_val) \
INTERNAL_TRACE_EVENT_ADD_SCOPED_WITH_FLOW(category_group, name, bind_id, \
flow_flags, arg1_name, arg1_val, \
arg2_name, arg2_val)
// Instant events.
#define TRACE_EVENT_INSTANT0(category_group, name, scope) \
#define TRACE_EVENT_INSTANT1(category_group, name, scope, arg1_name, arg1_val) \
TRACE_EVENT_FLAG_NONE | scope, arg1_name, arg1_val)
#define TRACE_EVENT_INSTANT2(category_group, name, scope, arg1_name, arg1_val, \
arg2_name, arg2_val) \
TRACE_EVENT_FLAG_NONE | scope, arg1_name, arg1_val, \
arg2_name, arg2_val)
#define TRACE_EVENT_COPY_INSTANT0(category_group, name, scope) \
#define TRACE_EVENT_COPY_INSTANT1(category_group, name, scope, arg1_name, \
arg1_val) \
TRACE_EVENT_FLAG_COPY | scope, arg1_name, arg1_val)
#define TRACE_EVENT_COPY_INSTANT2(category_group, name, scope, arg1_name, \
arg1_val, arg2_name, arg2_val) \
TRACE_EVENT_FLAG_COPY | scope, arg1_name, arg1_val, \
arg2_name, arg2_val)
#define TRACE_EVENT_INSTANT_WITH_FLAGS0(category_group, name, scope_and_flags) \
#define TRACE_EVENT_INSTANT_WITH_FLAGS1(category_group, name, scope_and_flags, \
arg1_name, arg1_val) \
scope_and_flags, arg1_name, arg1_val)
// Instant events with explicit timestamps.
#define TRACE_EVENT_INSTANT_WITH_TIMESTAMP0(category_group, name, scope, \
timestamp) \
category_group, name, timestamp, \
#define TRACE_EVENT_INSTANT_WITH_TIMESTAMP1(category_group, name, scope, \
timestamp, arg_name, arg_val) \
TRACE_EVENT_PHASE_INSTANT, category_group, name, timestamp, \
TRACE_EVENT_FLAG_NONE | scope, arg_name, arg_val)
// Begin events.
#define TRACE_EVENT_BEGIN0(category_group, name) \
#define TRACE_EVENT_BEGIN1(category_group, name, arg1_name, arg1_val) \
TRACE_EVENT_FLAG_NONE, arg1_name, arg1_val)
#define TRACE_EVENT_BEGIN2(category_group, name, arg1_name, arg1_val, \
arg2_name, arg2_val) \
TRACE_EVENT_FLAG_NONE, arg1_name, arg1_val, \
arg2_name, arg2_val)
#define TRACE_EVENT_BEGIN_WITH_FLAGS0(category_group, name, flags) \
#define TRACE_EVENT_BEGIN_WITH_FLAGS1(category_group, name, flags, arg1_name, \
arg1_val) \
flags, arg1_name, arg1_val)
#define TRACE_EVENT_COPY_BEGIN2(category_group, name, arg1_name, arg1_val, \
arg2_name, arg2_val) \
TRACE_EVENT_FLAG_COPY, arg1_name, arg1_val, \
arg2_name, arg2_val)
// Begin events with explicit timestamps.
#define TRACE_EVENT_BEGIN_WITH_ID_TID_AND_TIMESTAMP0(category_group, name, id, \
thread_id, timestamp) \
TRACE_EVENT_PHASE_ASYNC_BEGIN, category_group, name, id, thread_id, \
category_group, name, id, thread_id, timestamp) \
TRACE_EVENT_PHASE_ASYNC_BEGIN, category_group, name, id, thread_id, \
category_group, name, id, thread_id, timestamp, arg1_name, arg1_val) \
TRACE_EVENT_PHASE_ASYNC_BEGIN, category_group, name, id, thread_id, \
timestamp, TRACE_EVENT_FLAG_COPY, arg1_name, arg1_val)
category_group, name, id, thread_id, timestamp, arg1_name, arg1_val, \
arg2_name, arg2_val) \
TRACE_EVENT_PHASE_ASYNC_BEGIN, category_group, name, id, thread_id, \
timestamp, TRACE_EVENT_FLAG_COPY, arg1_name, arg1_val, arg2_name, \
// End events.
#define TRACE_EVENT_END0(category_group, name) \
#define TRACE_EVENT_END1(category_group, name, arg1_name, arg1_val) \
TRACE_EVENT_FLAG_NONE, arg1_name, arg1_val)
#define TRACE_EVENT_END2(category_group, name, arg1_name, arg1_val, arg2_name, \
arg2_val) \
TRACE_EVENT_FLAG_NONE, arg1_name, arg1_val, \
arg2_name, arg2_val)
#define TRACE_EVENT_END_WITH_FLAGS0(category_group, name, flags) \
#define TRACE_EVENT_END_WITH_FLAGS1(category_group, name, flags, arg1_name, \
arg1_val) \
INTERNAL_TRACE_EVENT_ADD(TRACE_EVENT_PHASE_END, category_group, name, flags, \
arg1_name, arg1_val)
#define TRACE_EVENT_COPY_END2(category_group, name, arg1_name, arg1_val, \
arg2_name, arg2_val) \
TRACE_EVENT_FLAG_COPY, arg1_name, arg1_val, \
arg2_name, arg2_val)
// Mark events.
#define TRACE_EVENT_MARK_WITH_TIMESTAMP0(category_group, name, timestamp) \
category_group, name, timestamp, \
#define TRACE_EVENT_MARK_WITH_TIMESTAMP1(category_group, name, timestamp, \
arg1_name, arg1_val) \
TRACE_EVENT_PHASE_MARK, category_group, name, timestamp, \
TRACE_EVENT_FLAG_NONE, arg1_name, arg1_val)
category_group, name, timestamp, arg1_name, arg1_val, arg2_name, arg2_val) \
TRACE_EVENT_PHASE_MARK, category_group, name, timestamp, \
TRACE_EVENT_FLAG_NONE, arg1_name, arg1_val, arg2_name, arg2_val)
#define TRACE_EVENT_COPY_MARK(category_group, name) \
#define TRACE_EVENT_COPY_MARK1(category_group, name, arg1_name, arg1_val) \
TRACE_EVENT_FLAG_COPY, arg1_name, arg1_val)
#define TRACE_EVENT_COPY_MARK_WITH_TIMESTAMP(category_group, name, timestamp) \
category_group, name, timestamp, \
// End events with explicit thread and timestamp.
#define TRACE_EVENT_END_WITH_ID_TID_AND_TIMESTAMP0(category_group, name, id, \
thread_id, timestamp) \
TRACE_EVENT_PHASE_ASYNC_END, category_group, name, id, thread_id, \
category_group, name, id, thread_id, timestamp) \
TRACE_EVENT_PHASE_ASYNC_END, category_group, name, id, thread_id, \
category_group, name, id, thread_id, timestamp, arg1_name, arg1_val) \
TRACE_EVENT_PHASE_ASYNC_END, category_group, name, id, thread_id, \
timestamp, TRACE_EVENT_FLAG_COPY, arg1_name, arg1_val)
category_group, name, id, thread_id, timestamp, arg1_name, arg1_val, \
arg2_name, arg2_val) \
TRACE_EVENT_PHASE_ASYNC_END, category_group, name, id, thread_id, \
timestamp, TRACE_EVENT_FLAG_COPY, arg1_name, arg1_val, arg2_name, \
// Counters.
#define TRACE_COUNTER1(category_group, name, value) \
#define TRACE_COUNTER_WITH_FLAG1(category_group, name, flag, value) \
flag, "value", static_cast<int>(value))
#define TRACE_COPY_COUNTER1(category_group, name, value) \
#define TRACE_COUNTER2(category_group, name, value1_name, value1_val, \
value2_name, value2_val) \
TRACE_EVENT_FLAG_NONE, value1_name, \
static_cast<int>(value1_val), value2_name, \
#define TRACE_COPY_COUNTER2(category_group, name, value1_name, value1_val, \
value2_name, value2_val) \
TRACE_EVENT_FLAG_COPY, value1_name, \
static_cast<int>(value1_val), value2_name, \
// Counters with explicit timestamps.
#define TRACE_COUNTER_WITH_TIMESTAMP1(category_group, name, timestamp, value) \
TRACE_EVENT_PHASE_COUNTER, category_group, name, timestamp, \
TRACE_EVENT_FLAG_NONE, "value", static_cast<int>(value))
#define TRACE_COUNTER_WITH_TIMESTAMP2(category_group, name, timestamp, \
value1_name, value1_val, value2_name, \
value2_val) \
TRACE_EVENT_PHASE_COUNTER, category_group, name, timestamp, \
TRACE_EVENT_FLAG_NONE, value1_name, static_cast<int>(value1_val), \
value2_name, static_cast<int>(value2_val))
// Counters with ids.
#define TRACE_COUNTER_ID1(category_group, name, id, value) \
name, id, TRACE_EVENT_FLAG_NONE, "value", \
#define TRACE_COPY_COUNTER_ID1(category_group, name, id, value) \
name, id, TRACE_EVENT_FLAG_COPY, "value", \
#define TRACE_COUNTER_ID2(category_group, name, id, value1_name, value1_val, \
value2_name, value2_val) \
value1_name, static_cast<int>(value1_val), \
value2_name, static_cast<int>(value2_val))
#define TRACE_COPY_COUNTER_ID2(category_group, name, id, value1_name, \
value1_val, value2_name, value2_val) \
value1_name, static_cast<int>(value1_val), \
value2_name, static_cast<int>(value2_val))
// Sampling profiler events.
#define TRACE_EVENT_SAMPLE_WITH_ID1(category_group, name, id, arg1_name, \
arg1_val) \
name, id, TRACE_EVENT_FLAG_NONE, arg1_name, \
// Legacy async events.
#define TRACE_EVENT_ASYNC_BEGIN0(category_group, name, id) \
category_group, name, id, \
#define TRACE_EVENT_ASYNC_BEGIN1(category_group, name, id, arg1_name, \
arg1_val) \
category_group, name, id, \
TRACE_EVENT_FLAG_NONE, arg1_name, arg1_val)
#define TRACE_EVENT_ASYNC_BEGIN2(category_group, name, id, arg1_name, \
arg1_val, arg2_name, arg2_val) \
TRACE_EVENT_PHASE_ASYNC_BEGIN, category_group, name, id, \
TRACE_EVENT_FLAG_NONE, arg1_name, arg1_val, arg2_name, arg2_val)
#define TRACE_EVENT_COPY_ASYNC_BEGIN0(category_group, name, id) \
category_group, name, id, \
#define TRACE_EVENT_COPY_ASYNC_BEGIN1(category_group, name, id, arg1_name, \
arg1_val) \
category_group, name, id, \
TRACE_EVENT_FLAG_COPY, arg1_name, arg1_val)
#define TRACE_EVENT_COPY_ASYNC_BEGIN2(category_group, name, id, arg1_name, \
arg1_val, arg2_name, arg2_val) \
TRACE_EVENT_PHASE_ASYNC_BEGIN, category_group, name, id, \
TRACE_EVENT_FLAG_COPY, arg1_name, arg1_val, arg2_name, arg2_val)
#define TRACE_EVENT_ASYNC_BEGIN_WITH_FLAGS0(category_group, name, id, flags) \
category_group, name, id, flags)
// Legacy async events with explicit timestamps.
#define TRACE_EVENT_ASYNC_BEGIN_WITH_TIMESTAMP0(category_group, name, id, \
timestamp) \
TRACE_EVENT_PHASE_ASYNC_BEGIN, category_group, name, id, \
category_group, name, id, timestamp, arg1_name, arg1_val) \
TRACE_EVENT_PHASE_ASYNC_BEGIN, category_group, name, id, \
arg1_name, arg1_val)
#define TRACE_EVENT_ASYNC_BEGIN_WITH_TIMESTAMP2(category_group, name, id, \
timestamp, arg1_name, \
arg1_val, arg2_name, arg2_val) \
TRACE_EVENT_PHASE_ASYNC_BEGIN, category_group, name, id, \
arg1_name, arg1_val, arg2_name, arg2_val)
#define TRACE_EVENT_COPY_ASYNC_BEGIN_WITH_TIMESTAMP0(category_group, name, id, \
timestamp) \
TRACE_EVENT_PHASE_ASYNC_BEGIN, category_group, name, id, \
category_group, name, id, timestamp, flags) \
TRACE_EVENT_PHASE_ASYNC_BEGIN, category_group, name, id, \
// Legacy async step into events.
#define TRACE_EVENT_ASYNC_STEP_INTO0(category_group, name, id, step) \
category_group, name, id, \
TRACE_EVENT_FLAG_NONE, "step", step)
#define TRACE_EVENT_ASYNC_STEP_INTO1(category_group, name, id, step, \
arg1_name, arg1_val) \
TRACE_EVENT_PHASE_ASYNC_STEP_INTO, category_group, name, id, \
TRACE_EVENT_FLAG_NONE, "step", step, arg1_name, arg1_val)
// Legacy async step into events with timestamps.
#define TRACE_EVENT_ASYNC_STEP_INTO_WITH_TIMESTAMP0(category_group, name, id, \
step, timestamp) \
TRACE_EVENT_PHASE_ASYNC_STEP_INTO, category_group, name, id, \
"step", step)
// Legacy async step past events.
#define TRACE_EVENT_ASYNC_STEP_PAST0(category_group, name, id, step) \
category_group, name, id, \
TRACE_EVENT_FLAG_NONE, "step", step)
#define TRACE_EVENT_ASYNC_STEP_PAST1(category_group, name, id, step, \
arg1_name, arg1_val) \
TRACE_EVENT_PHASE_ASYNC_STEP_PAST, category_group, name, id, \
TRACE_EVENT_FLAG_NONE, "step", step, arg1_name, arg1_val)
// Legacy async end events.
#define TRACE_EVENT_ASYNC_END0(category_group, name, id) \
category_group, name, id, \
#define TRACE_EVENT_ASYNC_END1(category_group, name, id, arg1_name, arg1_val) \
category_group, name, id, \
TRACE_EVENT_FLAG_NONE, arg1_name, arg1_val)
#define TRACE_EVENT_ASYNC_END2(category_group, name, id, arg1_name, arg1_val, \
arg2_name, arg2_val) \
TRACE_EVENT_PHASE_ASYNC_END, category_group, name, id, \
TRACE_EVENT_FLAG_NONE, arg1_name, arg1_val, arg2_name, arg2_val)
#define TRACE_EVENT_COPY_ASYNC_END0(category_group, name, id) \
category_group, name, id, \
#define TRACE_EVENT_COPY_ASYNC_END1(category_group, name, id, arg1_name, \
arg1_val) \
category_group, name, id, \
TRACE_EVENT_FLAG_COPY, arg1_name, arg1_val)
#define TRACE_EVENT_COPY_ASYNC_END2(category_group, name, id, arg1_name, \
arg1_val, arg2_name, arg2_val) \
TRACE_EVENT_PHASE_ASYNC_END, category_group, name, id, \
TRACE_EVENT_FLAG_COPY, arg1_name, arg1_val, arg2_name, arg2_val)
#define TRACE_EVENT_ASYNC_END_WITH_FLAGS0(category_group, name, id, flags) \
category_group, name, id, flags)
// Legacy async end events with explicit timestamps.
#define TRACE_EVENT_ASYNC_END_WITH_TIMESTAMP0(category_group, name, id, \
timestamp) \
TRACE_EVENT_PHASE_ASYNC_END, category_group, name, id, \
#define TRACE_EVENT_ASYNC_END_WITH_TIMESTAMP1(category_group, name, id, \
timestamp, arg1_name, arg1_val) \
TRACE_EVENT_PHASE_ASYNC_END, category_group, name, id, \
arg1_name, arg1_val)
#define TRACE_EVENT_ASYNC_END_WITH_TIMESTAMP2(category_group, name, id, \
timestamp, arg1_name, arg1_val, \
arg2_name, arg2_val) \
TRACE_EVENT_PHASE_ASYNC_END, category_group, name, id, \
arg1_name, arg1_val, arg2_name, arg2_val)
#define TRACE_EVENT_COPY_ASYNC_END_WITH_TIMESTAMP0(category_group, name, id, \
timestamp) \
TRACE_EVENT_PHASE_ASYNC_END, category_group, name, id, \
#define TRACE_EVENT_ASYNC_END_WITH_TIMESTAMP_AND_FLAGS0(category_group, name, \
id, timestamp, flags) \
TRACE_EVENT_PHASE_ASYNC_END, category_group, name, id, \
// Async events.
#define TRACE_EVENT_NESTABLE_ASYNC_BEGIN0(category_group, name, id) \
category_group, name, id, \
#define TRACE_EVENT_NESTABLE_ASYNC_BEGIN1(category_group, name, id, arg1_name, \
arg1_val) \
category_group, name, id, \
TRACE_EVENT_FLAG_NONE, arg1_name, arg1_val)
#define TRACE_EVENT_NESTABLE_ASYNC_BEGIN2(category_group, name, id, arg1_name, \
arg1_val, arg2_name, arg2_val) \
TRACE_EVENT_PHASE_NESTABLE_ASYNC_BEGIN, category_group, name, id, \
TRACE_EVENT_FLAG_NONE, arg1_name, arg1_val, arg2_name, arg2_val)
// Async end events.
#define TRACE_EVENT_NESTABLE_ASYNC_END0(category_group, name, id) \
category_group, name, id, \
#define TRACE_EVENT_NESTABLE_ASYNC_END1(category_group, name, id, arg1_name, \
arg1_val) \
category_group, name, id, \
TRACE_EVENT_FLAG_NONE, arg1_name, arg1_val)
#define TRACE_EVENT_NESTABLE_ASYNC_END2(category_group, name, id, arg1_name, \
arg1_val, arg2_name, arg2_val) \
TRACE_EVENT_PHASE_NESTABLE_ASYNC_END, category_group, name, id, \
TRACE_EVENT_FLAG_NONE, arg1_name, arg1_val, arg2_name, arg2_val)
// Async instant events.
#define TRACE_EVENT_NESTABLE_ASYNC_INSTANT0(category_group, name, id) \
category_group, name, id, \
#define TRACE_EVENT_NESTABLE_ASYNC_INSTANT1(category_group, name, id, \
arg1_name, arg1_val) \
category_group, name, id, \
TRACE_EVENT_FLAG_NONE, arg1_name, arg1_val)
category_group, name, id, arg1_name, arg1_val, arg2_name, arg2_val) \
TRACE_EVENT_FLAG_NONE, arg1_name, arg1_val, arg2_name, arg2_val)
category_group, name, id, arg1_name, arg1_val, arg2_name, arg2_val) \
TRACE_EVENT_PHASE_NESTABLE_ASYNC_BEGIN, category_group, name, id, \
arg2_name, arg2_val)
category_group, name, id, arg1_name, arg1_val, arg2_name, arg2_val) \
TRACE_EVENT_PHASE_NESTABLE_ASYNC_END, category_group, name, id, \
arg2_name, arg2_val)
// Async events with explicit timestamps.
id, timestamp) \
TRACE_EVENT_PHASE_NESTABLE_ASYNC_BEGIN, category_group, name, id, \
#define TRACE_EVENT_NESTABLE_ASYNC_END_WITH_TIMESTAMP0(category_group, name, \
id, timestamp) \
TRACE_EVENT_PHASE_NESTABLE_ASYNC_END, category_group, name, id, \
category_group, name, id, timestamp, arg1_name, arg1_val) \
TRACE_EVENT_PHASE_NESTABLE_ASYNC_END, category_group, name, id, \
arg1_name, arg1_val)
category_group, name, id, timestamp) \
#define TRACE_EVENT_COPY_NESTABLE_ASYNC_BEGIN0(category_group, name, id) \
category_group, name, id, \
#define TRACE_EVENT_COPY_NESTABLE_ASYNC_END0(category_group, name, id) \
category_group, name, id, \
category_group, name, id, timestamp) \
TRACE_EVENT_PHASE_NESTABLE_ASYNC_BEGIN, category_group, name, id, \
category_group, name, id, timestamp) \
TRACE_EVENT_PHASE_NESTABLE_ASYNC_END, category_group, name, id, \
// Legacy flow events.
#define TRACE_EVENT_FLOW_BEGIN0(category_group, name, id) \
category_group, name, id, \
#define TRACE_EVENT_FLOW_BEGIN1(category_group, name, id, arg1_name, arg1_val) \
category_group, name, id, \
TRACE_EVENT_FLAG_NONE, arg1_name, arg1_val)
#define TRACE_EVENT_FLOW_BEGIN2(category_group, name, id, arg1_name, arg1_val, \
arg2_name, arg2_val) \
TRACE_EVENT_PHASE_FLOW_BEGIN, category_group, name, id, \
TRACE_EVENT_FLAG_NONE, arg1_name, arg1_val, arg2_name, arg2_val)
#define TRACE_EVENT_COPY_FLOW_BEGIN0(category_group, name, id) \
category_group, name, id, \
#define TRACE_EVENT_COPY_FLOW_BEGIN1(category_group, name, id, arg1_name, \
arg1_val) \
category_group, name, id, \
TRACE_EVENT_FLAG_COPY, arg1_name, arg1_val)
#define TRACE_EVENT_COPY_FLOW_BEGIN2(category_group, name, id, arg1_name, \
arg1_val, arg2_name, arg2_val) \
TRACE_EVENT_PHASE_FLOW_BEGIN, category_group, name, id, \
TRACE_EVENT_FLAG_COPY, arg1_name, arg1_val, arg2_name, arg2_val)
// Legacy flow step events.
#define TRACE_EVENT_FLOW_STEP0(category_group, name, id, step) \
category_group, name, id, \
TRACE_EVENT_FLAG_NONE, "step", step)
#define TRACE_EVENT_FLOW_STEP1(category_group, name, id, step, arg1_name, \
arg1_val) \
TRACE_EVENT_PHASE_FLOW_STEP, category_group, name, id, \
TRACE_EVENT_FLAG_NONE, "step", step, arg1_name, arg1_val)
#define TRACE_EVENT_COPY_FLOW_STEP0(category_group, name, id, step) \
category_group, name, id, \
TRACE_EVENT_FLAG_COPY, "step", step)
#define TRACE_EVENT_COPY_FLOW_STEP1(category_group, name, id, step, arg1_name, \
arg1_val) \
TRACE_EVENT_PHASE_FLOW_STEP, category_group, name, id, \
TRACE_EVENT_FLAG_COPY, "step", step, arg1_name, arg1_val)
// Legacy flow end events.
#define TRACE_EVENT_FLOW_END0(category_group, name, id) \
#define TRACE_EVENT_FLOW_END_BIND_TO_ENCLOSING0(category_group, name, id) \
name, id, \
#define TRACE_EVENT_FLOW_END1(category_group, name, id, arg1_name, arg1_val) \
name, id, TRACE_EVENT_FLAG_NONE, arg1_name, \
#define TRACE_EVENT_FLOW_END2(category_group, name, id, arg1_name, arg1_val, \
arg2_name, arg2_val) \
name, id, TRACE_EVENT_FLAG_NONE, arg1_name, \
arg1_val, arg2_name, arg2_val)
#define TRACE_EVENT_COPY_FLOW_END0(category_group, name, id) \
#define TRACE_EVENT_COPY_FLOW_END1(category_group, name, id, arg1_name, \
arg1_val) \
name, id, TRACE_EVENT_FLAG_COPY, arg1_name, \
#define TRACE_EVENT_COPY_FLOW_END2(category_group, name, id, arg1_name, \
arg1_val, arg2_name, arg2_val) \
name, id, TRACE_EVENT_FLAG_COPY, arg1_name, \
arg1_val, arg2_name, arg2_val)
// Special strongly typed trace events.
// TODO(skyostil): Migrate these to regular track event trace points.
#define TRACE_TASK_EXECUTION(run_function, task) \
if (false) { \
base::ignore_result(run_function); \
base::ignore_result(task); \
#define TRACE_LOG_MESSAGE(file, message, line) \
if (false) { \
base::ignore_result(file); \
base::ignore_result(message); \
base::ignore_result(line); \
// Metadata events.
#define TRACE_EVENT_METADATA1(category_group, name, arg1_name, arg1_val) \
INTERNAL_TRACE_EVENT_METADATA_ADD(category_group, name, arg1_name, arg1_val)
// Clock sync events.
"clock_sync", TRACE_EVENT_FLAG_NONE, "sync_id", \
#define TRACE_EVENT_CLOCK_SYNC_ISSUER(sync_id, issue_ts, issue_end_ts) \
TRACE_EVENT_PHASE_CLOCK_SYNC, "__metadata", "clock_sync", issue_end_ts, \
TRACE_EVENT_FLAG_NONE, "sync_id", sync_id, "issue_ts", issue_ts)
// Object events.
#define TRACE_EVENT_OBJECT_CREATED_WITH_ID(category_group, name, id) \
category_group, name, id, \
#define TRACE_EVENT_OBJECT_SNAPSHOT_WITH_ID(category_group, name, id, \
snapshot) \
TRACE_EVENT_PHASE_SNAPSHOT_OBJECT, category_group, name, id, \
TRACE_EVENT_FLAG_NONE, "snapshot", snapshot)
category_group, name, id, timestamp, snapshot) \
TRACE_EVENT_PHASE_SNAPSHOT_OBJECT, category_group, name, id, \
"snapshot", snapshot)
#define TRACE_EVENT_OBJECT_DELETED_WITH_ID(category_group, name, id) \
category_group, name, id, \
// Context events.
#define TRACE_EVENT_ENTER_CONTEXT(category_group, name, context) \
category_group, name, context, \
#define TRACE_EVENT_LEAVE_CONTEXT(category_group, name, context) \
category_group, name, context, \
// Macro to efficiently determine if a given category group is enabled.
do { \
} while (0)
// Macro to efficiently determine, through polling, if a new trace has begun.
// TODO(skyostil): Implement.
do { \
*ret = false; \
} while (0)
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Legacy tracing API (adapted from trace_event.h).
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// We can implement the following subset of the legacy tracing API without
// involvement from the embedder. APIs such as TRACE_EVENT_API_ADD_TRACE_EVENT
// are still up to the embedder to define.
#define TRACE_STR_COPY(str) (str)
#define TRACE_ID_WITH_SCOPE(scope, ...) \
::perfetto::internal::LegacyTraceId::WithScope(scope, ##__VA_ARGS__)
// Use this for ids that are unique across processes. This allows different
// processes to use the same id to refer to the same event.
#define TRACE_ID_GLOBAL(id) ::perfetto::internal::LegacyTraceId::GlobalId(id)
// Use this for ids that are unique within a single process. This allows
// different processes to use the same id to refer to different events.
#define TRACE_ID_LOCAL(id) ::perfetto::internal::LegacyTraceId::LocalId(id)
// Returns a pointer to a uint8_t which indicates whether tracing is enabled for
// the given category or not. A zero value means tracing is disabled and
// non-zero indicates at least one tracing session for this category is active.
// Note that callers should not make any assumptions at what each bit represents
// in the status byte. Does not support dynamic categories.
reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>( \
[&] { \
static_assert( \
!::PERFETTO_TRACK_EVENT_NAMESPACE::internal::IsDynamicCategory( \
category), \
"Enabled flag pointers are not supported for dynamic trace " \
"categories."); \
}, \
::PERFETTO_TRACK_EVENT_NAMESPACE::internal::kConstExprCategoryRegistry \
* Copyright (C) 2019 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
// This headers wraps all the headers necessary to use the public Perfetto
// Tracing API. Embedders should preferably use this one header to avoid having
// to figure out the various set of header required for each class.
// The only exception to this should be large projects where build time is a
// concern (e.g. chromium), which migh prefer sticking to strict IWYU.
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/tracing/buffer_exhausted_policy.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/tracing/core/data_source_config.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/tracing/core/data_source_descriptor.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/tracing/core/trace_config.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/tracing/data_source.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/tracing/platform.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/tracing/tracing.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/tracing/tracing_backend.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/tracing/track_event.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/tracing/track_event_interned_data_index.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/tracing/track_event_legacy.h"
// gen_amalgamated begin header: gen/protos/perfetto/common/android_log_constants.pbzero.h
// Autogenerated by the ProtoZero compiler plugin. DO NOT EDIT.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/message.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/packed_repeated_fields.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_decoder.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_utils.h"
namespace perfetto {
namespace protos {
namespace pbzero {
enum AndroidLogId : int32_t {
const AndroidLogId AndroidLogId_MIN = LID_DEFAULT;
const AndroidLogId AndroidLogId_MAX = LID_KERNEL;
enum AndroidLogPriority : int32_t {
const AndroidLogPriority AndroidLogPriority_MIN = PRIO_UNSPECIFIED;
const AndroidLogPriority AndroidLogPriority_MAX = PRIO_FATAL;
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
#endif // Include guard.
// gen_amalgamated begin header: gen/protos/perfetto/common/builtin_clock.pbzero.h
// Autogenerated by the ProtoZero compiler plugin. DO NOT EDIT.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/message.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/packed_repeated_fields.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_decoder.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_utils.h"
namespace perfetto {
namespace protos {
namespace pbzero {
enum BuiltinClock : int32_t {
const BuiltinClock BuiltinClock_MIN = BUILTIN_CLOCK_UNKNOWN;
const BuiltinClock BuiltinClock_MAX = BUILTIN_CLOCK_MAX_ID;
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
#endif // Include guard.
// gen_amalgamated begin header: gen/protos/perfetto/common/commit_data_request.pbzero.h
// Autogenerated by the ProtoZero compiler plugin. DO NOT EDIT.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/message.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/packed_repeated_fields.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_decoder.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_utils.h"
namespace perfetto {
namespace protos {
namespace pbzero {
class CommitDataRequest_ChunkToPatch;
class CommitDataRequest_ChunkToPatch_Patch;
class CommitDataRequest_ChunksToMove;
class CommitDataRequest_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/3, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/true> {
CommitDataRequest_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit CommitDataRequest_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit CommitDataRequest_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_chunks_to_move() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
::protozero::RepeatedFieldIterator<::protozero::ConstBytes> chunks_to_move() const { return GetRepeated<::protozero::ConstBytes>(1); }
bool has_chunks_to_patch() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
::protozero::RepeatedFieldIterator<::protozero::ConstBytes> chunks_to_patch() const { return GetRepeated<::protozero::ConstBytes>(2); }
bool has_flush_request_id() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
uint64_t flush_request_id() const { return at<3>().as_uint64(); }
class CommitDataRequest : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = CommitDataRequest_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kChunksToMoveFieldNumber = 1,
kChunksToPatchFieldNumber = 2,
kFlushRequestIdFieldNumber = 3,
using ChunksToMove = ::perfetto::protos::pbzero::CommitDataRequest_ChunksToMove;
using ChunkToPatch = ::perfetto::protos::pbzero::CommitDataRequest_ChunkToPatch;
template <typename T = CommitDataRequest_ChunksToMove> T* add_chunks_to_move() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(1);
template <typename T = CommitDataRequest_ChunkToPatch> T* add_chunks_to_patch() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(2);
void set_flush_request_id(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
class CommitDataRequest_ChunkToPatch_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/5, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/true> {
CommitDataRequest_ChunkToPatch_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit CommitDataRequest_ChunkToPatch_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit CommitDataRequest_ChunkToPatch_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_target_buffer() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint32_t target_buffer() const { return at<1>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_writer_id() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint32_t writer_id() const { return at<2>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_chunk_id() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
uint32_t chunk_id() const { return at<3>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_patches() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
::protozero::RepeatedFieldIterator<::protozero::ConstBytes> patches() const { return GetRepeated<::protozero::ConstBytes>(4); }
bool has_has_more_patches() const { return at<5>().valid(); }
bool has_more_patches() const { return at<5>().as_bool(); }
class CommitDataRequest_ChunkToPatch : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = CommitDataRequest_ChunkToPatch_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kTargetBufferFieldNumber = 1,
kWriterIdFieldNumber = 2,
kChunkIdFieldNumber = 3,
kPatchesFieldNumber = 4,
kHasMorePatchesFieldNumber = 5,
using Patch = ::perfetto::protos::pbzero::CommitDataRequest_ChunkToPatch_Patch;
void set_target_buffer(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_writer_id(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_chunk_id(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
template <typename T = CommitDataRequest_ChunkToPatch_Patch> T* add_patches() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(4);
void set_has_more_patches(bool value) {
AppendTinyVarInt(5, value);
class CommitDataRequest_ChunkToPatch_Patch_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/2, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
CommitDataRequest_ChunkToPatch_Patch_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit CommitDataRequest_ChunkToPatch_Patch_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit CommitDataRequest_ChunkToPatch_Patch_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_offset() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint32_t offset() const { return at<1>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_data() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes data() const { return at<2>().as_bytes(); }
class CommitDataRequest_ChunkToPatch_Patch : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = CommitDataRequest_ChunkToPatch_Patch_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kOffsetFieldNumber = 1,
kDataFieldNumber = 2,
void set_offset(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_data(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(2,, value.size());
void set_data(const uint8_t* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(2, data, size);
class CommitDataRequest_ChunksToMove_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/3, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
CommitDataRequest_ChunksToMove_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit CommitDataRequest_ChunksToMove_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit CommitDataRequest_ChunksToMove_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_page() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint32_t page() const { return at<1>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_chunk() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint32_t chunk() const { return at<2>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_target_buffer() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
uint32_t target_buffer() const { return at<3>().as_uint32(); }
class CommitDataRequest_ChunksToMove : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = CommitDataRequest_ChunksToMove_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kPageFieldNumber = 1,
kChunkFieldNumber = 2,
kTargetBufferFieldNumber = 3,
void set_page(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_chunk(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_target_buffer(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
#endif // Include guard.
// gen_amalgamated begin header: gen/protos/perfetto/common/data_source_descriptor.pbzero.h
// Autogenerated by the ProtoZero compiler plugin. DO NOT EDIT.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/message.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/packed_repeated_fields.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_decoder.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_utils.h"
namespace perfetto {
namespace protos {
namespace pbzero {
class GpuCounterDescriptor;
class TrackEventDescriptor;
class DataSourceDescriptor_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/6, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
DataSourceDescriptor_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit DataSourceDescriptor_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit DataSourceDescriptor_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_name() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars name() const { return at<1>().as_string(); }
bool has_will_notify_on_stop() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
bool will_notify_on_stop() const { return at<2>().as_bool(); }
bool has_will_notify_on_start() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
bool will_notify_on_start() const { return at<3>().as_bool(); }
bool has_handles_incremental_state_clear() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
bool handles_incremental_state_clear() const { return at<4>().as_bool(); }
bool has_gpu_counter_descriptor() const { return at<5>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes gpu_counter_descriptor() const { return at<5>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_track_event_descriptor() const { return at<6>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes track_event_descriptor() const { return at<6>().as_bytes(); }
class DataSourceDescriptor : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = DataSourceDescriptor_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kNameFieldNumber = 1,
kWillNotifyOnStopFieldNumber = 2,
kWillNotifyOnStartFieldNumber = 3,
kHandlesIncrementalStateClearFieldNumber = 4,
kGpuCounterDescriptorFieldNumber = 5,
kTrackEventDescriptorFieldNumber = 6,
void set_name(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(1,, value.size());
void set_name(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(1, data, size);
void set_will_notify_on_stop(bool value) {
AppendTinyVarInt(2, value);
void set_will_notify_on_start(bool value) {
AppendTinyVarInt(3, value);
void set_handles_incremental_state_clear(bool value) {
AppendTinyVarInt(4, value);
template <typename T = GpuCounterDescriptor> T* set_gpu_counter_descriptor() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(5);
void set_gpu_counter_descriptor_raw(const std::string& raw) {
return AppendBytes(5,, raw.size());
template <typename T = TrackEventDescriptor> T* set_track_event_descriptor() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(6);
void set_track_event_descriptor_raw(const std::string& raw) {
return AppendBytes(6,, raw.size());
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
#endif // Include guard.
// gen_amalgamated begin header: gen/protos/perfetto/common/descriptor.pbzero.h
// Autogenerated by the ProtoZero compiler plugin. DO NOT EDIT.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/message.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/packed_repeated_fields.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_decoder.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_utils.h"
namespace perfetto {
namespace protos {
namespace pbzero {
class DescriptorProto;
class DescriptorProto_ReservedRange;
class EnumDescriptorProto;
class EnumValueDescriptorProto;
class FieldDescriptorProto;
class FileDescriptorProto;
class OneofDescriptorProto;
class OneofOptions;
enum FieldDescriptorProto_Label : int32_t;
enum FieldDescriptorProto_Type : int32_t;
enum FieldDescriptorProto_Type : int32_t {
FieldDescriptorProto_Type_TYPE_DOUBLE = 1,
FieldDescriptorProto_Type_TYPE_FLOAT = 2,
FieldDescriptorProto_Type_TYPE_INT64 = 3,
FieldDescriptorProto_Type_TYPE_UINT64 = 4,
FieldDescriptorProto_Type_TYPE_INT32 = 5,
FieldDescriptorProto_Type_TYPE_FIXED64 = 6,
FieldDescriptorProto_Type_TYPE_FIXED32 = 7,
FieldDescriptorProto_Type_TYPE_BOOL = 8,
FieldDescriptorProto_Type_TYPE_STRING = 9,
FieldDescriptorProto_Type_TYPE_GROUP = 10,
FieldDescriptorProto_Type_TYPE_MESSAGE = 11,
FieldDescriptorProto_Type_TYPE_BYTES = 12,
FieldDescriptorProto_Type_TYPE_UINT32 = 13,
FieldDescriptorProto_Type_TYPE_ENUM = 14,
FieldDescriptorProto_Type_TYPE_SFIXED32 = 15,
FieldDescriptorProto_Type_TYPE_SFIXED64 = 16,
FieldDescriptorProto_Type_TYPE_SINT32 = 17,
FieldDescriptorProto_Type_TYPE_SINT64 = 18,
const FieldDescriptorProto_Type FieldDescriptorProto_Type_MIN = FieldDescriptorProto_Type_TYPE_DOUBLE;
const FieldDescriptorProto_Type FieldDescriptorProto_Type_MAX = FieldDescriptorProto_Type_TYPE_SINT64;
enum FieldDescriptorProto_Label : int32_t {
FieldDescriptorProto_Label_LABEL_OPTIONAL = 1,
FieldDescriptorProto_Label_LABEL_REQUIRED = 2,
FieldDescriptorProto_Label_LABEL_REPEATED = 3,
const FieldDescriptorProto_Label FieldDescriptorProto_Label_MIN = FieldDescriptorProto_Label_LABEL_OPTIONAL;
const FieldDescriptorProto_Label FieldDescriptorProto_Label_MAX = FieldDescriptorProto_Label_LABEL_REPEATED;
class OneofOptions_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/0, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
OneofOptions_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit OneofOptions_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit OneofOptions_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
class OneofOptions : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = OneofOptions_Decoder;
class EnumValueDescriptorProto_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/2, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
EnumValueDescriptorProto_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit EnumValueDescriptorProto_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit EnumValueDescriptorProto_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_name() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars name() const { return at<1>().as_string(); }
bool has_number() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
int32_t number() const { return at<2>().as_int32(); }
class EnumValueDescriptorProto : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = EnumValueDescriptorProto_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kNameFieldNumber = 1,
kNumberFieldNumber = 2,
void set_name(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(1,, value.size());
void set_name(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(1, data, size);
void set_number(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
class EnumDescriptorProto_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/5, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/true> {
EnumDescriptorProto_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit EnumDescriptorProto_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit EnumDescriptorProto_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_name() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars name() const { return at<1>().as_string(); }
bool has_value() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
::protozero::RepeatedFieldIterator<::protozero::ConstBytes> value() const { return GetRepeated<::protozero::ConstBytes>(2); }
bool has_reserved_name() const { return at<5>().valid(); }
::protozero::RepeatedFieldIterator<::protozero::ConstChars> reserved_name() const { return GetRepeated<::protozero::ConstChars>(5); }
class EnumDescriptorProto : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = EnumDescriptorProto_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kNameFieldNumber = 1,
kValueFieldNumber = 2,
kReservedNameFieldNumber = 5,
void set_name(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(1,, value.size());
void set_name(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(1, data, size);
template <typename T = EnumValueDescriptorProto> T* add_value() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(2);
void add_reserved_name(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(5,, value.size());
void add_reserved_name(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(5, data, size);
class OneofDescriptorProto_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/2, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
OneofDescriptorProto_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit OneofDescriptorProto_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit OneofDescriptorProto_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_name() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars name() const { return at<1>().as_string(); }
bool has_options() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes options() const { return at<2>().as_bytes(); }
class OneofDescriptorProto : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = OneofDescriptorProto_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kNameFieldNumber = 1,
kOptionsFieldNumber = 2,
void set_name(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(1,, value.size());
void set_name(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(1, data, size);
template <typename T = OneofOptions> T* set_options() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(2);
class FieldDescriptorProto_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/9, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
FieldDescriptorProto_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit FieldDescriptorProto_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit FieldDescriptorProto_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_name() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars name() const { return at<1>().as_string(); }
bool has_number() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
int32_t number() const { return at<3>().as_int32(); }
bool has_label() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
int32_t label() const { return at<4>().as_int32(); }
bool has_type() const { return at<5>().valid(); }
int32_t type() const { return at<5>().as_int32(); }
bool has_type_name() const { return at<6>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars type_name() const { return at<6>().as_string(); }
bool has_extendee() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars extendee() const { return at<2>().as_string(); }
bool has_default_value() const { return at<7>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars default_value() const { return at<7>().as_string(); }
bool has_oneof_index() const { return at<9>().valid(); }
int32_t oneof_index() const { return at<9>().as_int32(); }
class FieldDescriptorProto : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = FieldDescriptorProto_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kNameFieldNumber = 1,
kNumberFieldNumber = 3,
kLabelFieldNumber = 4,
kTypeFieldNumber = 5,
kTypeNameFieldNumber = 6,
kExtendeeFieldNumber = 2,
kDefaultValueFieldNumber = 7,
kOneofIndexFieldNumber = 9,
using Type = ::perfetto::protos::pbzero::FieldDescriptorProto_Type;
using Label = ::perfetto::protos::pbzero::FieldDescriptorProto_Label;
static const Type TYPE_DOUBLE = FieldDescriptorProto_Type_TYPE_DOUBLE;
static const Type TYPE_FLOAT = FieldDescriptorProto_Type_TYPE_FLOAT;
static const Type TYPE_INT64 = FieldDescriptorProto_Type_TYPE_INT64;
static const Type TYPE_UINT64 = FieldDescriptorProto_Type_TYPE_UINT64;
static const Type TYPE_INT32 = FieldDescriptorProto_Type_TYPE_INT32;
static const Type TYPE_FIXED64 = FieldDescriptorProto_Type_TYPE_FIXED64;
static const Type TYPE_FIXED32 = FieldDescriptorProto_Type_TYPE_FIXED32;
static const Type TYPE_BOOL = FieldDescriptorProto_Type_TYPE_BOOL;
static const Type TYPE_STRING = FieldDescriptorProto_Type_TYPE_STRING;
static const Type TYPE_GROUP = FieldDescriptorProto_Type_TYPE_GROUP;
static const Type TYPE_MESSAGE = FieldDescriptorProto_Type_TYPE_MESSAGE;
static const Type TYPE_BYTES = FieldDescriptorProto_Type_TYPE_BYTES;
static const Type TYPE_UINT32 = FieldDescriptorProto_Type_TYPE_UINT32;
static const Type TYPE_ENUM = FieldDescriptorProto_Type_TYPE_ENUM;
static const Type TYPE_SFIXED32 = FieldDescriptorProto_Type_TYPE_SFIXED32;
static const Type TYPE_SFIXED64 = FieldDescriptorProto_Type_TYPE_SFIXED64;
static const Type TYPE_SINT32 = FieldDescriptorProto_Type_TYPE_SINT32;
static const Type TYPE_SINT64 = FieldDescriptorProto_Type_TYPE_SINT64;
static const Label LABEL_OPTIONAL = FieldDescriptorProto_Label_LABEL_OPTIONAL;
static const Label LABEL_REQUIRED = FieldDescriptorProto_Label_LABEL_REQUIRED;
static const Label LABEL_REPEATED = FieldDescriptorProto_Label_LABEL_REPEATED;
void set_name(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(1,, value.size());
void set_name(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(1, data, size);
void set_number(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void set_label(::perfetto::protos::pbzero::FieldDescriptorProto_Label value) {
AppendTinyVarInt(4, value);
void set_type(::perfetto::protos::pbzero::FieldDescriptorProto_Type value) {
AppendTinyVarInt(5, value);
void set_type_name(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(6,, value.size());
void set_type_name(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(6, data, size);
void set_extendee(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(2,, value.size());
void set_extendee(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(2, data, size);
void set_default_value(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(7,, value.size());
void set_default_value(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(7, data, size);
void set_oneof_index(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(9, value);
class DescriptorProto_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/10, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/true> {
DescriptorProto_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit DescriptorProto_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit DescriptorProto_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_name() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars name() const { return at<1>().as_string(); }
bool has_field() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
::protozero::RepeatedFieldIterator<::protozero::ConstBytes> field() const { return GetRepeated<::protozero::ConstBytes>(2); }
bool has_extension() const { return at<6>().valid(); }
::protozero::RepeatedFieldIterator<::protozero::ConstBytes> extension() const { return GetRepeated<::protozero::ConstBytes>(6); }
bool has_nested_type() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
::protozero::RepeatedFieldIterator<::protozero::ConstBytes> nested_type() const { return GetRepeated<::protozero::ConstBytes>(3); }
bool has_enum_type() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
::protozero::RepeatedFieldIterator<::protozero::ConstBytes> enum_type() const { return GetRepeated<::protozero::ConstBytes>(4); }
bool has_oneof_decl() const { return at<8>().valid(); }
::protozero::RepeatedFieldIterator<::protozero::ConstBytes> oneof_decl() const { return GetRepeated<::protozero::ConstBytes>(8); }
bool has_reserved_range() const { return at<9>().valid(); }
::protozero::RepeatedFieldIterator<::protozero::ConstBytes> reserved_range() const { return GetRepeated<::protozero::ConstBytes>(9); }
bool has_reserved_name() const { return at<10>().valid(); }
::protozero::RepeatedFieldIterator<::protozero::ConstChars> reserved_name() const { return GetRepeated<::protozero::ConstChars>(10); }
class DescriptorProto : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = DescriptorProto_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kNameFieldNumber = 1,
kFieldFieldNumber = 2,
kExtensionFieldNumber = 6,
kNestedTypeFieldNumber = 3,
kEnumTypeFieldNumber = 4,
kOneofDeclFieldNumber = 8,
kReservedRangeFieldNumber = 9,
kReservedNameFieldNumber = 10,
using ReservedRange = ::perfetto::protos::pbzero::DescriptorProto_ReservedRange;
void set_name(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(1,, value.size());
void set_name(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(1, data, size);
template <typename T = FieldDescriptorProto> T* add_field() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(2);
template <typename T = FieldDescriptorProto> T* add_extension() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(6);
template <typename T = DescriptorProto> T* add_nested_type() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(3);
template <typename T = EnumDescriptorProto> T* add_enum_type() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(4);
template <typename T = OneofDescriptorProto> T* add_oneof_decl() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(8);
template <typename T = DescriptorProto_ReservedRange> T* add_reserved_range() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(9);
void add_reserved_name(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(10,, value.size());
void add_reserved_name(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(10, data, size);
class DescriptorProto_ReservedRange_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/2, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
DescriptorProto_ReservedRange_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit DescriptorProto_ReservedRange_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit DescriptorProto_ReservedRange_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_start() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
int32_t start() const { return at<1>().as_int32(); }
bool has_end() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
int32_t end() const { return at<2>().as_int32(); }
class DescriptorProto_ReservedRange : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = DescriptorProto_ReservedRange_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kStartFieldNumber = 1,
kEndFieldNumber = 2,
void set_start(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_end(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
class FileDescriptorProto_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/11, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/true> {
FileDescriptorProto_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit FileDescriptorProto_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit FileDescriptorProto_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_name() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars name() const { return at<1>().as_string(); }
bool has_package() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars package() const { return at<2>().as_string(); }
bool has_dependency() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
::protozero::RepeatedFieldIterator<::protozero::ConstChars> dependency() const { return GetRepeated<::protozero::ConstChars>(3); }
bool has_public_dependency() const { return at<10>().valid(); }
::protozero::RepeatedFieldIterator<int32_t> public_dependency() const { return GetRepeated<int32_t>(10); }
bool has_weak_dependency() const { return at<11>().valid(); }
::protozero::RepeatedFieldIterator<int32_t> weak_dependency() const { return GetRepeated<int32_t>(11); }
bool has_message_type() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
::protozero::RepeatedFieldIterator<::protozero::ConstBytes> message_type() const { return GetRepeated<::protozero::ConstBytes>(4); }
bool has_enum_type() const { return at<5>().valid(); }
::protozero::RepeatedFieldIterator<::protozero::ConstBytes> enum_type() const { return GetRepeated<::protozero::ConstBytes>(5); }
bool has_extension() const { return at<7>().valid(); }
::protozero::RepeatedFieldIterator<::protozero::ConstBytes> extension() const { return GetRepeated<::protozero::ConstBytes>(7); }
class FileDescriptorProto : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = FileDescriptorProto_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kNameFieldNumber = 1,
kPackageFieldNumber = 2,
kDependencyFieldNumber = 3,
kPublicDependencyFieldNumber = 10,
kWeakDependencyFieldNumber = 11,
kMessageTypeFieldNumber = 4,
kEnumTypeFieldNumber = 5,
kExtensionFieldNumber = 7,
void set_name(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(1,, value.size());
void set_name(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(1, data, size);
void set_package(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(2,, value.size());
void set_package(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(2, data, size);
void add_dependency(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(3,, value.size());
void add_dependency(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(3, data, size);
void add_public_dependency(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(10, value);
void add_weak_dependency(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(11, value);
template <typename T = DescriptorProto> T* add_message_type() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(4);
template <typename T = EnumDescriptorProto> T* add_enum_type() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(5);
template <typename T = FieldDescriptorProto> T* add_extension() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(7);
class FileDescriptorSet_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/1, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/true> {
FileDescriptorSet_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit FileDescriptorSet_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit FileDescriptorSet_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_file() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
::protozero::RepeatedFieldIterator<::protozero::ConstBytes> file() const { return GetRepeated<::protozero::ConstBytes>(1); }
class FileDescriptorSet : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = FileDescriptorSet_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kFileFieldNumber = 1,
template <typename T = FileDescriptorProto> T* add_file() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(1);
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
#endif // Include guard.
// gen_amalgamated begin header: gen/protos/perfetto/common/gpu_counter_descriptor.pbzero.h
// Autogenerated by the ProtoZero compiler plugin. DO NOT EDIT.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/message.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/packed_repeated_fields.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_decoder.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_utils.h"
namespace perfetto {
namespace protos {
namespace pbzero {
class GpuCounterDescriptor_GpuCounterBlock;
class GpuCounterDescriptor_GpuCounterSpec;
enum GpuCounterDescriptor_GpuCounterGroup : int32_t;
enum GpuCounterDescriptor_MeasureUnit : int32_t;
enum GpuCounterDescriptor_GpuCounterGroup : int32_t {
GpuCounterDescriptor_GpuCounterGroup_UNCLASSIFIED = 0,
GpuCounterDescriptor_GpuCounterGroup_SYSTEM = 1,
GpuCounterDescriptor_GpuCounterGroup_VERTICES = 2,
GpuCounterDescriptor_GpuCounterGroup_FRAGMENTS = 3,
GpuCounterDescriptor_GpuCounterGroup_PRIMITIVES = 4,
GpuCounterDescriptor_GpuCounterGroup_MEMORY = 5,
GpuCounterDescriptor_GpuCounterGroup_COMPUTE = 6,
const GpuCounterDescriptor_GpuCounterGroup GpuCounterDescriptor_GpuCounterGroup_MIN = GpuCounterDescriptor_GpuCounterGroup_UNCLASSIFIED;
const GpuCounterDescriptor_GpuCounterGroup GpuCounterDescriptor_GpuCounterGroup_MAX = GpuCounterDescriptor_GpuCounterGroup_COMPUTE;
enum GpuCounterDescriptor_MeasureUnit : int32_t {
GpuCounterDescriptor_MeasureUnit_NONE = 0,
GpuCounterDescriptor_MeasureUnit_BIT = 1,
GpuCounterDescriptor_MeasureUnit_KILOBIT = 2,
GpuCounterDescriptor_MeasureUnit_MEGABIT = 3,
GpuCounterDescriptor_MeasureUnit_GIGABIT = 4,
GpuCounterDescriptor_MeasureUnit_TERABIT = 5,
GpuCounterDescriptor_MeasureUnit_PETABIT = 6,
GpuCounterDescriptor_MeasureUnit_BYTE = 7,
GpuCounterDescriptor_MeasureUnit_KILOBYTE = 8,
GpuCounterDescriptor_MeasureUnit_MEGABYTE = 9,
GpuCounterDescriptor_MeasureUnit_GIGABYTE = 10,
GpuCounterDescriptor_MeasureUnit_TERABYTE = 11,
GpuCounterDescriptor_MeasureUnit_PETABYTE = 12,
GpuCounterDescriptor_MeasureUnit_HERTZ = 13,
GpuCounterDescriptor_MeasureUnit_KILOHERTZ = 14,
GpuCounterDescriptor_MeasureUnit_MEGAHERTZ = 15,
GpuCounterDescriptor_MeasureUnit_GIGAHERTZ = 16,
GpuCounterDescriptor_MeasureUnit_TERAHERTZ = 17,
GpuCounterDescriptor_MeasureUnit_PETAHERTZ = 18,
GpuCounterDescriptor_MeasureUnit_NANOSECOND = 19,
GpuCounterDescriptor_MeasureUnit_MICROSECOND = 20,
GpuCounterDescriptor_MeasureUnit_MILLISECOND = 21,
GpuCounterDescriptor_MeasureUnit_SECOND = 22,
GpuCounterDescriptor_MeasureUnit_MINUTE = 23,
GpuCounterDescriptor_MeasureUnit_HOUR = 24,
GpuCounterDescriptor_MeasureUnit_VERTEX = 25,
GpuCounterDescriptor_MeasureUnit_PIXEL = 26,
GpuCounterDescriptor_MeasureUnit_TRIANGLE = 27,
GpuCounterDescriptor_MeasureUnit_PRIMITIVE = 38,
GpuCounterDescriptor_MeasureUnit_FRAGMENT = 39,
GpuCounterDescriptor_MeasureUnit_MILLIWATT = 28,
GpuCounterDescriptor_MeasureUnit_WATT = 29,
GpuCounterDescriptor_MeasureUnit_KILOWATT = 30,
GpuCounterDescriptor_MeasureUnit_JOULE = 31,
GpuCounterDescriptor_MeasureUnit_VOLT = 32,
GpuCounterDescriptor_MeasureUnit_AMPERE = 33,
GpuCounterDescriptor_MeasureUnit_CELSIUS = 34,
GpuCounterDescriptor_MeasureUnit_FAHRENHEIT = 35,
GpuCounterDescriptor_MeasureUnit_KELVIN = 36,
GpuCounterDescriptor_MeasureUnit_PERCENT = 37,
GpuCounterDescriptor_MeasureUnit_INSTRUCTION = 40,
const GpuCounterDescriptor_MeasureUnit GpuCounterDescriptor_MeasureUnit_MIN = GpuCounterDescriptor_MeasureUnit_NONE;
const GpuCounterDescriptor_MeasureUnit GpuCounterDescriptor_MeasureUnit_MAX = GpuCounterDescriptor_MeasureUnit_INSTRUCTION;
class GpuCounterDescriptor_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/5, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/true> {
GpuCounterDescriptor_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit GpuCounterDescriptor_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit GpuCounterDescriptor_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_specs() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
::protozero::RepeatedFieldIterator<::protozero::ConstBytes> specs() const { return GetRepeated<::protozero::ConstBytes>(1); }
bool has_blocks() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
::protozero::RepeatedFieldIterator<::protozero::ConstBytes> blocks() const { return GetRepeated<::protozero::ConstBytes>(2); }
bool has_min_sampling_period_ns() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
uint64_t min_sampling_period_ns() const { return at<3>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_max_sampling_period_ns() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
uint64_t max_sampling_period_ns() const { return at<4>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_supports_instrumented_sampling() const { return at<5>().valid(); }
bool supports_instrumented_sampling() const { return at<5>().as_bool(); }
class GpuCounterDescriptor : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = GpuCounterDescriptor_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kSpecsFieldNumber = 1,
kBlocksFieldNumber = 2,
kMinSamplingPeriodNsFieldNumber = 3,
kMaxSamplingPeriodNsFieldNumber = 4,
kSupportsInstrumentedSamplingFieldNumber = 5,
using GpuCounterSpec = ::perfetto::protos::pbzero::GpuCounterDescriptor_GpuCounterSpec;
using GpuCounterBlock = ::perfetto::protos::pbzero::GpuCounterDescriptor_GpuCounterBlock;
using GpuCounterGroup = ::perfetto::protos::pbzero::GpuCounterDescriptor_GpuCounterGroup;
using MeasureUnit = ::perfetto::protos::pbzero::GpuCounterDescriptor_MeasureUnit;
static const GpuCounterGroup UNCLASSIFIED = GpuCounterDescriptor_GpuCounterGroup_UNCLASSIFIED;
static const GpuCounterGroup SYSTEM = GpuCounterDescriptor_GpuCounterGroup_SYSTEM;
static const GpuCounterGroup VERTICES = GpuCounterDescriptor_GpuCounterGroup_VERTICES;
static const GpuCounterGroup FRAGMENTS = GpuCounterDescriptor_GpuCounterGroup_FRAGMENTS;
static const GpuCounterGroup PRIMITIVES = GpuCounterDescriptor_GpuCounterGroup_PRIMITIVES;
static const GpuCounterGroup MEMORY = GpuCounterDescriptor_GpuCounterGroup_MEMORY;
static const GpuCounterGroup COMPUTE = GpuCounterDescriptor_GpuCounterGroup_COMPUTE;
static const MeasureUnit NONE = GpuCounterDescriptor_MeasureUnit_NONE;
static const MeasureUnit BIT = GpuCounterDescriptor_MeasureUnit_BIT;
static const MeasureUnit KILOBIT = GpuCounterDescriptor_MeasureUnit_KILOBIT;
static const MeasureUnit MEGABIT = GpuCounterDescriptor_MeasureUnit_MEGABIT;
static const MeasureUnit GIGABIT = GpuCounterDescriptor_MeasureUnit_GIGABIT;
static const MeasureUnit TERABIT = GpuCounterDescriptor_MeasureUnit_TERABIT;
static const MeasureUnit PETABIT = GpuCounterDescriptor_MeasureUnit_PETABIT;
static const MeasureUnit BYTE = GpuCounterDescriptor_MeasureUnit_BYTE;
static const MeasureUnit KILOBYTE = GpuCounterDescriptor_MeasureUnit_KILOBYTE;
static const MeasureUnit MEGABYTE = GpuCounterDescriptor_MeasureUnit_MEGABYTE;
static const MeasureUnit GIGABYTE = GpuCounterDescriptor_MeasureUnit_GIGABYTE;
static const MeasureUnit TERABYTE = GpuCounterDescriptor_MeasureUnit_TERABYTE;
static const MeasureUnit PETABYTE = GpuCounterDescriptor_MeasureUnit_PETABYTE;
static const MeasureUnit HERTZ = GpuCounterDescriptor_MeasureUnit_HERTZ;
static const MeasureUnit KILOHERTZ = GpuCounterDescriptor_MeasureUnit_KILOHERTZ;
static const MeasureUnit MEGAHERTZ = GpuCounterDescriptor_MeasureUnit_MEGAHERTZ;
static const MeasureUnit GIGAHERTZ = GpuCounterDescriptor_MeasureUnit_GIGAHERTZ;
static const MeasureUnit TERAHERTZ = GpuCounterDescriptor_MeasureUnit_TERAHERTZ;
static const MeasureUnit PETAHERTZ = GpuCounterDescriptor_MeasureUnit_PETAHERTZ;
static const MeasureUnit NANOSECOND = GpuCounterDescriptor_MeasureUnit_NANOSECOND;
static const MeasureUnit MICROSECOND = GpuCounterDescriptor_MeasureUnit_MICROSECOND;
static const MeasureUnit MILLISECOND = GpuCounterDescriptor_MeasureUnit_MILLISECOND;
static const MeasureUnit SECOND = GpuCounterDescriptor_MeasureUnit_SECOND;
static const MeasureUnit MINUTE = GpuCounterDescriptor_MeasureUnit_MINUTE;
static const MeasureUnit HOUR = GpuCounterDescriptor_MeasureUnit_HOUR;
static const MeasureUnit VERTEX = GpuCounterDescriptor_MeasureUnit_VERTEX;
static const MeasureUnit PIXEL = GpuCounterDescriptor_MeasureUnit_PIXEL;
static const MeasureUnit TRIANGLE = GpuCounterDescriptor_MeasureUnit_TRIANGLE;
static const MeasureUnit PRIMITIVE = GpuCounterDescriptor_MeasureUnit_PRIMITIVE;
static const MeasureUnit FRAGMENT = GpuCounterDescriptor_MeasureUnit_FRAGMENT;
static const MeasureUnit MILLIWATT = GpuCounterDescriptor_MeasureUnit_MILLIWATT;
static const MeasureUnit WATT = GpuCounterDescriptor_MeasureUnit_WATT;
static const MeasureUnit KILOWATT = GpuCounterDescriptor_MeasureUnit_KILOWATT;
static const MeasureUnit JOULE = GpuCounterDescriptor_MeasureUnit_JOULE;
static const MeasureUnit VOLT = GpuCounterDescriptor_MeasureUnit_VOLT;
static const MeasureUnit AMPERE = GpuCounterDescriptor_MeasureUnit_AMPERE;
static const MeasureUnit CELSIUS = GpuCounterDescriptor_MeasureUnit_CELSIUS;
static const MeasureUnit FAHRENHEIT = GpuCounterDescriptor_MeasureUnit_FAHRENHEIT;
static const MeasureUnit KELVIN = GpuCounterDescriptor_MeasureUnit_KELVIN;
static const MeasureUnit PERCENT = GpuCounterDescriptor_MeasureUnit_PERCENT;
static const MeasureUnit INSTRUCTION = GpuCounterDescriptor_MeasureUnit_INSTRUCTION;
template <typename T = GpuCounterDescriptor_GpuCounterSpec> T* add_specs() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(1);
template <typename T = GpuCounterDescriptor_GpuCounterBlock> T* add_blocks() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(2);
void set_min_sampling_period_ns(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void set_max_sampling_period_ns(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(4, value);
void set_supports_instrumented_sampling(bool value) {
AppendTinyVarInt(5, value);
class GpuCounterDescriptor_GpuCounterBlock_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/5, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/true> {
GpuCounterDescriptor_GpuCounterBlock_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit GpuCounterDescriptor_GpuCounterBlock_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit GpuCounterDescriptor_GpuCounterBlock_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_block_id() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint32_t block_id() const { return at<1>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_block_capacity() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint32_t block_capacity() const { return at<2>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_name() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars name() const { return at<3>().as_string(); }
bool has_description() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars description() const { return at<4>().as_string(); }
bool has_counter_ids() const { return at<5>().valid(); }
::protozero::RepeatedFieldIterator<uint32_t> counter_ids() const { return GetRepeated<uint32_t>(5); }
class GpuCounterDescriptor_GpuCounterBlock : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = GpuCounterDescriptor_GpuCounterBlock_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kBlockIdFieldNumber = 1,
kBlockCapacityFieldNumber = 2,
kNameFieldNumber = 3,
kDescriptionFieldNumber = 4,
kCounterIdsFieldNumber = 5,
void set_block_id(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_block_capacity(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_name(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(3,, value.size());
void set_name(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(3, data, size);
void set_description(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(4,, value.size());
void set_description(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(4, data, size);
void add_counter_ids(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(5, value);
class GpuCounterDescriptor_GpuCounterSpec_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/10, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/true> {
GpuCounterDescriptor_GpuCounterSpec_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit GpuCounterDescriptor_GpuCounterSpec_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit GpuCounterDescriptor_GpuCounterSpec_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_counter_id() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint32_t counter_id() const { return at<1>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_name() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars name() const { return at<2>().as_string(); }
bool has_description() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars description() const { return at<3>().as_string(); }
bool has_int_peak_value() const { return at<5>().valid(); }
int64_t int_peak_value() const { return at<5>().as_int64(); }
bool has_double_peak_value() const { return at<6>().valid(); }
double double_peak_value() const { return at<6>().as_double(); }
bool has_numerator_units() const { return at<7>().valid(); }
::protozero::RepeatedFieldIterator<int32_t> numerator_units() const { return GetRepeated<int32_t>(7); }
bool has_denominator_units() const { return at<8>().valid(); }
::protozero::RepeatedFieldIterator<int32_t> denominator_units() const { return GetRepeated<int32_t>(8); }
bool has_select_by_default() const { return at<9>().valid(); }
bool select_by_default() const { return at<9>().as_bool(); }
bool has_groups() const { return at<10>().valid(); }
::protozero::RepeatedFieldIterator<int32_t> groups() const { return GetRepeated<int32_t>(10); }
class GpuCounterDescriptor_GpuCounterSpec : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = GpuCounterDescriptor_GpuCounterSpec_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kCounterIdFieldNumber = 1,
kNameFieldNumber = 2,
kDescriptionFieldNumber = 3,
kIntPeakValueFieldNumber = 5,
kDoublePeakValueFieldNumber = 6,
kNumeratorUnitsFieldNumber = 7,
kDenominatorUnitsFieldNumber = 8,
kSelectByDefaultFieldNumber = 9,
kGroupsFieldNumber = 10,
void set_counter_id(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_name(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(2,, value.size());
void set_name(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(2, data, size);
void set_description(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(3,, value.size());
void set_description(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(3, data, size);
void set_int_peak_value(int64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(5, value);
void set_double_peak_value(double value) {
AppendFixed(6, value);
void add_numerator_units(::perfetto::protos::pbzero::GpuCounterDescriptor_MeasureUnit value) {
AppendTinyVarInt(7, value);
void add_denominator_units(::perfetto::protos::pbzero::GpuCounterDescriptor_MeasureUnit value) {
AppendTinyVarInt(8, value);
void set_select_by_default(bool value) {
AppendTinyVarInt(9, value);
void add_groups(::perfetto::protos::pbzero::GpuCounterDescriptor_GpuCounterGroup value) {
AppendTinyVarInt(10, value);
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
#endif // Include guard.
// gen_amalgamated begin header: gen/protos/perfetto/common/observable_events.pbzero.h
// Autogenerated by the ProtoZero compiler plugin. DO NOT EDIT.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/message.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/packed_repeated_fields.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_decoder.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_utils.h"
namespace perfetto {
namespace protos {
namespace pbzero {
class ObservableEvents_DataSourceInstanceStateChange;
enum ObservableEvents_DataSourceInstanceState : int32_t;
enum ObservableEvents_Type : int32_t {
ObservableEvents_Type_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED = 0,
ObservableEvents_Type_TYPE_DATA_SOURCES_INSTANCES = 1,
ObservableEvents_Type_TYPE_ALL_DATA_SOURCES_STARTED = 2,
const ObservableEvents_Type ObservableEvents_Type_MIN = ObservableEvents_Type_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED;
const ObservableEvents_Type ObservableEvents_Type_MAX = ObservableEvents_Type_TYPE_ALL_DATA_SOURCES_STARTED;
enum ObservableEvents_DataSourceInstanceState : int32_t {
ObservableEvents_DataSourceInstanceState_DATA_SOURCE_INSTANCE_STATE_STOPPED = 1,
ObservableEvents_DataSourceInstanceState_DATA_SOURCE_INSTANCE_STATE_STARTED = 2,
const ObservableEvents_DataSourceInstanceState ObservableEvents_DataSourceInstanceState_MIN = ObservableEvents_DataSourceInstanceState_DATA_SOURCE_INSTANCE_STATE_STOPPED;
const ObservableEvents_DataSourceInstanceState ObservableEvents_DataSourceInstanceState_MAX = ObservableEvents_DataSourceInstanceState_DATA_SOURCE_INSTANCE_STATE_STARTED;
class ObservableEvents_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/2, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/true> {
ObservableEvents_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit ObservableEvents_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit ObservableEvents_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_instance_state_changes() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
::protozero::RepeatedFieldIterator<::protozero::ConstBytes> instance_state_changes() const { return GetRepeated<::protozero::ConstBytes>(1); }
bool has_all_data_sources_started() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
bool all_data_sources_started() const { return at<2>().as_bool(); }
class ObservableEvents : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = ObservableEvents_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kInstanceStateChangesFieldNumber = 1,
kAllDataSourcesStartedFieldNumber = 2,
using DataSourceInstanceStateChange = ::perfetto::protos::pbzero::ObservableEvents_DataSourceInstanceStateChange;
using Type = ::perfetto::protos::pbzero::ObservableEvents_Type;
using DataSourceInstanceState = ::perfetto::protos::pbzero::ObservableEvents_DataSourceInstanceState;
static const Type TYPE_UNSPECIFIED = ObservableEvents_Type_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED;
static const DataSourceInstanceState DATA_SOURCE_INSTANCE_STATE_STOPPED = ObservableEvents_DataSourceInstanceState_DATA_SOURCE_INSTANCE_STATE_STOPPED;
static const DataSourceInstanceState DATA_SOURCE_INSTANCE_STATE_STARTED = ObservableEvents_DataSourceInstanceState_DATA_SOURCE_INSTANCE_STATE_STARTED;
template <typename T = ObservableEvents_DataSourceInstanceStateChange> T* add_instance_state_changes() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(1);
void set_all_data_sources_started(bool value) {
AppendTinyVarInt(2, value);
class ObservableEvents_DataSourceInstanceStateChange_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/3, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
ObservableEvents_DataSourceInstanceStateChange_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit ObservableEvents_DataSourceInstanceStateChange_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit ObservableEvents_DataSourceInstanceStateChange_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_producer_name() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars producer_name() const { return at<1>().as_string(); }
bool has_data_source_name() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars data_source_name() const { return at<2>().as_string(); }
bool has_state() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
int32_t state() const { return at<3>().as_int32(); }
class ObservableEvents_DataSourceInstanceStateChange : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = ObservableEvents_DataSourceInstanceStateChange_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kProducerNameFieldNumber = 1,
kDataSourceNameFieldNumber = 2,
kStateFieldNumber = 3,
void set_producer_name(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(1,, value.size());
void set_producer_name(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(1, data, size);
void set_data_source_name(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(2,, value.size());
void set_data_source_name(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(2, data, size);
void set_state(::perfetto::protos::pbzero::ObservableEvents_DataSourceInstanceState value) {
AppendTinyVarInt(3, value);
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
#endif // Include guard.
// gen_amalgamated begin header: gen/protos/perfetto/common/sys_stats_counters.pbzero.h
// Autogenerated by the ProtoZero compiler plugin. DO NOT EDIT.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/message.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/packed_repeated_fields.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_decoder.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_utils.h"
namespace perfetto {
namespace protos {
namespace pbzero {
enum MeminfoCounters : int32_t {
const MeminfoCounters MeminfoCounters_MIN = MEMINFO_UNSPECIFIED;
const MeminfoCounters MeminfoCounters_MAX = MEMINFO_CMA_FREE;
enum VmstatCounters : int32_t {
const VmstatCounters VmstatCounters_MIN = VMSTAT_UNSPECIFIED;
const VmstatCounters VmstatCounters_MAX = VMSTAT_NR_GPU_HEAP;
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
#endif // Include guard.
// gen_amalgamated begin header: gen/protos/perfetto/common/trace_stats.pbzero.h
// Autogenerated by the ProtoZero compiler plugin. DO NOT EDIT.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/message.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/packed_repeated_fields.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_decoder.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_utils.h"
namespace perfetto {
namespace protos {
namespace pbzero {
class TraceStats_BufferStats;
class TraceStats_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/10, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/true> {
TraceStats_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit TraceStats_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit TraceStats_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_buffer_stats() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
::protozero::RepeatedFieldIterator<::protozero::ConstBytes> buffer_stats() const { return GetRepeated<::protozero::ConstBytes>(1); }
bool has_producers_connected() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint32_t producers_connected() const { return at<2>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_producers_seen() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
uint64_t producers_seen() const { return at<3>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_data_sources_registered() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
uint32_t data_sources_registered() const { return at<4>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_data_sources_seen() const { return at<5>().valid(); }
uint64_t data_sources_seen() const { return at<5>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_tracing_sessions() const { return at<6>().valid(); }
uint32_t tracing_sessions() const { return at<6>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_total_buffers() const { return at<7>().valid(); }
uint32_t total_buffers() const { return at<7>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_chunks_discarded() const { return at<8>().valid(); }
uint64_t chunks_discarded() const { return at<8>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_patches_discarded() const { return at<9>().valid(); }
uint64_t patches_discarded() const { return at<9>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_invalid_packets() const { return at<10>().valid(); }
uint64_t invalid_packets() const { return at<10>().as_uint64(); }
class TraceStats : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = TraceStats_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kBufferStatsFieldNumber = 1,
kProducersConnectedFieldNumber = 2,
kProducersSeenFieldNumber = 3,
kDataSourcesRegisteredFieldNumber = 4,
kDataSourcesSeenFieldNumber = 5,
kTracingSessionsFieldNumber = 6,
kTotalBuffersFieldNumber = 7,
kChunksDiscardedFieldNumber = 8,
kPatchesDiscardedFieldNumber = 9,
kInvalidPacketsFieldNumber = 10,
using BufferStats = ::perfetto::protos::pbzero::TraceStats_BufferStats;
template <typename T = TraceStats_BufferStats> T* add_buffer_stats() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(1);
void set_producers_connected(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_producers_seen(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void set_data_sources_registered(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(4, value);
void set_data_sources_seen(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(5, value);
void set_tracing_sessions(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(6, value);
void set_total_buffers(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(7, value);
void set_chunks_discarded(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(8, value);
void set_patches_discarded(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(9, value);
void set_invalid_packets(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(10, value);
class TraceStats_BufferStats_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/19, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
TraceStats_BufferStats_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit TraceStats_BufferStats_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit TraceStats_BufferStats_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_buffer_size() const { return at<12>().valid(); }
uint64_t buffer_size() const { return at<12>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_bytes_written() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t bytes_written() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_bytes_overwritten() const { return at<13>().valid(); }
uint64_t bytes_overwritten() const { return at<13>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_bytes_read() const { return at<14>().valid(); }
uint64_t bytes_read() const { return at<14>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_padding_bytes_written() const { return at<15>().valid(); }
uint64_t padding_bytes_written() const { return at<15>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_padding_bytes_cleared() const { return at<16>().valid(); }
uint64_t padding_bytes_cleared() const { return at<16>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_chunks_written() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint64_t chunks_written() const { return at<2>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_chunks_rewritten() const { return at<10>().valid(); }
uint64_t chunks_rewritten() const { return at<10>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_chunks_overwritten() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
uint64_t chunks_overwritten() const { return at<3>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_chunks_discarded() const { return at<18>().valid(); }
uint64_t chunks_discarded() const { return at<18>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_chunks_read() const { return at<17>().valid(); }
uint64_t chunks_read() const { return at<17>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_chunks_committed_out_of_order() const { return at<11>().valid(); }
uint64_t chunks_committed_out_of_order() const { return at<11>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_write_wrap_count() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
uint64_t write_wrap_count() const { return at<4>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_patches_succeeded() const { return at<5>().valid(); }
uint64_t patches_succeeded() const { return at<5>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_patches_failed() const { return at<6>().valid(); }
uint64_t patches_failed() const { return at<6>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_readaheads_succeeded() const { return at<7>().valid(); }
uint64_t readaheads_succeeded() const { return at<7>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_readaheads_failed() const { return at<8>().valid(); }
uint64_t readaheads_failed() const { return at<8>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_abi_violations() const { return at<9>().valid(); }
uint64_t abi_violations() const { return at<9>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_trace_writer_packet_loss() const { return at<19>().valid(); }
uint64_t trace_writer_packet_loss() const { return at<19>().as_uint64(); }
class TraceStats_BufferStats : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = TraceStats_BufferStats_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kBufferSizeFieldNumber = 12,
kBytesWrittenFieldNumber = 1,
kBytesOverwrittenFieldNumber = 13,
kBytesReadFieldNumber = 14,
kPaddingBytesWrittenFieldNumber = 15,
kPaddingBytesClearedFieldNumber = 16,
kChunksWrittenFieldNumber = 2,
kChunksRewrittenFieldNumber = 10,
kChunksOverwrittenFieldNumber = 3,
kChunksDiscardedFieldNumber = 18,
kChunksReadFieldNumber = 17,
kChunksCommittedOutOfOrderFieldNumber = 11,
kWriteWrapCountFieldNumber = 4,
kPatchesSucceededFieldNumber = 5,
kPatchesFailedFieldNumber = 6,
kReadaheadsSucceededFieldNumber = 7,
kReadaheadsFailedFieldNumber = 8,
kAbiViolationsFieldNumber = 9,
kTraceWriterPacketLossFieldNumber = 19,
void set_buffer_size(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(12, value);
void set_bytes_written(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_bytes_overwritten(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(13, value);
void set_bytes_read(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(14, value);
void set_padding_bytes_written(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(15, value);
void set_padding_bytes_cleared(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(16, value);
void set_chunks_written(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_chunks_rewritten(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(10, value);
void set_chunks_overwritten(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void set_chunks_discarded(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(18, value);
void set_chunks_read(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(17, value);
void set_chunks_committed_out_of_order(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(11, value);
void set_write_wrap_count(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(4, value);
void set_patches_succeeded(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(5, value);
void set_patches_failed(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(6, value);
void set_readaheads_succeeded(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(7, value);
void set_readaheads_failed(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(8, value);
void set_abi_violations(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(9, value);
void set_trace_writer_packet_loss(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(19, value);
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
#endif // Include guard.
// gen_amalgamated begin header: gen/protos/perfetto/common/tracing_service_capabilities.pbzero.h
// Autogenerated by the ProtoZero compiler plugin. DO NOT EDIT.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/message.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/packed_repeated_fields.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_decoder.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_utils.h"
namespace perfetto {
namespace protos {
namespace pbzero {
enum ObservableEvents_Type : int32_t;
class TracingServiceCapabilities_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/3, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/true> {
TracingServiceCapabilities_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit TracingServiceCapabilities_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit TracingServiceCapabilities_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_has_query_capabilities() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
bool has_query_capabilities() const { return at<1>().as_bool(); }
bool has_observable_events() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
::protozero::RepeatedFieldIterator<int32_t> observable_events() const { return GetRepeated<int32_t>(2); }
bool has_has_trace_config_output_path() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
bool has_trace_config_output_path() const { return at<3>().as_bool(); }
class TracingServiceCapabilities : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = TracingServiceCapabilities_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kHasQueryCapabilitiesFieldNumber = 1,
kObservableEventsFieldNumber = 2,
kHasTraceConfigOutputPathFieldNumber = 3,
void set_has_query_capabilities(bool value) {
AppendTinyVarInt(1, value);
void add_observable_events(::perfetto::protos::pbzero::ObservableEvents_Type value) {
AppendTinyVarInt(2, value);
void set_has_trace_config_output_path(bool value) {
AppendTinyVarInt(3, value);
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
#endif // Include guard.
// gen_amalgamated begin header: gen/protos/perfetto/common/tracing_service_state.pbzero.h
// Autogenerated by the ProtoZero compiler plugin. DO NOT EDIT.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/message.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/packed_repeated_fields.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_decoder.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_utils.h"
namespace perfetto {
namespace protos {
namespace pbzero {
class DataSourceDescriptor;
class TracingServiceState_DataSource;
class TracingServiceState_Producer;
class TracingServiceState_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/4, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/true> {
TracingServiceState_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit TracingServiceState_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit TracingServiceState_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_producers() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
::protozero::RepeatedFieldIterator<::protozero::ConstBytes> producers() const { return GetRepeated<::protozero::ConstBytes>(1); }
bool has_data_sources() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
::protozero::RepeatedFieldIterator<::protozero::ConstBytes> data_sources() const { return GetRepeated<::protozero::ConstBytes>(2); }
bool has_num_sessions() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
int32_t num_sessions() const { return at<3>().as_int32(); }
bool has_num_sessions_started() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
int32_t num_sessions_started() const { return at<4>().as_int32(); }
class TracingServiceState : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = TracingServiceState_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kProducersFieldNumber = 1,
kDataSourcesFieldNumber = 2,
kNumSessionsFieldNumber = 3,
kNumSessionsStartedFieldNumber = 4,
using Producer = ::perfetto::protos::pbzero::TracingServiceState_Producer;
using DataSource = ::perfetto::protos::pbzero::TracingServiceState_DataSource;
template <typename T = TracingServiceState_Producer> T* add_producers() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(1);
template <typename T = TracingServiceState_DataSource> T* add_data_sources() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(2);
void set_num_sessions(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void set_num_sessions_started(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(4, value);
class TracingServiceState_DataSource_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/2, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
TracingServiceState_DataSource_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit TracingServiceState_DataSource_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit TracingServiceState_DataSource_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_ds_descriptor() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes ds_descriptor() const { return at<1>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_producer_id() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
int32_t producer_id() const { return at<2>().as_int32(); }
class TracingServiceState_DataSource : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = TracingServiceState_DataSource_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kDsDescriptorFieldNumber = 1,
kProducerIdFieldNumber = 2,
template <typename T = DataSourceDescriptor> T* set_ds_descriptor() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(1);
void set_producer_id(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
class TracingServiceState_Producer_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/3, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
TracingServiceState_Producer_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit TracingServiceState_Producer_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit TracingServiceState_Producer_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_id() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
int32_t id() const { return at<1>().as_int32(); }
bool has_name() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars name() const { return at<2>().as_string(); }
bool has_uid() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
int32_t uid() const { return at<3>().as_int32(); }
class TracingServiceState_Producer : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = TracingServiceState_Producer_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kIdFieldNumber = 1,
kNameFieldNumber = 2,
kUidFieldNumber = 3,
void set_id(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_name(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(2,, value.size());
void set_name(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(2, data, size);
void set_uid(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
#endif // Include guard.
// gen_amalgamated begin header: gen/protos/perfetto/common/track_event_descriptor.pbzero.h
// Autogenerated by the ProtoZero compiler plugin. DO NOT EDIT.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/message.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/packed_repeated_fields.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_decoder.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_utils.h"
namespace perfetto {
namespace protos {
namespace pbzero {
class TrackEventCategory;
class TrackEventDescriptor_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/1, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/true> {
TrackEventDescriptor_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit TrackEventDescriptor_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit TrackEventDescriptor_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_available_categories() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
::protozero::RepeatedFieldIterator<::protozero::ConstBytes> available_categories() const { return GetRepeated<::protozero::ConstBytes>(1); }
class TrackEventDescriptor : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = TrackEventDescriptor_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kAvailableCategoriesFieldNumber = 1,
template <typename T = TrackEventCategory> T* add_available_categories() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(1);
class TrackEventCategory_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/3, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/true> {
TrackEventCategory_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit TrackEventCategory_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit TrackEventCategory_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_name() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars name() const { return at<1>().as_string(); }
bool has_description() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars description() const { return at<2>().as_string(); }
bool has_tags() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
::protozero::RepeatedFieldIterator<::protozero::ConstChars> tags() const { return GetRepeated<::protozero::ConstChars>(3); }
class TrackEventCategory : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = TrackEventCategory_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kNameFieldNumber = 1,
kDescriptionFieldNumber = 2,
kTagsFieldNumber = 3,
void set_name(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(1,, value.size());
void set_name(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(1, data, size);
void set_description(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(2,, value.size());
void set_description(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(2, data, size);
void add_tags(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(3,, value.size());
void add_tags(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(3, data, size);
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
#endif // Include guard.
// gen_amalgamated begin header: gen/protos/perfetto/config/android/android_log_config.pbzero.h
// Autogenerated by the ProtoZero compiler plugin. DO NOT EDIT.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/message.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/packed_repeated_fields.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_decoder.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_utils.h"
namespace perfetto {
namespace protos {
namespace pbzero {
enum AndroidLogId : int32_t;
enum AndroidLogPriority : int32_t;
class AndroidLogConfig_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/4, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/true> {
AndroidLogConfig_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit AndroidLogConfig_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit AndroidLogConfig_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_log_ids() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
::protozero::RepeatedFieldIterator<int32_t> log_ids() const { return GetRepeated<int32_t>(1); }
bool has_min_prio() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
int32_t min_prio() const { return at<3>().as_int32(); }
bool has_filter_tags() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
::protozero::RepeatedFieldIterator<::protozero::ConstChars> filter_tags() const { return GetRepeated<::protozero::ConstChars>(4); }
class AndroidLogConfig : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = AndroidLogConfig_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kLogIdsFieldNumber = 1,
kMinPrioFieldNumber = 3,
kFilterTagsFieldNumber = 4,
void add_log_ids(::perfetto::protos::pbzero::AndroidLogId value) {
AppendTinyVarInt(1, value);
void set_min_prio(::perfetto::protos::pbzero::AndroidLogPriority value) {
AppendTinyVarInt(3, value);
void add_filter_tags(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(4,, value.size());
void add_filter_tags(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(4, data, size);
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
#endif // Include guard.
// gen_amalgamated begin header: gen/protos/perfetto/config/android/android_polled_state_config.pbzero.h
// Autogenerated by the ProtoZero compiler plugin. DO NOT EDIT.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/message.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/packed_repeated_fields.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_decoder.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_utils.h"
namespace perfetto {
namespace protos {
namespace pbzero {
class AndroidPolledStateConfig_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/1, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
AndroidPolledStateConfig_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit AndroidPolledStateConfig_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit AndroidPolledStateConfig_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_poll_ms() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint32_t poll_ms() const { return at<1>().as_uint32(); }
class AndroidPolledStateConfig : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = AndroidPolledStateConfig_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kPollMsFieldNumber = 1,
void set_poll_ms(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
#endif // Include guard.
// gen_amalgamated begin header: gen/protos/perfetto/config/android/packages_list_config.pbzero.h
// Autogenerated by the ProtoZero compiler plugin. DO NOT EDIT.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/message.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/packed_repeated_fields.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_decoder.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_utils.h"
namespace perfetto {
namespace protos {
namespace pbzero {
class PackagesListConfig_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/1, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/true> {
PackagesListConfig_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit PackagesListConfig_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit PackagesListConfig_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_package_name_filter() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
::protozero::RepeatedFieldIterator<::protozero::ConstChars> package_name_filter() const { return GetRepeated<::protozero::ConstChars>(1); }
class PackagesListConfig : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = PackagesListConfig_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kPackageNameFilterFieldNumber = 1,
void add_package_name_filter(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(1,, value.size());
void add_package_name_filter(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(1, data, size);
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
#endif // Include guard.
// gen_amalgamated begin header: gen/protos/perfetto/config/ftrace/ftrace_config.pbzero.h
// Autogenerated by the ProtoZero compiler plugin. DO NOT EDIT.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/message.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/packed_repeated_fields.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_decoder.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_utils.h"
namespace perfetto {
namespace protos {
namespace pbzero {
class FtraceConfig_CompactSchedConfig;
class FtraceConfig_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/12, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/true> {
FtraceConfig_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit FtraceConfig_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit FtraceConfig_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_ftrace_events() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
::protozero::RepeatedFieldIterator<::protozero::ConstChars> ftrace_events() const { return GetRepeated<::protozero::ConstChars>(1); }
bool has_atrace_categories() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
::protozero::RepeatedFieldIterator<::protozero::ConstChars> atrace_categories() const { return GetRepeated<::protozero::ConstChars>(2); }
bool has_atrace_apps() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
::protozero::RepeatedFieldIterator<::protozero::ConstChars> atrace_apps() const { return GetRepeated<::protozero::ConstChars>(3); }
bool has_buffer_size_kb() const { return at<10>().valid(); }
uint32_t buffer_size_kb() const { return at<10>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_drain_period_ms() const { return at<11>().valid(); }
uint32_t drain_period_ms() const { return at<11>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_compact_sched() const { return at<12>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes compact_sched() const { return at<12>().as_bytes(); }
class FtraceConfig : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = FtraceConfig_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kFtraceEventsFieldNumber = 1,
kAtraceCategoriesFieldNumber = 2,
kAtraceAppsFieldNumber = 3,
kBufferSizeKbFieldNumber = 10,
kDrainPeriodMsFieldNumber = 11,
kCompactSchedFieldNumber = 12,
using CompactSchedConfig = ::perfetto::protos::pbzero::FtraceConfig_CompactSchedConfig;
void add_ftrace_events(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(1,, value.size());
void add_ftrace_events(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(1, data, size);
void add_atrace_categories(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(2,, value.size());
void add_atrace_categories(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(2, data, size);
void add_atrace_apps(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(3,, value.size());
void add_atrace_apps(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(3, data, size);
void set_buffer_size_kb(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(10, value);
void set_drain_period_ms(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(11, value);
template <typename T = FtraceConfig_CompactSchedConfig> T* set_compact_sched() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(12);
class FtraceConfig_CompactSchedConfig_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/1, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
FtraceConfig_CompactSchedConfig_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit FtraceConfig_CompactSchedConfig_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit FtraceConfig_CompactSchedConfig_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_enabled() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
bool enabled() const { return at<1>().as_bool(); }
class FtraceConfig_CompactSchedConfig : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = FtraceConfig_CompactSchedConfig_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kEnabledFieldNumber = 1,
void set_enabled(bool value) {
AppendTinyVarInt(1, value);
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
#endif // Include guard.
// gen_amalgamated begin header: gen/protos/perfetto/config/gpu/gpu_counter_config.pbzero.h
// Autogenerated by the ProtoZero compiler plugin. DO NOT EDIT.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/message.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/packed_repeated_fields.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_decoder.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_utils.h"
namespace perfetto {
namespace protos {
namespace pbzero {
class GpuCounterConfig_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/4, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/true> {
GpuCounterConfig_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit GpuCounterConfig_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit GpuCounterConfig_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_counter_period_ns() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t counter_period_ns() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_counter_ids() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
::protozero::RepeatedFieldIterator<uint32_t> counter_ids() const { return GetRepeated<uint32_t>(2); }
bool has_instrumented_sampling() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
bool instrumented_sampling() const { return at<3>().as_bool(); }
bool has_fix_gpu_clock() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
bool fix_gpu_clock() const { return at<4>().as_bool(); }
class GpuCounterConfig : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = GpuCounterConfig_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kCounterPeriodNsFieldNumber = 1,
kCounterIdsFieldNumber = 2,
kInstrumentedSamplingFieldNumber = 3,
kFixGpuClockFieldNumber = 4,
void set_counter_period_ns(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void add_counter_ids(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_instrumented_sampling(bool value) {
AppendTinyVarInt(3, value);
void set_fix_gpu_clock(bool value) {
AppendTinyVarInt(4, value);
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
#endif // Include guard.
// gen_amalgamated begin header: gen/protos/perfetto/config/gpu/vulkan_memory_config.pbzero.h
// Autogenerated by the ProtoZero compiler plugin. DO NOT EDIT.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/message.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/packed_repeated_fields.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_decoder.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_utils.h"
namespace perfetto {
namespace protos {
namespace pbzero {
class VulkanMemoryConfig_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/2, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
VulkanMemoryConfig_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit VulkanMemoryConfig_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit VulkanMemoryConfig_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_track_driver_memory_usage() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
bool track_driver_memory_usage() const { return at<1>().as_bool(); }
bool has_track_device_memory_usage() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
bool track_device_memory_usage() const { return at<2>().as_bool(); }
class VulkanMemoryConfig : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = VulkanMemoryConfig_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kTrackDriverMemoryUsageFieldNumber = 1,
kTrackDeviceMemoryUsageFieldNumber = 2,
void set_track_driver_memory_usage(bool value) {
AppendTinyVarInt(1, value);
void set_track_device_memory_usage(bool value) {
AppendTinyVarInt(2, value);
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
#endif // Include guard.
// gen_amalgamated begin header: gen/protos/perfetto/config/inode_file/inode_file_config.pbzero.h
// Autogenerated by the ProtoZero compiler plugin. DO NOT EDIT.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/message.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/packed_repeated_fields.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_decoder.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_utils.h"
namespace perfetto {
namespace protos {
namespace pbzero {
class InodeFileConfig_MountPointMappingEntry;
class InodeFileConfig_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/6, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/true> {
InodeFileConfig_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit InodeFileConfig_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit InodeFileConfig_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_scan_interval_ms() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint32_t scan_interval_ms() const { return at<1>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_scan_delay_ms() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint32_t scan_delay_ms() const { return at<2>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_scan_batch_size() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
uint32_t scan_batch_size() const { return at<3>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_do_not_scan() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
bool do_not_scan() const { return at<4>().as_bool(); }
bool has_scan_mount_points() const { return at<5>().valid(); }
::protozero::RepeatedFieldIterator<::protozero::ConstChars> scan_mount_points() const { return GetRepeated<::protozero::ConstChars>(5); }
bool has_mount_point_mapping() const { return at<6>().valid(); }
::protozero::RepeatedFieldIterator<::protozero::ConstBytes> mount_point_mapping() const { return GetRepeated<::protozero::ConstBytes>(6); }
class InodeFileConfig : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = InodeFileConfig_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kScanIntervalMsFieldNumber = 1,
kScanDelayMsFieldNumber = 2,
kScanBatchSizeFieldNumber = 3,
kDoNotScanFieldNumber = 4,
kScanMountPointsFieldNumber = 5,
kMountPointMappingFieldNumber = 6,
using MountPointMappingEntry = ::perfetto::protos::pbzero::InodeFileConfig_MountPointMappingEntry;
void set_scan_interval_ms(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_scan_delay_ms(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_scan_batch_size(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void set_do_not_scan(bool value) {
AppendTinyVarInt(4, value);
void add_scan_mount_points(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(5,, value.size());
void add_scan_mount_points(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(5, data, size);
template <typename T = InodeFileConfig_MountPointMappingEntry> T* add_mount_point_mapping() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(6);
class InodeFileConfig_MountPointMappingEntry_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/2, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/true> {
InodeFileConfig_MountPointMappingEntry_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit InodeFileConfig_MountPointMappingEntry_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit InodeFileConfig_MountPointMappingEntry_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_mountpoint() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars mountpoint() const { return at<1>().as_string(); }
bool has_scan_roots() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
::protozero::RepeatedFieldIterator<::protozero::ConstChars> scan_roots() const { return GetRepeated<::protozero::ConstChars>(2); }
class InodeFileConfig_MountPointMappingEntry : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = InodeFileConfig_MountPointMappingEntry_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kMountpointFieldNumber = 1,
kScanRootsFieldNumber = 2,
void set_mountpoint(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(1,, value.size());
void set_mountpoint(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(1, data, size);
void add_scan_roots(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(2,, value.size());
void add_scan_roots(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(2, data, size);
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
#endif // Include guard.
// gen_amalgamated begin header: gen/protos/perfetto/config/power/android_power_config.pbzero.h
// Autogenerated by the ProtoZero compiler plugin. DO NOT EDIT.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/message.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/packed_repeated_fields.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_decoder.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_utils.h"
namespace perfetto {
namespace protos {
namespace pbzero {
enum AndroidPowerConfig_BatteryCounters : int32_t;
enum AndroidPowerConfig_BatteryCounters : int32_t {
AndroidPowerConfig_BatteryCounters_BATTERY_COUNTER_UNSPECIFIED = 0,
AndroidPowerConfig_BatteryCounters_BATTERY_COUNTER_CHARGE = 1,
AndroidPowerConfig_BatteryCounters_BATTERY_COUNTER_CAPACITY_PERCENT = 2,
AndroidPowerConfig_BatteryCounters_BATTERY_COUNTER_CURRENT = 3,
AndroidPowerConfig_BatteryCounters_BATTERY_COUNTER_CURRENT_AVG = 4,
const AndroidPowerConfig_BatteryCounters AndroidPowerConfig_BatteryCounters_MIN = AndroidPowerConfig_BatteryCounters_BATTERY_COUNTER_UNSPECIFIED;
const AndroidPowerConfig_BatteryCounters AndroidPowerConfig_BatteryCounters_MAX = AndroidPowerConfig_BatteryCounters_BATTERY_COUNTER_CURRENT_AVG;
class AndroidPowerConfig_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/3, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/true> {
AndroidPowerConfig_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit AndroidPowerConfig_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit AndroidPowerConfig_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_battery_poll_ms() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint32_t battery_poll_ms() const { return at<1>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_battery_counters() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
::protozero::RepeatedFieldIterator<int32_t> battery_counters() const { return GetRepeated<int32_t>(2); }
bool has_collect_power_rails() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
bool collect_power_rails() const { return at<3>().as_bool(); }
class AndroidPowerConfig : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = AndroidPowerConfig_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kBatteryPollMsFieldNumber = 1,
kBatteryCountersFieldNumber = 2,
kCollectPowerRailsFieldNumber = 3,
using BatteryCounters = ::perfetto::protos::pbzero::AndroidPowerConfig_BatteryCounters;
static const BatteryCounters BATTERY_COUNTER_UNSPECIFIED = AndroidPowerConfig_BatteryCounters_BATTERY_COUNTER_UNSPECIFIED;
static const BatteryCounters BATTERY_COUNTER_CHARGE = AndroidPowerConfig_BatteryCounters_BATTERY_COUNTER_CHARGE;
static const BatteryCounters BATTERY_COUNTER_CAPACITY_PERCENT = AndroidPowerConfig_BatteryCounters_BATTERY_COUNTER_CAPACITY_PERCENT;
static const BatteryCounters BATTERY_COUNTER_CURRENT = AndroidPowerConfig_BatteryCounters_BATTERY_COUNTER_CURRENT;
static const BatteryCounters BATTERY_COUNTER_CURRENT_AVG = AndroidPowerConfig_BatteryCounters_BATTERY_COUNTER_CURRENT_AVG;
void set_battery_poll_ms(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void add_battery_counters(::perfetto::protos::pbzero::AndroidPowerConfig_BatteryCounters value) {
AppendTinyVarInt(2, value);
void set_collect_power_rails(bool value) {
AppendTinyVarInt(3, value);
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
#endif // Include guard.
// gen_amalgamated begin header: gen/protos/perfetto/config/process_stats/process_stats_config.pbzero.h
// Autogenerated by the ProtoZero compiler plugin. DO NOT EDIT.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/message.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/packed_repeated_fields.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_decoder.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_utils.h"
namespace perfetto {
namespace protos {
namespace pbzero {
enum ProcessStatsConfig_Quirks : int32_t;
enum ProcessStatsConfig_Quirks : int32_t {
ProcessStatsConfig_Quirks_QUIRKS_UNSPECIFIED = 0,
ProcessStatsConfig_Quirks_DISABLE_INITIAL_DUMP = 1,
ProcessStatsConfig_Quirks_DISABLE_ON_DEMAND = 2,
const ProcessStatsConfig_Quirks ProcessStatsConfig_Quirks_MIN = ProcessStatsConfig_Quirks_QUIRKS_UNSPECIFIED;
const ProcessStatsConfig_Quirks ProcessStatsConfig_Quirks_MAX = ProcessStatsConfig_Quirks_DISABLE_ON_DEMAND;
class ProcessStatsConfig_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/8, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/true> {
ProcessStatsConfig_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit ProcessStatsConfig_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit ProcessStatsConfig_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_quirks() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
::protozero::RepeatedFieldIterator<int32_t> quirks() const { return GetRepeated<int32_t>(1); }
bool has_scan_all_processes_on_start() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
bool scan_all_processes_on_start() const { return at<2>().as_bool(); }
bool has_record_thread_names() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
bool record_thread_names() const { return at<3>().as_bool(); }
bool has_proc_stats_poll_ms() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
uint32_t proc_stats_poll_ms() const { return at<4>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_proc_stats_cache_ttl_ms() const { return at<6>().valid(); }
uint32_t proc_stats_cache_ttl_ms() const { return at<6>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_record_thread_time_in_state() const { return at<7>().valid(); }
bool record_thread_time_in_state() const { return at<7>().as_bool(); }
bool has_thread_time_in_state_cache_size() const { return at<8>().valid(); }
uint32_t thread_time_in_state_cache_size() const { return at<8>().as_uint32(); }
class ProcessStatsConfig : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = ProcessStatsConfig_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kQuirksFieldNumber = 1,
kScanAllProcessesOnStartFieldNumber = 2,
kRecordThreadNamesFieldNumber = 3,
kProcStatsPollMsFieldNumber = 4,
kProcStatsCacheTtlMsFieldNumber = 6,
kRecordThreadTimeInStateFieldNumber = 7,
kThreadTimeInStateCacheSizeFieldNumber = 8,
using Quirks = ::perfetto::protos::pbzero::ProcessStatsConfig_Quirks;
static const Quirks QUIRKS_UNSPECIFIED = ProcessStatsConfig_Quirks_QUIRKS_UNSPECIFIED;
static const Quirks DISABLE_INITIAL_DUMP = ProcessStatsConfig_Quirks_DISABLE_INITIAL_DUMP;
static const Quirks DISABLE_ON_DEMAND = ProcessStatsConfig_Quirks_DISABLE_ON_DEMAND;
void add_quirks(::perfetto::protos::pbzero::ProcessStatsConfig_Quirks value) {
AppendTinyVarInt(1, value);
void set_scan_all_processes_on_start(bool value) {
AppendTinyVarInt(2, value);
void set_record_thread_names(bool value) {
AppendTinyVarInt(3, value);
void set_proc_stats_poll_ms(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(4, value);
void set_proc_stats_cache_ttl_ms(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(6, value);
void set_record_thread_time_in_state(bool value) {
AppendTinyVarInt(7, value);
void set_thread_time_in_state_cache_size(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(8, value);
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
#endif // Include guard.
// gen_amalgamated begin header: gen/protos/perfetto/config/profiling/heapprofd_config.pbzero.h
// Autogenerated by the ProtoZero compiler plugin. DO NOT EDIT.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/message.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/packed_repeated_fields.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_decoder.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_utils.h"
namespace perfetto {
namespace protos {
namespace pbzero {
class HeapprofdConfig_ContinuousDumpConfig;
class HeapprofdConfig_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/20, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/true> {
HeapprofdConfig_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit HeapprofdConfig_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit HeapprofdConfig_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_sampling_interval_bytes() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t sampling_interval_bytes() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_process_cmdline() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
::protozero::RepeatedFieldIterator<::protozero::ConstChars> process_cmdline() const { return GetRepeated<::protozero::ConstChars>(2); }
bool has_pid() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
::protozero::RepeatedFieldIterator<uint64_t> pid() const { return GetRepeated<uint64_t>(4); }
bool has_heaps() const { return at<20>().valid(); }
::protozero::RepeatedFieldIterator<::protozero::ConstChars> heaps() const { return GetRepeated<::protozero::ConstChars>(20); }
bool has_all() const { return at<5>().valid(); }
bool all() const { return at<5>().as_bool(); }
bool has_min_anonymous_memory_kb() const { return at<15>().valid(); }
uint32_t min_anonymous_memory_kb() const { return at<15>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_max_heapprofd_memory_kb() const { return at<16>().valid(); }
uint32_t max_heapprofd_memory_kb() const { return at<16>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_max_heapprofd_cpu_secs() const { return at<17>().valid(); }
uint64_t max_heapprofd_cpu_secs() const { return at<17>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_skip_symbol_prefix() const { return at<7>().valid(); }
::protozero::RepeatedFieldIterator<::protozero::ConstChars> skip_symbol_prefix() const { return GetRepeated<::protozero::ConstChars>(7); }
bool has_continuous_dump_config() const { return at<6>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes continuous_dump_config() const { return at<6>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_shmem_size_bytes() const { return at<8>().valid(); }
uint64_t shmem_size_bytes() const { return at<8>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_block_client() const { return at<9>().valid(); }
bool block_client() const { return at<9>().as_bool(); }
bool has_block_client_timeout_us() const { return at<14>().valid(); }
uint32_t block_client_timeout_us() const { return at<14>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_no_startup() const { return at<10>().valid(); }
bool no_startup() const { return at<10>().as_bool(); }
bool has_no_running() const { return at<11>().valid(); }
bool no_running() const { return at<11>().as_bool(); }
bool has_idle_allocations() const { return at<12>().valid(); }
bool idle_allocations() const { return at<12>().as_bool(); }
bool has_dump_at_max() const { return at<13>().valid(); }
bool dump_at_max() const { return at<13>().as_bool(); }
bool has_disable_fork_teardown() const { return at<18>().valid(); }
bool disable_fork_teardown() const { return at<18>().as_bool(); }
bool has_disable_vfork_detection() const { return at<19>().valid(); }
bool disable_vfork_detection() const { return at<19>().as_bool(); }
class HeapprofdConfig : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = HeapprofdConfig_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kSamplingIntervalBytesFieldNumber = 1,
kProcessCmdlineFieldNumber = 2,
kPidFieldNumber = 4,
kHeapsFieldNumber = 20,
kAllFieldNumber = 5,
kMinAnonymousMemoryKbFieldNumber = 15,
kMaxHeapprofdMemoryKbFieldNumber = 16,
kMaxHeapprofdCpuSecsFieldNumber = 17,
kSkipSymbolPrefixFieldNumber = 7,
kContinuousDumpConfigFieldNumber = 6,
kShmemSizeBytesFieldNumber = 8,
kBlockClientFieldNumber = 9,
kBlockClientTimeoutUsFieldNumber = 14,
kNoStartupFieldNumber = 10,
kNoRunningFieldNumber = 11,
kIdleAllocationsFieldNumber = 12,
kDumpAtMaxFieldNumber = 13,
kDisableForkTeardownFieldNumber = 18,
kDisableVforkDetectionFieldNumber = 19,
using ContinuousDumpConfig = ::perfetto::protos::pbzero::HeapprofdConfig_ContinuousDumpConfig;
void set_sampling_interval_bytes(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void add_process_cmdline(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(2,, value.size());
void add_process_cmdline(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(2, data, size);
void add_pid(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(4, value);
void add_heaps(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(20,, value.size());
void add_heaps(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(20, data, size);
void set_all(bool value) {
AppendTinyVarInt(5, value);
void set_min_anonymous_memory_kb(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(15, value);
void set_max_heapprofd_memory_kb(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(16, value);
void set_max_heapprofd_cpu_secs(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(17, value);
void add_skip_symbol_prefix(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(7,, value.size());
void add_skip_symbol_prefix(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(7, data, size);
template <typename T = HeapprofdConfig_ContinuousDumpConfig> T* set_continuous_dump_config() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(6);
void set_shmem_size_bytes(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(8, value);
void set_block_client(bool value) {
AppendTinyVarInt(9, value);
void set_block_client_timeout_us(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(14, value);
void set_no_startup(bool value) {
AppendTinyVarInt(10, value);
void set_no_running(bool value) {
AppendTinyVarInt(11, value);
void set_idle_allocations(bool value) {
AppendTinyVarInt(12, value);
void set_dump_at_max(bool value) {
AppendTinyVarInt(13, value);
void set_disable_fork_teardown(bool value) {
AppendTinyVarInt(18, value);
void set_disable_vfork_detection(bool value) {
AppendTinyVarInt(19, value);
class HeapprofdConfig_ContinuousDumpConfig_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/6, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
HeapprofdConfig_ContinuousDumpConfig_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit HeapprofdConfig_ContinuousDumpConfig_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit HeapprofdConfig_ContinuousDumpConfig_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_dump_phase_ms() const { return at<5>().valid(); }
uint32_t dump_phase_ms() const { return at<5>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_dump_interval_ms() const { return at<6>().valid(); }
uint32_t dump_interval_ms() const { return at<6>().as_uint32(); }
class HeapprofdConfig_ContinuousDumpConfig : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = HeapprofdConfig_ContinuousDumpConfig_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kDumpPhaseMsFieldNumber = 5,
kDumpIntervalMsFieldNumber = 6,
void set_dump_phase_ms(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(5, value);
void set_dump_interval_ms(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(6, value);
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
#endif // Include guard.
// gen_amalgamated begin header: gen/protos/perfetto/config/profiling/java_hprof_config.pbzero.h
// Autogenerated by the ProtoZero compiler plugin. DO NOT EDIT.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/message.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/packed_repeated_fields.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_decoder.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_utils.h"
namespace perfetto {
namespace protos {
namespace pbzero {
class JavaHprofConfig_ContinuousDumpConfig;
class JavaHprofConfig_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/5, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/true> {
JavaHprofConfig_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit JavaHprofConfig_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit JavaHprofConfig_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_process_cmdline() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
::protozero::RepeatedFieldIterator<::protozero::ConstChars> process_cmdline() const { return GetRepeated<::protozero::ConstChars>(1); }
bool has_pid() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
::protozero::RepeatedFieldIterator<uint64_t> pid() const { return GetRepeated<uint64_t>(2); }
bool has_continuous_dump_config() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes continuous_dump_config() const { return at<3>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_min_anonymous_memory_kb() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
uint32_t min_anonymous_memory_kb() const { return at<4>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_dump_smaps() const { return at<5>().valid(); }
bool dump_smaps() const { return at<5>().as_bool(); }
class JavaHprofConfig : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = JavaHprofConfig_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kProcessCmdlineFieldNumber = 1,
kPidFieldNumber = 2,
kContinuousDumpConfigFieldNumber = 3,
kMinAnonymousMemoryKbFieldNumber = 4,
kDumpSmapsFieldNumber = 5,
using ContinuousDumpConfig = ::perfetto::protos::pbzero::JavaHprofConfig_ContinuousDumpConfig;
void add_process_cmdline(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(1,, value.size());
void add_process_cmdline(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(1, data, size);
void add_pid(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
template <typename T = JavaHprofConfig_ContinuousDumpConfig> T* set_continuous_dump_config() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(3);
void set_min_anonymous_memory_kb(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(4, value);
void set_dump_smaps(bool value) {
AppendTinyVarInt(5, value);
class JavaHprofConfig_ContinuousDumpConfig_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/2, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
JavaHprofConfig_ContinuousDumpConfig_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit JavaHprofConfig_ContinuousDumpConfig_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit JavaHprofConfig_ContinuousDumpConfig_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_dump_phase_ms() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint32_t dump_phase_ms() const { return at<1>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_dump_interval_ms() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint32_t dump_interval_ms() const { return at<2>().as_uint32(); }
class JavaHprofConfig_ContinuousDumpConfig : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = JavaHprofConfig_ContinuousDumpConfig_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kDumpPhaseMsFieldNumber = 1,
kDumpIntervalMsFieldNumber = 2,
void set_dump_phase_ms(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_dump_interval_ms(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
#endif // Include guard.
// gen_amalgamated begin header: gen/protos/perfetto/config/profiling/perf_event_config.pbzero.h
// Autogenerated by the ProtoZero compiler plugin. DO NOT EDIT.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/message.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/packed_repeated_fields.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_decoder.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_utils.h"
namespace perfetto {
namespace protos {
namespace pbzero {
class PerfEventConfig_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/10, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/true> {
PerfEventConfig_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit PerfEventConfig_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit PerfEventConfig_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_all_cpus() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
bool all_cpus() const { return at<1>().as_bool(); }
bool has_sampling_frequency() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint32_t sampling_frequency() const { return at<2>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_ring_buffer_read_period_ms() const { return at<8>().valid(); }
uint32_t ring_buffer_read_period_ms() const { return at<8>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_ring_buffer_pages() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
uint32_t ring_buffer_pages() const { return at<3>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_target_pid() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
::protozero::RepeatedFieldIterator<int32_t> target_pid() const { return GetRepeated<int32_t>(4); }
bool has_target_cmdline() const { return at<5>().valid(); }
::protozero::RepeatedFieldIterator<::protozero::ConstChars> target_cmdline() const { return GetRepeated<::protozero::ConstChars>(5); }
bool has_exclude_pid() const { return at<6>().valid(); }
::protozero::RepeatedFieldIterator<int32_t> exclude_pid() const { return GetRepeated<int32_t>(6); }
bool has_exclude_cmdline() const { return at<7>().valid(); }
::protozero::RepeatedFieldIterator<::protozero::ConstChars> exclude_cmdline() const { return GetRepeated<::protozero::ConstChars>(7); }
bool has_remote_descriptor_timeout_ms() const { return at<9>().valid(); }
uint32_t remote_descriptor_timeout_ms() const { return at<9>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_unwind_state_clear_period_ms() const { return at<10>().valid(); }
uint32_t unwind_state_clear_period_ms() const { return at<10>().as_uint32(); }
class PerfEventConfig : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = PerfEventConfig_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kAllCpusFieldNumber = 1,
kSamplingFrequencyFieldNumber = 2,
kRingBufferReadPeriodMsFieldNumber = 8,
kRingBufferPagesFieldNumber = 3,
kTargetPidFieldNumber = 4,
kTargetCmdlineFieldNumber = 5,
kExcludePidFieldNumber = 6,
kExcludeCmdlineFieldNumber = 7,
kRemoteDescriptorTimeoutMsFieldNumber = 9,
kUnwindStateClearPeriodMsFieldNumber = 10,
void set_all_cpus(bool value) {
AppendTinyVarInt(1, value);
void set_sampling_frequency(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_ring_buffer_read_period_ms(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(8, value);
void set_ring_buffer_pages(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void add_target_pid(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(4, value);
void add_target_cmdline(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(5,, value.size());
void add_target_cmdline(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(5, data, size);
void add_exclude_pid(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(6, value);
void add_exclude_cmdline(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(7,, value.size());
void add_exclude_cmdline(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(7, data, size);
void set_remote_descriptor_timeout_ms(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(9, value);
void set_unwind_state_clear_period_ms(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(10, value);
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
#endif // Include guard.
// gen_amalgamated begin header: gen/protos/perfetto/config/sys_stats/sys_stats_config.pbzero.h
// Autogenerated by the ProtoZero compiler plugin. DO NOT EDIT.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/message.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/packed_repeated_fields.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_decoder.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_utils.h"
namespace perfetto {
namespace protos {
namespace pbzero {
enum MeminfoCounters : int32_t;
enum SysStatsConfig_StatCounters : int32_t;
enum VmstatCounters : int32_t;
enum SysStatsConfig_StatCounters : int32_t {
SysStatsConfig_StatCounters_STAT_UNSPECIFIED = 0,
SysStatsConfig_StatCounters_STAT_CPU_TIMES = 1,
SysStatsConfig_StatCounters_STAT_IRQ_COUNTS = 2,
SysStatsConfig_StatCounters_STAT_SOFTIRQ_COUNTS = 3,
SysStatsConfig_StatCounters_STAT_FORK_COUNT = 4,
const SysStatsConfig_StatCounters SysStatsConfig_StatCounters_MIN = SysStatsConfig_StatCounters_STAT_UNSPECIFIED;
const SysStatsConfig_StatCounters SysStatsConfig_StatCounters_MAX = SysStatsConfig_StatCounters_STAT_FORK_COUNT;
class SysStatsConfig_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/6, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/true> {
SysStatsConfig_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit SysStatsConfig_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit SysStatsConfig_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_meminfo_period_ms() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint32_t meminfo_period_ms() const { return at<1>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_meminfo_counters() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
::protozero::RepeatedFieldIterator<int32_t> meminfo_counters() const { return GetRepeated<int32_t>(2); }
bool has_vmstat_period_ms() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
uint32_t vmstat_period_ms() const { return at<3>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_vmstat_counters() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
::protozero::RepeatedFieldIterator<int32_t> vmstat_counters() const { return GetRepeated<int32_t>(4); }
bool has_stat_period_ms() const { return at<5>().valid(); }
uint32_t stat_period_ms() const { return at<5>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_stat_counters() const { return at<6>().valid(); }
::protozero::RepeatedFieldIterator<int32_t> stat_counters() const { return GetRepeated<int32_t>(6); }
class SysStatsConfig : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = SysStatsConfig_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kMeminfoPeriodMsFieldNumber = 1,
kMeminfoCountersFieldNumber = 2,
kVmstatPeriodMsFieldNumber = 3,
kVmstatCountersFieldNumber = 4,
kStatPeriodMsFieldNumber = 5,
kStatCountersFieldNumber = 6,
using StatCounters = ::perfetto::protos::pbzero::SysStatsConfig_StatCounters;
static const StatCounters STAT_UNSPECIFIED = SysStatsConfig_StatCounters_STAT_UNSPECIFIED;
static const StatCounters STAT_CPU_TIMES = SysStatsConfig_StatCounters_STAT_CPU_TIMES;
static const StatCounters STAT_IRQ_COUNTS = SysStatsConfig_StatCounters_STAT_IRQ_COUNTS;
static const StatCounters STAT_SOFTIRQ_COUNTS = SysStatsConfig_StatCounters_STAT_SOFTIRQ_COUNTS;
static const StatCounters STAT_FORK_COUNT = SysStatsConfig_StatCounters_STAT_FORK_COUNT;
void set_meminfo_period_ms(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void add_meminfo_counters(::perfetto::protos::pbzero::MeminfoCounters value) {
AppendTinyVarInt(2, value);
void set_vmstat_period_ms(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void add_vmstat_counters(::perfetto::protos::pbzero::VmstatCounters value) {
AppendTinyVarInt(4, value);
void set_stat_period_ms(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(5, value);
void add_stat_counters(::perfetto::protos::pbzero::SysStatsConfig_StatCounters value) {
AppendTinyVarInt(6, value);
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
#endif // Include guard.
// gen_amalgamated begin header: gen/protos/perfetto/config/track_event/track_event_config.pbzero.h
// Autogenerated by the ProtoZero compiler plugin. DO NOT EDIT.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/message.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/packed_repeated_fields.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_decoder.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_utils.h"
namespace perfetto {
namespace protos {
namespace pbzero {
class TrackEventConfig_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/4, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/true> {
TrackEventConfig_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit TrackEventConfig_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit TrackEventConfig_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_disabled_categories() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
::protozero::RepeatedFieldIterator<::protozero::ConstChars> disabled_categories() const { return GetRepeated<::protozero::ConstChars>(1); }
bool has_enabled_categories() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
::protozero::RepeatedFieldIterator<::protozero::ConstChars> enabled_categories() const { return GetRepeated<::protozero::ConstChars>(2); }
bool has_disabled_tags() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
::protozero::RepeatedFieldIterator<::protozero::ConstChars> disabled_tags() const { return GetRepeated<::protozero::ConstChars>(3); }
bool has_enabled_tags() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
::protozero::RepeatedFieldIterator<::protozero::ConstChars> enabled_tags() const { return GetRepeated<::protozero::ConstChars>(4); }
class TrackEventConfig : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = TrackEventConfig_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kDisabledCategoriesFieldNumber = 1,
kEnabledCategoriesFieldNumber = 2,
kDisabledTagsFieldNumber = 3,
kEnabledTagsFieldNumber = 4,
void add_disabled_categories(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(1,, value.size());
void add_disabled_categories(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(1, data, size);
void add_enabled_categories(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(2,, value.size());
void add_enabled_categories(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(2, data, size);
void add_disabled_tags(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(3,, value.size());
void add_disabled_tags(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(3, data, size);
void add_enabled_tags(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(4,, value.size());
void add_enabled_tags(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(4, data, size);
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
#endif // Include guard.
// gen_amalgamated begin header: gen/protos/perfetto/config/chrome/chrome_config.pbzero.h
// Autogenerated by the ProtoZero compiler plugin. DO NOT EDIT.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/message.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/packed_repeated_fields.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_decoder.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_utils.h"
namespace perfetto {
namespace protos {
namespace pbzero {
class ChromeConfig_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/2, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
ChromeConfig_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit ChromeConfig_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit ChromeConfig_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_trace_config() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars trace_config() const { return at<1>().as_string(); }
bool has_privacy_filtering_enabled() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
bool privacy_filtering_enabled() const { return at<2>().as_bool(); }
class ChromeConfig : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = ChromeConfig_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kTraceConfigFieldNumber = 1,
kPrivacyFilteringEnabledFieldNumber = 2,
void set_trace_config(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(1,, value.size());
void set_trace_config(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(1, data, size);
void set_privacy_filtering_enabled(bool value) {
AppendTinyVarInt(2, value);
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
#endif // Include guard.
// gen_amalgamated begin header: gen/protos/perfetto/config/data_source_config.pbzero.h
// Autogenerated by the ProtoZero compiler plugin. DO NOT EDIT.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/message.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/packed_repeated_fields.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_decoder.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_utils.h"
namespace perfetto {
namespace protos {
namespace pbzero {
class AndroidLogConfig;
class AndroidPolledStateConfig;
class AndroidPowerConfig;
class ChromeConfig;
class FtraceConfig;
class GpuCounterConfig;
class HeapprofdConfig;
class InodeFileConfig;
class JavaHprofConfig;
class PackagesListConfig;
class PerfEventConfig;
class ProcessStatsConfig;
class SysStatsConfig;
class TestConfig;
class TrackEventConfig;
class VulkanMemoryConfig;
class DataSourceConfig_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/114, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
DataSourceConfig_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit DataSourceConfig_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit DataSourceConfig_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_name() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars name() const { return at<1>().as_string(); }
bool has_target_buffer() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint32_t target_buffer() const { return at<2>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_trace_duration_ms() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
uint32_t trace_duration_ms() const { return at<3>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_stop_timeout_ms() const { return at<7>().valid(); }
uint32_t stop_timeout_ms() const { return at<7>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_enable_extra_guardrails() const { return at<6>().valid(); }
bool enable_extra_guardrails() const { return at<6>().as_bool(); }
bool has_tracing_session_id() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
uint64_t tracing_session_id() const { return at<4>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_ftrace_config() const { return at<100>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes ftrace_config() const { return at<100>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_inode_file_config() const { return at<102>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes inode_file_config() const { return at<102>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_process_stats_config() const { return at<103>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes process_stats_config() const { return at<103>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_sys_stats_config() const { return at<104>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes sys_stats_config() const { return at<104>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_heapprofd_config() const { return at<105>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes heapprofd_config() const { return at<105>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_java_hprof_config() const { return at<110>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes java_hprof_config() const { return at<110>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_android_power_config() const { return at<106>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes android_power_config() const { return at<106>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_android_log_config() const { return at<107>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes android_log_config() const { return at<107>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_gpu_counter_config() const { return at<108>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes gpu_counter_config() const { return at<108>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_packages_list_config() const { return at<109>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes packages_list_config() const { return at<109>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_perf_event_config() const { return at<111>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes perf_event_config() const { return at<111>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_vulkan_memory_config() const { return at<112>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes vulkan_memory_config() const { return at<112>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_track_event_config() const { return at<113>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes track_event_config() const { return at<113>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_android_polled_state_config() const { return at<114>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes android_polled_state_config() const { return at<114>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_chrome_config() const { return at<101>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes chrome_config() const { return at<101>().as_bytes(); }
// field legacy_config omitted because its id is too high
// field for_testing omitted because its id is too high
class DataSourceConfig : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = DataSourceConfig_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kNameFieldNumber = 1,
kTargetBufferFieldNumber = 2,
kTraceDurationMsFieldNumber = 3,
kStopTimeoutMsFieldNumber = 7,
kEnableExtraGuardrailsFieldNumber = 6,
kTracingSessionIdFieldNumber = 4,
kFtraceConfigFieldNumber = 100,
kInodeFileConfigFieldNumber = 102,
kProcessStatsConfigFieldNumber = 103,
kSysStatsConfigFieldNumber = 104,
kHeapprofdConfigFieldNumber = 105,
kJavaHprofConfigFieldNumber = 110,
kAndroidPowerConfigFieldNumber = 106,
kAndroidLogConfigFieldNumber = 107,
kGpuCounterConfigFieldNumber = 108,
kPackagesListConfigFieldNumber = 109,
kPerfEventConfigFieldNumber = 111,
kVulkanMemoryConfigFieldNumber = 112,
kTrackEventConfigFieldNumber = 113,
kAndroidPolledStateConfigFieldNumber = 114,
kChromeConfigFieldNumber = 101,
kLegacyConfigFieldNumber = 1000,
kForTestingFieldNumber = 1001,
void set_name(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(1,, value.size());
void set_name(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(1, data, size);
void set_target_buffer(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_trace_duration_ms(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void set_stop_timeout_ms(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(7, value);
void set_enable_extra_guardrails(bool value) {
AppendTinyVarInt(6, value);
void set_tracing_session_id(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(4, value);
template <typename T = FtraceConfig> T* set_ftrace_config() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(100);
void set_ftrace_config_raw(const std::string& raw) {
return AppendBytes(100,, raw.size());
template <typename T = InodeFileConfig> T* set_inode_file_config() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(102);
void set_inode_file_config_raw(const std::string& raw) {
return AppendBytes(102,, raw.size());
template <typename T = ProcessStatsConfig> T* set_process_stats_config() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(103);
void set_process_stats_config_raw(const std::string& raw) {
return AppendBytes(103,, raw.size());
template <typename T = SysStatsConfig> T* set_sys_stats_config() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(104);
void set_sys_stats_config_raw(const std::string& raw) {
return AppendBytes(104,, raw.size());
template <typename T = HeapprofdConfig> T* set_heapprofd_config() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(105);
void set_heapprofd_config_raw(const std::string& raw) {
return AppendBytes(105,, raw.size());
template <typename T = JavaHprofConfig> T* set_java_hprof_config() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(110);
void set_java_hprof_config_raw(const std::string& raw) {
return AppendBytes(110,, raw.size());
template <typename T = AndroidPowerConfig> T* set_android_power_config() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(106);
void set_android_power_config_raw(const std::string& raw) {
return AppendBytes(106,, raw.size());
template <typename T = AndroidLogConfig> T* set_android_log_config() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(107);
void set_android_log_config_raw(const std::string& raw) {
return AppendBytes(107,, raw.size());
template <typename T = GpuCounterConfig> T* set_gpu_counter_config() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(108);
void set_gpu_counter_config_raw(const std::string& raw) {
return AppendBytes(108,, raw.size());
template <typename T = PackagesListConfig> T* set_packages_list_config() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(109);
void set_packages_list_config_raw(const std::string& raw) {
return AppendBytes(109,, raw.size());
template <typename T = PerfEventConfig> T* set_perf_event_config() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(111);
void set_perf_event_config_raw(const std::string& raw) {
return AppendBytes(111,, raw.size());
template <typename T = VulkanMemoryConfig> T* set_vulkan_memory_config() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(112);
void set_vulkan_memory_config_raw(const std::string& raw) {
return AppendBytes(112,, raw.size());
template <typename T = TrackEventConfig> T* set_track_event_config() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(113);
void set_track_event_config_raw(const std::string& raw) {
return AppendBytes(113,, raw.size());
template <typename T = AndroidPolledStateConfig> T* set_android_polled_state_config() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(114);
void set_android_polled_state_config_raw(const std::string& raw) {
return AppendBytes(114,, raw.size());
template <typename T = ChromeConfig> T* set_chrome_config() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(101);
void set_legacy_config(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(1000,, value.size());
void set_legacy_config(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(1000, data, size);
template <typename T = TestConfig> T* set_for_testing() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(1001);
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
#endif // Include guard.
// gen_amalgamated begin header: gen/protos/perfetto/config/test_config.pbzero.h
// Autogenerated by the ProtoZero compiler plugin. DO NOT EDIT.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/message.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/packed_repeated_fields.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_decoder.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_utils.h"
namespace perfetto {
namespace protos {
namespace pbzero {
class TestConfig_DummyFields;
class TestConfig_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/6, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
TestConfig_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit TestConfig_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit TestConfig_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_message_count() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint32_t message_count() const { return at<1>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_max_messages_per_second() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint32_t max_messages_per_second() const { return at<2>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_seed() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
uint32_t seed() const { return at<3>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_message_size() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
uint32_t message_size() const { return at<4>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_send_batch_on_register() const { return at<5>().valid(); }
bool send_batch_on_register() const { return at<5>().as_bool(); }
bool has_dummy_fields() const { return at<6>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes dummy_fields() const { return at<6>().as_bytes(); }
class TestConfig : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = TestConfig_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kMessageCountFieldNumber = 1,
kMaxMessagesPerSecondFieldNumber = 2,
kSeedFieldNumber = 3,
kMessageSizeFieldNumber = 4,
kSendBatchOnRegisterFieldNumber = 5,
kDummyFieldsFieldNumber = 6,
using DummyFields = ::perfetto::protos::pbzero::TestConfig_DummyFields;
void set_message_count(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_max_messages_per_second(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_seed(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void set_message_size(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(4, value);
void set_send_batch_on_register(bool value) {
AppendTinyVarInt(5, value);
template <typename T = TestConfig_DummyFields> T* set_dummy_fields() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(6);
class TestConfig_DummyFields_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/14, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
TestConfig_DummyFields_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit TestConfig_DummyFields_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit TestConfig_DummyFields_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_field_uint32() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint32_t field_uint32() const { return at<1>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_field_int32() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
int32_t field_int32() const { return at<2>().as_int32(); }
bool has_field_uint64() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
uint64_t field_uint64() const { return at<3>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_field_int64() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
int64_t field_int64() const { return at<4>().as_int64(); }
bool has_field_fixed64() const { return at<5>().valid(); }
uint64_t field_fixed64() const { return at<5>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_field_sfixed64() const { return at<6>().valid(); }
int64_t field_sfixed64() const { return at<6>().as_int64(); }
bool has_field_fixed32() const { return at<7>().valid(); }
uint32_t field_fixed32() const { return at<7>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_field_sfixed32() const { return at<8>().valid(); }
int32_t field_sfixed32() const { return at<8>().as_int32(); }
bool has_field_double() const { return at<9>().valid(); }
double field_double() const { return at<9>().as_double(); }
bool has_field_float() const { return at<10>().valid(); }
float field_float() const { return at<10>().as_float(); }
bool has_field_sint64() const { return at<11>().valid(); }
int64_t field_sint64() const { return at<11>().as_int64(); }
bool has_field_sint32() const { return at<12>().valid(); }
int32_t field_sint32() const { return at<12>().as_int32(); }
bool has_field_string() const { return at<13>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars field_string() const { return at<13>().as_string(); }
bool has_field_bytes() const { return at<14>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes field_bytes() const { return at<14>().as_bytes(); }
class TestConfig_DummyFields : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = TestConfig_DummyFields_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kFieldUint32FieldNumber = 1,
kFieldInt32FieldNumber = 2,
kFieldUint64FieldNumber = 3,
kFieldInt64FieldNumber = 4,
kFieldFixed64FieldNumber = 5,
kFieldSfixed64FieldNumber = 6,
kFieldFixed32FieldNumber = 7,
kFieldSfixed32FieldNumber = 8,
kFieldDoubleFieldNumber = 9,
kFieldFloatFieldNumber = 10,
kFieldSint64FieldNumber = 11,
kFieldSint32FieldNumber = 12,
kFieldStringFieldNumber = 13,
kFieldBytesFieldNumber = 14,
void set_field_uint32(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_field_int32(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_field_uint64(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void set_field_int64(int64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(4, value);
void set_field_fixed64(uint64_t value) {
AppendFixed(5, value);
void set_field_sfixed64(int64_t value) {
AppendFixed(6, value);
void set_field_fixed32(uint32_t value) {
AppendFixed(7, value);
void set_field_sfixed32(int32_t value) {
AppendFixed(8, value);
void set_field_double(double value) {
AppendFixed(9, value);
void set_field_float(float value) {
AppendFixed(10, value);
void set_field_sint64(int64_t value) {
AppendSignedVarInt(11, value);
void set_field_sint32(int32_t value) {
AppendSignedVarInt(12, value);
void set_field_string(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(13,, value.size());
void set_field_string(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(13, data, size);
void set_field_bytes(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(14,, value.size());
void set_field_bytes(const uint8_t* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(14, data, size);
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
#endif // Include guard.
// gen_amalgamated begin header: gen/protos/perfetto/config/trace_config.pbzero.h
// Autogenerated by the ProtoZero compiler plugin. DO NOT EDIT.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/message.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/packed_repeated_fields.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_decoder.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_utils.h"
namespace perfetto {
namespace protos {
namespace pbzero {
class DataSourceConfig;
class TraceConfig_BufferConfig;
class TraceConfig_BuiltinDataSource;
class TraceConfig_DataSource;
class TraceConfig_GuardrailOverrides;
class TraceConfig_IncidentReportConfig;
class TraceConfig_IncrementalStateConfig;
class TraceConfig_ProducerConfig;
class TraceConfig_StatsdMetadata;
class TraceConfig_TriggerConfig;
class TraceConfig_TriggerConfig_Trigger;
enum BuiltinClock : int32_t;
enum TraceConfig_BufferConfig_FillPolicy : int32_t;
enum TraceConfig_CompressionType : int32_t;
enum TraceConfig_LockdownModeOperation : int32_t;
enum TraceConfig_TriggerConfig_TriggerMode : int32_t;
enum TraceConfig_LockdownModeOperation : int32_t {
TraceConfig_LockdownModeOperation_LOCKDOWN_UNCHANGED = 0,
TraceConfig_LockdownModeOperation_LOCKDOWN_CLEAR = 1,
TraceConfig_LockdownModeOperation_LOCKDOWN_SET = 2,
const TraceConfig_LockdownModeOperation TraceConfig_LockdownModeOperation_MIN = TraceConfig_LockdownModeOperation_LOCKDOWN_UNCHANGED;
const TraceConfig_LockdownModeOperation TraceConfig_LockdownModeOperation_MAX = TraceConfig_LockdownModeOperation_LOCKDOWN_SET;
enum TraceConfig_CompressionType : int32_t {
TraceConfig_CompressionType_COMPRESSION_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED = 0,
TraceConfig_CompressionType_COMPRESSION_TYPE_DEFLATE = 1,
const TraceConfig_CompressionType TraceConfig_CompressionType_MIN = TraceConfig_CompressionType_COMPRESSION_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED;
const TraceConfig_CompressionType TraceConfig_CompressionType_MAX = TraceConfig_CompressionType_COMPRESSION_TYPE_DEFLATE;
enum TraceConfig_TriggerConfig_TriggerMode : int32_t {
TraceConfig_TriggerConfig_TriggerMode_UNSPECIFIED = 0,
TraceConfig_TriggerConfig_TriggerMode_START_TRACING = 1,
TraceConfig_TriggerConfig_TriggerMode_STOP_TRACING = 2,
const TraceConfig_TriggerConfig_TriggerMode TraceConfig_TriggerConfig_TriggerMode_MIN = TraceConfig_TriggerConfig_TriggerMode_UNSPECIFIED;
const TraceConfig_TriggerConfig_TriggerMode TraceConfig_TriggerConfig_TriggerMode_MAX = TraceConfig_TriggerConfig_TriggerMode_STOP_TRACING;
enum TraceConfig_BufferConfig_FillPolicy : int32_t {
TraceConfig_BufferConfig_FillPolicy_UNSPECIFIED = 0,
TraceConfig_BufferConfig_FillPolicy_RING_BUFFER = 1,
TraceConfig_BufferConfig_FillPolicy_DISCARD = 2,
const TraceConfig_BufferConfig_FillPolicy TraceConfig_BufferConfig_FillPolicy_MIN = TraceConfig_BufferConfig_FillPolicy_UNSPECIFIED;
const TraceConfig_BufferConfig_FillPolicy TraceConfig_BufferConfig_FillPolicy_MAX = TraceConfig_BufferConfig_FillPolicy_DISCARD;
class TraceConfig_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/29, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/true> {
TraceConfig_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit TraceConfig_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit TraceConfig_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_buffers() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
::protozero::RepeatedFieldIterator<::protozero::ConstBytes> buffers() const { return GetRepeated<::protozero::ConstBytes>(1); }
bool has_data_sources() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
::protozero::RepeatedFieldIterator<::protozero::ConstBytes> data_sources() const { return GetRepeated<::protozero::ConstBytes>(2); }
bool has_builtin_data_sources() const { return at<20>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes builtin_data_sources() const { return at<20>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_duration_ms() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
uint32_t duration_ms() const { return at<3>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_enable_extra_guardrails() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
bool enable_extra_guardrails() const { return at<4>().as_bool(); }
bool has_lockdown_mode() const { return at<5>().valid(); }
int32_t lockdown_mode() const { return at<5>().as_int32(); }
bool has_producers() const { return at<6>().valid(); }
::protozero::RepeatedFieldIterator<::protozero::ConstBytes> producers() const { return GetRepeated<::protozero::ConstBytes>(6); }
bool has_statsd_metadata() const { return at<7>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes statsd_metadata() const { return at<7>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_write_into_file() const { return at<8>().valid(); }
bool write_into_file() const { return at<8>().as_bool(); }
bool has_output_path() const { return at<29>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars output_path() const { return at<29>().as_string(); }
bool has_file_write_period_ms() const { return at<9>().valid(); }
uint32_t file_write_period_ms() const { return at<9>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_max_file_size_bytes() const { return at<10>().valid(); }
uint64_t max_file_size_bytes() const { return at<10>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_guardrail_overrides() const { return at<11>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes guardrail_overrides() const { return at<11>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_deferred_start() const { return at<12>().valid(); }
bool deferred_start() const { return at<12>().as_bool(); }
bool has_flush_period_ms() const { return at<13>().valid(); }
uint32_t flush_period_ms() const { return at<13>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_flush_timeout_ms() const { return at<14>().valid(); }
uint32_t flush_timeout_ms() const { return at<14>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_data_source_stop_timeout_ms() const { return at<23>().valid(); }
uint32_t data_source_stop_timeout_ms() const { return at<23>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_notify_traceur() const { return at<16>().valid(); }
bool notify_traceur() const { return at<16>().as_bool(); }
bool has_trigger_config() const { return at<17>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes trigger_config() const { return at<17>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_activate_triggers() const { return at<18>().valid(); }
::protozero::RepeatedFieldIterator<::protozero::ConstChars> activate_triggers() const { return GetRepeated<::protozero::ConstChars>(18); }
bool has_incremental_state_config() const { return at<21>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes incremental_state_config() const { return at<21>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_allow_user_build_tracing() const { return at<19>().valid(); }
bool allow_user_build_tracing() const { return at<19>().as_bool(); }
bool has_unique_session_name() const { return at<22>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars unique_session_name() const { return at<22>().as_string(); }
bool has_compression_type() const { return at<24>().valid(); }
int32_t compression_type() const { return at<24>().as_int32(); }
bool has_incident_report_config() const { return at<25>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes incident_report_config() const { return at<25>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_trace_uuid_msb() const { return at<27>().valid(); }
int64_t trace_uuid_msb() const { return at<27>().as_int64(); }
bool has_trace_uuid_lsb() const { return at<28>().valid(); }
int64_t trace_uuid_lsb() const { return at<28>().as_int64(); }
class TraceConfig : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = TraceConfig_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kBuffersFieldNumber = 1,
kDataSourcesFieldNumber = 2,
kBuiltinDataSourcesFieldNumber = 20,
kDurationMsFieldNumber = 3,
kEnableExtraGuardrailsFieldNumber = 4,
kLockdownModeFieldNumber = 5,
kProducersFieldNumber = 6,
kStatsdMetadataFieldNumber = 7,
kWriteIntoFileFieldNumber = 8,
kOutputPathFieldNumber = 29,
kFileWritePeriodMsFieldNumber = 9,
kMaxFileSizeBytesFieldNumber = 10,
kGuardrailOverridesFieldNumber = 11,
kDeferredStartFieldNumber = 12,
kFlushPeriodMsFieldNumber = 13,
kFlushTimeoutMsFieldNumber = 14,
kDataSourceStopTimeoutMsFieldNumber = 23,
kNotifyTraceurFieldNumber = 16,
kTriggerConfigFieldNumber = 17,
kActivateTriggersFieldNumber = 18,
kIncrementalStateConfigFieldNumber = 21,
kAllowUserBuildTracingFieldNumber = 19,
kUniqueSessionNameFieldNumber = 22,
kCompressionTypeFieldNumber = 24,
kIncidentReportConfigFieldNumber = 25,
kTraceUuidMsbFieldNumber = 27,
kTraceUuidLsbFieldNumber = 28,
using BufferConfig = ::perfetto::protos::pbzero::TraceConfig_BufferConfig;
using DataSource = ::perfetto::protos::pbzero::TraceConfig_DataSource;
using BuiltinDataSource = ::perfetto::protos::pbzero::TraceConfig_BuiltinDataSource;
using ProducerConfig = ::perfetto::protos::pbzero::TraceConfig_ProducerConfig;
using StatsdMetadata = ::perfetto::protos::pbzero::TraceConfig_StatsdMetadata;
using GuardrailOverrides = ::perfetto::protos::pbzero::TraceConfig_GuardrailOverrides;
using TriggerConfig = ::perfetto::protos::pbzero::TraceConfig_TriggerConfig;
using IncrementalStateConfig = ::perfetto::protos::pbzero::TraceConfig_IncrementalStateConfig;
using IncidentReportConfig = ::perfetto::protos::pbzero::TraceConfig_IncidentReportConfig;
using LockdownModeOperation = ::perfetto::protos::pbzero::TraceConfig_LockdownModeOperation;
using CompressionType = ::perfetto::protos::pbzero::TraceConfig_CompressionType;
static const LockdownModeOperation LOCKDOWN_UNCHANGED = TraceConfig_LockdownModeOperation_LOCKDOWN_UNCHANGED;
static const LockdownModeOperation LOCKDOWN_CLEAR = TraceConfig_LockdownModeOperation_LOCKDOWN_CLEAR;
static const LockdownModeOperation LOCKDOWN_SET = TraceConfig_LockdownModeOperation_LOCKDOWN_SET;
static const CompressionType COMPRESSION_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED = TraceConfig_CompressionType_COMPRESSION_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED;
static const CompressionType COMPRESSION_TYPE_DEFLATE = TraceConfig_CompressionType_COMPRESSION_TYPE_DEFLATE;
template <typename T = TraceConfig_BufferConfig> T* add_buffers() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(1);
template <typename T = TraceConfig_DataSource> T* add_data_sources() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(2);
template <typename T = TraceConfig_BuiltinDataSource> T* set_builtin_data_sources() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(20);
void set_duration_ms(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void set_enable_extra_guardrails(bool value) {
AppendTinyVarInt(4, value);
void set_lockdown_mode(::perfetto::protos::pbzero::TraceConfig_LockdownModeOperation value) {
AppendTinyVarInt(5, value);
template <typename T = TraceConfig_ProducerConfig> T* add_producers() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(6);
template <typename T = TraceConfig_StatsdMetadata> T* set_statsd_metadata() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(7);
void set_write_into_file(bool value) {
AppendTinyVarInt(8, value);
void set_output_path(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(29,, value.size());
void set_output_path(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(29, data, size);
void set_file_write_period_ms(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(9, value);
void set_max_file_size_bytes(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(10, value);
template <typename T = TraceConfig_GuardrailOverrides> T* set_guardrail_overrides() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(11);
void set_deferred_start(bool value) {
AppendTinyVarInt(12, value);
void set_flush_period_ms(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(13, value);
void set_flush_timeout_ms(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(14, value);
void set_data_source_stop_timeout_ms(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(23, value);
void set_notify_traceur(bool value) {
AppendTinyVarInt(16, value);
template <typename T = TraceConfig_TriggerConfig> T* set_trigger_config() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(17);
void add_activate_triggers(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(18,, value.size());
void add_activate_triggers(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(18, data, size);
template <typename T = TraceConfig_IncrementalStateConfig> T* set_incremental_state_config() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(21);
void set_allow_user_build_tracing(bool value) {
AppendTinyVarInt(19, value);
void set_unique_session_name(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(22,, value.size());
void set_unique_session_name(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(22, data, size);
void set_compression_type(::perfetto::protos::pbzero::TraceConfig_CompressionType value) {
AppendTinyVarInt(24, value);
template <typename T = TraceConfig_IncidentReportConfig> T* set_incident_report_config() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(25);
void set_trace_uuid_msb(int64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(27, value);
void set_trace_uuid_lsb(int64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(28, value);
class TraceConfig_IncidentReportConfig_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/4, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
TraceConfig_IncidentReportConfig_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit TraceConfig_IncidentReportConfig_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit TraceConfig_IncidentReportConfig_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_destination_package() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars destination_package() const { return at<1>().as_string(); }
bool has_destination_class() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars destination_class() const { return at<2>().as_string(); }
bool has_privacy_level() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
int32_t privacy_level() const { return at<3>().as_int32(); }
bool has_skip_dropbox() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
bool skip_dropbox() const { return at<4>().as_bool(); }
class TraceConfig_IncidentReportConfig : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = TraceConfig_IncidentReportConfig_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kDestinationPackageFieldNumber = 1,
kDestinationClassFieldNumber = 2,
kPrivacyLevelFieldNumber = 3,
kSkipDropboxFieldNumber = 4,
void set_destination_package(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(1,, value.size());
void set_destination_package(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(1, data, size);
void set_destination_class(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(2,, value.size());
void set_destination_class(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(2, data, size);
void set_privacy_level(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void set_skip_dropbox(bool value) {
AppendTinyVarInt(4, value);
class TraceConfig_IncrementalStateConfig_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/1, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
TraceConfig_IncrementalStateConfig_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit TraceConfig_IncrementalStateConfig_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit TraceConfig_IncrementalStateConfig_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_clear_period_ms() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint32_t clear_period_ms() const { return at<1>().as_uint32(); }
class TraceConfig_IncrementalStateConfig : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = TraceConfig_IncrementalStateConfig_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kClearPeriodMsFieldNumber = 1,
void set_clear_period_ms(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
class TraceConfig_TriggerConfig_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/3, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/true> {
TraceConfig_TriggerConfig_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit TraceConfig_TriggerConfig_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit TraceConfig_TriggerConfig_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_trigger_mode() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
int32_t trigger_mode() const { return at<1>().as_int32(); }
bool has_triggers() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
::protozero::RepeatedFieldIterator<::protozero::ConstBytes> triggers() const { return GetRepeated<::protozero::ConstBytes>(2); }
bool has_trigger_timeout_ms() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
uint32_t trigger_timeout_ms() const { return at<3>().as_uint32(); }
class TraceConfig_TriggerConfig : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = TraceConfig_TriggerConfig_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kTriggerModeFieldNumber = 1,
kTriggersFieldNumber = 2,
kTriggerTimeoutMsFieldNumber = 3,
using Trigger = ::perfetto::protos::pbzero::TraceConfig_TriggerConfig_Trigger;
using TriggerMode = ::perfetto::protos::pbzero::TraceConfig_TriggerConfig_TriggerMode;
static const TriggerMode UNSPECIFIED = TraceConfig_TriggerConfig_TriggerMode_UNSPECIFIED;
static const TriggerMode START_TRACING = TraceConfig_TriggerConfig_TriggerMode_START_TRACING;
static const TriggerMode STOP_TRACING = TraceConfig_TriggerConfig_TriggerMode_STOP_TRACING;
void set_trigger_mode(::perfetto::protos::pbzero::TraceConfig_TriggerConfig_TriggerMode value) {
AppendTinyVarInt(1, value);
template <typename T = TraceConfig_TriggerConfig_Trigger> T* add_triggers() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(2);
void set_trigger_timeout_ms(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
class TraceConfig_TriggerConfig_Trigger_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/3, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
TraceConfig_TriggerConfig_Trigger_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit TraceConfig_TriggerConfig_Trigger_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit TraceConfig_TriggerConfig_Trigger_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_name() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars name() const { return at<1>().as_string(); }
bool has_producer_name_regex() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars producer_name_regex() const { return at<2>().as_string(); }
bool has_stop_delay_ms() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
uint32_t stop_delay_ms() const { return at<3>().as_uint32(); }
class TraceConfig_TriggerConfig_Trigger : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = TraceConfig_TriggerConfig_Trigger_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kNameFieldNumber = 1,
kProducerNameRegexFieldNumber = 2,
kStopDelayMsFieldNumber = 3,
void set_name(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(1,, value.size());
void set_name(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(1, data, size);
void set_producer_name_regex(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(2,, value.size());
void set_producer_name_regex(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(2, data, size);
void set_stop_delay_ms(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
class TraceConfig_GuardrailOverrides_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/1, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
TraceConfig_GuardrailOverrides_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit TraceConfig_GuardrailOverrides_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit TraceConfig_GuardrailOverrides_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_max_upload_per_day_bytes() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t max_upload_per_day_bytes() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
class TraceConfig_GuardrailOverrides : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = TraceConfig_GuardrailOverrides_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kMaxUploadPerDayBytesFieldNumber = 1,
void set_max_upload_per_day_bytes(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
class TraceConfig_StatsdMetadata_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/4, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
TraceConfig_StatsdMetadata_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit TraceConfig_StatsdMetadata_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit TraceConfig_StatsdMetadata_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_triggering_alert_id() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
int64_t triggering_alert_id() const { return at<1>().as_int64(); }
bool has_triggering_config_uid() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
int32_t triggering_config_uid() const { return at<2>().as_int32(); }
bool has_triggering_config_id() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
int64_t triggering_config_id() const { return at<3>().as_int64(); }
bool has_triggering_subscription_id() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
int64_t triggering_subscription_id() const { return at<4>().as_int64(); }
class TraceConfig_StatsdMetadata : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = TraceConfig_StatsdMetadata_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kTriggeringAlertIdFieldNumber = 1,
kTriggeringConfigUidFieldNumber = 2,
kTriggeringConfigIdFieldNumber = 3,
kTriggeringSubscriptionIdFieldNumber = 4,
void set_triggering_alert_id(int64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_triggering_config_uid(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_triggering_config_id(int64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void set_triggering_subscription_id(int64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(4, value);
class TraceConfig_ProducerConfig_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/3, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
TraceConfig_ProducerConfig_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit TraceConfig_ProducerConfig_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit TraceConfig_ProducerConfig_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_producer_name() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars producer_name() const { return at<1>().as_string(); }
bool has_shm_size_kb() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint32_t shm_size_kb() const { return at<2>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_page_size_kb() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
uint32_t page_size_kb() const { return at<3>().as_uint32(); }
class TraceConfig_ProducerConfig : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = TraceConfig_ProducerConfig_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kProducerNameFieldNumber = 1,
kShmSizeKbFieldNumber = 2,
kPageSizeKbFieldNumber = 3,
void set_producer_name(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(1,, value.size());
void set_producer_name(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(1, data, size);
void set_shm_size_kb(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_page_size_kb(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
class TraceConfig_BuiltinDataSource_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/6, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
TraceConfig_BuiltinDataSource_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit TraceConfig_BuiltinDataSource_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit TraceConfig_BuiltinDataSource_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_disable_clock_snapshotting() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
bool disable_clock_snapshotting() const { return at<1>().as_bool(); }
bool has_disable_trace_config() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
bool disable_trace_config() const { return at<2>().as_bool(); }
bool has_disable_system_info() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
bool disable_system_info() const { return at<3>().as_bool(); }
bool has_disable_service_events() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
bool disable_service_events() const { return at<4>().as_bool(); }
bool has_primary_trace_clock() const { return at<5>().valid(); }
int32_t primary_trace_clock() const { return at<5>().as_int32(); }
bool has_snapshot_interval_ms() const { return at<6>().valid(); }
uint32_t snapshot_interval_ms() const { return at<6>().as_uint32(); }
class TraceConfig_BuiltinDataSource : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = TraceConfig_BuiltinDataSource_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kDisableClockSnapshottingFieldNumber = 1,
kDisableTraceConfigFieldNumber = 2,
kDisableSystemInfoFieldNumber = 3,
kDisableServiceEventsFieldNumber = 4,
kPrimaryTraceClockFieldNumber = 5,
kSnapshotIntervalMsFieldNumber = 6,
void set_disable_clock_snapshotting(bool value) {
AppendTinyVarInt(1, value);
void set_disable_trace_config(bool value) {
AppendTinyVarInt(2, value);
void set_disable_system_info(bool value) {
AppendTinyVarInt(3, value);
void set_disable_service_events(bool value) {
AppendTinyVarInt(4, value);
void set_primary_trace_clock(::perfetto::protos::pbzero::BuiltinClock value) {
AppendTinyVarInt(5, value);
void set_snapshot_interval_ms(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(6, value);
class TraceConfig_DataSource_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/3, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/true> {
TraceConfig_DataSource_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit TraceConfig_DataSource_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit TraceConfig_DataSource_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_config() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes config() const { return at<1>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_producer_name_filter() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
::protozero::RepeatedFieldIterator<::protozero::ConstChars> producer_name_filter() const { return GetRepeated<::protozero::ConstChars>(2); }
bool has_producer_name_regex_filter() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
::protozero::RepeatedFieldIterator<::protozero::ConstChars> producer_name_regex_filter() const { return GetRepeated<::protozero::ConstChars>(3); }
class TraceConfig_DataSource : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = TraceConfig_DataSource_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kConfigFieldNumber = 1,
kProducerNameFilterFieldNumber = 2,
kProducerNameRegexFilterFieldNumber = 3,
template <typename T = DataSourceConfig> T* set_config() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(1);
void add_producer_name_filter(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(2,, value.size());
void add_producer_name_filter(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(2, data, size);
void add_producer_name_regex_filter(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(3,, value.size());
void add_producer_name_regex_filter(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(3, data, size);
class TraceConfig_BufferConfig_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/4, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
TraceConfig_BufferConfig_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit TraceConfig_BufferConfig_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit TraceConfig_BufferConfig_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_size_kb() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint32_t size_kb() const { return at<1>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_fill_policy() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
int32_t fill_policy() const { return at<4>().as_int32(); }
class TraceConfig_BufferConfig : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = TraceConfig_BufferConfig_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kSizeKbFieldNumber = 1,
kFillPolicyFieldNumber = 4,
using FillPolicy = ::perfetto::protos::pbzero::TraceConfig_BufferConfig_FillPolicy;
static const FillPolicy UNSPECIFIED = TraceConfig_BufferConfig_FillPolicy_UNSPECIFIED;
static const FillPolicy RING_BUFFER = TraceConfig_BufferConfig_FillPolicy_RING_BUFFER;
static const FillPolicy DISCARD = TraceConfig_BufferConfig_FillPolicy_DISCARD;
void set_size_kb(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_fill_policy(::perfetto::protos::pbzero::TraceConfig_BufferConfig_FillPolicy value) {
AppendTinyVarInt(4, value);
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
#endif // Include guard.
// gen_amalgamated begin header: gen/protos/perfetto/trace/clock_snapshot.pbzero.h
// Autogenerated by the ProtoZero compiler plugin. DO NOT EDIT.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/message.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/packed_repeated_fields.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_decoder.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_utils.h"
namespace perfetto {
namespace protos {
namespace pbzero {
class ClockSnapshot_Clock;
enum BuiltinClock : int32_t;
enum ClockSnapshot_Clock_BuiltinClocks : int32_t {
ClockSnapshot_Clock_BuiltinClocks_UNKNOWN = 0,
ClockSnapshot_Clock_BuiltinClocks_REALTIME = 1,
ClockSnapshot_Clock_BuiltinClocks_REALTIME_COARSE = 2,
ClockSnapshot_Clock_BuiltinClocks_MONOTONIC = 3,
ClockSnapshot_Clock_BuiltinClocks_MONOTONIC_COARSE = 4,
ClockSnapshot_Clock_BuiltinClocks_MONOTONIC_RAW = 5,
ClockSnapshot_Clock_BuiltinClocks_BOOTTIME = 6,
ClockSnapshot_Clock_BuiltinClocks_BUILTIN_CLOCK_MAX_ID = 63,
const ClockSnapshot_Clock_BuiltinClocks ClockSnapshot_Clock_BuiltinClocks_MIN = ClockSnapshot_Clock_BuiltinClocks_UNKNOWN;
const ClockSnapshot_Clock_BuiltinClocks ClockSnapshot_Clock_BuiltinClocks_MAX = ClockSnapshot_Clock_BuiltinClocks_BUILTIN_CLOCK_MAX_ID;
class ClockSnapshot_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/2, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/true> {
ClockSnapshot_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit ClockSnapshot_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit ClockSnapshot_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_clocks() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
::protozero::RepeatedFieldIterator<::protozero::ConstBytes> clocks() const { return GetRepeated<::protozero::ConstBytes>(1); }
bool has_primary_trace_clock() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
int32_t primary_trace_clock() const { return at<2>().as_int32(); }
class ClockSnapshot : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = ClockSnapshot_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kClocksFieldNumber = 1,
kPrimaryTraceClockFieldNumber = 2,
using Clock = ::perfetto::protos::pbzero::ClockSnapshot_Clock;
template <typename T = ClockSnapshot_Clock> T* add_clocks() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(1);
void set_primary_trace_clock(::perfetto::protos::pbzero::BuiltinClock value) {
AppendTinyVarInt(2, value);
class ClockSnapshot_Clock_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/4, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
ClockSnapshot_Clock_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit ClockSnapshot_Clock_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit ClockSnapshot_Clock_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_clock_id() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint32_t clock_id() const { return at<1>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_timestamp() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint64_t timestamp() const { return at<2>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_is_incremental() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
bool is_incremental() const { return at<3>().as_bool(); }
bool has_unit_multiplier_ns() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
uint64_t unit_multiplier_ns() const { return at<4>().as_uint64(); }
class ClockSnapshot_Clock : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = ClockSnapshot_Clock_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kClockIdFieldNumber = 1,
kTimestampFieldNumber = 2,
kIsIncrementalFieldNumber = 3,
kUnitMultiplierNsFieldNumber = 4,
using BuiltinClocks = ::perfetto::protos::pbzero::ClockSnapshot_Clock_BuiltinClocks;
static const BuiltinClocks UNKNOWN = ClockSnapshot_Clock_BuiltinClocks_UNKNOWN;
static const BuiltinClocks REALTIME = ClockSnapshot_Clock_BuiltinClocks_REALTIME;
static const BuiltinClocks REALTIME_COARSE = ClockSnapshot_Clock_BuiltinClocks_REALTIME_COARSE;
static const BuiltinClocks MONOTONIC = ClockSnapshot_Clock_BuiltinClocks_MONOTONIC;
static const BuiltinClocks MONOTONIC_COARSE = ClockSnapshot_Clock_BuiltinClocks_MONOTONIC_COARSE;
static const BuiltinClocks MONOTONIC_RAW = ClockSnapshot_Clock_BuiltinClocks_MONOTONIC_RAW;
static const BuiltinClocks BOOTTIME = ClockSnapshot_Clock_BuiltinClocks_BOOTTIME;
static const BuiltinClocks BUILTIN_CLOCK_MAX_ID = ClockSnapshot_Clock_BuiltinClocks_BUILTIN_CLOCK_MAX_ID;
void set_clock_id(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_timestamp(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_is_incremental(bool value) {
AppendTinyVarInt(3, value);
void set_unit_multiplier_ns(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(4, value);
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
#endif // Include guard.
// gen_amalgamated begin header: gen/protos/perfetto/trace/trigger.pbzero.h
// Autogenerated by the ProtoZero compiler plugin. DO NOT EDIT.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/message.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/packed_repeated_fields.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_decoder.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_utils.h"
namespace perfetto {
namespace protos {
namespace pbzero {
class Trigger_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/3, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
Trigger_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit Trigger_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit Trigger_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_trigger_name() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars trigger_name() const { return at<1>().as_string(); }
bool has_producer_name() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars producer_name() const { return at<2>().as_string(); }
bool has_trusted_producer_uid() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
int32_t trusted_producer_uid() const { return at<3>().as_int32(); }
class Trigger : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = Trigger_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kTriggerNameFieldNumber = 1,
kProducerNameFieldNumber = 2,
kTrustedProducerUidFieldNumber = 3,
void set_trigger_name(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(1,, value.size());
void set_trigger_name(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(1, data, size);
void set_producer_name(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(2,, value.size());
void set_producer_name(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(2, data, size);
void set_trusted_producer_uid(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
#endif // Include guard.
// gen_amalgamated begin header: gen/protos/perfetto/trace/system_info.pbzero.h
// Autogenerated by the ProtoZero compiler plugin. DO NOT EDIT.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/message.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/packed_repeated_fields.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_decoder.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_utils.h"
namespace perfetto {
namespace protos {
namespace pbzero {
class Utsname;
class SystemInfo_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/3, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
SystemInfo_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit SystemInfo_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit SystemInfo_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_utsname() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes utsname() const { return at<1>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_android_build_fingerprint() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars android_build_fingerprint() const { return at<2>().as_string(); }
bool has_hz() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
int64_t hz() const { return at<3>().as_int64(); }
class SystemInfo : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = SystemInfo_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kUtsnameFieldNumber = 1,
kAndroidBuildFingerprintFieldNumber = 2,
kHzFieldNumber = 3,
template <typename T = Utsname> T* set_utsname() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(1);
void set_android_build_fingerprint(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(2,, value.size());
void set_android_build_fingerprint(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(2, data, size);
void set_hz(int64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
class Utsname_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/4, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
Utsname_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit Utsname_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit Utsname_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_sysname() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars sysname() const { return at<1>().as_string(); }
bool has_version() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars version() const { return at<2>().as_string(); }
bool has_release() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars release() const { return at<3>().as_string(); }
bool has_machine() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars machine() const { return at<4>().as_string(); }
class Utsname : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = Utsname_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kSysnameFieldNumber = 1,
kVersionFieldNumber = 2,
kReleaseFieldNumber = 3,
kMachineFieldNumber = 4,
void set_sysname(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(1,, value.size());
void set_sysname(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(1, data, size);
void set_version(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(2,, value.size());
void set_version(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(2, data, size);
void set_release(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(3,, value.size());
void set_release(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(3, data, size);
void set_machine(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(4,, value.size());
void set_machine(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(4, data, size);
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
#endif // Include guard.
// gen_amalgamated begin header: gen/protos/perfetto/trace/android/android_log.pbzero.h
// Autogenerated by the ProtoZero compiler plugin. DO NOT EDIT.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/message.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/packed_repeated_fields.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_decoder.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_utils.h"
namespace perfetto {
namespace protos {
namespace pbzero {
class AndroidLogPacket_LogEvent;
class AndroidLogPacket_LogEvent_Arg;
class AndroidLogPacket_Stats;
enum AndroidLogId : int32_t;
enum AndroidLogPriority : int32_t;
class AndroidLogPacket_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/2, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/true> {
AndroidLogPacket_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit AndroidLogPacket_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit AndroidLogPacket_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_events() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
::protozero::RepeatedFieldIterator<::protozero::ConstBytes> events() const { return GetRepeated<::protozero::ConstBytes>(1); }
bool has_stats() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes stats() const { return at<2>().as_bytes(); }
class AndroidLogPacket : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = AndroidLogPacket_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kEventsFieldNumber = 1,
kStatsFieldNumber = 2,
using LogEvent = ::perfetto::protos::pbzero::AndroidLogPacket_LogEvent;
using Stats = ::perfetto::protos::pbzero::AndroidLogPacket_Stats;
template <typename T = AndroidLogPacket_LogEvent> T* add_events() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(1);
template <typename T = AndroidLogPacket_Stats> T* set_stats() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(2);
class AndroidLogPacket_Stats_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/3, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
AndroidLogPacket_Stats_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit AndroidLogPacket_Stats_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit AndroidLogPacket_Stats_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_num_total() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t num_total() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_num_failed() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint64_t num_failed() const { return at<2>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_num_skipped() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
uint64_t num_skipped() const { return at<3>().as_uint64(); }
class AndroidLogPacket_Stats : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = AndroidLogPacket_Stats_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kNumTotalFieldNumber = 1,
kNumFailedFieldNumber = 2,
kNumSkippedFieldNumber = 3,
void set_num_total(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_num_failed(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_num_skipped(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
class AndroidLogPacket_LogEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/9, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/true> {
AndroidLogPacket_LogEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit AndroidLogPacket_LogEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit AndroidLogPacket_LogEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_log_id() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
int32_t log_id() const { return at<1>().as_int32(); }
bool has_pid() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
int32_t pid() const { return at<2>().as_int32(); }
bool has_tid() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
int32_t tid() const { return at<3>().as_int32(); }
bool has_uid() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
int32_t uid() const { return at<4>().as_int32(); }
bool has_timestamp() const { return at<5>().valid(); }
uint64_t timestamp() const { return at<5>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_tag() const { return at<6>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars tag() const { return at<6>().as_string(); }
bool has_prio() const { return at<7>().valid(); }
int32_t prio() const { return at<7>().as_int32(); }
bool has_message() const { return at<8>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars message() const { return at<8>().as_string(); }
bool has_args() const { return at<9>().valid(); }
::protozero::RepeatedFieldIterator<::protozero::ConstBytes> args() const { return GetRepeated<::protozero::ConstBytes>(9); }
class AndroidLogPacket_LogEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = AndroidLogPacket_LogEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kLogIdFieldNumber = 1,
kPidFieldNumber = 2,
kTidFieldNumber = 3,
kUidFieldNumber = 4,
kTimestampFieldNumber = 5,
kTagFieldNumber = 6,
kPrioFieldNumber = 7,
kMessageFieldNumber = 8,
kArgsFieldNumber = 9,
using Arg = ::perfetto::protos::pbzero::AndroidLogPacket_LogEvent_Arg;
void set_log_id(::perfetto::protos::pbzero::AndroidLogId value) {
AppendTinyVarInt(1, value);
void set_pid(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_tid(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void set_uid(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(4, value);
void set_timestamp(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(5, value);
void set_tag(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(6,, value.size());
void set_tag(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(6, data, size);
void set_prio(::perfetto::protos::pbzero::AndroidLogPriority value) {
AppendTinyVarInt(7, value);
void set_message(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(8,, value.size());
void set_message(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(8, data, size);
template <typename T = AndroidLogPacket_LogEvent_Arg> T* add_args() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(9);
class AndroidLogPacket_LogEvent_Arg_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/4, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
AndroidLogPacket_LogEvent_Arg_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit AndroidLogPacket_LogEvent_Arg_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit AndroidLogPacket_LogEvent_Arg_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_name() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars name() const { return at<1>().as_string(); }
bool has_int_value() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
int64_t int_value() const { return at<2>().as_int64(); }
bool has_float_value() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
float float_value() const { return at<3>().as_float(); }
bool has_string_value() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars string_value() const { return at<4>().as_string(); }
class AndroidLogPacket_LogEvent_Arg : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = AndroidLogPacket_LogEvent_Arg_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kNameFieldNumber = 1,
kIntValueFieldNumber = 2,
kFloatValueFieldNumber = 3,
kStringValueFieldNumber = 4,
void set_name(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(1,, value.size());
void set_name(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(1, data, size);
void set_int_value(int64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_float_value(float value) {
AppendFixed(3, value);
void set_string_value(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(4,, value.size());
void set_string_value(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(4, data, size);
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
#endif // Include guard.
// gen_amalgamated begin header: gen/protos/perfetto/trace/android/gpu_mem_event.pbzero.h
// Autogenerated by the ProtoZero compiler plugin. DO NOT EDIT.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/message.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/packed_repeated_fields.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_decoder.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_utils.h"
namespace perfetto {
namespace protos {
namespace pbzero {
class GpuMemTotalEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/3, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
GpuMemTotalEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit GpuMemTotalEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit GpuMemTotalEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_gpu_id() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint32_t gpu_id() const { return at<1>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_pid() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint32_t pid() const { return at<2>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_size() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
uint64_t size() const { return at<3>().as_uint64(); }
class GpuMemTotalEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = GpuMemTotalEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kGpuIdFieldNumber = 1,
kPidFieldNumber = 2,
kSizeFieldNumber = 3,
void set_gpu_id(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_pid(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_size(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
#endif // Include guard.
// gen_amalgamated begin header: gen/protos/perfetto/trace/android/graphics_frame_event.pbzero.h
// Autogenerated by the ProtoZero compiler plugin. DO NOT EDIT.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/message.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/packed_repeated_fields.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_decoder.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_utils.h"
namespace perfetto {
namespace protos {
namespace pbzero {
class GraphicsFrameEvent_BufferEvent;
enum GraphicsFrameEvent_BufferEventType : int32_t;
enum GraphicsFrameEvent_BufferEventType : int32_t {
GraphicsFrameEvent_BufferEventType_UNSPECIFIED = 0,
GraphicsFrameEvent_BufferEventType_DEQUEUE = 1,
GraphicsFrameEvent_BufferEventType_QUEUE = 2,
GraphicsFrameEvent_BufferEventType_POST = 3,
GraphicsFrameEvent_BufferEventType_ACQUIRE_FENCE = 4,
GraphicsFrameEvent_BufferEventType_LATCH = 5,
GraphicsFrameEvent_BufferEventType_HWC_COMPOSITION_QUEUED = 6,
GraphicsFrameEvent_BufferEventType_FALLBACK_COMPOSITION = 7,
GraphicsFrameEvent_BufferEventType_PRESENT_FENCE = 8,
GraphicsFrameEvent_BufferEventType_RELEASE_FENCE = 9,
GraphicsFrameEvent_BufferEventType_MODIFY = 10,
GraphicsFrameEvent_BufferEventType_DETACH = 11,
GraphicsFrameEvent_BufferEventType_ATTACH = 12,
GraphicsFrameEvent_BufferEventType_CANCEL = 13,
const GraphicsFrameEvent_BufferEventType GraphicsFrameEvent_BufferEventType_MIN = GraphicsFrameEvent_BufferEventType_UNSPECIFIED;
const GraphicsFrameEvent_BufferEventType GraphicsFrameEvent_BufferEventType_MAX = GraphicsFrameEvent_BufferEventType_CANCEL;
class GraphicsFrameEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/1, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
GraphicsFrameEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit GraphicsFrameEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit GraphicsFrameEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_buffer_event() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes buffer_event() const { return at<1>().as_bytes(); }
class GraphicsFrameEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = GraphicsFrameEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kBufferEventFieldNumber = 1,
using BufferEvent = ::perfetto::protos::pbzero::GraphicsFrameEvent_BufferEvent;
using BufferEventType = ::perfetto::protos::pbzero::GraphicsFrameEvent_BufferEventType;
static const BufferEventType UNSPECIFIED = GraphicsFrameEvent_BufferEventType_UNSPECIFIED;
static const BufferEventType DEQUEUE = GraphicsFrameEvent_BufferEventType_DEQUEUE;
static const BufferEventType QUEUE = GraphicsFrameEvent_BufferEventType_QUEUE;
static const BufferEventType POST = GraphicsFrameEvent_BufferEventType_POST;
static const BufferEventType ACQUIRE_FENCE = GraphicsFrameEvent_BufferEventType_ACQUIRE_FENCE;
static const BufferEventType LATCH = GraphicsFrameEvent_BufferEventType_LATCH;
static const BufferEventType HWC_COMPOSITION_QUEUED = GraphicsFrameEvent_BufferEventType_HWC_COMPOSITION_QUEUED;
static const BufferEventType FALLBACK_COMPOSITION = GraphicsFrameEvent_BufferEventType_FALLBACK_COMPOSITION;
static const BufferEventType PRESENT_FENCE = GraphicsFrameEvent_BufferEventType_PRESENT_FENCE;
static const BufferEventType RELEASE_FENCE = GraphicsFrameEvent_BufferEventType_RELEASE_FENCE;
static const BufferEventType MODIFY = GraphicsFrameEvent_BufferEventType_MODIFY;
static const BufferEventType DETACH = GraphicsFrameEvent_BufferEventType_DETACH;
static const BufferEventType ATTACH = GraphicsFrameEvent_BufferEventType_ATTACH;
static const BufferEventType CANCEL = GraphicsFrameEvent_BufferEventType_CANCEL;
template <typename T = GraphicsFrameEvent_BufferEvent> T* set_buffer_event() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(1);
class GraphicsFrameEvent_BufferEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/5, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
GraphicsFrameEvent_BufferEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit GraphicsFrameEvent_BufferEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit GraphicsFrameEvent_BufferEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_frame_number() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint32_t frame_number() const { return at<1>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_type() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
int32_t type() const { return at<2>().as_int32(); }
bool has_layer_name() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars layer_name() const { return at<3>().as_string(); }
bool has_duration_ns() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
uint64_t duration_ns() const { return at<4>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_buffer_id() const { return at<5>().valid(); }
uint32_t buffer_id() const { return at<5>().as_uint32(); }
class GraphicsFrameEvent_BufferEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = GraphicsFrameEvent_BufferEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kFrameNumberFieldNumber = 1,
kTypeFieldNumber = 2,
kLayerNameFieldNumber = 3,
kDurationNsFieldNumber = 4,
kBufferIdFieldNumber = 5,
void set_frame_number(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_type(::perfetto::protos::pbzero::GraphicsFrameEvent_BufferEventType value) {
AppendTinyVarInt(2, value);
void set_layer_name(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(3,, value.size());
void set_layer_name(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(3, data, size);
void set_duration_ns(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(4, value);
void set_buffer_id(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(5, value);
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
#endif // Include guard.
// gen_amalgamated begin header: gen/protos/perfetto/trace/android/initial_display_state.pbzero.h
// Autogenerated by the ProtoZero compiler plugin. DO NOT EDIT.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/message.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/packed_repeated_fields.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_decoder.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_utils.h"
namespace perfetto {
namespace protos {
namespace pbzero {
class InitialDisplayState_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/2, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
InitialDisplayState_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit InitialDisplayState_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit InitialDisplayState_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_display_state() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
int32_t display_state() const { return at<1>().as_int32(); }
bool has_brightness() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
double brightness() const { return at<2>().as_double(); }
class InitialDisplayState : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = InitialDisplayState_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kDisplayStateFieldNumber = 1,
kBrightnessFieldNumber = 2,
void set_display_state(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_brightness(double value) {
AppendFixed(2, value);
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
#endif // Include guard.
// gen_amalgamated begin header: gen/protos/perfetto/trace/android/packages_list.pbzero.h
// Autogenerated by the ProtoZero compiler plugin. DO NOT EDIT.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/message.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/packed_repeated_fields.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_decoder.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_utils.h"
namespace perfetto {
namespace protos {
namespace pbzero {
class PackagesList_PackageInfo;
class PackagesList_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/3, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/true> {
PackagesList_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit PackagesList_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit PackagesList_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_packages() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
::protozero::RepeatedFieldIterator<::protozero::ConstBytes> packages() const { return GetRepeated<::protozero::ConstBytes>(1); }
bool has_parse_error() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
bool parse_error() const { return at<2>().as_bool(); }
bool has_read_error() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
bool read_error() const { return at<3>().as_bool(); }
class PackagesList : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = PackagesList_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kPackagesFieldNumber = 1,
kParseErrorFieldNumber = 2,
kReadErrorFieldNumber = 3,
using PackageInfo = ::perfetto::protos::pbzero::PackagesList_PackageInfo;
template <typename T = PackagesList_PackageInfo> T* add_packages() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(1);
void set_parse_error(bool value) {
AppendTinyVarInt(2, value);
void set_read_error(bool value) {
AppendTinyVarInt(3, value);
class PackagesList_PackageInfo_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/5, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
PackagesList_PackageInfo_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit PackagesList_PackageInfo_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit PackagesList_PackageInfo_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_name() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars name() const { return at<1>().as_string(); }
bool has_uid() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint64_t uid() const { return at<2>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_debuggable() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
bool debuggable() const { return at<3>().as_bool(); }
bool has_profileable_from_shell() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
bool profileable_from_shell() const { return at<4>().as_bool(); }
bool has_version_code() const { return at<5>().valid(); }
int64_t version_code() const { return at<5>().as_int64(); }
class PackagesList_PackageInfo : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = PackagesList_PackageInfo_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kNameFieldNumber = 1,
kUidFieldNumber = 2,
kDebuggableFieldNumber = 3,
kProfileableFromShellFieldNumber = 4,
kVersionCodeFieldNumber = 5,
void set_name(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(1,, value.size());
void set_name(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(1, data, size);
void set_uid(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_debuggable(bool value) {
AppendTinyVarInt(3, value);
void set_profileable_from_shell(bool value) {
AppendTinyVarInt(4, value);
void set_version_code(int64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(5, value);
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
#endif // Include guard.
// gen_amalgamated begin header: gen/protos/perfetto/trace/chrome/chrome_benchmark_metadata.pbzero.h
// Autogenerated by the ProtoZero compiler plugin. DO NOT EDIT.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/message.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/packed_repeated_fields.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_decoder.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_utils.h"
namespace perfetto {
namespace protos {
namespace pbzero {
class ChromeBenchmarkMetadata_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/9, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/true> {
ChromeBenchmarkMetadata_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit ChromeBenchmarkMetadata_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit ChromeBenchmarkMetadata_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_benchmark_start_time_us() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
int64_t benchmark_start_time_us() const { return at<1>().as_int64(); }
bool has_story_run_time_us() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
int64_t story_run_time_us() const { return at<2>().as_int64(); }
bool has_benchmark_name() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars benchmark_name() const { return at<3>().as_string(); }
bool has_benchmark_description() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars benchmark_description() const { return at<4>().as_string(); }
bool has_label() const { return at<5>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars label() const { return at<5>().as_string(); }
bool has_story_name() const { return at<6>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars story_name() const { return at<6>().as_string(); }
bool has_story_tags() const { return at<7>().valid(); }
::protozero::RepeatedFieldIterator<::protozero::ConstChars> story_tags() const { return GetRepeated<::protozero::ConstChars>(7); }
bool has_story_run_index() const { return at<8>().valid(); }
int32_t story_run_index() const { return at<8>().as_int32(); }
bool has_had_failures() const { return at<9>().valid(); }
bool had_failures() const { return at<9>().as_bool(); }
class ChromeBenchmarkMetadata : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = ChromeBenchmarkMetadata_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kBenchmarkStartTimeUsFieldNumber = 1,
kStoryRunTimeUsFieldNumber = 2,
kBenchmarkNameFieldNumber = 3,
kBenchmarkDescriptionFieldNumber = 4,
kLabelFieldNumber = 5,
kStoryNameFieldNumber = 6,
kStoryTagsFieldNumber = 7,
kStoryRunIndexFieldNumber = 8,
kHadFailuresFieldNumber = 9,
void set_benchmark_start_time_us(int64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_story_run_time_us(int64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_benchmark_name(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(3,, value.size());
void set_benchmark_name(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(3, data, size);
void set_benchmark_description(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(4,, value.size());
void set_benchmark_description(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(4, data, size);
void set_label(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(5,, value.size());
void set_label(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(5, data, size);
void set_story_name(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(6,, value.size());
void set_story_name(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(6, data, size);
void add_story_tags(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(7,, value.size());
void add_story_tags(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(7, data, size);
void set_story_run_index(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(8, value);
void set_had_failures(bool value) {
AppendTinyVarInt(9, value);
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
#endif // Include guard.
// gen_amalgamated begin header: gen/protos/perfetto/trace/chrome/chrome_metadata.pbzero.h
// Autogenerated by the ProtoZero compiler plugin. DO NOT EDIT.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/message.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/packed_repeated_fields.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_decoder.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_utils.h"
namespace perfetto {
namespace protos {
namespace pbzero {
class BackgroundTracingMetadata;
class BackgroundTracingMetadata_TriggerRule;
class BackgroundTracingMetadata_TriggerRule_HistogramRule;
class BackgroundTracingMetadata_TriggerRule_NamedRule;
enum BackgroundTracingMetadata_TriggerRule_NamedRule_EventType : int32_t;
enum BackgroundTracingMetadata_TriggerRule_TriggerType : int32_t;
enum BackgroundTracingMetadata_TriggerRule_TriggerType : int32_t {
BackgroundTracingMetadata_TriggerRule_TriggerType_TRIGGER_UNSPECIFIED = 0,
BackgroundTracingMetadata_TriggerRule_TriggerType_MONITOR_AND_DUMP_WHEN_SPECIFIC_HISTOGRAM_AND_VALUE = 1,
BackgroundTracingMetadata_TriggerRule_TriggerType_MONITOR_AND_DUMP_WHEN_TRIGGER_NAMED = 2,
const BackgroundTracingMetadata_TriggerRule_TriggerType BackgroundTracingMetadata_TriggerRule_TriggerType_MIN = BackgroundTracingMetadata_TriggerRule_TriggerType_TRIGGER_UNSPECIFIED;
const BackgroundTracingMetadata_TriggerRule_TriggerType BackgroundTracingMetadata_TriggerRule_TriggerType_MAX = BackgroundTracingMetadata_TriggerRule_TriggerType_MONITOR_AND_DUMP_WHEN_TRIGGER_NAMED;
enum BackgroundTracingMetadata_TriggerRule_NamedRule_EventType : int32_t {
BackgroundTracingMetadata_TriggerRule_NamedRule_EventType_UNSPECIFIED = 0,
BackgroundTracingMetadata_TriggerRule_NamedRule_EventType_SESSION_RESTORE = 1,
BackgroundTracingMetadata_TriggerRule_NamedRule_EventType_NAVIGATION = 2,
BackgroundTracingMetadata_TriggerRule_NamedRule_EventType_STARTUP = 3,
BackgroundTracingMetadata_TriggerRule_NamedRule_EventType_REACHED_CODE = 4,
BackgroundTracingMetadata_TriggerRule_NamedRule_EventType_TEST_RULE = 1000,
const BackgroundTracingMetadata_TriggerRule_NamedRule_EventType BackgroundTracingMetadata_TriggerRule_NamedRule_EventType_MIN = BackgroundTracingMetadata_TriggerRule_NamedRule_EventType_UNSPECIFIED;
const BackgroundTracingMetadata_TriggerRule_NamedRule_EventType BackgroundTracingMetadata_TriggerRule_NamedRule_EventType_MAX = BackgroundTracingMetadata_TriggerRule_NamedRule_EventType_TEST_RULE;
class BackgroundTracingMetadata_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/2, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/true> {
BackgroundTracingMetadata_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit BackgroundTracingMetadata_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit BackgroundTracingMetadata_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_triggered_rule() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes triggered_rule() const { return at<1>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_active_rules() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
::protozero::RepeatedFieldIterator<::protozero::ConstBytes> active_rules() const { return GetRepeated<::protozero::ConstBytes>(2); }
class BackgroundTracingMetadata : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = BackgroundTracingMetadata_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kTriggeredRuleFieldNumber = 1,
kActiveRulesFieldNumber = 2,
using TriggerRule = ::perfetto::protos::pbzero::BackgroundTracingMetadata_TriggerRule;
template <typename T = BackgroundTracingMetadata_TriggerRule> T* set_triggered_rule() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(1);
template <typename T = BackgroundTracingMetadata_TriggerRule> T* add_active_rules() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(2);
class BackgroundTracingMetadata_TriggerRule_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/3, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
BackgroundTracingMetadata_TriggerRule_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit BackgroundTracingMetadata_TriggerRule_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit BackgroundTracingMetadata_TriggerRule_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_trigger_type() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
int32_t trigger_type() const { return at<1>().as_int32(); }
bool has_histogram_rule() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes histogram_rule() const { return at<2>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_named_rule() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes named_rule() const { return at<3>().as_bytes(); }
class BackgroundTracingMetadata_TriggerRule : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = BackgroundTracingMetadata_TriggerRule_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kTriggerTypeFieldNumber = 1,
kHistogramRuleFieldNumber = 2,
kNamedRuleFieldNumber = 3,
using HistogramRule = ::perfetto::protos::pbzero::BackgroundTracingMetadata_TriggerRule_HistogramRule;
using NamedRule = ::perfetto::protos::pbzero::BackgroundTracingMetadata_TriggerRule_NamedRule;
using TriggerType = ::perfetto::protos::pbzero::BackgroundTracingMetadata_TriggerRule_TriggerType;
static const TriggerType TRIGGER_UNSPECIFIED = BackgroundTracingMetadata_TriggerRule_TriggerType_TRIGGER_UNSPECIFIED;
static const TriggerType MONITOR_AND_DUMP_WHEN_TRIGGER_NAMED = BackgroundTracingMetadata_TriggerRule_TriggerType_MONITOR_AND_DUMP_WHEN_TRIGGER_NAMED;
void set_trigger_type(::perfetto::protos::pbzero::BackgroundTracingMetadata_TriggerRule_TriggerType value) {
AppendTinyVarInt(1, value);
template <typename T = BackgroundTracingMetadata_TriggerRule_HistogramRule> T* set_histogram_rule() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(2);
template <typename T = BackgroundTracingMetadata_TriggerRule_NamedRule> T* set_named_rule() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(3);
class BackgroundTracingMetadata_TriggerRule_NamedRule_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/1, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
BackgroundTracingMetadata_TriggerRule_NamedRule_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit BackgroundTracingMetadata_TriggerRule_NamedRule_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit BackgroundTracingMetadata_TriggerRule_NamedRule_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_event_type() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
int32_t event_type() const { return at<1>().as_int32(); }
class BackgroundTracingMetadata_TriggerRule_NamedRule : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = BackgroundTracingMetadata_TriggerRule_NamedRule_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kEventTypeFieldNumber = 1,
using EventType = ::perfetto::protos::pbzero::BackgroundTracingMetadata_TriggerRule_NamedRule_EventType;
static const EventType UNSPECIFIED = BackgroundTracingMetadata_TriggerRule_NamedRule_EventType_UNSPECIFIED;
static const EventType SESSION_RESTORE = BackgroundTracingMetadata_TriggerRule_NamedRule_EventType_SESSION_RESTORE;
static const EventType NAVIGATION = BackgroundTracingMetadata_TriggerRule_NamedRule_EventType_NAVIGATION;
static const EventType STARTUP = BackgroundTracingMetadata_TriggerRule_NamedRule_EventType_STARTUP;
static const EventType REACHED_CODE = BackgroundTracingMetadata_TriggerRule_NamedRule_EventType_REACHED_CODE;
static const EventType TEST_RULE = BackgroundTracingMetadata_TriggerRule_NamedRule_EventType_TEST_RULE;
void set_event_type(::perfetto::protos::pbzero::BackgroundTracingMetadata_TriggerRule_NamedRule_EventType value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
class BackgroundTracingMetadata_TriggerRule_HistogramRule_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/3, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
BackgroundTracingMetadata_TriggerRule_HistogramRule_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit BackgroundTracingMetadata_TriggerRule_HistogramRule_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit BackgroundTracingMetadata_TriggerRule_HistogramRule_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_histogram_name_hash() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t histogram_name_hash() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_histogram_min_trigger() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
int64_t histogram_min_trigger() const { return at<2>().as_int64(); }
bool has_histogram_max_trigger() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
int64_t histogram_max_trigger() const { return at<3>().as_int64(); }
class BackgroundTracingMetadata_TriggerRule_HistogramRule : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = BackgroundTracingMetadata_TriggerRule_HistogramRule_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kHistogramNameHashFieldNumber = 1,
kHistogramMinTriggerFieldNumber = 2,
kHistogramMaxTriggerFieldNumber = 3,
void set_histogram_name_hash(uint64_t value) {
AppendFixed(1, value);
void set_histogram_min_trigger(int64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_histogram_max_trigger(int64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
class ChromeMetadataPacket_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/2, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
ChromeMetadataPacket_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit ChromeMetadataPacket_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit ChromeMetadataPacket_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_background_tracing_metadata() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes background_tracing_metadata() const { return at<1>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_chrome_version_code() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
int32_t chrome_version_code() const { return at<2>().as_int32(); }
class ChromeMetadataPacket : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = ChromeMetadataPacket_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kBackgroundTracingMetadataFieldNumber = 1,
kChromeVersionCodeFieldNumber = 2,
template <typename T = BackgroundTracingMetadata> T* set_background_tracing_metadata() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(1);
void set_chrome_version_code(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
#endif // Include guard.
// gen_amalgamated begin header: gen/protos/perfetto/trace/chrome/chrome_trace_event.pbzero.h
// Autogenerated by the ProtoZero compiler plugin. DO NOT EDIT.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/message.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/packed_repeated_fields.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_decoder.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_utils.h"
namespace perfetto {
namespace protos {
namespace pbzero {
class ChromeLegacyJsonTrace;
class ChromeMetadata;
class ChromeStringTableEntry;
class ChromeTraceEvent;
class ChromeTraceEvent_Arg;
class ChromeTracedValue;
enum ChromeLegacyJsonTrace_TraceType : int32_t;
enum ChromeTracedValue_NestedType : int32_t;
enum ChromeLegacyJsonTrace_TraceType : int32_t {
ChromeLegacyJsonTrace_TraceType_USER_TRACE = 0,
ChromeLegacyJsonTrace_TraceType_SYSTEM_TRACE = 1,
const ChromeLegacyJsonTrace_TraceType ChromeLegacyJsonTrace_TraceType_MIN = ChromeLegacyJsonTrace_TraceType_USER_TRACE;
const ChromeLegacyJsonTrace_TraceType ChromeLegacyJsonTrace_TraceType_MAX = ChromeLegacyJsonTrace_TraceType_SYSTEM_TRACE;
enum ChromeTracedValue_NestedType : int32_t {
ChromeTracedValue_NestedType_DICT = 0,
ChromeTracedValue_NestedType_ARRAY = 1,
const ChromeTracedValue_NestedType ChromeTracedValue_NestedType_MIN = ChromeTracedValue_NestedType_DICT;
const ChromeTracedValue_NestedType ChromeTracedValue_NestedType_MAX = ChromeTracedValue_NestedType_ARRAY;
class ChromeEventBundle_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/5, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/true> {
ChromeEventBundle_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit ChromeEventBundle_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit ChromeEventBundle_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_trace_events() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
::protozero::RepeatedFieldIterator<::protozero::ConstBytes> trace_events() const { return GetRepeated<::protozero::ConstBytes>(1); }
bool has_metadata() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
::protozero::RepeatedFieldIterator<::protozero::ConstBytes> metadata() const { return GetRepeated<::protozero::ConstBytes>(2); }
bool has_legacy_ftrace_output() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
::protozero::RepeatedFieldIterator<::protozero::ConstChars> legacy_ftrace_output() const { return GetRepeated<::protozero::ConstChars>(4); }
bool has_legacy_json_trace() const { return at<5>().valid(); }
::protozero::RepeatedFieldIterator<::protozero::ConstBytes> legacy_json_trace() const { return GetRepeated<::protozero::ConstBytes>(5); }
bool has_string_table() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
::protozero::RepeatedFieldIterator<::protozero::ConstBytes> string_table() const { return GetRepeated<::protozero::ConstBytes>(3); }
class ChromeEventBundle : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = ChromeEventBundle_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kTraceEventsFieldNumber = 1,
kMetadataFieldNumber = 2,
kLegacyFtraceOutputFieldNumber = 4,
kLegacyJsonTraceFieldNumber = 5,
kStringTableFieldNumber = 3,
template <typename T = ChromeTraceEvent> T* add_trace_events() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(1);
template <typename T = ChromeMetadata> T* add_metadata() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(2);
void add_legacy_ftrace_output(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(4,, value.size());
void add_legacy_ftrace_output(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(4, data, size);
template <typename T = ChromeLegacyJsonTrace> T* add_legacy_json_trace() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(5);
template <typename T = ChromeStringTableEntry> T* add_string_table() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(3);
class ChromeLegacyJsonTrace_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/2, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
ChromeLegacyJsonTrace_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit ChromeLegacyJsonTrace_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit ChromeLegacyJsonTrace_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_type() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
int32_t type() const { return at<1>().as_int32(); }
bool has_data() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars data() const { return at<2>().as_string(); }
class ChromeLegacyJsonTrace : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = ChromeLegacyJsonTrace_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kTypeFieldNumber = 1,
kDataFieldNumber = 2,
using TraceType = ::perfetto::protos::pbzero::ChromeLegacyJsonTrace_TraceType;
static const TraceType USER_TRACE = ChromeLegacyJsonTrace_TraceType_USER_TRACE;
static const TraceType SYSTEM_TRACE = ChromeLegacyJsonTrace_TraceType_SYSTEM_TRACE;
void set_type(::perfetto::protos::pbzero::ChromeLegacyJsonTrace_TraceType value) {
AppendTinyVarInt(1, value);
void set_data(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(2,, value.size());
void set_data(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(2, data, size);
class ChromeMetadata_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/5, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
ChromeMetadata_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit ChromeMetadata_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit ChromeMetadata_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_name() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars name() const { return at<1>().as_string(); }
bool has_string_value() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars string_value() const { return at<2>().as_string(); }
bool has_bool_value() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
bool bool_value() const { return at<3>().as_bool(); }
bool has_int_value() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
int64_t int_value() const { return at<4>().as_int64(); }
bool has_json_value() const { return at<5>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars json_value() const { return at<5>().as_string(); }
class ChromeMetadata : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = ChromeMetadata_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kNameFieldNumber = 1,
kStringValueFieldNumber = 2,
kBoolValueFieldNumber = 3,
kIntValueFieldNumber = 4,
kJsonValueFieldNumber = 5,
void set_name(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(1,, value.size());
void set_name(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(1, data, size);
void set_string_value(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(2,, value.size());
void set_string_value(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(2, data, size);
void set_bool_value(bool value) {
AppendTinyVarInt(3, value);
void set_int_value(int64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(4, value);
void set_json_value(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(5,, value.size());
void set_json_value(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(5, data, size);
class ChromeTraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/16, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/true> {
ChromeTraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit ChromeTraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit ChromeTraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_name() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars name() const { return at<1>().as_string(); }
bool has_timestamp() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
int64_t timestamp() const { return at<2>().as_int64(); }
bool has_phase() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
int32_t phase() const { return at<3>().as_int32(); }
bool has_thread_id() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
int32_t thread_id() const { return at<4>().as_int32(); }
bool has_duration() const { return at<5>().valid(); }
int64_t duration() const { return at<5>().as_int64(); }
bool has_thread_duration() const { return at<6>().valid(); }
int64_t thread_duration() const { return at<6>().as_int64(); }
bool has_scope() const { return at<7>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars scope() const { return at<7>().as_string(); }
bool has_id() const { return at<8>().valid(); }
uint64_t id() const { return at<8>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_flags() const { return at<9>().valid(); }
uint32_t flags() const { return at<9>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_category_group_name() const { return at<10>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars category_group_name() const { return at<10>().as_string(); }
bool has_process_id() const { return at<11>().valid(); }
int32_t process_id() const { return at<11>().as_int32(); }
bool has_thread_timestamp() const { return at<12>().valid(); }
int64_t thread_timestamp() const { return at<12>().as_int64(); }
bool has_bind_id() const { return at<13>().valid(); }
uint64_t bind_id() const { return at<13>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_args() const { return at<14>().valid(); }
::protozero::RepeatedFieldIterator<::protozero::ConstBytes> args() const { return GetRepeated<::protozero::ConstBytes>(14); }
bool has_name_index() const { return at<15>().valid(); }
uint32_t name_index() const { return at<15>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_category_group_name_index() const { return at<16>().valid(); }
uint32_t category_group_name_index() const { return at<16>().as_uint32(); }
class ChromeTraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = ChromeTraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kNameFieldNumber = 1,
kTimestampFieldNumber = 2,
kPhaseFieldNumber = 3,
kThreadIdFieldNumber = 4,
kDurationFieldNumber = 5,
kThreadDurationFieldNumber = 6,
kScopeFieldNumber = 7,
kIdFieldNumber = 8,
kFlagsFieldNumber = 9,
kCategoryGroupNameFieldNumber = 10,
kProcessIdFieldNumber = 11,
kThreadTimestampFieldNumber = 12,
kBindIdFieldNumber = 13,
kArgsFieldNumber = 14,
kNameIndexFieldNumber = 15,
kCategoryGroupNameIndexFieldNumber = 16,
using Arg = ::perfetto::protos::pbzero::ChromeTraceEvent_Arg;
void set_name(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(1,, value.size());
void set_name(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(1, data, size);
void set_timestamp(int64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_phase(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void set_thread_id(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(4, value);
void set_duration(int64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(5, value);
void set_thread_duration(int64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(6, value);
void set_scope(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(7,, value.size());
void set_scope(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(7, data, size);
void set_id(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(8, value);
void set_flags(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(9, value);
void set_category_group_name(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(10,, value.size());
void set_category_group_name(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(10, data, size);
void set_process_id(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(11, value);
void set_thread_timestamp(int64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(12, value);
void set_bind_id(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(13, value);
template <typename T = ChromeTraceEvent_Arg> T* add_args() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(14);
void set_name_index(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(15, value);
void set_category_group_name_index(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(16, value);
class ChromeTraceEvent_Arg_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/10, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
ChromeTraceEvent_Arg_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit ChromeTraceEvent_Arg_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit ChromeTraceEvent_Arg_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_name() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars name() const { return at<1>().as_string(); }
bool has_bool_value() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
bool bool_value() const { return at<2>().as_bool(); }
bool has_uint_value() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
uint64_t uint_value() const { return at<3>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_int_value() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
int64_t int_value() const { return at<4>().as_int64(); }
bool has_double_value() const { return at<5>().valid(); }
double double_value() const { return at<5>().as_double(); }
bool has_string_value() const { return at<6>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars string_value() const { return at<6>().as_string(); }
bool has_pointer_value() const { return at<7>().valid(); }
uint64_t pointer_value() const { return at<7>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_json_value() const { return at<8>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars json_value() const { return at<8>().as_string(); }
bool has_traced_value() const { return at<10>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes traced_value() const { return at<10>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_name_index() const { return at<9>().valid(); }
uint32_t name_index() const { return at<9>().as_uint32(); }
class ChromeTraceEvent_Arg : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = ChromeTraceEvent_Arg_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kNameFieldNumber = 1,
kBoolValueFieldNumber = 2,
kUintValueFieldNumber = 3,
kIntValueFieldNumber = 4,
kDoubleValueFieldNumber = 5,
kStringValueFieldNumber = 6,
kPointerValueFieldNumber = 7,
kJsonValueFieldNumber = 8,
kTracedValueFieldNumber = 10,
kNameIndexFieldNumber = 9,
void set_name(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(1,, value.size());
void set_name(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(1, data, size);
void set_bool_value(bool value) {
AppendTinyVarInt(2, value);
void set_uint_value(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void set_int_value(int64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(4, value);
void set_double_value(double value) {
AppendFixed(5, value);
void set_string_value(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(6,, value.size());
void set_string_value(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(6, data, size);
void set_pointer_value(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(7, value);
void set_json_value(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(8,, value.size());
void set_json_value(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(8, data, size);
template <typename T = ChromeTracedValue> T* set_traced_value() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(10);
void set_name_index(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(9, value);
class ChromeStringTableEntry_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/2, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
ChromeStringTableEntry_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit ChromeStringTableEntry_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit ChromeStringTableEntry_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_value() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars value() const { return at<1>().as_string(); }
bool has_index() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
int32_t index() const { return at<2>().as_int32(); }
class ChromeStringTableEntry : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = ChromeStringTableEntry_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kValueFieldNumber = 1,
kIndexFieldNumber = 2,
void set_value(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(1,, value.size());
void set_value(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(1, data, size);
void set_index(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
class ChromeTracedValue_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/8, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/true> {
ChromeTracedValue_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit ChromeTracedValue_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit ChromeTracedValue_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_nested_type() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
int32_t nested_type() const { return at<1>().as_int32(); }
bool has_dict_keys() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
::protozero::RepeatedFieldIterator<::protozero::ConstChars> dict_keys() const { return GetRepeated<::protozero::ConstChars>(2); }
bool has_dict_values() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
::protozero::RepeatedFieldIterator<::protozero::ConstBytes> dict_values() const { return GetRepeated<::protozero::ConstBytes>(3); }
bool has_array_values() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
::protozero::RepeatedFieldIterator<::protozero::ConstBytes> array_values() const { return GetRepeated<::protozero::ConstBytes>(4); }
bool has_int_value() const { return at<5>().valid(); }
int32_t int_value() const { return at<5>().as_int32(); }
bool has_double_value() const { return at<6>().valid(); }
double double_value() const { return at<6>().as_double(); }
bool has_bool_value() const { return at<7>().valid(); }
bool bool_value() const { return at<7>().as_bool(); }
bool has_string_value() const { return at<8>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars string_value() const { return at<8>().as_string(); }
class ChromeTracedValue : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = ChromeTracedValue_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kNestedTypeFieldNumber = 1,
kDictKeysFieldNumber = 2,
kDictValuesFieldNumber = 3,
kArrayValuesFieldNumber = 4,
kIntValueFieldNumber = 5,
kDoubleValueFieldNumber = 6,
kBoolValueFieldNumber = 7,
kStringValueFieldNumber = 8,
using NestedType = ::perfetto::protos::pbzero::ChromeTracedValue_NestedType;
static const NestedType DICT = ChromeTracedValue_NestedType_DICT;
static const NestedType ARRAY = ChromeTracedValue_NestedType_ARRAY;
void set_nested_type(::perfetto::protos::pbzero::ChromeTracedValue_NestedType value) {
AppendTinyVarInt(1, value);
void add_dict_keys(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(2,, value.size());
void add_dict_keys(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(2, data, size);
template <typename T = ChromeTracedValue> T* add_dict_values() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(3);
template <typename T = ChromeTracedValue> T* add_array_values() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(4);
void set_int_value(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(5, value);
void set_double_value(double value) {
AppendFixed(6, value);
void set_bool_value(bool value) {
AppendTinyVarInt(7, value);
void set_string_value(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(8,, value.size());
void set_string_value(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(8, data, size);
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
#endif // Include guard.
// gen_amalgamated begin header: gen/protos/perfetto/trace/filesystem/inode_file_map.pbzero.h
// Autogenerated by the ProtoZero compiler plugin. DO NOT EDIT.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/message.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/packed_repeated_fields.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_decoder.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_utils.h"
namespace perfetto {
namespace protos {
namespace pbzero {
class InodeFileMap_Entry;
enum InodeFileMap_Entry_Type : int32_t;
enum InodeFileMap_Entry_Type : int32_t {
InodeFileMap_Entry_Type_UNKNOWN = 0,
InodeFileMap_Entry_Type_FILE = 1,
InodeFileMap_Entry_Type_DIRECTORY = 2,
const InodeFileMap_Entry_Type InodeFileMap_Entry_Type_MIN = InodeFileMap_Entry_Type_UNKNOWN;
const InodeFileMap_Entry_Type InodeFileMap_Entry_Type_MAX = InodeFileMap_Entry_Type_DIRECTORY;
class InodeFileMap_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/3, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/true> {
InodeFileMap_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit InodeFileMap_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit InodeFileMap_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_block_device_id() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t block_device_id() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_mount_points() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
::protozero::RepeatedFieldIterator<::protozero::ConstChars> mount_points() const { return GetRepeated<::protozero::ConstChars>(2); }
bool has_entries() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
::protozero::RepeatedFieldIterator<::protozero::ConstBytes> entries() const { return GetRepeated<::protozero::ConstBytes>(3); }
class InodeFileMap : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = InodeFileMap_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kBlockDeviceIdFieldNumber = 1,
kMountPointsFieldNumber = 2,
kEntriesFieldNumber = 3,
using Entry = ::perfetto::protos::pbzero::InodeFileMap_Entry;
void set_block_device_id(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void add_mount_points(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(2,, value.size());
void add_mount_points(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(2, data, size);
template <typename T = InodeFileMap_Entry> T* add_entries() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(3);
class InodeFileMap_Entry_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/3, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/true> {
InodeFileMap_Entry_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit InodeFileMap_Entry_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit InodeFileMap_Entry_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_inode_number() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t inode_number() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_paths() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
::protozero::RepeatedFieldIterator<::protozero::ConstChars> paths() const { return GetRepeated<::protozero::ConstChars>(2); }
bool has_type() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
int32_t type() const { return at<3>().as_int32(); }
class InodeFileMap_Entry : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = InodeFileMap_Entry_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kInodeNumberFieldNumber = 1,
kPathsFieldNumber = 2,
kTypeFieldNumber = 3,
using Type = ::perfetto::protos::pbzero::InodeFileMap_Entry_Type;
static const Type UNKNOWN = InodeFileMap_Entry_Type_UNKNOWN;
static const Type FILE = InodeFileMap_Entry_Type_FILE;
static const Type DIRECTORY = InodeFileMap_Entry_Type_DIRECTORY;
void set_inode_number(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void add_paths(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(2,, value.size());
void add_paths(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(2, data, size);
void set_type(::perfetto::protos::pbzero::InodeFileMap_Entry_Type value) {
AppendTinyVarInt(3, value);
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
#endif // Include guard.
// gen_amalgamated begin header: gen/protos/perfetto/trace/ftrace/ftrace_event.pbzero.h
// Autogenerated by the ProtoZero compiler plugin. DO NOT EDIT.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/message.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/packed_repeated_fields.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_decoder.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_utils.h"
namespace perfetto {
namespace protos {
namespace pbzero {
class AllocPagesIommuEndFtraceEvent;
class AllocPagesIommuFailFtraceEvent;
class AllocPagesIommuStartFtraceEvent;
class AllocPagesSysEndFtraceEvent;
class AllocPagesSysFailFtraceEvent;
class AllocPagesSysStartFtraceEvent;
class BinderLockFtraceEvent;
class BinderLockedFtraceEvent;
class BinderSetPriorityFtraceEvent;
class BinderTransactionAllocBufFtraceEvent;
class BinderTransactionFtraceEvent;
class BinderTransactionReceivedFtraceEvent;
class BinderUnlockFtraceEvent;
class BlockBioBackmergeFtraceEvent;
class BlockBioBounceFtraceEvent;
class BlockBioCompleteFtraceEvent;
class BlockBioFrontmergeFtraceEvent;
class BlockBioQueueFtraceEvent;
class BlockBioRemapFtraceEvent;
class BlockDirtyBufferFtraceEvent;
class BlockGetrqFtraceEvent;
class BlockPlugFtraceEvent;
class BlockRqAbortFtraceEvent;
class BlockRqCompleteFtraceEvent;
class BlockRqInsertFtraceEvent;
class BlockRqIssueFtraceEvent;
class BlockRqRemapFtraceEvent;
class BlockRqRequeueFtraceEvent;
class BlockSleeprqFtraceEvent;
class BlockSplitFtraceEvent;
class BlockTouchBufferFtraceEvent;
class BlockUnplugFtraceEvent;
class CgroupAttachTaskFtraceEvent;
class CgroupDestroyRootFtraceEvent;
class CgroupMkdirFtraceEvent;
class CgroupReleaseFtraceEvent;
class CgroupRemountFtraceEvent;
class CgroupRenameFtraceEvent;
class CgroupRmdirFtraceEvent;
class CgroupSetupRootFtraceEvent;
class CgroupTransferTasksFtraceEvent;
class ClkDisableFtraceEvent;
class ClkEnableFtraceEvent;
class ClkSetRateFtraceEvent;
class ClockDisableFtraceEvent;
class ClockEnableFtraceEvent;
class ClockSetRateFtraceEvent;
class CpuFrequencyFtraceEvent;
class CpuFrequencyLimitsFtraceEvent;
class CpuIdleFtraceEvent;
class DmaAllocContiguousRetryFtraceEvent;
class Ext4AllocDaBlocksFtraceEvent;
class Ext4AllocateBlocksFtraceEvent;
class Ext4AllocateInodeFtraceEvent;
class Ext4BeginOrderedTruncateFtraceEvent;
class Ext4CollapseRangeFtraceEvent;
class Ext4DaReleaseSpaceFtraceEvent;
class Ext4DaReserveSpaceFtraceEvent;
class Ext4DaUpdateReserveSpaceFtraceEvent;
class Ext4DaWriteBeginFtraceEvent;
class Ext4DaWriteEndFtraceEvent;
class Ext4DaWritePagesExtentFtraceEvent;
class Ext4DaWritePagesFtraceEvent;
class Ext4DirectIOEnterFtraceEvent;
class Ext4DirectIOExitFtraceEvent;
class Ext4DiscardBlocksFtraceEvent;
class Ext4DiscardPreallocationsFtraceEvent;
class Ext4DropInodeFtraceEvent;
class Ext4EsCacheExtentFtraceEvent;
class Ext4EsFindDelayedExtentRangeEnterFtraceEvent;
class Ext4EsFindDelayedExtentRangeExitFtraceEvent;
class Ext4EsInsertExtentFtraceEvent;
class Ext4EsLookupExtentEnterFtraceEvent;
class Ext4EsLookupExtentExitFtraceEvent;
class Ext4EsRemoveExtentFtraceEvent;
class Ext4EsShrinkCountFtraceEvent;
class Ext4EsShrinkFtraceEvent;
class Ext4EsShrinkScanEnterFtraceEvent;
class Ext4EsShrinkScanExitFtraceEvent;
class Ext4EvictInodeFtraceEvent;
class Ext4ExtConvertToInitializedEnterFtraceEvent;
class Ext4ExtConvertToInitializedFastpathFtraceEvent;
class Ext4ExtHandleUnwrittenExtentsFtraceEvent;
class Ext4ExtInCacheFtraceEvent;
class Ext4ExtLoadExtentFtraceEvent;
class Ext4ExtMapBlocksEnterFtraceEvent;
class Ext4ExtMapBlocksExitFtraceEvent;
class Ext4ExtPutInCacheFtraceEvent;
class Ext4ExtRemoveSpaceDoneFtraceEvent;
class Ext4ExtRemoveSpaceFtraceEvent;
class Ext4ExtRmIdxFtraceEvent;
class Ext4ExtRmLeafFtraceEvent;
class Ext4ExtShowExtentFtraceEvent;
class Ext4FallocateEnterFtraceEvent;
class Ext4FallocateExitFtraceEvent;
class Ext4FindDelallocRangeFtraceEvent;
class Ext4ForgetFtraceEvent;
class Ext4FreeBlocksFtraceEvent;
class Ext4FreeInodeFtraceEvent;
class Ext4GetImpliedClusterAllocExitFtraceEvent;
class Ext4GetReservedClusterAllocFtraceEvent;
class Ext4IndMapBlocksEnterFtraceEvent;
class Ext4IndMapBlocksExitFtraceEvent;
class Ext4InsertRangeFtraceEvent;
class Ext4InvalidatepageFtraceEvent;
class Ext4JournalStartFtraceEvent;
class Ext4JournalStartReservedFtraceEvent;
class Ext4JournalledInvalidatepageFtraceEvent;
class Ext4JournalledWriteEndFtraceEvent;
class Ext4LoadInodeBitmapFtraceEvent;
class Ext4LoadInodeFtraceEvent;
class Ext4MarkInodeDirtyFtraceEvent;
class Ext4MbBitmapLoadFtraceEvent;
class Ext4MbBuddyBitmapLoadFtraceEvent;
class Ext4MbDiscardPreallocationsFtraceEvent;
class Ext4MbNewGroupPaFtraceEvent;
class Ext4MbNewInodePaFtraceEvent;
class Ext4MbReleaseGroupPaFtraceEvent;
class Ext4MbReleaseInodePaFtraceEvent;
class Ext4MballocAllocFtraceEvent;
class Ext4MballocDiscardFtraceEvent;
class Ext4MballocFreeFtraceEvent;
class Ext4MballocPreallocFtraceEvent;
class Ext4OtherInodeUpdateTimeFtraceEvent;
class Ext4PunchHoleFtraceEvent;
class Ext4ReadBlockBitmapLoadFtraceEvent;
class Ext4ReadpageFtraceEvent;
class Ext4ReleasepageFtraceEvent;
class Ext4RemoveBlocksFtraceEvent;
class Ext4RequestBlocksFtraceEvent;
class Ext4RequestInodeFtraceEvent;
class Ext4SyncFileEnterFtraceEvent;
class Ext4SyncFileExitFtraceEvent;
class Ext4SyncFsFtraceEvent;
class Ext4TrimAllFreeFtraceEvent;
class Ext4TrimExtentFtraceEvent;
class Ext4TruncateEnterFtraceEvent;
class Ext4TruncateExitFtraceEvent;
class Ext4UnlinkEnterFtraceEvent;
class Ext4UnlinkExitFtraceEvent;
class Ext4WriteBeginFtraceEvent;
class Ext4WriteEndFtraceEvent;
class Ext4WritepageFtraceEvent;
class Ext4WritepagesFtraceEvent;
class Ext4WritepagesResultFtraceEvent;
class Ext4ZeroRangeFtraceEvent;
class F2fsDoSubmitBioFtraceEvent;
class F2fsEvictInodeFtraceEvent;
class F2fsFallocateFtraceEvent;
class F2fsGetDataBlockFtraceEvent;
class F2fsGetVictimFtraceEvent;
class F2fsIgetExitFtraceEvent;
class F2fsIgetFtraceEvent;
class F2fsNewInodeFtraceEvent;
class F2fsReadpageFtraceEvent;
class F2fsReserveNewBlockFtraceEvent;
class F2fsSetPageDirtyFtraceEvent;
class F2fsSubmitWritePageFtraceEvent;
class F2fsSyncFileEnterFtraceEvent;
class F2fsSyncFileExitFtraceEvent;
class F2fsSyncFsFtraceEvent;
class F2fsTruncateBlocksEnterFtraceEvent;
class F2fsTruncateBlocksExitFtraceEvent;
class F2fsTruncateDataBlocksRangeFtraceEvent;
class F2fsTruncateFtraceEvent;
class F2fsTruncateInodeBlocksEnterFtraceEvent;
class F2fsTruncateInodeBlocksExitFtraceEvent;
class F2fsTruncateNodeFtraceEvent;
class F2fsTruncateNodesEnterFtraceEvent;
class F2fsTruncateNodesExitFtraceEvent;
class F2fsTruncatePartialNodesFtraceEvent;
class F2fsUnlinkEnterFtraceEvent;
class F2fsUnlinkExitFtraceEvent;
class F2fsVmPageMkwriteFtraceEvent;
class F2fsWriteBeginFtraceEvent;
class F2fsWriteCheckpointFtraceEvent;
class F2fsWriteEndFtraceEvent;
class FenceDestroyFtraceEvent;
class FenceEnableSignalFtraceEvent;
class FenceInitFtraceEvent;
class FenceSignaledFtraceEvent;
class GenericFtraceEvent;
class GpuFrequencyFtraceEvent;
class GpuMemTotalFtraceEvent;
class I2cReadFtraceEvent;
class I2cReplyFtraceEvent;
class I2cResultFtraceEvent;
class I2cWriteFtraceEvent;
class IommuMapRangeFtraceEvent;
class IommuSecPtblMapRangeEndFtraceEvent;
class IommuSecPtblMapRangeStartFtraceEvent;
class IonAllocBufferEndFtraceEvent;
class IonAllocBufferFailFtraceEvent;
class IonAllocBufferFallbackFtraceEvent;
class IonAllocBufferStartFtraceEvent;
class IonBufferCreateFtraceEvent;
class IonBufferDestroyFtraceEvent;
class IonCpAllocRetryFtraceEvent;
class IonCpSecureBufferEndFtraceEvent;
class IonCpSecureBufferStartFtraceEvent;
class IonHeapGrowFtraceEvent;
class IonHeapShrinkFtraceEvent;
class IonPrefetchingFtraceEvent;
class IonSecureCmaAddToPoolEndFtraceEvent;
class IonSecureCmaAddToPoolStartFtraceEvent;
class IonSecureCmaAllocateEndFtraceEvent;
class IonSecureCmaAllocateStartFtraceEvent;
class IonSecureCmaShrinkPoolEndFtraceEvent;
class IonSecureCmaShrinkPoolStartFtraceEvent;
class IonStatFtraceEvent;
class IpiEntryFtraceEvent;
class IpiExitFtraceEvent;
class IpiRaiseFtraceEvent;
class IrqHandlerEntryFtraceEvent;
class IrqHandlerExitFtraceEvent;
class KfreeFtraceEvent;
class KmallocFtraceEvent;
class KmallocNodeFtraceEvent;
class KmemCacheAllocFtraceEvent;
class KmemCacheAllocNodeFtraceEvent;
class KmemCacheFreeFtraceEvent;
class LowmemoryKillFtraceEvent;
class MarkVictimFtraceEvent;
class MdpCmdKickoffFtraceEvent;
class MdpCmdPingpongDoneFtraceEvent;
class MdpCmdReadptrDoneFtraceEvent;
class MdpCmdReleaseBwFtraceEvent;
class MdpCmdWaitPingpongFtraceEvent;
class MdpCommitFtraceEvent;
class MdpCompareBwFtraceEvent;
class MdpMisrCrcFtraceEvent;
class MdpMixerUpdateFtraceEvent;
class MdpPerfPrefillCalcFtraceEvent;
class MdpPerfSetOtFtraceEvent;
class MdpPerfSetPanicLutsFtraceEvent;
class MdpPerfSetQosLutsFtraceEvent;
class MdpPerfSetWmLevelsFtraceEvent;
class MdpPerfUpdateBusFtraceEvent;
class MdpSsppChangeFtraceEvent;
class MdpSsppSetFtraceEvent;
class MdpTraceCounterFtraceEvent;
class MdpVideoUnderrunDoneFtraceEvent;
class MigratePagesEndFtraceEvent;
class MigratePagesStartFtraceEvent;
class MigrateRetryFtraceEvent;
class MmCompactionBeginFtraceEvent;
class MmCompactionDeferCompactionFtraceEvent;
class MmCompactionDeferResetFtraceEvent;
class MmCompactionDeferredFtraceEvent;
class MmCompactionEndFtraceEvent;
class MmCompactionFinishedFtraceEvent;
class MmCompactionIsolateFreepagesFtraceEvent;
class MmCompactionIsolateMigratepagesFtraceEvent;
class MmCompactionKcompactdSleepFtraceEvent;
class MmCompactionKcompactdWakeFtraceEvent;
class MmCompactionMigratepagesFtraceEvent;
class MmCompactionSuitableFtraceEvent;
class MmCompactionTryToCompactPagesFtraceEvent;
class MmCompactionWakeupKcompactdFtraceEvent;
class MmEventRecordFtraceEvent;
class MmFilemapAddToPageCacheFtraceEvent;
class MmFilemapDeleteFromPageCacheFtraceEvent;
class MmPageAllocExtfragFtraceEvent;
class MmPageAllocFtraceEvent;
class MmPageAllocZoneLockedFtraceEvent;
class MmPageFreeBatchedFtraceEvent;
class MmPageFreeFtraceEvent;
class MmPagePcpuDrainFtraceEvent;
class MmVmscanDirectReclaimBeginFtraceEvent;
class MmVmscanDirectReclaimEndFtraceEvent;
class MmVmscanKswapdSleepFtraceEvent;
class MmVmscanKswapdWakeFtraceEvent;
class OomScoreAdjUpdateFtraceEvent;
class PrintFtraceEvent;
class RegulatorDisableCompleteFtraceEvent;
class RegulatorDisableFtraceEvent;
class RegulatorEnableCompleteFtraceEvent;
class RegulatorEnableDelayFtraceEvent;
class RegulatorEnableFtraceEvent;
class RegulatorSetVoltageCompleteFtraceEvent;
class RegulatorSetVoltageFtraceEvent;
class RotatorBwAoAsContextFtraceEvent;
class RssStatFtraceEvent;
class SchedBlockedReasonFtraceEvent;
class SchedCpuHotplugFtraceEvent;
class SchedProcessExecFtraceEvent;
class SchedProcessExitFtraceEvent;
class SchedProcessForkFtraceEvent;
class SchedProcessFreeFtraceEvent;
class SchedProcessHangFtraceEvent;
class SchedProcessWaitFtraceEvent;
class SchedSwitchFtraceEvent;
class SchedWakeupFtraceEvent;
class SchedWakeupNewFtraceEvent;
class SchedWakingFtraceEvent;
class ScmCallEndFtraceEvent;
class ScmCallStartFtraceEvent;
class SdeTracingMarkWriteFtraceEvent;
class SignalDeliverFtraceEvent;
class SignalGenerateFtraceEvent;
class SmbusReadFtraceEvent;
class SmbusReplyFtraceEvent;
class SmbusResultFtraceEvent;
class SmbusWriteFtraceEvent;
class SoftirqEntryFtraceEvent;
class SoftirqExitFtraceEvent;
class SoftirqRaiseFtraceEvent;
class SuspendResumeFtraceEvent;
class SyncPtFtraceEvent;
class SyncTimelineFtraceEvent;
class SyncWaitFtraceEvent;
class SysEnterFtraceEvent;
class SysExitFtraceEvent;
class TaskNewtaskFtraceEvent;
class TaskRenameFtraceEvent;
class TracingMarkWriteFtraceEvent;
class WorkqueueActivateWorkFtraceEvent;
class WorkqueueExecuteEndFtraceEvent;
class WorkqueueExecuteStartFtraceEvent;
class WorkqueueQueueWorkFtraceEvent;
class ZeroFtraceEvent;
class FtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/340, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
FtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit FtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit FtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_timestamp() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t timestamp() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_pid() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint32_t pid() const { return at<2>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_print() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes print() const { return at<3>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_sched_switch() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes sched_switch() const { return at<4>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_cpu_frequency() const { return at<11>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes cpu_frequency() const { return at<11>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_cpu_frequency_limits() const { return at<12>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes cpu_frequency_limits() const { return at<12>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_cpu_idle() const { return at<13>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes cpu_idle() const { return at<13>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_clock_enable() const { return at<14>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes clock_enable() const { return at<14>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_clock_disable() const { return at<15>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes clock_disable() const { return at<15>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_clock_set_rate() const { return at<16>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes clock_set_rate() const { return at<16>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_sched_wakeup() const { return at<17>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes sched_wakeup() const { return at<17>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_sched_blocked_reason() const { return at<18>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes sched_blocked_reason() const { return at<18>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_sched_cpu_hotplug() const { return at<19>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes sched_cpu_hotplug() const { return at<19>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_sched_waking() const { return at<20>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes sched_waking() const { return at<20>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_ipi_entry() const { return at<21>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes ipi_entry() const { return at<21>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_ipi_exit() const { return at<22>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes ipi_exit() const { return at<22>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_ipi_raise() const { return at<23>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes ipi_raise() const { return at<23>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_softirq_entry() const { return at<24>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes softirq_entry() const { return at<24>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_softirq_exit() const { return at<25>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes softirq_exit() const { return at<25>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_softirq_raise() const { return at<26>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes softirq_raise() const { return at<26>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_i2c_read() const { return at<27>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes i2c_read() const { return at<27>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_i2c_write() const { return at<28>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes i2c_write() const { return at<28>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_i2c_result() const { return at<29>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes i2c_result() const { return at<29>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_i2c_reply() const { return at<30>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes i2c_reply() const { return at<30>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_smbus_read() const { return at<31>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes smbus_read() const { return at<31>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_smbus_write() const { return at<32>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes smbus_write() const { return at<32>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_smbus_result() const { return at<33>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes smbus_result() const { return at<33>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_smbus_reply() const { return at<34>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes smbus_reply() const { return at<34>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_lowmemory_kill() const { return at<35>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes lowmemory_kill() const { return at<35>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_irq_handler_entry() const { return at<36>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes irq_handler_entry() const { return at<36>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_irq_handler_exit() const { return at<37>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes irq_handler_exit() const { return at<37>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_sync_pt() const { return at<38>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes sync_pt() const { return at<38>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_sync_timeline() const { return at<39>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes sync_timeline() const { return at<39>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_sync_wait() const { return at<40>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes sync_wait() const { return at<40>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_ext4_da_write_begin() const { return at<41>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes ext4_da_write_begin() const { return at<41>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_ext4_da_write_end() const { return at<42>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes ext4_da_write_end() const { return at<42>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_ext4_sync_file_enter() const { return at<43>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes ext4_sync_file_enter() const { return at<43>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_ext4_sync_file_exit() const { return at<44>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes ext4_sync_file_exit() const { return at<44>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_block_rq_issue() const { return at<45>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes block_rq_issue() const { return at<45>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_mm_vmscan_direct_reclaim_begin() const { return at<46>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes mm_vmscan_direct_reclaim_begin() const { return at<46>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_mm_vmscan_direct_reclaim_end() const { return at<47>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes mm_vmscan_direct_reclaim_end() const { return at<47>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_mm_vmscan_kswapd_wake() const { return at<48>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes mm_vmscan_kswapd_wake() const { return at<48>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_mm_vmscan_kswapd_sleep() const { return at<49>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes mm_vmscan_kswapd_sleep() const { return at<49>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_binder_transaction() const { return at<50>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes binder_transaction() const { return at<50>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_binder_transaction_received() const { return at<51>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes binder_transaction_received() const { return at<51>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_binder_set_priority() const { return at<52>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes binder_set_priority() const { return at<52>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_binder_lock() const { return at<53>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes binder_lock() const { return at<53>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_binder_locked() const { return at<54>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes binder_locked() const { return at<54>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_binder_unlock() const { return at<55>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes binder_unlock() const { return at<55>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_workqueue_activate_work() const { return at<56>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes workqueue_activate_work() const { return at<56>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_workqueue_execute_end() const { return at<57>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes workqueue_execute_end() const { return at<57>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_workqueue_execute_start() const { return at<58>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes workqueue_execute_start() const { return at<58>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_workqueue_queue_work() const { return at<59>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes workqueue_queue_work() const { return at<59>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_regulator_disable() const { return at<60>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes regulator_disable() const { return at<60>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_regulator_disable_complete() const { return at<61>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes regulator_disable_complete() const { return at<61>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_regulator_enable() const { return at<62>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes regulator_enable() const { return at<62>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_regulator_enable_complete() const { return at<63>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes regulator_enable_complete() const { return at<63>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_regulator_enable_delay() const { return at<64>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes regulator_enable_delay() const { return at<64>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_regulator_set_voltage() const { return at<65>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes regulator_set_voltage() const { return at<65>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_regulator_set_voltage_complete() const { return at<66>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes regulator_set_voltage_complete() const { return at<66>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_cgroup_attach_task() const { return at<67>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes cgroup_attach_task() const { return at<67>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_cgroup_mkdir() const { return at<68>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes cgroup_mkdir() const { return at<68>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_cgroup_remount() const { return at<69>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes cgroup_remount() const { return at<69>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_cgroup_rmdir() const { return at<70>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes cgroup_rmdir() const { return at<70>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_cgroup_transfer_tasks() const { return at<71>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes cgroup_transfer_tasks() const { return at<71>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_cgroup_destroy_root() const { return at<72>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes cgroup_destroy_root() const { return at<72>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_cgroup_release() const { return at<73>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes cgroup_release() const { return at<73>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_cgroup_rename() const { return at<74>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes cgroup_rename() const { return at<74>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_cgroup_setup_root() const { return at<75>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes cgroup_setup_root() const { return at<75>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_mdp_cmd_kickoff() const { return at<76>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes mdp_cmd_kickoff() const { return at<76>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_mdp_commit() const { return at<77>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes mdp_commit() const { return at<77>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_mdp_perf_set_ot() const { return at<78>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes mdp_perf_set_ot() const { return at<78>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_mdp_sspp_change() const { return at<79>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes mdp_sspp_change() const { return at<79>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_tracing_mark_write() const { return at<80>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes tracing_mark_write() const { return at<80>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_mdp_cmd_pingpong_done() const { return at<81>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes mdp_cmd_pingpong_done() const { return at<81>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_mdp_compare_bw() const { return at<82>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes mdp_compare_bw() const { return at<82>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_mdp_perf_set_panic_luts() const { return at<83>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes mdp_perf_set_panic_luts() const { return at<83>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_mdp_sspp_set() const { return at<84>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes mdp_sspp_set() const { return at<84>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_mdp_cmd_readptr_done() const { return at<85>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes mdp_cmd_readptr_done() const { return at<85>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_mdp_misr_crc() const { return at<86>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes mdp_misr_crc() const { return at<86>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_mdp_perf_set_qos_luts() const { return at<87>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes mdp_perf_set_qos_luts() const { return at<87>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_mdp_trace_counter() const { return at<88>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes mdp_trace_counter() const { return at<88>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_mdp_cmd_release_bw() const { return at<89>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes mdp_cmd_release_bw() const { return at<89>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_mdp_mixer_update() const { return at<90>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes mdp_mixer_update() const { return at<90>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_mdp_perf_set_wm_levels() const { return at<91>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes mdp_perf_set_wm_levels() const { return at<91>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_mdp_video_underrun_done() const { return at<92>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes mdp_video_underrun_done() const { return at<92>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_mdp_cmd_wait_pingpong() const { return at<93>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes mdp_cmd_wait_pingpong() const { return at<93>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_mdp_perf_prefill_calc() const { return at<94>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes mdp_perf_prefill_calc() const { return at<94>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_mdp_perf_update_bus() const { return at<95>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes mdp_perf_update_bus() const { return at<95>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_rotator_bw_ao_as_context() const { return at<96>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes rotator_bw_ao_as_context() const { return at<96>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_mm_filemap_add_to_page_cache() const { return at<97>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes mm_filemap_add_to_page_cache() const { return at<97>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_mm_filemap_delete_from_page_cache() const { return at<98>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes mm_filemap_delete_from_page_cache() const { return at<98>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_mm_compaction_begin() const { return at<99>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes mm_compaction_begin() const { return at<99>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_mm_compaction_defer_compaction() const { return at<100>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes mm_compaction_defer_compaction() const { return at<100>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_mm_compaction_deferred() const { return at<101>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes mm_compaction_deferred() const { return at<101>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_mm_compaction_defer_reset() const { return at<102>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes mm_compaction_defer_reset() const { return at<102>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_mm_compaction_end() const { return at<103>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes mm_compaction_end() const { return at<103>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_mm_compaction_finished() const { return at<104>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes mm_compaction_finished() const { return at<104>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_mm_compaction_isolate_freepages() const { return at<105>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes mm_compaction_isolate_freepages() const { return at<105>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_mm_compaction_isolate_migratepages() const { return at<106>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes mm_compaction_isolate_migratepages() const { return at<106>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_mm_compaction_kcompactd_sleep() const { return at<107>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes mm_compaction_kcompactd_sleep() const { return at<107>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_mm_compaction_kcompactd_wake() const { return at<108>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes mm_compaction_kcompactd_wake() const { return at<108>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_mm_compaction_migratepages() const { return at<109>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes mm_compaction_migratepages() const { return at<109>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_mm_compaction_suitable() const { return at<110>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes mm_compaction_suitable() const { return at<110>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_mm_compaction_try_to_compact_pages() const { return at<111>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes mm_compaction_try_to_compact_pages() const { return at<111>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_mm_compaction_wakeup_kcompactd() const { return at<112>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes mm_compaction_wakeup_kcompactd() const { return at<112>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_suspend_resume() const { return at<113>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes suspend_resume() const { return at<113>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_sched_wakeup_new() const { return at<114>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes sched_wakeup_new() const { return at<114>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_block_bio_backmerge() const { return at<115>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes block_bio_backmerge() const { return at<115>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_block_bio_bounce() const { return at<116>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes block_bio_bounce() const { return at<116>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_block_bio_complete() const { return at<117>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes block_bio_complete() const { return at<117>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_block_bio_frontmerge() const { return at<118>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes block_bio_frontmerge() const { return at<118>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_block_bio_queue() const { return at<119>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes block_bio_queue() const { return at<119>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_block_bio_remap() const { return at<120>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes block_bio_remap() const { return at<120>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_block_dirty_buffer() const { return at<121>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes block_dirty_buffer() const { return at<121>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_block_getrq() const { return at<122>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes block_getrq() const { return at<122>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_block_plug() const { return at<123>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes block_plug() const { return at<123>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_block_rq_abort() const { return at<124>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes block_rq_abort() const { return at<124>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_block_rq_complete() const { return at<125>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes block_rq_complete() const { return at<125>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_block_rq_insert() const { return at<126>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes block_rq_insert() const { return at<126>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_block_rq_remap() const { return at<128>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes block_rq_remap() const { return at<128>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_block_rq_requeue() const { return at<129>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes block_rq_requeue() const { return at<129>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_block_sleeprq() const { return at<130>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes block_sleeprq() const { return at<130>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_block_split() const { return at<131>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes block_split() const { return at<131>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_block_touch_buffer() const { return at<132>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes block_touch_buffer() const { return at<132>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_block_unplug() const { return at<133>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes block_unplug() const { return at<133>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_ext4_alloc_da_blocks() const { return at<134>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes ext4_alloc_da_blocks() const { return at<134>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_ext4_allocate_blocks() const { return at<135>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes ext4_allocate_blocks() const { return at<135>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_ext4_allocate_inode() const { return at<136>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes ext4_allocate_inode() const { return at<136>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_ext4_begin_ordered_truncate() const { return at<137>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes ext4_begin_ordered_truncate() const { return at<137>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_ext4_collapse_range() const { return at<138>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes ext4_collapse_range() const { return at<138>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_ext4_da_release_space() const { return at<139>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes ext4_da_release_space() const { return at<139>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_ext4_da_reserve_space() const { return at<140>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes ext4_da_reserve_space() const { return at<140>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_ext4_da_update_reserve_space() const { return at<141>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes ext4_da_update_reserve_space() const { return at<141>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_ext4_da_write_pages() const { return at<142>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes ext4_da_write_pages() const { return at<142>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_ext4_da_write_pages_extent() const { return at<143>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes ext4_da_write_pages_extent() const { return at<143>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_ext4_direct_io_enter() const { return at<144>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes ext4_direct_io_enter() const { return at<144>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_ext4_direct_io_exit() const { return at<145>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes ext4_direct_io_exit() const { return at<145>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_ext4_discard_blocks() const { return at<146>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes ext4_discard_blocks() const { return at<146>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_ext4_discard_preallocations() const { return at<147>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes ext4_discard_preallocations() const { return at<147>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_ext4_drop_inode() const { return at<148>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes ext4_drop_inode() const { return at<148>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_ext4_es_cache_extent() const { return at<149>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes ext4_es_cache_extent() const { return at<149>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_ext4_es_find_delayed_extent_range_enter() const { return at<150>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes ext4_es_find_delayed_extent_range_enter() const { return at<150>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_ext4_es_find_delayed_extent_range_exit() const { return at<151>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes ext4_es_find_delayed_extent_range_exit() const { return at<151>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_ext4_es_insert_extent() const { return at<152>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes ext4_es_insert_extent() const { return at<152>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_ext4_es_lookup_extent_enter() const { return at<153>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes ext4_es_lookup_extent_enter() const { return at<153>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_ext4_es_lookup_extent_exit() const { return at<154>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes ext4_es_lookup_extent_exit() const { return at<154>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_ext4_es_remove_extent() const { return at<155>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes ext4_es_remove_extent() const { return at<155>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_ext4_es_shrink() const { return at<156>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes ext4_es_shrink() const { return at<156>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_ext4_es_shrink_count() const { return at<157>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes ext4_es_shrink_count() const { return at<157>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_ext4_es_shrink_scan_enter() const { return at<158>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes ext4_es_shrink_scan_enter() const { return at<158>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_ext4_es_shrink_scan_exit() const { return at<159>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes ext4_es_shrink_scan_exit() const { return at<159>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_ext4_evict_inode() const { return at<160>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes ext4_evict_inode() const { return at<160>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_ext4_ext_convert_to_initialized_enter() const { return at<161>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes ext4_ext_convert_to_initialized_enter() const { return at<161>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_ext4_ext_convert_to_initialized_fastpath() const { return at<162>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes ext4_ext_convert_to_initialized_fastpath() const { return at<162>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_ext4_ext_handle_unwritten_extents() const { return at<163>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes ext4_ext_handle_unwritten_extents() const { return at<163>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_ext4_ext_in_cache() const { return at<164>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes ext4_ext_in_cache() const { return at<164>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_ext4_ext_load_extent() const { return at<165>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes ext4_ext_load_extent() const { return at<165>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_ext4_ext_map_blocks_enter() const { return at<166>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes ext4_ext_map_blocks_enter() const { return at<166>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_ext4_ext_map_blocks_exit() const { return at<167>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes ext4_ext_map_blocks_exit() const { return at<167>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_ext4_ext_put_in_cache() const { return at<168>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes ext4_ext_put_in_cache() const { return at<168>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_ext4_ext_remove_space() const { return at<169>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes ext4_ext_remove_space() const { return at<169>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_ext4_ext_remove_space_done() const { return at<170>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes ext4_ext_remove_space_done() const { return at<170>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_ext4_ext_rm_idx() const { return at<171>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes ext4_ext_rm_idx() const { return at<171>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_ext4_ext_rm_leaf() const { return at<172>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes ext4_ext_rm_leaf() const { return at<172>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_ext4_ext_show_extent() const { return at<173>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes ext4_ext_show_extent() const { return at<173>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_ext4_fallocate_enter() const { return at<174>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes ext4_fallocate_enter() const { return at<174>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_ext4_fallocate_exit() const { return at<175>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes ext4_fallocate_exit() const { return at<175>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_ext4_find_delalloc_range() const { return at<176>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes ext4_find_delalloc_range() const { return at<176>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_ext4_forget() const { return at<177>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes ext4_forget() const { return at<177>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_ext4_free_blocks() const { return at<178>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes ext4_free_blocks() const { return at<178>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_ext4_free_inode() const { return at<179>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes ext4_free_inode() const { return at<179>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_ext4_get_implied_cluster_alloc_exit() const { return at<180>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes ext4_get_implied_cluster_alloc_exit() const { return at<180>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_ext4_get_reserved_cluster_alloc() const { return at<181>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes ext4_get_reserved_cluster_alloc() const { return at<181>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_ext4_ind_map_blocks_enter() const { return at<182>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes ext4_ind_map_blocks_enter() const { return at<182>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_ext4_ind_map_blocks_exit() const { return at<183>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes ext4_ind_map_blocks_exit() const { return at<183>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_ext4_insert_range() const { return at<184>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes ext4_insert_range() const { return at<184>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_ext4_invalidatepage() const { return at<185>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes ext4_invalidatepage() const { return at<185>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_ext4_journal_start() const { return at<186>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes ext4_journal_start() const { return at<186>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_ext4_journal_start_reserved() const { return at<187>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes ext4_journal_start_reserved() const { return at<187>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_ext4_journalled_invalidatepage() const { return at<188>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes ext4_journalled_invalidatepage() const { return at<188>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_ext4_journalled_write_end() const { return at<189>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes ext4_journalled_write_end() const { return at<189>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_ext4_load_inode() const { return at<190>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes ext4_load_inode() const { return at<190>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_ext4_load_inode_bitmap() const { return at<191>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes ext4_load_inode_bitmap() const { return at<191>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_ext4_mark_inode_dirty() const { return at<192>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes ext4_mark_inode_dirty() const { return at<192>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_ext4_mb_bitmap_load() const { return at<193>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes ext4_mb_bitmap_load() const { return at<193>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_ext4_mb_buddy_bitmap_load() const { return at<194>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes ext4_mb_buddy_bitmap_load() const { return at<194>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_ext4_mb_discard_preallocations() const { return at<195>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes ext4_mb_discard_preallocations() const { return at<195>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_ext4_mb_new_group_pa() const { return at<196>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes ext4_mb_new_group_pa() const { return at<196>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_ext4_mb_new_inode_pa() const { return at<197>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes ext4_mb_new_inode_pa() const { return at<197>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_ext4_mb_release_group_pa() const { return at<198>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes ext4_mb_release_group_pa() const { return at<198>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_ext4_mb_release_inode_pa() const { return at<199>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes ext4_mb_release_inode_pa() const { return at<199>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_ext4_mballoc_alloc() const { return at<200>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes ext4_mballoc_alloc() const { return at<200>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_ext4_mballoc_discard() const { return at<201>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes ext4_mballoc_discard() const { return at<201>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_ext4_mballoc_free() const { return at<202>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes ext4_mballoc_free() const { return at<202>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_ext4_mballoc_prealloc() const { return at<203>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes ext4_mballoc_prealloc() const { return at<203>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_ext4_other_inode_update_time() const { return at<204>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes ext4_other_inode_update_time() const { return at<204>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_ext4_punch_hole() const { return at<205>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes ext4_punch_hole() const { return at<205>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_ext4_read_block_bitmap_load() const { return at<206>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes ext4_read_block_bitmap_load() const { return at<206>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_ext4_readpage() const { return at<207>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes ext4_readpage() const { return at<207>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_ext4_releasepage() const { return at<208>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes ext4_releasepage() const { return at<208>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_ext4_remove_blocks() const { return at<209>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes ext4_remove_blocks() const { return at<209>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_ext4_request_blocks() const { return at<210>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes ext4_request_blocks() const { return at<210>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_ext4_request_inode() const { return at<211>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes ext4_request_inode() const { return at<211>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_ext4_sync_fs() const { return at<212>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes ext4_sync_fs() const { return at<212>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_ext4_trim_all_free() const { return at<213>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes ext4_trim_all_free() const { return at<213>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_ext4_trim_extent() const { return at<214>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes ext4_trim_extent() const { return at<214>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_ext4_truncate_enter() const { return at<215>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes ext4_truncate_enter() const { return at<215>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_ext4_truncate_exit() const { return at<216>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes ext4_truncate_exit() const { return at<216>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_ext4_unlink_enter() const { return at<217>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes ext4_unlink_enter() const { return at<217>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_ext4_unlink_exit() const { return at<218>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes ext4_unlink_exit() const { return at<218>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_ext4_write_begin() const { return at<219>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes ext4_write_begin() const { return at<219>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_ext4_write_end() const { return at<230>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes ext4_write_end() const { return at<230>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_ext4_writepage() const { return at<231>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes ext4_writepage() const { return at<231>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_ext4_writepages() const { return at<232>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes ext4_writepages() const { return at<232>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_ext4_writepages_result() const { return at<233>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes ext4_writepages_result() const { return at<233>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_ext4_zero_range() const { return at<234>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes ext4_zero_range() const { return at<234>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_task_newtask() const { return at<235>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes task_newtask() const { return at<235>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_task_rename() const { return at<236>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes task_rename() const { return at<236>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_sched_process_exec() const { return at<237>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes sched_process_exec() const { return at<237>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_sched_process_exit() const { return at<238>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes sched_process_exit() const { return at<238>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_sched_process_fork() const { return at<239>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes sched_process_fork() const { return at<239>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_sched_process_free() const { return at<240>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes sched_process_free() const { return at<240>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_sched_process_hang() const { return at<241>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes sched_process_hang() const { return at<241>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_sched_process_wait() const { return at<242>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes sched_process_wait() const { return at<242>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_f2fs_do_submit_bio() const { return at<243>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes f2fs_do_submit_bio() const { return at<243>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_f2fs_evict_inode() const { return at<244>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes f2fs_evict_inode() const { return at<244>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_f2fs_fallocate() const { return at<245>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes f2fs_fallocate() const { return at<245>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_f2fs_get_data_block() const { return at<246>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes f2fs_get_data_block() const { return at<246>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_f2fs_get_victim() const { return at<247>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes f2fs_get_victim() const { return at<247>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_f2fs_iget() const { return at<248>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes f2fs_iget() const { return at<248>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_f2fs_iget_exit() const { return at<249>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes f2fs_iget_exit() const { return at<249>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_f2fs_new_inode() const { return at<250>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes f2fs_new_inode() const { return at<250>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_f2fs_readpage() const { return at<251>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes f2fs_readpage() const { return at<251>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_f2fs_reserve_new_block() const { return at<252>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes f2fs_reserve_new_block() const { return at<252>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_f2fs_set_page_dirty() const { return at<253>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes f2fs_set_page_dirty() const { return at<253>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_f2fs_submit_write_page() const { return at<254>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes f2fs_submit_write_page() const { return at<254>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_f2fs_sync_file_enter() const { return at<255>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes f2fs_sync_file_enter() const { return at<255>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_f2fs_sync_file_exit() const { return at<256>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes f2fs_sync_file_exit() const { return at<256>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_f2fs_sync_fs() const { return at<257>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes f2fs_sync_fs() const { return at<257>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_f2fs_truncate() const { return at<258>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes f2fs_truncate() const { return at<258>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_f2fs_truncate_blocks_enter() const { return at<259>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes f2fs_truncate_blocks_enter() const { return at<259>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_f2fs_truncate_blocks_exit() const { return at<260>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes f2fs_truncate_blocks_exit() const { return at<260>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_f2fs_truncate_data_blocks_range() const { return at<261>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes f2fs_truncate_data_blocks_range() const { return at<261>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_f2fs_truncate_inode_blocks_enter() const { return at<262>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes f2fs_truncate_inode_blocks_enter() const { return at<262>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_f2fs_truncate_inode_blocks_exit() const { return at<263>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes f2fs_truncate_inode_blocks_exit() const { return at<263>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_f2fs_truncate_node() const { return at<264>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes f2fs_truncate_node() const { return at<264>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_f2fs_truncate_nodes_enter() const { return at<265>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes f2fs_truncate_nodes_enter() const { return at<265>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_f2fs_truncate_nodes_exit() const { return at<266>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes f2fs_truncate_nodes_exit() const { return at<266>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_f2fs_truncate_partial_nodes() const { return at<267>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes f2fs_truncate_partial_nodes() const { return at<267>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_f2fs_unlink_enter() const { return at<268>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes f2fs_unlink_enter() const { return at<268>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_f2fs_unlink_exit() const { return at<269>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes f2fs_unlink_exit() const { return at<269>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_f2fs_vm_page_mkwrite() const { return at<270>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes f2fs_vm_page_mkwrite() const { return at<270>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_f2fs_write_begin() const { return at<271>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes f2fs_write_begin() const { return at<271>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_f2fs_write_checkpoint() const { return at<272>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes f2fs_write_checkpoint() const { return at<272>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_f2fs_write_end() const { return at<273>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes f2fs_write_end() const { return at<273>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_alloc_pages_iommu_end() const { return at<274>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes alloc_pages_iommu_end() const { return at<274>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_alloc_pages_iommu_fail() const { return at<275>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes alloc_pages_iommu_fail() const { return at<275>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_alloc_pages_iommu_start() const { return at<276>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes alloc_pages_iommu_start() const { return at<276>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_alloc_pages_sys_end() const { return at<277>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes alloc_pages_sys_end() const { return at<277>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_alloc_pages_sys_fail() const { return at<278>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes alloc_pages_sys_fail() const { return at<278>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_alloc_pages_sys_start() const { return at<279>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes alloc_pages_sys_start() const { return at<279>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_dma_alloc_contiguous_retry() const { return at<280>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes dma_alloc_contiguous_retry() const { return at<280>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_iommu_map_range() const { return at<281>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes iommu_map_range() const { return at<281>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_iommu_sec_ptbl_map_range_end() const { return at<282>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes iommu_sec_ptbl_map_range_end() const { return at<282>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_iommu_sec_ptbl_map_range_start() const { return at<283>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes iommu_sec_ptbl_map_range_start() const { return at<283>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_ion_alloc_buffer_end() const { return at<284>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes ion_alloc_buffer_end() const { return at<284>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_ion_alloc_buffer_fail() const { return at<285>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes ion_alloc_buffer_fail() const { return at<285>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_ion_alloc_buffer_fallback() const { return at<286>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes ion_alloc_buffer_fallback() const { return at<286>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_ion_alloc_buffer_start() const { return at<287>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes ion_alloc_buffer_start() const { return at<287>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_ion_cp_alloc_retry() const { return at<288>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes ion_cp_alloc_retry() const { return at<288>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_ion_cp_secure_buffer_end() const { return at<289>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes ion_cp_secure_buffer_end() const { return at<289>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_ion_cp_secure_buffer_start() const { return at<290>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes ion_cp_secure_buffer_start() const { return at<290>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_ion_prefetching() const { return at<291>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes ion_prefetching() const { return at<291>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_ion_secure_cma_add_to_pool_end() const { return at<292>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes ion_secure_cma_add_to_pool_end() const { return at<292>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_ion_secure_cma_add_to_pool_start() const { return at<293>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes ion_secure_cma_add_to_pool_start() const { return at<293>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_ion_secure_cma_allocate_end() const { return at<294>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes ion_secure_cma_allocate_end() const { return at<294>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_ion_secure_cma_allocate_start() const { return at<295>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes ion_secure_cma_allocate_start() const { return at<295>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_ion_secure_cma_shrink_pool_end() const { return at<296>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes ion_secure_cma_shrink_pool_end() const { return at<296>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_ion_secure_cma_shrink_pool_start() const { return at<297>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes ion_secure_cma_shrink_pool_start() const { return at<297>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_kfree() const { return at<298>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes kfree() const { return at<298>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_kmalloc() const { return at<299>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes kmalloc() const { return at<299>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_kmalloc_node() const { return at<300>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes kmalloc_node() const { return at<300>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_kmem_cache_alloc() const { return at<301>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes kmem_cache_alloc() const { return at<301>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_kmem_cache_alloc_node() const { return at<302>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes kmem_cache_alloc_node() const { return at<302>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_kmem_cache_free() const { return at<303>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes kmem_cache_free() const { return at<303>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_migrate_pages_end() const { return at<304>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes migrate_pages_end() const { return at<304>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_migrate_pages_start() const { return at<305>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes migrate_pages_start() const { return at<305>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_migrate_retry() const { return at<306>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes migrate_retry() const { return at<306>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_mm_page_alloc() const { return at<307>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes mm_page_alloc() const { return at<307>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_mm_page_alloc_extfrag() const { return at<308>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes mm_page_alloc_extfrag() const { return at<308>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_mm_page_alloc_zone_locked() const { return at<309>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes mm_page_alloc_zone_locked() const { return at<309>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_mm_page_free() const { return at<310>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes mm_page_free() const { return at<310>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_mm_page_free_batched() const { return at<311>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes mm_page_free_batched() const { return at<311>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_mm_page_pcpu_drain() const { return at<312>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes mm_page_pcpu_drain() const { return at<312>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_rss_stat() const { return at<313>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes rss_stat() const { return at<313>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_ion_heap_shrink() const { return at<314>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes ion_heap_shrink() const { return at<314>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_ion_heap_grow() const { return at<315>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes ion_heap_grow() const { return at<315>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_fence_init() const { return at<316>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes fence_init() const { return at<316>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_fence_destroy() const { return at<317>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes fence_destroy() const { return at<317>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_fence_enable_signal() const { return at<318>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes fence_enable_signal() const { return at<318>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_fence_signaled() const { return at<319>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes fence_signaled() const { return at<319>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_clk_enable() const { return at<320>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes clk_enable() const { return at<320>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_clk_disable() const { return at<321>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes clk_disable() const { return at<321>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_clk_set_rate() const { return at<322>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes clk_set_rate() const { return at<322>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_binder_transaction_alloc_buf() const { return at<323>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes binder_transaction_alloc_buf() const { return at<323>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_signal_deliver() const { return at<324>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes signal_deliver() const { return at<324>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_signal_generate() const { return at<325>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes signal_generate() const { return at<325>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_oom_score_adj_update() const { return at<326>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes oom_score_adj_update() const { return at<326>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_generic() const { return at<327>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes generic() const { return at<327>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_mm_event_record() const { return at<328>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes mm_event_record() const { return at<328>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_sys_enter() const { return at<329>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes sys_enter() const { return at<329>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_sys_exit() const { return at<330>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes sys_exit() const { return at<330>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_zero() const { return at<331>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes zero() const { return at<331>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_gpu_frequency() const { return at<332>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes gpu_frequency() const { return at<332>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_sde_tracing_mark_write() const { return at<333>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes sde_tracing_mark_write() const { return at<333>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_mark_victim() const { return at<334>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes mark_victim() const { return at<334>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_ion_stat() const { return at<335>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes ion_stat() const { return at<335>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_ion_buffer_create() const { return at<336>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes ion_buffer_create() const { return at<336>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_ion_buffer_destroy() const { return at<337>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes ion_buffer_destroy() const { return at<337>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_scm_call_start() const { return at<338>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes scm_call_start() const { return at<338>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_scm_call_end() const { return at<339>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes scm_call_end() const { return at<339>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_gpu_mem_total() const { return at<340>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes gpu_mem_total() const { return at<340>().as_bytes(); }
class FtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = FtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kTimestampFieldNumber = 1,
kPidFieldNumber = 2,
kPrintFieldNumber = 3,
kSchedSwitchFieldNumber = 4,
kCpuFrequencyFieldNumber = 11,
kCpuFrequencyLimitsFieldNumber = 12,
kCpuIdleFieldNumber = 13,
kClockEnableFieldNumber = 14,
kClockDisableFieldNumber = 15,
kClockSetRateFieldNumber = 16,
kSchedWakeupFieldNumber = 17,
kSchedBlockedReasonFieldNumber = 18,
kSchedCpuHotplugFieldNumber = 19,
kSchedWakingFieldNumber = 20,
kIpiEntryFieldNumber = 21,
kIpiExitFieldNumber = 22,
kIpiRaiseFieldNumber = 23,
kSoftirqEntryFieldNumber = 24,
kSoftirqExitFieldNumber = 25,
kSoftirqRaiseFieldNumber = 26,
kI2cReadFieldNumber = 27,
kI2cWriteFieldNumber = 28,
kI2cResultFieldNumber = 29,
kI2cReplyFieldNumber = 30,
kSmbusReadFieldNumber = 31,
kSmbusWriteFieldNumber = 32,
kSmbusResultFieldNumber = 33,
kSmbusReplyFieldNumber = 34,
kLowmemoryKillFieldNumber = 35,
kIrqHandlerEntryFieldNumber = 36,
kIrqHandlerExitFieldNumber = 37,
kSyncPtFieldNumber = 38,
kSyncTimelineFieldNumber = 39,
kSyncWaitFieldNumber = 40,
kExt4DaWriteBeginFieldNumber = 41,
kExt4DaWriteEndFieldNumber = 42,
kExt4SyncFileEnterFieldNumber = 43,
kExt4SyncFileExitFieldNumber = 44,
kBlockRqIssueFieldNumber = 45,
kMmVmscanDirectReclaimBeginFieldNumber = 46,
kMmVmscanDirectReclaimEndFieldNumber = 47,
kMmVmscanKswapdWakeFieldNumber = 48,
kMmVmscanKswapdSleepFieldNumber = 49,
kBinderTransactionFieldNumber = 50,
kBinderTransactionReceivedFieldNumber = 51,
kBinderSetPriorityFieldNumber = 52,
kBinderLockFieldNumber = 53,
kBinderLockedFieldNumber = 54,
kBinderUnlockFieldNumber = 55,
kWorkqueueActivateWorkFieldNumber = 56,
kWorkqueueExecuteEndFieldNumber = 57,
kWorkqueueExecuteStartFieldNumber = 58,
kWorkqueueQueueWorkFieldNumber = 59,
kRegulatorDisableFieldNumber = 60,
kRegulatorDisableCompleteFieldNumber = 61,
kRegulatorEnableFieldNumber = 62,
kRegulatorEnableCompleteFieldNumber = 63,
kRegulatorEnableDelayFieldNumber = 64,
kRegulatorSetVoltageFieldNumber = 65,
kRegulatorSetVoltageCompleteFieldNumber = 66,
kCgroupAttachTaskFieldNumber = 67,
kCgroupMkdirFieldNumber = 68,
kCgroupRemountFieldNumber = 69,
kCgroupRmdirFieldNumber = 70,
kCgroupTransferTasksFieldNumber = 71,
kCgroupDestroyRootFieldNumber = 72,
kCgroupReleaseFieldNumber = 73,
kCgroupRenameFieldNumber = 74,
kCgroupSetupRootFieldNumber = 75,
kMdpCmdKickoffFieldNumber = 76,
kMdpCommitFieldNumber = 77,
kMdpPerfSetOtFieldNumber = 78,
kMdpSsppChangeFieldNumber = 79,
kTracingMarkWriteFieldNumber = 80,
kMdpCmdPingpongDoneFieldNumber = 81,
kMdpCompareBwFieldNumber = 82,
kMdpPerfSetPanicLutsFieldNumber = 83,
kMdpSsppSetFieldNumber = 84,
kMdpCmdReadptrDoneFieldNumber = 85,
kMdpMisrCrcFieldNumber = 86,
kMdpPerfSetQosLutsFieldNumber = 87,
kMdpTraceCounterFieldNumber = 88,
kMdpCmdReleaseBwFieldNumber = 89,
kMdpMixerUpdateFieldNumber = 90,
kMdpPerfSetWmLevelsFieldNumber = 91,
kMdpVideoUnderrunDoneFieldNumber = 92,
kMdpCmdWaitPingpongFieldNumber = 93,
kMdpPerfPrefillCalcFieldNumber = 94,
kMdpPerfUpdateBusFieldNumber = 95,
kRotatorBwAoAsContextFieldNumber = 96,
kMmFilemapAddToPageCacheFieldNumber = 97,
kMmFilemapDeleteFromPageCacheFieldNumber = 98,
kMmCompactionBeginFieldNumber = 99,
kMmCompactionDeferCompactionFieldNumber = 100,
kMmCompactionDeferredFieldNumber = 101,
kMmCompactionDeferResetFieldNumber = 102,
kMmCompactionEndFieldNumber = 103,
kMmCompactionFinishedFieldNumber = 104,
kMmCompactionIsolateFreepagesFieldNumber = 105,
kMmCompactionIsolateMigratepagesFieldNumber = 106,
kMmCompactionKcompactdSleepFieldNumber = 107,
kMmCompactionKcompactdWakeFieldNumber = 108,
kMmCompactionMigratepagesFieldNumber = 109,
kMmCompactionSuitableFieldNumber = 110,
kMmCompactionTryToCompactPagesFieldNumber = 111,
kMmCompactionWakeupKcompactdFieldNumber = 112,
kSuspendResumeFieldNumber = 113,
kSchedWakeupNewFieldNumber = 114,
kBlockBioBackmergeFieldNumber = 115,
kBlockBioBounceFieldNumber = 116,
kBlockBioCompleteFieldNumber = 117,
kBlockBioFrontmergeFieldNumber = 118,
kBlockBioQueueFieldNumber = 119,
kBlockBioRemapFieldNumber = 120,
kBlockDirtyBufferFieldNumber = 121,
kBlockGetrqFieldNumber = 122,
kBlockPlugFieldNumber = 123,
kBlockRqAbortFieldNumber = 124,
kBlockRqCompleteFieldNumber = 125,
kBlockRqInsertFieldNumber = 126,
kBlockRqRemapFieldNumber = 128,
kBlockRqRequeueFieldNumber = 129,
kBlockSleeprqFieldNumber = 130,
kBlockSplitFieldNumber = 131,
kBlockTouchBufferFieldNumber = 132,
kBlockUnplugFieldNumber = 133,
kExt4AllocDaBlocksFieldNumber = 134,
kExt4AllocateBlocksFieldNumber = 135,
kExt4AllocateInodeFieldNumber = 136,
kExt4BeginOrderedTruncateFieldNumber = 137,
kExt4CollapseRangeFieldNumber = 138,
kExt4DaReleaseSpaceFieldNumber = 139,
kExt4DaReserveSpaceFieldNumber = 140,
kExt4DaUpdateReserveSpaceFieldNumber = 141,
kExt4DaWritePagesFieldNumber = 142,
kExt4DaWritePagesExtentFieldNumber = 143,
kExt4DirectIOEnterFieldNumber = 144,
kExt4DirectIOExitFieldNumber = 145,
kExt4DiscardBlocksFieldNumber = 146,
kExt4DiscardPreallocationsFieldNumber = 147,
kExt4DropInodeFieldNumber = 148,
kExt4EsCacheExtentFieldNumber = 149,
kExt4EsFindDelayedExtentRangeEnterFieldNumber = 150,
kExt4EsFindDelayedExtentRangeExitFieldNumber = 151,
kExt4EsInsertExtentFieldNumber = 152,
kExt4EsLookupExtentEnterFieldNumber = 153,
kExt4EsLookupExtentExitFieldNumber = 154,
kExt4EsRemoveExtentFieldNumber = 155,
kExt4EsShrinkFieldNumber = 156,
kExt4EsShrinkCountFieldNumber = 157,
kExt4EsShrinkScanEnterFieldNumber = 158,
kExt4EsShrinkScanExitFieldNumber = 159,
kExt4EvictInodeFieldNumber = 160,
kExt4ExtConvertToInitializedEnterFieldNumber = 161,
kExt4ExtConvertToInitializedFastpathFieldNumber = 162,
kExt4ExtHandleUnwrittenExtentsFieldNumber = 163,
kExt4ExtInCacheFieldNumber = 164,
kExt4ExtLoadExtentFieldNumber = 165,
kExt4ExtMapBlocksEnterFieldNumber = 166,
kExt4ExtMapBlocksExitFieldNumber = 167,
kExt4ExtPutInCacheFieldNumber = 168,
kExt4ExtRemoveSpaceFieldNumber = 169,
kExt4ExtRemoveSpaceDoneFieldNumber = 170,
kExt4ExtRmIdxFieldNumber = 171,
kExt4ExtRmLeafFieldNumber = 172,
kExt4ExtShowExtentFieldNumber = 173,
kExt4FallocateEnterFieldNumber = 174,
kExt4FallocateExitFieldNumber = 175,
kExt4FindDelallocRangeFieldNumber = 176,
kExt4ForgetFieldNumber = 177,
kExt4FreeBlocksFieldNumber = 178,
kExt4FreeInodeFieldNumber = 179,
kExt4GetImpliedClusterAllocExitFieldNumber = 180,
kExt4GetReservedClusterAllocFieldNumber = 181,
kExt4IndMapBlocksEnterFieldNumber = 182,
kExt4IndMapBlocksExitFieldNumber = 183,
kExt4InsertRangeFieldNumber = 184,
kExt4InvalidatepageFieldNumber = 185,
kExt4JournalStartFieldNumber = 186,
kExt4JournalStartReservedFieldNumber = 187,
kExt4JournalledInvalidatepageFieldNumber = 188,
kExt4JournalledWriteEndFieldNumber = 189,
kExt4LoadInodeFieldNumber = 190,
kExt4LoadInodeBitmapFieldNumber = 191,
kExt4MarkInodeDirtyFieldNumber = 192,
kExt4MbBitmapLoadFieldNumber = 193,
kExt4MbBuddyBitmapLoadFieldNumber = 194,
kExt4MbDiscardPreallocationsFieldNumber = 195,
kExt4MbNewGroupPaFieldNumber = 196,
kExt4MbNewInodePaFieldNumber = 197,
kExt4MbReleaseGroupPaFieldNumber = 198,
kExt4MbReleaseInodePaFieldNumber = 199,
kExt4MballocAllocFieldNumber = 200,
kExt4MballocDiscardFieldNumber = 201,
kExt4MballocFreeFieldNumber = 202,
kExt4MballocPreallocFieldNumber = 203,
kExt4OtherInodeUpdateTimeFieldNumber = 204,
kExt4PunchHoleFieldNumber = 205,
kExt4ReadBlockBitmapLoadFieldNumber = 206,
kExt4ReadpageFieldNumber = 207,
kExt4ReleasepageFieldNumber = 208,
kExt4RemoveBlocksFieldNumber = 209,
kExt4RequestBlocksFieldNumber = 210,
kExt4RequestInodeFieldNumber = 211,
kExt4SyncFsFieldNumber = 212,
kExt4TrimAllFreeFieldNumber = 213,
kExt4TrimExtentFieldNumber = 214,
kExt4TruncateEnterFieldNumber = 215,
kExt4TruncateExitFieldNumber = 216,
kExt4UnlinkEnterFieldNumber = 217,
kExt4UnlinkExitFieldNumber = 218,
kExt4WriteBeginFieldNumber = 219,
kExt4WriteEndFieldNumber = 230,
kExt4WritepageFieldNumber = 231,
kExt4WritepagesFieldNumber = 232,
kExt4WritepagesResultFieldNumber = 233,
kExt4ZeroRangeFieldNumber = 234,
kTaskNewtaskFieldNumber = 235,
kTaskRenameFieldNumber = 236,
kSchedProcessExecFieldNumber = 237,
kSchedProcessExitFieldNumber = 238,
kSchedProcessForkFieldNumber = 239,
kSchedProcessFreeFieldNumber = 240,
kSchedProcessHangFieldNumber = 241,
kSchedProcessWaitFieldNumber = 242,
kF2fsDoSubmitBioFieldNumber = 243,
kF2fsEvictInodeFieldNumber = 244,
kF2fsFallocateFieldNumber = 245,
kF2fsGetDataBlockFieldNumber = 246,
kF2fsGetVictimFieldNumber = 247,
kF2fsIgetFieldNumber = 248,
kF2fsIgetExitFieldNumber = 249,
kF2fsNewInodeFieldNumber = 250,
kF2fsReadpageFieldNumber = 251,
kF2fsReserveNewBlockFieldNumber = 252,
kF2fsSetPageDirtyFieldNumber = 253,
kF2fsSubmitWritePageFieldNumber = 254,
kF2fsSyncFileEnterFieldNumber = 255,
kF2fsSyncFileExitFieldNumber = 256,
kF2fsSyncFsFieldNumber = 257,
kF2fsTruncateFieldNumber = 258,
kF2fsTruncateBlocksEnterFieldNumber = 259,
kF2fsTruncateBlocksExitFieldNumber = 260,
kF2fsTruncateDataBlocksRangeFieldNumber = 261,
kF2fsTruncateInodeBlocksEnterFieldNumber = 262,
kF2fsTruncateInodeBlocksExitFieldNumber = 263,
kF2fsTruncateNodeFieldNumber = 264,
kF2fsTruncateNodesEnterFieldNumber = 265,
kF2fsTruncateNodesExitFieldNumber = 266,
kF2fsTruncatePartialNodesFieldNumber = 267,
kF2fsUnlinkEnterFieldNumber = 268,
kF2fsUnlinkExitFieldNumber = 269,
kF2fsVmPageMkwriteFieldNumber = 270,
kF2fsWriteBeginFieldNumber = 271,
kF2fsWriteCheckpointFieldNumber = 272,
kF2fsWriteEndFieldNumber = 273,
kAllocPagesIommuEndFieldNumber = 274,
kAllocPagesIommuFailFieldNumber = 275,
kAllocPagesIommuStartFieldNumber = 276,
kAllocPagesSysEndFieldNumber = 277,
kAllocPagesSysFailFieldNumber = 278,
kAllocPagesSysStartFieldNumber = 279,
kDmaAllocContiguousRetryFieldNumber = 280,
kIommuMapRangeFieldNumber = 281,
kIommuSecPtblMapRangeEndFieldNumber = 282,
kIommuSecPtblMapRangeStartFieldNumber = 283,
kIonAllocBufferEndFieldNumber = 284,
kIonAllocBufferFailFieldNumber = 285,
kIonAllocBufferFallbackFieldNumber = 286,
kIonAllocBufferStartFieldNumber = 287,
kIonCpAllocRetryFieldNumber = 288,
kIonCpSecureBufferEndFieldNumber = 289,
kIonCpSecureBufferStartFieldNumber = 290,
kIonPrefetchingFieldNumber = 291,
kIonSecureCmaAddToPoolEndFieldNumber = 292,
kIonSecureCmaAddToPoolStartFieldNumber = 293,
kIonSecureCmaAllocateEndFieldNumber = 294,
kIonSecureCmaAllocateStartFieldNumber = 295,
kIonSecureCmaShrinkPoolEndFieldNumber = 296,
kIonSecureCmaShrinkPoolStartFieldNumber = 297,
kKfreeFieldNumber = 298,
kKmallocFieldNumber = 299,
kKmallocNodeFieldNumber = 300,
kKmemCacheAllocFieldNumber = 301,
kKmemCacheAllocNodeFieldNumber = 302,
kKmemCacheFreeFieldNumber = 303,
kMigratePagesEndFieldNumber = 304,
kMigratePagesStartFieldNumber = 305,
kMigrateRetryFieldNumber = 306,
kMmPageAllocFieldNumber = 307,
kMmPageAllocExtfragFieldNumber = 308,
kMmPageAllocZoneLockedFieldNumber = 309,
kMmPageFreeFieldNumber = 310,
kMmPageFreeBatchedFieldNumber = 311,
kMmPagePcpuDrainFieldNumber = 312,
kRssStatFieldNumber = 313,
kIonHeapShrinkFieldNumber = 314,
kIonHeapGrowFieldNumber = 315,
kFenceInitFieldNumber = 316,
kFenceDestroyFieldNumber = 317,
kFenceEnableSignalFieldNumber = 318,
kFenceSignaledFieldNumber = 319,
kClkEnableFieldNumber = 320,
kClkDisableFieldNumber = 321,
kClkSetRateFieldNumber = 322,
kBinderTransactionAllocBufFieldNumber = 323,
kSignalDeliverFieldNumber = 324,
kSignalGenerateFieldNumber = 325,
kOomScoreAdjUpdateFieldNumber = 326,
kGenericFieldNumber = 327,
kMmEventRecordFieldNumber = 328,
kSysEnterFieldNumber = 329,
kSysExitFieldNumber = 330,
kZeroFieldNumber = 331,
kGpuFrequencyFieldNumber = 332,
kSdeTracingMarkWriteFieldNumber = 333,
kMarkVictimFieldNumber = 334,
kIonStatFieldNumber = 335,
kIonBufferCreateFieldNumber = 336,
kIonBufferDestroyFieldNumber = 337,
kScmCallStartFieldNumber = 338,
kScmCallEndFieldNumber = 339,
kGpuMemTotalFieldNumber = 340,
void set_timestamp(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_pid(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
template <typename T = PrintFtraceEvent> T* set_print() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(3);
template <typename T = SchedSwitchFtraceEvent> T* set_sched_switch() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(4);
template <typename T = CpuFrequencyFtraceEvent> T* set_cpu_frequency() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(11);
template <typename T = CpuFrequencyLimitsFtraceEvent> T* set_cpu_frequency_limits() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(12);
template <typename T = CpuIdleFtraceEvent> T* set_cpu_idle() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(13);
template <typename T = ClockEnableFtraceEvent> T* set_clock_enable() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(14);
template <typename T = ClockDisableFtraceEvent> T* set_clock_disable() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(15);
template <typename T = ClockSetRateFtraceEvent> T* set_clock_set_rate() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(16);
template <typename T = SchedWakeupFtraceEvent> T* set_sched_wakeup() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(17);
template <typename T = SchedBlockedReasonFtraceEvent> T* set_sched_blocked_reason() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(18);
template <typename T = SchedCpuHotplugFtraceEvent> T* set_sched_cpu_hotplug() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(19);
template <typename T = SchedWakingFtraceEvent> T* set_sched_waking() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(20);
template <typename T = IpiEntryFtraceEvent> T* set_ipi_entry() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(21);
template <typename T = IpiExitFtraceEvent> T* set_ipi_exit() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(22);
template <typename T = IpiRaiseFtraceEvent> T* set_ipi_raise() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(23);
template <typename T = SoftirqEntryFtraceEvent> T* set_softirq_entry() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(24);
template <typename T = SoftirqExitFtraceEvent> T* set_softirq_exit() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(25);
template <typename T = SoftirqRaiseFtraceEvent> T* set_softirq_raise() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(26);
template <typename T = I2cReadFtraceEvent> T* set_i2c_read() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(27);
template <typename T = I2cWriteFtraceEvent> T* set_i2c_write() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(28);
template <typename T = I2cResultFtraceEvent> T* set_i2c_result() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(29);
template <typename T = I2cReplyFtraceEvent> T* set_i2c_reply() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(30);
template <typename T = SmbusReadFtraceEvent> T* set_smbus_read() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(31);
template <typename T = SmbusWriteFtraceEvent> T* set_smbus_write() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(32);
template <typename T = SmbusResultFtraceEvent> T* set_smbus_result() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(33);
template <typename T = SmbusReplyFtraceEvent> T* set_smbus_reply() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(34);
template <typename T = LowmemoryKillFtraceEvent> T* set_lowmemory_kill() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(35);
template <typename T = IrqHandlerEntryFtraceEvent> T* set_irq_handler_entry() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(36);
template <typename T = IrqHandlerExitFtraceEvent> T* set_irq_handler_exit() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(37);
template <typename T = SyncPtFtraceEvent> T* set_sync_pt() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(38);
template <typename T = SyncTimelineFtraceEvent> T* set_sync_timeline() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(39);
template <typename T = SyncWaitFtraceEvent> T* set_sync_wait() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(40);
template <typename T = Ext4DaWriteBeginFtraceEvent> T* set_ext4_da_write_begin() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(41);
template <typename T = Ext4DaWriteEndFtraceEvent> T* set_ext4_da_write_end() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(42);
template <typename T = Ext4SyncFileEnterFtraceEvent> T* set_ext4_sync_file_enter() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(43);
template <typename T = Ext4SyncFileExitFtraceEvent> T* set_ext4_sync_file_exit() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(44);
template <typename T = BlockRqIssueFtraceEvent> T* set_block_rq_issue() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(45);
template <typename T = MmVmscanDirectReclaimBeginFtraceEvent> T* set_mm_vmscan_direct_reclaim_begin() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(46);
template <typename T = MmVmscanDirectReclaimEndFtraceEvent> T* set_mm_vmscan_direct_reclaim_end() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(47);
template <typename T = MmVmscanKswapdWakeFtraceEvent> T* set_mm_vmscan_kswapd_wake() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(48);
template <typename T = MmVmscanKswapdSleepFtraceEvent> T* set_mm_vmscan_kswapd_sleep() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(49);
template <typename T = BinderTransactionFtraceEvent> T* set_binder_transaction() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(50);
template <typename T = BinderTransactionReceivedFtraceEvent> T* set_binder_transaction_received() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(51);
template <typename T = BinderSetPriorityFtraceEvent> T* set_binder_set_priority() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(52);
template <typename T = BinderLockFtraceEvent> T* set_binder_lock() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(53);
template <typename T = BinderLockedFtraceEvent> T* set_binder_locked() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(54);
template <typename T = BinderUnlockFtraceEvent> T* set_binder_unlock() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(55);
template <typename T = WorkqueueActivateWorkFtraceEvent> T* set_workqueue_activate_work() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(56);
template <typename T = WorkqueueExecuteEndFtraceEvent> T* set_workqueue_execute_end() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(57);
template <typename T = WorkqueueExecuteStartFtraceEvent> T* set_workqueue_execute_start() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(58);
template <typename T = WorkqueueQueueWorkFtraceEvent> T* set_workqueue_queue_work() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(59);
template <typename T = RegulatorDisableFtraceEvent> T* set_regulator_disable() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(60);
template <typename T = RegulatorDisableCompleteFtraceEvent> T* set_regulator_disable_complete() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(61);
template <typename T = RegulatorEnableFtraceEvent> T* set_regulator_enable() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(62);
template <typename T = RegulatorEnableCompleteFtraceEvent> T* set_regulator_enable_complete() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(63);
template <typename T = RegulatorEnableDelayFtraceEvent> T* set_regulator_enable_delay() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(64);
template <typename T = RegulatorSetVoltageFtraceEvent> T* set_regulator_set_voltage() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(65);
template <typename T = RegulatorSetVoltageCompleteFtraceEvent> T* set_regulator_set_voltage_complete() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(66);
template <typename T = CgroupAttachTaskFtraceEvent> T* set_cgroup_attach_task() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(67);
template <typename T = CgroupMkdirFtraceEvent> T* set_cgroup_mkdir() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(68);
template <typename T = CgroupRemountFtraceEvent> T* set_cgroup_remount() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(69);
template <typename T = CgroupRmdirFtraceEvent> T* set_cgroup_rmdir() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(70);
template <typename T = CgroupTransferTasksFtraceEvent> T* set_cgroup_transfer_tasks() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(71);
template <typename T = CgroupDestroyRootFtraceEvent> T* set_cgroup_destroy_root() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(72);
template <typename T = CgroupReleaseFtraceEvent> T* set_cgroup_release() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(73);
template <typename T = CgroupRenameFtraceEvent> T* set_cgroup_rename() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(74);
template <typename T = CgroupSetupRootFtraceEvent> T* set_cgroup_setup_root() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(75);
template <typename T = MdpCmdKickoffFtraceEvent> T* set_mdp_cmd_kickoff() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(76);
template <typename T = MdpCommitFtraceEvent> T* set_mdp_commit() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(77);
template <typename T = MdpPerfSetOtFtraceEvent> T* set_mdp_perf_set_ot() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(78);
template <typename T = MdpSsppChangeFtraceEvent> T* set_mdp_sspp_change() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(79);
template <typename T = TracingMarkWriteFtraceEvent> T* set_tracing_mark_write() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(80);
template <typename T = MdpCmdPingpongDoneFtraceEvent> T* set_mdp_cmd_pingpong_done() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(81);
template <typename T = MdpCompareBwFtraceEvent> T* set_mdp_compare_bw() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(82);
template <typename T = MdpPerfSetPanicLutsFtraceEvent> T* set_mdp_perf_set_panic_luts() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(83);
template <typename T = MdpSsppSetFtraceEvent> T* set_mdp_sspp_set() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(84);
template <typename T = MdpCmdReadptrDoneFtraceEvent> T* set_mdp_cmd_readptr_done() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(85);
template <typename T = MdpMisrCrcFtraceEvent> T* set_mdp_misr_crc() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(86);
template <typename T = MdpPerfSetQosLutsFtraceEvent> T* set_mdp_perf_set_qos_luts() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(87);
template <typename T = MdpTraceCounterFtraceEvent> T* set_mdp_trace_counter() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(88);
template <typename T = MdpCmdReleaseBwFtraceEvent> T* set_mdp_cmd_release_bw() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(89);
template <typename T = MdpMixerUpdateFtraceEvent> T* set_mdp_mixer_update() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(90);
template <typename T = MdpPerfSetWmLevelsFtraceEvent> T* set_mdp_perf_set_wm_levels() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(91);
template <typename T = MdpVideoUnderrunDoneFtraceEvent> T* set_mdp_video_underrun_done() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(92);
template <typename T = MdpCmdWaitPingpongFtraceEvent> T* set_mdp_cmd_wait_pingpong() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(93);
template <typename T = MdpPerfPrefillCalcFtraceEvent> T* set_mdp_perf_prefill_calc() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(94);
template <typename T = MdpPerfUpdateBusFtraceEvent> T* set_mdp_perf_update_bus() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(95);
template <typename T = RotatorBwAoAsContextFtraceEvent> T* set_rotator_bw_ao_as_context() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(96);
template <typename T = MmFilemapAddToPageCacheFtraceEvent> T* set_mm_filemap_add_to_page_cache() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(97);
template <typename T = MmFilemapDeleteFromPageCacheFtraceEvent> T* set_mm_filemap_delete_from_page_cache() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(98);
template <typename T = MmCompactionBeginFtraceEvent> T* set_mm_compaction_begin() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(99);
template <typename T = MmCompactionDeferCompactionFtraceEvent> T* set_mm_compaction_defer_compaction() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(100);
template <typename T = MmCompactionDeferredFtraceEvent> T* set_mm_compaction_deferred() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(101);
template <typename T = MmCompactionDeferResetFtraceEvent> T* set_mm_compaction_defer_reset() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(102);
template <typename T = MmCompactionEndFtraceEvent> T* set_mm_compaction_end() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(103);
template <typename T = MmCompactionFinishedFtraceEvent> T* set_mm_compaction_finished() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(104);
template <typename T = MmCompactionIsolateFreepagesFtraceEvent> T* set_mm_compaction_isolate_freepages() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(105);
template <typename T = MmCompactionIsolateMigratepagesFtraceEvent> T* set_mm_compaction_isolate_migratepages() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(106);
template <typename T = MmCompactionKcompactdSleepFtraceEvent> T* set_mm_compaction_kcompactd_sleep() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(107);
template <typename T = MmCompactionKcompactdWakeFtraceEvent> T* set_mm_compaction_kcompactd_wake() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(108);
template <typename T = MmCompactionMigratepagesFtraceEvent> T* set_mm_compaction_migratepages() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(109);
template <typename T = MmCompactionSuitableFtraceEvent> T* set_mm_compaction_suitable() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(110);
template <typename T = MmCompactionTryToCompactPagesFtraceEvent> T* set_mm_compaction_try_to_compact_pages() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(111);
template <typename T = MmCompactionWakeupKcompactdFtraceEvent> T* set_mm_compaction_wakeup_kcompactd() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(112);
template <typename T = SuspendResumeFtraceEvent> T* set_suspend_resume() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(113);
template <typename T = SchedWakeupNewFtraceEvent> T* set_sched_wakeup_new() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(114);
template <typename T = BlockBioBackmergeFtraceEvent> T* set_block_bio_backmerge() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(115);
template <typename T = BlockBioBounceFtraceEvent> T* set_block_bio_bounce() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(116);
template <typename T = BlockBioCompleteFtraceEvent> T* set_block_bio_complete() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(117);
template <typename T = BlockBioFrontmergeFtraceEvent> T* set_block_bio_frontmerge() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(118);
template <typename T = BlockBioQueueFtraceEvent> T* set_block_bio_queue() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(119);
template <typename T = BlockBioRemapFtraceEvent> T* set_block_bio_remap() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(120);
template <typename T = BlockDirtyBufferFtraceEvent> T* set_block_dirty_buffer() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(121);
template <typename T = BlockGetrqFtraceEvent> T* set_block_getrq() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(122);
template <typename T = BlockPlugFtraceEvent> T* set_block_plug() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(123);
template <typename T = BlockRqAbortFtraceEvent> T* set_block_rq_abort() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(124);
template <typename T = BlockRqCompleteFtraceEvent> T* set_block_rq_complete() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(125);
template <typename T = BlockRqInsertFtraceEvent> T* set_block_rq_insert() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(126);
template <typename T = BlockRqRemapFtraceEvent> T* set_block_rq_remap() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(128);
template <typename T = BlockRqRequeueFtraceEvent> T* set_block_rq_requeue() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(129);
template <typename T = BlockSleeprqFtraceEvent> T* set_block_sleeprq() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(130);
template <typename T = BlockSplitFtraceEvent> T* set_block_split() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(131);
template <typename T = BlockTouchBufferFtraceEvent> T* set_block_touch_buffer() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(132);
template <typename T = BlockUnplugFtraceEvent> T* set_block_unplug() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(133);
template <typename T = Ext4AllocDaBlocksFtraceEvent> T* set_ext4_alloc_da_blocks() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(134);
template <typename T = Ext4AllocateBlocksFtraceEvent> T* set_ext4_allocate_blocks() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(135);
template <typename T = Ext4AllocateInodeFtraceEvent> T* set_ext4_allocate_inode() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(136);
template <typename T = Ext4BeginOrderedTruncateFtraceEvent> T* set_ext4_begin_ordered_truncate() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(137);
template <typename T = Ext4CollapseRangeFtraceEvent> T* set_ext4_collapse_range() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(138);
template <typename T = Ext4DaReleaseSpaceFtraceEvent> T* set_ext4_da_release_space() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(139);
template <typename T = Ext4DaReserveSpaceFtraceEvent> T* set_ext4_da_reserve_space() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(140);
template <typename T = Ext4DaUpdateReserveSpaceFtraceEvent> T* set_ext4_da_update_reserve_space() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(141);
template <typename T = Ext4DaWritePagesFtraceEvent> T* set_ext4_da_write_pages() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(142);
template <typename T = Ext4DaWritePagesExtentFtraceEvent> T* set_ext4_da_write_pages_extent() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(143);
template <typename T = Ext4DirectIOEnterFtraceEvent> T* set_ext4_direct_io_enter() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(144);
template <typename T = Ext4DirectIOExitFtraceEvent> T* set_ext4_direct_io_exit() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(145);
template <typename T = Ext4DiscardBlocksFtraceEvent> T* set_ext4_discard_blocks() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(146);
template <typename T = Ext4DiscardPreallocationsFtraceEvent> T* set_ext4_discard_preallocations() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(147);
template <typename T = Ext4DropInodeFtraceEvent> T* set_ext4_drop_inode() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(148);
template <typename T = Ext4EsCacheExtentFtraceEvent> T* set_ext4_es_cache_extent() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(149);
template <typename T = Ext4EsFindDelayedExtentRangeEnterFtraceEvent> T* set_ext4_es_find_delayed_extent_range_enter() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(150);
template <typename T = Ext4EsFindDelayedExtentRangeExitFtraceEvent> T* set_ext4_es_find_delayed_extent_range_exit() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(151);
template <typename T = Ext4EsInsertExtentFtraceEvent> T* set_ext4_es_insert_extent() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(152);
template <typename T = Ext4EsLookupExtentEnterFtraceEvent> T* set_ext4_es_lookup_extent_enter() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(153);
template <typename T = Ext4EsLookupExtentExitFtraceEvent> T* set_ext4_es_lookup_extent_exit() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(154);
template <typename T = Ext4EsRemoveExtentFtraceEvent> T* set_ext4_es_remove_extent() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(155);
template <typename T = Ext4EsShrinkFtraceEvent> T* set_ext4_es_shrink() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(156);
template <typename T = Ext4EsShrinkCountFtraceEvent> T* set_ext4_es_shrink_count() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(157);
template <typename T = Ext4EsShrinkScanEnterFtraceEvent> T* set_ext4_es_shrink_scan_enter() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(158);
template <typename T = Ext4EsShrinkScanExitFtraceEvent> T* set_ext4_es_shrink_scan_exit() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(159);
template <typename T = Ext4EvictInodeFtraceEvent> T* set_ext4_evict_inode() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(160);
template <typename T = Ext4ExtConvertToInitializedEnterFtraceEvent> T* set_ext4_ext_convert_to_initialized_enter() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(161);
template <typename T = Ext4ExtConvertToInitializedFastpathFtraceEvent> T* set_ext4_ext_convert_to_initialized_fastpath() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(162);
template <typename T = Ext4ExtHandleUnwrittenExtentsFtraceEvent> T* set_ext4_ext_handle_unwritten_extents() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(163);
template <typename T = Ext4ExtInCacheFtraceEvent> T* set_ext4_ext_in_cache() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(164);
template <typename T = Ext4ExtLoadExtentFtraceEvent> T* set_ext4_ext_load_extent() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(165);
template <typename T = Ext4ExtMapBlocksEnterFtraceEvent> T* set_ext4_ext_map_blocks_enter() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(166);
template <typename T = Ext4ExtMapBlocksExitFtraceEvent> T* set_ext4_ext_map_blocks_exit() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(167);
template <typename T = Ext4ExtPutInCacheFtraceEvent> T* set_ext4_ext_put_in_cache() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(168);
template <typename T = Ext4ExtRemoveSpaceFtraceEvent> T* set_ext4_ext_remove_space() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(169);
template <typename T = Ext4ExtRemoveSpaceDoneFtraceEvent> T* set_ext4_ext_remove_space_done() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(170);
template <typename T = Ext4ExtRmIdxFtraceEvent> T* set_ext4_ext_rm_idx() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(171);
template <typename T = Ext4ExtRmLeafFtraceEvent> T* set_ext4_ext_rm_leaf() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(172);
template <typename T = Ext4ExtShowExtentFtraceEvent> T* set_ext4_ext_show_extent() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(173);
template <typename T = Ext4FallocateEnterFtraceEvent> T* set_ext4_fallocate_enter() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(174);
template <typename T = Ext4FallocateExitFtraceEvent> T* set_ext4_fallocate_exit() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(175);
template <typename T = Ext4FindDelallocRangeFtraceEvent> T* set_ext4_find_delalloc_range() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(176);
template <typename T = Ext4ForgetFtraceEvent> T* set_ext4_forget() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(177);
template <typename T = Ext4FreeBlocksFtraceEvent> T* set_ext4_free_blocks() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(178);
template <typename T = Ext4FreeInodeFtraceEvent> T* set_ext4_free_inode() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(179);
template <typename T = Ext4GetImpliedClusterAllocExitFtraceEvent> T* set_ext4_get_implied_cluster_alloc_exit() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(180);
template <typename T = Ext4GetReservedClusterAllocFtraceEvent> T* set_ext4_get_reserved_cluster_alloc() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(181);
template <typename T = Ext4IndMapBlocksEnterFtraceEvent> T* set_ext4_ind_map_blocks_enter() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(182);
template <typename T = Ext4IndMapBlocksExitFtraceEvent> T* set_ext4_ind_map_blocks_exit() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(183);
template <typename T = Ext4InsertRangeFtraceEvent> T* set_ext4_insert_range() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(184);
template <typename T = Ext4InvalidatepageFtraceEvent> T* set_ext4_invalidatepage() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(185);
template <typename T = Ext4JournalStartFtraceEvent> T* set_ext4_journal_start() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(186);
template <typename T = Ext4JournalStartReservedFtraceEvent> T* set_ext4_journal_start_reserved() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(187);
template <typename T = Ext4JournalledInvalidatepageFtraceEvent> T* set_ext4_journalled_invalidatepage() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(188);
template <typename T = Ext4JournalledWriteEndFtraceEvent> T* set_ext4_journalled_write_end() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(189);
template <typename T = Ext4LoadInodeFtraceEvent> T* set_ext4_load_inode() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(190);
template <typename T = Ext4LoadInodeBitmapFtraceEvent> T* set_ext4_load_inode_bitmap() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(191);
template <typename T = Ext4MarkInodeDirtyFtraceEvent> T* set_ext4_mark_inode_dirty() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(192);
template <typename T = Ext4MbBitmapLoadFtraceEvent> T* set_ext4_mb_bitmap_load() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(193);
template <typename T = Ext4MbBuddyBitmapLoadFtraceEvent> T* set_ext4_mb_buddy_bitmap_load() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(194);
template <typename T = Ext4MbDiscardPreallocationsFtraceEvent> T* set_ext4_mb_discard_preallocations() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(195);
template <typename T = Ext4MbNewGroupPaFtraceEvent> T* set_ext4_mb_new_group_pa() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(196);
template <typename T = Ext4MbNewInodePaFtraceEvent> T* set_ext4_mb_new_inode_pa() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(197);
template <typename T = Ext4MbReleaseGroupPaFtraceEvent> T* set_ext4_mb_release_group_pa() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(198);
template <typename T = Ext4MbReleaseInodePaFtraceEvent> T* set_ext4_mb_release_inode_pa() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(199);
template <typename T = Ext4MballocAllocFtraceEvent> T* set_ext4_mballoc_alloc() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(200);
template <typename T = Ext4MballocDiscardFtraceEvent> T* set_ext4_mballoc_discard() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(201);
template <typename T = Ext4MballocFreeFtraceEvent> T* set_ext4_mballoc_free() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(202);
template <typename T = Ext4MballocPreallocFtraceEvent> T* set_ext4_mballoc_prealloc() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(203);
template <typename T = Ext4OtherInodeUpdateTimeFtraceEvent> T* set_ext4_other_inode_update_time() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(204);
template <typename T = Ext4PunchHoleFtraceEvent> T* set_ext4_punch_hole() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(205);
template <typename T = Ext4ReadBlockBitmapLoadFtraceEvent> T* set_ext4_read_block_bitmap_load() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(206);
template <typename T = Ext4ReadpageFtraceEvent> T* set_ext4_readpage() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(207);
template <typename T = Ext4ReleasepageFtraceEvent> T* set_ext4_releasepage() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(208);
template <typename T = Ext4RemoveBlocksFtraceEvent> T* set_ext4_remove_blocks() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(209);
template <typename T = Ext4RequestBlocksFtraceEvent> T* set_ext4_request_blocks() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(210);
template <typename T = Ext4RequestInodeFtraceEvent> T* set_ext4_request_inode() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(211);
template <typename T = Ext4SyncFsFtraceEvent> T* set_ext4_sync_fs() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(212);
template <typename T = Ext4TrimAllFreeFtraceEvent> T* set_ext4_trim_all_free() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(213);
template <typename T = Ext4TrimExtentFtraceEvent> T* set_ext4_trim_extent() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(214);
template <typename T = Ext4TruncateEnterFtraceEvent> T* set_ext4_truncate_enter() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(215);
template <typename T = Ext4TruncateExitFtraceEvent> T* set_ext4_truncate_exit() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(216);
template <typename T = Ext4UnlinkEnterFtraceEvent> T* set_ext4_unlink_enter() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(217);
template <typename T = Ext4UnlinkExitFtraceEvent> T* set_ext4_unlink_exit() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(218);
template <typename T = Ext4WriteBeginFtraceEvent> T* set_ext4_write_begin() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(219);
template <typename T = Ext4WriteEndFtraceEvent> T* set_ext4_write_end() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(230);
template <typename T = Ext4WritepageFtraceEvent> T* set_ext4_writepage() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(231);
template <typename T = Ext4WritepagesFtraceEvent> T* set_ext4_writepages() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(232);
template <typename T = Ext4WritepagesResultFtraceEvent> T* set_ext4_writepages_result() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(233);
template <typename T = Ext4ZeroRangeFtraceEvent> T* set_ext4_zero_range() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(234);
template <typename T = TaskNewtaskFtraceEvent> T* set_task_newtask() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(235);
template <typename T = TaskRenameFtraceEvent> T* set_task_rename() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(236);
template <typename T = SchedProcessExecFtraceEvent> T* set_sched_process_exec() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(237);
template <typename T = SchedProcessExitFtraceEvent> T* set_sched_process_exit() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(238);
template <typename T = SchedProcessForkFtraceEvent> T* set_sched_process_fork() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(239);
template <typename T = SchedProcessFreeFtraceEvent> T* set_sched_process_free() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(240);
template <typename T = SchedProcessHangFtraceEvent> T* set_sched_process_hang() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(241);
template <typename T = SchedProcessWaitFtraceEvent> T* set_sched_process_wait() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(242);
template <typename T = F2fsDoSubmitBioFtraceEvent> T* set_f2fs_do_submit_bio() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(243);
template <typename T = F2fsEvictInodeFtraceEvent> T* set_f2fs_evict_inode() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(244);
template <typename T = F2fsFallocateFtraceEvent> T* set_f2fs_fallocate() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(245);
template <typename T = F2fsGetDataBlockFtraceEvent> T* set_f2fs_get_data_block() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(246);
template <typename T = F2fsGetVictimFtraceEvent> T* set_f2fs_get_victim() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(247);
template <typename T = F2fsIgetFtraceEvent> T* set_f2fs_iget() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(248);
template <typename T = F2fsIgetExitFtraceEvent> T* set_f2fs_iget_exit() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(249);
template <typename T = F2fsNewInodeFtraceEvent> T* set_f2fs_new_inode() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(250);
template <typename T = F2fsReadpageFtraceEvent> T* set_f2fs_readpage() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(251);
template <typename T = F2fsReserveNewBlockFtraceEvent> T* set_f2fs_reserve_new_block() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(252);
template <typename T = F2fsSetPageDirtyFtraceEvent> T* set_f2fs_set_page_dirty() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(253);
template <typename T = F2fsSubmitWritePageFtraceEvent> T* set_f2fs_submit_write_page() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(254);
template <typename T = F2fsSyncFileEnterFtraceEvent> T* set_f2fs_sync_file_enter() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(255);
template <typename T = F2fsSyncFileExitFtraceEvent> T* set_f2fs_sync_file_exit() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(256);
template <typename T = F2fsSyncFsFtraceEvent> T* set_f2fs_sync_fs() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(257);
template <typename T = F2fsTruncateFtraceEvent> T* set_f2fs_truncate() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(258);
template <typename T = F2fsTruncateBlocksEnterFtraceEvent> T* set_f2fs_truncate_blocks_enter() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(259);
template <typename T = F2fsTruncateBlocksExitFtraceEvent> T* set_f2fs_truncate_blocks_exit() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(260);
template <typename T = F2fsTruncateDataBlocksRangeFtraceEvent> T* set_f2fs_truncate_data_blocks_range() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(261);
template <typename T = F2fsTruncateInodeBlocksEnterFtraceEvent> T* set_f2fs_truncate_inode_blocks_enter() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(262);
template <typename T = F2fsTruncateInodeBlocksExitFtraceEvent> T* set_f2fs_truncate_inode_blocks_exit() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(263);
template <typename T = F2fsTruncateNodeFtraceEvent> T* set_f2fs_truncate_node() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(264);
template <typename T = F2fsTruncateNodesEnterFtraceEvent> T* set_f2fs_truncate_nodes_enter() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(265);
template <typename T = F2fsTruncateNodesExitFtraceEvent> T* set_f2fs_truncate_nodes_exit() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(266);
template <typename T = F2fsTruncatePartialNodesFtraceEvent> T* set_f2fs_truncate_partial_nodes() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(267);
template <typename T = F2fsUnlinkEnterFtraceEvent> T* set_f2fs_unlink_enter() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(268);
template <typename T = F2fsUnlinkExitFtraceEvent> T* set_f2fs_unlink_exit() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(269);
template <typename T = F2fsVmPageMkwriteFtraceEvent> T* set_f2fs_vm_page_mkwrite() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(270);
template <typename T = F2fsWriteBeginFtraceEvent> T* set_f2fs_write_begin() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(271);
template <typename T = F2fsWriteCheckpointFtraceEvent> T* set_f2fs_write_checkpoint() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(272);
template <typename T = F2fsWriteEndFtraceEvent> T* set_f2fs_write_end() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(273);
template <typename T = AllocPagesIommuEndFtraceEvent> T* set_alloc_pages_iommu_end() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(274);
template <typename T = AllocPagesIommuFailFtraceEvent> T* set_alloc_pages_iommu_fail() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(275);
template <typename T = AllocPagesIommuStartFtraceEvent> T* set_alloc_pages_iommu_start() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(276);
template <typename T = AllocPagesSysEndFtraceEvent> T* set_alloc_pages_sys_end() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(277);
template <typename T = AllocPagesSysFailFtraceEvent> T* set_alloc_pages_sys_fail() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(278);
template <typename T = AllocPagesSysStartFtraceEvent> T* set_alloc_pages_sys_start() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(279);
template <typename T = DmaAllocContiguousRetryFtraceEvent> T* set_dma_alloc_contiguous_retry() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(280);
template <typename T = IommuMapRangeFtraceEvent> T* set_iommu_map_range() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(281);
template <typename T = IommuSecPtblMapRangeEndFtraceEvent> T* set_iommu_sec_ptbl_map_range_end() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(282);
template <typename T = IommuSecPtblMapRangeStartFtraceEvent> T* set_iommu_sec_ptbl_map_range_start() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(283);
template <typename T = IonAllocBufferEndFtraceEvent> T* set_ion_alloc_buffer_end() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(284);
template <typename T = IonAllocBufferFailFtraceEvent> T* set_ion_alloc_buffer_fail() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(285);
template <typename T = IonAllocBufferFallbackFtraceEvent> T* set_ion_alloc_buffer_fallback() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(286);
template <typename T = IonAllocBufferStartFtraceEvent> T* set_ion_alloc_buffer_start() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(287);
template <typename T = IonCpAllocRetryFtraceEvent> T* set_ion_cp_alloc_retry() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(288);
template <typename T = IonCpSecureBufferEndFtraceEvent> T* set_ion_cp_secure_buffer_end() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(289);
template <typename T = IonCpSecureBufferStartFtraceEvent> T* set_ion_cp_secure_buffer_start() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(290);
template <typename T = IonPrefetchingFtraceEvent> T* set_ion_prefetching() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(291);
template <typename T = IonSecureCmaAddToPoolEndFtraceEvent> T* set_ion_secure_cma_add_to_pool_end() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(292);
template <typename T = IonSecureCmaAddToPoolStartFtraceEvent> T* set_ion_secure_cma_add_to_pool_start() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(293);
template <typename T = IonSecureCmaAllocateEndFtraceEvent> T* set_ion_secure_cma_allocate_end() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(294);
template <typename T = IonSecureCmaAllocateStartFtraceEvent> T* set_ion_secure_cma_allocate_start() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(295);
template <typename T = IonSecureCmaShrinkPoolEndFtraceEvent> T* set_ion_secure_cma_shrink_pool_end() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(296);
template <typename T = IonSecureCmaShrinkPoolStartFtraceEvent> T* set_ion_secure_cma_shrink_pool_start() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(297);
template <typename T = KfreeFtraceEvent> T* set_kfree() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(298);
template <typename T = KmallocFtraceEvent> T* set_kmalloc() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(299);
template <typename T = KmallocNodeFtraceEvent> T* set_kmalloc_node() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(300);
template <typename T = KmemCacheAllocFtraceEvent> T* set_kmem_cache_alloc() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(301);
template <typename T = KmemCacheAllocNodeFtraceEvent> T* set_kmem_cache_alloc_node() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(302);
template <typename T = KmemCacheFreeFtraceEvent> T* set_kmem_cache_free() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(303);
template <typename T = MigratePagesEndFtraceEvent> T* set_migrate_pages_end() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(304);
template <typename T = MigratePagesStartFtraceEvent> T* set_migrate_pages_start() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(305);
template <typename T = MigrateRetryFtraceEvent> T* set_migrate_retry() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(306);
template <typename T = MmPageAllocFtraceEvent> T* set_mm_page_alloc() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(307);
template <typename T = MmPageAllocExtfragFtraceEvent> T* set_mm_page_alloc_extfrag() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(308);
template <typename T = MmPageAllocZoneLockedFtraceEvent> T* set_mm_page_alloc_zone_locked() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(309);
template <typename T = MmPageFreeFtraceEvent> T* set_mm_page_free() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(310);
template <typename T = MmPageFreeBatchedFtraceEvent> T* set_mm_page_free_batched() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(311);
template <typename T = MmPagePcpuDrainFtraceEvent> T* set_mm_page_pcpu_drain() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(312);
template <typename T = RssStatFtraceEvent> T* set_rss_stat() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(313);
template <typename T = IonHeapShrinkFtraceEvent> T* set_ion_heap_shrink() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(314);
template <typename T = IonHeapGrowFtraceEvent> T* set_ion_heap_grow() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(315);
template <typename T = FenceInitFtraceEvent> T* set_fence_init() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(316);
template <typename T = FenceDestroyFtraceEvent> T* set_fence_destroy() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(317);
template <typename T = FenceEnableSignalFtraceEvent> T* set_fence_enable_signal() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(318);
template <typename T = FenceSignaledFtraceEvent> T* set_fence_signaled() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(319);
template <typename T = ClkEnableFtraceEvent> T* set_clk_enable() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(320);
template <typename T = ClkDisableFtraceEvent> T* set_clk_disable() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(321);
template <typename T = ClkSetRateFtraceEvent> T* set_clk_set_rate() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(322);
template <typename T = BinderTransactionAllocBufFtraceEvent> T* set_binder_transaction_alloc_buf() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(323);
template <typename T = SignalDeliverFtraceEvent> T* set_signal_deliver() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(324);
template <typename T = SignalGenerateFtraceEvent> T* set_signal_generate() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(325);
template <typename T = OomScoreAdjUpdateFtraceEvent> T* set_oom_score_adj_update() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(326);
template <typename T = GenericFtraceEvent> T* set_generic() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(327);
template <typename T = MmEventRecordFtraceEvent> T* set_mm_event_record() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(328);
template <typename T = SysEnterFtraceEvent> T* set_sys_enter() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(329);
template <typename T = SysExitFtraceEvent> T* set_sys_exit() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(330);
template <typename T = ZeroFtraceEvent> T* set_zero() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(331);
template <typename T = GpuFrequencyFtraceEvent> T* set_gpu_frequency() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(332);
template <typename T = SdeTracingMarkWriteFtraceEvent> T* set_sde_tracing_mark_write() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(333);
template <typename T = MarkVictimFtraceEvent> T* set_mark_victim() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(334);
template <typename T = IonStatFtraceEvent> T* set_ion_stat() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(335);
template <typename T = IonBufferCreateFtraceEvent> T* set_ion_buffer_create() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(336);
template <typename T = IonBufferDestroyFtraceEvent> T* set_ion_buffer_destroy() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(337);
template <typename T = ScmCallStartFtraceEvent> T* set_scm_call_start() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(338);
template <typename T = ScmCallEndFtraceEvent> T* set_scm_call_end() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(339);
template <typename T = GpuMemTotalFtraceEvent> T* set_gpu_mem_total() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(340);
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
#endif // Include guard.
// gen_amalgamated begin header: gen/protos/perfetto/trace/ftrace/ftrace_event_bundle.pbzero.h
// Autogenerated by the ProtoZero compiler plugin. DO NOT EDIT.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/message.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/packed_repeated_fields.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_decoder.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_utils.h"
namespace perfetto {
namespace protos {
namespace pbzero {
class FtraceEvent;
class FtraceEventBundle_CompactSched;
class FtraceEventBundle_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/4, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/true> {
FtraceEventBundle_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit FtraceEventBundle_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit FtraceEventBundle_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_cpu() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint32_t cpu() const { return at<1>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_event() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
::protozero::RepeatedFieldIterator<::protozero::ConstBytes> event() const { return GetRepeated<::protozero::ConstBytes>(2); }
bool has_lost_events() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
bool lost_events() const { return at<3>().as_bool(); }
bool has_compact_sched() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes compact_sched() const { return at<4>().as_bytes(); }
class FtraceEventBundle : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = FtraceEventBundle_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kCpuFieldNumber = 1,
kEventFieldNumber = 2,
kLostEventsFieldNumber = 3,
kCompactSchedFieldNumber = 4,
using CompactSched = ::perfetto::protos::pbzero::FtraceEventBundle_CompactSched;
void set_cpu(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
template <typename T = FtraceEvent> T* add_event() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(2);
void set_lost_events(bool value) {
AppendTinyVarInt(3, value);
template <typename T = FtraceEventBundle_CompactSched> T* set_compact_sched() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(4);
class FtraceEventBundle_CompactSched_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/11, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/true> {
FtraceEventBundle_CompactSched_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit FtraceEventBundle_CompactSched_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit FtraceEventBundle_CompactSched_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_intern_table() const { return at<5>().valid(); }
::protozero::RepeatedFieldIterator<::protozero::ConstChars> intern_table() const { return GetRepeated<::protozero::ConstChars>(5); }
bool has_switch_timestamp() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
::protozero::PackedRepeatedFieldIterator<::protozero::proto_utils::ProtoWireType::kVarInt, uint64_t> switch_timestamp(bool* parse_error_ptr) const { return GetPackedRepeated<::protozero::proto_utils::ProtoWireType::kVarInt, uint64_t>(1, parse_error_ptr); }
bool has_switch_prev_state() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
::protozero::PackedRepeatedFieldIterator<::protozero::proto_utils::ProtoWireType::kVarInt, int64_t> switch_prev_state(bool* parse_error_ptr) const { return GetPackedRepeated<::protozero::proto_utils::ProtoWireType::kVarInt, int64_t>(2, parse_error_ptr); }
bool has_switch_next_pid() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
::protozero::PackedRepeatedFieldIterator<::protozero::proto_utils::ProtoWireType::kVarInt, int32_t> switch_next_pid(bool* parse_error_ptr) const { return GetPackedRepeated<::protozero::proto_utils::ProtoWireType::kVarInt, int32_t>(3, parse_error_ptr); }
bool has_switch_next_prio() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
::protozero::PackedRepeatedFieldIterator<::protozero::proto_utils::ProtoWireType::kVarInt, int32_t> switch_next_prio(bool* parse_error_ptr) const { return GetPackedRepeated<::protozero::proto_utils::ProtoWireType::kVarInt, int32_t>(4, parse_error_ptr); }
bool has_switch_next_comm_index() const { return at<6>().valid(); }
::protozero::PackedRepeatedFieldIterator<::protozero::proto_utils::ProtoWireType::kVarInt, uint32_t> switch_next_comm_index(bool* parse_error_ptr) const { return GetPackedRepeated<::protozero::proto_utils::ProtoWireType::kVarInt, uint32_t>(6, parse_error_ptr); }
bool has_waking_timestamp() const { return at<7>().valid(); }
::protozero::PackedRepeatedFieldIterator<::protozero::proto_utils::ProtoWireType::kVarInt, uint64_t> waking_timestamp(bool* parse_error_ptr) const { return GetPackedRepeated<::protozero::proto_utils::ProtoWireType::kVarInt, uint64_t>(7, parse_error_ptr); }
bool has_waking_pid() const { return at<8>().valid(); }
::protozero::PackedRepeatedFieldIterator<::protozero::proto_utils::ProtoWireType::kVarInt, int32_t> waking_pid(bool* parse_error_ptr) const { return GetPackedRepeated<::protozero::proto_utils::ProtoWireType::kVarInt, int32_t>(8, parse_error_ptr); }
bool has_waking_target_cpu() const { return at<9>().valid(); }
::protozero::PackedRepeatedFieldIterator<::protozero::proto_utils::ProtoWireType::kVarInt, int32_t> waking_target_cpu(bool* parse_error_ptr) const { return GetPackedRepeated<::protozero::proto_utils::ProtoWireType::kVarInt, int32_t>(9, parse_error_ptr); }
bool has_waking_prio() const { return at<10>().valid(); }
::protozero::PackedRepeatedFieldIterator<::protozero::proto_utils::ProtoWireType::kVarInt, int32_t> waking_prio(bool* parse_error_ptr) const { return GetPackedRepeated<::protozero::proto_utils::ProtoWireType::kVarInt, int32_t>(10, parse_error_ptr); }
bool has_waking_comm_index() const { return at<11>().valid(); }
::protozero::PackedRepeatedFieldIterator<::protozero::proto_utils::ProtoWireType::kVarInt, uint32_t> waking_comm_index(bool* parse_error_ptr) const { return GetPackedRepeated<::protozero::proto_utils::ProtoWireType::kVarInt, uint32_t>(11, parse_error_ptr); }
class FtraceEventBundle_CompactSched : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = FtraceEventBundle_CompactSched_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kInternTableFieldNumber = 5,
kSwitchTimestampFieldNumber = 1,
kSwitchPrevStateFieldNumber = 2,
kSwitchNextPidFieldNumber = 3,
kSwitchNextPrioFieldNumber = 4,
kSwitchNextCommIndexFieldNumber = 6,
kWakingTimestampFieldNumber = 7,
kWakingPidFieldNumber = 8,
kWakingTargetCpuFieldNumber = 9,
kWakingPrioFieldNumber = 10,
kWakingCommIndexFieldNumber = 11,
void add_intern_table(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(5,, value.size());
void add_intern_table(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(5, data, size);
void set_switch_timestamp(const ::protozero::PackedVarInt& packed_buffer) {
AppendBytes(1,, packed_buffer.size());
void set_switch_prev_state(const ::protozero::PackedVarInt& packed_buffer) {
AppendBytes(2,, packed_buffer.size());
void set_switch_next_pid(const ::protozero::PackedVarInt& packed_buffer) {
AppendBytes(3,, packed_buffer.size());
void set_switch_next_prio(const ::protozero::PackedVarInt& packed_buffer) {
AppendBytes(4,, packed_buffer.size());
void set_switch_next_comm_index(const ::protozero::PackedVarInt& packed_buffer) {
AppendBytes(6,, packed_buffer.size());
void set_waking_timestamp(const ::protozero::PackedVarInt& packed_buffer) {
AppendBytes(7,, packed_buffer.size());
void set_waking_pid(const ::protozero::PackedVarInt& packed_buffer) {
AppendBytes(8,, packed_buffer.size());
void set_waking_target_cpu(const ::protozero::PackedVarInt& packed_buffer) {
AppendBytes(9,, packed_buffer.size());
void set_waking_prio(const ::protozero::PackedVarInt& packed_buffer) {
AppendBytes(10,, packed_buffer.size());
void set_waking_comm_index(const ::protozero::PackedVarInt& packed_buffer) {
AppendBytes(11,, packed_buffer.size());
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
#endif // Include guard.
// gen_amalgamated begin header: gen/protos/perfetto/trace/ftrace/ftrace_stats.pbzero.h
// Autogenerated by the ProtoZero compiler plugin. DO NOT EDIT.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/message.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/packed_repeated_fields.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_decoder.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_utils.h"
namespace perfetto {
namespace protos {
namespace pbzero {
class FtraceCpuStats;
enum FtraceStats_Phase : int32_t;
enum FtraceStats_Phase : int32_t {
FtraceStats_Phase_UNSPECIFIED = 0,
FtraceStats_Phase_START_OF_TRACE = 1,
FtraceStats_Phase_END_OF_TRACE = 2,
const FtraceStats_Phase FtraceStats_Phase_MIN = FtraceStats_Phase_UNSPECIFIED;
const FtraceStats_Phase FtraceStats_Phase_MAX = FtraceStats_Phase_END_OF_TRACE;
class FtraceStats_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/2, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/true> {
FtraceStats_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit FtraceStats_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit FtraceStats_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_phase() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
int32_t phase() const { return at<1>().as_int32(); }
bool has_cpu_stats() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
::protozero::RepeatedFieldIterator<::protozero::ConstBytes> cpu_stats() const { return GetRepeated<::protozero::ConstBytes>(2); }
class FtraceStats : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = FtraceStats_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kPhaseFieldNumber = 1,
kCpuStatsFieldNumber = 2,
using Phase = ::perfetto::protos::pbzero::FtraceStats_Phase;
static const Phase UNSPECIFIED = FtraceStats_Phase_UNSPECIFIED;
static const Phase START_OF_TRACE = FtraceStats_Phase_START_OF_TRACE;
static const Phase END_OF_TRACE = FtraceStats_Phase_END_OF_TRACE;
void set_phase(::perfetto::protos::pbzero::FtraceStats_Phase value) {
AppendTinyVarInt(1, value);
template <typename T = FtraceCpuStats> T* add_cpu_stats() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(2);
class FtraceCpuStats_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/9, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
FtraceCpuStats_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit FtraceCpuStats_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit FtraceCpuStats_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_cpu() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t cpu() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_entries() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint64_t entries() const { return at<2>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_overrun() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
uint64_t overrun() const { return at<3>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_commit_overrun() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
uint64_t commit_overrun() const { return at<4>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_bytes_read() const { return at<5>().valid(); }
uint64_t bytes_read() const { return at<5>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_oldest_event_ts() const { return at<6>().valid(); }
double oldest_event_ts() const { return at<6>().as_double(); }
bool has_now_ts() const { return at<7>().valid(); }
double now_ts() const { return at<7>().as_double(); }
bool has_dropped_events() const { return at<8>().valid(); }
uint64_t dropped_events() const { return at<8>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_read_events() const { return at<9>().valid(); }
uint64_t read_events() const { return at<9>().as_uint64(); }
class FtraceCpuStats : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = FtraceCpuStats_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kCpuFieldNumber = 1,
kEntriesFieldNumber = 2,
kOverrunFieldNumber = 3,
kCommitOverrunFieldNumber = 4,
kBytesReadFieldNumber = 5,
kOldestEventTsFieldNumber = 6,
kNowTsFieldNumber = 7,
kDroppedEventsFieldNumber = 8,
kReadEventsFieldNumber = 9,
void set_cpu(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_entries(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_overrun(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void set_commit_overrun(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(4, value);
void set_bytes_read(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(5, value);
void set_oldest_event_ts(double value) {
AppendFixed(6, value);
void set_now_ts(double value) {
AppendFixed(7, value);
void set_dropped_events(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(8, value);
void set_read_events(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(9, value);
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
#endif // Include guard.
// gen_amalgamated begin header: gen/protos/perfetto/trace/ftrace/test_bundle_wrapper.pbzero.h
// Autogenerated by the ProtoZero compiler plugin. DO NOT EDIT.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/message.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/packed_repeated_fields.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_decoder.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_utils.h"
namespace perfetto {
namespace protos {
namespace pbzero {
class FtraceEventBundle;
class TestBundleWrapper_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/3, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/true> {
TestBundleWrapper_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit TestBundleWrapper_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit TestBundleWrapper_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_before() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars before() const { return at<1>().as_string(); }
bool has_bundle() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
::protozero::RepeatedFieldIterator<::protozero::ConstBytes> bundle() const { return GetRepeated<::protozero::ConstBytes>(2); }
bool has_after() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars after() const { return at<3>().as_string(); }
class TestBundleWrapper : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = TestBundleWrapper_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kBeforeFieldNumber = 1,
kBundleFieldNumber = 2,
kAfterFieldNumber = 3,
void set_before(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(1,, value.size());
void set_before(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(1, data, size);
template <typename T = FtraceEventBundle> T* add_bundle() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(2);
void set_after(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(3,, value.size());
void set_after(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(3, data, size);
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
#endif // Include guard.
// gen_amalgamated begin header: gen/protos/perfetto/trace/ftrace/generic.pbzero.h
// Autogenerated by the ProtoZero compiler plugin. DO NOT EDIT.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/message.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/packed_repeated_fields.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_decoder.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_utils.h"
namespace perfetto {
namespace protos {
namespace pbzero {
class GenericFtraceEvent_Field;
class GenericFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/2, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/true> {
GenericFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit GenericFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit GenericFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_event_name() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars event_name() const { return at<1>().as_string(); }
bool has_field() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
::protozero::RepeatedFieldIterator<::protozero::ConstBytes> field() const { return GetRepeated<::protozero::ConstBytes>(2); }
class GenericFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = GenericFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kEventNameFieldNumber = 1,
kFieldFieldNumber = 2,
using Field = ::perfetto::protos::pbzero::GenericFtraceEvent_Field;
void set_event_name(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(1,, value.size());
void set_event_name(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(1, data, size);
template <typename T = GenericFtraceEvent_Field> T* add_field() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(2);
class GenericFtraceEvent_Field_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/5, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
GenericFtraceEvent_Field_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit GenericFtraceEvent_Field_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit GenericFtraceEvent_Field_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_name() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars name() const { return at<1>().as_string(); }
bool has_str_value() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars str_value() const { return at<3>().as_string(); }
bool has_int_value() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
int64_t int_value() const { return at<4>().as_int64(); }
bool has_uint_value() const { return at<5>().valid(); }
uint64_t uint_value() const { return at<5>().as_uint64(); }
class GenericFtraceEvent_Field : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = GenericFtraceEvent_Field_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kNameFieldNumber = 1,
kStrValueFieldNumber = 3,
kIntValueFieldNumber = 4,
kUintValueFieldNumber = 5,
void set_name(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(1,, value.size());
void set_name(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(1, data, size);
void set_str_value(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(3,, value.size());
void set_str_value(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(3, data, size);
void set_int_value(int64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(4, value);
void set_uint_value(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(5, value);
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
#endif // Include guard.
// gen_amalgamated begin header: gen/protos/perfetto/trace/ftrace/binder.pbzero.h
// Autogenerated by the ProtoZero compiler plugin. DO NOT EDIT.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/message.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/packed_repeated_fields.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_decoder.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_utils.h"
namespace perfetto {
namespace protos {
namespace pbzero {
class BinderTransactionAllocBufFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/3, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
BinderTransactionAllocBufFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit BinderTransactionAllocBufFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit BinderTransactionAllocBufFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_data_size() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t data_size() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_debug_id() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
int32_t debug_id() const { return at<2>().as_int32(); }
bool has_offsets_size() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
uint64_t offsets_size() const { return at<3>().as_uint64(); }
class BinderTransactionAllocBufFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = BinderTransactionAllocBufFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kDataSizeFieldNumber = 1,
kDebugIdFieldNumber = 2,
kOffsetsSizeFieldNumber = 3,
void set_data_size(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_debug_id(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_offsets_size(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
class BinderUnlockFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/1, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
BinderUnlockFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit BinderUnlockFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit BinderUnlockFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_tag() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars tag() const { return at<1>().as_string(); }
class BinderUnlockFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = BinderUnlockFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kTagFieldNumber = 1,
void set_tag(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(1,, value.size());
void set_tag(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(1, data, size);
class BinderLockedFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/1, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
BinderLockedFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit BinderLockedFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit BinderLockedFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_tag() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars tag() const { return at<1>().as_string(); }
class BinderLockedFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = BinderLockedFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kTagFieldNumber = 1,
void set_tag(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(1,, value.size());
void set_tag(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(1, data, size);
class BinderLockFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/1, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
BinderLockFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit BinderLockFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit BinderLockFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_tag() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars tag() const { return at<1>().as_string(); }
class BinderLockFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = BinderLockFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kTagFieldNumber = 1,
void set_tag(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(1,, value.size());
void set_tag(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(1, data, size);
class BinderSetPriorityFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/5, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
BinderSetPriorityFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit BinderSetPriorityFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit BinderSetPriorityFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_proc() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
int32_t proc() const { return at<1>().as_int32(); }
bool has_thread() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
int32_t thread() const { return at<2>().as_int32(); }
bool has_old_prio() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
uint32_t old_prio() const { return at<3>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_new_prio() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
uint32_t new_prio() const { return at<4>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_desired_prio() const { return at<5>().valid(); }
uint32_t desired_prio() const { return at<5>().as_uint32(); }
class BinderSetPriorityFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = BinderSetPriorityFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kProcFieldNumber = 1,
kThreadFieldNumber = 2,
kOldPrioFieldNumber = 3,
kNewPrioFieldNumber = 4,
kDesiredPrioFieldNumber = 5,
void set_proc(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_thread(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_old_prio(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void set_new_prio(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(4, value);
void set_desired_prio(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(5, value);
class BinderTransactionReceivedFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/1, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
BinderTransactionReceivedFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit BinderTransactionReceivedFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit BinderTransactionReceivedFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_debug_id() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
int32_t debug_id() const { return at<1>().as_int32(); }
class BinderTransactionReceivedFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = BinderTransactionReceivedFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kDebugIdFieldNumber = 1,
void set_debug_id(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
class BinderTransactionFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/7, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
BinderTransactionFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit BinderTransactionFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit BinderTransactionFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_debug_id() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
int32_t debug_id() const { return at<1>().as_int32(); }
bool has_target_node() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
int32_t target_node() const { return at<2>().as_int32(); }
bool has_to_proc() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
int32_t to_proc() const { return at<3>().as_int32(); }
bool has_to_thread() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
int32_t to_thread() const { return at<4>().as_int32(); }
bool has_reply() const { return at<5>().valid(); }
int32_t reply() const { return at<5>().as_int32(); }
bool has_code() const { return at<6>().valid(); }
uint32_t code() const { return at<6>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_flags() const { return at<7>().valid(); }
uint32_t flags() const { return at<7>().as_uint32(); }
class BinderTransactionFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = BinderTransactionFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kDebugIdFieldNumber = 1,
kTargetNodeFieldNumber = 2,
kToProcFieldNumber = 3,
kToThreadFieldNumber = 4,
kReplyFieldNumber = 5,
kCodeFieldNumber = 6,
kFlagsFieldNumber = 7,
void set_debug_id(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_target_node(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_to_proc(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void set_to_thread(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(4, value);
void set_reply(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(5, value);
void set_code(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(6, value);
void set_flags(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(7, value);
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
#endif // Include guard.
// gen_amalgamated begin header: gen/protos/perfetto/trace/ftrace/block.pbzero.h
// Autogenerated by the ProtoZero compiler plugin. DO NOT EDIT.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/message.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/packed_repeated_fields.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_decoder.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_utils.h"
namespace perfetto {
namespace protos {
namespace pbzero {
class BlockUnplugFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/2, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
BlockUnplugFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit BlockUnplugFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit BlockUnplugFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_nr_rq() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
int32_t nr_rq() const { return at<1>().as_int32(); }
bool has_comm() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars comm() const { return at<2>().as_string(); }
class BlockUnplugFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = BlockUnplugFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kNrRqFieldNumber = 1,
kCommFieldNumber = 2,
void set_nr_rq(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_comm(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(2,, value.size());
void set_comm(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(2, data, size);
class BlockTouchBufferFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/3, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
BlockTouchBufferFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit BlockTouchBufferFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit BlockTouchBufferFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_dev() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t dev() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_sector() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint64_t sector() const { return at<2>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_size() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
uint64_t size() const { return at<3>().as_uint64(); }
class BlockTouchBufferFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = BlockTouchBufferFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kDevFieldNumber = 1,
kSectorFieldNumber = 2,
kSizeFieldNumber = 3,
void set_dev(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_sector(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_size(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
class BlockSplitFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/5, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
BlockSplitFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit BlockSplitFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit BlockSplitFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_dev() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t dev() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_sector() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint64_t sector() const { return at<2>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_new_sector() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
uint64_t new_sector() const { return at<3>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_rwbs() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars rwbs() const { return at<4>().as_string(); }
bool has_comm() const { return at<5>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars comm() const { return at<5>().as_string(); }
class BlockSplitFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = BlockSplitFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kDevFieldNumber = 1,
kSectorFieldNumber = 2,
kNewSectorFieldNumber = 3,
kRwbsFieldNumber = 4,
kCommFieldNumber = 5,
void set_dev(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_sector(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_new_sector(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void set_rwbs(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(4,, value.size());
void set_rwbs(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(4, data, size);
void set_comm(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(5,, value.size());
void set_comm(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(5, data, size);
class BlockSleeprqFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/5, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
BlockSleeprqFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit BlockSleeprqFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit BlockSleeprqFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_dev() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t dev() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_sector() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint64_t sector() const { return at<2>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_nr_sector() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
uint32_t nr_sector() const { return at<3>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_rwbs() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars rwbs() const { return at<4>().as_string(); }
bool has_comm() const { return at<5>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars comm() const { return at<5>().as_string(); }
class BlockSleeprqFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = BlockSleeprqFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kDevFieldNumber = 1,
kSectorFieldNumber = 2,
kNrSectorFieldNumber = 3,
kRwbsFieldNumber = 4,
kCommFieldNumber = 5,
void set_dev(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_sector(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_nr_sector(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void set_rwbs(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(4,, value.size());
void set_rwbs(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(4, data, size);
void set_comm(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(5,, value.size());
void set_comm(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(5, data, size);
class BlockRqRequeueFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/6, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
BlockRqRequeueFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit BlockRqRequeueFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit BlockRqRequeueFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_dev() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t dev() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_sector() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint64_t sector() const { return at<2>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_nr_sector() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
uint32_t nr_sector() const { return at<3>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_errors() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
int32_t errors() const { return at<4>().as_int32(); }
bool has_rwbs() const { return at<5>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars rwbs() const { return at<5>().as_string(); }
bool has_cmd() const { return at<6>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars cmd() const { return at<6>().as_string(); }
class BlockRqRequeueFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = BlockRqRequeueFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kDevFieldNumber = 1,
kSectorFieldNumber = 2,
kNrSectorFieldNumber = 3,
kErrorsFieldNumber = 4,
kRwbsFieldNumber = 5,
kCmdFieldNumber = 6,
void set_dev(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_sector(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_nr_sector(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void set_errors(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(4, value);
void set_rwbs(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(5,, value.size());
void set_rwbs(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(5, data, size);
void set_cmd(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(6,, value.size());
void set_cmd(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(6, data, size);
class BlockRqRemapFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/7, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
BlockRqRemapFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit BlockRqRemapFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit BlockRqRemapFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_dev() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t dev() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_sector() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint64_t sector() const { return at<2>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_nr_sector() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
uint32_t nr_sector() const { return at<3>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_old_dev() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
uint64_t old_dev() const { return at<4>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_old_sector() const { return at<5>().valid(); }
uint64_t old_sector() const { return at<5>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_nr_bios() const { return at<6>().valid(); }
uint32_t nr_bios() const { return at<6>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_rwbs() const { return at<7>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars rwbs() const { return at<7>().as_string(); }
class BlockRqRemapFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = BlockRqRemapFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kDevFieldNumber = 1,
kSectorFieldNumber = 2,
kNrSectorFieldNumber = 3,
kOldDevFieldNumber = 4,
kOldSectorFieldNumber = 5,
kNrBiosFieldNumber = 6,
kRwbsFieldNumber = 7,
void set_dev(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_sector(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_nr_sector(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void set_old_dev(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(4, value);
void set_old_sector(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(5, value);
void set_nr_bios(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(6, value);
void set_rwbs(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(7,, value.size());
void set_rwbs(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(7, data, size);
class BlockRqInsertFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/7, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
BlockRqInsertFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit BlockRqInsertFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit BlockRqInsertFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_dev() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t dev() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_sector() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint64_t sector() const { return at<2>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_nr_sector() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
uint32_t nr_sector() const { return at<3>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_bytes() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
uint32_t bytes() const { return at<4>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_rwbs() const { return at<5>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars rwbs() const { return at<5>().as_string(); }
bool has_comm() const { return at<6>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars comm() const { return at<6>().as_string(); }
bool has_cmd() const { return at<7>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars cmd() const { return at<7>().as_string(); }
class BlockRqInsertFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = BlockRqInsertFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kDevFieldNumber = 1,
kSectorFieldNumber = 2,
kNrSectorFieldNumber = 3,
kBytesFieldNumber = 4,
kRwbsFieldNumber = 5,
kCommFieldNumber = 6,
kCmdFieldNumber = 7,
void set_dev(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_sector(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_nr_sector(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void set_bytes(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(4, value);
void set_rwbs(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(5,, value.size());
void set_rwbs(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(5, data, size);
void set_comm(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(6,, value.size());
void set_comm(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(6, data, size);
void set_cmd(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(7,, value.size());
void set_cmd(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(7, data, size);
class BlockRqCompleteFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/6, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
BlockRqCompleteFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit BlockRqCompleteFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit BlockRqCompleteFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_dev() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t dev() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_sector() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint64_t sector() const { return at<2>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_nr_sector() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
uint32_t nr_sector() const { return at<3>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_errors() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
int32_t errors() const { return at<4>().as_int32(); }
bool has_rwbs() const { return at<5>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars rwbs() const { return at<5>().as_string(); }
bool has_cmd() const { return at<6>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars cmd() const { return at<6>().as_string(); }
class BlockRqCompleteFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = BlockRqCompleteFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kDevFieldNumber = 1,
kSectorFieldNumber = 2,
kNrSectorFieldNumber = 3,
kErrorsFieldNumber = 4,
kRwbsFieldNumber = 5,
kCmdFieldNumber = 6,
void set_dev(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_sector(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_nr_sector(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void set_errors(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(4, value);
void set_rwbs(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(5,, value.size());
void set_rwbs(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(5, data, size);
void set_cmd(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(6,, value.size());
void set_cmd(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(6, data, size);
class BlockRqAbortFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/6, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
BlockRqAbortFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit BlockRqAbortFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit BlockRqAbortFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_dev() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t dev() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_sector() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint64_t sector() const { return at<2>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_nr_sector() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
uint32_t nr_sector() const { return at<3>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_errors() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
int32_t errors() const { return at<4>().as_int32(); }
bool has_rwbs() const { return at<5>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars rwbs() const { return at<5>().as_string(); }
bool has_cmd() const { return at<6>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars cmd() const { return at<6>().as_string(); }
class BlockRqAbortFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = BlockRqAbortFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kDevFieldNumber = 1,
kSectorFieldNumber = 2,
kNrSectorFieldNumber = 3,
kErrorsFieldNumber = 4,
kRwbsFieldNumber = 5,
kCmdFieldNumber = 6,
void set_dev(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_sector(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_nr_sector(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void set_errors(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(4, value);
void set_rwbs(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(5,, value.size());
void set_rwbs(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(5, data, size);
void set_cmd(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(6,, value.size());
void set_cmd(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(6, data, size);
class BlockPlugFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/1, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
BlockPlugFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit BlockPlugFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit BlockPlugFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_comm() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars comm() const { return at<1>().as_string(); }
class BlockPlugFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = BlockPlugFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kCommFieldNumber = 1,
void set_comm(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(1,, value.size());
void set_comm(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(1, data, size);
class BlockGetrqFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/5, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
BlockGetrqFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit BlockGetrqFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit BlockGetrqFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_dev() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t dev() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_sector() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint64_t sector() const { return at<2>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_nr_sector() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
uint32_t nr_sector() const { return at<3>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_rwbs() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars rwbs() const { return at<4>().as_string(); }
bool has_comm() const { return at<5>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars comm() const { return at<5>().as_string(); }
class BlockGetrqFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = BlockGetrqFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kDevFieldNumber = 1,
kSectorFieldNumber = 2,
kNrSectorFieldNumber = 3,
kRwbsFieldNumber = 4,
kCommFieldNumber = 5,
void set_dev(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_sector(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_nr_sector(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void set_rwbs(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(4,, value.size());
void set_rwbs(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(4, data, size);
void set_comm(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(5,, value.size());
void set_comm(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(5, data, size);
class BlockDirtyBufferFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/3, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
BlockDirtyBufferFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit BlockDirtyBufferFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit BlockDirtyBufferFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_dev() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t dev() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_sector() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint64_t sector() const { return at<2>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_size() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
uint64_t size() const { return at<3>().as_uint64(); }
class BlockDirtyBufferFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = BlockDirtyBufferFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kDevFieldNumber = 1,
kSectorFieldNumber = 2,
kSizeFieldNumber = 3,
void set_dev(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_sector(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_size(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
class BlockBioRemapFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/6, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
BlockBioRemapFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit BlockBioRemapFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit BlockBioRemapFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_dev() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t dev() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_sector() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint64_t sector() const { return at<2>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_nr_sector() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
uint32_t nr_sector() const { return at<3>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_old_dev() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
uint64_t old_dev() const { return at<4>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_old_sector() const { return at<5>().valid(); }
uint64_t old_sector() const { return at<5>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_rwbs() const { return at<6>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars rwbs() const { return at<6>().as_string(); }
class BlockBioRemapFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = BlockBioRemapFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kDevFieldNumber = 1,
kSectorFieldNumber = 2,
kNrSectorFieldNumber = 3,
kOldDevFieldNumber = 4,
kOldSectorFieldNumber = 5,
kRwbsFieldNumber = 6,
void set_dev(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_sector(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_nr_sector(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void set_old_dev(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(4, value);
void set_old_sector(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(5, value);
void set_rwbs(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(6,, value.size());
void set_rwbs(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(6, data, size);
class BlockBioQueueFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/5, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
BlockBioQueueFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit BlockBioQueueFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit BlockBioQueueFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_dev() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t dev() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_sector() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint64_t sector() const { return at<2>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_nr_sector() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
uint32_t nr_sector() const { return at<3>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_rwbs() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars rwbs() const { return at<4>().as_string(); }
bool has_comm() const { return at<5>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars comm() const { return at<5>().as_string(); }
class BlockBioQueueFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = BlockBioQueueFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kDevFieldNumber = 1,
kSectorFieldNumber = 2,
kNrSectorFieldNumber = 3,
kRwbsFieldNumber = 4,
kCommFieldNumber = 5,
void set_dev(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_sector(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_nr_sector(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void set_rwbs(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(4,, value.size());
void set_rwbs(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(4, data, size);
void set_comm(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(5,, value.size());
void set_comm(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(5, data, size);
class BlockBioFrontmergeFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/5, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
BlockBioFrontmergeFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit BlockBioFrontmergeFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit BlockBioFrontmergeFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_dev() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t dev() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_sector() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint64_t sector() const { return at<2>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_nr_sector() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
uint32_t nr_sector() const { return at<3>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_rwbs() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars rwbs() const { return at<4>().as_string(); }
bool has_comm() const { return at<5>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars comm() const { return at<5>().as_string(); }
class BlockBioFrontmergeFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = BlockBioFrontmergeFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kDevFieldNumber = 1,
kSectorFieldNumber = 2,
kNrSectorFieldNumber = 3,
kRwbsFieldNumber = 4,
kCommFieldNumber = 5,
void set_dev(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_sector(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_nr_sector(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void set_rwbs(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(4,, value.size());
void set_rwbs(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(4, data, size);
void set_comm(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(5,, value.size());
void set_comm(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(5, data, size);
class BlockBioCompleteFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/5, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
BlockBioCompleteFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit BlockBioCompleteFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit BlockBioCompleteFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_dev() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t dev() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_sector() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint64_t sector() const { return at<2>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_nr_sector() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
uint32_t nr_sector() const { return at<3>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_error() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
int32_t error() const { return at<4>().as_int32(); }
bool has_rwbs() const { return at<5>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars rwbs() const { return at<5>().as_string(); }
class BlockBioCompleteFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = BlockBioCompleteFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kDevFieldNumber = 1,
kSectorFieldNumber = 2,
kNrSectorFieldNumber = 3,
kErrorFieldNumber = 4,
kRwbsFieldNumber = 5,
void set_dev(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_sector(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_nr_sector(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void set_error(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(4, value);
void set_rwbs(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(5,, value.size());
void set_rwbs(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(5, data, size);
class BlockBioBounceFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/5, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
BlockBioBounceFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit BlockBioBounceFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit BlockBioBounceFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_dev() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t dev() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_sector() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint64_t sector() const { return at<2>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_nr_sector() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
uint32_t nr_sector() const { return at<3>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_rwbs() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars rwbs() const { return at<4>().as_string(); }
bool has_comm() const { return at<5>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars comm() const { return at<5>().as_string(); }
class BlockBioBounceFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = BlockBioBounceFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kDevFieldNumber = 1,
kSectorFieldNumber = 2,
kNrSectorFieldNumber = 3,
kRwbsFieldNumber = 4,
kCommFieldNumber = 5,
void set_dev(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_sector(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_nr_sector(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void set_rwbs(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(4,, value.size());
void set_rwbs(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(4, data, size);
void set_comm(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(5,, value.size());
void set_comm(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(5, data, size);
class BlockBioBackmergeFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/5, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
BlockBioBackmergeFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit BlockBioBackmergeFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit BlockBioBackmergeFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_dev() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t dev() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_sector() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint64_t sector() const { return at<2>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_nr_sector() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
uint32_t nr_sector() const { return at<3>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_rwbs() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars rwbs() const { return at<4>().as_string(); }
bool has_comm() const { return at<5>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars comm() const { return at<5>().as_string(); }
class BlockBioBackmergeFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = BlockBioBackmergeFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kDevFieldNumber = 1,
kSectorFieldNumber = 2,
kNrSectorFieldNumber = 3,
kRwbsFieldNumber = 4,
kCommFieldNumber = 5,
void set_dev(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_sector(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_nr_sector(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void set_rwbs(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(4,, value.size());
void set_rwbs(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(4, data, size);
void set_comm(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(5,, value.size());
void set_comm(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(5, data, size);
class BlockRqIssueFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/7, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
BlockRqIssueFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit BlockRqIssueFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit BlockRqIssueFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_dev() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t dev() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_sector() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint64_t sector() const { return at<2>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_nr_sector() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
uint32_t nr_sector() const { return at<3>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_bytes() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
uint32_t bytes() const { return at<4>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_rwbs() const { return at<5>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars rwbs() const { return at<5>().as_string(); }
bool has_comm() const { return at<6>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars comm() const { return at<6>().as_string(); }
bool has_cmd() const { return at<7>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars cmd() const { return at<7>().as_string(); }
class BlockRqIssueFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = BlockRqIssueFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kDevFieldNumber = 1,
kSectorFieldNumber = 2,
kNrSectorFieldNumber = 3,
kBytesFieldNumber = 4,
kRwbsFieldNumber = 5,
kCommFieldNumber = 6,
kCmdFieldNumber = 7,
void set_dev(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_sector(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_nr_sector(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void set_bytes(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(4, value);
void set_rwbs(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(5,, value.size());
void set_rwbs(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(5, data, size);
void set_comm(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(6,, value.size());
void set_comm(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(6, data, size);
void set_cmd(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(7,, value.size());
void set_cmd(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(7, data, size);
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
#endif // Include guard.
// gen_amalgamated begin header: gen/protos/perfetto/trace/ftrace/cgroup.pbzero.h
// Autogenerated by the ProtoZero compiler plugin. DO NOT EDIT.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/message.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/packed_repeated_fields.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_decoder.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_utils.h"
namespace perfetto {
namespace protos {
namespace pbzero {
class CgroupSetupRootFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/3, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
CgroupSetupRootFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit CgroupSetupRootFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit CgroupSetupRootFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_root() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
int32_t root() const { return at<1>().as_int32(); }
bool has_ss_mask() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint32_t ss_mask() const { return at<2>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_name() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars name() const { return at<3>().as_string(); }
class CgroupSetupRootFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = CgroupSetupRootFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kRootFieldNumber = 1,
kSsMaskFieldNumber = 2,
kNameFieldNumber = 3,
void set_root(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_ss_mask(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_name(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(3,, value.size());
void set_name(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(3, data, size);
class CgroupRenameFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/3, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
CgroupRenameFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit CgroupRenameFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit CgroupRenameFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_root() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
int32_t root() const { return at<1>().as_int32(); }
bool has_id() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
int32_t id() const { return at<2>().as_int32(); }
bool has_cname() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars cname() const { return at<3>().as_string(); }
class CgroupRenameFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = CgroupRenameFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kRootFieldNumber = 1,
kIdFieldNumber = 2,
kCnameFieldNumber = 3,
void set_root(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_id(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_cname(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(3,, value.size());
void set_cname(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(3, data, size);
class CgroupReleaseFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/3, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
CgroupReleaseFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit CgroupReleaseFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit CgroupReleaseFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_root() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
int32_t root() const { return at<1>().as_int32(); }
bool has_id() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
int32_t id() const { return at<2>().as_int32(); }
bool has_cname() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars cname() const { return at<3>().as_string(); }
class CgroupReleaseFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = CgroupReleaseFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kRootFieldNumber = 1,
kIdFieldNumber = 2,
kCnameFieldNumber = 3,
void set_root(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_id(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_cname(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(3,, value.size());
void set_cname(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(3, data, size);
class CgroupDestroyRootFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/3, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
CgroupDestroyRootFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit CgroupDestroyRootFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit CgroupDestroyRootFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_root() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
int32_t root() const { return at<1>().as_int32(); }
bool has_ss_mask() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint32_t ss_mask() const { return at<2>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_name() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars name() const { return at<3>().as_string(); }
class CgroupDestroyRootFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = CgroupDestroyRootFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kRootFieldNumber = 1,
kSsMaskFieldNumber = 2,
kNameFieldNumber = 3,
void set_root(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_ss_mask(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_name(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(3,, value.size());
void set_name(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(3, data, size);
class CgroupTransferTasksFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/5, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
CgroupTransferTasksFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit CgroupTransferTasksFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit CgroupTransferTasksFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_dst_root() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
int32_t dst_root() const { return at<1>().as_int32(); }
bool has_dst_id() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
int32_t dst_id() const { return at<2>().as_int32(); }
bool has_pid() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
int32_t pid() const { return at<3>().as_int32(); }
bool has_comm() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars comm() const { return at<4>().as_string(); }
bool has_cname() const { return at<5>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars cname() const { return at<5>().as_string(); }
class CgroupTransferTasksFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = CgroupTransferTasksFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kDstRootFieldNumber = 1,
kDstIdFieldNumber = 2,
kPidFieldNumber = 3,
kCommFieldNumber = 4,
kCnameFieldNumber = 5,
void set_dst_root(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_dst_id(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_pid(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void set_comm(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(4,, value.size());
void set_comm(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(4, data, size);
void set_cname(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(5,, value.size());
void set_cname(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(5, data, size);
class CgroupRmdirFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/3, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
CgroupRmdirFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit CgroupRmdirFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit CgroupRmdirFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_root() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
int32_t root() const { return at<1>().as_int32(); }
bool has_id() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
int32_t id() const { return at<2>().as_int32(); }
bool has_cname() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars cname() const { return at<3>().as_string(); }
class CgroupRmdirFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = CgroupRmdirFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kRootFieldNumber = 1,
kIdFieldNumber = 2,
kCnameFieldNumber = 3,
void set_root(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_id(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_cname(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(3,, value.size());
void set_cname(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(3, data, size);
class CgroupRemountFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/3, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
CgroupRemountFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit CgroupRemountFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit CgroupRemountFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_root() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
int32_t root() const { return at<1>().as_int32(); }
bool has_ss_mask() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint32_t ss_mask() const { return at<2>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_name() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars name() const { return at<3>().as_string(); }
class CgroupRemountFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = CgroupRemountFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kRootFieldNumber = 1,
kSsMaskFieldNumber = 2,
kNameFieldNumber = 3,
void set_root(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_ss_mask(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_name(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(3,, value.size());
void set_name(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(3, data, size);
class CgroupMkdirFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/3, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
CgroupMkdirFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit CgroupMkdirFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit CgroupMkdirFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_root() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
int32_t root() const { return at<1>().as_int32(); }
bool has_id() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
int32_t id() const { return at<2>().as_int32(); }
bool has_cname() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars cname() const { return at<3>().as_string(); }
class CgroupMkdirFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = CgroupMkdirFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kRootFieldNumber = 1,
kIdFieldNumber = 2,
kCnameFieldNumber = 3,
void set_root(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_id(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_cname(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(3,, value.size());
void set_cname(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(3, data, size);
class CgroupAttachTaskFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/5, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
CgroupAttachTaskFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit CgroupAttachTaskFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit CgroupAttachTaskFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_dst_root() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
int32_t dst_root() const { return at<1>().as_int32(); }
bool has_dst_id() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
int32_t dst_id() const { return at<2>().as_int32(); }
bool has_pid() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
int32_t pid() const { return at<3>().as_int32(); }
bool has_comm() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars comm() const { return at<4>().as_string(); }
bool has_cname() const { return at<5>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars cname() const { return at<5>().as_string(); }
class CgroupAttachTaskFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = CgroupAttachTaskFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kDstRootFieldNumber = 1,
kDstIdFieldNumber = 2,
kPidFieldNumber = 3,
kCommFieldNumber = 4,
kCnameFieldNumber = 5,
void set_dst_root(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_dst_id(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_pid(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void set_comm(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(4,, value.size());
void set_comm(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(4, data, size);
void set_cname(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(5,, value.size());
void set_cname(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(5, data, size);
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
#endif // Include guard.
// gen_amalgamated begin header: gen/protos/perfetto/trace/ftrace/clk.pbzero.h
// Autogenerated by the ProtoZero compiler plugin. DO NOT EDIT.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/message.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/packed_repeated_fields.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_decoder.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_utils.h"
namespace perfetto {
namespace protos {
namespace pbzero {
class ClkSetRateFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/2, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
ClkSetRateFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit ClkSetRateFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit ClkSetRateFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_name() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars name() const { return at<1>().as_string(); }
bool has_rate() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint64_t rate() const { return at<2>().as_uint64(); }
class ClkSetRateFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = ClkSetRateFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kNameFieldNumber = 1,
kRateFieldNumber = 2,
void set_name(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(1,, value.size());
void set_name(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(1, data, size);
void set_rate(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
class ClkDisableFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/1, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
ClkDisableFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit ClkDisableFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit ClkDisableFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_name() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars name() const { return at<1>().as_string(); }
class ClkDisableFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = ClkDisableFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kNameFieldNumber = 1,
void set_name(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(1,, value.size());
void set_name(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(1, data, size);
class ClkEnableFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/1, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
ClkEnableFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit ClkEnableFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit ClkEnableFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_name() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars name() const { return at<1>().as_string(); }
class ClkEnableFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = ClkEnableFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kNameFieldNumber = 1,
void set_name(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(1,, value.size());
void set_name(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(1, data, size);
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
#endif // Include guard.
// gen_amalgamated begin header: gen/protos/perfetto/trace/ftrace/compaction.pbzero.h
// Autogenerated by the ProtoZero compiler plugin. DO NOT EDIT.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/message.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/packed_repeated_fields.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_decoder.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_utils.h"
namespace perfetto {
namespace protos {
namespace pbzero {
class MmCompactionWakeupKcompactdFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/3, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
MmCompactionWakeupKcompactdFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit MmCompactionWakeupKcompactdFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit MmCompactionWakeupKcompactdFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_nid() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
int32_t nid() const { return at<1>().as_int32(); }
bool has_order() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
int32_t order() const { return at<2>().as_int32(); }
bool has_classzone_idx() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
uint32_t classzone_idx() const { return at<3>().as_uint32(); }
class MmCompactionWakeupKcompactdFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = MmCompactionWakeupKcompactdFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kNidFieldNumber = 1,
kOrderFieldNumber = 2,
kClasszoneIdxFieldNumber = 3,
void set_nid(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_order(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_classzone_idx(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
class MmCompactionTryToCompactPagesFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/3, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
MmCompactionTryToCompactPagesFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit MmCompactionTryToCompactPagesFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit MmCompactionTryToCompactPagesFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_order() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
int32_t order() const { return at<1>().as_int32(); }
bool has_gfp_mask() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint32_t gfp_mask() const { return at<2>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_mode() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
uint32_t mode() const { return at<3>().as_uint32(); }
class MmCompactionTryToCompactPagesFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = MmCompactionTryToCompactPagesFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kOrderFieldNumber = 1,
kGfpMaskFieldNumber = 2,
kModeFieldNumber = 3,
void set_order(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_gfp_mask(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_mode(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
class MmCompactionSuitableFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/4, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
MmCompactionSuitableFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit MmCompactionSuitableFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit MmCompactionSuitableFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_nid() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
int32_t nid() const { return at<1>().as_int32(); }
bool has_idx() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint32_t idx() const { return at<2>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_order() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
int32_t order() const { return at<3>().as_int32(); }
bool has_ret() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
int32_t ret() const { return at<4>().as_int32(); }
class MmCompactionSuitableFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = MmCompactionSuitableFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kNidFieldNumber = 1,
kIdxFieldNumber = 2,
kOrderFieldNumber = 3,
kRetFieldNumber = 4,
void set_nid(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_idx(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_order(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void set_ret(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(4, value);
class MmCompactionMigratepagesFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/2, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
MmCompactionMigratepagesFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit MmCompactionMigratepagesFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit MmCompactionMigratepagesFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_nr_migrated() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t nr_migrated() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_nr_failed() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint64_t nr_failed() const { return at<2>().as_uint64(); }
class MmCompactionMigratepagesFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = MmCompactionMigratepagesFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kNrMigratedFieldNumber = 1,
kNrFailedFieldNumber = 2,
void set_nr_migrated(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_nr_failed(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
class MmCompactionKcompactdWakeFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/3, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
MmCompactionKcompactdWakeFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit MmCompactionKcompactdWakeFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit MmCompactionKcompactdWakeFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_nid() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
int32_t nid() const { return at<1>().as_int32(); }
bool has_order() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
int32_t order() const { return at<2>().as_int32(); }
bool has_classzone_idx() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
uint32_t classzone_idx() const { return at<3>().as_uint32(); }
class MmCompactionKcompactdWakeFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = MmCompactionKcompactdWakeFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kNidFieldNumber = 1,
kOrderFieldNumber = 2,
kClasszoneIdxFieldNumber = 3,
void set_nid(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_order(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_classzone_idx(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
class MmCompactionKcompactdSleepFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/1, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
MmCompactionKcompactdSleepFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit MmCompactionKcompactdSleepFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit MmCompactionKcompactdSleepFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_nid() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
int32_t nid() const { return at<1>().as_int32(); }
class MmCompactionKcompactdSleepFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = MmCompactionKcompactdSleepFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kNidFieldNumber = 1,
void set_nid(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
class MmCompactionIsolateMigratepagesFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/4, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
MmCompactionIsolateMigratepagesFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit MmCompactionIsolateMigratepagesFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit MmCompactionIsolateMigratepagesFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_start_pfn() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t start_pfn() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_end_pfn() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint64_t end_pfn() const { return at<2>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_nr_scanned() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
uint64_t nr_scanned() const { return at<3>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_nr_taken() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
uint64_t nr_taken() const { return at<4>().as_uint64(); }
class MmCompactionIsolateMigratepagesFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = MmCompactionIsolateMigratepagesFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kStartPfnFieldNumber = 1,
kEndPfnFieldNumber = 2,
kNrScannedFieldNumber = 3,
kNrTakenFieldNumber = 4,
void set_start_pfn(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_end_pfn(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_nr_scanned(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void set_nr_taken(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(4, value);
class MmCompactionIsolateFreepagesFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/4, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
MmCompactionIsolateFreepagesFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit MmCompactionIsolateFreepagesFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit MmCompactionIsolateFreepagesFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_start_pfn() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t start_pfn() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_end_pfn() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint64_t end_pfn() const { return at<2>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_nr_scanned() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
uint64_t nr_scanned() const { return at<3>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_nr_taken() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
uint64_t nr_taken() const { return at<4>().as_uint64(); }
class MmCompactionIsolateFreepagesFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = MmCompactionIsolateFreepagesFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kStartPfnFieldNumber = 1,
kEndPfnFieldNumber = 2,
kNrScannedFieldNumber = 3,
kNrTakenFieldNumber = 4,
void set_start_pfn(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_end_pfn(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_nr_scanned(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void set_nr_taken(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(4, value);
class MmCompactionFinishedFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/4, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
MmCompactionFinishedFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit MmCompactionFinishedFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit MmCompactionFinishedFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_nid() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
int32_t nid() const { return at<1>().as_int32(); }
bool has_idx() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint32_t idx() const { return at<2>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_order() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
int32_t order() const { return at<3>().as_int32(); }
bool has_ret() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
int32_t ret() const { return at<4>().as_int32(); }
class MmCompactionFinishedFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = MmCompactionFinishedFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kNidFieldNumber = 1,
kIdxFieldNumber = 2,
kOrderFieldNumber = 3,
kRetFieldNumber = 4,
void set_nid(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_idx(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_order(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void set_ret(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(4, value);
class MmCompactionEndFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/6, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
MmCompactionEndFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit MmCompactionEndFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit MmCompactionEndFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_zone_start() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t zone_start() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_migrate_pfn() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint64_t migrate_pfn() const { return at<2>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_free_pfn() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
uint64_t free_pfn() const { return at<3>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_zone_end() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
uint64_t zone_end() const { return at<4>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_sync() const { return at<5>().valid(); }
uint32_t sync() const { return at<5>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_status() const { return at<6>().valid(); }
int32_t status() const { return at<6>().as_int32(); }
class MmCompactionEndFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = MmCompactionEndFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kZoneStartFieldNumber = 1,
kMigratePfnFieldNumber = 2,
kFreePfnFieldNumber = 3,
kZoneEndFieldNumber = 4,
kSyncFieldNumber = 5,
kStatusFieldNumber = 6,
void set_zone_start(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_migrate_pfn(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_free_pfn(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void set_zone_end(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(4, value);
void set_sync(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(5, value);
void set_status(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(6, value);
class MmCompactionDeferResetFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/6, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
MmCompactionDeferResetFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit MmCompactionDeferResetFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit MmCompactionDeferResetFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_nid() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
int32_t nid() const { return at<1>().as_int32(); }
bool has_idx() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint32_t idx() const { return at<2>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_order() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
int32_t order() const { return at<3>().as_int32(); }
bool has_considered() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
uint32_t considered() const { return at<4>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_defer_shift() const { return at<5>().valid(); }
uint32_t defer_shift() const { return at<5>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_order_failed() const { return at<6>().valid(); }
int32_t order_failed() const { return at<6>().as_int32(); }
class MmCompactionDeferResetFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = MmCompactionDeferResetFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kNidFieldNumber = 1,
kIdxFieldNumber = 2,
kOrderFieldNumber = 3,
kConsideredFieldNumber = 4,
kDeferShiftFieldNumber = 5,
kOrderFailedFieldNumber = 6,
void set_nid(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_idx(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_order(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void set_considered(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(4, value);
void set_defer_shift(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(5, value);
void set_order_failed(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(6, value);
class MmCompactionDeferredFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/6, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
MmCompactionDeferredFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit MmCompactionDeferredFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit MmCompactionDeferredFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_nid() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
int32_t nid() const { return at<1>().as_int32(); }
bool has_idx() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint32_t idx() const { return at<2>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_order() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
int32_t order() const { return at<3>().as_int32(); }
bool has_considered() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
uint32_t considered() const { return at<4>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_defer_shift() const { return at<5>().valid(); }
uint32_t defer_shift() const { return at<5>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_order_failed() const { return at<6>().valid(); }
int32_t order_failed() const { return at<6>().as_int32(); }
class MmCompactionDeferredFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = MmCompactionDeferredFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kNidFieldNumber = 1,
kIdxFieldNumber = 2,
kOrderFieldNumber = 3,
kConsideredFieldNumber = 4,
kDeferShiftFieldNumber = 5,
kOrderFailedFieldNumber = 6,
void set_nid(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_idx(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_order(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void set_considered(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(4, value);
void set_defer_shift(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(5, value);
void set_order_failed(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(6, value);
class MmCompactionDeferCompactionFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/6, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
MmCompactionDeferCompactionFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit MmCompactionDeferCompactionFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit MmCompactionDeferCompactionFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_nid() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
int32_t nid() const { return at<1>().as_int32(); }
bool has_idx() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint32_t idx() const { return at<2>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_order() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
int32_t order() const { return at<3>().as_int32(); }
bool has_considered() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
uint32_t considered() const { return at<4>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_defer_shift() const { return at<5>().valid(); }
uint32_t defer_shift() const { return at<5>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_order_failed() const { return at<6>().valid(); }
int32_t order_failed() const { return at<6>().as_int32(); }
class MmCompactionDeferCompactionFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = MmCompactionDeferCompactionFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kNidFieldNumber = 1,
kIdxFieldNumber = 2,
kOrderFieldNumber = 3,
kConsideredFieldNumber = 4,
kDeferShiftFieldNumber = 5,
kOrderFailedFieldNumber = 6,
void set_nid(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_idx(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_order(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void set_considered(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(4, value);
void set_defer_shift(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(5, value);
void set_order_failed(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(6, value);
class MmCompactionBeginFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/5, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
MmCompactionBeginFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit MmCompactionBeginFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit MmCompactionBeginFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_zone_start() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t zone_start() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_migrate_pfn() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint64_t migrate_pfn() const { return at<2>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_free_pfn() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
uint64_t free_pfn() const { return at<3>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_zone_end() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
uint64_t zone_end() const { return at<4>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_sync() const { return at<5>().valid(); }
uint32_t sync() const { return at<5>().as_uint32(); }
class MmCompactionBeginFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = MmCompactionBeginFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kZoneStartFieldNumber = 1,
kMigratePfnFieldNumber = 2,
kFreePfnFieldNumber = 3,
kZoneEndFieldNumber = 4,
kSyncFieldNumber = 5,
void set_zone_start(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_migrate_pfn(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_free_pfn(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void set_zone_end(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(4, value);
void set_sync(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(5, value);
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
#endif // Include guard.
// gen_amalgamated begin header: gen/protos/perfetto/trace/ftrace/ext4.pbzero.h
// Autogenerated by the ProtoZero compiler plugin. DO NOT EDIT.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/message.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/packed_repeated_fields.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_decoder.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_utils.h"
namespace perfetto {
namespace protos {
namespace pbzero {
class Ext4ZeroRangeFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/5, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
Ext4ZeroRangeFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit Ext4ZeroRangeFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit Ext4ZeroRangeFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_dev() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t dev() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_ino() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint64_t ino() const { return at<2>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_offset() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
int64_t offset() const { return at<3>().as_int64(); }
bool has_len() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
int64_t len() const { return at<4>().as_int64(); }
bool has_mode() const { return at<5>().valid(); }
int32_t mode() const { return at<5>().as_int32(); }
class Ext4ZeroRangeFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = Ext4ZeroRangeFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kDevFieldNumber = 1,
kInoFieldNumber = 2,
kOffsetFieldNumber = 3,
kLenFieldNumber = 4,
kModeFieldNumber = 5,
void set_dev(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_ino(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_offset(int64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void set_len(int64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(4, value);
void set_mode(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(5, value);
class Ext4WritepagesResultFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/7, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
Ext4WritepagesResultFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit Ext4WritepagesResultFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit Ext4WritepagesResultFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_dev() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t dev() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_ino() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint64_t ino() const { return at<2>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_ret() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
int32_t ret() const { return at<3>().as_int32(); }
bool has_pages_written() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
int32_t pages_written() const { return at<4>().as_int32(); }
bool has_pages_skipped() const { return at<5>().valid(); }
int64_t pages_skipped() const { return at<5>().as_int64(); }
bool has_writeback_index() const { return at<6>().valid(); }
uint64_t writeback_index() const { return at<6>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_sync_mode() const { return at<7>().valid(); }
int32_t sync_mode() const { return at<7>().as_int32(); }
class Ext4WritepagesResultFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = Ext4WritepagesResultFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kDevFieldNumber = 1,
kInoFieldNumber = 2,
kRetFieldNumber = 3,
kPagesWrittenFieldNumber = 4,
kPagesSkippedFieldNumber = 5,
kWritebackIndexFieldNumber = 6,
kSyncModeFieldNumber = 7,
void set_dev(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_ino(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_ret(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void set_pages_written(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(4, value);
void set_pages_skipped(int64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(5, value);
void set_writeback_index(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(6, value);
void set_sync_mode(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(7, value);
class Ext4WritepagesFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/10, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
Ext4WritepagesFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit Ext4WritepagesFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit Ext4WritepagesFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_dev() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t dev() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_ino() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint64_t ino() const { return at<2>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_nr_to_write() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
int64_t nr_to_write() const { return at<3>().as_int64(); }
bool has_pages_skipped() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
int64_t pages_skipped() const { return at<4>().as_int64(); }
bool has_range_start() const { return at<5>().valid(); }
int64_t range_start() const { return at<5>().as_int64(); }
bool has_range_end() const { return at<6>().valid(); }
int64_t range_end() const { return at<6>().as_int64(); }
bool has_writeback_index() const { return at<7>().valid(); }
uint64_t writeback_index() const { return at<7>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_sync_mode() const { return at<8>().valid(); }
int32_t sync_mode() const { return at<8>().as_int32(); }
bool has_for_kupdate() const { return at<9>().valid(); }
uint32_t for_kupdate() const { return at<9>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_range_cyclic() const { return at<10>().valid(); }
uint32_t range_cyclic() const { return at<10>().as_uint32(); }
class Ext4WritepagesFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = Ext4WritepagesFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kDevFieldNumber = 1,
kInoFieldNumber = 2,
kNrToWriteFieldNumber = 3,
kPagesSkippedFieldNumber = 4,
kRangeStartFieldNumber = 5,
kRangeEndFieldNumber = 6,
kWritebackIndexFieldNumber = 7,
kSyncModeFieldNumber = 8,
kForKupdateFieldNumber = 9,
kRangeCyclicFieldNumber = 10,
void set_dev(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_ino(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_nr_to_write(int64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void set_pages_skipped(int64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(4, value);
void set_range_start(int64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(5, value);
void set_range_end(int64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(6, value);
void set_writeback_index(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(7, value);
void set_sync_mode(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(8, value);
void set_for_kupdate(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(9, value);
void set_range_cyclic(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(10, value);
class Ext4WritepageFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/3, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
Ext4WritepageFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit Ext4WritepageFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit Ext4WritepageFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_dev() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t dev() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_ino() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint64_t ino() const { return at<2>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_index() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
uint64_t index() const { return at<3>().as_uint64(); }
class Ext4WritepageFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = Ext4WritepageFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kDevFieldNumber = 1,
kInoFieldNumber = 2,
kIndexFieldNumber = 3,
void set_dev(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_ino(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_index(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
class Ext4WriteEndFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/5, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
Ext4WriteEndFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit Ext4WriteEndFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit Ext4WriteEndFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_dev() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t dev() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_ino() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint64_t ino() const { return at<2>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_pos() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
int64_t pos() const { return at<3>().as_int64(); }
bool has_len() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
uint32_t len() const { return at<4>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_copied() const { return at<5>().valid(); }
uint32_t copied() const { return at<5>().as_uint32(); }
class Ext4WriteEndFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = Ext4WriteEndFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kDevFieldNumber = 1,
kInoFieldNumber = 2,
kPosFieldNumber = 3,
kLenFieldNumber = 4,
kCopiedFieldNumber = 5,
void set_dev(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_ino(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_pos(int64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void set_len(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(4, value);
void set_copied(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(5, value);
class Ext4WriteBeginFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/5, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
Ext4WriteBeginFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit Ext4WriteBeginFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit Ext4WriteBeginFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_dev() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t dev() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_ino() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint64_t ino() const { return at<2>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_pos() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
int64_t pos() const { return at<3>().as_int64(); }
bool has_len() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
uint32_t len() const { return at<4>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_flags() const { return at<5>().valid(); }
uint32_t flags() const { return at<5>().as_uint32(); }
class Ext4WriteBeginFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = Ext4WriteBeginFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kDevFieldNumber = 1,
kInoFieldNumber = 2,
kPosFieldNumber = 3,
kLenFieldNumber = 4,
kFlagsFieldNumber = 5,
void set_dev(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_ino(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_pos(int64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void set_len(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(4, value);
void set_flags(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(5, value);
class Ext4UnlinkExitFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/3, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
Ext4UnlinkExitFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit Ext4UnlinkExitFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit Ext4UnlinkExitFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_dev() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t dev() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_ino() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint64_t ino() const { return at<2>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_ret() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
int32_t ret() const { return at<3>().as_int32(); }
class Ext4UnlinkExitFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = Ext4UnlinkExitFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kDevFieldNumber = 1,
kInoFieldNumber = 2,
kRetFieldNumber = 3,
void set_dev(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_ino(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_ret(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
class Ext4UnlinkEnterFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/4, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
Ext4UnlinkEnterFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit Ext4UnlinkEnterFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit Ext4UnlinkEnterFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_dev() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t dev() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_ino() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint64_t ino() const { return at<2>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_parent() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
uint64_t parent() const { return at<3>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_size() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
int64_t size() const { return at<4>().as_int64(); }
class Ext4UnlinkEnterFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = Ext4UnlinkEnterFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kDevFieldNumber = 1,
kInoFieldNumber = 2,
kParentFieldNumber = 3,
kSizeFieldNumber = 4,
void set_dev(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_ino(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_parent(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void set_size(int64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(4, value);
class Ext4TruncateExitFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/3, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
Ext4TruncateExitFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit Ext4TruncateExitFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit Ext4TruncateExitFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_dev() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t dev() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_ino() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint64_t ino() const { return at<2>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_blocks() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
uint64_t blocks() const { return at<3>().as_uint64(); }
class Ext4TruncateExitFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = Ext4TruncateExitFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kDevFieldNumber = 1,
kInoFieldNumber = 2,
kBlocksFieldNumber = 3,
void set_dev(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_ino(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_blocks(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
class Ext4TruncateEnterFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/3, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
Ext4TruncateEnterFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit Ext4TruncateEnterFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit Ext4TruncateEnterFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_dev() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t dev() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_ino() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint64_t ino() const { return at<2>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_blocks() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
uint64_t blocks() const { return at<3>().as_uint64(); }
class Ext4TruncateEnterFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = Ext4TruncateEnterFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kDevFieldNumber = 1,
kInoFieldNumber = 2,
kBlocksFieldNumber = 3,
void set_dev(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_ino(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_blocks(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
class Ext4TrimExtentFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/5, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
Ext4TrimExtentFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit Ext4TrimExtentFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit Ext4TrimExtentFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_dev_major() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
int32_t dev_major() const { return at<1>().as_int32(); }
bool has_dev_minor() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
int32_t dev_minor() const { return at<2>().as_int32(); }
bool has_group() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
uint32_t group() const { return at<3>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_start() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
int32_t start() const { return at<4>().as_int32(); }
bool has_len() const { return at<5>().valid(); }
int32_t len() const { return at<5>().as_int32(); }
class Ext4TrimExtentFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = Ext4TrimExtentFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kDevMajorFieldNumber = 1,
kDevMinorFieldNumber = 2,
kGroupFieldNumber = 3,
kStartFieldNumber = 4,
kLenFieldNumber = 5,
void set_dev_major(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_dev_minor(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_group(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void set_start(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(4, value);
void set_len(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(5, value);
class Ext4TrimAllFreeFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/5, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
Ext4TrimAllFreeFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit Ext4TrimAllFreeFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit Ext4TrimAllFreeFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_dev_major() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
int32_t dev_major() const { return at<1>().as_int32(); }
bool has_dev_minor() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
int32_t dev_minor() const { return at<2>().as_int32(); }
bool has_group() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
uint32_t group() const { return at<3>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_start() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
int32_t start() const { return at<4>().as_int32(); }
bool has_len() const { return at<5>().valid(); }
int32_t len() const { return at<5>().as_int32(); }
class Ext4TrimAllFreeFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = Ext4TrimAllFreeFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kDevMajorFieldNumber = 1,
kDevMinorFieldNumber = 2,
kGroupFieldNumber = 3,
kStartFieldNumber = 4,
kLenFieldNumber = 5,
void set_dev_major(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_dev_minor(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_group(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void set_start(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(4, value);
void set_len(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(5, value);
class Ext4SyncFsFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/2, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
Ext4SyncFsFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit Ext4SyncFsFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit Ext4SyncFsFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_dev() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t dev() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_wait() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
int32_t wait() const { return at<2>().as_int32(); }
class Ext4SyncFsFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = Ext4SyncFsFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kDevFieldNumber = 1,
kWaitFieldNumber = 2,
void set_dev(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_wait(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
class Ext4RequestInodeFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/3, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
Ext4RequestInodeFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit Ext4RequestInodeFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit Ext4RequestInodeFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_dev() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t dev() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_dir() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint64_t dir() const { return at<2>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_mode() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
uint32_t mode() const { return at<3>().as_uint32(); }
class Ext4RequestInodeFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = Ext4RequestInodeFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kDevFieldNumber = 1,
kDirFieldNumber = 2,
kModeFieldNumber = 3,
void set_dev(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_dir(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_mode(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
class Ext4RequestBlocksFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/10, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
Ext4RequestBlocksFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit Ext4RequestBlocksFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit Ext4RequestBlocksFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_dev() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t dev() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_ino() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint64_t ino() const { return at<2>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_len() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
uint32_t len() const { return at<3>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_logical() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
uint32_t logical() const { return at<4>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_lleft() const { return at<5>().valid(); }
uint32_t lleft() const { return at<5>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_lright() const { return at<6>().valid(); }
uint32_t lright() const { return at<6>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_goal() const { return at<7>().valid(); }
uint64_t goal() const { return at<7>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_pleft() const { return at<8>().valid(); }
uint64_t pleft() const { return at<8>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_pright() const { return at<9>().valid(); }
uint64_t pright() const { return at<9>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_flags() const { return at<10>().valid(); }
uint32_t flags() const { return at<10>().as_uint32(); }
class Ext4RequestBlocksFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = Ext4RequestBlocksFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kDevFieldNumber = 1,
kInoFieldNumber = 2,
kLenFieldNumber = 3,
kLogicalFieldNumber = 4,
kLleftFieldNumber = 5,
kLrightFieldNumber = 6,
kGoalFieldNumber = 7,
kPleftFieldNumber = 8,
kPrightFieldNumber = 9,
kFlagsFieldNumber = 10,
void set_dev(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_ino(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_len(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void set_logical(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(4, value);
void set_lleft(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(5, value);
void set_lright(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(6, value);
void set_goal(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(7, value);
void set_pleft(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(8, value);
void set_pright(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(9, value);
void set_flags(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(10, value);
class Ext4RemoveBlocksFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/8, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
Ext4RemoveBlocksFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit Ext4RemoveBlocksFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit Ext4RemoveBlocksFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_dev() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t dev() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_ino() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint64_t ino() const { return at<2>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_from() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
uint32_t from() const { return at<3>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_to() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
uint32_t to() const { return at<4>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_partial() const { return at<5>().valid(); }
int64_t partial() const { return at<5>().as_int64(); }
bool has_ee_pblk() const { return at<6>().valid(); }
uint64_t ee_pblk() const { return at<6>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_ee_lblk() const { return at<7>().valid(); }
uint32_t ee_lblk() const { return at<7>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_ee_len() const { return at<8>().valid(); }
uint32_t ee_len() const { return at<8>().as_uint32(); }
class Ext4RemoveBlocksFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = Ext4RemoveBlocksFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kDevFieldNumber = 1,
kInoFieldNumber = 2,
kFromFieldNumber = 3,
kToFieldNumber = 4,
kPartialFieldNumber = 5,
kEePblkFieldNumber = 6,
kEeLblkFieldNumber = 7,
kEeLenFieldNumber = 8,
void set_dev(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_ino(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_from(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void set_to(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(4, value);
void set_partial(int64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(5, value);
void set_ee_pblk(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(6, value);
void set_ee_lblk(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(7, value);
void set_ee_len(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(8, value);
class Ext4ReleasepageFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/3, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
Ext4ReleasepageFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit Ext4ReleasepageFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit Ext4ReleasepageFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_dev() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t dev() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_ino() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint64_t ino() const { return at<2>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_index() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
uint64_t index() const { return at<3>().as_uint64(); }
class Ext4ReleasepageFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = Ext4ReleasepageFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kDevFieldNumber = 1,
kInoFieldNumber = 2,
kIndexFieldNumber = 3,
void set_dev(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_ino(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_index(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
class Ext4ReadpageFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/3, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
Ext4ReadpageFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit Ext4ReadpageFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit Ext4ReadpageFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_dev() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t dev() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_ino() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint64_t ino() const { return at<2>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_index() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
uint64_t index() const { return at<3>().as_uint64(); }
class Ext4ReadpageFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = Ext4ReadpageFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kDevFieldNumber = 1,
kInoFieldNumber = 2,
kIndexFieldNumber = 3,
void set_dev(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_ino(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_index(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
class Ext4ReadBlockBitmapLoadFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/2, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
Ext4ReadBlockBitmapLoadFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit Ext4ReadBlockBitmapLoadFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit Ext4ReadBlockBitmapLoadFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_dev() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t dev() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_group() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint32_t group() const { return at<2>().as_uint32(); }
class Ext4ReadBlockBitmapLoadFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = Ext4ReadBlockBitmapLoadFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kDevFieldNumber = 1,
kGroupFieldNumber = 2,
void set_dev(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_group(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
class Ext4PunchHoleFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/5, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
Ext4PunchHoleFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit Ext4PunchHoleFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit Ext4PunchHoleFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_dev() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t dev() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_ino() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint64_t ino() const { return at<2>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_offset() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
int64_t offset() const { return at<3>().as_int64(); }
bool has_len() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
int64_t len() const { return at<4>().as_int64(); }
bool has_mode() const { return at<5>().valid(); }
int32_t mode() const { return at<5>().as_int32(); }
class Ext4PunchHoleFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = Ext4PunchHoleFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kDevFieldNumber = 1,
kInoFieldNumber = 2,
kOffsetFieldNumber = 3,
kLenFieldNumber = 4,
kModeFieldNumber = 5,
void set_dev(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_ino(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_offset(int64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void set_len(int64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(4, value);
void set_mode(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(5, value);
class Ext4OtherInodeUpdateTimeFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/6, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
Ext4OtherInodeUpdateTimeFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit Ext4OtherInodeUpdateTimeFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit Ext4OtherInodeUpdateTimeFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_dev() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t dev() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_ino() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint64_t ino() const { return at<2>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_orig_ino() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
uint64_t orig_ino() const { return at<3>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_uid() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
uint32_t uid() const { return at<4>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_gid() const { return at<5>().valid(); }
uint32_t gid() const { return at<5>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_mode() const { return at<6>().valid(); }
uint32_t mode() const { return at<6>().as_uint32(); }
class Ext4OtherInodeUpdateTimeFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = Ext4OtherInodeUpdateTimeFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kDevFieldNumber = 1,
kInoFieldNumber = 2,
kOrigInoFieldNumber = 3,
kUidFieldNumber = 4,
kGidFieldNumber = 5,
kModeFieldNumber = 6,
void set_dev(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_ino(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_orig_ino(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void set_uid(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(4, value);
void set_gid(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(5, value);
void set_mode(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(6, value);
class Ext4MballocPreallocFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/10, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
Ext4MballocPreallocFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit Ext4MballocPreallocFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit Ext4MballocPreallocFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_dev() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t dev() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_ino() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint64_t ino() const { return at<2>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_orig_logical() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
uint32_t orig_logical() const { return at<3>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_orig_start() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
int32_t orig_start() const { return at<4>().as_int32(); }
bool has_orig_group() const { return at<5>().valid(); }
uint32_t orig_group() const { return at<5>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_orig_len() const { return at<6>().valid(); }
int32_t orig_len() const { return at<6>().as_int32(); }
bool has_result_logical() const { return at<7>().valid(); }
uint32_t result_logical() const { return at<7>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_result_start() const { return at<8>().valid(); }
int32_t result_start() const { return at<8>().as_int32(); }
bool has_result_group() const { return at<9>().valid(); }
uint32_t result_group() const { return at<9>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_result_len() const { return at<10>().valid(); }
int32_t result_len() const { return at<10>().as_int32(); }
class Ext4MballocPreallocFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = Ext4MballocPreallocFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kDevFieldNumber = 1,
kInoFieldNumber = 2,
kOrigLogicalFieldNumber = 3,
kOrigStartFieldNumber = 4,
kOrigGroupFieldNumber = 5,
kOrigLenFieldNumber = 6,
kResultLogicalFieldNumber = 7,
kResultStartFieldNumber = 8,
kResultGroupFieldNumber = 9,
kResultLenFieldNumber = 10,
void set_dev(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_ino(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_orig_logical(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void set_orig_start(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(4, value);
void set_orig_group(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(5, value);
void set_orig_len(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(6, value);
void set_result_logical(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(7, value);
void set_result_start(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(8, value);
void set_result_group(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(9, value);
void set_result_len(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(10, value);
class Ext4MballocFreeFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/5, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
Ext4MballocFreeFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit Ext4MballocFreeFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit Ext4MballocFreeFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_dev() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t dev() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_ino() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint64_t ino() const { return at<2>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_result_start() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
int32_t result_start() const { return at<3>().as_int32(); }
bool has_result_group() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
uint32_t result_group() const { return at<4>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_result_len() const { return at<5>().valid(); }
int32_t result_len() const { return at<5>().as_int32(); }
class Ext4MballocFreeFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = Ext4MballocFreeFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kDevFieldNumber = 1,
kInoFieldNumber = 2,
kResultStartFieldNumber = 3,
kResultGroupFieldNumber = 4,
kResultLenFieldNumber = 5,
void set_dev(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_ino(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_result_start(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void set_result_group(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(4, value);
void set_result_len(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(5, value);
class Ext4MballocDiscardFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/5, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
Ext4MballocDiscardFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit Ext4MballocDiscardFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit Ext4MballocDiscardFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_dev() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t dev() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_ino() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint64_t ino() const { return at<2>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_result_start() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
int32_t result_start() const { return at<3>().as_int32(); }
bool has_result_group() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
uint32_t result_group() const { return at<4>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_result_len() const { return at<5>().valid(); }
int32_t result_len() const { return at<5>().as_int32(); }
class Ext4MballocDiscardFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = Ext4MballocDiscardFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kDevFieldNumber = 1,
kInoFieldNumber = 2,
kResultStartFieldNumber = 3,
kResultGroupFieldNumber = 4,
kResultLenFieldNumber = 5,
void set_dev(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_ino(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_result_start(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void set_result_group(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(4, value);
void set_result_len(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(5, value);
class Ext4MballocAllocFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/20, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
Ext4MballocAllocFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit Ext4MballocAllocFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit Ext4MballocAllocFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_dev() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t dev() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_ino() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint64_t ino() const { return at<2>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_orig_logical() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
uint32_t orig_logical() const { return at<3>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_orig_start() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
int32_t orig_start() const { return at<4>().as_int32(); }
bool has_orig_group() const { return at<5>().valid(); }
uint32_t orig_group() const { return at<5>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_orig_len() const { return at<6>().valid(); }
int32_t orig_len() const { return at<6>().as_int32(); }
bool has_goal_logical() const { return at<7>().valid(); }
uint32_t goal_logical() const { return at<7>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_goal_start() const { return at<8>().valid(); }
int32_t goal_start() const { return at<8>().as_int32(); }
bool has_goal_group() const { return at<9>().valid(); }
uint32_t goal_group() const { return at<9>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_goal_len() const { return at<10>().valid(); }
int32_t goal_len() const { return at<10>().as_int32(); }
bool has_result_logical() const { return at<11>().valid(); }
uint32_t result_logical() const { return at<11>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_result_start() const { return at<12>().valid(); }
int32_t result_start() const { return at<12>().as_int32(); }
bool has_result_group() const { return at<13>().valid(); }
uint32_t result_group() const { return at<13>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_result_len() const { return at<14>().valid(); }
int32_t result_len() const { return at<14>().as_int32(); }
bool has_found() const { return at<15>().valid(); }
uint32_t found() const { return at<15>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_groups() const { return at<16>().valid(); }
uint32_t groups() const { return at<16>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_buddy() const { return at<17>().valid(); }
uint32_t buddy() const { return at<17>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_flags() const { return at<18>().valid(); }
uint32_t flags() const { return at<18>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_tail() const { return at<19>().valid(); }
uint32_t tail() const { return at<19>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_cr() const { return at<20>().valid(); }
uint32_t cr() const { return at<20>().as_uint32(); }
class Ext4MballocAllocFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = Ext4MballocAllocFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kDevFieldNumber = 1,
kInoFieldNumber = 2,
kOrigLogicalFieldNumber = 3,
kOrigStartFieldNumber = 4,
kOrigGroupFieldNumber = 5,
kOrigLenFieldNumber = 6,
kGoalLogicalFieldNumber = 7,
kGoalStartFieldNumber = 8,
kGoalGroupFieldNumber = 9,
kGoalLenFieldNumber = 10,
kResultLogicalFieldNumber = 11,
kResultStartFieldNumber = 12,
kResultGroupFieldNumber = 13,
kResultLenFieldNumber = 14,
kFoundFieldNumber = 15,
kGroupsFieldNumber = 16,
kBuddyFieldNumber = 17,
kFlagsFieldNumber = 18,
kTailFieldNumber = 19,
kCrFieldNumber = 20,
void set_dev(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_ino(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_orig_logical(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void set_orig_start(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(4, value);
void set_orig_group(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(5, value);
void set_orig_len(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(6, value);
void set_goal_logical(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(7, value);
void set_goal_start(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(8, value);
void set_goal_group(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(9, value);
void set_goal_len(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(10, value);
void set_result_logical(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(11, value);
void set_result_start(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(12, value);
void set_result_group(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(13, value);
void set_result_len(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(14, value);
void set_found(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(15, value);
void set_groups(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(16, value);
void set_buddy(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(17, value);
void set_flags(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(18, value);
void set_tail(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(19, value);
void set_cr(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(20, value);
class Ext4MbReleaseInodePaFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/4, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
Ext4MbReleaseInodePaFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit Ext4MbReleaseInodePaFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit Ext4MbReleaseInodePaFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_dev() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t dev() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_ino() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint64_t ino() const { return at<2>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_block() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
uint64_t block() const { return at<3>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_count() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
uint32_t count() const { return at<4>().as_uint32(); }
class Ext4MbReleaseInodePaFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = Ext4MbReleaseInodePaFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kDevFieldNumber = 1,
kInoFieldNumber = 2,
kBlockFieldNumber = 3,
kCountFieldNumber = 4,
void set_dev(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_ino(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_block(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void set_count(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(4, value);
class Ext4MbReleaseGroupPaFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/3, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
Ext4MbReleaseGroupPaFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit Ext4MbReleaseGroupPaFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit Ext4MbReleaseGroupPaFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_dev() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t dev() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_pa_pstart() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint64_t pa_pstart() const { return at<2>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_pa_len() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
uint32_t pa_len() const { return at<3>().as_uint32(); }
class Ext4MbReleaseGroupPaFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = Ext4MbReleaseGroupPaFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kDevFieldNumber = 1,
kPaPstartFieldNumber = 2,
kPaLenFieldNumber = 3,
void set_dev(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_pa_pstart(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_pa_len(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
class Ext4MbNewInodePaFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/5, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
Ext4MbNewInodePaFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit Ext4MbNewInodePaFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit Ext4MbNewInodePaFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_dev() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t dev() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_ino() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint64_t ino() const { return at<2>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_pa_pstart() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
uint64_t pa_pstart() const { return at<3>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_pa_lstart() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
uint64_t pa_lstart() const { return at<4>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_pa_len() const { return at<5>().valid(); }
uint32_t pa_len() const { return at<5>().as_uint32(); }
class Ext4MbNewInodePaFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = Ext4MbNewInodePaFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kDevFieldNumber = 1,
kInoFieldNumber = 2,
kPaPstartFieldNumber = 3,
kPaLstartFieldNumber = 4,
kPaLenFieldNumber = 5,
void set_dev(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_ino(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_pa_pstart(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void set_pa_lstart(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(4, value);
void set_pa_len(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(5, value);
class Ext4MbNewGroupPaFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/5, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
Ext4MbNewGroupPaFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit Ext4MbNewGroupPaFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit Ext4MbNewGroupPaFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_dev() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t dev() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_ino() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint64_t ino() const { return at<2>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_pa_pstart() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
uint64_t pa_pstart() const { return at<3>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_pa_lstart() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
uint64_t pa_lstart() const { return at<4>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_pa_len() const { return at<5>().valid(); }
uint32_t pa_len() const { return at<5>().as_uint32(); }
class Ext4MbNewGroupPaFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = Ext4MbNewGroupPaFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kDevFieldNumber = 1,
kInoFieldNumber = 2,
kPaPstartFieldNumber = 3,
kPaLstartFieldNumber = 4,
kPaLenFieldNumber = 5,
void set_dev(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_ino(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_pa_pstart(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void set_pa_lstart(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(4, value);
void set_pa_len(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(5, value);
class Ext4MbDiscardPreallocationsFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/2, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
Ext4MbDiscardPreallocationsFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit Ext4MbDiscardPreallocationsFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit Ext4MbDiscardPreallocationsFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_dev() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t dev() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_needed() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
int32_t needed() const { return at<2>().as_int32(); }
class Ext4MbDiscardPreallocationsFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = Ext4MbDiscardPreallocationsFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kDevFieldNumber = 1,
kNeededFieldNumber = 2,
void set_dev(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_needed(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
class Ext4MbBuddyBitmapLoadFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/2, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
Ext4MbBuddyBitmapLoadFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit Ext4MbBuddyBitmapLoadFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit Ext4MbBuddyBitmapLoadFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_dev() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t dev() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_group() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint32_t group() const { return at<2>().as_uint32(); }
class Ext4MbBuddyBitmapLoadFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = Ext4MbBuddyBitmapLoadFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kDevFieldNumber = 1,
kGroupFieldNumber = 2,
void set_dev(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_group(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
class Ext4MbBitmapLoadFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/2, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
Ext4MbBitmapLoadFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit Ext4MbBitmapLoadFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit Ext4MbBitmapLoadFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_dev() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t dev() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_group() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint32_t group() const { return at<2>().as_uint32(); }
class Ext4MbBitmapLoadFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = Ext4MbBitmapLoadFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kDevFieldNumber = 1,
kGroupFieldNumber = 2,
void set_dev(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_group(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
class Ext4MarkInodeDirtyFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/3, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
Ext4MarkInodeDirtyFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit Ext4MarkInodeDirtyFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit Ext4MarkInodeDirtyFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_dev() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t dev() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_ino() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint64_t ino() const { return at<2>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_ip() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
uint64_t ip() const { return at<3>().as_uint64(); }
class Ext4MarkInodeDirtyFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = Ext4MarkInodeDirtyFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kDevFieldNumber = 1,
kInoFieldNumber = 2,
kIpFieldNumber = 3,
void set_dev(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_ino(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_ip(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
class Ext4LoadInodeBitmapFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/2, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
Ext4LoadInodeBitmapFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit Ext4LoadInodeBitmapFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit Ext4LoadInodeBitmapFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_dev() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t dev() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_group() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint32_t group() const { return at<2>().as_uint32(); }
class Ext4LoadInodeBitmapFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = Ext4LoadInodeBitmapFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kDevFieldNumber = 1,
kGroupFieldNumber = 2,
void set_dev(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_group(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
class Ext4LoadInodeFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/2, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
Ext4LoadInodeFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit Ext4LoadInodeFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit Ext4LoadInodeFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_dev() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t dev() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_ino() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint64_t ino() const { return at<2>().as_uint64(); }
class Ext4LoadInodeFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = Ext4LoadInodeFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kDevFieldNumber = 1,
kInoFieldNumber = 2,
void set_dev(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_ino(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
class Ext4JournalledWriteEndFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/5, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
Ext4JournalledWriteEndFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit Ext4JournalledWriteEndFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit Ext4JournalledWriteEndFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_dev() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t dev() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_ino() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint64_t ino() const { return at<2>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_pos() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
int64_t pos() const { return at<3>().as_int64(); }
bool has_len() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
uint32_t len() const { return at<4>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_copied() const { return at<5>().valid(); }
uint32_t copied() const { return at<5>().as_uint32(); }
class Ext4JournalledWriteEndFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = Ext4JournalledWriteEndFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kDevFieldNumber = 1,
kInoFieldNumber = 2,
kPosFieldNumber = 3,
kLenFieldNumber = 4,
kCopiedFieldNumber = 5,
void set_dev(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_ino(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_pos(int64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void set_len(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(4, value);
void set_copied(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(5, value);
class Ext4JournalledInvalidatepageFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/5, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
Ext4JournalledInvalidatepageFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit Ext4JournalledInvalidatepageFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit Ext4JournalledInvalidatepageFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_dev() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t dev() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_ino() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint64_t ino() const { return at<2>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_index() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
uint64_t index() const { return at<3>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_offset() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
uint64_t offset() const { return at<4>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_length() const { return at<5>().valid(); }
uint32_t length() const { return at<5>().as_uint32(); }
class Ext4JournalledInvalidatepageFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = Ext4JournalledInvalidatepageFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kDevFieldNumber = 1,
kInoFieldNumber = 2,
kIndexFieldNumber = 3,
kOffsetFieldNumber = 4,
kLengthFieldNumber = 5,
void set_dev(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_ino(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_index(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void set_offset(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(4, value);
void set_length(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(5, value);
class Ext4JournalStartReservedFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/3, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
Ext4JournalStartReservedFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit Ext4JournalStartReservedFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit Ext4JournalStartReservedFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_dev() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t dev() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_ip() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint64_t ip() const { return at<2>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_blocks() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
int32_t blocks() const { return at<3>().as_int32(); }
class Ext4JournalStartReservedFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = Ext4JournalStartReservedFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kDevFieldNumber = 1,
kIpFieldNumber = 2,
kBlocksFieldNumber = 3,
void set_dev(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_ip(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_blocks(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
class Ext4JournalStartFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/5, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
Ext4JournalStartFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit Ext4JournalStartFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit Ext4JournalStartFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_dev() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t dev() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_ip() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint64_t ip() const { return at<2>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_blocks() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
int32_t blocks() const { return at<3>().as_int32(); }
bool has_rsv_blocks() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
int32_t rsv_blocks() const { return at<4>().as_int32(); }
bool has_nblocks() const { return at<5>().valid(); }
int32_t nblocks() const { return at<5>().as_int32(); }
class Ext4JournalStartFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = Ext4JournalStartFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kDevFieldNumber = 1,
kIpFieldNumber = 2,
kBlocksFieldNumber = 3,
kRsvBlocksFieldNumber = 4,
kNblocksFieldNumber = 5,
void set_dev(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_ip(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_blocks(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void set_rsv_blocks(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(4, value);
void set_nblocks(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(5, value);
class Ext4InvalidatepageFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/5, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
Ext4InvalidatepageFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit Ext4InvalidatepageFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit Ext4InvalidatepageFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_dev() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t dev() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_ino() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint64_t ino() const { return at<2>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_index() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
uint64_t index() const { return at<3>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_offset() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
uint64_t offset() const { return at<4>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_length() const { return at<5>().valid(); }
uint32_t length() const { return at<5>().as_uint32(); }
class Ext4InvalidatepageFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = Ext4InvalidatepageFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kDevFieldNumber = 1,
kInoFieldNumber = 2,
kIndexFieldNumber = 3,
kOffsetFieldNumber = 4,
kLengthFieldNumber = 5,
void set_dev(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_ino(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_index(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void set_offset(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(4, value);
void set_length(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(5, value);
class Ext4InsertRangeFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/4, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
Ext4InsertRangeFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit Ext4InsertRangeFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit Ext4InsertRangeFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_dev() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t dev() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_ino() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint64_t ino() const { return at<2>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_offset() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
int64_t offset() const { return at<3>().as_int64(); }
bool has_len() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
int64_t len() const { return at<4>().as_int64(); }
class Ext4InsertRangeFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = Ext4InsertRangeFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kDevFieldNumber = 1,
kInoFieldNumber = 2,
kOffsetFieldNumber = 3,
kLenFieldNumber = 4,
void set_dev(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_ino(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_offset(int64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void set_len(int64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(4, value);
class Ext4IndMapBlocksExitFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/8, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
Ext4IndMapBlocksExitFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit Ext4IndMapBlocksExitFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit Ext4IndMapBlocksExitFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_dev() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t dev() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_ino() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint64_t ino() const { return at<2>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_flags() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
uint32_t flags() const { return at<3>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_pblk() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
uint64_t pblk() const { return at<4>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_lblk() const { return at<5>().valid(); }
uint32_t lblk() const { return at<5>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_len() const { return at<6>().valid(); }
uint32_t len() const { return at<6>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_mflags() const { return at<7>().valid(); }
uint32_t mflags() const { return at<7>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_ret() const { return at<8>().valid(); }
int32_t ret() const { return at<8>().as_int32(); }
class Ext4IndMapBlocksExitFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = Ext4IndMapBlocksExitFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kDevFieldNumber = 1,
kInoFieldNumber = 2,
kFlagsFieldNumber = 3,
kPblkFieldNumber = 4,
kLblkFieldNumber = 5,
kLenFieldNumber = 6,
kMflagsFieldNumber = 7,
kRetFieldNumber = 8,
void set_dev(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_ino(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_flags(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void set_pblk(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(4, value);
void set_lblk(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(5, value);
void set_len(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(6, value);
void set_mflags(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(7, value);
void set_ret(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(8, value);
class Ext4IndMapBlocksEnterFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/5, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
Ext4IndMapBlocksEnterFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit Ext4IndMapBlocksEnterFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit Ext4IndMapBlocksEnterFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_dev() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t dev() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_ino() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint64_t ino() const { return at<2>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_lblk() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
uint32_t lblk() const { return at<3>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_len() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
uint32_t len() const { return at<4>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_flags() const { return at<5>().valid(); }
uint32_t flags() const { return at<5>().as_uint32(); }
class Ext4IndMapBlocksEnterFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = Ext4IndMapBlocksEnterFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kDevFieldNumber = 1,
kInoFieldNumber = 2,
kLblkFieldNumber = 3,
kLenFieldNumber = 4,
kFlagsFieldNumber = 5,
void set_dev(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_ino(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_lblk(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void set_len(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(4, value);
void set_flags(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(5, value);
class Ext4GetReservedClusterAllocFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/4, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
Ext4GetReservedClusterAllocFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit Ext4GetReservedClusterAllocFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit Ext4GetReservedClusterAllocFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_dev() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t dev() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_ino() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint64_t ino() const { return at<2>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_lblk() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
uint32_t lblk() const { return at<3>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_len() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
uint32_t len() const { return at<4>().as_uint32(); }
class Ext4GetReservedClusterAllocFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = Ext4GetReservedClusterAllocFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kDevFieldNumber = 1,
kInoFieldNumber = 2,
kLblkFieldNumber = 3,
kLenFieldNumber = 4,
void set_dev(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_ino(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_lblk(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void set_len(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(4, value);
class Ext4GetImpliedClusterAllocExitFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/6, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
Ext4GetImpliedClusterAllocExitFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit Ext4GetImpliedClusterAllocExitFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit Ext4GetImpliedClusterAllocExitFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_dev() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t dev() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_flags() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint32_t flags() const { return at<2>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_lblk() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
uint32_t lblk() const { return at<3>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_pblk() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
uint64_t pblk() const { return at<4>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_len() const { return at<5>().valid(); }
uint32_t len() const { return at<5>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_ret() const { return at<6>().valid(); }
int32_t ret() const { return at<6>().as_int32(); }
class Ext4GetImpliedClusterAllocExitFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = Ext4GetImpliedClusterAllocExitFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kDevFieldNumber = 1,
kFlagsFieldNumber = 2,
kLblkFieldNumber = 3,
kPblkFieldNumber = 4,
kLenFieldNumber = 5,
kRetFieldNumber = 6,
void set_dev(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_flags(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_lblk(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void set_pblk(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(4, value);
void set_len(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(5, value);
void set_ret(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(6, value);
class Ext4FreeInodeFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/6, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
Ext4FreeInodeFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit Ext4FreeInodeFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit Ext4FreeInodeFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_dev() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t dev() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_ino() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint64_t ino() const { return at<2>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_uid() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
uint32_t uid() const { return at<3>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_gid() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
uint32_t gid() const { return at<4>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_blocks() const { return at<5>().valid(); }
uint64_t blocks() const { return at<5>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_mode() const { return at<6>().valid(); }
uint32_t mode() const { return at<6>().as_uint32(); }
class Ext4FreeInodeFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = Ext4FreeInodeFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kDevFieldNumber = 1,
kInoFieldNumber = 2,
kUidFieldNumber = 3,
kGidFieldNumber = 4,
kBlocksFieldNumber = 5,
kModeFieldNumber = 6,
void set_dev(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_ino(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_uid(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void set_gid(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(4, value);
void set_blocks(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(5, value);
void set_mode(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(6, value);
class Ext4FreeBlocksFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/6, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
Ext4FreeBlocksFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit Ext4FreeBlocksFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit Ext4FreeBlocksFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_dev() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t dev() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_ino() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint64_t ino() const { return at<2>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_block() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
uint64_t block() const { return at<3>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_count() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
uint64_t count() const { return at<4>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_flags() const { return at<5>().valid(); }
int32_t flags() const { return at<5>().as_int32(); }
bool has_mode() const { return at<6>().valid(); }
uint32_t mode() const { return at<6>().as_uint32(); }
class Ext4FreeBlocksFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = Ext4FreeBlocksFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kDevFieldNumber = 1,
kInoFieldNumber = 2,
kBlockFieldNumber = 3,
kCountFieldNumber = 4,
kFlagsFieldNumber = 5,
kModeFieldNumber = 6,
void set_dev(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_ino(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_block(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void set_count(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(4, value);
void set_flags(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(5, value);
void set_mode(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(6, value);
class Ext4ForgetFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/5, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
Ext4ForgetFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit Ext4ForgetFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit Ext4ForgetFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_dev() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t dev() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_ino() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint64_t ino() const { return at<2>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_block() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
uint64_t block() const { return at<3>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_is_metadata() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
int32_t is_metadata() const { return at<4>().as_int32(); }
bool has_mode() const { return at<5>().valid(); }
uint32_t mode() const { return at<5>().as_uint32(); }
class Ext4ForgetFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = Ext4ForgetFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kDevFieldNumber = 1,
kInoFieldNumber = 2,
kBlockFieldNumber = 3,
kIsMetadataFieldNumber = 4,
kModeFieldNumber = 5,
void set_dev(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_ino(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_block(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void set_is_metadata(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(4, value);
void set_mode(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(5, value);
class Ext4FindDelallocRangeFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/7, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
Ext4FindDelallocRangeFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit Ext4FindDelallocRangeFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit Ext4FindDelallocRangeFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_dev() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t dev() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_ino() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint64_t ino() const { return at<2>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_from() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
uint32_t from() const { return at<3>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_to() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
uint32_t to() const { return at<4>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_reverse() const { return at<5>().valid(); }
int32_t reverse() const { return at<5>().as_int32(); }
bool has_found() const { return at<6>().valid(); }
int32_t found() const { return at<6>().as_int32(); }
bool has_found_blk() const { return at<7>().valid(); }
uint32_t found_blk() const { return at<7>().as_uint32(); }
class Ext4FindDelallocRangeFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = Ext4FindDelallocRangeFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kDevFieldNumber = 1,
kInoFieldNumber = 2,
kFromFieldNumber = 3,
kToFieldNumber = 4,
kReverseFieldNumber = 5,
kFoundFieldNumber = 6,
kFoundBlkFieldNumber = 7,
void set_dev(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_ino(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_from(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void set_to(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(4, value);
void set_reverse(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(5, value);
void set_found(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(6, value);
void set_found_blk(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(7, value);
class Ext4FallocateExitFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/5, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
Ext4FallocateExitFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit Ext4FallocateExitFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit Ext4FallocateExitFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_dev() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t dev() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_ino() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint64_t ino() const { return at<2>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_pos() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
int64_t pos() const { return at<3>().as_int64(); }
bool has_blocks() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
uint32_t blocks() const { return at<4>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_ret() const { return at<5>().valid(); }
int32_t ret() const { return at<5>().as_int32(); }
class Ext4FallocateExitFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = Ext4FallocateExitFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kDevFieldNumber = 1,
kInoFieldNumber = 2,
kPosFieldNumber = 3,
kBlocksFieldNumber = 4,
kRetFieldNumber = 5,
void set_dev(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_ino(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_pos(int64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void set_blocks(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(4, value);
void set_ret(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(5, value);
class Ext4FallocateEnterFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/6, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
Ext4FallocateEnterFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit Ext4FallocateEnterFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit Ext4FallocateEnterFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_dev() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t dev() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_ino() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint64_t ino() const { return at<2>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_offset() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
int64_t offset() const { return at<3>().as_int64(); }
bool has_len() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
int64_t len() const { return at<4>().as_int64(); }
bool has_mode() const { return at<5>().valid(); }
int32_t mode() const { return at<5>().as_int32(); }
bool has_pos() const { return at<6>().valid(); }
int64_t pos() const { return at<6>().as_int64(); }
class Ext4FallocateEnterFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = Ext4FallocateEnterFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kDevFieldNumber = 1,
kInoFieldNumber = 2,
kOffsetFieldNumber = 3,
kLenFieldNumber = 4,
kModeFieldNumber = 5,
kPosFieldNumber = 6,
void set_dev(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_ino(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_offset(int64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void set_len(int64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(4, value);
void set_mode(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(5, value);
void set_pos(int64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(6, value);
class Ext4ExtShowExtentFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/5, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
Ext4ExtShowExtentFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit Ext4ExtShowExtentFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit Ext4ExtShowExtentFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_dev() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t dev() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_ino() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint64_t ino() const { return at<2>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_pblk() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
uint64_t pblk() const { return at<3>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_lblk() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
uint32_t lblk() const { return at<4>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_len() const { return at<5>().valid(); }
uint32_t len() const { return at<5>().as_uint32(); }
class Ext4ExtShowExtentFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = Ext4ExtShowExtentFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kDevFieldNumber = 1,
kInoFieldNumber = 2,
kPblkFieldNumber = 3,
kLblkFieldNumber = 4,
kLenFieldNumber = 5,
void set_dev(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_ino(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_pblk(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void set_lblk(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(4, value);
void set_len(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(5, value);
class Ext4ExtRmLeafFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/7, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
Ext4ExtRmLeafFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit Ext4ExtRmLeafFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit Ext4ExtRmLeafFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_dev() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t dev() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_ino() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint64_t ino() const { return at<2>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_partial() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
int64_t partial() const { return at<3>().as_int64(); }
bool has_start() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
uint32_t start() const { return at<4>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_ee_lblk() const { return at<5>().valid(); }
uint32_t ee_lblk() const { return at<5>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_ee_pblk() const { return at<6>().valid(); }
uint64_t ee_pblk() const { return at<6>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_ee_len() const { return at<7>().valid(); }
int32_t ee_len() const { return at<7>().as_int32(); }
class Ext4ExtRmLeafFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = Ext4ExtRmLeafFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kDevFieldNumber = 1,
kInoFieldNumber = 2,
kPartialFieldNumber = 3,
kStartFieldNumber = 4,
kEeLblkFieldNumber = 5,
kEePblkFieldNumber = 6,
kEeLenFieldNumber = 7,
void set_dev(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_ino(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_partial(int64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void set_start(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(4, value);
void set_ee_lblk(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(5, value);
void set_ee_pblk(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(6, value);
void set_ee_len(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(7, value);
class Ext4ExtRmIdxFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/3, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
Ext4ExtRmIdxFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit Ext4ExtRmIdxFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit Ext4ExtRmIdxFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_dev() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t dev() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_ino() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint64_t ino() const { return at<2>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_pblk() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
uint64_t pblk() const { return at<3>().as_uint64(); }
class Ext4ExtRmIdxFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = Ext4ExtRmIdxFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kDevFieldNumber = 1,
kInoFieldNumber = 2,
kPblkFieldNumber = 3,
void set_dev(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_ino(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_pblk(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
class Ext4ExtRemoveSpaceDoneFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/7, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
Ext4ExtRemoveSpaceDoneFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit Ext4ExtRemoveSpaceDoneFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit Ext4ExtRemoveSpaceDoneFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_dev() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t dev() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_ino() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint64_t ino() const { return at<2>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_start() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
uint32_t start() const { return at<3>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_end() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
uint32_t end() const { return at<4>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_depth() const { return at<5>().valid(); }
int32_t depth() const { return at<5>().as_int32(); }
bool has_partial() const { return at<6>().valid(); }
int64_t partial() const { return at<6>().as_int64(); }
bool has_eh_entries() const { return at<7>().valid(); }
uint32_t eh_entries() const { return at<7>().as_uint32(); }
class Ext4ExtRemoveSpaceDoneFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = Ext4ExtRemoveSpaceDoneFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kDevFieldNumber = 1,
kInoFieldNumber = 2,
kStartFieldNumber = 3,
kEndFieldNumber = 4,
kDepthFieldNumber = 5,
kPartialFieldNumber = 6,
kEhEntriesFieldNumber = 7,
void set_dev(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_ino(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_start(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void set_end(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(4, value);
void set_depth(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(5, value);
void set_partial(int64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(6, value);
void set_eh_entries(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(7, value);
class Ext4ExtRemoveSpaceFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/5, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
Ext4ExtRemoveSpaceFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit Ext4ExtRemoveSpaceFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit Ext4ExtRemoveSpaceFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_dev() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t dev() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_ino() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint64_t ino() const { return at<2>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_start() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
uint32_t start() const { return at<3>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_end() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
uint32_t end() const { return at<4>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_depth() const { return at<5>().valid(); }
int32_t depth() const { return at<5>().as_int32(); }
class Ext4ExtRemoveSpaceFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = Ext4ExtRemoveSpaceFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kDevFieldNumber = 1,
kInoFieldNumber = 2,
kStartFieldNumber = 3,
kEndFieldNumber = 4,
kDepthFieldNumber = 5,
void set_dev(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_ino(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_start(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void set_end(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(4, value);
void set_depth(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(5, value);
class Ext4ExtPutInCacheFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/5, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
Ext4ExtPutInCacheFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit Ext4ExtPutInCacheFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit Ext4ExtPutInCacheFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_dev() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t dev() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_ino() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint64_t ino() const { return at<2>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_lblk() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
uint32_t lblk() const { return at<3>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_len() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
uint32_t len() const { return at<4>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_start() const { return at<5>().valid(); }
uint64_t start() const { return at<5>().as_uint64(); }
class Ext4ExtPutInCacheFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = Ext4ExtPutInCacheFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kDevFieldNumber = 1,
kInoFieldNumber = 2,
kLblkFieldNumber = 3,
kLenFieldNumber = 4,
kStartFieldNumber = 5,
void set_dev(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_ino(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_lblk(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void set_len(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(4, value);
void set_start(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(5, value);
class Ext4ExtMapBlocksExitFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/8, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
Ext4ExtMapBlocksExitFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit Ext4ExtMapBlocksExitFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit Ext4ExtMapBlocksExitFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_dev() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t dev() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_ino() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint64_t ino() const { return at<2>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_flags() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
uint32_t flags() const { return at<3>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_pblk() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
uint64_t pblk() const { return at<4>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_lblk() const { return at<5>().valid(); }
uint32_t lblk() const { return at<5>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_len() const { return at<6>().valid(); }
uint32_t len() const { return at<6>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_mflags() const { return at<7>().valid(); }
uint32_t mflags() const { return at<7>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_ret() const { return at<8>().valid(); }
int32_t ret() const { return at<8>().as_int32(); }
class Ext4ExtMapBlocksExitFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = Ext4ExtMapBlocksExitFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kDevFieldNumber = 1,
kInoFieldNumber = 2,
kFlagsFieldNumber = 3,
kPblkFieldNumber = 4,
kLblkFieldNumber = 5,
kLenFieldNumber = 6,
kMflagsFieldNumber = 7,
kRetFieldNumber = 8,
void set_dev(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_ino(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_flags(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void set_pblk(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(4, value);
void set_lblk(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(5, value);
void set_len(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(6, value);
void set_mflags(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(7, value);
void set_ret(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(8, value);
class Ext4ExtMapBlocksEnterFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/5, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
Ext4ExtMapBlocksEnterFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit Ext4ExtMapBlocksEnterFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit Ext4ExtMapBlocksEnterFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_dev() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t dev() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_ino() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint64_t ino() const { return at<2>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_lblk() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
uint32_t lblk() const { return at<3>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_len() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
uint32_t len() const { return at<4>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_flags() const { return at<5>().valid(); }
uint32_t flags() const { return at<5>().as_uint32(); }
class Ext4ExtMapBlocksEnterFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = Ext4ExtMapBlocksEnterFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kDevFieldNumber = 1,
kInoFieldNumber = 2,
kLblkFieldNumber = 3,
kLenFieldNumber = 4,
kFlagsFieldNumber = 5,
void set_dev(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_ino(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_lblk(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void set_len(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(4, value);
void set_flags(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(5, value);
class Ext4ExtLoadExtentFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/4, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
Ext4ExtLoadExtentFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit Ext4ExtLoadExtentFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit Ext4ExtLoadExtentFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_dev() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t dev() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_ino() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint64_t ino() const { return at<2>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_pblk() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
uint64_t pblk() const { return at<3>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_lblk() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
uint32_t lblk() const { return at<4>().as_uint32(); }
class Ext4ExtLoadExtentFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = Ext4ExtLoadExtentFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kDevFieldNumber = 1,
kInoFieldNumber = 2,
kPblkFieldNumber = 3,
kLblkFieldNumber = 4,
void set_dev(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_ino(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_pblk(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void set_lblk(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(4, value);
class Ext4ExtInCacheFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/4, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
Ext4ExtInCacheFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit Ext4ExtInCacheFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit Ext4ExtInCacheFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_dev() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t dev() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_ino() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint64_t ino() const { return at<2>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_lblk() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
uint32_t lblk() const { return at<3>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_ret() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
int32_t ret() const { return at<4>().as_int32(); }
class Ext4ExtInCacheFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = Ext4ExtInCacheFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kDevFieldNumber = 1,
kInoFieldNumber = 2,
kLblkFieldNumber = 3,
kRetFieldNumber = 4,
void set_dev(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_ino(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_lblk(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void set_ret(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(4, value);
class Ext4ExtHandleUnwrittenExtentsFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/8, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
Ext4ExtHandleUnwrittenExtentsFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit Ext4ExtHandleUnwrittenExtentsFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit Ext4ExtHandleUnwrittenExtentsFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_dev() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t dev() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_ino() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint64_t ino() const { return at<2>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_flags() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
int32_t flags() const { return at<3>().as_int32(); }
bool has_lblk() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
uint32_t lblk() const { return at<4>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_pblk() const { return at<5>().valid(); }
uint64_t pblk() const { return at<5>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_len() const { return at<6>().valid(); }
uint32_t len() const { return at<6>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_allocated() const { return at<7>().valid(); }
uint32_t allocated() const { return at<7>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_newblk() const { return at<8>().valid(); }
uint64_t newblk() const { return at<8>().as_uint64(); }
class Ext4ExtHandleUnwrittenExtentsFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = Ext4ExtHandleUnwrittenExtentsFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kDevFieldNumber = 1,
kInoFieldNumber = 2,
kFlagsFieldNumber = 3,
kLblkFieldNumber = 4,
kPblkFieldNumber = 5,
kLenFieldNumber = 6,
kAllocatedFieldNumber = 7,
kNewblkFieldNumber = 8,
void set_dev(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_ino(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_flags(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void set_lblk(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(4, value);
void set_pblk(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(5, value);
void set_len(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(6, value);
void set_allocated(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(7, value);
void set_newblk(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(8, value);
class Ext4ExtConvertToInitializedFastpathFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/10, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
Ext4ExtConvertToInitializedFastpathFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit Ext4ExtConvertToInitializedFastpathFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit Ext4ExtConvertToInitializedFastpathFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_dev() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t dev() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_ino() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint64_t ino() const { return at<2>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_m_lblk() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
uint32_t m_lblk() const { return at<3>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_m_len() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
uint32_t m_len() const { return at<4>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_u_lblk() const { return at<5>().valid(); }
uint32_t u_lblk() const { return at<5>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_u_len() const { return at<6>().valid(); }
uint32_t u_len() const { return at<6>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_u_pblk() const { return at<7>().valid(); }
uint64_t u_pblk() const { return at<7>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_i_lblk() const { return at<8>().valid(); }
uint32_t i_lblk() const { return at<8>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_i_len() const { return at<9>().valid(); }
uint32_t i_len() const { return at<9>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_i_pblk() const { return at<10>().valid(); }
uint64_t i_pblk() const { return at<10>().as_uint64(); }
class Ext4ExtConvertToInitializedFastpathFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = Ext4ExtConvertToInitializedFastpathFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kDevFieldNumber = 1,
kInoFieldNumber = 2,
kMLblkFieldNumber = 3,
kMLenFieldNumber = 4,
kULblkFieldNumber = 5,
kULenFieldNumber = 6,
kUPblkFieldNumber = 7,
kILblkFieldNumber = 8,
kILenFieldNumber = 9,
kIPblkFieldNumber = 10,
void set_dev(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_ino(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_m_lblk(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void set_m_len(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(4, value);
void set_u_lblk(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(5, value);
void set_u_len(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(6, value);
void set_u_pblk(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(7, value);
void set_i_lblk(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(8, value);
void set_i_len(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(9, value);
void set_i_pblk(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(10, value);
class Ext4ExtConvertToInitializedEnterFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/7, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
Ext4ExtConvertToInitializedEnterFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit Ext4ExtConvertToInitializedEnterFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit Ext4ExtConvertToInitializedEnterFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_dev() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t dev() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_ino() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint64_t ino() const { return at<2>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_m_lblk() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
uint32_t m_lblk() const { return at<3>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_m_len() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
uint32_t m_len() const { return at<4>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_u_lblk() const { return at<5>().valid(); }
uint32_t u_lblk() const { return at<5>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_u_len() const { return at<6>().valid(); }
uint32_t u_len() const { return at<6>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_u_pblk() const { return at<7>().valid(); }
uint64_t u_pblk() const { return at<7>().as_uint64(); }
class Ext4ExtConvertToInitializedEnterFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = Ext4ExtConvertToInitializedEnterFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kDevFieldNumber = 1,
kInoFieldNumber = 2,
kMLblkFieldNumber = 3,
kMLenFieldNumber = 4,
kULblkFieldNumber = 5,
kULenFieldNumber = 6,
kUPblkFieldNumber = 7,
void set_dev(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_ino(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_m_lblk(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void set_m_len(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(4, value);
void set_u_lblk(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(5, value);
void set_u_len(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(6, value);
void set_u_pblk(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(7, value);
class Ext4EvictInodeFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/3, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
Ext4EvictInodeFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit Ext4EvictInodeFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit Ext4EvictInodeFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_dev() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t dev() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_ino() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint64_t ino() const { return at<2>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_nlink() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
int32_t nlink() const { return at<3>().as_int32(); }
class Ext4EvictInodeFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = Ext4EvictInodeFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kDevFieldNumber = 1,
kInoFieldNumber = 2,
kNlinkFieldNumber = 3,
void set_dev(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_ino(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_nlink(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
class Ext4EsShrinkScanExitFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/3, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
Ext4EsShrinkScanExitFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit Ext4EsShrinkScanExitFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit Ext4EsShrinkScanExitFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_dev() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t dev() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_nr_shrunk() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
int32_t nr_shrunk() const { return at<2>().as_int32(); }
bool has_cache_cnt() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
int32_t cache_cnt() const { return at<3>().as_int32(); }
class Ext4EsShrinkScanExitFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = Ext4EsShrinkScanExitFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kDevFieldNumber = 1,
kNrShrunkFieldNumber = 2,
kCacheCntFieldNumber = 3,
void set_dev(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_nr_shrunk(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_cache_cnt(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
class Ext4EsShrinkScanEnterFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/3, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
Ext4EsShrinkScanEnterFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit Ext4EsShrinkScanEnterFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit Ext4EsShrinkScanEnterFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_dev() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t dev() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_nr_to_scan() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
int32_t nr_to_scan() const { return at<2>().as_int32(); }
bool has_cache_cnt() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
int32_t cache_cnt() const { return at<3>().as_int32(); }
class Ext4EsShrinkScanEnterFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = Ext4EsShrinkScanEnterFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kDevFieldNumber = 1,
kNrToScanFieldNumber = 2,
kCacheCntFieldNumber = 3,
void set_dev(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_nr_to_scan(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_cache_cnt(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
class Ext4EsShrinkCountFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/3, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
Ext4EsShrinkCountFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit Ext4EsShrinkCountFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit Ext4EsShrinkCountFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_dev() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t dev() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_nr_to_scan() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
int32_t nr_to_scan() const { return at<2>().as_int32(); }
bool has_cache_cnt() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
int32_t cache_cnt() const { return at<3>().as_int32(); }
class Ext4EsShrinkCountFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = Ext4EsShrinkCountFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kDevFieldNumber = 1,
kNrToScanFieldNumber = 2,
kCacheCntFieldNumber = 3,
void set_dev(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_nr_to_scan(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_cache_cnt(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
class Ext4EsShrinkFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/5, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
Ext4EsShrinkFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit Ext4EsShrinkFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit Ext4EsShrinkFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_dev() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t dev() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_nr_shrunk() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
int32_t nr_shrunk() const { return at<2>().as_int32(); }
bool has_scan_time() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
uint64_t scan_time() const { return at<3>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_nr_skipped() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
int32_t nr_skipped() const { return at<4>().as_int32(); }
bool has_retried() const { return at<5>().valid(); }
int32_t retried() const { return at<5>().as_int32(); }
class Ext4EsShrinkFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = Ext4EsShrinkFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kDevFieldNumber = 1,
kNrShrunkFieldNumber = 2,
kScanTimeFieldNumber = 3,
kNrSkippedFieldNumber = 4,
kRetriedFieldNumber = 5,
void set_dev(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_nr_shrunk(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_scan_time(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void set_nr_skipped(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(4, value);
void set_retried(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(5, value);
class Ext4EsRemoveExtentFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/4, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
Ext4EsRemoveExtentFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit Ext4EsRemoveExtentFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit Ext4EsRemoveExtentFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_dev() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t dev() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_ino() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint64_t ino() const { return at<2>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_lblk() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
int64_t lblk() const { return at<3>().as_int64(); }
bool has_len() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
int64_t len() const { return at<4>().as_int64(); }
class Ext4EsRemoveExtentFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = Ext4EsRemoveExtentFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kDevFieldNumber = 1,
kInoFieldNumber = 2,
kLblkFieldNumber = 3,
kLenFieldNumber = 4,
void set_dev(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_ino(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_lblk(int64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void set_len(int64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(4, value);
class Ext4EsLookupExtentExitFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/7, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
Ext4EsLookupExtentExitFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit Ext4EsLookupExtentExitFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit Ext4EsLookupExtentExitFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_dev() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t dev() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_ino() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint64_t ino() const { return at<2>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_lblk() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
uint32_t lblk() const { return at<3>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_len() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
uint32_t len() const { return at<4>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_pblk() const { return at<5>().valid(); }
uint64_t pblk() const { return at<5>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_status() const { return at<6>().valid(); }
uint64_t status() const { return at<6>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_found() const { return at<7>().valid(); }
int32_t found() const { return at<7>().as_int32(); }
class Ext4EsLookupExtentExitFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = Ext4EsLookupExtentExitFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kDevFieldNumber = 1,
kInoFieldNumber = 2,
kLblkFieldNumber = 3,
kLenFieldNumber = 4,
kPblkFieldNumber = 5,
kStatusFieldNumber = 6,
kFoundFieldNumber = 7,
void set_dev(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_ino(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_lblk(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void set_len(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(4, value);
void set_pblk(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(5, value);
void set_status(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(6, value);
void set_found(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(7, value);
class Ext4EsLookupExtentEnterFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/3, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
Ext4EsLookupExtentEnterFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit Ext4EsLookupExtentEnterFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit Ext4EsLookupExtentEnterFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_dev() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t dev() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_ino() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint64_t ino() const { return at<2>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_lblk() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
uint32_t lblk() const { return at<3>().as_uint32(); }
class Ext4EsLookupExtentEnterFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = Ext4EsLookupExtentEnterFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kDevFieldNumber = 1,
kInoFieldNumber = 2,
kLblkFieldNumber = 3,
void set_dev(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_ino(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_lblk(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
class Ext4EsInsertExtentFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/6, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
Ext4EsInsertExtentFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit Ext4EsInsertExtentFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit Ext4EsInsertExtentFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_dev() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t dev() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_ino() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint64_t ino() const { return at<2>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_lblk() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
uint32_t lblk() const { return at<3>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_len() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
uint32_t len() const { return at<4>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_pblk() const { return at<5>().valid(); }
uint64_t pblk() const { return at<5>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_status() const { return at<6>().valid(); }
uint64_t status() const { return at<6>().as_uint64(); }
class Ext4EsInsertExtentFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = Ext4EsInsertExtentFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kDevFieldNumber = 1,
kInoFieldNumber = 2,
kLblkFieldNumber = 3,
kLenFieldNumber = 4,
kPblkFieldNumber = 5,
kStatusFieldNumber = 6,
void set_dev(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_ino(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_lblk(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void set_len(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(4, value);
void set_pblk(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(5, value);
void set_status(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(6, value);
class Ext4EsFindDelayedExtentRangeExitFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/6, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
Ext4EsFindDelayedExtentRangeExitFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit Ext4EsFindDelayedExtentRangeExitFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit Ext4EsFindDelayedExtentRangeExitFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_dev() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t dev() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_ino() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint64_t ino() const { return at<2>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_lblk() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
uint32_t lblk() const { return at<3>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_len() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
uint32_t len() const { return at<4>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_pblk() const { return at<5>().valid(); }
uint64_t pblk() const { return at<5>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_status() const { return at<6>().valid(); }
uint64_t status() const { return at<6>().as_uint64(); }
class Ext4EsFindDelayedExtentRangeExitFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = Ext4EsFindDelayedExtentRangeExitFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kDevFieldNumber = 1,
kInoFieldNumber = 2,
kLblkFieldNumber = 3,
kLenFieldNumber = 4,
kPblkFieldNumber = 5,
kStatusFieldNumber = 6,
void set_dev(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_ino(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_lblk(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void set_len(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(4, value);
void set_pblk(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(5, value);
void set_status(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(6, value);
class Ext4EsFindDelayedExtentRangeEnterFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/3, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
Ext4EsFindDelayedExtentRangeEnterFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit Ext4EsFindDelayedExtentRangeEnterFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit Ext4EsFindDelayedExtentRangeEnterFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_dev() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t dev() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_ino() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint64_t ino() const { return at<2>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_lblk() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
uint32_t lblk() const { return at<3>().as_uint32(); }
class Ext4EsFindDelayedExtentRangeEnterFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = Ext4EsFindDelayedExtentRangeEnterFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kDevFieldNumber = 1,
kInoFieldNumber = 2,
kLblkFieldNumber = 3,
void set_dev(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_ino(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_lblk(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
class Ext4EsCacheExtentFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/6, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
Ext4EsCacheExtentFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit Ext4EsCacheExtentFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit Ext4EsCacheExtentFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_dev() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t dev() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_ino() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint64_t ino() const { return at<2>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_lblk() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
uint32_t lblk() const { return at<3>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_len() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
uint32_t len() const { return at<4>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_pblk() const { return at<5>().valid(); }
uint64_t pblk() const { return at<5>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_status() const { return at<6>().valid(); }
uint32_t status() const { return at<6>().as_uint32(); }
class Ext4EsCacheExtentFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = Ext4EsCacheExtentFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kDevFieldNumber = 1,
kInoFieldNumber = 2,
kLblkFieldNumber = 3,
kLenFieldNumber = 4,
kPblkFieldNumber = 5,
kStatusFieldNumber = 6,
void set_dev(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_ino(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_lblk(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void set_len(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(4, value);
void set_pblk(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(5, value);
void set_status(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(6, value);
class Ext4DropInodeFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/3, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
Ext4DropInodeFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit Ext4DropInodeFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit Ext4DropInodeFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_dev() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t dev() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_ino() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint64_t ino() const { return at<2>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_drop() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
int32_t drop() const { return at<3>().as_int32(); }
class Ext4DropInodeFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = Ext4DropInodeFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kDevFieldNumber = 1,
kInoFieldNumber = 2,
kDropFieldNumber = 3,
void set_dev(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_ino(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_drop(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
class Ext4DiscardPreallocationsFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/2, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
Ext4DiscardPreallocationsFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit Ext4DiscardPreallocationsFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit Ext4DiscardPreallocationsFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_dev() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t dev() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_ino() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint64_t ino() const { return at<2>().as_uint64(); }
class Ext4DiscardPreallocationsFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = Ext4DiscardPreallocationsFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kDevFieldNumber = 1,
kInoFieldNumber = 2,
void set_dev(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_ino(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
class Ext4DiscardBlocksFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/3, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
Ext4DiscardBlocksFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit Ext4DiscardBlocksFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit Ext4DiscardBlocksFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_dev() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t dev() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_blk() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint64_t blk() const { return at<2>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_count() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
uint64_t count() const { return at<3>().as_uint64(); }
class Ext4DiscardBlocksFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = Ext4DiscardBlocksFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kDevFieldNumber = 1,
kBlkFieldNumber = 2,
kCountFieldNumber = 3,
void set_dev(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_blk(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_count(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
class Ext4DirectIOExitFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/6, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
Ext4DirectIOExitFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit Ext4DirectIOExitFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit Ext4DirectIOExitFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_dev() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t dev() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_ino() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint64_t ino() const { return at<2>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_pos() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
int64_t pos() const { return at<3>().as_int64(); }
bool has_len() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
uint64_t len() const { return at<4>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_rw() const { return at<5>().valid(); }
int32_t rw() const { return at<5>().as_int32(); }
bool has_ret() const { return at<6>().valid(); }
int32_t ret() const { return at<6>().as_int32(); }
class Ext4DirectIOExitFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = Ext4DirectIOExitFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kDevFieldNumber = 1,
kInoFieldNumber = 2,
kPosFieldNumber = 3,
kLenFieldNumber = 4,
kRwFieldNumber = 5,
kRetFieldNumber = 6,
void set_dev(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_ino(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_pos(int64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void set_len(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(4, value);
void set_rw(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(5, value);
void set_ret(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(6, value);
class Ext4DirectIOEnterFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/5, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
Ext4DirectIOEnterFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit Ext4DirectIOEnterFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit Ext4DirectIOEnterFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_dev() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t dev() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_ino() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint64_t ino() const { return at<2>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_pos() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
int64_t pos() const { return at<3>().as_int64(); }
bool has_len() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
uint64_t len() const { return at<4>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_rw() const { return at<5>().valid(); }
int32_t rw() const { return at<5>().as_int32(); }
class Ext4DirectIOEnterFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = Ext4DirectIOEnterFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kDevFieldNumber = 1,
kInoFieldNumber = 2,
kPosFieldNumber = 3,
kLenFieldNumber = 4,
kRwFieldNumber = 5,
void set_dev(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_ino(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_pos(int64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void set_len(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(4, value);
void set_rw(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(5, value);
class Ext4DaWritePagesExtentFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/5, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
Ext4DaWritePagesExtentFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit Ext4DaWritePagesExtentFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit Ext4DaWritePagesExtentFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_dev() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t dev() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_ino() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint64_t ino() const { return at<2>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_lblk() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
uint64_t lblk() const { return at<3>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_len() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
uint32_t len() const { return at<4>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_flags() const { return at<5>().valid(); }
uint32_t flags() const { return at<5>().as_uint32(); }
class Ext4DaWritePagesExtentFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = Ext4DaWritePagesExtentFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kDevFieldNumber = 1,
kInoFieldNumber = 2,
kLblkFieldNumber = 3,
kLenFieldNumber = 4,
kFlagsFieldNumber = 5,
void set_dev(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_ino(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_lblk(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void set_len(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(4, value);
void set_flags(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(5, value);
class Ext4DaWritePagesFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/10, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
Ext4DaWritePagesFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit Ext4DaWritePagesFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit Ext4DaWritePagesFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_dev() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t dev() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_ino() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint64_t ino() const { return at<2>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_first_page() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
uint64_t first_page() const { return at<3>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_nr_to_write() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
int64_t nr_to_write() const { return at<4>().as_int64(); }
bool has_sync_mode() const { return at<5>().valid(); }
int32_t sync_mode() const { return at<5>().as_int32(); }
bool has_b_blocknr() const { return at<6>().valid(); }
uint64_t b_blocknr() const { return at<6>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_b_size() const { return at<7>().valid(); }
uint32_t b_size() const { return at<7>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_b_state() const { return at<8>().valid(); }
uint32_t b_state() const { return at<8>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_io_done() const { return at<9>().valid(); }
int32_t io_done() const { return at<9>().as_int32(); }
bool has_pages_written() const { return at<10>().valid(); }
int32_t pages_written() const { return at<10>().as_int32(); }
class Ext4DaWritePagesFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = Ext4DaWritePagesFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kDevFieldNumber = 1,
kInoFieldNumber = 2,
kFirstPageFieldNumber = 3,
kNrToWriteFieldNumber = 4,
kSyncModeFieldNumber = 5,
kBBlocknrFieldNumber = 6,
kBSizeFieldNumber = 7,
kBStateFieldNumber = 8,
kIoDoneFieldNumber = 9,
kPagesWrittenFieldNumber = 10,
void set_dev(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_ino(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_first_page(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void set_nr_to_write(int64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(4, value);
void set_sync_mode(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(5, value);
void set_b_blocknr(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(6, value);
void set_b_size(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(7, value);
void set_b_state(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(8, value);
void set_io_done(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(9, value);
void set_pages_written(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(10, value);
class Ext4DaUpdateReserveSpaceFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/9, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
Ext4DaUpdateReserveSpaceFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit Ext4DaUpdateReserveSpaceFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit Ext4DaUpdateReserveSpaceFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_dev() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t dev() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_ino() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint64_t ino() const { return at<2>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_i_blocks() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
uint64_t i_blocks() const { return at<3>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_used_blocks() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
int32_t used_blocks() const { return at<4>().as_int32(); }
bool has_reserved_data_blocks() const { return at<5>().valid(); }
int32_t reserved_data_blocks() const { return at<5>().as_int32(); }
bool has_reserved_meta_blocks() const { return at<6>().valid(); }
int32_t reserved_meta_blocks() const { return at<6>().as_int32(); }
bool has_allocated_meta_blocks() const { return at<7>().valid(); }
int32_t allocated_meta_blocks() const { return at<7>().as_int32(); }
bool has_quota_claim() const { return at<8>().valid(); }
int32_t quota_claim() const { return at<8>().as_int32(); }
bool has_mode() const { return at<9>().valid(); }
uint32_t mode() const { return at<9>().as_uint32(); }
class Ext4DaUpdateReserveSpaceFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = Ext4DaUpdateReserveSpaceFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kDevFieldNumber = 1,
kInoFieldNumber = 2,
kIBlocksFieldNumber = 3,
kUsedBlocksFieldNumber = 4,
kReservedDataBlocksFieldNumber = 5,
kReservedMetaBlocksFieldNumber = 6,
kAllocatedMetaBlocksFieldNumber = 7,
kQuotaClaimFieldNumber = 8,
kModeFieldNumber = 9,
void set_dev(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_ino(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_i_blocks(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void set_used_blocks(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(4, value);
void set_reserved_data_blocks(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(5, value);
void set_reserved_meta_blocks(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(6, value);
void set_allocated_meta_blocks(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(7, value);
void set_quota_claim(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(8, value);
void set_mode(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(9, value);
class Ext4DaReserveSpaceFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/7, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
Ext4DaReserveSpaceFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit Ext4DaReserveSpaceFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit Ext4DaReserveSpaceFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_dev() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t dev() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_ino() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint64_t ino() const { return at<2>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_i_blocks() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
uint64_t i_blocks() const { return at<3>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_reserved_data_blocks() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
int32_t reserved_data_blocks() const { return at<4>().as_int32(); }
bool has_reserved_meta_blocks() const { return at<5>().valid(); }
int32_t reserved_meta_blocks() const { return at<5>().as_int32(); }
bool has_mode() const { return at<6>().valid(); }
uint32_t mode() const { return at<6>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_md_needed() const { return at<7>().valid(); }
int32_t md_needed() const { return at<7>().as_int32(); }
class Ext4DaReserveSpaceFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = Ext4DaReserveSpaceFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kDevFieldNumber = 1,
kInoFieldNumber = 2,
kIBlocksFieldNumber = 3,
kReservedDataBlocksFieldNumber = 4,
kReservedMetaBlocksFieldNumber = 5,
kModeFieldNumber = 6,
kMdNeededFieldNumber = 7,
void set_dev(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_ino(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_i_blocks(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void set_reserved_data_blocks(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(4, value);
void set_reserved_meta_blocks(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(5, value);
void set_mode(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(6, value);
void set_md_needed(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(7, value);
class Ext4DaReleaseSpaceFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/8, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
Ext4DaReleaseSpaceFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit Ext4DaReleaseSpaceFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit Ext4DaReleaseSpaceFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_dev() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t dev() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_ino() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint64_t ino() const { return at<2>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_i_blocks() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
uint64_t i_blocks() const { return at<3>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_freed_blocks() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
int32_t freed_blocks() const { return at<4>().as_int32(); }
bool has_reserved_data_blocks() const { return at<5>().valid(); }
int32_t reserved_data_blocks() const { return at<5>().as_int32(); }
bool has_reserved_meta_blocks() const { return at<6>().valid(); }
int32_t reserved_meta_blocks() const { return at<6>().as_int32(); }
bool has_allocated_meta_blocks() const { return at<7>().valid(); }
int32_t allocated_meta_blocks() const { return at<7>().as_int32(); }
bool has_mode() const { return at<8>().valid(); }
uint32_t mode() const { return at<8>().as_uint32(); }
class Ext4DaReleaseSpaceFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = Ext4DaReleaseSpaceFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kDevFieldNumber = 1,
kInoFieldNumber = 2,
kIBlocksFieldNumber = 3,
kFreedBlocksFieldNumber = 4,
kReservedDataBlocksFieldNumber = 5,
kReservedMetaBlocksFieldNumber = 6,
kAllocatedMetaBlocksFieldNumber = 7,
kModeFieldNumber = 8,
void set_dev(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_ino(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_i_blocks(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void set_freed_blocks(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(4, value);
void set_reserved_data_blocks(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(5, value);
void set_reserved_meta_blocks(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(6, value);
void set_allocated_meta_blocks(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(7, value);
void set_mode(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(8, value);
class Ext4CollapseRangeFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/4, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
Ext4CollapseRangeFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit Ext4CollapseRangeFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit Ext4CollapseRangeFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_dev() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t dev() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_ino() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint64_t ino() const { return at<2>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_offset() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
int64_t offset() const { return at<3>().as_int64(); }
bool has_len() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
int64_t len() const { return at<4>().as_int64(); }
class Ext4CollapseRangeFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = Ext4CollapseRangeFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kDevFieldNumber = 1,
kInoFieldNumber = 2,
kOffsetFieldNumber = 3,
kLenFieldNumber = 4,
void set_dev(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_ino(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_offset(int64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void set_len(int64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(4, value);
class Ext4BeginOrderedTruncateFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/3, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
Ext4BeginOrderedTruncateFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit Ext4BeginOrderedTruncateFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit Ext4BeginOrderedTruncateFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_dev() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t dev() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_ino() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint64_t ino() const { return at<2>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_new_size() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
int64_t new_size() const { return at<3>().as_int64(); }
class Ext4BeginOrderedTruncateFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = Ext4BeginOrderedTruncateFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kDevFieldNumber = 1,
kInoFieldNumber = 2,
kNewSizeFieldNumber = 3,
void set_dev(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_ino(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_new_size(int64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
class Ext4AllocateInodeFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/4, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
Ext4AllocateInodeFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit Ext4AllocateInodeFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit Ext4AllocateInodeFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_dev() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t dev() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_ino() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint64_t ino() const { return at<2>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_dir() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
uint64_t dir() const { return at<3>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_mode() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
uint32_t mode() const { return at<4>().as_uint32(); }
class Ext4AllocateInodeFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = Ext4AllocateInodeFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kDevFieldNumber = 1,
kInoFieldNumber = 2,
kDirFieldNumber = 3,
kModeFieldNumber = 4,
void set_dev(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_ino(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_dir(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void set_mode(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(4, value);
class Ext4AllocateBlocksFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/11, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
Ext4AllocateBlocksFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit Ext4AllocateBlocksFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit Ext4AllocateBlocksFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_dev() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t dev() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_ino() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint64_t ino() const { return at<2>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_block() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
uint64_t block() const { return at<3>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_len() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
uint32_t len() const { return at<4>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_logical() const { return at<5>().valid(); }
uint32_t logical() const { return at<5>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_lleft() const { return at<6>().valid(); }
uint32_t lleft() const { return at<6>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_lright() const { return at<7>().valid(); }
uint32_t lright() const { return at<7>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_goal() const { return at<8>().valid(); }
uint64_t goal() const { return at<8>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_pleft() const { return at<9>().valid(); }
uint64_t pleft() const { return at<9>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_pright() const { return at<10>().valid(); }
uint64_t pright() const { return at<10>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_flags() const { return at<11>().valid(); }
uint32_t flags() const { return at<11>().as_uint32(); }
class Ext4AllocateBlocksFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = Ext4AllocateBlocksFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kDevFieldNumber = 1,
kInoFieldNumber = 2,
kBlockFieldNumber = 3,
kLenFieldNumber = 4,
kLogicalFieldNumber = 5,
kLleftFieldNumber = 6,
kLrightFieldNumber = 7,
kGoalFieldNumber = 8,
kPleftFieldNumber = 9,
kPrightFieldNumber = 10,
kFlagsFieldNumber = 11,
void set_dev(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_ino(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_block(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void set_len(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(4, value);
void set_logical(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(5, value);
void set_lleft(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(6, value);
void set_lright(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(7, value);
void set_goal(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(8, value);
void set_pleft(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(9, value);
void set_pright(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(10, value);
void set_flags(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(11, value);
class Ext4AllocDaBlocksFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/4, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
Ext4AllocDaBlocksFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit Ext4AllocDaBlocksFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit Ext4AllocDaBlocksFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_dev() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t dev() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_ino() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint64_t ino() const { return at<2>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_data_blocks() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
uint32_t data_blocks() const { return at<3>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_meta_blocks() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
uint32_t meta_blocks() const { return at<4>().as_uint32(); }
class Ext4AllocDaBlocksFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = Ext4AllocDaBlocksFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kDevFieldNumber = 1,
kInoFieldNumber = 2,
kDataBlocksFieldNumber = 3,
kMetaBlocksFieldNumber = 4,
void set_dev(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_ino(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_data_blocks(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void set_meta_blocks(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(4, value);
class Ext4SyncFileExitFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/3, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
Ext4SyncFileExitFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit Ext4SyncFileExitFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit Ext4SyncFileExitFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_dev() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t dev() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_ino() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint64_t ino() const { return at<2>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_ret() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
int32_t ret() const { return at<3>().as_int32(); }
class Ext4SyncFileExitFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = Ext4SyncFileExitFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kDevFieldNumber = 1,
kInoFieldNumber = 2,
kRetFieldNumber = 3,
void set_dev(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_ino(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_ret(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
class Ext4SyncFileEnterFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/4, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
Ext4SyncFileEnterFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit Ext4SyncFileEnterFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit Ext4SyncFileEnterFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_dev() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t dev() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_ino() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint64_t ino() const { return at<2>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_parent() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
uint64_t parent() const { return at<3>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_datasync() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
int32_t datasync() const { return at<4>().as_int32(); }
class Ext4SyncFileEnterFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = Ext4SyncFileEnterFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kDevFieldNumber = 1,
kInoFieldNumber = 2,
kParentFieldNumber = 3,
kDatasyncFieldNumber = 4,
void set_dev(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_ino(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_parent(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void set_datasync(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(4, value);
class Ext4DaWriteEndFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/5, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
Ext4DaWriteEndFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit Ext4DaWriteEndFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit Ext4DaWriteEndFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_dev() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t dev() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_ino() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint64_t ino() const { return at<2>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_pos() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
int64_t pos() const { return at<3>().as_int64(); }
bool has_len() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
uint32_t len() const { return at<4>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_copied() const { return at<5>().valid(); }
uint32_t copied() const { return at<5>().as_uint32(); }
class Ext4DaWriteEndFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = Ext4DaWriteEndFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kDevFieldNumber = 1,
kInoFieldNumber = 2,
kPosFieldNumber = 3,
kLenFieldNumber = 4,
kCopiedFieldNumber = 5,
void set_dev(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_ino(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_pos(int64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void set_len(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(4, value);
void set_copied(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(5, value);
class Ext4DaWriteBeginFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/5, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
Ext4DaWriteBeginFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit Ext4DaWriteBeginFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit Ext4DaWriteBeginFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_dev() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t dev() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_ino() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint64_t ino() const { return at<2>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_pos() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
int64_t pos() const { return at<3>().as_int64(); }
bool has_len() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
uint32_t len() const { return at<4>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_flags() const { return at<5>().valid(); }
uint32_t flags() const { return at<5>().as_uint32(); }
class Ext4DaWriteBeginFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = Ext4DaWriteBeginFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kDevFieldNumber = 1,
kInoFieldNumber = 2,
kPosFieldNumber = 3,
kLenFieldNumber = 4,
kFlagsFieldNumber = 5,
void set_dev(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_ino(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_pos(int64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void set_len(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(4, value);
void set_flags(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(5, value);
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
#endif // Include guard.
// gen_amalgamated begin header: gen/protos/perfetto/trace/ftrace/f2fs.pbzero.h
// Autogenerated by the ProtoZero compiler plugin. DO NOT EDIT.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/message.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/packed_repeated_fields.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_decoder.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_utils.h"
namespace perfetto {
namespace protos {
namespace pbzero {
class F2fsWriteEndFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/5, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
F2fsWriteEndFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit F2fsWriteEndFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit F2fsWriteEndFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_dev() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t dev() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_ino() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint64_t ino() const { return at<2>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_pos() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
int64_t pos() const { return at<3>().as_int64(); }
bool has_len() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
uint32_t len() const { return at<4>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_copied() const { return at<5>().valid(); }
uint32_t copied() const { return at<5>().as_uint32(); }
class F2fsWriteEndFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = F2fsWriteEndFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kDevFieldNumber = 1,
kInoFieldNumber = 2,
kPosFieldNumber = 3,
kLenFieldNumber = 4,
kCopiedFieldNumber = 5,
void set_dev(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_ino(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_pos(int64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void set_len(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(4, value);
void set_copied(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(5, value);
class F2fsWriteCheckpointFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/3, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
F2fsWriteCheckpointFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit F2fsWriteCheckpointFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit F2fsWriteCheckpointFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_dev() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t dev() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_is_umount() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint32_t is_umount() const { return at<2>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_msg() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars msg() const { return at<3>().as_string(); }
class F2fsWriteCheckpointFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = F2fsWriteCheckpointFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kDevFieldNumber = 1,
kIsUmountFieldNumber = 2,
kMsgFieldNumber = 3,
void set_dev(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_is_umount(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_msg(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(3,, value.size());
void set_msg(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(3, data, size);
class F2fsWriteBeginFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/5, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
F2fsWriteBeginFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit F2fsWriteBeginFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit F2fsWriteBeginFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_dev() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t dev() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_ino() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint64_t ino() const { return at<2>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_pos() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
int64_t pos() const { return at<3>().as_int64(); }
bool has_len() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
uint32_t len() const { return at<4>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_flags() const { return at<5>().valid(); }
uint32_t flags() const { return at<5>().as_uint32(); }
class F2fsWriteBeginFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = F2fsWriteBeginFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kDevFieldNumber = 1,
kInoFieldNumber = 2,
kPosFieldNumber = 3,
kLenFieldNumber = 4,
kFlagsFieldNumber = 5,
void set_dev(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_ino(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_pos(int64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void set_len(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(4, value);
void set_flags(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(5, value);
class F2fsVmPageMkwriteFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/6, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
F2fsVmPageMkwriteFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit F2fsVmPageMkwriteFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit F2fsVmPageMkwriteFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_dev() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t dev() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_ino() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint64_t ino() const { return at<2>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_type() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
int32_t type() const { return at<3>().as_int32(); }
bool has_dir() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
int32_t dir() const { return at<4>().as_int32(); }
bool has_index() const { return at<5>().valid(); }
uint64_t index() const { return at<5>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_dirty() const { return at<6>().valid(); }
int32_t dirty() const { return at<6>().as_int32(); }
class F2fsVmPageMkwriteFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = F2fsVmPageMkwriteFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kDevFieldNumber = 1,
kInoFieldNumber = 2,
kTypeFieldNumber = 3,
kDirFieldNumber = 4,
kIndexFieldNumber = 5,
kDirtyFieldNumber = 6,
void set_dev(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_ino(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_type(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void set_dir(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(4, value);
void set_index(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(5, value);
void set_dirty(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(6, value);
class F2fsUnlinkExitFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/3, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
F2fsUnlinkExitFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit F2fsUnlinkExitFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit F2fsUnlinkExitFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_dev() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t dev() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_ino() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint64_t ino() const { return at<2>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_ret() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
int32_t ret() const { return at<3>().as_int32(); }
class F2fsUnlinkExitFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = F2fsUnlinkExitFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kDevFieldNumber = 1,
kInoFieldNumber = 2,
kRetFieldNumber = 3,
void set_dev(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_ino(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_ret(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
class F2fsUnlinkEnterFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/5, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
F2fsUnlinkEnterFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit F2fsUnlinkEnterFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit F2fsUnlinkEnterFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_dev() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t dev() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_ino() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint64_t ino() const { return at<2>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_size() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
int64_t size() const { return at<3>().as_int64(); }
bool has_blocks() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
uint64_t blocks() const { return at<4>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_name() const { return at<5>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars name() const { return at<5>().as_string(); }
class F2fsUnlinkEnterFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = F2fsUnlinkEnterFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kDevFieldNumber = 1,
kInoFieldNumber = 2,
kSizeFieldNumber = 3,
kBlocksFieldNumber = 4,
kNameFieldNumber = 5,
void set_dev(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_ino(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_size(int64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void set_blocks(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(4, value);
void set_name(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(5,, value.size());
void set_name(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(5, data, size);
class F2fsTruncatePartialNodesFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/5, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
F2fsTruncatePartialNodesFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit F2fsTruncatePartialNodesFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit F2fsTruncatePartialNodesFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_dev() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t dev() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_ino() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint64_t ino() const { return at<2>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_nid() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
uint32_t nid() const { return at<3>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_depth() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
int32_t depth() const { return at<4>().as_int32(); }
bool has_err() const { return at<5>().valid(); }
int32_t err() const { return at<5>().as_int32(); }
class F2fsTruncatePartialNodesFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = F2fsTruncatePartialNodesFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kDevFieldNumber = 1,
kInoFieldNumber = 2,
kNidFieldNumber = 3,
kDepthFieldNumber = 4,
kErrFieldNumber = 5,
void set_dev(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_ino(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_nid(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void set_depth(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(4, value);
void set_err(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(5, value);
class F2fsTruncateNodesExitFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/3, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
F2fsTruncateNodesExitFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit F2fsTruncateNodesExitFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit F2fsTruncateNodesExitFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_dev() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t dev() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_ino() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint64_t ino() const { return at<2>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_ret() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
int32_t ret() const { return at<3>().as_int32(); }
class F2fsTruncateNodesExitFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = F2fsTruncateNodesExitFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kDevFieldNumber = 1,
kInoFieldNumber = 2,
kRetFieldNumber = 3,
void set_dev(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_ino(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_ret(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
class F2fsTruncateNodesEnterFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/4, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
F2fsTruncateNodesEnterFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit F2fsTruncateNodesEnterFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit F2fsTruncateNodesEnterFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_dev() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t dev() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_ino() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint64_t ino() const { return at<2>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_nid() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
uint32_t nid() const { return at<3>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_blk_addr() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
uint32_t blk_addr() const { return at<4>().as_uint32(); }
class F2fsTruncateNodesEnterFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = F2fsTruncateNodesEnterFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kDevFieldNumber = 1,
kInoFieldNumber = 2,
kNidFieldNumber = 3,
kBlkAddrFieldNumber = 4,
void set_dev(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_ino(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_nid(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void set_blk_addr(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(4, value);
class F2fsTruncateNodeFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/4, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
F2fsTruncateNodeFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit F2fsTruncateNodeFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit F2fsTruncateNodeFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_dev() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t dev() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_ino() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint64_t ino() const { return at<2>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_nid() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
uint32_t nid() const { return at<3>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_blk_addr() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
uint32_t blk_addr() const { return at<4>().as_uint32(); }
class F2fsTruncateNodeFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = F2fsTruncateNodeFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kDevFieldNumber = 1,
kInoFieldNumber = 2,
kNidFieldNumber = 3,
kBlkAddrFieldNumber = 4,
void set_dev(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_ino(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_nid(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void set_blk_addr(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(4, value);
class F2fsTruncateInodeBlocksExitFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/3, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
F2fsTruncateInodeBlocksExitFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit F2fsTruncateInodeBlocksExitFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit F2fsTruncateInodeBlocksExitFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_dev() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t dev() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_ino() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint64_t ino() const { return at<2>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_ret() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
int32_t ret() const { return at<3>().as_int32(); }
class F2fsTruncateInodeBlocksExitFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = F2fsTruncateInodeBlocksExitFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kDevFieldNumber = 1,
kInoFieldNumber = 2,
kRetFieldNumber = 3,
void set_dev(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_ino(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_ret(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
class F2fsTruncateInodeBlocksEnterFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/5, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
F2fsTruncateInodeBlocksEnterFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit F2fsTruncateInodeBlocksEnterFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit F2fsTruncateInodeBlocksEnterFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_dev() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t dev() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_ino() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint64_t ino() const { return at<2>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_size() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
int64_t size() const { return at<3>().as_int64(); }
bool has_blocks() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
uint64_t blocks() const { return at<4>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_from() const { return at<5>().valid(); }
uint64_t from() const { return at<5>().as_uint64(); }
class F2fsTruncateInodeBlocksEnterFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = F2fsTruncateInodeBlocksEnterFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kDevFieldNumber = 1,
kInoFieldNumber = 2,
kSizeFieldNumber = 3,
kBlocksFieldNumber = 4,
kFromFieldNumber = 5,
void set_dev(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_ino(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_size(int64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void set_blocks(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(4, value);
void set_from(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(5, value);
class F2fsTruncateDataBlocksRangeFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/5, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
F2fsTruncateDataBlocksRangeFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit F2fsTruncateDataBlocksRangeFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit F2fsTruncateDataBlocksRangeFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_dev() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t dev() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_ino() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint64_t ino() const { return at<2>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_nid() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
uint32_t nid() const { return at<3>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_ofs() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
uint32_t ofs() const { return at<4>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_free() const { return at<5>().valid(); }
int32_t free() const { return at<5>().as_int32(); }
class F2fsTruncateDataBlocksRangeFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = F2fsTruncateDataBlocksRangeFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kDevFieldNumber = 1,
kInoFieldNumber = 2,
kNidFieldNumber = 3,
kOfsFieldNumber = 4,
kFreeFieldNumber = 5,
void set_dev(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_ino(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_nid(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void set_ofs(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(4, value);
void set_free(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(5, value);
class F2fsTruncateBlocksExitFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/3, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
F2fsTruncateBlocksExitFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit F2fsTruncateBlocksExitFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit F2fsTruncateBlocksExitFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_dev() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t dev() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_ino() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint64_t ino() const { return at<2>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_ret() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
int32_t ret() const { return at<3>().as_int32(); }
class F2fsTruncateBlocksExitFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = F2fsTruncateBlocksExitFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kDevFieldNumber = 1,
kInoFieldNumber = 2,
kRetFieldNumber = 3,
void set_dev(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_ino(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_ret(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
class F2fsTruncateBlocksEnterFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/5, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
F2fsTruncateBlocksEnterFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit F2fsTruncateBlocksEnterFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit F2fsTruncateBlocksEnterFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_dev() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t dev() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_ino() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint64_t ino() const { return at<2>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_size() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
int64_t size() const { return at<3>().as_int64(); }
bool has_blocks() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
uint64_t blocks() const { return at<4>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_from() const { return at<5>().valid(); }
uint64_t from() const { return at<5>().as_uint64(); }
class F2fsTruncateBlocksEnterFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = F2fsTruncateBlocksEnterFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kDevFieldNumber = 1,
kInoFieldNumber = 2,
kSizeFieldNumber = 3,
kBlocksFieldNumber = 4,
kFromFieldNumber = 5,
void set_dev(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_ino(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_size(int64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void set_blocks(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(4, value);
void set_from(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(5, value);
class F2fsTruncateFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/8, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
F2fsTruncateFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit F2fsTruncateFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit F2fsTruncateFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_dev() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t dev() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_ino() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint64_t ino() const { return at<2>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_pino() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
uint64_t pino() const { return at<3>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_mode() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
uint32_t mode() const { return at<4>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_size() const { return at<5>().valid(); }
int64_t size() const { return at<5>().as_int64(); }
bool has_nlink() const { return at<6>().valid(); }
uint32_t nlink() const { return at<6>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_blocks() const { return at<7>().valid(); }
uint64_t blocks() const { return at<7>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_advise() const { return at<8>().valid(); }
uint32_t advise() const { return at<8>().as_uint32(); }
class F2fsTruncateFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = F2fsTruncateFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kDevFieldNumber = 1,
kInoFieldNumber = 2,
kPinoFieldNumber = 3,
kModeFieldNumber = 4,
kSizeFieldNumber = 5,
kNlinkFieldNumber = 6,
kBlocksFieldNumber = 7,
kAdviseFieldNumber = 8,
void set_dev(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_ino(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_pino(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void set_mode(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(4, value);
void set_size(int64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(5, value);
void set_nlink(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(6, value);
void set_blocks(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(7, value);
void set_advise(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(8, value);
class F2fsSyncFsFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/3, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
F2fsSyncFsFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit F2fsSyncFsFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit F2fsSyncFsFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_dev() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t dev() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_dirty() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
int32_t dirty() const { return at<2>().as_int32(); }
bool has_wait() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
int32_t wait() const { return at<3>().as_int32(); }
class F2fsSyncFsFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = F2fsSyncFsFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kDevFieldNumber = 1,
kDirtyFieldNumber = 2,
kWaitFieldNumber = 3,
void set_dev(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_dirty(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_wait(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
class F2fsSyncFileExitFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/5, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
F2fsSyncFileExitFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit F2fsSyncFileExitFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit F2fsSyncFileExitFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_dev() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t dev() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_ino() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint64_t ino() const { return at<2>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_need_cp() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
uint32_t need_cp() const { return at<3>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_datasync() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
int32_t datasync() const { return at<4>().as_int32(); }
bool has_ret() const { return at<5>().valid(); }
int32_t ret() const { return at<5>().as_int32(); }
class F2fsSyncFileExitFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = F2fsSyncFileExitFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kDevFieldNumber = 1,
kInoFieldNumber = 2,
kNeedCpFieldNumber = 3,
kDatasyncFieldNumber = 4,
kRetFieldNumber = 5,
void set_dev(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_ino(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_need_cp(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void set_datasync(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(4, value);
void set_ret(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(5, value);
class F2fsSyncFileEnterFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/8, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
F2fsSyncFileEnterFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit F2fsSyncFileEnterFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit F2fsSyncFileEnterFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_dev() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t dev() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_ino() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint64_t ino() const { return at<2>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_pino() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
uint64_t pino() const { return at<3>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_mode() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
uint32_t mode() const { return at<4>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_size() const { return at<5>().valid(); }
int64_t size() const { return at<5>().as_int64(); }
bool has_nlink() const { return at<6>().valid(); }
uint32_t nlink() const { return at<6>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_blocks() const { return at<7>().valid(); }
uint64_t blocks() const { return at<7>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_advise() const { return at<8>().valid(); }
uint32_t advise() const { return at<8>().as_uint32(); }
class F2fsSyncFileEnterFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = F2fsSyncFileEnterFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kDevFieldNumber = 1,
kInoFieldNumber = 2,
kPinoFieldNumber = 3,
kModeFieldNumber = 4,
kSizeFieldNumber = 5,
kNlinkFieldNumber = 6,
kBlocksFieldNumber = 7,
kAdviseFieldNumber = 8,
void set_dev(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_ino(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_pino(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void set_mode(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(4, value);
void set_size(int64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(5, value);
void set_nlink(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(6, value);
void set_blocks(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(7, value);
void set_advise(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(8, value);
class F2fsSubmitWritePageFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/5, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
F2fsSubmitWritePageFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit F2fsSubmitWritePageFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit F2fsSubmitWritePageFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_dev() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t dev() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_ino() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint64_t ino() const { return at<2>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_type() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
int32_t type() const { return at<3>().as_int32(); }
bool has_index() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
uint64_t index() const { return at<4>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_block() const { return at<5>().valid(); }
uint32_t block() const { return at<5>().as_uint32(); }
class F2fsSubmitWritePageFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = F2fsSubmitWritePageFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kDevFieldNumber = 1,
kInoFieldNumber = 2,
kTypeFieldNumber = 3,
kIndexFieldNumber = 4,
kBlockFieldNumber = 5,
void set_dev(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_ino(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_type(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void set_index(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(4, value);
void set_block(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(5, value);
class F2fsSetPageDirtyFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/6, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
F2fsSetPageDirtyFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit F2fsSetPageDirtyFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit F2fsSetPageDirtyFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_dev() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t dev() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_ino() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint64_t ino() const { return at<2>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_type() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
int32_t type() const { return at<3>().as_int32(); }
bool has_dir() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
int32_t dir() const { return at<4>().as_int32(); }
bool has_index() const { return at<5>().valid(); }
uint64_t index() const { return at<5>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_dirty() const { return at<6>().valid(); }
int32_t dirty() const { return at<6>().as_int32(); }
class F2fsSetPageDirtyFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = F2fsSetPageDirtyFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kDevFieldNumber = 1,
kInoFieldNumber = 2,
kTypeFieldNumber = 3,
kDirFieldNumber = 4,
kIndexFieldNumber = 5,
kDirtyFieldNumber = 6,
void set_dev(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_ino(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_type(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void set_dir(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(4, value);
void set_index(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(5, value);
void set_dirty(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(6, value);
class F2fsReserveNewBlockFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/3, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
F2fsReserveNewBlockFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit F2fsReserveNewBlockFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit F2fsReserveNewBlockFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_dev() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t dev() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_nid() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint32_t nid() const { return at<2>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_ofs_in_node() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
uint32_t ofs_in_node() const { return at<3>().as_uint32(); }
class F2fsReserveNewBlockFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = F2fsReserveNewBlockFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kDevFieldNumber = 1,
kNidFieldNumber = 2,
kOfsInNodeFieldNumber = 3,
void set_dev(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_nid(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_ofs_in_node(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
class F2fsReadpageFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/5, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
F2fsReadpageFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit F2fsReadpageFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit F2fsReadpageFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_dev() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t dev() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_ino() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint64_t ino() const { return at<2>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_index() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
uint64_t index() const { return at<3>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_blkaddr() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
uint64_t blkaddr() const { return at<4>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_type() const { return at<5>().valid(); }
int32_t type() const { return at<5>().as_int32(); }
class F2fsReadpageFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = F2fsReadpageFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kDevFieldNumber = 1,
kInoFieldNumber = 2,
kIndexFieldNumber = 3,
kBlkaddrFieldNumber = 4,
kTypeFieldNumber = 5,
void set_dev(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_ino(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_index(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void set_blkaddr(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(4, value);
void set_type(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(5, value);
class F2fsNewInodeFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/3, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
F2fsNewInodeFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit F2fsNewInodeFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit F2fsNewInodeFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_dev() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t dev() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_ino() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint64_t ino() const { return at<2>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_ret() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
int32_t ret() const { return at<3>().as_int32(); }
class F2fsNewInodeFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = F2fsNewInodeFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kDevFieldNumber = 1,
kInoFieldNumber = 2,
kRetFieldNumber = 3,
void set_dev(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_ino(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_ret(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
class F2fsIgetExitFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/3, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
F2fsIgetExitFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit F2fsIgetExitFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit F2fsIgetExitFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_dev() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t dev() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_ino() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint64_t ino() const { return at<2>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_ret() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
int32_t ret() const { return at<3>().as_int32(); }
class F2fsIgetExitFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = F2fsIgetExitFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kDevFieldNumber = 1,
kInoFieldNumber = 2,
kRetFieldNumber = 3,
void set_dev(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_ino(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_ret(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
class F2fsIgetFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/8, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
F2fsIgetFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit F2fsIgetFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit F2fsIgetFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_dev() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t dev() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_ino() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint64_t ino() const { return at<2>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_pino() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
uint64_t pino() const { return at<3>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_mode() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
uint32_t mode() const { return at<4>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_size() const { return at<5>().valid(); }
int64_t size() const { return at<5>().as_int64(); }
bool has_nlink() const { return at<6>().valid(); }
uint32_t nlink() const { return at<6>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_blocks() const { return at<7>().valid(); }
uint64_t blocks() const { return at<7>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_advise() const { return at<8>().valid(); }
uint32_t advise() const { return at<8>().as_uint32(); }
class F2fsIgetFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = F2fsIgetFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kDevFieldNumber = 1,
kInoFieldNumber = 2,
kPinoFieldNumber = 3,
kModeFieldNumber = 4,
kSizeFieldNumber = 5,
kNlinkFieldNumber = 6,
kBlocksFieldNumber = 7,
kAdviseFieldNumber = 8,
void set_dev(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_ino(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_pino(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void set_mode(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(4, value);
void set_size(int64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(5, value);
void set_nlink(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(6, value);
void set_blocks(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(7, value);
void set_advise(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(8, value);
class F2fsGetVictimFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/10, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
F2fsGetVictimFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit F2fsGetVictimFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit F2fsGetVictimFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_dev() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t dev() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_type() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
int32_t type() const { return at<2>().as_int32(); }
bool has_gc_type() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
int32_t gc_type() const { return at<3>().as_int32(); }
bool has_alloc_mode() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
int32_t alloc_mode() const { return at<4>().as_int32(); }
bool has_gc_mode() const { return at<5>().valid(); }
int32_t gc_mode() const { return at<5>().as_int32(); }
bool has_victim() const { return at<6>().valid(); }
uint32_t victim() const { return at<6>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_ofs_unit() const { return at<7>().valid(); }
uint32_t ofs_unit() const { return at<7>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_pre_victim() const { return at<8>().valid(); }
uint32_t pre_victim() const { return at<8>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_prefree() const { return at<9>().valid(); }
uint32_t prefree() const { return at<9>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_free() const { return at<10>().valid(); }
uint32_t free() const { return at<10>().as_uint32(); }
class F2fsGetVictimFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = F2fsGetVictimFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kDevFieldNumber = 1,
kTypeFieldNumber = 2,
kGcTypeFieldNumber = 3,
kAllocModeFieldNumber = 4,
kGcModeFieldNumber = 5,
kVictimFieldNumber = 6,
kOfsUnitFieldNumber = 7,
kPreVictimFieldNumber = 8,
kPrefreeFieldNumber = 9,
kFreeFieldNumber = 10,
void set_dev(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_type(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_gc_type(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void set_alloc_mode(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(4, value);
void set_gc_mode(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(5, value);
void set_victim(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(6, value);
void set_ofs_unit(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(7, value);
void set_pre_victim(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(8, value);
void set_prefree(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(9, value);
void set_free(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(10, value);
class F2fsGetDataBlockFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/6, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
F2fsGetDataBlockFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit F2fsGetDataBlockFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit F2fsGetDataBlockFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_dev() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t dev() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_ino() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint64_t ino() const { return at<2>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_iblock() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
uint64_t iblock() const { return at<3>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_bh_start() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
uint64_t bh_start() const { return at<4>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_bh_size() const { return at<5>().valid(); }
uint64_t bh_size() const { return at<5>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_ret() const { return at<6>().valid(); }
int32_t ret() const { return at<6>().as_int32(); }
class F2fsGetDataBlockFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = F2fsGetDataBlockFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kDevFieldNumber = 1,
kInoFieldNumber = 2,
kIblockFieldNumber = 3,
kBhStartFieldNumber = 4,
kBhSizeFieldNumber = 5,
kRetFieldNumber = 6,
void set_dev(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_ino(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_iblock(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void set_bh_start(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(4, value);
void set_bh_size(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(5, value);
void set_ret(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(6, value);
class F2fsFallocateFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/8, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
F2fsFallocateFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit F2fsFallocateFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit F2fsFallocateFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_dev() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t dev() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_ino() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint64_t ino() const { return at<2>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_mode() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
int32_t mode() const { return at<3>().as_int32(); }
bool has_offset() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
int64_t offset() const { return at<4>().as_int64(); }
bool has_len() const { return at<5>().valid(); }
int64_t len() const { return at<5>().as_int64(); }
bool has_size() const { return at<6>().valid(); }
int64_t size() const { return at<6>().as_int64(); }
bool has_blocks() const { return at<7>().valid(); }
uint64_t blocks() const { return at<7>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_ret() const { return at<8>().valid(); }
int32_t ret() const { return at<8>().as_int32(); }
class F2fsFallocateFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = F2fsFallocateFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kDevFieldNumber = 1,
kInoFieldNumber = 2,
kModeFieldNumber = 3,
kOffsetFieldNumber = 4,
kLenFieldNumber = 5,
kSizeFieldNumber = 6,
kBlocksFieldNumber = 7,
kRetFieldNumber = 8,
void set_dev(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_ino(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_mode(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void set_offset(int64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(4, value);
void set_len(int64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(5, value);
void set_size(int64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(6, value);
void set_blocks(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(7, value);
void set_ret(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(8, value);
class F2fsEvictInodeFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/8, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
F2fsEvictInodeFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit F2fsEvictInodeFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit F2fsEvictInodeFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_dev() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t dev() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_ino() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint64_t ino() const { return at<2>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_pino() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
uint64_t pino() const { return at<3>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_mode() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
uint32_t mode() const { return at<4>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_size() const { return at<5>().valid(); }
int64_t size() const { return at<5>().as_int64(); }
bool has_nlink() const { return at<6>().valid(); }
uint32_t nlink() const { return at<6>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_blocks() const { return at<7>().valid(); }
uint64_t blocks() const { return at<7>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_advise() const { return at<8>().valid(); }
uint32_t advise() const { return at<8>().as_uint32(); }
class F2fsEvictInodeFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = F2fsEvictInodeFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kDevFieldNumber = 1,
kInoFieldNumber = 2,
kPinoFieldNumber = 3,
kModeFieldNumber = 4,
kSizeFieldNumber = 5,
kNlinkFieldNumber = 6,
kBlocksFieldNumber = 7,
kAdviseFieldNumber = 8,
void set_dev(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_ino(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_pino(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void set_mode(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(4, value);
void set_size(int64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(5, value);
void set_nlink(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(6, value);
void set_blocks(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(7, value);
void set_advise(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(8, value);
class F2fsDoSubmitBioFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/5, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
F2fsDoSubmitBioFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit F2fsDoSubmitBioFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit F2fsDoSubmitBioFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_dev() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t dev() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_btype() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
int32_t btype() const { return at<2>().as_int32(); }
bool has_sync() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
uint32_t sync() const { return at<3>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_sector() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
uint64_t sector() const { return at<4>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_size() const { return at<5>().valid(); }
uint32_t size() const { return at<5>().as_uint32(); }
class F2fsDoSubmitBioFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = F2fsDoSubmitBioFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kDevFieldNumber = 1,
kBtypeFieldNumber = 2,
kSyncFieldNumber = 3,
kSectorFieldNumber = 4,
kSizeFieldNumber = 5,
void set_dev(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_btype(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_sync(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void set_sector(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(4, value);
void set_size(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(5, value);
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
#endif // Include guard.
// gen_amalgamated begin header: gen/protos/perfetto/trace/ftrace/fence.pbzero.h
// Autogenerated by the ProtoZero compiler plugin. DO NOT EDIT.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/message.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/packed_repeated_fields.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_decoder.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_utils.h"
namespace perfetto {
namespace protos {
namespace pbzero {
class FenceSignaledFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/4, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
FenceSignaledFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit FenceSignaledFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit FenceSignaledFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_context() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint32_t context() const { return at<1>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_driver() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars driver() const { return at<2>().as_string(); }
bool has_seqno() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
uint32_t seqno() const { return at<3>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_timeline() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars timeline() const { return at<4>().as_string(); }
class FenceSignaledFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = FenceSignaledFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kContextFieldNumber = 1,
kDriverFieldNumber = 2,
kSeqnoFieldNumber = 3,
kTimelineFieldNumber = 4,
void set_context(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_driver(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(2,, value.size());
void set_driver(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(2, data, size);
void set_seqno(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void set_timeline(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(4,, value.size());
void set_timeline(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(4, data, size);
class FenceEnableSignalFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/4, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
FenceEnableSignalFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit FenceEnableSignalFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit FenceEnableSignalFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_context() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint32_t context() const { return at<1>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_driver() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars driver() const { return at<2>().as_string(); }
bool has_seqno() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
uint32_t seqno() const { return at<3>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_timeline() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars timeline() const { return at<4>().as_string(); }
class FenceEnableSignalFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = FenceEnableSignalFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kContextFieldNumber = 1,
kDriverFieldNumber = 2,
kSeqnoFieldNumber = 3,
kTimelineFieldNumber = 4,
void set_context(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_driver(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(2,, value.size());
void set_driver(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(2, data, size);
void set_seqno(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void set_timeline(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(4,, value.size());
void set_timeline(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(4, data, size);
class FenceDestroyFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/4, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
FenceDestroyFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit FenceDestroyFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit FenceDestroyFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_context() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint32_t context() const { return at<1>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_driver() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars driver() const { return at<2>().as_string(); }
bool has_seqno() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
uint32_t seqno() const { return at<3>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_timeline() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars timeline() const { return at<4>().as_string(); }
class FenceDestroyFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = FenceDestroyFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kContextFieldNumber = 1,
kDriverFieldNumber = 2,
kSeqnoFieldNumber = 3,
kTimelineFieldNumber = 4,
void set_context(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_driver(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(2,, value.size());
void set_driver(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(2, data, size);
void set_seqno(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void set_timeline(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(4,, value.size());
void set_timeline(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(4, data, size);
class FenceInitFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/4, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
FenceInitFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit FenceInitFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit FenceInitFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_context() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint32_t context() const { return at<1>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_driver() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars driver() const { return at<2>().as_string(); }
bool has_seqno() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
uint32_t seqno() const { return at<3>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_timeline() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars timeline() const { return at<4>().as_string(); }
class FenceInitFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = FenceInitFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kContextFieldNumber = 1,
kDriverFieldNumber = 2,
kSeqnoFieldNumber = 3,
kTimelineFieldNumber = 4,
void set_context(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_driver(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(2,, value.size());
void set_driver(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(2, data, size);
void set_seqno(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void set_timeline(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(4,, value.size());
void set_timeline(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(4, data, size);
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
#endif // Include guard.
// gen_amalgamated begin header: gen/protos/perfetto/trace/ftrace/filemap.pbzero.h
// Autogenerated by the ProtoZero compiler plugin. DO NOT EDIT.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/message.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/packed_repeated_fields.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_decoder.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_utils.h"
namespace perfetto {
namespace protos {
namespace pbzero {
class MmFilemapDeleteFromPageCacheFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/5, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
MmFilemapDeleteFromPageCacheFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit MmFilemapDeleteFromPageCacheFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit MmFilemapDeleteFromPageCacheFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_pfn() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t pfn() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_i_ino() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint64_t i_ino() const { return at<2>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_index() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
uint64_t index() const { return at<3>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_s_dev() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
uint64_t s_dev() const { return at<4>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_page() const { return at<5>().valid(); }
uint64_t page() const { return at<5>().as_uint64(); }
class MmFilemapDeleteFromPageCacheFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = MmFilemapDeleteFromPageCacheFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kPfnFieldNumber = 1,
kIInoFieldNumber = 2,
kIndexFieldNumber = 3,
kSDevFieldNumber = 4,
kPageFieldNumber = 5,
void set_pfn(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_i_ino(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_index(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void set_s_dev(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(4, value);
void set_page(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(5, value);
class MmFilemapAddToPageCacheFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/5, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
MmFilemapAddToPageCacheFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit MmFilemapAddToPageCacheFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit MmFilemapAddToPageCacheFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_pfn() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t pfn() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_i_ino() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint64_t i_ino() const { return at<2>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_index() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
uint64_t index() const { return at<3>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_s_dev() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
uint64_t s_dev() const { return at<4>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_page() const { return at<5>().valid(); }
uint64_t page() const { return at<5>().as_uint64(); }
class MmFilemapAddToPageCacheFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = MmFilemapAddToPageCacheFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kPfnFieldNumber = 1,
kIInoFieldNumber = 2,
kIndexFieldNumber = 3,
kSDevFieldNumber = 4,
kPageFieldNumber = 5,
void set_pfn(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_i_ino(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_index(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void set_s_dev(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(4, value);
void set_page(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(5, value);
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
#endif // Include guard.
// gen_amalgamated begin header: gen/protos/perfetto/trace/ftrace/ftrace.pbzero.h
// Autogenerated by the ProtoZero compiler plugin. DO NOT EDIT.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/message.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/packed_repeated_fields.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_decoder.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_utils.h"
namespace perfetto {
namespace protos {
namespace pbzero {
class PrintFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/2, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
PrintFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit PrintFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit PrintFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_ip() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t ip() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_buf() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars buf() const { return at<2>().as_string(); }
class PrintFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = PrintFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kIpFieldNumber = 1,
kBufFieldNumber = 2,
void set_ip(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_buf(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(2,, value.size());
void set_buf(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(2, data, size);
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
#endif // Include guard.
// gen_amalgamated begin header: gen/protos/perfetto/trace/ftrace/gpu_mem.pbzero.h
// Autogenerated by the ProtoZero compiler plugin. DO NOT EDIT.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/message.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/packed_repeated_fields.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_decoder.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_utils.h"
namespace perfetto {
namespace protos {
namespace pbzero {
class GpuMemTotalFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/3, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
GpuMemTotalFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit GpuMemTotalFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit GpuMemTotalFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_gpu_id() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint32_t gpu_id() const { return at<1>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_pid() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint32_t pid() const { return at<2>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_size() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
uint64_t size() const { return at<3>().as_uint64(); }
class GpuMemTotalFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = GpuMemTotalFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kGpuIdFieldNumber = 1,
kPidFieldNumber = 2,
kSizeFieldNumber = 3,
void set_gpu_id(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_pid(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_size(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
#endif // Include guard.
// gen_amalgamated begin header: gen/protos/perfetto/trace/ftrace/i2c.pbzero.h
// Autogenerated by the ProtoZero compiler plugin. DO NOT EDIT.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/message.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/packed_repeated_fields.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_decoder.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_utils.h"
namespace perfetto {
namespace protos {
namespace pbzero {
class SmbusReplyFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/6, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
SmbusReplyFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit SmbusReplyFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit SmbusReplyFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_adapter_nr() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
int32_t adapter_nr() const { return at<1>().as_int32(); }
bool has_addr() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint32_t addr() const { return at<2>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_flags() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
uint32_t flags() const { return at<3>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_command() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
uint32_t command() const { return at<4>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_len() const { return at<5>().valid(); }
uint32_t len() const { return at<5>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_protocol() const { return at<6>().valid(); }
uint32_t protocol() const { return at<6>().as_uint32(); }
class SmbusReplyFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = SmbusReplyFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kAdapterNrFieldNumber = 1,
kAddrFieldNumber = 2,
kFlagsFieldNumber = 3,
kCommandFieldNumber = 4,
kLenFieldNumber = 5,
kProtocolFieldNumber = 6,
void set_adapter_nr(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_addr(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_flags(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void set_command(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(4, value);
void set_len(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(5, value);
void set_protocol(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(6, value);
class SmbusResultFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/7, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
SmbusResultFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit SmbusResultFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit SmbusResultFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_adapter_nr() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
int32_t adapter_nr() const { return at<1>().as_int32(); }
bool has_addr() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint32_t addr() const { return at<2>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_flags() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
uint32_t flags() const { return at<3>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_read_write() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
uint32_t read_write() const { return at<4>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_command() const { return at<5>().valid(); }
uint32_t command() const { return at<5>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_res() const { return at<6>().valid(); }
int32_t res() const { return at<6>().as_int32(); }
bool has_protocol() const { return at<7>().valid(); }
uint32_t protocol() const { return at<7>().as_uint32(); }
class SmbusResultFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = SmbusResultFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kAdapterNrFieldNumber = 1,
kAddrFieldNumber = 2,
kFlagsFieldNumber = 3,
kReadWriteFieldNumber = 4,
kCommandFieldNumber = 5,
kResFieldNumber = 6,
kProtocolFieldNumber = 7,
void set_adapter_nr(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_addr(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_flags(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void set_read_write(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(4, value);
void set_command(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(5, value);
void set_res(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(6, value);
void set_protocol(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(7, value);
class SmbusWriteFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/6, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
SmbusWriteFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit SmbusWriteFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit SmbusWriteFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_adapter_nr() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
int32_t adapter_nr() const { return at<1>().as_int32(); }
bool has_addr() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint32_t addr() const { return at<2>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_flags() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
uint32_t flags() const { return at<3>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_command() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
uint32_t command() const { return at<4>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_len() const { return at<5>().valid(); }
uint32_t len() const { return at<5>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_protocol() const { return at<6>().valid(); }
uint32_t protocol() const { return at<6>().as_uint32(); }
class SmbusWriteFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = SmbusWriteFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kAdapterNrFieldNumber = 1,
kAddrFieldNumber = 2,
kFlagsFieldNumber = 3,
kCommandFieldNumber = 4,
kLenFieldNumber = 5,
kProtocolFieldNumber = 6,
void set_adapter_nr(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_addr(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_flags(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void set_command(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(4, value);
void set_len(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(5, value);
void set_protocol(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(6, value);
class SmbusReadFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/5, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
SmbusReadFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit SmbusReadFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit SmbusReadFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_adapter_nr() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
int32_t adapter_nr() const { return at<1>().as_int32(); }
bool has_flags() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint32_t flags() const { return at<2>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_addr() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
uint32_t addr() const { return at<3>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_command() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
uint32_t command() const { return at<4>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_protocol() const { return at<5>().valid(); }
uint32_t protocol() const { return at<5>().as_uint32(); }
class SmbusReadFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = SmbusReadFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kAdapterNrFieldNumber = 1,
kFlagsFieldNumber = 2,
kAddrFieldNumber = 3,
kCommandFieldNumber = 4,
kProtocolFieldNumber = 5,
void set_adapter_nr(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_flags(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_addr(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void set_command(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(4, value);
void set_protocol(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(5, value);
class I2cReplyFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/6, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
I2cReplyFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit I2cReplyFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit I2cReplyFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_adapter_nr() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
int32_t adapter_nr() const { return at<1>().as_int32(); }
bool has_msg_nr() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint32_t msg_nr() const { return at<2>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_addr() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
uint32_t addr() const { return at<3>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_flags() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
uint32_t flags() const { return at<4>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_len() const { return at<5>().valid(); }
uint32_t len() const { return at<5>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_buf() const { return at<6>().valid(); }
uint32_t buf() const { return at<6>().as_uint32(); }
class I2cReplyFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = I2cReplyFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kAdapterNrFieldNumber = 1,
kMsgNrFieldNumber = 2,
kAddrFieldNumber = 3,
kFlagsFieldNumber = 4,
kLenFieldNumber = 5,
kBufFieldNumber = 6,
void set_adapter_nr(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_msg_nr(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_addr(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void set_flags(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(4, value);
void set_len(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(5, value);
void set_buf(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(6, value);
class I2cResultFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/3, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
I2cResultFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit I2cResultFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit I2cResultFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_adapter_nr() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
int32_t adapter_nr() const { return at<1>().as_int32(); }
bool has_nr_msgs() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint32_t nr_msgs() const { return at<2>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_ret() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
int32_t ret() const { return at<3>().as_int32(); }
class I2cResultFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = I2cResultFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kAdapterNrFieldNumber = 1,
kNrMsgsFieldNumber = 2,
kRetFieldNumber = 3,
void set_adapter_nr(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_nr_msgs(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_ret(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
class I2cWriteFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/6, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
I2cWriteFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit I2cWriteFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit I2cWriteFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_adapter_nr() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
int32_t adapter_nr() const { return at<1>().as_int32(); }
bool has_msg_nr() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint32_t msg_nr() const { return at<2>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_addr() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
uint32_t addr() const { return at<3>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_flags() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
uint32_t flags() const { return at<4>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_len() const { return at<5>().valid(); }
uint32_t len() const { return at<5>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_buf() const { return at<6>().valid(); }
uint32_t buf() const { return at<6>().as_uint32(); }
class I2cWriteFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = I2cWriteFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kAdapterNrFieldNumber = 1,
kMsgNrFieldNumber = 2,
kAddrFieldNumber = 3,
kFlagsFieldNumber = 4,
kLenFieldNumber = 5,
kBufFieldNumber = 6,
void set_adapter_nr(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_msg_nr(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_addr(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void set_flags(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(4, value);
void set_len(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(5, value);
void set_buf(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(6, value);
class I2cReadFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/5, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
I2cReadFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit I2cReadFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit I2cReadFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_adapter_nr() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
int32_t adapter_nr() const { return at<1>().as_int32(); }
bool has_msg_nr() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint32_t msg_nr() const { return at<2>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_addr() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
uint32_t addr() const { return at<3>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_flags() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
uint32_t flags() const { return at<4>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_len() const { return at<5>().valid(); }
uint32_t len() const { return at<5>().as_uint32(); }
class I2cReadFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = I2cReadFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kAdapterNrFieldNumber = 1,
kMsgNrFieldNumber = 2,
kAddrFieldNumber = 3,
kFlagsFieldNumber = 4,
kLenFieldNumber = 5,
void set_adapter_nr(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_msg_nr(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_addr(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void set_flags(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(4, value);
void set_len(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(5, value);
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
#endif // Include guard.
// gen_amalgamated begin header: gen/protos/perfetto/trace/ftrace/ion.pbzero.h
// Autogenerated by the ProtoZero compiler plugin. DO NOT EDIT.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/message.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/packed_repeated_fields.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_decoder.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_utils.h"
namespace perfetto {
namespace protos {
namespace pbzero {
class IonStatFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/3, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
IonStatFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit IonStatFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit IonStatFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_buffer_id() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint32_t buffer_id() const { return at<1>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_len() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
int64_t len() const { return at<2>().as_int64(); }
bool has_total_allocated() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
uint64_t total_allocated() const { return at<3>().as_uint64(); }
class IonStatFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = IonStatFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kBufferIdFieldNumber = 1,
kLenFieldNumber = 2,
kTotalAllocatedFieldNumber = 3,
void set_buffer_id(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_len(int64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_total_allocated(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
#endif // Include guard.
// gen_amalgamated begin header: gen/protos/perfetto/trace/ftrace/ipi.pbzero.h
// Autogenerated by the ProtoZero compiler plugin. DO NOT EDIT.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/message.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/packed_repeated_fields.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_decoder.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_utils.h"
namespace perfetto {
namespace protos {
namespace pbzero {
class IpiRaiseFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/2, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
IpiRaiseFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit IpiRaiseFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit IpiRaiseFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_target_cpus() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint32_t target_cpus() const { return at<1>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_reason() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars reason() const { return at<2>().as_string(); }
class IpiRaiseFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = IpiRaiseFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kTargetCpusFieldNumber = 1,
kReasonFieldNumber = 2,
void set_target_cpus(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_reason(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(2,, value.size());
void set_reason(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(2, data, size);
class IpiExitFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/1, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
IpiExitFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit IpiExitFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit IpiExitFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_reason() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars reason() const { return at<1>().as_string(); }
class IpiExitFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = IpiExitFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kReasonFieldNumber = 1,
void set_reason(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(1,, value.size());
void set_reason(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(1, data, size);
class IpiEntryFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/1, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
IpiEntryFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit IpiEntryFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit IpiEntryFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_reason() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars reason() const { return at<1>().as_string(); }
class IpiEntryFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = IpiEntryFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kReasonFieldNumber = 1,
void set_reason(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(1,, value.size());
void set_reason(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(1, data, size);
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
#endif // Include guard.
// gen_amalgamated begin header: gen/protos/perfetto/trace/ftrace/irq.pbzero.h
// Autogenerated by the ProtoZero compiler plugin. DO NOT EDIT.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/message.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/packed_repeated_fields.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_decoder.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_utils.h"
namespace perfetto {
namespace protos {
namespace pbzero {
class IrqHandlerExitFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/2, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
IrqHandlerExitFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit IrqHandlerExitFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit IrqHandlerExitFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_irq() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
int32_t irq() const { return at<1>().as_int32(); }
bool has_ret() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
int32_t ret() const { return at<2>().as_int32(); }
class IrqHandlerExitFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = IrqHandlerExitFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kIrqFieldNumber = 1,
kRetFieldNumber = 2,
void set_irq(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_ret(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
class IrqHandlerEntryFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/3, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
IrqHandlerEntryFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit IrqHandlerEntryFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit IrqHandlerEntryFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_irq() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
int32_t irq() const { return at<1>().as_int32(); }
bool has_name() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars name() const { return at<2>().as_string(); }
bool has_handler() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
uint32_t handler() const { return at<3>().as_uint32(); }
class IrqHandlerEntryFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = IrqHandlerEntryFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kIrqFieldNumber = 1,
kNameFieldNumber = 2,
kHandlerFieldNumber = 3,
void set_irq(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_name(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(2,, value.size());
void set_name(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(2, data, size);
void set_handler(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
class SoftirqRaiseFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/1, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
SoftirqRaiseFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit SoftirqRaiseFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit SoftirqRaiseFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_vec() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint32_t vec() const { return at<1>().as_uint32(); }
class SoftirqRaiseFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = SoftirqRaiseFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kVecFieldNumber = 1,
void set_vec(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
class SoftirqExitFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/1, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
SoftirqExitFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit SoftirqExitFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit SoftirqExitFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_vec() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint32_t vec() const { return at<1>().as_uint32(); }
class SoftirqExitFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = SoftirqExitFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kVecFieldNumber = 1,
void set_vec(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
class SoftirqEntryFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/1, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
SoftirqEntryFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit SoftirqEntryFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit SoftirqEntryFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_vec() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint32_t vec() const { return at<1>().as_uint32(); }
class SoftirqEntryFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = SoftirqEntryFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kVecFieldNumber = 1,
void set_vec(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
#endif // Include guard.
// gen_amalgamated begin header: gen/protos/perfetto/trace/ftrace/kmem.pbzero.h
// Autogenerated by the ProtoZero compiler plugin. DO NOT EDIT.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/message.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/packed_repeated_fields.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_decoder.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_utils.h"
namespace perfetto {
namespace protos {
namespace pbzero {
class IonBufferDestroyFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/2, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
IonBufferDestroyFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit IonBufferDestroyFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit IonBufferDestroyFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_addr() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t addr() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_len() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint64_t len() const { return at<2>().as_uint64(); }
class IonBufferDestroyFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = IonBufferDestroyFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kAddrFieldNumber = 1,
kLenFieldNumber = 2,
void set_addr(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_len(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
class IonBufferCreateFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/2, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
IonBufferCreateFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit IonBufferCreateFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit IonBufferCreateFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_addr() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t addr() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_len() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint64_t len() const { return at<2>().as_uint64(); }
class IonBufferCreateFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = IonBufferCreateFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kAddrFieldNumber = 1,
kLenFieldNumber = 2,
void set_addr(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_len(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
class IonHeapGrowFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/3, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
IonHeapGrowFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit IonHeapGrowFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit IonHeapGrowFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_heap_name() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars heap_name() const { return at<1>().as_string(); }
bool has_len() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint64_t len() const { return at<2>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_total_allocated() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
int64_t total_allocated() const { return at<3>().as_int64(); }
class IonHeapGrowFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = IonHeapGrowFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kHeapNameFieldNumber = 1,
kLenFieldNumber = 2,
kTotalAllocatedFieldNumber = 3,
void set_heap_name(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(1,, value.size());
void set_heap_name(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(1, data, size);
void set_len(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_total_allocated(int64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
class IonHeapShrinkFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/3, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
IonHeapShrinkFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit IonHeapShrinkFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit IonHeapShrinkFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_heap_name() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars heap_name() const { return at<1>().as_string(); }
bool has_len() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint64_t len() const { return at<2>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_total_allocated() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
int64_t total_allocated() const { return at<3>().as_int64(); }
class IonHeapShrinkFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = IonHeapShrinkFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kHeapNameFieldNumber = 1,
kLenFieldNumber = 2,
kTotalAllocatedFieldNumber = 3,
void set_heap_name(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(1,, value.size());
void set_heap_name(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(1, data, size);
void set_len(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_total_allocated(int64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
class RssStatFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/4, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
RssStatFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit RssStatFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit RssStatFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_member() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
int32_t member() const { return at<1>().as_int32(); }
bool has_size() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
int64_t size() const { return at<2>().as_int64(); }
bool has_curr() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
uint32_t curr() const { return at<3>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_mm_id() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
uint32_t mm_id() const { return at<4>().as_uint32(); }
class RssStatFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = RssStatFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kMemberFieldNumber = 1,
kSizeFieldNumber = 2,
kCurrFieldNumber = 3,
kMmIdFieldNumber = 4,
void set_member(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_size(int64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_curr(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void set_mm_id(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(4, value);
class MmPagePcpuDrainFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/4, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
MmPagePcpuDrainFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit MmPagePcpuDrainFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit MmPagePcpuDrainFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_migratetype() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
int32_t migratetype() const { return at<1>().as_int32(); }
bool has_order() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint32_t order() const { return at<2>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_page() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
uint64_t page() const { return at<3>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_pfn() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
uint64_t pfn() const { return at<4>().as_uint64(); }
class MmPagePcpuDrainFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = MmPagePcpuDrainFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kMigratetypeFieldNumber = 1,
kOrderFieldNumber = 2,
kPageFieldNumber = 3,
kPfnFieldNumber = 4,
void set_migratetype(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_order(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_page(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void set_pfn(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(4, value);
class MmPageFreeBatchedFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/3, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
MmPageFreeBatchedFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit MmPageFreeBatchedFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit MmPageFreeBatchedFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_cold() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
int32_t cold() const { return at<1>().as_int32(); }
bool has_page() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint64_t page() const { return at<2>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_pfn() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
uint64_t pfn() const { return at<3>().as_uint64(); }
class MmPageFreeBatchedFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = MmPageFreeBatchedFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kColdFieldNumber = 1,
kPageFieldNumber = 2,
kPfnFieldNumber = 3,
void set_cold(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_page(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_pfn(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
class MmPageFreeFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/3, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
MmPageFreeFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit MmPageFreeFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit MmPageFreeFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_order() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint32_t order() const { return at<1>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_page() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint64_t page() const { return at<2>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_pfn() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
uint64_t pfn() const { return at<3>().as_uint64(); }
class MmPageFreeFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = MmPageFreeFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kOrderFieldNumber = 1,
kPageFieldNumber = 2,
kPfnFieldNumber = 3,
void set_order(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_page(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_pfn(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
class MmPageAllocZoneLockedFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/4, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
MmPageAllocZoneLockedFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit MmPageAllocZoneLockedFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit MmPageAllocZoneLockedFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_migratetype() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
int32_t migratetype() const { return at<1>().as_int32(); }
bool has_order() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint32_t order() const { return at<2>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_page() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
uint64_t page() const { return at<3>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_pfn() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
uint64_t pfn() const { return at<4>().as_uint64(); }
class MmPageAllocZoneLockedFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = MmPageAllocZoneLockedFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kMigratetypeFieldNumber = 1,
kOrderFieldNumber = 2,
kPageFieldNumber = 3,
kPfnFieldNumber = 4,
void set_migratetype(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_order(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_page(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void set_pfn(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(4, value);
class MmPageAllocExtfragFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/7, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
MmPageAllocExtfragFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit MmPageAllocExtfragFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit MmPageAllocExtfragFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_alloc_migratetype() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
int32_t alloc_migratetype() const { return at<1>().as_int32(); }
bool has_alloc_order() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
int32_t alloc_order() const { return at<2>().as_int32(); }
bool has_fallback_migratetype() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
int32_t fallback_migratetype() const { return at<3>().as_int32(); }
bool has_fallback_order() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
int32_t fallback_order() const { return at<4>().as_int32(); }
bool has_page() const { return at<5>().valid(); }
uint64_t page() const { return at<5>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_change_ownership() const { return at<6>().valid(); }
int32_t change_ownership() const { return at<6>().as_int32(); }
bool has_pfn() const { return at<7>().valid(); }
uint64_t pfn() const { return at<7>().as_uint64(); }
class MmPageAllocExtfragFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = MmPageAllocExtfragFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kAllocMigratetypeFieldNumber = 1,
kAllocOrderFieldNumber = 2,
kFallbackMigratetypeFieldNumber = 3,
kFallbackOrderFieldNumber = 4,
kPageFieldNumber = 5,
kChangeOwnershipFieldNumber = 6,
kPfnFieldNumber = 7,
void set_alloc_migratetype(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_alloc_order(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_fallback_migratetype(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void set_fallback_order(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(4, value);
void set_page(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(5, value);
void set_change_ownership(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(6, value);
void set_pfn(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(7, value);
class MmPageAllocFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/5, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
MmPageAllocFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit MmPageAllocFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit MmPageAllocFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_gfp_flags() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint32_t gfp_flags() const { return at<1>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_migratetype() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
int32_t migratetype() const { return at<2>().as_int32(); }
bool has_order() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
uint32_t order() const { return at<3>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_page() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
uint64_t page() const { return at<4>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_pfn() const { return at<5>().valid(); }
uint64_t pfn() const { return at<5>().as_uint64(); }
class MmPageAllocFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = MmPageAllocFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kGfpFlagsFieldNumber = 1,
kMigratetypeFieldNumber = 2,
kOrderFieldNumber = 3,
kPageFieldNumber = 4,
kPfnFieldNumber = 5,
void set_gfp_flags(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_migratetype(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_order(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void set_page(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(4, value);
void set_pfn(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(5, value);
class MigrateRetryFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/1, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
MigrateRetryFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit MigrateRetryFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit MigrateRetryFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_tries() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
int32_t tries() const { return at<1>().as_int32(); }
class MigrateRetryFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = MigrateRetryFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kTriesFieldNumber = 1,
void set_tries(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
class MigratePagesStartFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/1, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
MigratePagesStartFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit MigratePagesStartFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit MigratePagesStartFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_mode() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
int32_t mode() const { return at<1>().as_int32(); }
class MigratePagesStartFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = MigratePagesStartFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kModeFieldNumber = 1,
void set_mode(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
class MigratePagesEndFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/1, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
MigratePagesEndFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit MigratePagesEndFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit MigratePagesEndFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_mode() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
int32_t mode() const { return at<1>().as_int32(); }
class MigratePagesEndFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = MigratePagesEndFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kModeFieldNumber = 1,
void set_mode(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
class KmemCacheFreeFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/2, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
KmemCacheFreeFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit KmemCacheFreeFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit KmemCacheFreeFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_call_site() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t call_site() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_ptr() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint64_t ptr() const { return at<2>().as_uint64(); }
class KmemCacheFreeFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = KmemCacheFreeFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kCallSiteFieldNumber = 1,
kPtrFieldNumber = 2,
void set_call_site(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_ptr(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
class KmemCacheAllocNodeFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/6, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
KmemCacheAllocNodeFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit KmemCacheAllocNodeFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit KmemCacheAllocNodeFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_bytes_alloc() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t bytes_alloc() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_bytes_req() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint64_t bytes_req() const { return at<2>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_call_site() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
uint64_t call_site() const { return at<3>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_gfp_flags() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
uint32_t gfp_flags() const { return at<4>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_node() const { return at<5>().valid(); }
int32_t node() const { return at<5>().as_int32(); }
bool has_ptr() const { return at<6>().valid(); }
uint64_t ptr() const { return at<6>().as_uint64(); }
class KmemCacheAllocNodeFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = KmemCacheAllocNodeFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kBytesAllocFieldNumber = 1,
kBytesReqFieldNumber = 2,
kCallSiteFieldNumber = 3,
kGfpFlagsFieldNumber = 4,
kNodeFieldNumber = 5,
kPtrFieldNumber = 6,
void set_bytes_alloc(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_bytes_req(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_call_site(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void set_gfp_flags(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(4, value);
void set_node(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(5, value);
void set_ptr(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(6, value);
class KmemCacheAllocFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/5, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
KmemCacheAllocFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit KmemCacheAllocFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit KmemCacheAllocFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_bytes_alloc() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t bytes_alloc() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_bytes_req() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint64_t bytes_req() const { return at<2>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_call_site() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
uint64_t call_site() const { return at<3>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_gfp_flags() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
uint32_t gfp_flags() const { return at<4>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_ptr() const { return at<5>().valid(); }
uint64_t ptr() const { return at<5>().as_uint64(); }
class KmemCacheAllocFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = KmemCacheAllocFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kBytesAllocFieldNumber = 1,
kBytesReqFieldNumber = 2,
kCallSiteFieldNumber = 3,
kGfpFlagsFieldNumber = 4,
kPtrFieldNumber = 5,
void set_bytes_alloc(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_bytes_req(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_call_site(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void set_gfp_flags(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(4, value);
void set_ptr(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(5, value);
class KmallocNodeFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/6, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
KmallocNodeFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit KmallocNodeFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit KmallocNodeFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_bytes_alloc() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t bytes_alloc() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_bytes_req() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint64_t bytes_req() const { return at<2>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_call_site() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
uint64_t call_site() const { return at<3>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_gfp_flags() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
uint32_t gfp_flags() const { return at<4>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_node() const { return at<5>().valid(); }
int32_t node() const { return at<5>().as_int32(); }
bool has_ptr() const { return at<6>().valid(); }
uint64_t ptr() const { return at<6>().as_uint64(); }
class KmallocNodeFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = KmallocNodeFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kBytesAllocFieldNumber = 1,
kBytesReqFieldNumber = 2,
kCallSiteFieldNumber = 3,
kGfpFlagsFieldNumber = 4,
kNodeFieldNumber = 5,
kPtrFieldNumber = 6,
void set_bytes_alloc(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_bytes_req(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_call_site(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void set_gfp_flags(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(4, value);
void set_node(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(5, value);
void set_ptr(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(6, value);
class KmallocFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/5, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
KmallocFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit KmallocFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit KmallocFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_bytes_alloc() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t bytes_alloc() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_bytes_req() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint64_t bytes_req() const { return at<2>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_call_site() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
uint64_t call_site() const { return at<3>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_gfp_flags() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
uint32_t gfp_flags() const { return at<4>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_ptr() const { return at<5>().valid(); }
uint64_t ptr() const { return at<5>().as_uint64(); }
class KmallocFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = KmallocFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kBytesAllocFieldNumber = 1,
kBytesReqFieldNumber = 2,
kCallSiteFieldNumber = 3,
kGfpFlagsFieldNumber = 4,
kPtrFieldNumber = 5,
void set_bytes_alloc(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_bytes_req(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_call_site(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void set_gfp_flags(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(4, value);
void set_ptr(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(5, value);
class KfreeFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/2, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
KfreeFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit KfreeFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit KfreeFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_call_site() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t call_site() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_ptr() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint64_t ptr() const { return at<2>().as_uint64(); }
class KfreeFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = KfreeFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kCallSiteFieldNumber = 1,
kPtrFieldNumber = 2,
void set_call_site(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_ptr(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
class IonSecureCmaShrinkPoolStartFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/2, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
IonSecureCmaShrinkPoolStartFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit IonSecureCmaShrinkPoolStartFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit IonSecureCmaShrinkPoolStartFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_drained_size() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t drained_size() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_skipped_size() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint64_t skipped_size() const { return at<2>().as_uint64(); }
class IonSecureCmaShrinkPoolStartFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = IonSecureCmaShrinkPoolStartFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kDrainedSizeFieldNumber = 1,
kSkippedSizeFieldNumber = 2,
void set_drained_size(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_skipped_size(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
class IonSecureCmaShrinkPoolEndFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/2, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
IonSecureCmaShrinkPoolEndFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit IonSecureCmaShrinkPoolEndFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit IonSecureCmaShrinkPoolEndFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_drained_size() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t drained_size() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_skipped_size() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint64_t skipped_size() const { return at<2>().as_uint64(); }
class IonSecureCmaShrinkPoolEndFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = IonSecureCmaShrinkPoolEndFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kDrainedSizeFieldNumber = 1,
kSkippedSizeFieldNumber = 2,
void set_drained_size(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_skipped_size(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
class IonSecureCmaAllocateStartFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/4, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
IonSecureCmaAllocateStartFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit IonSecureCmaAllocateStartFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit IonSecureCmaAllocateStartFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_align() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t align() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_flags() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint64_t flags() const { return at<2>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_heap_name() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars heap_name() const { return at<3>().as_string(); }
bool has_len() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
uint64_t len() const { return at<4>().as_uint64(); }
class IonSecureCmaAllocateStartFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = IonSecureCmaAllocateStartFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kAlignFieldNumber = 1,
kFlagsFieldNumber = 2,
kHeapNameFieldNumber = 3,
kLenFieldNumber = 4,
void set_align(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_flags(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_heap_name(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(3,, value.size());
void set_heap_name(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(3, data, size);
void set_len(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(4, value);
class IonSecureCmaAllocateEndFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/4, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
IonSecureCmaAllocateEndFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit IonSecureCmaAllocateEndFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit IonSecureCmaAllocateEndFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_align() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t align() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_flags() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint64_t flags() const { return at<2>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_heap_name() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars heap_name() const { return at<3>().as_string(); }
bool has_len() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
uint64_t len() const { return at<4>().as_uint64(); }
class IonSecureCmaAllocateEndFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = IonSecureCmaAllocateEndFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kAlignFieldNumber = 1,
kFlagsFieldNumber = 2,
kHeapNameFieldNumber = 3,
kLenFieldNumber = 4,
void set_align(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_flags(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_heap_name(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(3,, value.size());
void set_heap_name(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(3, data, size);
void set_len(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(4, value);
class IonSecureCmaAddToPoolStartFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/3, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
IonSecureCmaAddToPoolStartFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit IonSecureCmaAddToPoolStartFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit IonSecureCmaAddToPoolStartFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_is_prefetch() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint32_t is_prefetch() const { return at<1>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_len() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint64_t len() const { return at<2>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_pool_total() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
int32_t pool_total() const { return at<3>().as_int32(); }
class IonSecureCmaAddToPoolStartFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = IonSecureCmaAddToPoolStartFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kIsPrefetchFieldNumber = 1,
kLenFieldNumber = 2,
kPoolTotalFieldNumber = 3,
void set_is_prefetch(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_len(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_pool_total(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
class IonSecureCmaAddToPoolEndFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/3, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
IonSecureCmaAddToPoolEndFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit IonSecureCmaAddToPoolEndFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit IonSecureCmaAddToPoolEndFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_is_prefetch() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint32_t is_prefetch() const { return at<1>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_len() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint64_t len() const { return at<2>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_pool_total() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
int32_t pool_total() const { return at<3>().as_int32(); }
class IonSecureCmaAddToPoolEndFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = IonSecureCmaAddToPoolEndFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kIsPrefetchFieldNumber = 1,
kLenFieldNumber = 2,
kPoolTotalFieldNumber = 3,
void set_is_prefetch(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_len(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_pool_total(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
class IonPrefetchingFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/1, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
IonPrefetchingFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit IonPrefetchingFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit IonPrefetchingFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_len() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t len() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
class IonPrefetchingFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = IonPrefetchingFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kLenFieldNumber = 1,
void set_len(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
class IonCpSecureBufferStartFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/4, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
IonCpSecureBufferStartFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit IonCpSecureBufferStartFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit IonCpSecureBufferStartFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_align() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t align() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_flags() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint64_t flags() const { return at<2>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_heap_name() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars heap_name() const { return at<3>().as_string(); }
bool has_len() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
uint64_t len() const { return at<4>().as_uint64(); }
class IonCpSecureBufferStartFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = IonCpSecureBufferStartFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kAlignFieldNumber = 1,
kFlagsFieldNumber = 2,
kHeapNameFieldNumber = 3,
kLenFieldNumber = 4,
void set_align(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_flags(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_heap_name(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(3,, value.size());
void set_heap_name(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(3, data, size);
void set_len(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(4, value);
class IonCpSecureBufferEndFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/4, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
IonCpSecureBufferEndFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit IonCpSecureBufferEndFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit IonCpSecureBufferEndFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_align() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t align() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_flags() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint64_t flags() const { return at<2>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_heap_name() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars heap_name() const { return at<3>().as_string(); }
bool has_len() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
uint64_t len() const { return at<4>().as_uint64(); }
class IonCpSecureBufferEndFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = IonCpSecureBufferEndFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kAlignFieldNumber = 1,
kFlagsFieldNumber = 2,
kHeapNameFieldNumber = 3,
kLenFieldNumber = 4,
void set_align(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_flags(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_heap_name(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(3,, value.size());
void set_heap_name(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(3, data, size);
void set_len(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(4, value);
class IonCpAllocRetryFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/1, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
IonCpAllocRetryFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit IonCpAllocRetryFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit IonCpAllocRetryFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_tries() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
int32_t tries() const { return at<1>().as_int32(); }
class IonCpAllocRetryFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = IonCpAllocRetryFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kTriesFieldNumber = 1,
void set_tries(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
class IonAllocBufferStartFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/5, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
IonAllocBufferStartFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit IonAllocBufferStartFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit IonAllocBufferStartFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_client_name() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars client_name() const { return at<1>().as_string(); }
bool has_flags() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint32_t flags() const { return at<2>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_heap_name() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars heap_name() const { return at<3>().as_string(); }
bool has_len() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
uint64_t len() const { return at<4>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_mask() const { return at<5>().valid(); }
uint32_t mask() const { return at<5>().as_uint32(); }
class IonAllocBufferStartFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = IonAllocBufferStartFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kClientNameFieldNumber = 1,
kFlagsFieldNumber = 2,
kHeapNameFieldNumber = 3,
kLenFieldNumber = 4,
kMaskFieldNumber = 5,
void set_client_name(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(1,, value.size());
void set_client_name(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(1, data, size);
void set_flags(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_heap_name(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(3,, value.size());
void set_heap_name(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(3, data, size);
void set_len(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(4, value);
void set_mask(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(5, value);
class IonAllocBufferFallbackFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/6, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
IonAllocBufferFallbackFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit IonAllocBufferFallbackFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit IonAllocBufferFallbackFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_client_name() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars client_name() const { return at<1>().as_string(); }
bool has_error() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
int64_t error() const { return at<2>().as_int64(); }
bool has_flags() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
uint32_t flags() const { return at<3>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_heap_name() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars heap_name() const { return at<4>().as_string(); }
bool has_len() const { return at<5>().valid(); }
uint64_t len() const { return at<5>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_mask() const { return at<6>().valid(); }
uint32_t mask() const { return at<6>().as_uint32(); }
class IonAllocBufferFallbackFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = IonAllocBufferFallbackFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kClientNameFieldNumber = 1,
kErrorFieldNumber = 2,
kFlagsFieldNumber = 3,
kHeapNameFieldNumber = 4,
kLenFieldNumber = 5,
kMaskFieldNumber = 6,
void set_client_name(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(1,, value.size());
void set_client_name(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(1, data, size);
void set_error(int64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_flags(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void set_heap_name(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(4,, value.size());
void set_heap_name(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(4, data, size);
void set_len(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(5, value);
void set_mask(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(6, value);
class IonAllocBufferFailFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/6, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
IonAllocBufferFailFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit IonAllocBufferFailFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit IonAllocBufferFailFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_client_name() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars client_name() const { return at<1>().as_string(); }
bool has_error() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
int64_t error() const { return at<2>().as_int64(); }
bool has_flags() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
uint32_t flags() const { return at<3>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_heap_name() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars heap_name() const { return at<4>().as_string(); }
bool has_len() const { return at<5>().valid(); }
uint64_t len() const { return at<5>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_mask() const { return at<6>().valid(); }
uint32_t mask() const { return at<6>().as_uint32(); }
class IonAllocBufferFailFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = IonAllocBufferFailFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kClientNameFieldNumber = 1,
kErrorFieldNumber = 2,
kFlagsFieldNumber = 3,
kHeapNameFieldNumber = 4,
kLenFieldNumber = 5,
kMaskFieldNumber = 6,
void set_client_name(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(1,, value.size());
void set_client_name(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(1, data, size);
void set_error(int64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_flags(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void set_heap_name(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(4,, value.size());
void set_heap_name(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(4, data, size);
void set_len(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(5, value);
void set_mask(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(6, value);
class IonAllocBufferEndFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/5, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
IonAllocBufferEndFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit IonAllocBufferEndFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit IonAllocBufferEndFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_client_name() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars client_name() const { return at<1>().as_string(); }
bool has_flags() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint32_t flags() const { return at<2>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_heap_name() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars heap_name() const { return at<3>().as_string(); }
bool has_len() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
uint64_t len() const { return at<4>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_mask() const { return at<5>().valid(); }
uint32_t mask() const { return at<5>().as_uint32(); }
class IonAllocBufferEndFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = IonAllocBufferEndFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kClientNameFieldNumber = 1,
kFlagsFieldNumber = 2,
kHeapNameFieldNumber = 3,
kLenFieldNumber = 4,
kMaskFieldNumber = 5,
void set_client_name(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(1,, value.size());
void set_client_name(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(1, data, size);
void set_flags(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_heap_name(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(3,, value.size());
void set_heap_name(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(3, data, size);
void set_len(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(4, value);
void set_mask(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(5, value);
class IommuSecPtblMapRangeStartFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/5, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
IommuSecPtblMapRangeStartFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit IommuSecPtblMapRangeStartFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit IommuSecPtblMapRangeStartFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_len() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t len() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_num() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
int32_t num() const { return at<2>().as_int32(); }
bool has_pa() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
uint32_t pa() const { return at<3>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_sec_id() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
int32_t sec_id() const { return at<4>().as_int32(); }
bool has_va() const { return at<5>().valid(); }
uint64_t va() const { return at<5>().as_uint64(); }
class IommuSecPtblMapRangeStartFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = IommuSecPtblMapRangeStartFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kLenFieldNumber = 1,
kNumFieldNumber = 2,
kPaFieldNumber = 3,
kSecIdFieldNumber = 4,
kVaFieldNumber = 5,
void set_len(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_num(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_pa(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void set_sec_id(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(4, value);
void set_va(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(5, value);
class IommuSecPtblMapRangeEndFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/5, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
IommuSecPtblMapRangeEndFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit IommuSecPtblMapRangeEndFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit IommuSecPtblMapRangeEndFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_len() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t len() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_num() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
int32_t num() const { return at<2>().as_int32(); }
bool has_pa() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
uint32_t pa() const { return at<3>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_sec_id() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
int32_t sec_id() const { return at<4>().as_int32(); }
bool has_va() const { return at<5>().valid(); }
uint64_t va() const { return at<5>().as_uint64(); }
class IommuSecPtblMapRangeEndFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = IommuSecPtblMapRangeEndFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kLenFieldNumber = 1,
kNumFieldNumber = 2,
kPaFieldNumber = 3,
kSecIdFieldNumber = 4,
kVaFieldNumber = 5,
void set_len(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_num(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_pa(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void set_sec_id(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(4, value);
void set_va(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(5, value);
class IommuMapRangeFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/4, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
IommuMapRangeFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit IommuMapRangeFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit IommuMapRangeFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_chunk_size() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t chunk_size() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_len() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint64_t len() const { return at<2>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_pa() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
uint64_t pa() const { return at<3>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_va() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
uint64_t va() const { return at<4>().as_uint64(); }
class IommuMapRangeFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = IommuMapRangeFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kChunkSizeFieldNumber = 1,
kLenFieldNumber = 2,
kPaFieldNumber = 3,
kVaFieldNumber = 4,
void set_chunk_size(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_len(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_pa(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void set_va(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(4, value);
class DmaAllocContiguousRetryFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/1, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
DmaAllocContiguousRetryFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit DmaAllocContiguousRetryFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit DmaAllocContiguousRetryFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_tries() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
int32_t tries() const { return at<1>().as_int32(); }
class DmaAllocContiguousRetryFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = DmaAllocContiguousRetryFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kTriesFieldNumber = 1,
void set_tries(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
class AllocPagesSysStartFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/2, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
AllocPagesSysStartFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit AllocPagesSysStartFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit AllocPagesSysStartFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_gfp_flags() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint32_t gfp_flags() const { return at<1>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_order() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint32_t order() const { return at<2>().as_uint32(); }
class AllocPagesSysStartFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = AllocPagesSysStartFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kGfpFlagsFieldNumber = 1,
kOrderFieldNumber = 2,
void set_gfp_flags(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_order(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
class AllocPagesSysFailFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/2, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
AllocPagesSysFailFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit AllocPagesSysFailFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit AllocPagesSysFailFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_gfp_flags() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint32_t gfp_flags() const { return at<1>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_order() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint32_t order() const { return at<2>().as_uint32(); }
class AllocPagesSysFailFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = AllocPagesSysFailFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kGfpFlagsFieldNumber = 1,
kOrderFieldNumber = 2,
void set_gfp_flags(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_order(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
class AllocPagesSysEndFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/2, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
AllocPagesSysEndFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit AllocPagesSysEndFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit AllocPagesSysEndFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_gfp_flags() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint32_t gfp_flags() const { return at<1>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_order() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint32_t order() const { return at<2>().as_uint32(); }
class AllocPagesSysEndFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = AllocPagesSysEndFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kGfpFlagsFieldNumber = 1,
kOrderFieldNumber = 2,
void set_gfp_flags(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_order(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
class AllocPagesIommuStartFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/2, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
AllocPagesIommuStartFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit AllocPagesIommuStartFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit AllocPagesIommuStartFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_gfp_flags() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint32_t gfp_flags() const { return at<1>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_order() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint32_t order() const { return at<2>().as_uint32(); }
class AllocPagesIommuStartFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = AllocPagesIommuStartFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kGfpFlagsFieldNumber = 1,
kOrderFieldNumber = 2,
void set_gfp_flags(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_order(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
class AllocPagesIommuFailFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/2, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
AllocPagesIommuFailFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit AllocPagesIommuFailFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit AllocPagesIommuFailFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_gfp_flags() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint32_t gfp_flags() const { return at<1>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_order() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint32_t order() const { return at<2>().as_uint32(); }
class AllocPagesIommuFailFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = AllocPagesIommuFailFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kGfpFlagsFieldNumber = 1,
kOrderFieldNumber = 2,
void set_gfp_flags(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_order(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
class AllocPagesIommuEndFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/2, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
AllocPagesIommuEndFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit AllocPagesIommuEndFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit AllocPagesIommuEndFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_gfp_flags() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint32_t gfp_flags() const { return at<1>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_order() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint32_t order() const { return at<2>().as_uint32(); }
class AllocPagesIommuEndFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = AllocPagesIommuEndFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kGfpFlagsFieldNumber = 1,
kOrderFieldNumber = 2,
void set_gfp_flags(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_order(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
#endif // Include guard.
// gen_amalgamated begin header: gen/protos/perfetto/trace/ftrace/lowmemorykiller.pbzero.h
// Autogenerated by the ProtoZero compiler plugin. DO NOT EDIT.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/message.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/packed_repeated_fields.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_decoder.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_utils.h"
namespace perfetto {
namespace protos {
namespace pbzero {
class LowmemoryKillFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/5, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
LowmemoryKillFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit LowmemoryKillFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit LowmemoryKillFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_comm() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars comm() const { return at<1>().as_string(); }
bool has_pid() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
int32_t pid() const { return at<2>().as_int32(); }
bool has_pagecache_size() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
int64_t pagecache_size() const { return at<3>().as_int64(); }
bool has_pagecache_limit() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
int64_t pagecache_limit() const { return at<4>().as_int64(); }
bool has_free() const { return at<5>().valid(); }
int64_t free() const { return at<5>().as_int64(); }
class LowmemoryKillFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = LowmemoryKillFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kCommFieldNumber = 1,
kPidFieldNumber = 2,
kPagecacheSizeFieldNumber = 3,
kPagecacheLimitFieldNumber = 4,
kFreeFieldNumber = 5,
void set_comm(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(1,, value.size());
void set_comm(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(1, data, size);
void set_pid(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_pagecache_size(int64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void set_pagecache_limit(int64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(4, value);
void set_free(int64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(5, value);
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
#endif // Include guard.
// gen_amalgamated begin header: gen/protos/perfetto/trace/ftrace/mdss.pbzero.h
// Autogenerated by the ProtoZero compiler plugin. DO NOT EDIT.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/message.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/packed_repeated_fields.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_decoder.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_utils.h"
namespace perfetto {
namespace protos {
namespace pbzero {
class RotatorBwAoAsContextFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/1, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
RotatorBwAoAsContextFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit RotatorBwAoAsContextFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit RotatorBwAoAsContextFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_state() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint32_t state() const { return at<1>().as_uint32(); }
class RotatorBwAoAsContextFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = RotatorBwAoAsContextFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kStateFieldNumber = 1,
void set_state(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
class MdpPerfUpdateBusFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/3, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
MdpPerfUpdateBusFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit MdpPerfUpdateBusFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit MdpPerfUpdateBusFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_client() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
int32_t client() const { return at<1>().as_int32(); }
bool has_ab_quota() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint64_t ab_quota() const { return at<2>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_ib_quota() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
uint64_t ib_quota() const { return at<3>().as_uint64(); }
class MdpPerfUpdateBusFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = MdpPerfUpdateBusFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kClientFieldNumber = 1,
kAbQuotaFieldNumber = 2,
kIbQuotaFieldNumber = 3,
void set_client(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_ab_quota(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_ib_quota(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
class MdpPerfPrefillCalcFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/10, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
MdpPerfPrefillCalcFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit MdpPerfPrefillCalcFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit MdpPerfPrefillCalcFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_pnum() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint32_t pnum() const { return at<1>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_latency_buf() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint32_t latency_buf() const { return at<2>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_ot() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
uint32_t ot() const { return at<3>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_y_buf() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
uint32_t y_buf() const { return at<4>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_y_scaler() const { return at<5>().valid(); }
uint32_t y_scaler() const { return at<5>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_pp_lines() const { return at<6>().valid(); }
uint32_t pp_lines() const { return at<6>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_pp_bytes() const { return at<7>().valid(); }
uint32_t pp_bytes() const { return at<7>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_post_sc() const { return at<8>().valid(); }
uint32_t post_sc() const { return at<8>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_fbc_bytes() const { return at<9>().valid(); }
uint32_t fbc_bytes() const { return at<9>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_prefill_bytes() const { return at<10>().valid(); }
uint32_t prefill_bytes() const { return at<10>().as_uint32(); }
class MdpPerfPrefillCalcFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = MdpPerfPrefillCalcFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kPnumFieldNumber = 1,
kLatencyBufFieldNumber = 2,
kOtFieldNumber = 3,
kYBufFieldNumber = 4,
kYScalerFieldNumber = 5,
kPpLinesFieldNumber = 6,
kPpBytesFieldNumber = 7,
kPostScFieldNumber = 8,
kFbcBytesFieldNumber = 9,
kPrefillBytesFieldNumber = 10,
void set_pnum(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_latency_buf(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_ot(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void set_y_buf(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(4, value);
void set_y_scaler(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(5, value);
void set_pp_lines(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(6, value);
void set_pp_bytes(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(7, value);
void set_post_sc(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(8, value);
void set_fbc_bytes(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(9, value);
void set_prefill_bytes(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(10, value);
class MdpCmdWaitPingpongFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/2, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
MdpCmdWaitPingpongFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit MdpCmdWaitPingpongFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit MdpCmdWaitPingpongFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_ctl_num() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint32_t ctl_num() const { return at<1>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_kickoff_cnt() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
int32_t kickoff_cnt() const { return at<2>().as_int32(); }
class MdpCmdWaitPingpongFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = MdpCmdWaitPingpongFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kCtlNumFieldNumber = 1,
kKickoffCntFieldNumber = 2,
void set_ctl_num(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_kickoff_cnt(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
class MdpVideoUnderrunDoneFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/2, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
MdpVideoUnderrunDoneFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit MdpVideoUnderrunDoneFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit MdpVideoUnderrunDoneFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_ctl_num() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint32_t ctl_num() const { return at<1>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_underrun_cnt() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint32_t underrun_cnt() const { return at<2>().as_uint32(); }
class MdpVideoUnderrunDoneFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = MdpVideoUnderrunDoneFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kCtlNumFieldNumber = 1,
kUnderrunCntFieldNumber = 2,
void set_ctl_num(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_underrun_cnt(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
class MdpPerfSetWmLevelsFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/8, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
MdpPerfSetWmLevelsFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit MdpPerfSetWmLevelsFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit MdpPerfSetWmLevelsFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_pnum() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint32_t pnum() const { return at<1>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_use_space() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint32_t use_space() const { return at<2>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_priority_bytes() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
uint32_t priority_bytes() const { return at<3>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_wm0() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
uint32_t wm0() const { return at<4>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_wm1() const { return at<5>().valid(); }
uint32_t wm1() const { return at<5>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_wm2() const { return at<6>().valid(); }
uint32_t wm2() const { return at<6>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_mb_cnt() const { return at<7>().valid(); }
uint32_t mb_cnt() const { return at<7>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_mb_size() const { return at<8>().valid(); }
uint32_t mb_size() const { return at<8>().as_uint32(); }
class MdpPerfSetWmLevelsFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = MdpPerfSetWmLevelsFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kPnumFieldNumber = 1,
kUseSpaceFieldNumber = 2,
kPriorityBytesFieldNumber = 3,
kWm0FieldNumber = 4,
kWm1FieldNumber = 5,
kWm2FieldNumber = 6,
kMbCntFieldNumber = 7,
kMbSizeFieldNumber = 8,
void set_pnum(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_use_space(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_priority_bytes(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void set_wm0(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(4, value);
void set_wm1(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(5, value);
void set_wm2(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(6, value);
void set_mb_cnt(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(7, value);
void set_mb_size(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(8, value);
class MdpMixerUpdateFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/1, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
MdpMixerUpdateFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit MdpMixerUpdateFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit MdpMixerUpdateFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_mixer_num() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint32_t mixer_num() const { return at<1>().as_uint32(); }
class MdpMixerUpdateFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = MdpMixerUpdateFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kMixerNumFieldNumber = 1,
void set_mixer_num(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
class MdpCmdReleaseBwFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/1, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
MdpCmdReleaseBwFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit MdpCmdReleaseBwFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit MdpCmdReleaseBwFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_ctl_num() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint32_t ctl_num() const { return at<1>().as_uint32(); }
class MdpCmdReleaseBwFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = MdpCmdReleaseBwFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kCtlNumFieldNumber = 1,
void set_ctl_num(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
class MdpTraceCounterFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/3, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
MdpTraceCounterFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit MdpTraceCounterFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit MdpTraceCounterFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_pid() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
int32_t pid() const { return at<1>().as_int32(); }
bool has_counter_name() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars counter_name() const { return at<2>().as_string(); }
bool has_value() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
int32_t value() const { return at<3>().as_int32(); }
class MdpTraceCounterFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = MdpTraceCounterFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kPidFieldNumber = 1,
kCounterNameFieldNumber = 2,
kValueFieldNumber = 3,
void set_pid(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_counter_name(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(2,, value.size());
void set_counter_name(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(2, data, size);
void set_value(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
class MdpPerfSetQosLutsFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/7, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
MdpPerfSetQosLutsFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit MdpPerfSetQosLutsFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit MdpPerfSetQosLutsFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_pnum() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint32_t pnum() const { return at<1>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_fmt() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint32_t fmt() const { return at<2>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_intf() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
uint32_t intf() const { return at<3>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_rot() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
uint32_t rot() const { return at<4>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_fl() const { return at<5>().valid(); }
uint32_t fl() const { return at<5>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_lut() const { return at<6>().valid(); }
uint32_t lut() const { return at<6>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_linear() const { return at<7>().valid(); }
uint32_t linear() const { return at<7>().as_uint32(); }
class MdpPerfSetQosLutsFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = MdpPerfSetQosLutsFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kPnumFieldNumber = 1,
kFmtFieldNumber = 2,
kIntfFieldNumber = 3,
kRotFieldNumber = 4,
kFlFieldNumber = 5,
kLutFieldNumber = 6,
kLinearFieldNumber = 7,
void set_pnum(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_fmt(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_intf(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void set_rot(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(4, value);
void set_fl(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(5, value);
void set_lut(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(6, value);
void set_linear(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(7, value);
class MdpMisrCrcFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/3, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
MdpMisrCrcFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit MdpMisrCrcFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit MdpMisrCrcFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_block_id() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint32_t block_id() const { return at<1>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_vsync_cnt() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint32_t vsync_cnt() const { return at<2>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_crc() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
uint32_t crc() const { return at<3>().as_uint32(); }
class MdpMisrCrcFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = MdpMisrCrcFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kBlockIdFieldNumber = 1,
kVsyncCntFieldNumber = 2,
kCrcFieldNumber = 3,
void set_block_id(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_vsync_cnt(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_crc(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
class MdpCmdReadptrDoneFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/2, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
MdpCmdReadptrDoneFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit MdpCmdReadptrDoneFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit MdpCmdReadptrDoneFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_ctl_num() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint32_t ctl_num() const { return at<1>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_koff_cnt() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
int32_t koff_cnt() const { return at<2>().as_int32(); }
class MdpCmdReadptrDoneFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = MdpCmdReadptrDoneFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kCtlNumFieldNumber = 1,
kKoffCntFieldNumber = 2,
void set_ctl_num(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_koff_cnt(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
class MdpSsppSetFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/16, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
MdpSsppSetFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit MdpSsppSetFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit MdpSsppSetFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_num() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint32_t num() const { return at<1>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_play_cnt() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint32_t play_cnt() const { return at<2>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_mixer() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
uint32_t mixer() const { return at<3>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_stage() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
uint32_t stage() const { return at<4>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_flags() const { return at<5>().valid(); }
uint32_t flags() const { return at<5>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_format() const { return at<6>().valid(); }
uint32_t format() const { return at<6>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_img_w() const { return at<7>().valid(); }
uint32_t img_w() const { return at<7>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_img_h() const { return at<8>().valid(); }
uint32_t img_h() const { return at<8>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_src_x() const { return at<9>().valid(); }
uint32_t src_x() const { return at<9>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_src_y() const { return at<10>().valid(); }
uint32_t src_y() const { return at<10>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_src_w() const { return at<11>().valid(); }
uint32_t src_w() const { return at<11>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_src_h() const { return at<12>().valid(); }
uint32_t src_h() const { return at<12>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_dst_x() const { return at<13>().valid(); }
uint32_t dst_x() const { return at<13>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_dst_y() const { return at<14>().valid(); }
uint32_t dst_y() const { return at<14>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_dst_w() const { return at<15>().valid(); }
uint32_t dst_w() const { return at<15>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_dst_h() const { return at<16>().valid(); }
uint32_t dst_h() const { return at<16>().as_uint32(); }
class MdpSsppSetFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = MdpSsppSetFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kNumFieldNumber = 1,
kPlayCntFieldNumber = 2,
kMixerFieldNumber = 3,
kStageFieldNumber = 4,
kFlagsFieldNumber = 5,
kFormatFieldNumber = 6,
kImgWFieldNumber = 7,
kImgHFieldNumber = 8,
kSrcXFieldNumber = 9,
kSrcYFieldNumber = 10,
kSrcWFieldNumber = 11,
kSrcHFieldNumber = 12,
kDstXFieldNumber = 13,
kDstYFieldNumber = 14,
kDstWFieldNumber = 15,
kDstHFieldNumber = 16,
void set_num(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_play_cnt(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_mixer(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void set_stage(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(4, value);
void set_flags(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(5, value);
void set_format(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(6, value);
void set_img_w(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(7, value);
void set_img_h(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(8, value);
void set_src_x(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(9, value);
void set_src_y(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(10, value);
void set_src_w(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(11, value);
void set_src_h(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(12, value);
void set_dst_x(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(13, value);
void set_dst_y(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(14, value);
void set_dst_w(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(15, value);
void set_dst_h(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(16, value);
class MdpPerfSetPanicLutsFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/5, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
MdpPerfSetPanicLutsFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit MdpPerfSetPanicLutsFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit MdpPerfSetPanicLutsFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_pnum() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint32_t pnum() const { return at<1>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_fmt() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint32_t fmt() const { return at<2>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_mode() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
uint32_t mode() const { return at<3>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_panic_lut() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
uint32_t panic_lut() const { return at<4>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_robust_lut() const { return at<5>().valid(); }
uint32_t robust_lut() const { return at<5>().as_uint32(); }
class MdpPerfSetPanicLutsFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = MdpPerfSetPanicLutsFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kPnumFieldNumber = 1,
kFmtFieldNumber = 2,
kModeFieldNumber = 3,
kPanicLutFieldNumber = 4,
kRobustLutFieldNumber = 5,
void set_pnum(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_fmt(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_mode(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void set_panic_lut(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(4, value);
void set_robust_lut(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(5, value);
class MdpCompareBwFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/8, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
MdpCompareBwFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit MdpCompareBwFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit MdpCompareBwFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_new_ab() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t new_ab() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_new_ib() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint64_t new_ib() const { return at<2>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_new_wb() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
uint64_t new_wb() const { return at<3>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_old_ab() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
uint64_t old_ab() const { return at<4>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_old_ib() const { return at<5>().valid(); }
uint64_t old_ib() const { return at<5>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_old_wb() const { return at<6>().valid(); }
uint64_t old_wb() const { return at<6>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_params_changed() const { return at<7>().valid(); }
uint32_t params_changed() const { return at<7>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_update_bw() const { return at<8>().valid(); }
uint32_t update_bw() const { return at<8>().as_uint32(); }
class MdpCompareBwFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = MdpCompareBwFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kNewAbFieldNumber = 1,
kNewIbFieldNumber = 2,
kNewWbFieldNumber = 3,
kOldAbFieldNumber = 4,
kOldIbFieldNumber = 5,
kOldWbFieldNumber = 6,
kParamsChangedFieldNumber = 7,
kUpdateBwFieldNumber = 8,
void set_new_ab(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_new_ib(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_new_wb(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void set_old_ab(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(4, value);
void set_old_ib(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(5, value);
void set_old_wb(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(6, value);
void set_params_changed(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(7, value);
void set_update_bw(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(8, value);
class MdpCmdPingpongDoneFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/4, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
MdpCmdPingpongDoneFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit MdpCmdPingpongDoneFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit MdpCmdPingpongDoneFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_ctl_num() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint32_t ctl_num() const { return at<1>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_intf_num() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint32_t intf_num() const { return at<2>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_pp_num() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
uint32_t pp_num() const { return at<3>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_koff_cnt() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
int32_t koff_cnt() const { return at<4>().as_int32(); }
class MdpCmdPingpongDoneFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = MdpCmdPingpongDoneFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kCtlNumFieldNumber = 1,
kIntfNumFieldNumber = 2,
kPpNumFieldNumber = 3,
kKoffCntFieldNumber = 4,
void set_ctl_num(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_intf_num(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_pp_num(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void set_koff_cnt(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(4, value);
class TracingMarkWriteFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/3, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
TracingMarkWriteFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit TracingMarkWriteFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit TracingMarkWriteFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_pid() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
int32_t pid() const { return at<1>().as_int32(); }
bool has_trace_name() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars trace_name() const { return at<2>().as_string(); }
bool has_trace_begin() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
uint32_t trace_begin() const { return at<3>().as_uint32(); }
class TracingMarkWriteFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = TracingMarkWriteFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kPidFieldNumber = 1,
kTraceNameFieldNumber = 2,
kTraceBeginFieldNumber = 3,
void set_pid(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_trace_name(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(2,, value.size());
void set_trace_name(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(2, data, size);
void set_trace_begin(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
class MdpSsppChangeFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/16, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
MdpSsppChangeFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit MdpSsppChangeFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit MdpSsppChangeFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_num() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint32_t num() const { return at<1>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_play_cnt() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint32_t play_cnt() const { return at<2>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_mixer() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
uint32_t mixer() const { return at<3>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_stage() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
uint32_t stage() const { return at<4>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_flags() const { return at<5>().valid(); }
uint32_t flags() const { return at<5>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_format() const { return at<6>().valid(); }
uint32_t format() const { return at<6>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_img_w() const { return at<7>().valid(); }
uint32_t img_w() const { return at<7>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_img_h() const { return at<8>().valid(); }
uint32_t img_h() const { return at<8>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_src_x() const { return at<9>().valid(); }
uint32_t src_x() const { return at<9>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_src_y() const { return at<10>().valid(); }
uint32_t src_y() const { return at<10>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_src_w() const { return at<11>().valid(); }
uint32_t src_w() const { return at<11>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_src_h() const { return at<12>().valid(); }
uint32_t src_h() const { return at<12>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_dst_x() const { return at<13>().valid(); }
uint32_t dst_x() const { return at<13>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_dst_y() const { return at<14>().valid(); }
uint32_t dst_y() const { return at<14>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_dst_w() const { return at<15>().valid(); }
uint32_t dst_w() const { return at<15>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_dst_h() const { return at<16>().valid(); }
uint32_t dst_h() const { return at<16>().as_uint32(); }
class MdpSsppChangeFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = MdpSsppChangeFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kNumFieldNumber = 1,
kPlayCntFieldNumber = 2,
kMixerFieldNumber = 3,
kStageFieldNumber = 4,
kFlagsFieldNumber = 5,
kFormatFieldNumber = 6,
kImgWFieldNumber = 7,
kImgHFieldNumber = 8,
kSrcXFieldNumber = 9,
kSrcYFieldNumber = 10,
kSrcWFieldNumber = 11,
kSrcHFieldNumber = 12,
kDstXFieldNumber = 13,
kDstYFieldNumber = 14,
kDstWFieldNumber = 15,
kDstHFieldNumber = 16,
void set_num(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_play_cnt(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_mixer(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void set_stage(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(4, value);
void set_flags(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(5, value);
void set_format(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(6, value);
void set_img_w(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(7, value);
void set_img_h(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(8, value);
void set_src_x(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(9, value);
void set_src_y(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(10, value);
void set_src_w(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(11, value);
void set_src_h(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(12, value);
void set_dst_x(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(13, value);
void set_dst_y(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(14, value);
void set_dst_w(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(15, value);
void set_dst_h(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(16, value);
class MdpPerfSetOtFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/4, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
MdpPerfSetOtFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit MdpPerfSetOtFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit MdpPerfSetOtFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_pnum() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint32_t pnum() const { return at<1>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_xin_id() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint32_t xin_id() const { return at<2>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_rd_lim() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
uint32_t rd_lim() const { return at<3>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_is_vbif_rt() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
uint32_t is_vbif_rt() const { return at<4>().as_uint32(); }
class MdpPerfSetOtFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = MdpPerfSetOtFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kPnumFieldNumber = 1,
kXinIdFieldNumber = 2,
kRdLimFieldNumber = 3,
kIsVbifRtFieldNumber = 4,
void set_pnum(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_xin_id(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_rd_lim(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void set_is_vbif_rt(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(4, value);
class MdpCommitFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/4, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
MdpCommitFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit MdpCommitFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit MdpCommitFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_num() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint32_t num() const { return at<1>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_play_cnt() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint32_t play_cnt() const { return at<2>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_clk_rate() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
uint32_t clk_rate() const { return at<3>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_bandwidth() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
uint64_t bandwidth() const { return at<4>().as_uint64(); }
class MdpCommitFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = MdpCommitFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kNumFieldNumber = 1,
kPlayCntFieldNumber = 2,
kClkRateFieldNumber = 3,
kBandwidthFieldNumber = 4,
void set_num(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_play_cnt(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_clk_rate(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void set_bandwidth(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(4, value);
class MdpCmdKickoffFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/2, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
MdpCmdKickoffFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit MdpCmdKickoffFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit MdpCmdKickoffFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_ctl_num() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint32_t ctl_num() const { return at<1>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_kickoff_cnt() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
int32_t kickoff_cnt() const { return at<2>().as_int32(); }
class MdpCmdKickoffFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = MdpCmdKickoffFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kCtlNumFieldNumber = 1,
kKickoffCntFieldNumber = 2,
void set_ctl_num(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_kickoff_cnt(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
#endif // Include guard.
// gen_amalgamated begin header: gen/protos/perfetto/trace/ftrace/mm_event.pbzero.h
// Autogenerated by the ProtoZero compiler plugin. DO NOT EDIT.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/message.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/packed_repeated_fields.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_decoder.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_utils.h"
namespace perfetto {
namespace protos {
namespace pbzero {
class MmEventRecordFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/4, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
MmEventRecordFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit MmEventRecordFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit MmEventRecordFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_avg_lat() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint32_t avg_lat() const { return at<1>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_count() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint32_t count() const { return at<2>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_max_lat() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
uint32_t max_lat() const { return at<3>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_type() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
uint32_t type() const { return at<4>().as_uint32(); }
class MmEventRecordFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = MmEventRecordFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kAvgLatFieldNumber = 1,
kCountFieldNumber = 2,
kMaxLatFieldNumber = 3,
kTypeFieldNumber = 4,
void set_avg_lat(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_count(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_max_lat(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void set_type(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(4, value);
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
#endif // Include guard.
// gen_amalgamated begin header: gen/protos/perfetto/trace/ftrace/oom.pbzero.h
// Autogenerated by the ProtoZero compiler plugin. DO NOT EDIT.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/message.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/packed_repeated_fields.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_decoder.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_utils.h"
namespace perfetto {
namespace protos {
namespace pbzero {
class MarkVictimFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/1, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
MarkVictimFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit MarkVictimFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit MarkVictimFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_pid() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
int32_t pid() const { return at<1>().as_int32(); }
class MarkVictimFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = MarkVictimFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kPidFieldNumber = 1,
void set_pid(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
class OomScoreAdjUpdateFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/3, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
OomScoreAdjUpdateFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit OomScoreAdjUpdateFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit OomScoreAdjUpdateFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_comm() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars comm() const { return at<1>().as_string(); }
bool has_oom_score_adj() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
int32_t oom_score_adj() const { return at<2>().as_int32(); }
bool has_pid() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
int32_t pid() const { return at<3>().as_int32(); }
class OomScoreAdjUpdateFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = OomScoreAdjUpdateFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kCommFieldNumber = 1,
kOomScoreAdjFieldNumber = 2,
kPidFieldNumber = 3,
void set_comm(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(1,, value.size());
void set_comm(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(1, data, size);
void set_oom_score_adj(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_pid(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
#endif // Include guard.
// gen_amalgamated begin header: gen/protos/perfetto/trace/ftrace/power.pbzero.h
// Autogenerated by the ProtoZero compiler plugin. DO NOT EDIT.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/message.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/packed_repeated_fields.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_decoder.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_utils.h"
namespace perfetto {
namespace protos {
namespace pbzero {
class GpuFrequencyFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/2, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
GpuFrequencyFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit GpuFrequencyFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit GpuFrequencyFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_gpu_id() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint32_t gpu_id() const { return at<1>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_state() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint32_t state() const { return at<2>().as_uint32(); }
class GpuFrequencyFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = GpuFrequencyFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kGpuIdFieldNumber = 1,
kStateFieldNumber = 2,
void set_gpu_id(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_state(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
class SuspendResumeFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/3, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
SuspendResumeFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit SuspendResumeFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit SuspendResumeFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_action() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars action() const { return at<1>().as_string(); }
bool has_val() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
int32_t val() const { return at<2>().as_int32(); }
bool has_start() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
uint32_t start() const { return at<3>().as_uint32(); }
class SuspendResumeFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = SuspendResumeFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kActionFieldNumber = 1,
kValFieldNumber = 2,
kStartFieldNumber = 3,
void set_action(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(1,, value.size());
void set_action(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(1, data, size);
void set_val(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_start(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
class ClockSetRateFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/3, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
ClockSetRateFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit ClockSetRateFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit ClockSetRateFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_name() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars name() const { return at<1>().as_string(); }
bool has_state() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint64_t state() const { return at<2>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_cpu_id() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
uint64_t cpu_id() const { return at<3>().as_uint64(); }
class ClockSetRateFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = ClockSetRateFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kNameFieldNumber = 1,
kStateFieldNumber = 2,
kCpuIdFieldNumber = 3,
void set_name(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(1,, value.size());
void set_name(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(1, data, size);
void set_state(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_cpu_id(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
class ClockDisableFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/3, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
ClockDisableFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit ClockDisableFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit ClockDisableFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_name() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars name() const { return at<1>().as_string(); }
bool has_state() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint64_t state() const { return at<2>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_cpu_id() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
uint64_t cpu_id() const { return at<3>().as_uint64(); }
class ClockDisableFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = ClockDisableFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kNameFieldNumber = 1,
kStateFieldNumber = 2,
kCpuIdFieldNumber = 3,
void set_name(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(1,, value.size());
void set_name(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(1, data, size);
void set_state(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_cpu_id(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
class ClockEnableFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/3, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
ClockEnableFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit ClockEnableFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit ClockEnableFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_name() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars name() const { return at<1>().as_string(); }
bool has_state() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint64_t state() const { return at<2>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_cpu_id() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
uint64_t cpu_id() const { return at<3>().as_uint64(); }
class ClockEnableFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = ClockEnableFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kNameFieldNumber = 1,
kStateFieldNumber = 2,
kCpuIdFieldNumber = 3,
void set_name(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(1,, value.size());
void set_name(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(1, data, size);
void set_state(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_cpu_id(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
class CpuIdleFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/2, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
CpuIdleFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit CpuIdleFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit CpuIdleFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_state() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint32_t state() const { return at<1>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_cpu_id() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint32_t cpu_id() const { return at<2>().as_uint32(); }
class CpuIdleFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = CpuIdleFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kStateFieldNumber = 1,
kCpuIdFieldNumber = 2,
void set_state(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_cpu_id(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
class CpuFrequencyLimitsFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/3, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
CpuFrequencyLimitsFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit CpuFrequencyLimitsFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit CpuFrequencyLimitsFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_min_freq() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint32_t min_freq() const { return at<1>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_max_freq() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint32_t max_freq() const { return at<2>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_cpu_id() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
uint32_t cpu_id() const { return at<3>().as_uint32(); }
class CpuFrequencyLimitsFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = CpuFrequencyLimitsFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kMinFreqFieldNumber = 1,
kMaxFreqFieldNumber = 2,
kCpuIdFieldNumber = 3,
void set_min_freq(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_max_freq(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_cpu_id(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
class CpuFrequencyFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/2, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
CpuFrequencyFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit CpuFrequencyFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit CpuFrequencyFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_state() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint32_t state() const { return at<1>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_cpu_id() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint32_t cpu_id() const { return at<2>().as_uint32(); }
class CpuFrequencyFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = CpuFrequencyFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kStateFieldNumber = 1,
kCpuIdFieldNumber = 2,
void set_state(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_cpu_id(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
#endif // Include guard.
// gen_amalgamated begin header: gen/protos/perfetto/trace/ftrace/raw_syscalls.pbzero.h
// Autogenerated by the ProtoZero compiler plugin. DO NOT EDIT.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/message.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/packed_repeated_fields.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_decoder.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_utils.h"
namespace perfetto {
namespace protos {
namespace pbzero {
class SysExitFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/2, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
SysExitFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit SysExitFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit SysExitFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_id() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
int64_t id() const { return at<1>().as_int64(); }
bool has_ret() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
int64_t ret() const { return at<2>().as_int64(); }
class SysExitFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = SysExitFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kIdFieldNumber = 1,
kRetFieldNumber = 2,
void set_id(int64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_ret(int64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
class SysEnterFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/1, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
SysEnterFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit SysEnterFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit SysEnterFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_id() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
int64_t id() const { return at<1>().as_int64(); }
class SysEnterFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = SysEnterFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kIdFieldNumber = 1,
void set_id(int64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
#endif // Include guard.
// gen_amalgamated begin header: gen/protos/perfetto/trace/ftrace/regulator.pbzero.h
// Autogenerated by the ProtoZero compiler plugin. DO NOT EDIT.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/message.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/packed_repeated_fields.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_decoder.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_utils.h"
namespace perfetto {
namespace protos {
namespace pbzero {
class RegulatorSetVoltageCompleteFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/2, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
RegulatorSetVoltageCompleteFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit RegulatorSetVoltageCompleteFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit RegulatorSetVoltageCompleteFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_name() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars name() const { return at<1>().as_string(); }
bool has_val() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint32_t val() const { return at<2>().as_uint32(); }
class RegulatorSetVoltageCompleteFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = RegulatorSetVoltageCompleteFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kNameFieldNumber = 1,
kValFieldNumber = 2,
void set_name(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(1,, value.size());
void set_name(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(1, data, size);
void set_val(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
class RegulatorSetVoltageFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/3, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
RegulatorSetVoltageFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit RegulatorSetVoltageFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit RegulatorSetVoltageFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_name() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars name() const { return at<1>().as_string(); }
bool has_min() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
int32_t min() const { return at<2>().as_int32(); }
bool has_max() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
int32_t max() const { return at<3>().as_int32(); }
class RegulatorSetVoltageFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = RegulatorSetVoltageFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kNameFieldNumber = 1,
kMinFieldNumber = 2,
kMaxFieldNumber = 3,
void set_name(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(1,, value.size());
void set_name(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(1, data, size);
void set_min(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_max(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
class RegulatorEnableDelayFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/1, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
RegulatorEnableDelayFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit RegulatorEnableDelayFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit RegulatorEnableDelayFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_name() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars name() const { return at<1>().as_string(); }
class RegulatorEnableDelayFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = RegulatorEnableDelayFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kNameFieldNumber = 1,
void set_name(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(1,, value.size());
void set_name(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(1, data, size);
class RegulatorEnableCompleteFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/1, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
RegulatorEnableCompleteFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit RegulatorEnableCompleteFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit RegulatorEnableCompleteFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_name() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars name() const { return at<1>().as_string(); }
class RegulatorEnableCompleteFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = RegulatorEnableCompleteFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kNameFieldNumber = 1,
void set_name(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(1,, value.size());
void set_name(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(1, data, size);
class RegulatorEnableFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/1, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
RegulatorEnableFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit RegulatorEnableFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit RegulatorEnableFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_name() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars name() const { return at<1>().as_string(); }
class RegulatorEnableFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = RegulatorEnableFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kNameFieldNumber = 1,
void set_name(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(1,, value.size());
void set_name(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(1, data, size);
class RegulatorDisableCompleteFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/1, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
RegulatorDisableCompleteFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit RegulatorDisableCompleteFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit RegulatorDisableCompleteFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_name() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars name() const { return at<1>().as_string(); }
class RegulatorDisableCompleteFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = RegulatorDisableCompleteFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kNameFieldNumber = 1,
void set_name(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(1,, value.size());
void set_name(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(1, data, size);
class RegulatorDisableFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/1, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
RegulatorDisableFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit RegulatorDisableFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit RegulatorDisableFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_name() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars name() const { return at<1>().as_string(); }
class RegulatorDisableFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = RegulatorDisableFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kNameFieldNumber = 1,
void set_name(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(1,, value.size());
void set_name(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(1, data, size);
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
#endif // Include guard.
// gen_amalgamated begin header: gen/protos/perfetto/trace/ftrace/sched.pbzero.h
// Autogenerated by the ProtoZero compiler plugin. DO NOT EDIT.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/message.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/packed_repeated_fields.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_decoder.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_utils.h"
namespace perfetto {
namespace protos {
namespace pbzero {
class SchedProcessWaitFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/3, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
SchedProcessWaitFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit SchedProcessWaitFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit SchedProcessWaitFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_comm() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars comm() const { return at<1>().as_string(); }
bool has_pid() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
int32_t pid() const { return at<2>().as_int32(); }
bool has_prio() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
int32_t prio() const { return at<3>().as_int32(); }
class SchedProcessWaitFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = SchedProcessWaitFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kCommFieldNumber = 1,
kPidFieldNumber = 2,
kPrioFieldNumber = 3,
void set_comm(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(1,, value.size());
void set_comm(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(1, data, size);
void set_pid(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_prio(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
class SchedProcessHangFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/2, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
SchedProcessHangFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit SchedProcessHangFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit SchedProcessHangFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_comm() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars comm() const { return at<1>().as_string(); }
bool has_pid() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
int32_t pid() const { return at<2>().as_int32(); }
class SchedProcessHangFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = SchedProcessHangFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kCommFieldNumber = 1,
kPidFieldNumber = 2,
void set_comm(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(1,, value.size());
void set_comm(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(1, data, size);
void set_pid(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
class SchedProcessFreeFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/3, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
SchedProcessFreeFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit SchedProcessFreeFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit SchedProcessFreeFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_comm() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars comm() const { return at<1>().as_string(); }
bool has_pid() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
int32_t pid() const { return at<2>().as_int32(); }
bool has_prio() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
int32_t prio() const { return at<3>().as_int32(); }
class SchedProcessFreeFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = SchedProcessFreeFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kCommFieldNumber = 1,
kPidFieldNumber = 2,
kPrioFieldNumber = 3,
void set_comm(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(1,, value.size());
void set_comm(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(1, data, size);
void set_pid(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_prio(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
class SchedProcessForkFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/4, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
SchedProcessForkFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit SchedProcessForkFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit SchedProcessForkFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_parent_comm() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars parent_comm() const { return at<1>().as_string(); }
bool has_parent_pid() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
int32_t parent_pid() const { return at<2>().as_int32(); }
bool has_child_comm() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars child_comm() const { return at<3>().as_string(); }
bool has_child_pid() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
int32_t child_pid() const { return at<4>().as_int32(); }
class SchedProcessForkFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = SchedProcessForkFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kParentCommFieldNumber = 1,
kParentPidFieldNumber = 2,
kChildCommFieldNumber = 3,
kChildPidFieldNumber = 4,
void set_parent_comm(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(1,, value.size());
void set_parent_comm(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(1, data, size);
void set_parent_pid(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_child_comm(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(3,, value.size());
void set_child_comm(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(3, data, size);
void set_child_pid(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(4, value);
class SchedProcessExitFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/4, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
SchedProcessExitFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit SchedProcessExitFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit SchedProcessExitFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_comm() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars comm() const { return at<1>().as_string(); }
bool has_pid() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
int32_t pid() const { return at<2>().as_int32(); }
bool has_tgid() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
int32_t tgid() const { return at<3>().as_int32(); }
bool has_prio() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
int32_t prio() const { return at<4>().as_int32(); }
class SchedProcessExitFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = SchedProcessExitFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kCommFieldNumber = 1,
kPidFieldNumber = 2,
kTgidFieldNumber = 3,
kPrioFieldNumber = 4,
void set_comm(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(1,, value.size());
void set_comm(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(1, data, size);
void set_pid(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_tgid(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void set_prio(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(4, value);
class SchedProcessExecFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/3, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
SchedProcessExecFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit SchedProcessExecFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit SchedProcessExecFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_filename() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars filename() const { return at<1>().as_string(); }
bool has_pid() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
int32_t pid() const { return at<2>().as_int32(); }
bool has_old_pid() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
int32_t old_pid() const { return at<3>().as_int32(); }
class SchedProcessExecFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = SchedProcessExecFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kFilenameFieldNumber = 1,
kPidFieldNumber = 2,
kOldPidFieldNumber = 3,
void set_filename(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(1,, value.size());
void set_filename(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(1, data, size);
void set_pid(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_old_pid(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
class SchedWakeupNewFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/5, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
SchedWakeupNewFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit SchedWakeupNewFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit SchedWakeupNewFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_comm() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars comm() const { return at<1>().as_string(); }
bool has_pid() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
int32_t pid() const { return at<2>().as_int32(); }
bool has_prio() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
int32_t prio() const { return at<3>().as_int32(); }
bool has_success() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
int32_t success() const { return at<4>().as_int32(); }
bool has_target_cpu() const { return at<5>().valid(); }
int32_t target_cpu() const { return at<5>().as_int32(); }
class SchedWakeupNewFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = SchedWakeupNewFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kCommFieldNumber = 1,
kPidFieldNumber = 2,
kPrioFieldNumber = 3,
kSuccessFieldNumber = 4,
kTargetCpuFieldNumber = 5,
void set_comm(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(1,, value.size());
void set_comm(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(1, data, size);
void set_pid(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_prio(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void set_success(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(4, value);
void set_target_cpu(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(5, value);
class SchedWakingFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/5, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
SchedWakingFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit SchedWakingFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit SchedWakingFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_comm() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars comm() const { return at<1>().as_string(); }
bool has_pid() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
int32_t pid() const { return at<2>().as_int32(); }
bool has_prio() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
int32_t prio() const { return at<3>().as_int32(); }
bool has_success() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
int32_t success() const { return at<4>().as_int32(); }
bool has_target_cpu() const { return at<5>().valid(); }
int32_t target_cpu() const { return at<5>().as_int32(); }
class SchedWakingFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = SchedWakingFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kCommFieldNumber = 1,
kPidFieldNumber = 2,
kPrioFieldNumber = 3,
kSuccessFieldNumber = 4,
kTargetCpuFieldNumber = 5,
void set_comm(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(1,, value.size());
void set_comm(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(1, data, size);
void set_pid(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_prio(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void set_success(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(4, value);
void set_target_cpu(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(5, value);
class SchedCpuHotplugFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/3, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
SchedCpuHotplugFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit SchedCpuHotplugFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit SchedCpuHotplugFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_affected_cpu() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
int32_t affected_cpu() const { return at<1>().as_int32(); }
bool has_error() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
int32_t error() const { return at<2>().as_int32(); }
bool has_status() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
int32_t status() const { return at<3>().as_int32(); }
class SchedCpuHotplugFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = SchedCpuHotplugFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kAffectedCpuFieldNumber = 1,
kErrorFieldNumber = 2,
kStatusFieldNumber = 3,
void set_affected_cpu(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_error(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_status(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
class SchedBlockedReasonFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/3, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
SchedBlockedReasonFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit SchedBlockedReasonFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit SchedBlockedReasonFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_pid() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
int32_t pid() const { return at<1>().as_int32(); }
bool has_caller() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint64_t caller() const { return at<2>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_io_wait() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
uint32_t io_wait() const { return at<3>().as_uint32(); }
class SchedBlockedReasonFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = SchedBlockedReasonFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kPidFieldNumber = 1,
kCallerFieldNumber = 2,
kIoWaitFieldNumber = 3,
void set_pid(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_caller(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_io_wait(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
class SchedWakeupFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/5, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
SchedWakeupFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit SchedWakeupFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit SchedWakeupFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_comm() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars comm() const { return at<1>().as_string(); }
bool has_pid() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
int32_t pid() const { return at<2>().as_int32(); }
bool has_prio() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
int32_t prio() const { return at<3>().as_int32(); }
bool has_success() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
int32_t success() const { return at<4>().as_int32(); }
bool has_target_cpu() const { return at<5>().valid(); }
int32_t target_cpu() const { return at<5>().as_int32(); }
class SchedWakeupFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = SchedWakeupFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kCommFieldNumber = 1,
kPidFieldNumber = 2,
kPrioFieldNumber = 3,
kSuccessFieldNumber = 4,
kTargetCpuFieldNumber = 5,
void set_comm(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(1,, value.size());
void set_comm(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(1, data, size);
void set_pid(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_prio(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void set_success(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(4, value);
void set_target_cpu(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(5, value);
class SchedSwitchFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/7, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
SchedSwitchFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit SchedSwitchFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit SchedSwitchFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_prev_comm() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars prev_comm() const { return at<1>().as_string(); }
bool has_prev_pid() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
int32_t prev_pid() const { return at<2>().as_int32(); }
bool has_prev_prio() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
int32_t prev_prio() const { return at<3>().as_int32(); }
bool has_prev_state() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
int64_t prev_state() const { return at<4>().as_int64(); }
bool has_next_comm() const { return at<5>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars next_comm() const { return at<5>().as_string(); }
bool has_next_pid() const { return at<6>().valid(); }
int32_t next_pid() const { return at<6>().as_int32(); }
bool has_next_prio() const { return at<7>().valid(); }
int32_t next_prio() const { return at<7>().as_int32(); }
class SchedSwitchFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = SchedSwitchFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kPrevCommFieldNumber = 1,
kPrevPidFieldNumber = 2,
kPrevPrioFieldNumber = 3,
kPrevStateFieldNumber = 4,
kNextCommFieldNumber = 5,
kNextPidFieldNumber = 6,
kNextPrioFieldNumber = 7,
void set_prev_comm(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(1,, value.size());
void set_prev_comm(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(1, data, size);
void set_prev_pid(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_prev_prio(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void set_prev_state(int64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(4, value);
void set_next_comm(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(5,, value.size());
void set_next_comm(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(5, data, size);
void set_next_pid(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(6, value);
void set_next_prio(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(7, value);
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
#endif // Include guard.
// gen_amalgamated begin header: gen/protos/perfetto/trace/ftrace/scm.pbzero.h
// Autogenerated by the ProtoZero compiler plugin. DO NOT EDIT.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/message.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/packed_repeated_fields.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_decoder.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_utils.h"
namespace perfetto {
namespace protos {
namespace pbzero {
class ScmCallEndFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/0, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
ScmCallEndFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit ScmCallEndFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit ScmCallEndFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
class ScmCallEndFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = ScmCallEndFtraceEvent_Decoder;
class ScmCallStartFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/3, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
ScmCallStartFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit ScmCallStartFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit ScmCallStartFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_arginfo() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint32_t arginfo() const { return at<1>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_x0() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint64_t x0() const { return at<2>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_x5() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
uint64_t x5() const { return at<3>().as_uint64(); }
class ScmCallStartFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = ScmCallStartFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kArginfoFieldNumber = 1,
kX0FieldNumber = 2,
kX5FieldNumber = 3,
void set_arginfo(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_x0(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_x5(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
#endif // Include guard.
// gen_amalgamated begin header: gen/protos/perfetto/trace/ftrace/sde.pbzero.h
// Autogenerated by the ProtoZero compiler plugin. DO NOT EDIT.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/message.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/packed_repeated_fields.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_decoder.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_utils.h"
namespace perfetto {
namespace protos {
namespace pbzero {
class SdeTracingMarkWriteFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/5, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
SdeTracingMarkWriteFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit SdeTracingMarkWriteFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit SdeTracingMarkWriteFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_pid() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
int32_t pid() const { return at<1>().as_int32(); }
bool has_trace_name() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars trace_name() const { return at<2>().as_string(); }
bool has_trace_type() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
uint32_t trace_type() const { return at<3>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_value() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
int32_t value() const { return at<4>().as_int32(); }
bool has_trace_begin() const { return at<5>().valid(); }
uint32_t trace_begin() const { return at<5>().as_uint32(); }
class SdeTracingMarkWriteFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = SdeTracingMarkWriteFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kPidFieldNumber = 1,
kTraceNameFieldNumber = 2,
kTraceTypeFieldNumber = 3,
kValueFieldNumber = 4,
kTraceBeginFieldNumber = 5,
void set_pid(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_trace_name(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(2,, value.size());
void set_trace_name(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(2, data, size);
void set_trace_type(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void set_value(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(4, value);
void set_trace_begin(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(5, value);
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
#endif // Include guard.
// gen_amalgamated begin header: gen/protos/perfetto/trace/ftrace/signal.pbzero.h
// Autogenerated by the ProtoZero compiler plugin. DO NOT EDIT.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/message.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/packed_repeated_fields.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_decoder.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_utils.h"
namespace perfetto {
namespace protos {
namespace pbzero {
class SignalGenerateFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/6, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
SignalGenerateFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit SignalGenerateFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit SignalGenerateFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_code() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
int32_t code() const { return at<1>().as_int32(); }
bool has_comm() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars comm() const { return at<2>().as_string(); }
bool has_group() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
int32_t group() const { return at<3>().as_int32(); }
bool has_pid() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
int32_t pid() const { return at<4>().as_int32(); }
bool has_result() const { return at<5>().valid(); }
int32_t result() const { return at<5>().as_int32(); }
bool has_sig() const { return at<6>().valid(); }
int32_t sig() const { return at<6>().as_int32(); }
class SignalGenerateFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = SignalGenerateFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kCodeFieldNumber = 1,
kCommFieldNumber = 2,
kGroupFieldNumber = 3,
kPidFieldNumber = 4,
kResultFieldNumber = 5,
kSigFieldNumber = 6,
void set_code(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_comm(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(2,, value.size());
void set_comm(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(2, data, size);
void set_group(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void set_pid(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(4, value);
void set_result(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(5, value);
void set_sig(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(6, value);
class SignalDeliverFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/3, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
SignalDeliverFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit SignalDeliverFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit SignalDeliverFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_code() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
int32_t code() const { return at<1>().as_int32(); }
bool has_sa_flags() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint64_t sa_flags() const { return at<2>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_sig() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
int32_t sig() const { return at<3>().as_int32(); }
class SignalDeliverFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = SignalDeliverFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kCodeFieldNumber = 1,
kSaFlagsFieldNumber = 2,
kSigFieldNumber = 3,
void set_code(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_sa_flags(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_sig(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
#endif // Include guard.
// gen_amalgamated begin header: gen/protos/perfetto/trace/ftrace/sync.pbzero.h
// Autogenerated by the ProtoZero compiler plugin. DO NOT EDIT.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/message.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/packed_repeated_fields.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_decoder.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_utils.h"
namespace perfetto {
namespace protos {
namespace pbzero {
class SyncWaitFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/3, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
SyncWaitFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit SyncWaitFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit SyncWaitFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_name() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars name() const { return at<1>().as_string(); }
bool has_status() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
int32_t status() const { return at<2>().as_int32(); }
bool has_begin() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
uint32_t begin() const { return at<3>().as_uint32(); }
class SyncWaitFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = SyncWaitFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kNameFieldNumber = 1,
kStatusFieldNumber = 2,
kBeginFieldNumber = 3,
void set_name(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(1,, value.size());
void set_name(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(1, data, size);
void set_status(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_begin(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
class SyncTimelineFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/2, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
SyncTimelineFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit SyncTimelineFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit SyncTimelineFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_name() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars name() const { return at<1>().as_string(); }
bool has_value() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars value() const { return at<2>().as_string(); }
class SyncTimelineFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = SyncTimelineFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kNameFieldNumber = 1,
kValueFieldNumber = 2,
void set_name(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(1,, value.size());
void set_name(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(1, data, size);
void set_value(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(2,, value.size());
void set_value(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(2, data, size);
class SyncPtFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/2, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
SyncPtFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit SyncPtFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit SyncPtFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_timeline() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars timeline() const { return at<1>().as_string(); }
bool has_value() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars value() const { return at<2>().as_string(); }
class SyncPtFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = SyncPtFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kTimelineFieldNumber = 1,
kValueFieldNumber = 2,
void set_timeline(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(1,, value.size());
void set_timeline(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(1, data, size);
void set_value(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(2,, value.size());
void set_value(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(2, data, size);
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
#endif // Include guard.
// gen_amalgamated begin header: gen/protos/perfetto/trace/ftrace/systrace.pbzero.h
// Autogenerated by the ProtoZero compiler plugin. DO NOT EDIT.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/message.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/packed_repeated_fields.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_decoder.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_utils.h"
namespace perfetto {
namespace protos {
namespace pbzero {
class ZeroFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/4, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
ZeroFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit ZeroFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit ZeroFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_flag() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
int32_t flag() const { return at<1>().as_int32(); }
bool has_name() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars name() const { return at<2>().as_string(); }
bool has_pid() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
int32_t pid() const { return at<3>().as_int32(); }
bool has_value() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
int64_t value() const { return at<4>().as_int64(); }
class ZeroFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = ZeroFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kFlagFieldNumber = 1,
kNameFieldNumber = 2,
kPidFieldNumber = 3,
kValueFieldNumber = 4,
void set_flag(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_name(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(2,, value.size());
void set_name(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(2, data, size);
void set_pid(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void set_value(int64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(4, value);
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
#endif // Include guard.
// gen_amalgamated begin header: gen/protos/perfetto/trace/ftrace/task.pbzero.h
// Autogenerated by the ProtoZero compiler plugin. DO NOT EDIT.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/message.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/packed_repeated_fields.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_decoder.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_utils.h"
namespace perfetto {
namespace protos {
namespace pbzero {
class TaskRenameFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/4, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
TaskRenameFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit TaskRenameFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit TaskRenameFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_pid() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
int32_t pid() const { return at<1>().as_int32(); }
bool has_oldcomm() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars oldcomm() const { return at<2>().as_string(); }
bool has_newcomm() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars newcomm() const { return at<3>().as_string(); }
bool has_oom_score_adj() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
int32_t oom_score_adj() const { return at<4>().as_int32(); }
class TaskRenameFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = TaskRenameFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kPidFieldNumber = 1,
kOldcommFieldNumber = 2,
kNewcommFieldNumber = 3,
kOomScoreAdjFieldNumber = 4,
void set_pid(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_oldcomm(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(2,, value.size());
void set_oldcomm(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(2, data, size);
void set_newcomm(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(3,, value.size());
void set_newcomm(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(3, data, size);
void set_oom_score_adj(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(4, value);
class TaskNewtaskFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/4, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
TaskNewtaskFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit TaskNewtaskFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit TaskNewtaskFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_pid() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
int32_t pid() const { return at<1>().as_int32(); }
bool has_comm() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars comm() const { return at<2>().as_string(); }
bool has_clone_flags() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
uint64_t clone_flags() const { return at<3>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_oom_score_adj() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
int32_t oom_score_adj() const { return at<4>().as_int32(); }
class TaskNewtaskFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = TaskNewtaskFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kPidFieldNumber = 1,
kCommFieldNumber = 2,
kCloneFlagsFieldNumber = 3,
kOomScoreAdjFieldNumber = 4,
void set_pid(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_comm(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(2,, value.size());
void set_comm(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(2, data, size);
void set_clone_flags(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void set_oom_score_adj(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(4, value);
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
#endif // Include guard.
// gen_amalgamated begin header: gen/protos/perfetto/trace/ftrace/vmscan.pbzero.h
// Autogenerated by the ProtoZero compiler plugin. DO NOT EDIT.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/message.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/packed_repeated_fields.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_decoder.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_utils.h"
namespace perfetto {
namespace protos {
namespace pbzero {
class MmVmscanKswapdSleepFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/1, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
MmVmscanKswapdSleepFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit MmVmscanKswapdSleepFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit MmVmscanKswapdSleepFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_nid() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
int32_t nid() const { return at<1>().as_int32(); }
class MmVmscanKswapdSleepFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = MmVmscanKswapdSleepFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kNidFieldNumber = 1,
void set_nid(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
class MmVmscanKswapdWakeFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/2, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
MmVmscanKswapdWakeFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit MmVmscanKswapdWakeFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit MmVmscanKswapdWakeFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_nid() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
int32_t nid() const { return at<1>().as_int32(); }
bool has_order() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
int32_t order() const { return at<2>().as_int32(); }
class MmVmscanKswapdWakeFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = MmVmscanKswapdWakeFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kNidFieldNumber = 1,
kOrderFieldNumber = 2,
void set_nid(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_order(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
class MmVmscanDirectReclaimEndFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/1, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
MmVmscanDirectReclaimEndFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit MmVmscanDirectReclaimEndFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit MmVmscanDirectReclaimEndFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_nr_reclaimed() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t nr_reclaimed() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
class MmVmscanDirectReclaimEndFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = MmVmscanDirectReclaimEndFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kNrReclaimedFieldNumber = 1,
void set_nr_reclaimed(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
class MmVmscanDirectReclaimBeginFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/3, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
MmVmscanDirectReclaimBeginFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit MmVmscanDirectReclaimBeginFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit MmVmscanDirectReclaimBeginFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_order() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
int32_t order() const { return at<1>().as_int32(); }
bool has_may_writepage() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
int32_t may_writepage() const { return at<2>().as_int32(); }
bool has_gfp_flags() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
uint32_t gfp_flags() const { return at<3>().as_uint32(); }
class MmVmscanDirectReclaimBeginFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = MmVmscanDirectReclaimBeginFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kOrderFieldNumber = 1,
kMayWritepageFieldNumber = 2,
kGfpFlagsFieldNumber = 3,
void set_order(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_may_writepage(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_gfp_flags(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
#endif // Include guard.
// gen_amalgamated begin header: gen/protos/perfetto/trace/ftrace/workqueue.pbzero.h
// Autogenerated by the ProtoZero compiler plugin. DO NOT EDIT.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/message.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/packed_repeated_fields.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_decoder.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_utils.h"
namespace perfetto {
namespace protos {
namespace pbzero {
class WorkqueueQueueWorkFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/5, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
WorkqueueQueueWorkFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit WorkqueueQueueWorkFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit WorkqueueQueueWorkFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_work() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t work() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_function() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint64_t function() const { return at<2>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_workqueue() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
uint64_t workqueue() const { return at<3>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_req_cpu() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
uint32_t req_cpu() const { return at<4>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_cpu() const { return at<5>().valid(); }
uint32_t cpu() const { return at<5>().as_uint32(); }
class WorkqueueQueueWorkFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = WorkqueueQueueWorkFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kWorkFieldNumber = 1,
kFunctionFieldNumber = 2,
kWorkqueueFieldNumber = 3,
kReqCpuFieldNumber = 4,
kCpuFieldNumber = 5,
void set_work(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_function(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_workqueue(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void set_req_cpu(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(4, value);
void set_cpu(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(5, value);
class WorkqueueExecuteStartFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/2, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
WorkqueueExecuteStartFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit WorkqueueExecuteStartFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit WorkqueueExecuteStartFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_work() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t work() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_function() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint64_t function() const { return at<2>().as_uint64(); }
class WorkqueueExecuteStartFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = WorkqueueExecuteStartFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kWorkFieldNumber = 1,
kFunctionFieldNumber = 2,
void set_work(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_function(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
class WorkqueueExecuteEndFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/1, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
WorkqueueExecuteEndFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit WorkqueueExecuteEndFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit WorkqueueExecuteEndFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_work() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t work() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
class WorkqueueExecuteEndFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = WorkqueueExecuteEndFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kWorkFieldNumber = 1,
void set_work(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
class WorkqueueActivateWorkFtraceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/1, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
WorkqueueActivateWorkFtraceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit WorkqueueActivateWorkFtraceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit WorkqueueActivateWorkFtraceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_work() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t work() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
class WorkqueueActivateWorkFtraceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = WorkqueueActivateWorkFtraceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kWorkFieldNumber = 1,
void set_work(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
#endif // Include guard.
// gen_amalgamated begin header: gen/protos/perfetto/trace/gpu/gpu_counter_event.pbzero.h
// Autogenerated by the ProtoZero compiler plugin. DO NOT EDIT.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/message.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/packed_repeated_fields.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_decoder.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_utils.h"
namespace perfetto {
namespace protos {
namespace pbzero {
class GpuCounterDescriptor;
class GpuCounterEvent_GpuCounter;
class GpuCounterEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/3, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/true> {
GpuCounterEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit GpuCounterEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit GpuCounterEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_counter_descriptor() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes counter_descriptor() const { return at<1>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_counters() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
::protozero::RepeatedFieldIterator<::protozero::ConstBytes> counters() const { return GetRepeated<::protozero::ConstBytes>(2); }
bool has_gpu_id() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
int32_t gpu_id() const { return at<3>().as_int32(); }
class GpuCounterEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = GpuCounterEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kCounterDescriptorFieldNumber = 1,
kCountersFieldNumber = 2,
kGpuIdFieldNumber = 3,
using GpuCounter = ::perfetto::protos::pbzero::GpuCounterEvent_GpuCounter;
template <typename T = GpuCounterDescriptor> T* set_counter_descriptor() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(1);
template <typename T = GpuCounterEvent_GpuCounter> T* add_counters() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(2);
void set_gpu_id(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
class GpuCounterEvent_GpuCounter_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/3, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
GpuCounterEvent_GpuCounter_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit GpuCounterEvent_GpuCounter_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit GpuCounterEvent_GpuCounter_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_counter_id() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint32_t counter_id() const { return at<1>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_int_value() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
int64_t int_value() const { return at<2>().as_int64(); }
bool has_double_value() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
double double_value() const { return at<3>().as_double(); }
class GpuCounterEvent_GpuCounter : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = GpuCounterEvent_GpuCounter_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kCounterIdFieldNumber = 1,
kIntValueFieldNumber = 2,
kDoubleValueFieldNumber = 3,
void set_counter_id(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_int_value(int64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_double_value(double value) {
AppendFixed(3, value);
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
#endif // Include guard.
// gen_amalgamated begin header: gen/protos/perfetto/trace/gpu/gpu_log.pbzero.h
// Autogenerated by the ProtoZero compiler plugin. DO NOT EDIT.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/message.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/packed_repeated_fields.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_decoder.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_utils.h"
namespace perfetto {
namespace protos {
namespace pbzero {
enum GpuLog_Severity : int32_t;
enum GpuLog_Severity : int32_t {
GpuLog_Severity_LOG_SEVERITY_DEBUG = 2,
GpuLog_Severity_LOG_SEVERITY_INFO = 3,
GpuLog_Severity_LOG_SEVERITY_ERROR = 5,
const GpuLog_Severity GpuLog_Severity_MIN = GpuLog_Severity_LOG_SEVERITY_UNSPECIFIED;
const GpuLog_Severity GpuLog_Severity_MAX = GpuLog_Severity_LOG_SEVERITY_ERROR;
class GpuLog_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/3, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
GpuLog_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit GpuLog_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit GpuLog_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_severity() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
int32_t severity() const { return at<1>().as_int32(); }
bool has_tag() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars tag() const { return at<2>().as_string(); }
bool has_log_message() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars log_message() const { return at<3>().as_string(); }
class GpuLog : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = GpuLog_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kSeverityFieldNumber = 1,
kTagFieldNumber = 2,
kLogMessageFieldNumber = 3,
using Severity = ::perfetto::protos::pbzero::GpuLog_Severity;
static const Severity LOG_SEVERITY_VERBOSE = GpuLog_Severity_LOG_SEVERITY_VERBOSE;
static const Severity LOG_SEVERITY_DEBUG = GpuLog_Severity_LOG_SEVERITY_DEBUG;
static const Severity LOG_SEVERITY_INFO = GpuLog_Severity_LOG_SEVERITY_INFO;
static const Severity LOG_SEVERITY_WARNING = GpuLog_Severity_LOG_SEVERITY_WARNING;
static const Severity LOG_SEVERITY_ERROR = GpuLog_Severity_LOG_SEVERITY_ERROR;
void set_severity(::perfetto::protos::pbzero::GpuLog_Severity value) {
AppendTinyVarInt(1, value);
void set_tag(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(2,, value.size());
void set_tag(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(2, data, size);
void set_log_message(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(3,, value.size());
void set_log_message(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(3, data, size);
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
#endif // Include guard.
// gen_amalgamated begin header: gen/protos/perfetto/trace/gpu/gpu_render_stage_event.pbzero.h
// Autogenerated by the ProtoZero compiler plugin. DO NOT EDIT.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/message.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/packed_repeated_fields.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_decoder.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_utils.h"
namespace perfetto {
namespace protos {
namespace pbzero {
class GpuRenderStageEvent_ExtraData;
class GpuRenderStageEvent_Specifications;
class GpuRenderStageEvent_Specifications_ContextSpec;
class GpuRenderStageEvent_Specifications_Description;
enum InternedGpuRenderStageSpecification_RenderStageCategory : int32_t;
enum InternedGraphicsContext_Api : int32_t;
enum InternedGpuRenderStageSpecification_RenderStageCategory : int32_t {
InternedGpuRenderStageSpecification_RenderStageCategory_OTHER = 0,
InternedGpuRenderStageSpecification_RenderStageCategory_GRAPHICS = 1,
InternedGpuRenderStageSpecification_RenderStageCategory_COMPUTE = 2,
const InternedGpuRenderStageSpecification_RenderStageCategory InternedGpuRenderStageSpecification_RenderStageCategory_MIN = InternedGpuRenderStageSpecification_RenderStageCategory_OTHER;
const InternedGpuRenderStageSpecification_RenderStageCategory InternedGpuRenderStageSpecification_RenderStageCategory_MAX = InternedGpuRenderStageSpecification_RenderStageCategory_COMPUTE;
enum InternedGraphicsContext_Api : int32_t {
InternedGraphicsContext_Api_UNDEFINED = 0,
InternedGraphicsContext_Api_OPEN_GL = 1,
InternedGraphicsContext_Api_VULKAN = 2,
InternedGraphicsContext_Api_OPEN_CL = 3,
const InternedGraphicsContext_Api InternedGraphicsContext_Api_MIN = InternedGraphicsContext_Api_UNDEFINED;
const InternedGraphicsContext_Api InternedGraphicsContext_Api_MAX = InternedGraphicsContext_Api_OPEN_CL;
class InternedGpuRenderStageSpecification_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/4, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
InternedGpuRenderStageSpecification_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit InternedGpuRenderStageSpecification_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit InternedGpuRenderStageSpecification_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_iid() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t iid() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_name() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars name() const { return at<2>().as_string(); }
bool has_description() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars description() const { return at<3>().as_string(); }
bool has_category() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
int32_t category() const { return at<4>().as_int32(); }
class InternedGpuRenderStageSpecification : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = InternedGpuRenderStageSpecification_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kIidFieldNumber = 1,
kNameFieldNumber = 2,
kDescriptionFieldNumber = 3,
kCategoryFieldNumber = 4,
using RenderStageCategory = ::perfetto::protos::pbzero::InternedGpuRenderStageSpecification_RenderStageCategory;
static const RenderStageCategory OTHER = InternedGpuRenderStageSpecification_RenderStageCategory_OTHER;
static const RenderStageCategory GRAPHICS = InternedGpuRenderStageSpecification_RenderStageCategory_GRAPHICS;
static const RenderStageCategory COMPUTE = InternedGpuRenderStageSpecification_RenderStageCategory_COMPUTE;
void set_iid(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_name(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(2,, value.size());
void set_name(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(2, data, size);
void set_description(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(3,, value.size());
void set_description(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(3, data, size);
void set_category(::perfetto::protos::pbzero::InternedGpuRenderStageSpecification_RenderStageCategory value) {
AppendTinyVarInt(4, value);
class InternedGraphicsContext_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/3, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
InternedGraphicsContext_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit InternedGraphicsContext_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit InternedGraphicsContext_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_iid() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t iid() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_pid() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
int32_t pid() const { return at<2>().as_int32(); }
bool has_api() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
int32_t api() const { return at<3>().as_int32(); }
class InternedGraphicsContext : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = InternedGraphicsContext_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kIidFieldNumber = 1,
kPidFieldNumber = 2,
kApiFieldNumber = 3,
using Api = ::perfetto::protos::pbzero::InternedGraphicsContext_Api;
static const Api UNDEFINED = InternedGraphicsContext_Api_UNDEFINED;
static const Api OPEN_GL = InternedGraphicsContext_Api_OPEN_GL;
static const Api VULKAN = InternedGraphicsContext_Api_VULKAN;
static const Api OPEN_CL = InternedGraphicsContext_Api_OPEN_CL;
void set_iid(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_pid(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_api(::perfetto::protos::pbzero::InternedGraphicsContext_Api value) {
AppendTinyVarInt(3, value);
class GpuRenderStageEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/15, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/true> {
GpuRenderStageEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit GpuRenderStageEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit GpuRenderStageEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_event_id() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t event_id() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_duration() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint64_t duration() const { return at<2>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_hw_queue_iid() const { return at<13>().valid(); }
uint64_t hw_queue_iid() const { return at<13>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_stage_iid() const { return at<14>().valid(); }
uint64_t stage_iid() const { return at<14>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_gpu_id() const { return at<11>().valid(); }
int32_t gpu_id() const { return at<11>().as_int32(); }
bool has_context() const { return at<5>().valid(); }
uint64_t context() const { return at<5>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_render_target_handle() const { return at<8>().valid(); }
uint64_t render_target_handle() const { return at<8>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_submission_id() const { return at<10>().valid(); }
uint32_t submission_id() const { return at<10>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_extra_data() const { return at<6>().valid(); }
::protozero::RepeatedFieldIterator<::protozero::ConstBytes> extra_data() const { return GetRepeated<::protozero::ConstBytes>(6); }
bool has_render_pass_handle() const { return at<9>().valid(); }
uint64_t render_pass_handle() const { return at<9>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_render_subpass_index_mask() const { return at<15>().valid(); }
::protozero::RepeatedFieldIterator<uint64_t> render_subpass_index_mask() const { return GetRepeated<uint64_t>(15); }
bool has_command_buffer_handle() const { return at<12>().valid(); }
uint64_t command_buffer_handle() const { return at<12>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_specifications() const { return at<7>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes specifications() const { return at<7>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_hw_queue_id() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
int32_t hw_queue_id() const { return at<3>().as_int32(); }
bool has_stage_id() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
int32_t stage_id() const { return at<4>().as_int32(); }
class GpuRenderStageEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = GpuRenderStageEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kEventIdFieldNumber = 1,
kDurationFieldNumber = 2,
kHwQueueIidFieldNumber = 13,
kStageIidFieldNumber = 14,
kGpuIdFieldNumber = 11,
kContextFieldNumber = 5,
kRenderTargetHandleFieldNumber = 8,
kSubmissionIdFieldNumber = 10,
kExtraDataFieldNumber = 6,
kRenderPassHandleFieldNumber = 9,
kRenderSubpassIndexMaskFieldNumber = 15,
kCommandBufferHandleFieldNumber = 12,
kSpecificationsFieldNumber = 7,
kHwQueueIdFieldNumber = 3,
kStageIdFieldNumber = 4,
using ExtraData = ::perfetto::protos::pbzero::GpuRenderStageEvent_ExtraData;
using Specifications = ::perfetto::protos::pbzero::GpuRenderStageEvent_Specifications;
void set_event_id(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_duration(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_hw_queue_iid(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(13, value);
void set_stage_iid(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(14, value);
void set_gpu_id(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(11, value);
void set_context(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(5, value);
void set_render_target_handle(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(8, value);
void set_submission_id(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(10, value);
template <typename T = GpuRenderStageEvent_ExtraData> T* add_extra_data() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(6);
void set_render_pass_handle(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(9, value);
void add_render_subpass_index_mask(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(15, value);
void set_command_buffer_handle(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(12, value);
template <typename T = GpuRenderStageEvent_Specifications> T* set_specifications() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(7);
void set_hw_queue_id(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void set_stage_id(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(4, value);
class GpuRenderStageEvent_Specifications_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/3, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/true> {
GpuRenderStageEvent_Specifications_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit GpuRenderStageEvent_Specifications_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit GpuRenderStageEvent_Specifications_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_context_spec() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes context_spec() const { return at<1>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_hw_queue() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
::protozero::RepeatedFieldIterator<::protozero::ConstBytes> hw_queue() const { return GetRepeated<::protozero::ConstBytes>(2); }
bool has_stage() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
::protozero::RepeatedFieldIterator<::protozero::ConstBytes> stage() const { return GetRepeated<::protozero::ConstBytes>(3); }
class GpuRenderStageEvent_Specifications : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = GpuRenderStageEvent_Specifications_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kContextSpecFieldNumber = 1,
kHwQueueFieldNumber = 2,
kStageFieldNumber = 3,
using ContextSpec = ::perfetto::protos::pbzero::GpuRenderStageEvent_Specifications_ContextSpec;
using Description = ::perfetto::protos::pbzero::GpuRenderStageEvent_Specifications_Description;
template <typename T = GpuRenderStageEvent_Specifications_ContextSpec> T* set_context_spec() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(1);
template <typename T = GpuRenderStageEvent_Specifications_Description> T* add_hw_queue() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(2);
template <typename T = GpuRenderStageEvent_Specifications_Description> T* add_stage() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(3);
class GpuRenderStageEvent_Specifications_Description_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/2, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
GpuRenderStageEvent_Specifications_Description_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit GpuRenderStageEvent_Specifications_Description_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit GpuRenderStageEvent_Specifications_Description_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_name() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars name() const { return at<1>().as_string(); }
bool has_description() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars description() const { return at<2>().as_string(); }
class GpuRenderStageEvent_Specifications_Description : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = GpuRenderStageEvent_Specifications_Description_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kNameFieldNumber = 1,
kDescriptionFieldNumber = 2,
void set_name(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(1,, value.size());
void set_name(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(1, data, size);
void set_description(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(2,, value.size());
void set_description(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(2, data, size);
class GpuRenderStageEvent_Specifications_ContextSpec_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/2, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
GpuRenderStageEvent_Specifications_ContextSpec_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit GpuRenderStageEvent_Specifications_ContextSpec_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit GpuRenderStageEvent_Specifications_ContextSpec_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_context() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t context() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_pid() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
int32_t pid() const { return at<2>().as_int32(); }
class GpuRenderStageEvent_Specifications_ContextSpec : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = GpuRenderStageEvent_Specifications_ContextSpec_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kContextFieldNumber = 1,
kPidFieldNumber = 2,
void set_context(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_pid(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
class GpuRenderStageEvent_ExtraData_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/2, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
GpuRenderStageEvent_ExtraData_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit GpuRenderStageEvent_ExtraData_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit GpuRenderStageEvent_ExtraData_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_name() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars name() const { return at<1>().as_string(); }
bool has_value() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars value() const { return at<2>().as_string(); }
class GpuRenderStageEvent_ExtraData : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = GpuRenderStageEvent_ExtraData_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kNameFieldNumber = 1,
kValueFieldNumber = 2,
void set_name(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(1,, value.size());
void set_name(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(1, data, size);
void set_value(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(2,, value.size());
void set_value(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(2, data, size);
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
#endif // Include guard.
// gen_amalgamated begin header: gen/protos/perfetto/trace/gpu/vulkan_api_event.pbzero.h
// Autogenerated by the ProtoZero compiler plugin. DO NOT EDIT.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/message.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/packed_repeated_fields.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_decoder.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_utils.h"
namespace perfetto {
namespace protos {
namespace pbzero {
class VulkanApiEvent_VkDebugUtilsObjectName;
class VulkanApiEvent_VkQueueSubmit;
class VulkanApiEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/2, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
VulkanApiEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit VulkanApiEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit VulkanApiEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_vk_debug_utils_object_name() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes vk_debug_utils_object_name() const { return at<1>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_vk_queue_submit() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes vk_queue_submit() const { return at<2>().as_bytes(); }
class VulkanApiEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = VulkanApiEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kVkDebugUtilsObjectNameFieldNumber = 1,
kVkQueueSubmitFieldNumber = 2,
using VkDebugUtilsObjectName = ::perfetto::protos::pbzero::VulkanApiEvent_VkDebugUtilsObjectName;
using VkQueueSubmit = ::perfetto::protos::pbzero::VulkanApiEvent_VkQueueSubmit;
template <typename T = VulkanApiEvent_VkDebugUtilsObjectName> T* set_vk_debug_utils_object_name() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(1);
template <typename T = VulkanApiEvent_VkQueueSubmit> T* set_vk_queue_submit() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(2);
class VulkanApiEvent_VkQueueSubmit_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/6, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/true> {
VulkanApiEvent_VkQueueSubmit_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit VulkanApiEvent_VkQueueSubmit_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit VulkanApiEvent_VkQueueSubmit_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_duration_ns() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t duration_ns() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_pid() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint32_t pid() const { return at<2>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_tid() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
uint32_t tid() const { return at<3>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_vk_queue() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
uint64_t vk_queue() const { return at<4>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_vk_command_buffers() const { return at<5>().valid(); }
::protozero::RepeatedFieldIterator<uint64_t> vk_command_buffers() const { return GetRepeated<uint64_t>(5); }
bool has_submission_id() const { return at<6>().valid(); }
uint32_t submission_id() const { return at<6>().as_uint32(); }
class VulkanApiEvent_VkQueueSubmit : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = VulkanApiEvent_VkQueueSubmit_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kDurationNsFieldNumber = 1,
kPidFieldNumber = 2,
kTidFieldNumber = 3,
kVkQueueFieldNumber = 4,
kVkCommandBuffersFieldNumber = 5,
kSubmissionIdFieldNumber = 6,
void set_duration_ns(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_pid(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_tid(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void set_vk_queue(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(4, value);
void add_vk_command_buffers(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(5, value);
void set_submission_id(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(6, value);
class VulkanApiEvent_VkDebugUtilsObjectName_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/5, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
VulkanApiEvent_VkDebugUtilsObjectName_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit VulkanApiEvent_VkDebugUtilsObjectName_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit VulkanApiEvent_VkDebugUtilsObjectName_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_pid() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint32_t pid() const { return at<1>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_vk_device() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint64_t vk_device() const { return at<2>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_object_type() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
int32_t object_type() const { return at<3>().as_int32(); }
bool has_object() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
uint64_t object() const { return at<4>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_object_name() const { return at<5>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars object_name() const { return at<5>().as_string(); }
class VulkanApiEvent_VkDebugUtilsObjectName : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = VulkanApiEvent_VkDebugUtilsObjectName_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kPidFieldNumber = 1,
kVkDeviceFieldNumber = 2,
kObjectTypeFieldNumber = 3,
kObjectFieldNumber = 4,
kObjectNameFieldNumber = 5,
void set_pid(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_vk_device(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_object_type(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void set_object(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(4, value);
void set_object_name(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(5,, value.size());
void set_object_name(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(5, data, size);
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
#endif // Include guard.
// gen_amalgamated begin header: gen/protos/perfetto/trace/gpu/vulkan_memory_event.pbzero.h
// Autogenerated by the ProtoZero compiler plugin. DO NOT EDIT.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/message.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/packed_repeated_fields.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_decoder.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_utils.h"
namespace perfetto {
namespace protos {
namespace pbzero {
class VulkanMemoryEventAnnotation;
enum VulkanMemoryEvent_AllocationScope : int32_t;
enum VulkanMemoryEvent_Operation : int32_t;
enum VulkanMemoryEvent_Source : int32_t;
enum VulkanMemoryEvent_Source : int32_t {
VulkanMemoryEvent_Source_SOURCE_UNSPECIFIED = 0,
VulkanMemoryEvent_Source_SOURCE_DRIVER = 1,
VulkanMemoryEvent_Source_SOURCE_DEVICE = 2,
VulkanMemoryEvent_Source_SOURCE_DEVICE_MEMORY = 3,
VulkanMemoryEvent_Source_SOURCE_BUFFER = 4,
VulkanMemoryEvent_Source_SOURCE_IMAGE = 5,
const VulkanMemoryEvent_Source VulkanMemoryEvent_Source_MIN = VulkanMemoryEvent_Source_SOURCE_UNSPECIFIED;
const VulkanMemoryEvent_Source VulkanMemoryEvent_Source_MAX = VulkanMemoryEvent_Source_SOURCE_IMAGE;
enum VulkanMemoryEvent_Operation : int32_t {
VulkanMemoryEvent_Operation_OP_UNSPECIFIED = 0,
VulkanMemoryEvent_Operation_OP_CREATE = 1,
VulkanMemoryEvent_Operation_OP_DESTROY = 2,
VulkanMemoryEvent_Operation_OP_BIND = 3,
VulkanMemoryEvent_Operation_OP_DESTROY_BOUND = 4,
VulkanMemoryEvent_Operation_OP_ANNOTATIONS = 5,
const VulkanMemoryEvent_Operation VulkanMemoryEvent_Operation_MIN = VulkanMemoryEvent_Operation_OP_UNSPECIFIED;
const VulkanMemoryEvent_Operation VulkanMemoryEvent_Operation_MAX = VulkanMemoryEvent_Operation_OP_ANNOTATIONS;
enum VulkanMemoryEvent_AllocationScope : int32_t {
VulkanMemoryEvent_AllocationScope_SCOPE_UNSPECIFIED = 0,
VulkanMemoryEvent_AllocationScope_SCOPE_COMMAND = 1,
VulkanMemoryEvent_AllocationScope_SCOPE_OBJECT = 2,
VulkanMemoryEvent_AllocationScope_SCOPE_CACHE = 3,
VulkanMemoryEvent_AllocationScope_SCOPE_DEVICE = 4,
VulkanMemoryEvent_AllocationScope_SCOPE_INSTANCE = 5,
const VulkanMemoryEvent_AllocationScope VulkanMemoryEvent_AllocationScope_MIN = VulkanMemoryEvent_AllocationScope_SCOPE_UNSPECIFIED;
const VulkanMemoryEvent_AllocationScope VulkanMemoryEvent_AllocationScope_MAX = VulkanMemoryEvent_AllocationScope_SCOPE_INSTANCE;
class VulkanMemoryEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/20, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/true> {
VulkanMemoryEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit VulkanMemoryEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit VulkanMemoryEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_source() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
int32_t source() const { return at<1>().as_int32(); }
bool has_operation() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
int32_t operation() const { return at<2>().as_int32(); }
bool has_timestamp() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
int64_t timestamp() const { return at<3>().as_int64(); }
bool has_pid() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
uint32_t pid() const { return at<4>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_memory_address() const { return at<5>().valid(); }
uint64_t memory_address() const { return at<5>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_memory_size() const { return at<6>().valid(); }
uint64_t memory_size() const { return at<6>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_caller_iid() const { return at<7>().valid(); }
uint64_t caller_iid() const { return at<7>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_allocation_scope() const { return at<8>().valid(); }
int32_t allocation_scope() const { return at<8>().as_int32(); }
bool has_annotations() const { return at<9>().valid(); }
::protozero::RepeatedFieldIterator<::protozero::ConstBytes> annotations() const { return GetRepeated<::protozero::ConstBytes>(9); }
bool has_device() const { return at<16>().valid(); }
uint64_t device() const { return at<16>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_device_memory() const { return at<17>().valid(); }
uint64_t device_memory() const { return at<17>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_memory_type() const { return at<18>().valid(); }
uint32_t memory_type() const { return at<18>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_heap() const { return at<19>().valid(); }
uint32_t heap() const { return at<19>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_object_handle() const { return at<20>().valid(); }
uint64_t object_handle() const { return at<20>().as_uint64(); }
class VulkanMemoryEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = VulkanMemoryEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kSourceFieldNumber = 1,
kOperationFieldNumber = 2,
kTimestampFieldNumber = 3,
kPidFieldNumber = 4,
kMemoryAddressFieldNumber = 5,
kMemorySizeFieldNumber = 6,
kCallerIidFieldNumber = 7,
kAllocationScopeFieldNumber = 8,
kAnnotationsFieldNumber = 9,
kDeviceFieldNumber = 16,
kDeviceMemoryFieldNumber = 17,
kMemoryTypeFieldNumber = 18,
kHeapFieldNumber = 19,
kObjectHandleFieldNumber = 20,
using Source = ::perfetto::protos::pbzero::VulkanMemoryEvent_Source;
using Operation = ::perfetto::protos::pbzero::VulkanMemoryEvent_Operation;
using AllocationScope = ::perfetto::protos::pbzero::VulkanMemoryEvent_AllocationScope;
static const Source SOURCE_UNSPECIFIED = VulkanMemoryEvent_Source_SOURCE_UNSPECIFIED;
static const Source SOURCE_DRIVER = VulkanMemoryEvent_Source_SOURCE_DRIVER;
static const Source SOURCE_DEVICE = VulkanMemoryEvent_Source_SOURCE_DEVICE;
static const Source SOURCE_DEVICE_MEMORY = VulkanMemoryEvent_Source_SOURCE_DEVICE_MEMORY;
static const Source SOURCE_BUFFER = VulkanMemoryEvent_Source_SOURCE_BUFFER;
static const Source SOURCE_IMAGE = VulkanMemoryEvent_Source_SOURCE_IMAGE;
static const Operation OP_UNSPECIFIED = VulkanMemoryEvent_Operation_OP_UNSPECIFIED;
static const Operation OP_CREATE = VulkanMemoryEvent_Operation_OP_CREATE;
static const Operation OP_DESTROY = VulkanMemoryEvent_Operation_OP_DESTROY;
static const Operation OP_BIND = VulkanMemoryEvent_Operation_OP_BIND;
static const Operation OP_DESTROY_BOUND = VulkanMemoryEvent_Operation_OP_DESTROY_BOUND;
static const Operation OP_ANNOTATIONS = VulkanMemoryEvent_Operation_OP_ANNOTATIONS;
static const AllocationScope SCOPE_UNSPECIFIED = VulkanMemoryEvent_AllocationScope_SCOPE_UNSPECIFIED;
static const AllocationScope SCOPE_COMMAND = VulkanMemoryEvent_AllocationScope_SCOPE_COMMAND;
static const AllocationScope SCOPE_OBJECT = VulkanMemoryEvent_AllocationScope_SCOPE_OBJECT;
static const AllocationScope SCOPE_CACHE = VulkanMemoryEvent_AllocationScope_SCOPE_CACHE;
static const AllocationScope SCOPE_DEVICE = VulkanMemoryEvent_AllocationScope_SCOPE_DEVICE;
static const AllocationScope SCOPE_INSTANCE = VulkanMemoryEvent_AllocationScope_SCOPE_INSTANCE;
void set_source(::perfetto::protos::pbzero::VulkanMemoryEvent_Source value) {
AppendTinyVarInt(1, value);
void set_operation(::perfetto::protos::pbzero::VulkanMemoryEvent_Operation value) {
AppendTinyVarInt(2, value);
void set_timestamp(int64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void set_pid(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(4, value);
void set_memory_address(uint64_t value) {
AppendFixed(5, value);
void set_memory_size(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(6, value);
void set_caller_iid(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(7, value);
void set_allocation_scope(::perfetto::protos::pbzero::VulkanMemoryEvent_AllocationScope value) {
AppendTinyVarInt(8, value);
template <typename T = VulkanMemoryEventAnnotation> T* add_annotations() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(9);
void set_device(uint64_t value) {
AppendFixed(16, value);
void set_device_memory(uint64_t value) {
AppendFixed(17, value);
void set_memory_type(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(18, value);
void set_heap(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(19, value);
void set_object_handle(uint64_t value) {
AppendFixed(20, value);
class VulkanMemoryEventAnnotation_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/4, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
VulkanMemoryEventAnnotation_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit VulkanMemoryEventAnnotation_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit VulkanMemoryEventAnnotation_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_key_iid() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t key_iid() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_int_value() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
int64_t int_value() const { return at<2>().as_int64(); }
bool has_double_value() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
double double_value() const { return at<3>().as_double(); }
bool has_string_iid() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
uint64_t string_iid() const { return at<4>().as_uint64(); }
class VulkanMemoryEventAnnotation : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = VulkanMemoryEventAnnotation_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kKeyIidFieldNumber = 1,
kIntValueFieldNumber = 2,
kDoubleValueFieldNumber = 3,
kStringIidFieldNumber = 4,
void set_key_iid(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_int_value(int64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_double_value(double value) {
AppendFixed(3, value);
void set_string_iid(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(4, value);
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
#endif // Include guard.
// gen_amalgamated begin header: gen/protos/perfetto/trace/profiling/heap_graph.pbzero.h
// Autogenerated by the ProtoZero compiler plugin. DO NOT EDIT.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/message.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/packed_repeated_fields.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_decoder.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_utils.h"
namespace perfetto {
namespace protos {
namespace pbzero {
class HeapGraphObject;
class HeapGraphRoot;
class HeapGraphType;
class InternedString;
class ObfuscatedClass;
class ObfuscatedMember;
enum HeapGraphRoot_Type : int32_t;
enum HeapGraphRoot_Type : int32_t {
HeapGraphRoot_Type_ROOT_UNKNOWN = 0,
HeapGraphRoot_Type_ROOT_JNI_GLOBAL = 1,
HeapGraphRoot_Type_ROOT_JNI_LOCAL = 2,
HeapGraphRoot_Type_ROOT_JAVA_FRAME = 3,
HeapGraphRoot_Type_ROOT_NATIVE_STACK = 4,
HeapGraphRoot_Type_ROOT_STICKY_CLASS = 5,
HeapGraphRoot_Type_ROOT_THREAD_BLOCK = 6,
HeapGraphRoot_Type_ROOT_MONITOR_USED = 7,
HeapGraphRoot_Type_ROOT_THREAD_OBJECT = 8,
HeapGraphRoot_Type_ROOT_INTERNED_STRING = 9,
HeapGraphRoot_Type_ROOT_FINALIZING = 10,
HeapGraphRoot_Type_ROOT_DEBUGGER = 11,
HeapGraphRoot_Type_ROOT_VM_INTERNAL = 13,
HeapGraphRoot_Type_ROOT_JNI_MONITOR = 14,
const HeapGraphRoot_Type HeapGraphRoot_Type_MIN = HeapGraphRoot_Type_ROOT_UNKNOWN;
const HeapGraphRoot_Type HeapGraphRoot_Type_MAX = HeapGraphRoot_Type_ROOT_JNI_MONITOR;
class HeapGraph_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/9, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/true> {
HeapGraph_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit HeapGraph_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit HeapGraph_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_pid() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
int32_t pid() const { return at<1>().as_int32(); }
bool has_objects() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
::protozero::RepeatedFieldIterator<::protozero::ConstBytes> objects() const { return GetRepeated<::protozero::ConstBytes>(2); }
bool has_roots() const { return at<7>().valid(); }
::protozero::RepeatedFieldIterator<::protozero::ConstBytes> roots() const { return GetRepeated<::protozero::ConstBytes>(7); }
bool has_types() const { return at<9>().valid(); }
::protozero::RepeatedFieldIterator<::protozero::ConstBytes> types() const { return GetRepeated<::protozero::ConstBytes>(9); }
bool has_type_names() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
::protozero::RepeatedFieldIterator<::protozero::ConstBytes> type_names() const { return GetRepeated<::protozero::ConstBytes>(3); }
bool has_field_names() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
::protozero::RepeatedFieldIterator<::protozero::ConstBytes> field_names() const { return GetRepeated<::protozero::ConstBytes>(4); }
bool has_location_names() const { return at<8>().valid(); }
::protozero::RepeatedFieldIterator<::protozero::ConstBytes> location_names() const { return GetRepeated<::protozero::ConstBytes>(8); }
bool has_continued() const { return at<5>().valid(); }
bool continued() const { return at<5>().as_bool(); }
bool has_index() const { return at<6>().valid(); }
uint64_t index() const { return at<6>().as_uint64(); }
class HeapGraph : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = HeapGraph_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kPidFieldNumber = 1,
kObjectsFieldNumber = 2,
kRootsFieldNumber = 7,
kTypesFieldNumber = 9,
kTypeNamesFieldNumber = 3,
kFieldNamesFieldNumber = 4,
kLocationNamesFieldNumber = 8,
kContinuedFieldNumber = 5,
kIndexFieldNumber = 6,
void set_pid(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
template <typename T = HeapGraphObject> T* add_objects() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(2);
template <typename T = HeapGraphRoot> T* add_roots() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(7);
template <typename T = HeapGraphType> T* add_types() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(9);
template <typename T = InternedString> T* add_type_names() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(3);
template <typename T = InternedString> T* add_field_names() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(4);
template <typename T = InternedString> T* add_location_names() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(8);
void set_continued(bool value) {
AppendTinyVarInt(5, value);
void set_index(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(6, value);
class HeapGraphObject_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/5, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
HeapGraphObject_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit HeapGraphObject_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit HeapGraphObject_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_id() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t id() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_type_id() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint64_t type_id() const { return at<2>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_self_size() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
uint64_t self_size() const { return at<3>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_reference_field_id() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
::protozero::PackedRepeatedFieldIterator<::protozero::proto_utils::ProtoWireType::kVarInt, uint64_t> reference_field_id(bool* parse_error_ptr) const { return GetPackedRepeated<::protozero::proto_utils::ProtoWireType::kVarInt, uint64_t>(4, parse_error_ptr); }
bool has_reference_object_id() const { return at<5>().valid(); }
::protozero::PackedRepeatedFieldIterator<::protozero::proto_utils::ProtoWireType::kVarInt, uint64_t> reference_object_id(bool* parse_error_ptr) const { return GetPackedRepeated<::protozero::proto_utils::ProtoWireType::kVarInt, uint64_t>(5, parse_error_ptr); }
class HeapGraphObject : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = HeapGraphObject_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kIdFieldNumber = 1,
kTypeIdFieldNumber = 2,
kSelfSizeFieldNumber = 3,
kReferenceFieldIdFieldNumber = 4,
kReferenceObjectIdFieldNumber = 5,
void set_id(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_type_id(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_self_size(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void set_reference_field_id(const ::protozero::PackedVarInt& packed_buffer) {
AppendBytes(4,, packed_buffer.size());
void set_reference_object_id(const ::protozero::PackedVarInt& packed_buffer) {
AppendBytes(5,, packed_buffer.size());
class HeapGraphType_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/3, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
HeapGraphType_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit HeapGraphType_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit HeapGraphType_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_id() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t id() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_location_id() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint64_t location_id() const { return at<2>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_class_name() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars class_name() const { return at<3>().as_string(); }
class HeapGraphType : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = HeapGraphType_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kIdFieldNumber = 1,
kLocationIdFieldNumber = 2,
kClassNameFieldNumber = 3,
void set_id(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_location_id(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_class_name(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(3,, value.size());
void set_class_name(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(3, data, size);
class HeapGraphRoot_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/2, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
HeapGraphRoot_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit HeapGraphRoot_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit HeapGraphRoot_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_object_ids() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
::protozero::PackedRepeatedFieldIterator<::protozero::proto_utils::ProtoWireType::kVarInt, uint64_t> object_ids(bool* parse_error_ptr) const { return GetPackedRepeated<::protozero::proto_utils::ProtoWireType::kVarInt, uint64_t>(1, parse_error_ptr); }
bool has_root_type() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
int32_t root_type() const { return at<2>().as_int32(); }
class HeapGraphRoot : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = HeapGraphRoot_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kObjectIdsFieldNumber = 1,
kRootTypeFieldNumber = 2,
using Type = ::perfetto::protos::pbzero::HeapGraphRoot_Type;
static const Type ROOT_UNKNOWN = HeapGraphRoot_Type_ROOT_UNKNOWN;
static const Type ROOT_JNI_GLOBAL = HeapGraphRoot_Type_ROOT_JNI_GLOBAL;
static const Type ROOT_JNI_LOCAL = HeapGraphRoot_Type_ROOT_JNI_LOCAL;
static const Type ROOT_JAVA_FRAME = HeapGraphRoot_Type_ROOT_JAVA_FRAME;
static const Type ROOT_NATIVE_STACK = HeapGraphRoot_Type_ROOT_NATIVE_STACK;
static const Type ROOT_STICKY_CLASS = HeapGraphRoot_Type_ROOT_STICKY_CLASS;
static const Type ROOT_THREAD_BLOCK = HeapGraphRoot_Type_ROOT_THREAD_BLOCK;
static const Type ROOT_MONITOR_USED = HeapGraphRoot_Type_ROOT_MONITOR_USED;
static const Type ROOT_THREAD_OBJECT = HeapGraphRoot_Type_ROOT_THREAD_OBJECT;
static const Type ROOT_FINALIZING = HeapGraphRoot_Type_ROOT_FINALIZING;
static const Type ROOT_DEBUGGER = HeapGraphRoot_Type_ROOT_DEBUGGER;
static const Type ROOT_VM_INTERNAL = HeapGraphRoot_Type_ROOT_VM_INTERNAL;
static const Type ROOT_JNI_MONITOR = HeapGraphRoot_Type_ROOT_JNI_MONITOR;
void set_object_ids(const ::protozero::PackedVarInt& packed_buffer) {
AppendBytes(1,, packed_buffer.size());
void set_root_type(::perfetto::protos::pbzero::HeapGraphRoot_Type value) {
AppendTinyVarInt(2, value);
class DeobfuscationMapping_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/3, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/true> {
DeobfuscationMapping_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit DeobfuscationMapping_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit DeobfuscationMapping_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_package_name() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars package_name() const { return at<1>().as_string(); }
bool has_version_code() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
int64_t version_code() const { return at<2>().as_int64(); }
bool has_obfuscated_classes() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
::protozero::RepeatedFieldIterator<::protozero::ConstBytes> obfuscated_classes() const { return GetRepeated<::protozero::ConstBytes>(3); }
class DeobfuscationMapping : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = DeobfuscationMapping_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kPackageNameFieldNumber = 1,
kVersionCodeFieldNumber = 2,
kObfuscatedClassesFieldNumber = 3,
void set_package_name(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(1,, value.size());
void set_package_name(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(1, data, size);
void set_version_code(int64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
template <typename T = ObfuscatedClass> T* add_obfuscated_classes() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(3);
class ObfuscatedClass_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/3, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/true> {
ObfuscatedClass_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit ObfuscatedClass_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit ObfuscatedClass_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_obfuscated_name() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars obfuscated_name() const { return at<1>().as_string(); }
bool has_deobfuscated_name() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars deobfuscated_name() const { return at<2>().as_string(); }
bool has_obfuscated_members() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
::protozero::RepeatedFieldIterator<::protozero::ConstBytes> obfuscated_members() const { return GetRepeated<::protozero::ConstBytes>(3); }
class ObfuscatedClass : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = ObfuscatedClass_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kObfuscatedNameFieldNumber = 1,
kDeobfuscatedNameFieldNumber = 2,
kObfuscatedMembersFieldNumber = 3,
void set_obfuscated_name(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(1,, value.size());
void set_obfuscated_name(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(1, data, size);
void set_deobfuscated_name(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(2,, value.size());
void set_deobfuscated_name(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(2, data, size);
template <typename T = ObfuscatedMember> T* add_obfuscated_members() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(3);
class ObfuscatedMember_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/2, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
ObfuscatedMember_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit ObfuscatedMember_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit ObfuscatedMember_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_obfuscated_name() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars obfuscated_name() const { return at<1>().as_string(); }
bool has_deobfuscated_name() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars deobfuscated_name() const { return at<2>().as_string(); }
class ObfuscatedMember : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = ObfuscatedMember_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kObfuscatedNameFieldNumber = 1,
kDeobfuscatedNameFieldNumber = 2,
void set_obfuscated_name(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(1,, value.size());
void set_obfuscated_name(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(1, data, size);
void set_deobfuscated_name(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(2,, value.size());
void set_deobfuscated_name(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(2, data, size);
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
#endif // Include guard.
// gen_amalgamated begin header: gen/protos/perfetto/trace/profiling/profile_common.pbzero.h
// Autogenerated by the ProtoZero compiler plugin. DO NOT EDIT.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/message.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/packed_repeated_fields.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_decoder.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_utils.h"
namespace perfetto {
namespace protos {
namespace pbzero {
class AddressSymbols;
class Line;
class Callstack_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/2, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/true> {
Callstack_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit Callstack_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit Callstack_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_iid() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t iid() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_frame_ids() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
::protozero::RepeatedFieldIterator<uint64_t> frame_ids() const { return GetRepeated<uint64_t>(2); }
class Callstack : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = Callstack_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kIidFieldNumber = 1,
kFrameIdsFieldNumber = 2,
void set_iid(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void add_frame_ids(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
class Frame_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/4, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
Frame_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit Frame_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit Frame_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_iid() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t iid() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_function_name_id() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint64_t function_name_id() const { return at<2>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_mapping_id() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
uint64_t mapping_id() const { return at<3>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_rel_pc() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
uint64_t rel_pc() const { return at<4>().as_uint64(); }
class Frame : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = Frame_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kIidFieldNumber = 1,
kFunctionNameIdFieldNumber = 2,
kMappingIdFieldNumber = 3,
kRelPcFieldNumber = 4,
void set_iid(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_function_name_id(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_mapping_id(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void set_rel_pc(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(4, value);
class Mapping_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/8, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/true> {
Mapping_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit Mapping_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit Mapping_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_iid() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t iid() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_build_id() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint64_t build_id() const { return at<2>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_exact_offset() const { return at<8>().valid(); }
uint64_t exact_offset() const { return at<8>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_start_offset() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
uint64_t start_offset() const { return at<3>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_start() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
uint64_t start() const { return at<4>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_end() const { return at<5>().valid(); }
uint64_t end() const { return at<5>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_load_bias() const { return at<6>().valid(); }
uint64_t load_bias() const { return at<6>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_path_string_ids() const { return at<7>().valid(); }
::protozero::RepeatedFieldIterator<uint64_t> path_string_ids() const { return GetRepeated<uint64_t>(7); }
class Mapping : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = Mapping_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kIidFieldNumber = 1,
kBuildIdFieldNumber = 2,
kExactOffsetFieldNumber = 8,
kStartOffsetFieldNumber = 3,
kStartFieldNumber = 4,
kEndFieldNumber = 5,
kLoadBiasFieldNumber = 6,
kPathStringIdsFieldNumber = 7,
void set_iid(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_build_id(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_exact_offset(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(8, value);
void set_start_offset(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void set_start(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(4, value);
void set_end(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(5, value);
void set_load_bias(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(6, value);
void add_path_string_ids(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(7, value);
class ModuleSymbols_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/3, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/true> {
ModuleSymbols_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit ModuleSymbols_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit ModuleSymbols_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_path() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars path() const { return at<1>().as_string(); }
bool has_build_id() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars build_id() const { return at<2>().as_string(); }
bool has_address_symbols() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
::protozero::RepeatedFieldIterator<::protozero::ConstBytes> address_symbols() const { return GetRepeated<::protozero::ConstBytes>(3); }
class ModuleSymbols : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = ModuleSymbols_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kPathFieldNumber = 1,
kBuildIdFieldNumber = 2,
kAddressSymbolsFieldNumber = 3,
void set_path(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(1,, value.size());
void set_path(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(1, data, size);
void set_build_id(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(2,, value.size());
void set_build_id(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(2, data, size);
template <typename T = AddressSymbols> T* add_address_symbols() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(3);
class AddressSymbols_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/2, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/true> {
AddressSymbols_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit AddressSymbols_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit AddressSymbols_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_address() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t address() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_lines() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
::protozero::RepeatedFieldIterator<::protozero::ConstBytes> lines() const { return GetRepeated<::protozero::ConstBytes>(2); }
class AddressSymbols : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = AddressSymbols_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kAddressFieldNumber = 1,
kLinesFieldNumber = 2,
void set_address(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
template <typename T = Line> T* add_lines() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(2);
class Line_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/3, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
Line_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit Line_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit Line_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_function_name() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars function_name() const { return at<1>().as_string(); }
bool has_source_file_name() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars source_file_name() const { return at<2>().as_string(); }
bool has_line_number() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
uint32_t line_number() const { return at<3>().as_uint32(); }
class Line : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = Line_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kFunctionNameFieldNumber = 1,
kSourceFileNameFieldNumber = 2,
kLineNumberFieldNumber = 3,
void set_function_name(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(1,, value.size());
void set_function_name(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(1, data, size);
void set_source_file_name(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(2,, value.size());
void set_source_file_name(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(2, data, size);
void set_line_number(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
class ProfiledFrameSymbols_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/4, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/true> {
ProfiledFrameSymbols_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit ProfiledFrameSymbols_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit ProfiledFrameSymbols_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_frame_iid() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t frame_iid() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_function_name_id() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
::protozero::RepeatedFieldIterator<uint64_t> function_name_id() const { return GetRepeated<uint64_t>(2); }
bool has_file_name_id() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
::protozero::RepeatedFieldIterator<uint64_t> file_name_id() const { return GetRepeated<uint64_t>(3); }
bool has_line_number() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
::protozero::RepeatedFieldIterator<uint32_t> line_number() const { return GetRepeated<uint32_t>(4); }
class ProfiledFrameSymbols : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = ProfiledFrameSymbols_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kFrameIidFieldNumber = 1,
kFunctionNameIdFieldNumber = 2,
kFileNameIdFieldNumber = 3,
kLineNumberFieldNumber = 4,
void set_frame_iid(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void add_function_name_id(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void add_file_name_id(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void add_line_number(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(4, value);
class InternedString_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/2, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
InternedString_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit InternedString_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit InternedString_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_iid() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t iid() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_str() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes str() const { return at<2>().as_bytes(); }
class InternedString : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = InternedString_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kIidFieldNumber = 1,
kStrFieldNumber = 2,
void set_iid(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_str(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(2,, value.size());
void set_str(const uint8_t* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(2, data, size);
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
#endif // Include guard.
// gen_amalgamated begin header: gen/protos/perfetto/trace/profiling/profile_packet.pbzero.h
// Autogenerated by the ProtoZero compiler plugin. DO NOT EDIT.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/message.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/packed_repeated_fields.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_decoder.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_utils.h"
namespace perfetto {
namespace protos {
namespace pbzero {
class Callstack;
class Frame;
class InternedString;
class Mapping;
class ProfilePacket_HeapSample;
class ProfilePacket_Histogram;
class ProfilePacket_Histogram_Bucket;
class ProfilePacket_ProcessHeapSamples;
class ProfilePacket_ProcessStats;
enum PerfSample_SampleSkipReason : int32_t;
enum Profiling_CpuMode : int32_t;
enum Profiling_StackUnwindError : int32_t;
enum PerfSample_SampleSkipReason : int32_t {
PerfSample_SampleSkipReason_PROFILER_SKIP_UNKNOWN = 0,
PerfSample_SampleSkipReason_PROFILER_SKIP_READ_STAGE = 1,
PerfSample_SampleSkipReason_PROFILER_SKIP_UNWIND_STAGE = 2,
PerfSample_SampleSkipReason_PROFILER_SKIP_UNWIND_ENQUEUE = 3,
const PerfSample_SampleSkipReason PerfSample_SampleSkipReason_MIN = PerfSample_SampleSkipReason_PROFILER_SKIP_UNKNOWN;
const PerfSample_SampleSkipReason PerfSample_SampleSkipReason_MAX = PerfSample_SampleSkipReason_PROFILER_SKIP_UNWIND_ENQUEUE;
enum Profiling_CpuMode : int32_t {
Profiling_CpuMode_MODE_UNKNOWN = 0,
Profiling_CpuMode_MODE_KERNEL = 1,
Profiling_CpuMode_MODE_USER = 2,
Profiling_CpuMode_MODE_HYPERVISOR = 3,
Profiling_CpuMode_MODE_GUEST_KERNEL = 4,
Profiling_CpuMode_MODE_GUEST_USER = 5,
const Profiling_CpuMode Profiling_CpuMode_MIN = Profiling_CpuMode_MODE_UNKNOWN;
const Profiling_CpuMode Profiling_CpuMode_MAX = Profiling_CpuMode_MODE_GUEST_USER;
enum Profiling_StackUnwindError : int32_t {
Profiling_StackUnwindError_UNWIND_ERROR_UNKNOWN = 0,
Profiling_StackUnwindError_UNWIND_ERROR_NONE = 1,
Profiling_StackUnwindError_UNWIND_ERROR_MEMORY_INVALID = 2,
Profiling_StackUnwindError_UNWIND_ERROR_UNWIND_INFO = 3,
Profiling_StackUnwindError_UNWIND_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED = 4,
Profiling_StackUnwindError_UNWIND_ERROR_INVALID_MAP = 5,
Profiling_StackUnwindError_UNWIND_ERROR_MAX_FRAMES_EXCEEDED = 6,
Profiling_StackUnwindError_UNWIND_ERROR_REPEATED_FRAME = 7,
Profiling_StackUnwindError_UNWIND_ERROR_INVALID_ELF = 8,
const Profiling_StackUnwindError Profiling_StackUnwindError_MIN = Profiling_StackUnwindError_UNWIND_ERROR_UNKNOWN;
const Profiling_StackUnwindError Profiling_StackUnwindError_MAX = Profiling_StackUnwindError_UNWIND_ERROR_INVALID_ELF;
class PerfSample_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/18, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
PerfSample_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit PerfSample_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit PerfSample_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_cpu() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint32_t cpu() const { return at<1>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_pid() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint32_t pid() const { return at<2>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_tid() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
uint32_t tid() const { return at<3>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_cpu_mode() const { return at<5>().valid(); }
int32_t cpu_mode() const { return at<5>().as_int32(); }
bool has_callstack_iid() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
uint64_t callstack_iid() const { return at<4>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_unwind_error() const { return at<16>().valid(); }
int32_t unwind_error() const { return at<16>().as_int32(); }
bool has_kernel_records_lost() const { return at<17>().valid(); }
uint64_t kernel_records_lost() const { return at<17>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_sample_skipped_reason() const { return at<18>().valid(); }
int32_t sample_skipped_reason() const { return at<18>().as_int32(); }
class PerfSample : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = PerfSample_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kCpuFieldNumber = 1,
kPidFieldNumber = 2,
kTidFieldNumber = 3,
kCpuModeFieldNumber = 5,
kCallstackIidFieldNumber = 4,
kUnwindErrorFieldNumber = 16,
kKernelRecordsLostFieldNumber = 17,
kSampleSkippedReasonFieldNumber = 18,
using SampleSkipReason = ::perfetto::protos::pbzero::PerfSample_SampleSkipReason;
static const SampleSkipReason PROFILER_SKIP_UNKNOWN = PerfSample_SampleSkipReason_PROFILER_SKIP_UNKNOWN;
static const SampleSkipReason PROFILER_SKIP_READ_STAGE = PerfSample_SampleSkipReason_PROFILER_SKIP_READ_STAGE;
static const SampleSkipReason PROFILER_SKIP_UNWIND_STAGE = PerfSample_SampleSkipReason_PROFILER_SKIP_UNWIND_STAGE;
static const SampleSkipReason PROFILER_SKIP_UNWIND_ENQUEUE = PerfSample_SampleSkipReason_PROFILER_SKIP_UNWIND_ENQUEUE;
void set_cpu(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_pid(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_tid(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void set_cpu_mode(::perfetto::protos::pbzero::Profiling_CpuMode value) {
AppendTinyVarInt(5, value);
void set_callstack_iid(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(4, value);
void set_unwind_error(::perfetto::protos::pbzero::Profiling_StackUnwindError value) {
AppendTinyVarInt(16, value);
void set_kernel_records_lost(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(17, value);
void set_sample_skipped_reason(::perfetto::protos::pbzero::PerfSample_SampleSkipReason value) {
AppendTinyVarInt(18, value);
class Profiling_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/0, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
Profiling_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit Profiling_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit Profiling_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
class Profiling : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = Profiling_Decoder;
using CpuMode = ::perfetto::protos::pbzero::Profiling_CpuMode;
using StackUnwindError = ::perfetto::protos::pbzero::Profiling_StackUnwindError;
static const CpuMode MODE_UNKNOWN = Profiling_CpuMode_MODE_UNKNOWN;
static const CpuMode MODE_KERNEL = Profiling_CpuMode_MODE_KERNEL;
static const CpuMode MODE_USER = Profiling_CpuMode_MODE_USER;
static const CpuMode MODE_HYPERVISOR = Profiling_CpuMode_MODE_HYPERVISOR;
static const CpuMode MODE_GUEST_KERNEL = Profiling_CpuMode_MODE_GUEST_KERNEL;
static const CpuMode MODE_GUEST_USER = Profiling_CpuMode_MODE_GUEST_USER;
static const StackUnwindError UNWIND_ERROR_UNKNOWN = Profiling_StackUnwindError_UNWIND_ERROR_UNKNOWN;
static const StackUnwindError UNWIND_ERROR_NONE = Profiling_StackUnwindError_UNWIND_ERROR_NONE;
static const StackUnwindError UNWIND_ERROR_MEMORY_INVALID = Profiling_StackUnwindError_UNWIND_ERROR_MEMORY_INVALID;
static const StackUnwindError UNWIND_ERROR_UNWIND_INFO = Profiling_StackUnwindError_UNWIND_ERROR_UNWIND_INFO;
static const StackUnwindError UNWIND_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED = Profiling_StackUnwindError_UNWIND_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED;
static const StackUnwindError UNWIND_ERROR_INVALID_MAP = Profiling_StackUnwindError_UNWIND_ERROR_INVALID_MAP;
static const StackUnwindError UNWIND_ERROR_REPEATED_FRAME = Profiling_StackUnwindError_UNWIND_ERROR_REPEATED_FRAME;
static const StackUnwindError UNWIND_ERROR_INVALID_ELF = Profiling_StackUnwindError_UNWIND_ERROR_INVALID_ELF;
class StreamingProfilePacket_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/3, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/true> {
StreamingProfilePacket_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit StreamingProfilePacket_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit StreamingProfilePacket_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_callstack_iid() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
::protozero::RepeatedFieldIterator<uint64_t> callstack_iid() const { return GetRepeated<uint64_t>(1); }
bool has_timestamp_delta_us() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
::protozero::RepeatedFieldIterator<int64_t> timestamp_delta_us() const { return GetRepeated<int64_t>(2); }
bool has_process_priority() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
int32_t process_priority() const { return at<3>().as_int32(); }
class StreamingProfilePacket : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = StreamingProfilePacket_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kCallstackIidFieldNumber = 1,
kTimestampDeltaUsFieldNumber = 2,
kProcessPriorityFieldNumber = 3,
void add_callstack_iid(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void add_timestamp_delta_us(int64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_process_priority(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
class ProfilePacket_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/7, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/true> {
ProfilePacket_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit ProfilePacket_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit ProfilePacket_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_strings() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
::protozero::RepeatedFieldIterator<::protozero::ConstBytes> strings() const { return GetRepeated<::protozero::ConstBytes>(1); }
bool has_mappings() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
::protozero::RepeatedFieldIterator<::protozero::ConstBytes> mappings() const { return GetRepeated<::protozero::ConstBytes>(4); }
bool has_frames() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
::protozero::RepeatedFieldIterator<::protozero::ConstBytes> frames() const { return GetRepeated<::protozero::ConstBytes>(2); }
bool has_callstacks() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
::protozero::RepeatedFieldIterator<::protozero::ConstBytes> callstacks() const { return GetRepeated<::protozero::ConstBytes>(3); }
bool has_process_dumps() const { return at<5>().valid(); }
::protozero::RepeatedFieldIterator<::protozero::ConstBytes> process_dumps() const { return GetRepeated<::protozero::ConstBytes>(5); }
bool has_continued() const { return at<6>().valid(); }
bool continued() const { return at<6>().as_bool(); }
bool has_index() const { return at<7>().valid(); }
uint64_t index() const { return at<7>().as_uint64(); }
class ProfilePacket : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = ProfilePacket_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kStringsFieldNumber = 1,
kMappingsFieldNumber = 4,
kFramesFieldNumber = 2,
kCallstacksFieldNumber = 3,
kProcessDumpsFieldNumber = 5,
kContinuedFieldNumber = 6,
kIndexFieldNumber = 7,
using HeapSample = ::perfetto::protos::pbzero::ProfilePacket_HeapSample;
using Histogram = ::perfetto::protos::pbzero::ProfilePacket_Histogram;
using ProcessStats = ::perfetto::protos::pbzero::ProfilePacket_ProcessStats;
using ProcessHeapSamples = ::perfetto::protos::pbzero::ProfilePacket_ProcessHeapSamples;
template <typename T = InternedString> T* add_strings() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(1);
template <typename T = Mapping> T* add_mappings() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(4);
template <typename T = Frame> T* add_frames() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(2);
template <typename T = Callstack> T* add_callstacks() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(3);
template <typename T = ProfilePacket_ProcessHeapSamples> T* add_process_dumps() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(5);
void set_continued(bool value) {
AppendTinyVarInt(6, value);
void set_index(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(7, value);
class ProfilePacket_ProcessHeapSamples_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/11, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/true> {
ProfilePacket_ProcessHeapSamples_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit ProfilePacket_ProcessHeapSamples_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit ProfilePacket_ProcessHeapSamples_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_pid() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t pid() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_from_startup() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
bool from_startup() const { return at<3>().as_bool(); }
bool has_rejected_concurrent() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
bool rejected_concurrent() const { return at<4>().as_bool(); }
bool has_disconnected() const { return at<6>().valid(); }
bool disconnected() const { return at<6>().as_bool(); }
bool has_buffer_overran() const { return at<7>().valid(); }
bool buffer_overran() const { return at<7>().as_bool(); }
bool has_buffer_corrupted() const { return at<8>().valid(); }
bool buffer_corrupted() const { return at<8>().as_bool(); }
bool has_hit_guardrail() const { return at<10>().valid(); }
bool hit_guardrail() const { return at<10>().as_bool(); }
bool has_heap_name() const { return at<11>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars heap_name() const { return at<11>().as_string(); }
bool has_timestamp() const { return at<9>().valid(); }
uint64_t timestamp() const { return at<9>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_stats() const { return at<5>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes stats() const { return at<5>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_samples() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
::protozero::RepeatedFieldIterator<::protozero::ConstBytes> samples() const { return GetRepeated<::protozero::ConstBytes>(2); }
class ProfilePacket_ProcessHeapSamples : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = ProfilePacket_ProcessHeapSamples_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kPidFieldNumber = 1,
kFromStartupFieldNumber = 3,
kRejectedConcurrentFieldNumber = 4,
kDisconnectedFieldNumber = 6,
kBufferOverranFieldNumber = 7,
kBufferCorruptedFieldNumber = 8,
kHitGuardrailFieldNumber = 10,
kHeapNameFieldNumber = 11,
kTimestampFieldNumber = 9,
kStatsFieldNumber = 5,
kSamplesFieldNumber = 2,
void set_pid(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_from_startup(bool value) {
AppendTinyVarInt(3, value);
void set_rejected_concurrent(bool value) {
AppendTinyVarInt(4, value);
void set_disconnected(bool value) {
AppendTinyVarInt(6, value);
void set_buffer_overran(bool value) {
AppendTinyVarInt(7, value);
void set_buffer_corrupted(bool value) {
AppendTinyVarInt(8, value);
void set_hit_guardrail(bool value) {
AppendTinyVarInt(10, value);
void set_heap_name(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(11,, value.size());
void set_heap_name(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(11, data, size);
void set_timestamp(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(9, value);
template <typename T = ProfilePacket_ProcessStats> T* set_stats() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(5);
template <typename T = ProfilePacket_HeapSample> T* add_samples() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(2);
class ProfilePacket_ProcessStats_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/5, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
ProfilePacket_ProcessStats_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit ProfilePacket_ProcessStats_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit ProfilePacket_ProcessStats_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_unwinding_errors() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t unwinding_errors() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_heap_samples() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint64_t heap_samples() const { return at<2>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_map_reparses() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
uint64_t map_reparses() const { return at<3>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_unwinding_time_us() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes unwinding_time_us() const { return at<4>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_total_unwinding_time_us() const { return at<5>().valid(); }
uint64_t total_unwinding_time_us() const { return at<5>().as_uint64(); }
class ProfilePacket_ProcessStats : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = ProfilePacket_ProcessStats_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kUnwindingErrorsFieldNumber = 1,
kHeapSamplesFieldNumber = 2,
kMapReparsesFieldNumber = 3,
kUnwindingTimeUsFieldNumber = 4,
kTotalUnwindingTimeUsFieldNumber = 5,
void set_unwinding_errors(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_heap_samples(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_map_reparses(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
template <typename T = ProfilePacket_Histogram> T* set_unwinding_time_us() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(4);
void set_total_unwinding_time_us(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(5, value);
class ProfilePacket_Histogram_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/1, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/true> {
ProfilePacket_Histogram_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit ProfilePacket_Histogram_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit ProfilePacket_Histogram_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_buckets() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
::protozero::RepeatedFieldIterator<::protozero::ConstBytes> buckets() const { return GetRepeated<::protozero::ConstBytes>(1); }
class ProfilePacket_Histogram : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = ProfilePacket_Histogram_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kBucketsFieldNumber = 1,
using Bucket = ::perfetto::protos::pbzero::ProfilePacket_Histogram_Bucket;
template <typename T = ProfilePacket_Histogram_Bucket> T* add_buckets() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(1);
class ProfilePacket_Histogram_Bucket_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/3, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
ProfilePacket_Histogram_Bucket_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit ProfilePacket_Histogram_Bucket_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit ProfilePacket_Histogram_Bucket_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_upper_limit() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t upper_limit() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_max_bucket() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
bool max_bucket() const { return at<2>().as_bool(); }
bool has_count() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
uint64_t count() const { return at<3>().as_uint64(); }
class ProfilePacket_Histogram_Bucket : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = ProfilePacket_Histogram_Bucket_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kUpperLimitFieldNumber = 1,
kMaxBucketFieldNumber = 2,
kCountFieldNumber = 3,
void set_upper_limit(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_max_bucket(bool value) {
AppendTinyVarInt(2, value);
void set_count(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
class ProfilePacket_HeapSample_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/8, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
ProfilePacket_HeapSample_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit ProfilePacket_HeapSample_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit ProfilePacket_HeapSample_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_callstack_id() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t callstack_id() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_self_allocated() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint64_t self_allocated() const { return at<2>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_self_freed() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
uint64_t self_freed() const { return at<3>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_self_idle() const { return at<7>().valid(); }
uint64_t self_idle() const { return at<7>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_self_max() const { return at<8>().valid(); }
uint64_t self_max() const { return at<8>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_timestamp() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
uint64_t timestamp() const { return at<4>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_alloc_count() const { return at<5>().valid(); }
uint64_t alloc_count() const { return at<5>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_free_count() const { return at<6>().valid(); }
uint64_t free_count() const { return at<6>().as_uint64(); }
class ProfilePacket_HeapSample : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = ProfilePacket_HeapSample_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kCallstackIdFieldNumber = 1,
kSelfAllocatedFieldNumber = 2,
kSelfFreedFieldNumber = 3,
kSelfIdleFieldNumber = 7,
kSelfMaxFieldNumber = 8,
kTimestampFieldNumber = 4,
kAllocCountFieldNumber = 5,
kFreeCountFieldNumber = 6,
void set_callstack_id(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_self_allocated(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_self_freed(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void set_self_idle(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(7, value);
void set_self_max(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(8, value);
void set_timestamp(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(4, value);
void set_alloc_count(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(5, value);
void set_free_count(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(6, value);
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
#endif // Include guard.
// gen_amalgamated begin header: gen/protos/perfetto/trace/profiling/smaps.pbzero.h
// Autogenerated by the ProtoZero compiler plugin. DO NOT EDIT.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/message.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/packed_repeated_fields.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_decoder.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_utils.h"
namespace perfetto {
namespace protos {
namespace pbzero {
class SmapsEntry;
class SmapsPacket_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/2, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/true> {
SmapsPacket_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit SmapsPacket_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit SmapsPacket_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_pid() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint32_t pid() const { return at<1>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_entries() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
::protozero::RepeatedFieldIterator<::protozero::ConstBytes> entries() const { return GetRepeated<::protozero::ConstBytes>(2); }
class SmapsPacket : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = SmapsPacket_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kPidFieldNumber = 1,
kEntriesFieldNumber = 2,
void set_pid(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
template <typename T = SmapsEntry> T* add_entries() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(2);
class SmapsEntry_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/4, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
SmapsEntry_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit SmapsEntry_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit SmapsEntry_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_path() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars path() const { return at<1>().as_string(); }
bool has_size_kb() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint64_t size_kb() const { return at<2>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_private_dirty_kb() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
uint64_t private_dirty_kb() const { return at<3>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_swap_kb() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
uint64_t swap_kb() const { return at<4>().as_uint64(); }
class SmapsEntry : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = SmapsEntry_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kPathFieldNumber = 1,
kSizeKbFieldNumber = 2,
kPrivateDirtyKbFieldNumber = 3,
kSwapKbFieldNumber = 4,
void set_path(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(1,, value.size());
void set_path(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(1, data, size);
void set_size_kb(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_private_dirty_kb(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void set_swap_kb(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(4, value);
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
#endif // Include guard.
// gen_amalgamated begin header: gen/protos/perfetto/trace/track_event/chrome_compositor_scheduler_state.pbzero.h
// Autogenerated by the ProtoZero compiler plugin. DO NOT EDIT.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/message.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/packed_repeated_fields.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_decoder.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_utils.h"
namespace perfetto {
namespace protos {
namespace pbzero {
class BeginFrameArgs;
class BeginFrameObserverState;
class BeginFrameSourceState;
class BeginImplFrameArgs;
class BeginImplFrameArgs_TimestampsInUs;
class ChromeCompositorStateMachine;
class ChromeCompositorStateMachine_MajorState;
class ChromeCompositorStateMachine_MinorState;
class CompositorTimingHistory;
class SourceLocation;
enum BeginFrameArgs_BeginFrameArgsType : int32_t;
enum BeginImplFrameArgs_State : int32_t;
enum ChromeCompositorSchedulerAction : int32_t;
enum ChromeCompositorSchedulerState_BeginImplFrameDeadlineMode : int32_t;
enum ChromeCompositorStateMachine_MajorState_BeginImplFrameState : int32_t;
enum ChromeCompositorStateMachine_MajorState_BeginMainFrameState : int32_t;
enum ChromeCompositorStateMachine_MajorState_ForcedRedrawOnTimeoutState : int32_t;
enum ChromeCompositorStateMachine_MajorState_LayerTreeFrameSinkState : int32_t;
enum ChromeCompositorStateMachine_MinorState_ScrollHandlerState : int32_t;
enum ChromeCompositorStateMachine_MinorState_TreePriority : int32_t;
enum ChromeCompositorSchedulerAction : int32_t {
const ChromeCompositorSchedulerAction ChromeCompositorSchedulerAction_MIN = CC_SCHEDULER_ACTION_UNSPECIFIED;
const ChromeCompositorSchedulerAction ChromeCompositorSchedulerAction_MAX = CC_SCHEDULER_ACTION_NOTIFY_BEGIN_MAIN_FRAME_NOT_EXPECTED_SOON;
enum BeginImplFrameArgs_State : int32_t {
BeginImplFrameArgs_State_BEGIN_FRAME_FINISHED = 0,
BeginImplFrameArgs_State_BEGIN_FRAME_USING = 1,
const BeginImplFrameArgs_State BeginImplFrameArgs_State_MIN = BeginImplFrameArgs_State_BEGIN_FRAME_FINISHED;
const BeginImplFrameArgs_State BeginImplFrameArgs_State_MAX = BeginImplFrameArgs_State_BEGIN_FRAME_USING;
enum BeginFrameArgs_BeginFrameArgsType : int32_t {
BeginFrameArgs_BeginFrameArgsType_BEGIN_FRAME_ARGS_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED = 0,
BeginFrameArgs_BeginFrameArgsType_BEGIN_FRAME_ARGS_TYPE_INVALID = 1,
BeginFrameArgs_BeginFrameArgsType_BEGIN_FRAME_ARGS_TYPE_NORMAL = 2,
BeginFrameArgs_BeginFrameArgsType_BEGIN_FRAME_ARGS_TYPE_MISSED = 3,
const BeginFrameArgs_BeginFrameArgsType BeginFrameArgs_BeginFrameArgsType_MIN = BeginFrameArgs_BeginFrameArgsType_BEGIN_FRAME_ARGS_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED;
const BeginFrameArgs_BeginFrameArgsType BeginFrameArgs_BeginFrameArgsType_MAX = BeginFrameArgs_BeginFrameArgsType_BEGIN_FRAME_ARGS_TYPE_MISSED;
enum ChromeCompositorStateMachine_MinorState_TreePriority : int32_t {
ChromeCompositorStateMachine_MinorState_TreePriority_TREE_PRIORITY_UNSPECIFIED = 0,
ChromeCompositorStateMachine_MinorState_TreePriority_TREE_PRIORITY_SAME_PRIORITY_FOR_BOTH_TREES = 1,
ChromeCompositorStateMachine_MinorState_TreePriority_TREE_PRIORITY_SMOOTHNESS_TAKES_PRIORITY = 2,
ChromeCompositorStateMachine_MinorState_TreePriority_TREE_PRIORITY_NEW_CONTENT_TAKES_PRIORITY = 3,
const ChromeCompositorStateMachine_MinorState_TreePriority ChromeCompositorStateMachine_MinorState_TreePriority_MIN = ChromeCompositorStateMachine_MinorState_TreePriority_TREE_PRIORITY_UNSPECIFIED;
const ChromeCompositorStateMachine_MinorState_TreePriority ChromeCompositorStateMachine_MinorState_TreePriority_MAX = ChromeCompositorStateMachine_MinorState_TreePriority_TREE_PRIORITY_NEW_CONTENT_TAKES_PRIORITY;
enum ChromeCompositorStateMachine_MinorState_ScrollHandlerState : int32_t {
ChromeCompositorStateMachine_MinorState_ScrollHandlerState_SCROLL_HANDLER_UNSPECIFIED = 0,
ChromeCompositorStateMachine_MinorState_ScrollHandlerState_SCROLL_AFFECTS_SCROLL_HANDLER = 1,
ChromeCompositorStateMachine_MinorState_ScrollHandlerState_SCROLL_DOES_NOT_AFFECT_SCROLL_HANDLER = 2,
const ChromeCompositorStateMachine_MinorState_ScrollHandlerState ChromeCompositorStateMachine_MinorState_ScrollHandlerState_MIN = ChromeCompositorStateMachine_MinorState_ScrollHandlerState_SCROLL_HANDLER_UNSPECIFIED;
const ChromeCompositorStateMachine_MinorState_ScrollHandlerState ChromeCompositorStateMachine_MinorState_ScrollHandlerState_MAX = ChromeCompositorStateMachine_MinorState_ScrollHandlerState_SCROLL_DOES_NOT_AFFECT_SCROLL_HANDLER;
enum ChromeCompositorStateMachine_MajorState_BeginImplFrameState : int32_t {
ChromeCompositorStateMachine_MajorState_BeginImplFrameState_BEGIN_IMPL_FRAME_UNSPECIFIED = 0,
ChromeCompositorStateMachine_MajorState_BeginImplFrameState_BEGIN_IMPL_FRAME_IDLE = 1,
ChromeCompositorStateMachine_MajorState_BeginImplFrameState_BEGIN_IMPL_FRAME_INSIDE_BEGIN_FRAME = 2,
ChromeCompositorStateMachine_MajorState_BeginImplFrameState_BEGIN_IMPL_FRAME_INSIDE_DEADLINE = 3,
const ChromeCompositorStateMachine_MajorState_BeginImplFrameState ChromeCompositorStateMachine_MajorState_BeginImplFrameState_MIN = ChromeCompositorStateMachine_MajorState_BeginImplFrameState_BEGIN_IMPL_FRAME_UNSPECIFIED;
const ChromeCompositorStateMachine_MajorState_BeginImplFrameState ChromeCompositorStateMachine_MajorState_BeginImplFrameState_MAX = ChromeCompositorStateMachine_MajorState_BeginImplFrameState_BEGIN_IMPL_FRAME_INSIDE_DEADLINE;
enum ChromeCompositorStateMachine_MajorState_BeginMainFrameState : int32_t {
ChromeCompositorStateMachine_MajorState_BeginMainFrameState_BEGIN_MAIN_FRAME_UNSPECIFIED = 0,
ChromeCompositorStateMachine_MajorState_BeginMainFrameState_BEGIN_MAIN_FRAME_IDLE = 1,
ChromeCompositorStateMachine_MajorState_BeginMainFrameState_BEGIN_MAIN_FRAME_SENT = 2,
ChromeCompositorStateMachine_MajorState_BeginMainFrameState_BEGIN_MAIN_FRAME_READY_TO_COMMIT = 3,
const ChromeCompositorStateMachine_MajorState_BeginMainFrameState ChromeCompositorStateMachine_MajorState_BeginMainFrameState_MIN = ChromeCompositorStateMachine_MajorState_BeginMainFrameState_BEGIN_MAIN_FRAME_UNSPECIFIED;
const ChromeCompositorStateMachine_MajorState_BeginMainFrameState ChromeCompositorStateMachine_MajorState_BeginMainFrameState_MAX = ChromeCompositorStateMachine_MajorState_BeginMainFrameState_BEGIN_MAIN_FRAME_READY_TO_COMMIT;
enum ChromeCompositorStateMachine_MajorState_LayerTreeFrameSinkState : int32_t {
ChromeCompositorStateMachine_MajorState_LayerTreeFrameSinkState_LAYER_TREE_FRAME_UNSPECIFIED = 0,
ChromeCompositorStateMachine_MajorState_LayerTreeFrameSinkState_LAYER_TREE_FRAME_NONE = 1,
ChromeCompositorStateMachine_MajorState_LayerTreeFrameSinkState_LAYER_TREE_FRAME_ACTIVE = 2,
ChromeCompositorStateMachine_MajorState_LayerTreeFrameSinkState_LAYER_TREE_FRAME_CREATING = 3,
ChromeCompositorStateMachine_MajorState_LayerTreeFrameSinkState_LAYER_TREE_FRAME_WAITING_FOR_FIRST_COMMIT = 4,
ChromeCompositorStateMachine_MajorState_LayerTreeFrameSinkState_LAYER_TREE_FRAME_WAITING_FOR_FIRST_ACTIVATION = 5,
const ChromeCompositorStateMachine_MajorState_LayerTreeFrameSinkState ChromeCompositorStateMachine_MajorState_LayerTreeFrameSinkState_MIN = ChromeCompositorStateMachine_MajorState_LayerTreeFrameSinkState_LAYER_TREE_FRAME_UNSPECIFIED;
const ChromeCompositorStateMachine_MajorState_LayerTreeFrameSinkState ChromeCompositorStateMachine_MajorState_LayerTreeFrameSinkState_MAX = ChromeCompositorStateMachine_MajorState_LayerTreeFrameSinkState_LAYER_TREE_FRAME_WAITING_FOR_FIRST_ACTIVATION;
enum ChromeCompositorStateMachine_MajorState_ForcedRedrawOnTimeoutState : int32_t {
ChromeCompositorStateMachine_MajorState_ForcedRedrawOnTimeoutState_FORCED_REDRAW_UNSPECIFIED = 0,
ChromeCompositorStateMachine_MajorState_ForcedRedrawOnTimeoutState_FORCED_REDRAW_IDLE = 1,
ChromeCompositorStateMachine_MajorState_ForcedRedrawOnTimeoutState_FORCED_REDRAW_WAITING_FOR_COMMIT = 2,
ChromeCompositorStateMachine_MajorState_ForcedRedrawOnTimeoutState_FORCED_REDRAW_WAITING_FOR_ACTIVATION = 3,
ChromeCompositorStateMachine_MajorState_ForcedRedrawOnTimeoutState_FORCED_REDRAW_WAITING_FOR_DRAW = 4,
const ChromeCompositorStateMachine_MajorState_ForcedRedrawOnTimeoutState ChromeCompositorStateMachine_MajorState_ForcedRedrawOnTimeoutState_MIN = ChromeCompositorStateMachine_MajorState_ForcedRedrawOnTimeoutState_FORCED_REDRAW_UNSPECIFIED;
const ChromeCompositorStateMachine_MajorState_ForcedRedrawOnTimeoutState ChromeCompositorStateMachine_MajorState_ForcedRedrawOnTimeoutState_MAX = ChromeCompositorStateMachine_MajorState_ForcedRedrawOnTimeoutState_FORCED_REDRAW_WAITING_FOR_DRAW;
enum ChromeCompositorSchedulerState_BeginImplFrameDeadlineMode : int32_t {
ChromeCompositorSchedulerState_BeginImplFrameDeadlineMode_DEADLINE_MODE_UNSPECIFIED = 0,
ChromeCompositorSchedulerState_BeginImplFrameDeadlineMode_DEADLINE_MODE_NONE = 1,
ChromeCompositorSchedulerState_BeginImplFrameDeadlineMode_DEADLINE_MODE_IMMEDIATE = 2,
ChromeCompositorSchedulerState_BeginImplFrameDeadlineMode_DEADLINE_MODE_REGULAR = 3,
ChromeCompositorSchedulerState_BeginImplFrameDeadlineMode_DEADLINE_MODE_LATE = 4,
ChromeCompositorSchedulerState_BeginImplFrameDeadlineMode_DEADLINE_MODE_BLOCKED = 5,
const ChromeCompositorSchedulerState_BeginImplFrameDeadlineMode ChromeCompositorSchedulerState_BeginImplFrameDeadlineMode_MIN = ChromeCompositorSchedulerState_BeginImplFrameDeadlineMode_DEADLINE_MODE_UNSPECIFIED;
const ChromeCompositorSchedulerState_BeginImplFrameDeadlineMode ChromeCompositorSchedulerState_BeginImplFrameDeadlineMode_MAX = ChromeCompositorSchedulerState_BeginImplFrameDeadlineMode_DEADLINE_MODE_BLOCKED;
class CompositorTimingHistory_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/7, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
CompositorTimingHistory_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit CompositorTimingHistory_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit CompositorTimingHistory_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_begin_main_frame_queue_critical_estimate_delta_us() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
int64_t begin_main_frame_queue_critical_estimate_delta_us() const { return at<1>().as_int64(); }
bool has_begin_main_frame_queue_not_critical_estimate_delta_us() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
int64_t begin_main_frame_queue_not_critical_estimate_delta_us() const { return at<2>().as_int64(); }
bool has_begin_main_frame_start_to_ready_to_commit_estimate_delta_us() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
int64_t begin_main_frame_start_to_ready_to_commit_estimate_delta_us() const { return at<3>().as_int64(); }
bool has_commit_to_ready_to_activate_estimate_delta_us() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
int64_t commit_to_ready_to_activate_estimate_delta_us() const { return at<4>().as_int64(); }
bool has_prepare_tiles_estimate_delta_us() const { return at<5>().valid(); }
int64_t prepare_tiles_estimate_delta_us() const { return at<5>().as_int64(); }
bool has_activate_estimate_delta_us() const { return at<6>().valid(); }
int64_t activate_estimate_delta_us() const { return at<6>().as_int64(); }
bool has_draw_estimate_delta_us() const { return at<7>().valid(); }
int64_t draw_estimate_delta_us() const { return at<7>().as_int64(); }
class CompositorTimingHistory : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = CompositorTimingHistory_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kBeginMainFrameQueueCriticalEstimateDeltaUsFieldNumber = 1,
kBeginMainFrameQueueNotCriticalEstimateDeltaUsFieldNumber = 2,
kBeginMainFrameStartToReadyToCommitEstimateDeltaUsFieldNumber = 3,
kCommitToReadyToActivateEstimateDeltaUsFieldNumber = 4,
kPrepareTilesEstimateDeltaUsFieldNumber = 5,
kActivateEstimateDeltaUsFieldNumber = 6,
kDrawEstimateDeltaUsFieldNumber = 7,
void set_begin_main_frame_queue_critical_estimate_delta_us(int64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_begin_main_frame_queue_not_critical_estimate_delta_us(int64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_begin_main_frame_start_to_ready_to_commit_estimate_delta_us(int64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void set_commit_to_ready_to_activate_estimate_delta_us(int64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(4, value);
void set_prepare_tiles_estimate_delta_us(int64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(5, value);
void set_activate_estimate_delta_us(int64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(6, value);
void set_draw_estimate_delta_us(int64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(7, value);
class BeginFrameSourceState_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/4, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
BeginFrameSourceState_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit BeginFrameSourceState_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit BeginFrameSourceState_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_source_id() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint32_t source_id() const { return at<1>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_paused() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
bool paused() const { return at<2>().as_bool(); }
bool has_num_observers() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
uint32_t num_observers() const { return at<3>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_last_begin_frame_args() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes last_begin_frame_args() const { return at<4>().as_bytes(); }
class BeginFrameSourceState : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = BeginFrameSourceState_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kSourceIdFieldNumber = 1,
kPausedFieldNumber = 2,
kNumObserversFieldNumber = 3,
kLastBeginFrameArgsFieldNumber = 4,
void set_source_id(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_paused(bool value) {
AppendTinyVarInt(2, value);
void set_num_observers(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
template <typename T = BeginFrameArgs> T* set_last_begin_frame_args() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(4);
class BeginFrameObserverState_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/2, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
BeginFrameObserverState_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit BeginFrameObserverState_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit BeginFrameObserverState_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_dropped_begin_frame_args() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
int64_t dropped_begin_frame_args() const { return at<1>().as_int64(); }
bool has_last_begin_frame_args() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes last_begin_frame_args() const { return at<2>().as_bytes(); }
class BeginFrameObserverState : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = BeginFrameObserverState_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kDroppedBeginFrameArgsFieldNumber = 1,
kLastBeginFrameArgsFieldNumber = 2,
void set_dropped_begin_frame_args(int64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
template <typename T = BeginFrameArgs> T* set_last_begin_frame_args() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(2);
class BeginImplFrameArgs_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/6, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
BeginImplFrameArgs_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit BeginImplFrameArgs_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit BeginImplFrameArgs_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_updated_at_us() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
int64_t updated_at_us() const { return at<1>().as_int64(); }
bool has_finished_at_us() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
int64_t finished_at_us() const { return at<2>().as_int64(); }
bool has_state() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
int32_t state() const { return at<3>().as_int32(); }
bool has_current_args() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes current_args() const { return at<4>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_last_args() const { return at<5>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes last_args() const { return at<5>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_timestamps_in_us() const { return at<6>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes timestamps_in_us() const { return at<6>().as_bytes(); }
class BeginImplFrameArgs : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = BeginImplFrameArgs_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kUpdatedAtUsFieldNumber = 1,
kFinishedAtUsFieldNumber = 2,
kStateFieldNumber = 3,
kCurrentArgsFieldNumber = 4,
kLastArgsFieldNumber = 5,
kTimestampsInUsFieldNumber = 6,
using TimestampsInUs = ::perfetto::protos::pbzero::BeginImplFrameArgs_TimestampsInUs;
using State = ::perfetto::protos::pbzero::BeginImplFrameArgs_State;
static const State BEGIN_FRAME_FINISHED = BeginImplFrameArgs_State_BEGIN_FRAME_FINISHED;
static const State BEGIN_FRAME_USING = BeginImplFrameArgs_State_BEGIN_FRAME_USING;
void set_updated_at_us(int64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_finished_at_us(int64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_state(::perfetto::protos::pbzero::BeginImplFrameArgs_State value) {
AppendTinyVarInt(3, value);
template <typename T = BeginFrameArgs> T* set_current_args() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(4);
template <typename T = BeginFrameArgs> T* set_last_args() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(5);
template <typename T = BeginImplFrameArgs_TimestampsInUs> T* set_timestamps_in_us() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(6);
class BeginImplFrameArgs_TimestampsInUs_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/7, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
BeginImplFrameArgs_TimestampsInUs_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit BeginImplFrameArgs_TimestampsInUs_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit BeginImplFrameArgs_TimestampsInUs_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_interval_delta() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
int64_t interval_delta() const { return at<1>().as_int64(); }
bool has_now_to_deadline_delta() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
int64_t now_to_deadline_delta() const { return at<2>().as_int64(); }
bool has_frame_time_to_now_delta() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
int64_t frame_time_to_now_delta() const { return at<3>().as_int64(); }
bool has_frame_time_to_deadline_delta() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
int64_t frame_time_to_deadline_delta() const { return at<4>().as_int64(); }
bool has_now() const { return at<5>().valid(); }
int64_t now() const { return at<5>().as_int64(); }
bool has_frame_time() const { return at<6>().valid(); }
int64_t frame_time() const { return at<6>().as_int64(); }
bool has_deadline() const { return at<7>().valid(); }
int64_t deadline() const { return at<7>().as_int64(); }
class BeginImplFrameArgs_TimestampsInUs : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = BeginImplFrameArgs_TimestampsInUs_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kIntervalDeltaFieldNumber = 1,
kNowToDeadlineDeltaFieldNumber = 2,
kFrameTimeToNowDeltaFieldNumber = 3,
kFrameTimeToDeadlineDeltaFieldNumber = 4,
kNowFieldNumber = 5,
kFrameTimeFieldNumber = 6,
kDeadlineFieldNumber = 7,
void set_interval_delta(int64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_now_to_deadline_delta(int64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_frame_time_to_now_delta(int64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void set_frame_time_to_deadline_delta(int64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(4, value);
void set_now(int64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(5, value);
void set_frame_time(int64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(6, value);
void set_deadline(int64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(7, value);
class BeginFrameArgs_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/10, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
BeginFrameArgs_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit BeginFrameArgs_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit BeginFrameArgs_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_type() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
int32_t type() const { return at<1>().as_int32(); }
bool has_source_id() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint64_t source_id() const { return at<2>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_sequence_number() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
uint64_t sequence_number() const { return at<3>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_frame_time_us() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
int64_t frame_time_us() const { return at<4>().as_int64(); }
bool has_deadline_us() const { return at<5>().valid(); }
int64_t deadline_us() const { return at<5>().as_int64(); }
bool has_interval_delta_us() const { return at<6>().valid(); }
int64_t interval_delta_us() const { return at<6>().as_int64(); }
bool has_on_critical_path() const { return at<7>().valid(); }
bool on_critical_path() const { return at<7>().as_bool(); }
bool has_animate_only() const { return at<8>().valid(); }
bool animate_only() const { return at<8>().as_bool(); }
bool has_source_location_iid() const { return at<9>().valid(); }
uint64_t source_location_iid() const { return at<9>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_source_location() const { return at<10>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes source_location() const { return at<10>().as_bytes(); }
class BeginFrameArgs : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = BeginFrameArgs_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kTypeFieldNumber = 1,
kSourceIdFieldNumber = 2,
kSequenceNumberFieldNumber = 3,
kFrameTimeUsFieldNumber = 4,
kDeadlineUsFieldNumber = 5,
kIntervalDeltaUsFieldNumber = 6,
kOnCriticalPathFieldNumber = 7,
kAnimateOnlyFieldNumber = 8,
kSourceLocationIidFieldNumber = 9,
kSourceLocationFieldNumber = 10,
using BeginFrameArgsType = ::perfetto::protos::pbzero::BeginFrameArgs_BeginFrameArgsType;
static const BeginFrameArgsType BEGIN_FRAME_ARGS_TYPE_INVALID = BeginFrameArgs_BeginFrameArgsType_BEGIN_FRAME_ARGS_TYPE_INVALID;
static const BeginFrameArgsType BEGIN_FRAME_ARGS_TYPE_NORMAL = BeginFrameArgs_BeginFrameArgsType_BEGIN_FRAME_ARGS_TYPE_NORMAL;
static const BeginFrameArgsType BEGIN_FRAME_ARGS_TYPE_MISSED = BeginFrameArgs_BeginFrameArgsType_BEGIN_FRAME_ARGS_TYPE_MISSED;
void set_type(::perfetto::protos::pbzero::BeginFrameArgs_BeginFrameArgsType value) {
AppendTinyVarInt(1, value);
void set_source_id(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_sequence_number(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void set_frame_time_us(int64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(4, value);
void set_deadline_us(int64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(5, value);
void set_interval_delta_us(int64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(6, value);
void set_on_critical_path(bool value) {
AppendTinyVarInt(7, value);
void set_animate_only(bool value) {
AppendTinyVarInt(8, value);
void set_source_location_iid(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(9, value);
template <typename T = SourceLocation> T* set_source_location() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(10);
class ChromeCompositorStateMachine_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/2, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
ChromeCompositorStateMachine_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit ChromeCompositorStateMachine_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit ChromeCompositorStateMachine_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_major_state() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes major_state() const { return at<1>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_minor_state() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes minor_state() const { return at<2>().as_bytes(); }
class ChromeCompositorStateMachine : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = ChromeCompositorStateMachine_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kMajorStateFieldNumber = 1,
kMinorStateFieldNumber = 2,
using MajorState = ::perfetto::protos::pbzero::ChromeCompositorStateMachine_MajorState;
using MinorState = ::perfetto::protos::pbzero::ChromeCompositorStateMachine_MinorState;
template <typename T = ChromeCompositorStateMachine_MajorState> T* set_major_state() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(1);
template <typename T = ChromeCompositorStateMachine_MinorState> T* set_minor_state() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(2);
class ChromeCompositorStateMachine_MinorState_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/46, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
ChromeCompositorStateMachine_MinorState_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit ChromeCompositorStateMachine_MinorState_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit ChromeCompositorStateMachine_MinorState_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_commit_count() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
int32_t commit_count() const { return at<1>().as_int32(); }
bool has_current_frame_number() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
int32_t current_frame_number() const { return at<2>().as_int32(); }
bool has_last_frame_number_submit_performed() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
int32_t last_frame_number_submit_performed() const { return at<3>().as_int32(); }
bool has_last_frame_number_draw_performed() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
int32_t last_frame_number_draw_performed() const { return at<4>().as_int32(); }
bool has_last_frame_number_begin_main_frame_sent() const { return at<5>().valid(); }
int32_t last_frame_number_begin_main_frame_sent() const { return at<5>().as_int32(); }
bool has_did_draw() const { return at<6>().valid(); }
bool did_draw() const { return at<6>().as_bool(); }
bool has_did_send_begin_main_frame_for_current_frame() const { return at<7>().valid(); }
bool did_send_begin_main_frame_for_current_frame() const { return at<7>().as_bool(); }
bool has_did_notify_begin_main_frame_not_expected_until() const { return at<8>().valid(); }
bool did_notify_begin_main_frame_not_expected_until() const { return at<8>().as_bool(); }
bool has_did_notify_begin_main_frame_not_expected_soon() const { return at<9>().valid(); }
bool did_notify_begin_main_frame_not_expected_soon() const { return at<9>().as_bool(); }
bool has_wants_begin_main_frame_not_expected() const { return at<10>().valid(); }
bool wants_begin_main_frame_not_expected() const { return at<10>().as_bool(); }
bool has_did_commit_during_frame() const { return at<11>().valid(); }
bool did_commit_during_frame() const { return at<11>().as_bool(); }
bool has_did_invalidate_layer_tree_frame_sink() const { return at<12>().valid(); }
bool did_invalidate_layer_tree_frame_sink() const { return at<12>().as_bool(); }
bool has_did_perform_impl_side_invalidaion() const { return at<13>().valid(); }
bool did_perform_impl_side_invalidaion() const { return at<13>().as_bool(); }
bool has_did_prepare_tiles() const { return at<14>().valid(); }
bool did_prepare_tiles() const { return at<14>().as_bool(); }
bool has_consecutive_checkerboard_animations() const { return at<15>().valid(); }
int32_t consecutive_checkerboard_animations() const { return at<15>().as_int32(); }
bool has_pending_submit_frames() const { return at<16>().valid(); }
int32_t pending_submit_frames() const { return at<16>().as_int32(); }
bool has_submit_frames_with_current_layer_tree_frame_sink() const { return at<17>().valid(); }
int32_t submit_frames_with_current_layer_tree_frame_sink() const { return at<17>().as_int32(); }
bool has_needs_redraw() const { return at<18>().valid(); }
bool needs_redraw() const { return at<18>().as_bool(); }
bool has_needs_prepare_tiles() const { return at<19>().valid(); }
bool needs_prepare_tiles() const { return at<19>().as_bool(); }
bool has_needs_begin_main_frame() const { return at<20>().valid(); }
bool needs_begin_main_frame() const { return at<20>().as_bool(); }
bool has_needs_one_begin_impl_frame() const { return at<21>().valid(); }
bool needs_one_begin_impl_frame() const { return at<21>().as_bool(); }
bool has_visible() const { return at<22>().valid(); }
bool visible() const { return at<22>().as_bool(); }
bool has_begin_frame_source_paused() const { return at<23>().valid(); }
bool begin_frame_source_paused() const { return at<23>().as_bool(); }
bool has_can_draw() const { return at<24>().valid(); }
bool can_draw() const { return at<24>().as_bool(); }
bool has_resourceless_draw() const { return at<25>().valid(); }
bool resourceless_draw() const { return at<25>().as_bool(); }
bool has_has_pending_tree() const { return at<26>().valid(); }
bool has_pending_tree() const { return at<26>().as_bool(); }
bool has_pending_tree_is_ready_for_activation() const { return at<27>().valid(); }
bool pending_tree_is_ready_for_activation() const { return at<27>().as_bool(); }
bool has_active_tree_needs_first_draw() const { return at<28>().valid(); }
bool active_tree_needs_first_draw() const { return at<28>().as_bool(); }
bool has_active_tree_is_ready_to_draw() const { return at<29>().valid(); }
bool active_tree_is_ready_to_draw() const { return at<29>().as_bool(); }
bool has_did_create_and_initialize_first_layer_tree_frame_sink() const { return at<30>().valid(); }
bool did_create_and_initialize_first_layer_tree_frame_sink() const { return at<30>().as_bool(); }
bool has_tree_priority() const { return at<31>().valid(); }
int32_t tree_priority() const { return at<31>().as_int32(); }
bool has_scroll_handler_state() const { return at<32>().valid(); }
int32_t scroll_handler_state() const { return at<32>().as_int32(); }
bool has_critical_begin_main_frame_to_activate_is_fast() const { return at<33>().valid(); }
bool critical_begin_main_frame_to_activate_is_fast() const { return at<33>().as_bool(); }
bool has_main_thread_missed_last_deadline() const { return at<34>().valid(); }
bool main_thread_missed_last_deadline() const { return at<34>().as_bool(); }
bool has_skip_next_begin_main_frame_to_reduce_latency() const { return at<35>().valid(); }
bool skip_next_begin_main_frame_to_reduce_latency() const { return at<35>().as_bool(); }
bool has_video_needs_begin_frames() const { return at<36>().valid(); }
bool video_needs_begin_frames() const { return at<36>().as_bool(); }
bool has_defer_begin_main_frame() const { return at<37>().valid(); }
bool defer_begin_main_frame() const { return at<37>().as_bool(); }
bool has_last_commit_had_no_updates() const { return at<38>().valid(); }
bool last_commit_had_no_updates() const { return at<38>().as_bool(); }
bool has_did_draw_in_last_frame() const { return at<39>().valid(); }
bool did_draw_in_last_frame() const { return at<39>().as_bool(); }
bool has_did_submit_in_last_frame() const { return at<40>().valid(); }
bool did_submit_in_last_frame() const { return at<40>().as_bool(); }
bool has_needs_impl_side_invalidation() const { return at<41>().valid(); }
bool needs_impl_side_invalidation() const { return at<41>().as_bool(); }
bool has_current_pending_tree_is_impl_side() const { return at<42>().valid(); }
bool current_pending_tree_is_impl_side() const { return at<42>().as_bool(); }
bool has_previous_pending_tree_was_impl_side() const { return at<43>().valid(); }
bool previous_pending_tree_was_impl_side() const { return at<43>().as_bool(); }
bool has_processing_animation_worklets_for_active_tree() const { return at<44>().valid(); }
bool processing_animation_worklets_for_active_tree() const { return at<44>().as_bool(); }
bool has_processing_animation_worklets_for_pending_tree() const { return at<45>().valid(); }
bool processing_animation_worklets_for_pending_tree() const { return at<45>().as_bool(); }
bool has_processing_paint_worklets_for_pending_tree() const { return at<46>().valid(); }
bool processing_paint_worklets_for_pending_tree() const { return at<46>().as_bool(); }
class ChromeCompositorStateMachine_MinorState : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = ChromeCompositorStateMachine_MinorState_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kCommitCountFieldNumber = 1,
kCurrentFrameNumberFieldNumber = 2,
kLastFrameNumberSubmitPerformedFieldNumber = 3,
kLastFrameNumberDrawPerformedFieldNumber = 4,
kLastFrameNumberBeginMainFrameSentFieldNumber = 5,
kDidDrawFieldNumber = 6,
kDidSendBeginMainFrameForCurrentFrameFieldNumber = 7,
kDidNotifyBeginMainFrameNotExpectedUntilFieldNumber = 8,
kDidNotifyBeginMainFrameNotExpectedSoonFieldNumber = 9,
kWantsBeginMainFrameNotExpectedFieldNumber = 10,
kDidCommitDuringFrameFieldNumber = 11,
kDidInvalidateLayerTreeFrameSinkFieldNumber = 12,
kDidPerformImplSideInvalidaionFieldNumber = 13,
kDidPrepareTilesFieldNumber = 14,
kConsecutiveCheckerboardAnimationsFieldNumber = 15,
kPendingSubmitFramesFieldNumber = 16,
kSubmitFramesWithCurrentLayerTreeFrameSinkFieldNumber = 17,
kNeedsRedrawFieldNumber = 18,
kNeedsPrepareTilesFieldNumber = 19,
kNeedsBeginMainFrameFieldNumber = 20,
kNeedsOneBeginImplFrameFieldNumber = 21,
kVisibleFieldNumber = 22,
kBeginFrameSourcePausedFieldNumber = 23,
kCanDrawFieldNumber = 24,
kResourcelessDrawFieldNumber = 25,
kHasPendingTreeFieldNumber = 26,
kPendingTreeIsReadyForActivationFieldNumber = 27,
kActiveTreeNeedsFirstDrawFieldNumber = 28,
kActiveTreeIsReadyToDrawFieldNumber = 29,
kDidCreateAndInitializeFirstLayerTreeFrameSinkFieldNumber = 30,
kTreePriorityFieldNumber = 31,
kScrollHandlerStateFieldNumber = 32,
kCriticalBeginMainFrameToActivateIsFastFieldNumber = 33,
kMainThreadMissedLastDeadlineFieldNumber = 34,
kSkipNextBeginMainFrameToReduceLatencyFieldNumber = 35,
kVideoNeedsBeginFramesFieldNumber = 36,
kDeferBeginMainFrameFieldNumber = 37,
kLastCommitHadNoUpdatesFieldNumber = 38,
kDidDrawInLastFrameFieldNumber = 39,
kDidSubmitInLastFrameFieldNumber = 40,
kNeedsImplSideInvalidationFieldNumber = 41,
kCurrentPendingTreeIsImplSideFieldNumber = 42,
kPreviousPendingTreeWasImplSideFieldNumber = 43,
kProcessingAnimationWorkletsForActiveTreeFieldNumber = 44,
kProcessingAnimationWorkletsForPendingTreeFieldNumber = 45,
kProcessingPaintWorkletsForPendingTreeFieldNumber = 46,
using TreePriority = ::perfetto::protos::pbzero::ChromeCompositorStateMachine_MinorState_TreePriority;
using ScrollHandlerState = ::perfetto::protos::pbzero::ChromeCompositorStateMachine_MinorState_ScrollHandlerState;
static const TreePriority TREE_PRIORITY_UNSPECIFIED = ChromeCompositorStateMachine_MinorState_TreePriority_TREE_PRIORITY_UNSPECIFIED;
static const TreePriority TREE_PRIORITY_SAME_PRIORITY_FOR_BOTH_TREES = ChromeCompositorStateMachine_MinorState_TreePriority_TREE_PRIORITY_SAME_PRIORITY_FOR_BOTH_TREES;
static const TreePriority TREE_PRIORITY_SMOOTHNESS_TAKES_PRIORITY = ChromeCompositorStateMachine_MinorState_TreePriority_TREE_PRIORITY_SMOOTHNESS_TAKES_PRIORITY;
static const TreePriority TREE_PRIORITY_NEW_CONTENT_TAKES_PRIORITY = ChromeCompositorStateMachine_MinorState_TreePriority_TREE_PRIORITY_NEW_CONTENT_TAKES_PRIORITY;
static const ScrollHandlerState SCROLL_HANDLER_UNSPECIFIED = ChromeCompositorStateMachine_MinorState_ScrollHandlerState_SCROLL_HANDLER_UNSPECIFIED;
static const ScrollHandlerState SCROLL_AFFECTS_SCROLL_HANDLER = ChromeCompositorStateMachine_MinorState_ScrollHandlerState_SCROLL_AFFECTS_SCROLL_HANDLER;
static const ScrollHandlerState SCROLL_DOES_NOT_AFFECT_SCROLL_HANDLER = ChromeCompositorStateMachine_MinorState_ScrollHandlerState_SCROLL_DOES_NOT_AFFECT_SCROLL_HANDLER;
void set_commit_count(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_current_frame_number(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_last_frame_number_submit_performed(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void set_last_frame_number_draw_performed(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(4, value);
void set_last_frame_number_begin_main_frame_sent(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(5, value);
void set_did_draw(bool value) {
AppendTinyVarInt(6, value);
void set_did_send_begin_main_frame_for_current_frame(bool value) {
AppendTinyVarInt(7, value);
void set_did_notify_begin_main_frame_not_expected_until(bool value) {
AppendTinyVarInt(8, value);
void set_did_notify_begin_main_frame_not_expected_soon(bool value) {
AppendTinyVarInt(9, value);
void set_wants_begin_main_frame_not_expected(bool value) {
AppendTinyVarInt(10, value);
void set_did_commit_during_frame(bool value) {
AppendTinyVarInt(11, value);
void set_did_invalidate_layer_tree_frame_sink(bool value) {
AppendTinyVarInt(12, value);
void set_did_perform_impl_side_invalidaion(bool value) {
AppendTinyVarInt(13, value);
void set_did_prepare_tiles(bool value) {
AppendTinyVarInt(14, value);
void set_consecutive_checkerboard_animations(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(15, value);
void set_pending_submit_frames(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(16, value);
void set_submit_frames_with_current_layer_tree_frame_sink(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(17, value);
void set_needs_redraw(bool value) {
AppendTinyVarInt(18, value);
void set_needs_prepare_tiles(bool value) {
AppendTinyVarInt(19, value);
void set_needs_begin_main_frame(bool value) {
AppendTinyVarInt(20, value);
void set_needs_one_begin_impl_frame(bool value) {
AppendTinyVarInt(21, value);
void set_visible(bool value) {
AppendTinyVarInt(22, value);
void set_begin_frame_source_paused(bool value) {
AppendTinyVarInt(23, value);
void set_can_draw(bool value) {
AppendTinyVarInt(24, value);
void set_resourceless_draw(bool value) {
AppendTinyVarInt(25, value);
void set_has_pending_tree(bool value) {
AppendTinyVarInt(26, value);
void set_pending_tree_is_ready_for_activation(bool value) {
AppendTinyVarInt(27, value);
void set_active_tree_needs_first_draw(bool value) {
AppendTinyVarInt(28, value);
void set_active_tree_is_ready_to_draw(bool value) {
AppendTinyVarInt(29, value);
void set_did_create_and_initialize_first_layer_tree_frame_sink(bool value) {
AppendTinyVarInt(30, value);
void set_tree_priority(::perfetto::protos::pbzero::ChromeCompositorStateMachine_MinorState_TreePriority value) {
AppendTinyVarInt(31, value);
void set_scroll_handler_state(::perfetto::protos::pbzero::ChromeCompositorStateMachine_MinorState_ScrollHandlerState value) {
AppendTinyVarInt(32, value);
void set_critical_begin_main_frame_to_activate_is_fast(bool value) {
AppendTinyVarInt(33, value);
void set_main_thread_missed_last_deadline(bool value) {
AppendTinyVarInt(34, value);
void set_skip_next_begin_main_frame_to_reduce_latency(bool value) {
AppendTinyVarInt(35, value);
void set_video_needs_begin_frames(bool value) {
AppendTinyVarInt(36, value);
void set_defer_begin_main_frame(bool value) {
AppendTinyVarInt(37, value);
void set_last_commit_had_no_updates(bool value) {
AppendTinyVarInt(38, value);
void set_did_draw_in_last_frame(bool value) {
AppendTinyVarInt(39, value);
void set_did_submit_in_last_frame(bool value) {
AppendTinyVarInt(40, value);
void set_needs_impl_side_invalidation(bool value) {
AppendTinyVarInt(41, value);
void set_current_pending_tree_is_impl_side(bool value) {
AppendTinyVarInt(42, value);
void set_previous_pending_tree_was_impl_side(bool value) {
AppendTinyVarInt(43, value);
void set_processing_animation_worklets_for_active_tree(bool value) {
AppendTinyVarInt(44, value);
void set_processing_animation_worklets_for_pending_tree(bool value) {
AppendTinyVarInt(45, value);
void set_processing_paint_worklets_for_pending_tree(bool value) {
AppendTinyVarInt(46, value);
class ChromeCompositorStateMachine_MajorState_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/5, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
ChromeCompositorStateMachine_MajorState_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit ChromeCompositorStateMachine_MajorState_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit ChromeCompositorStateMachine_MajorState_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_next_action() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
int32_t next_action() const { return at<1>().as_int32(); }
bool has_begin_impl_frame_state() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
int32_t begin_impl_frame_state() const { return at<2>().as_int32(); }
bool has_begin_main_frame_state() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
int32_t begin_main_frame_state() const { return at<3>().as_int32(); }
bool has_layer_tree_frame_sink_state() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
int32_t layer_tree_frame_sink_state() const { return at<4>().as_int32(); }
bool has_forced_redraw_state() const { return at<5>().valid(); }
int32_t forced_redraw_state() const { return at<5>().as_int32(); }
class ChromeCompositorStateMachine_MajorState : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = ChromeCompositorStateMachine_MajorState_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kNextActionFieldNumber = 1,
kBeginImplFrameStateFieldNumber = 2,
kBeginMainFrameStateFieldNumber = 3,
kLayerTreeFrameSinkStateFieldNumber = 4,
kForcedRedrawStateFieldNumber = 5,
using BeginImplFrameState = ::perfetto::protos::pbzero::ChromeCompositorStateMachine_MajorState_BeginImplFrameState;
using BeginMainFrameState = ::perfetto::protos::pbzero::ChromeCompositorStateMachine_MajorState_BeginMainFrameState;
using LayerTreeFrameSinkState = ::perfetto::protos::pbzero::ChromeCompositorStateMachine_MajorState_LayerTreeFrameSinkState;
using ForcedRedrawOnTimeoutState = ::perfetto::protos::pbzero::ChromeCompositorStateMachine_MajorState_ForcedRedrawOnTimeoutState;
static const BeginImplFrameState BEGIN_IMPL_FRAME_UNSPECIFIED = ChromeCompositorStateMachine_MajorState_BeginImplFrameState_BEGIN_IMPL_FRAME_UNSPECIFIED;
static const BeginImplFrameState BEGIN_IMPL_FRAME_IDLE = ChromeCompositorStateMachine_MajorState_BeginImplFrameState_BEGIN_IMPL_FRAME_IDLE;
static const BeginImplFrameState BEGIN_IMPL_FRAME_INSIDE_BEGIN_FRAME = ChromeCompositorStateMachine_MajorState_BeginImplFrameState_BEGIN_IMPL_FRAME_INSIDE_BEGIN_FRAME;
static const BeginImplFrameState BEGIN_IMPL_FRAME_INSIDE_DEADLINE = ChromeCompositorStateMachine_MajorState_BeginImplFrameState_BEGIN_IMPL_FRAME_INSIDE_DEADLINE;
static const BeginMainFrameState BEGIN_MAIN_FRAME_UNSPECIFIED = ChromeCompositorStateMachine_MajorState_BeginMainFrameState_BEGIN_MAIN_FRAME_UNSPECIFIED;
static const BeginMainFrameState BEGIN_MAIN_FRAME_IDLE = ChromeCompositorStateMachine_MajorState_BeginMainFrameState_BEGIN_MAIN_FRAME_IDLE;
static const BeginMainFrameState BEGIN_MAIN_FRAME_SENT = ChromeCompositorStateMachine_MajorState_BeginMainFrameState_BEGIN_MAIN_FRAME_SENT;
static const BeginMainFrameState BEGIN_MAIN_FRAME_READY_TO_COMMIT = ChromeCompositorStateMachine_MajorState_BeginMainFrameState_BEGIN_MAIN_FRAME_READY_TO_COMMIT;
static const LayerTreeFrameSinkState LAYER_TREE_FRAME_UNSPECIFIED = ChromeCompositorStateMachine_MajorState_LayerTreeFrameSinkState_LAYER_TREE_FRAME_UNSPECIFIED;
static const LayerTreeFrameSinkState LAYER_TREE_FRAME_NONE = ChromeCompositorStateMachine_MajorState_LayerTreeFrameSinkState_LAYER_TREE_FRAME_NONE;
static const LayerTreeFrameSinkState LAYER_TREE_FRAME_ACTIVE = ChromeCompositorStateMachine_MajorState_LayerTreeFrameSinkState_LAYER_TREE_FRAME_ACTIVE;
static const LayerTreeFrameSinkState LAYER_TREE_FRAME_CREATING = ChromeCompositorStateMachine_MajorState_LayerTreeFrameSinkState_LAYER_TREE_FRAME_CREATING;
static const LayerTreeFrameSinkState LAYER_TREE_FRAME_WAITING_FOR_FIRST_COMMIT = ChromeCompositorStateMachine_MajorState_LayerTreeFrameSinkState_LAYER_TREE_FRAME_WAITING_FOR_FIRST_COMMIT;
static const LayerTreeFrameSinkState LAYER_TREE_FRAME_WAITING_FOR_FIRST_ACTIVATION = ChromeCompositorStateMachine_MajorState_LayerTreeFrameSinkState_LAYER_TREE_FRAME_WAITING_FOR_FIRST_ACTIVATION;
static const ForcedRedrawOnTimeoutState FORCED_REDRAW_UNSPECIFIED = ChromeCompositorStateMachine_MajorState_ForcedRedrawOnTimeoutState_FORCED_REDRAW_UNSPECIFIED;
static const ForcedRedrawOnTimeoutState FORCED_REDRAW_IDLE = ChromeCompositorStateMachine_MajorState_ForcedRedrawOnTimeoutState_FORCED_REDRAW_IDLE;
static const ForcedRedrawOnTimeoutState FORCED_REDRAW_WAITING_FOR_COMMIT = ChromeCompositorStateMachine_MajorState_ForcedRedrawOnTimeoutState_FORCED_REDRAW_WAITING_FOR_COMMIT;
static const ForcedRedrawOnTimeoutState FORCED_REDRAW_WAITING_FOR_ACTIVATION = ChromeCompositorStateMachine_MajorState_ForcedRedrawOnTimeoutState_FORCED_REDRAW_WAITING_FOR_ACTIVATION;
static const ForcedRedrawOnTimeoutState FORCED_REDRAW_WAITING_FOR_DRAW = ChromeCompositorStateMachine_MajorState_ForcedRedrawOnTimeoutState_FORCED_REDRAW_WAITING_FOR_DRAW;
void set_next_action(::perfetto::protos::pbzero::ChromeCompositorSchedulerAction value) {
AppendTinyVarInt(1, value);
void set_begin_impl_frame_state(::perfetto::protos::pbzero::ChromeCompositorStateMachine_MajorState_BeginImplFrameState value) {
AppendTinyVarInt(2, value);
void set_begin_main_frame_state(::perfetto::protos::pbzero::ChromeCompositorStateMachine_MajorState_BeginMainFrameState value) {
AppendTinyVarInt(3, value);
void set_layer_tree_frame_sink_state(::perfetto::protos::pbzero::ChromeCompositorStateMachine_MajorState_LayerTreeFrameSinkState value) {
AppendTinyVarInt(4, value);
void set_forced_redraw_state(::perfetto::protos::pbzero::ChromeCompositorStateMachine_MajorState_ForcedRedrawOnTimeoutState value) {
AppendTinyVarInt(5, value);
class ChromeCompositorSchedulerState_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/17, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
ChromeCompositorSchedulerState_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit ChromeCompositorSchedulerState_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit ChromeCompositorSchedulerState_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_state_machine() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes state_machine() const { return at<1>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_observing_begin_frame_source() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
bool observing_begin_frame_source() const { return at<2>().as_bool(); }
bool has_begin_impl_frame_deadline_task() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
bool begin_impl_frame_deadline_task() const { return at<3>().as_bool(); }
bool has_pending_begin_frame_task() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
bool pending_begin_frame_task() const { return at<4>().as_bool(); }
bool has_skipped_last_frame_missed_exceeded_deadline() const { return at<5>().valid(); }
bool skipped_last_frame_missed_exceeded_deadline() const { return at<5>().as_bool(); }
bool has_skipped_last_frame_to_reduce_latency() const { return at<6>().valid(); }
bool skipped_last_frame_to_reduce_latency() const { return at<6>().as_bool(); }
bool has_inside_action() const { return at<7>().valid(); }
int32_t inside_action() const { return at<7>().as_int32(); }
bool has_deadline_mode() const { return at<8>().valid(); }
int32_t deadline_mode() const { return at<8>().as_int32(); }
bool has_deadline_us() const { return at<9>().valid(); }
int64_t deadline_us() const { return at<9>().as_int64(); }
bool has_deadline_scheduled_at_us() const { return at<10>().valid(); }
int64_t deadline_scheduled_at_us() const { return at<10>().as_int64(); }
bool has_now_us() const { return at<11>().valid(); }
int64_t now_us() const { return at<11>().as_int64(); }
bool has_now_to_deadline_delta_us() const { return at<12>().valid(); }
int64_t now_to_deadline_delta_us() const { return at<12>().as_int64(); }
bool has_now_to_deadline_scheduled_at_delta_us() const { return at<13>().valid(); }
int64_t now_to_deadline_scheduled_at_delta_us() const { return at<13>().as_int64(); }
bool has_begin_impl_frame_args() const { return at<14>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes begin_impl_frame_args() const { return at<14>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_begin_frame_observer_state() const { return at<15>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes begin_frame_observer_state() const { return at<15>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_begin_frame_source_state() const { return at<16>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes begin_frame_source_state() const { return at<16>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_compositor_timing_history() const { return at<17>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes compositor_timing_history() const { return at<17>().as_bytes(); }
class ChromeCompositorSchedulerState : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = ChromeCompositorSchedulerState_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kStateMachineFieldNumber = 1,
kObservingBeginFrameSourceFieldNumber = 2,
kBeginImplFrameDeadlineTaskFieldNumber = 3,
kPendingBeginFrameTaskFieldNumber = 4,
kSkippedLastFrameMissedExceededDeadlineFieldNumber = 5,
kSkippedLastFrameToReduceLatencyFieldNumber = 6,
kInsideActionFieldNumber = 7,
kDeadlineModeFieldNumber = 8,
kDeadlineUsFieldNumber = 9,
kDeadlineScheduledAtUsFieldNumber = 10,
kNowUsFieldNumber = 11,
kNowToDeadlineDeltaUsFieldNumber = 12,
kNowToDeadlineScheduledAtDeltaUsFieldNumber = 13,
kBeginImplFrameArgsFieldNumber = 14,
kBeginFrameObserverStateFieldNumber = 15,
kBeginFrameSourceStateFieldNumber = 16,
kCompositorTimingHistoryFieldNumber = 17,
using BeginImplFrameDeadlineMode = ::perfetto::protos::pbzero::ChromeCompositorSchedulerState_BeginImplFrameDeadlineMode;
static const BeginImplFrameDeadlineMode DEADLINE_MODE_UNSPECIFIED = ChromeCompositorSchedulerState_BeginImplFrameDeadlineMode_DEADLINE_MODE_UNSPECIFIED;
static const BeginImplFrameDeadlineMode DEADLINE_MODE_NONE = ChromeCompositorSchedulerState_BeginImplFrameDeadlineMode_DEADLINE_MODE_NONE;
static const BeginImplFrameDeadlineMode DEADLINE_MODE_IMMEDIATE = ChromeCompositorSchedulerState_BeginImplFrameDeadlineMode_DEADLINE_MODE_IMMEDIATE;
static const BeginImplFrameDeadlineMode DEADLINE_MODE_REGULAR = ChromeCompositorSchedulerState_BeginImplFrameDeadlineMode_DEADLINE_MODE_REGULAR;
static const BeginImplFrameDeadlineMode DEADLINE_MODE_LATE = ChromeCompositorSchedulerState_BeginImplFrameDeadlineMode_DEADLINE_MODE_LATE;
static const BeginImplFrameDeadlineMode DEADLINE_MODE_BLOCKED = ChromeCompositorSchedulerState_BeginImplFrameDeadlineMode_DEADLINE_MODE_BLOCKED;
template <typename T = ChromeCompositorStateMachine> T* set_state_machine() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(1);
void set_observing_begin_frame_source(bool value) {
AppendTinyVarInt(2, value);
void set_begin_impl_frame_deadline_task(bool value) {
AppendTinyVarInt(3, value);
void set_pending_begin_frame_task(bool value) {
AppendTinyVarInt(4, value);
void set_skipped_last_frame_missed_exceeded_deadline(bool value) {
AppendTinyVarInt(5, value);
void set_skipped_last_frame_to_reduce_latency(bool value) {
AppendTinyVarInt(6, value);
void set_inside_action(::perfetto::protos::pbzero::ChromeCompositorSchedulerAction value) {
AppendTinyVarInt(7, value);
void set_deadline_mode(::perfetto::protos::pbzero::ChromeCompositorSchedulerState_BeginImplFrameDeadlineMode value) {
AppendTinyVarInt(8, value);
void set_deadline_us(int64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(9, value);
void set_deadline_scheduled_at_us(int64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(10, value);
void set_now_us(int64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(11, value);
void set_now_to_deadline_delta_us(int64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(12, value);
void set_now_to_deadline_scheduled_at_delta_us(int64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(13, value);
template <typename T = BeginImplFrameArgs> T* set_begin_impl_frame_args() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(14);
template <typename T = BeginFrameObserverState> T* set_begin_frame_observer_state() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(15);
template <typename T = BeginFrameSourceState> T* set_begin_frame_source_state() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(16);
template <typename T = CompositorTimingHistory> T* set_compositor_timing_history() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(17);
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
#endif // Include guard.
// gen_amalgamated begin header: gen/protos/perfetto/trace/track_event/chrome_frame_reporter.pbzero.h
// Autogenerated by the ProtoZero compiler plugin. DO NOT EDIT.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/message.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/packed_repeated_fields.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_decoder.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_utils.h"
namespace perfetto {
namespace protos {
namespace pbzero {
enum ChromeFrameReporter_FrameDropReason : int32_t;
enum ChromeFrameReporter_State : int32_t;
enum ChromeFrameReporter_State : int32_t {
ChromeFrameReporter_State_STATE_NO_UPDATE_DESIRED = 0,
ChromeFrameReporter_State_STATE_PRESENTED_ALL = 1,
ChromeFrameReporter_State_STATE_PRESENTED_PARTIAL = 2,
ChromeFrameReporter_State_STATE_DROPPED = 3,
const ChromeFrameReporter_State ChromeFrameReporter_State_MIN = ChromeFrameReporter_State_STATE_NO_UPDATE_DESIRED;
const ChromeFrameReporter_State ChromeFrameReporter_State_MAX = ChromeFrameReporter_State_STATE_DROPPED;
enum ChromeFrameReporter_FrameDropReason : int32_t {
ChromeFrameReporter_FrameDropReason_REASON_UNSPECIFIED = 0,
ChromeFrameReporter_FrameDropReason_REASON_DISPLAY_COMPOSITOR = 1,
ChromeFrameReporter_FrameDropReason_REASON_MAIN_THREAD = 2,
ChromeFrameReporter_FrameDropReason_REASON_CLIENT_COMPOSITOR = 3,
const ChromeFrameReporter_FrameDropReason ChromeFrameReporter_FrameDropReason_MIN = ChromeFrameReporter_FrameDropReason_REASON_UNSPECIFIED;
const ChromeFrameReporter_FrameDropReason ChromeFrameReporter_FrameDropReason_MAX = ChromeFrameReporter_FrameDropReason_REASON_CLIENT_COMPOSITOR;
class ChromeFrameReporter_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/4, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
ChromeFrameReporter_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit ChromeFrameReporter_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit ChromeFrameReporter_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_state() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
int32_t state() const { return at<1>().as_int32(); }
bool has_reason() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
int32_t reason() const { return at<2>().as_int32(); }
bool has_frame_source() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
uint64_t frame_source() const { return at<3>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_frame_sequence() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
uint64_t frame_sequence() const { return at<4>().as_uint64(); }
class ChromeFrameReporter : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = ChromeFrameReporter_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kStateFieldNumber = 1,
kReasonFieldNumber = 2,
kFrameSourceFieldNumber = 3,
kFrameSequenceFieldNumber = 4,
using State = ::perfetto::protos::pbzero::ChromeFrameReporter_State;
using FrameDropReason = ::perfetto::protos::pbzero::ChromeFrameReporter_FrameDropReason;
static const State STATE_NO_UPDATE_DESIRED = ChromeFrameReporter_State_STATE_NO_UPDATE_DESIRED;
static const State STATE_PRESENTED_ALL = ChromeFrameReporter_State_STATE_PRESENTED_ALL;
static const State STATE_PRESENTED_PARTIAL = ChromeFrameReporter_State_STATE_PRESENTED_PARTIAL;
static const State STATE_DROPPED = ChromeFrameReporter_State_STATE_DROPPED;
static const FrameDropReason REASON_UNSPECIFIED = ChromeFrameReporter_FrameDropReason_REASON_UNSPECIFIED;
static const FrameDropReason REASON_DISPLAY_COMPOSITOR = ChromeFrameReporter_FrameDropReason_REASON_DISPLAY_COMPOSITOR;
static const FrameDropReason REASON_MAIN_THREAD = ChromeFrameReporter_FrameDropReason_REASON_MAIN_THREAD;
static const FrameDropReason REASON_CLIENT_COMPOSITOR = ChromeFrameReporter_FrameDropReason_REASON_CLIENT_COMPOSITOR;
void set_state(::perfetto::protos::pbzero::ChromeFrameReporter_State value) {
AppendTinyVarInt(1, value);
void set_reason(::perfetto::protos::pbzero::ChromeFrameReporter_FrameDropReason value) {
AppendTinyVarInt(2, value);
void set_frame_source(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void set_frame_sequence(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(4, value);
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
#endif // Include guard.
// gen_amalgamated begin header: gen/protos/perfetto/trace/track_event/chrome_histogram_sample.pbzero.h
// Autogenerated by the ProtoZero compiler plugin. DO NOT EDIT.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/message.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/packed_repeated_fields.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_decoder.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_utils.h"
namespace perfetto {
namespace protos {
namespace pbzero {
class ChromeHistogramSample_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/3, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
ChromeHistogramSample_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit ChromeHistogramSample_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit ChromeHistogramSample_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_name_hash() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t name_hash() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_name() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars name() const { return at<2>().as_string(); }
bool has_sample() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
int64_t sample() const { return at<3>().as_int64(); }
class ChromeHistogramSample : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = ChromeHistogramSample_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kNameHashFieldNumber = 1,
kNameFieldNumber = 2,
kSampleFieldNumber = 3,
void set_name_hash(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_name(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(2,, value.size());
void set_name(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(2, data, size);
void set_sample(int64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
#endif // Include guard.
// gen_amalgamated begin header: gen/protos/perfetto/trace/track_event/chrome_keyed_service.pbzero.h
// Autogenerated by the ProtoZero compiler plugin. DO NOT EDIT.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/message.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/packed_repeated_fields.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_decoder.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_utils.h"
namespace perfetto {
namespace protos {
namespace pbzero {
class ChromeKeyedService_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/1, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
ChromeKeyedService_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit ChromeKeyedService_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit ChromeKeyedService_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_name() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars name() const { return at<1>().as_string(); }
class ChromeKeyedService : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = ChromeKeyedService_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kNameFieldNumber = 1,
void set_name(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(1,, value.size());
void set_name(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(1, data, size);
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
#endif // Include guard.
// gen_amalgamated begin header: gen/protos/perfetto/trace/track_event/chrome_latency_info.pbzero.h
// Autogenerated by the ProtoZero compiler plugin. DO NOT EDIT.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/message.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/packed_repeated_fields.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_decoder.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_utils.h"
namespace perfetto {
namespace protos {
namespace pbzero {
class ChromeLatencyInfo_ComponentInfo;
enum ChromeLatencyInfo_LatencyComponentType : int32_t;
enum ChromeLatencyInfo_Step : int32_t;
enum ChromeLatencyInfo_Step : int32_t {
ChromeLatencyInfo_Step_STEP_UNSPECIFIED = 0,
ChromeLatencyInfo_Step_STEP_SEND_INPUT_EVENT_UI = 3,
ChromeLatencyInfo_Step_STEP_HANDLE_INPUT_EVENT_IMPL = 5,
ChromeLatencyInfo_Step_STEP_HANDLE_INPUT_EVENT_MAIN = 4,
ChromeLatencyInfo_Step_STEP_HANDLED_INPUT_EVENT_IMPL = 10,
ChromeLatencyInfo_Step_STEP_SWAP_BUFFERS = 6,
ChromeLatencyInfo_Step_STEP_DRAW_AND_SWAP = 7,
const ChromeLatencyInfo_Step ChromeLatencyInfo_Step_MIN = ChromeLatencyInfo_Step_STEP_UNSPECIFIED;
const ChromeLatencyInfo_Step ChromeLatencyInfo_Step_MAX = ChromeLatencyInfo_Step_STEP_HANDLED_INPUT_EVENT_IMPL;
enum ChromeLatencyInfo_LatencyComponentType : int32_t {
ChromeLatencyInfo_LatencyComponentType_COMPONENT_UNSPECIFIED = 0,
ChromeLatencyInfo_LatencyComponentType_COMPONENT_INPUT_EVENT_LATENCY_BEGIN_RWH = 1,
ChromeLatencyInfo_LatencyComponentType_COMPONENT_INPUT_EVENT_LATENCY_ORIGINAL = 4,
ChromeLatencyInfo_LatencyComponentType_COMPONENT_INPUT_EVENT_LATENCY_UI = 5,
ChromeLatencyInfo_LatencyComponentType_COMPONENT_INPUT_EVENT_LATENCY_ACK_RWH = 10,
ChromeLatencyInfo_LatencyComponentType_COMPONENT_INPUT_EVENT_LATENCY_RENDERER_SWAP = 11,
ChromeLatencyInfo_LatencyComponentType_COMPONENT_INPUT_EVENT_GPU_SWAP_BUFFER = 13,
ChromeLatencyInfo_LatencyComponentType_COMPONENT_INPUT_EVENT_LATENCY_FRAME_SWAP = 14,
const ChromeLatencyInfo_LatencyComponentType ChromeLatencyInfo_LatencyComponentType_MIN = ChromeLatencyInfo_LatencyComponentType_COMPONENT_UNSPECIFIED;
const ChromeLatencyInfo_LatencyComponentType ChromeLatencyInfo_LatencyComponentType_MAX = ChromeLatencyInfo_LatencyComponentType_COMPONENT_INPUT_EVENT_LATENCY_FRAME_SWAP;
class ChromeLatencyInfo_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/6, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/true> {
ChromeLatencyInfo_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit ChromeLatencyInfo_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit ChromeLatencyInfo_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_trace_id() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
int64_t trace_id() const { return at<1>().as_int64(); }
bool has_step() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
int32_t step() const { return at<2>().as_int32(); }
bool has_frame_tree_node_id() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
int32_t frame_tree_node_id() const { return at<3>().as_int32(); }
bool has_component_info() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
::protozero::RepeatedFieldIterator<::protozero::ConstBytes> component_info() const { return GetRepeated<::protozero::ConstBytes>(4); }
bool has_is_coalesced() const { return at<5>().valid(); }
bool is_coalesced() const { return at<5>().as_bool(); }
bool has_gesture_scroll_id() const { return at<6>().valid(); }
int64_t gesture_scroll_id() const { return at<6>().as_int64(); }
class ChromeLatencyInfo : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = ChromeLatencyInfo_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kTraceIdFieldNumber = 1,
kStepFieldNumber = 2,
kFrameTreeNodeIdFieldNumber = 3,
kComponentInfoFieldNumber = 4,
kIsCoalescedFieldNumber = 5,
kGestureScrollIdFieldNumber = 6,
using ComponentInfo = ::perfetto::protos::pbzero::ChromeLatencyInfo_ComponentInfo;
using Step = ::perfetto::protos::pbzero::ChromeLatencyInfo_Step;
using LatencyComponentType = ::perfetto::protos::pbzero::ChromeLatencyInfo_LatencyComponentType;
static const Step STEP_UNSPECIFIED = ChromeLatencyInfo_Step_STEP_UNSPECIFIED;
static const Step STEP_SEND_INPUT_EVENT_UI = ChromeLatencyInfo_Step_STEP_SEND_INPUT_EVENT_UI;
static const Step STEP_SWAP_BUFFERS = ChromeLatencyInfo_Step_STEP_SWAP_BUFFERS;
static const Step STEP_DRAW_AND_SWAP = ChromeLatencyInfo_Step_STEP_DRAW_AND_SWAP;
static const LatencyComponentType COMPONENT_UNSPECIFIED = ChromeLatencyInfo_LatencyComponentType_COMPONENT_UNSPECIFIED;
static const LatencyComponentType COMPONENT_INPUT_EVENT_LATENCY_BEGIN_RWH = ChromeLatencyInfo_LatencyComponentType_COMPONENT_INPUT_EVENT_LATENCY_BEGIN_RWH;
static const LatencyComponentType COMPONENT_INPUT_EVENT_LATENCY_UI = ChromeLatencyInfo_LatencyComponentType_COMPONENT_INPUT_EVENT_LATENCY_UI;
static const LatencyComponentType COMPONENT_INPUT_EVENT_LATENCY_ACK_RWH = ChromeLatencyInfo_LatencyComponentType_COMPONENT_INPUT_EVENT_LATENCY_ACK_RWH;
static const LatencyComponentType COMPONENT_INPUT_EVENT_GPU_SWAP_BUFFER = ChromeLatencyInfo_LatencyComponentType_COMPONENT_INPUT_EVENT_GPU_SWAP_BUFFER;
void set_trace_id(int64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_step(::perfetto::protos::pbzero::ChromeLatencyInfo_Step value) {
AppendTinyVarInt(2, value);
void set_frame_tree_node_id(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
template <typename T = ChromeLatencyInfo_ComponentInfo> T* add_component_info() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(4);
void set_is_coalesced(bool value) {
AppendTinyVarInt(5, value);
void set_gesture_scroll_id(int64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(6, value);
class ChromeLatencyInfo_ComponentInfo_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/2, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
ChromeLatencyInfo_ComponentInfo_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit ChromeLatencyInfo_ComponentInfo_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit ChromeLatencyInfo_ComponentInfo_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_component_type() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
int32_t component_type() const { return at<1>().as_int32(); }
bool has_time_us() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint64_t time_us() const { return at<2>().as_uint64(); }
class ChromeLatencyInfo_ComponentInfo : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = ChromeLatencyInfo_ComponentInfo_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kComponentTypeFieldNumber = 1,
kTimeUsFieldNumber = 2,
void set_component_type(::perfetto::protos::pbzero::ChromeLatencyInfo_LatencyComponentType value) {
AppendTinyVarInt(1, value);
void set_time_us(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
#endif // Include guard.
// gen_amalgamated begin header: gen/protos/perfetto/trace/track_event/chrome_legacy_ipc.pbzero.h
// Autogenerated by the ProtoZero compiler plugin. DO NOT EDIT.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/message.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/packed_repeated_fields.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_decoder.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_utils.h"
namespace perfetto {
namespace protos {
namespace pbzero {
enum ChromeLegacyIpc_MessageClass : int32_t;
enum ChromeLegacyIpc_MessageClass : int32_t {
ChromeLegacyIpc_MessageClass_CLASS_UNSPECIFIED = 0,
ChromeLegacyIpc_MessageClass_CLASS_AUTOMATION = 1,
ChromeLegacyIpc_MessageClass_CLASS_FRAME = 2,
ChromeLegacyIpc_MessageClass_CLASS_PAGE = 3,
ChromeLegacyIpc_MessageClass_CLASS_VIEW = 4,
ChromeLegacyIpc_MessageClass_CLASS_WIDGET = 5,
ChromeLegacyIpc_MessageClass_CLASS_INPUT = 6,
ChromeLegacyIpc_MessageClass_CLASS_TEST = 7,
ChromeLegacyIpc_MessageClass_CLASS_WORKER = 8,
ChromeLegacyIpc_MessageClass_CLASS_NACL = 9,
ChromeLegacyIpc_MessageClass_CLASS_GPU_CHANNEL = 10,
ChromeLegacyIpc_MessageClass_CLASS_MEDIA = 11,
ChromeLegacyIpc_MessageClass_CLASS_PPAPI = 12,
ChromeLegacyIpc_MessageClass_CLASS_CHROME = 13,
ChromeLegacyIpc_MessageClass_CLASS_DRAG = 14,
ChromeLegacyIpc_MessageClass_CLASS_PRINT = 15,
ChromeLegacyIpc_MessageClass_CLASS_EXTENSION = 16,
ChromeLegacyIpc_MessageClass_CLASS_TEXT_INPUT_CLIENT = 17,
ChromeLegacyIpc_MessageClass_CLASS_BLINK_TEST = 18,
ChromeLegacyIpc_MessageClass_CLASS_ACCESSIBILITY = 19,
ChromeLegacyIpc_MessageClass_CLASS_PRERENDER = 20,
ChromeLegacyIpc_MessageClass_CLASS_CHROMOTING = 21,
ChromeLegacyIpc_MessageClass_CLASS_BROWSER_PLUGIN = 22,
ChromeLegacyIpc_MessageClass_CLASS_ANDROID_WEB_VIEW = 23,
ChromeLegacyIpc_MessageClass_CLASS_NACL_HOST = 24,
ChromeLegacyIpc_MessageClass_CLASS_ENCRYPTED_MEDIA = 25,
ChromeLegacyIpc_MessageClass_CLASS_CAST = 26,
ChromeLegacyIpc_MessageClass_CLASS_GIN_JAVA_BRIDGE = 27,
ChromeLegacyIpc_MessageClass_CLASS_CHROME_UTILITY_PRINTING = 28,
ChromeLegacyIpc_MessageClass_CLASS_OZONE_GPU = 29,
ChromeLegacyIpc_MessageClass_CLASS_WEB_TEST = 30,
ChromeLegacyIpc_MessageClass_CLASS_NETWORK_HINTS = 31,
ChromeLegacyIpc_MessageClass_CLASS_EXTENSIONS_GUEST_VIEW = 32,
ChromeLegacyIpc_MessageClass_CLASS_GUEST_VIEW = 33,
ChromeLegacyIpc_MessageClass_CLASS_MEDIA_PLAYER_DELEGATE = 34,
ChromeLegacyIpc_MessageClass_CLASS_EXTENSION_WORKER = 35,
ChromeLegacyIpc_MessageClass_CLASS_SUBRESOURCE_FILTER = 36,
ChromeLegacyIpc_MessageClass_CLASS_UNFREEZABLE_FRAME = 37,
const ChromeLegacyIpc_MessageClass ChromeLegacyIpc_MessageClass_MIN = ChromeLegacyIpc_MessageClass_CLASS_UNSPECIFIED;
const ChromeLegacyIpc_MessageClass ChromeLegacyIpc_MessageClass_MAX = ChromeLegacyIpc_MessageClass_CLASS_UNFREEZABLE_FRAME;
class ChromeLegacyIpc_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/2, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
ChromeLegacyIpc_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit ChromeLegacyIpc_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit ChromeLegacyIpc_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_message_class() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
int32_t message_class() const { return at<1>().as_int32(); }
bool has_message_line() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint32_t message_line() const { return at<2>().as_uint32(); }
class ChromeLegacyIpc : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = ChromeLegacyIpc_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kMessageClassFieldNumber = 1,
kMessageLineFieldNumber = 2,
using MessageClass = ::perfetto::protos::pbzero::ChromeLegacyIpc_MessageClass;
static const MessageClass CLASS_UNSPECIFIED = ChromeLegacyIpc_MessageClass_CLASS_UNSPECIFIED;
static const MessageClass CLASS_AUTOMATION = ChromeLegacyIpc_MessageClass_CLASS_AUTOMATION;
static const MessageClass CLASS_FRAME = ChromeLegacyIpc_MessageClass_CLASS_FRAME;
static const MessageClass CLASS_PAGE = ChromeLegacyIpc_MessageClass_CLASS_PAGE;
static const MessageClass CLASS_VIEW = ChromeLegacyIpc_MessageClass_CLASS_VIEW;
static const MessageClass CLASS_WIDGET = ChromeLegacyIpc_MessageClass_CLASS_WIDGET;
static const MessageClass CLASS_INPUT = ChromeLegacyIpc_MessageClass_CLASS_INPUT;
static const MessageClass CLASS_TEST = ChromeLegacyIpc_MessageClass_CLASS_TEST;
static const MessageClass CLASS_WORKER = ChromeLegacyIpc_MessageClass_CLASS_WORKER;
static const MessageClass CLASS_NACL = ChromeLegacyIpc_MessageClass_CLASS_NACL;
static const MessageClass CLASS_GPU_CHANNEL = ChromeLegacyIpc_MessageClass_CLASS_GPU_CHANNEL;
static const MessageClass CLASS_MEDIA = ChromeLegacyIpc_MessageClass_CLASS_MEDIA;
static const MessageClass CLASS_PPAPI = ChromeLegacyIpc_MessageClass_CLASS_PPAPI;
static const MessageClass CLASS_CHROME = ChromeLegacyIpc_MessageClass_CLASS_CHROME;
static const MessageClass CLASS_DRAG = ChromeLegacyIpc_MessageClass_CLASS_DRAG;
static const MessageClass CLASS_PRINT = ChromeLegacyIpc_MessageClass_CLASS_PRINT;
static const MessageClass CLASS_EXTENSION = ChromeLegacyIpc_MessageClass_CLASS_EXTENSION;
static const MessageClass CLASS_TEXT_INPUT_CLIENT = ChromeLegacyIpc_MessageClass_CLASS_TEXT_INPUT_CLIENT;
static const MessageClass CLASS_BLINK_TEST = ChromeLegacyIpc_MessageClass_CLASS_BLINK_TEST;
static const MessageClass CLASS_ACCESSIBILITY = ChromeLegacyIpc_MessageClass_CLASS_ACCESSIBILITY;
static const MessageClass CLASS_PRERENDER = ChromeLegacyIpc_MessageClass_CLASS_PRERENDER;
static const MessageClass CLASS_CHROMOTING = ChromeLegacyIpc_MessageClass_CLASS_CHROMOTING;
static const MessageClass CLASS_BROWSER_PLUGIN = ChromeLegacyIpc_MessageClass_CLASS_BROWSER_PLUGIN;
static const MessageClass CLASS_ANDROID_WEB_VIEW = ChromeLegacyIpc_MessageClass_CLASS_ANDROID_WEB_VIEW;
static const MessageClass CLASS_NACL_HOST = ChromeLegacyIpc_MessageClass_CLASS_NACL_HOST;
static const MessageClass CLASS_ENCRYPTED_MEDIA = ChromeLegacyIpc_MessageClass_CLASS_ENCRYPTED_MEDIA;
static const MessageClass CLASS_CAST = ChromeLegacyIpc_MessageClass_CLASS_CAST;
static const MessageClass CLASS_GIN_JAVA_BRIDGE = ChromeLegacyIpc_MessageClass_CLASS_GIN_JAVA_BRIDGE;
static const MessageClass CLASS_OZONE_GPU = ChromeLegacyIpc_MessageClass_CLASS_OZONE_GPU;
static const MessageClass CLASS_WEB_TEST = ChromeLegacyIpc_MessageClass_CLASS_WEB_TEST;
static const MessageClass CLASS_NETWORK_HINTS = ChromeLegacyIpc_MessageClass_CLASS_NETWORK_HINTS;
static const MessageClass CLASS_EXTENSIONS_GUEST_VIEW = ChromeLegacyIpc_MessageClass_CLASS_EXTENSIONS_GUEST_VIEW;
static const MessageClass CLASS_GUEST_VIEW = ChromeLegacyIpc_MessageClass_CLASS_GUEST_VIEW;
static const MessageClass CLASS_MEDIA_PLAYER_DELEGATE = ChromeLegacyIpc_MessageClass_CLASS_MEDIA_PLAYER_DELEGATE;
static const MessageClass CLASS_EXTENSION_WORKER = ChromeLegacyIpc_MessageClass_CLASS_EXTENSION_WORKER;
static const MessageClass CLASS_SUBRESOURCE_FILTER = ChromeLegacyIpc_MessageClass_CLASS_SUBRESOURCE_FILTER;
static const MessageClass CLASS_UNFREEZABLE_FRAME = ChromeLegacyIpc_MessageClass_CLASS_UNFREEZABLE_FRAME;
void set_message_class(::perfetto::protos::pbzero::ChromeLegacyIpc_MessageClass value) {
AppendTinyVarInt(1, value);
void set_message_line(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
#endif // Include guard.
// gen_amalgamated begin header: gen/protos/perfetto/trace/track_event/chrome_process_descriptor.pbzero.h
// Autogenerated by the ProtoZero compiler plugin. DO NOT EDIT.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/message.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/packed_repeated_fields.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_decoder.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_utils.h"
namespace perfetto {
namespace protos {
namespace pbzero {
enum ChromeProcessDescriptor_ProcessType : int32_t;
enum ChromeProcessDescriptor_ProcessType : int32_t {
ChromeProcessDescriptor_ProcessType_PROCESS_UNSPECIFIED = 0,
ChromeProcessDescriptor_ProcessType_PROCESS_BROWSER = 1,
ChromeProcessDescriptor_ProcessType_PROCESS_RENDERER = 2,
ChromeProcessDescriptor_ProcessType_PROCESS_UTILITY = 3,
ChromeProcessDescriptor_ProcessType_PROCESS_ZYGOTE = 4,
ChromeProcessDescriptor_ProcessType_PROCESS_SANDBOX_HELPER = 5,
ChromeProcessDescriptor_ProcessType_PROCESS_GPU = 6,
ChromeProcessDescriptor_ProcessType_PROCESS_PPAPI_PLUGIN = 7,
ChromeProcessDescriptor_ProcessType_PROCESS_PPAPI_BROKER = 8,
const ChromeProcessDescriptor_ProcessType ChromeProcessDescriptor_ProcessType_MIN = ChromeProcessDescriptor_ProcessType_PROCESS_UNSPECIFIED;
const ChromeProcessDescriptor_ProcessType ChromeProcessDescriptor_ProcessType_MAX = ChromeProcessDescriptor_ProcessType_PROCESS_PPAPI_BROKER;
class ChromeProcessDescriptor_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/3, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
ChromeProcessDescriptor_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit ChromeProcessDescriptor_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit ChromeProcessDescriptor_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_process_type() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
int32_t process_type() const { return at<1>().as_int32(); }
bool has_process_priority() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
int32_t process_priority() const { return at<2>().as_int32(); }
bool has_legacy_sort_index() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
int32_t legacy_sort_index() const { return at<3>().as_int32(); }
class ChromeProcessDescriptor : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = ChromeProcessDescriptor_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kProcessTypeFieldNumber = 1,
kProcessPriorityFieldNumber = 2,
kLegacySortIndexFieldNumber = 3,
using ProcessType = ::perfetto::protos::pbzero::ChromeProcessDescriptor_ProcessType;
static const ProcessType PROCESS_UNSPECIFIED = ChromeProcessDescriptor_ProcessType_PROCESS_UNSPECIFIED;
static const ProcessType PROCESS_BROWSER = ChromeProcessDescriptor_ProcessType_PROCESS_BROWSER;
static const ProcessType PROCESS_RENDERER = ChromeProcessDescriptor_ProcessType_PROCESS_RENDERER;
static const ProcessType PROCESS_UTILITY = ChromeProcessDescriptor_ProcessType_PROCESS_UTILITY;
static const ProcessType PROCESS_ZYGOTE = ChromeProcessDescriptor_ProcessType_PROCESS_ZYGOTE;
static const ProcessType PROCESS_SANDBOX_HELPER = ChromeProcessDescriptor_ProcessType_PROCESS_SANDBOX_HELPER;
static const ProcessType PROCESS_GPU = ChromeProcessDescriptor_ProcessType_PROCESS_GPU;
static const ProcessType PROCESS_PPAPI_PLUGIN = ChromeProcessDescriptor_ProcessType_PROCESS_PPAPI_PLUGIN;
static const ProcessType PROCESS_PPAPI_BROKER = ChromeProcessDescriptor_ProcessType_PROCESS_PPAPI_BROKER;
void set_process_type(::perfetto::protos::pbzero::ChromeProcessDescriptor_ProcessType value) {
AppendTinyVarInt(1, value);
void set_process_priority(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_legacy_sort_index(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
#endif // Include guard.
// gen_amalgamated begin header: gen/protos/perfetto/trace/track_event/chrome_thread_descriptor.pbzero.h
// Autogenerated by the ProtoZero compiler plugin. DO NOT EDIT.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/message.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/packed_repeated_fields.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_decoder.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_utils.h"
namespace perfetto {
namespace protos {
namespace pbzero {
enum ChromeThreadDescriptor_ThreadType : int32_t;
enum ChromeThreadDescriptor_ThreadType : int32_t {
ChromeThreadDescriptor_ThreadType_THREAD_UNSPECIFIED = 0,
ChromeThreadDescriptor_ThreadType_THREAD_MAIN = 1,
ChromeThreadDescriptor_ThreadType_THREAD_IO = 2,
ChromeThreadDescriptor_ThreadType_THREAD_POOL_BG_WORKER = 3,
ChromeThreadDescriptor_ThreadType_THREAD_POOL_FG_WORKER = 4,
ChromeThreadDescriptor_ThreadType_THREAD_POOL_BG_BLOCKING = 6,
ChromeThreadDescriptor_ThreadType_THREAD_POOL_FG_BLOCKING = 5,
ChromeThreadDescriptor_ThreadType_THREAD_POOL_SERVICE = 7,
ChromeThreadDescriptor_ThreadType_THREAD_COMPOSITOR = 8,
ChromeThreadDescriptor_ThreadType_THREAD_VIZ_COMPOSITOR = 9,
ChromeThreadDescriptor_ThreadType_THREAD_COMPOSITOR_WORKER = 10,
ChromeThreadDescriptor_ThreadType_THREAD_SERVICE_WORKER = 11,
ChromeThreadDescriptor_ThreadType_THREAD_MEMORY_INFRA = 50,
ChromeThreadDescriptor_ThreadType_THREAD_SAMPLING_PROFILER = 51,
const ChromeThreadDescriptor_ThreadType ChromeThreadDescriptor_ThreadType_MIN = ChromeThreadDescriptor_ThreadType_THREAD_UNSPECIFIED;
const ChromeThreadDescriptor_ThreadType ChromeThreadDescriptor_ThreadType_MAX = ChromeThreadDescriptor_ThreadType_THREAD_SAMPLING_PROFILER;
class ChromeThreadDescriptor_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/2, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
ChromeThreadDescriptor_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit ChromeThreadDescriptor_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit ChromeThreadDescriptor_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_thread_type() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
int32_t thread_type() const { return at<1>().as_int32(); }
bool has_legacy_sort_index() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
int32_t legacy_sort_index() const { return at<2>().as_int32(); }
class ChromeThreadDescriptor : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = ChromeThreadDescriptor_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kThreadTypeFieldNumber = 1,
kLegacySortIndexFieldNumber = 2,
using ThreadType = ::perfetto::protos::pbzero::ChromeThreadDescriptor_ThreadType;
static const ThreadType THREAD_UNSPECIFIED = ChromeThreadDescriptor_ThreadType_THREAD_UNSPECIFIED;
static const ThreadType THREAD_MAIN = ChromeThreadDescriptor_ThreadType_THREAD_MAIN;
static const ThreadType THREAD_IO = ChromeThreadDescriptor_ThreadType_THREAD_IO;
static const ThreadType THREAD_POOL_BG_WORKER = ChromeThreadDescriptor_ThreadType_THREAD_POOL_BG_WORKER;
static const ThreadType THREAD_POOL_FG_WORKER = ChromeThreadDescriptor_ThreadType_THREAD_POOL_FG_WORKER;
static const ThreadType THREAD_POOL_BG_BLOCKING = ChromeThreadDescriptor_ThreadType_THREAD_POOL_BG_BLOCKING;
static const ThreadType THREAD_POOL_FG_BLOCKING = ChromeThreadDescriptor_ThreadType_THREAD_POOL_FG_BLOCKING;
static const ThreadType THREAD_POOL_SERVICE = ChromeThreadDescriptor_ThreadType_THREAD_POOL_SERVICE;
static const ThreadType THREAD_COMPOSITOR = ChromeThreadDescriptor_ThreadType_THREAD_COMPOSITOR;
static const ThreadType THREAD_VIZ_COMPOSITOR = ChromeThreadDescriptor_ThreadType_THREAD_VIZ_COMPOSITOR;
static const ThreadType THREAD_COMPOSITOR_WORKER = ChromeThreadDescriptor_ThreadType_THREAD_COMPOSITOR_WORKER;
static const ThreadType THREAD_SERVICE_WORKER = ChromeThreadDescriptor_ThreadType_THREAD_SERVICE_WORKER;
static const ThreadType THREAD_MEMORY_INFRA = ChromeThreadDescriptor_ThreadType_THREAD_MEMORY_INFRA;
static const ThreadType THREAD_SAMPLING_PROFILER = ChromeThreadDescriptor_ThreadType_THREAD_SAMPLING_PROFILER;
void set_thread_type(::perfetto::protos::pbzero::ChromeThreadDescriptor_ThreadType value) {
AppendTinyVarInt(1, value);
void set_legacy_sort_index(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
#endif // Include guard.
// gen_amalgamated begin header: gen/protos/perfetto/trace/track_event/chrome_user_event.pbzero.h
// Autogenerated by the ProtoZero compiler plugin. DO NOT EDIT.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/message.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/packed_repeated_fields.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_decoder.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_utils.h"
namespace perfetto {
namespace protos {
namespace pbzero {
class ChromeUserEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/2, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
ChromeUserEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit ChromeUserEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit ChromeUserEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_action() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars action() const { return at<1>().as_string(); }
bool has_action_hash() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint64_t action_hash() const { return at<2>().as_uint64(); }
class ChromeUserEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = ChromeUserEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kActionFieldNumber = 1,
kActionHashFieldNumber = 2,
void set_action(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(1,, value.size());
void set_action(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(1, data, size);
void set_action_hash(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
#endif // Include guard.
// gen_amalgamated begin header: gen/protos/perfetto/trace/track_event/counter_descriptor.pbzero.h
// Autogenerated by the ProtoZero compiler plugin. DO NOT EDIT.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/message.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/packed_repeated_fields.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_decoder.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_utils.h"
namespace perfetto {
namespace protos {
namespace pbzero {
enum CounterDescriptor_BuiltinCounterType : int32_t;
enum CounterDescriptor_Unit : int32_t;
enum CounterDescriptor_BuiltinCounterType : int32_t {
CounterDescriptor_BuiltinCounterType_COUNTER_UNSPECIFIED = 0,
CounterDescriptor_BuiltinCounterType_COUNTER_THREAD_TIME_NS = 1,
CounterDescriptor_BuiltinCounterType_COUNTER_THREAD_INSTRUCTION_COUNT = 2,
const CounterDescriptor_BuiltinCounterType CounterDescriptor_BuiltinCounterType_MIN = CounterDescriptor_BuiltinCounterType_COUNTER_UNSPECIFIED;
const CounterDescriptor_BuiltinCounterType CounterDescriptor_BuiltinCounterType_MAX = CounterDescriptor_BuiltinCounterType_COUNTER_THREAD_INSTRUCTION_COUNT;
enum CounterDescriptor_Unit : int32_t {
CounterDescriptor_Unit_UNIT_UNSPECIFIED = 0,
CounterDescriptor_Unit_UNIT_TIME_NS = 1,
CounterDescriptor_Unit_UNIT_COUNT = 2,
CounterDescriptor_Unit_UNIT_SIZE_BYTES = 3,
const CounterDescriptor_Unit CounterDescriptor_Unit_MIN = CounterDescriptor_Unit_UNIT_UNSPECIFIED;
const CounterDescriptor_Unit CounterDescriptor_Unit_MAX = CounterDescriptor_Unit_UNIT_SIZE_BYTES;
class CounterDescriptor_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/5, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/true> {
CounterDescriptor_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit CounterDescriptor_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit CounterDescriptor_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_type() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
int32_t type() const { return at<1>().as_int32(); }
bool has_categories() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
::protozero::RepeatedFieldIterator<::protozero::ConstChars> categories() const { return GetRepeated<::protozero::ConstChars>(2); }
bool has_unit() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
int32_t unit() const { return at<3>().as_int32(); }
bool has_unit_multiplier() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
int64_t unit_multiplier() const { return at<4>().as_int64(); }
bool has_is_incremental() const { return at<5>().valid(); }
bool is_incremental() const { return at<5>().as_bool(); }
class CounterDescriptor : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = CounterDescriptor_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kTypeFieldNumber = 1,
kCategoriesFieldNumber = 2,
kUnitFieldNumber = 3,
kUnitMultiplierFieldNumber = 4,
kIsIncrementalFieldNumber = 5,
using BuiltinCounterType = ::perfetto::protos::pbzero::CounterDescriptor_BuiltinCounterType;
using Unit = ::perfetto::protos::pbzero::CounterDescriptor_Unit;
static const BuiltinCounterType COUNTER_UNSPECIFIED = CounterDescriptor_BuiltinCounterType_COUNTER_UNSPECIFIED;
static const BuiltinCounterType COUNTER_THREAD_TIME_NS = CounterDescriptor_BuiltinCounterType_COUNTER_THREAD_TIME_NS;
static const BuiltinCounterType COUNTER_THREAD_INSTRUCTION_COUNT = CounterDescriptor_BuiltinCounterType_COUNTER_THREAD_INSTRUCTION_COUNT;
static const Unit UNIT_UNSPECIFIED = CounterDescriptor_Unit_UNIT_UNSPECIFIED;
static const Unit UNIT_TIME_NS = CounterDescriptor_Unit_UNIT_TIME_NS;
static const Unit UNIT_COUNT = CounterDescriptor_Unit_UNIT_COUNT;
static const Unit UNIT_SIZE_BYTES = CounterDescriptor_Unit_UNIT_SIZE_BYTES;
void set_type(::perfetto::protos::pbzero::CounterDescriptor_BuiltinCounterType value) {
AppendTinyVarInt(1, value);
void add_categories(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(2,, value.size());
void add_categories(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(2, data, size);
void set_unit(::perfetto::protos::pbzero::CounterDescriptor_Unit value) {
AppendTinyVarInt(3, value);
void set_unit_multiplier(int64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(4, value);
void set_is_incremental(bool value) {
AppendTinyVarInt(5, value);
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
#endif // Include guard.
// gen_amalgamated begin header: gen/protos/perfetto/trace/track_event/debug_annotation.pbzero.h
// Autogenerated by the ProtoZero compiler plugin. DO NOT EDIT.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/message.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/packed_repeated_fields.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_decoder.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_utils.h"
namespace perfetto {
namespace protos {
namespace pbzero {
class DebugAnnotation_NestedValue;
enum DebugAnnotation_NestedValue_NestedType : int32_t;
enum DebugAnnotation_NestedValue_NestedType : int32_t {
DebugAnnotation_NestedValue_NestedType_UNSPECIFIED = 0,
DebugAnnotation_NestedValue_NestedType_DICT = 1,
DebugAnnotation_NestedValue_NestedType_ARRAY = 2,
const DebugAnnotation_NestedValue_NestedType DebugAnnotation_NestedValue_NestedType_MIN = DebugAnnotation_NestedValue_NestedType_UNSPECIFIED;
const DebugAnnotation_NestedValue_NestedType DebugAnnotation_NestedValue_NestedType_MAX = DebugAnnotation_NestedValue_NestedType_ARRAY;
class DebugAnnotationName_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/2, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
DebugAnnotationName_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit DebugAnnotationName_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit DebugAnnotationName_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_iid() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t iid() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_name() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars name() const { return at<2>().as_string(); }
class DebugAnnotationName : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = DebugAnnotationName_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kIidFieldNumber = 1,
kNameFieldNumber = 2,
void set_iid(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_name(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(2,, value.size());
void set_name(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(2, data, size);
class DebugAnnotation_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/10, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
DebugAnnotation_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit DebugAnnotation_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit DebugAnnotation_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_name_iid() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t name_iid() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_name() const { return at<10>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars name() const { return at<10>().as_string(); }
bool has_bool_value() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
bool bool_value() const { return at<2>().as_bool(); }
bool has_uint_value() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
uint64_t uint_value() const { return at<3>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_int_value() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
int64_t int_value() const { return at<4>().as_int64(); }
bool has_double_value() const { return at<5>().valid(); }
double double_value() const { return at<5>().as_double(); }
bool has_string_value() const { return at<6>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars string_value() const { return at<6>().as_string(); }
bool has_pointer_value() const { return at<7>().valid(); }
uint64_t pointer_value() const { return at<7>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_nested_value() const { return at<8>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes nested_value() const { return at<8>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_legacy_json_value() const { return at<9>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars legacy_json_value() const { return at<9>().as_string(); }
class DebugAnnotation : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = DebugAnnotation_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kNameIidFieldNumber = 1,
kNameFieldNumber = 10,
kBoolValueFieldNumber = 2,
kUintValueFieldNumber = 3,
kIntValueFieldNumber = 4,
kDoubleValueFieldNumber = 5,
kStringValueFieldNumber = 6,
kPointerValueFieldNumber = 7,
kNestedValueFieldNumber = 8,
kLegacyJsonValueFieldNumber = 9,
using NestedValue = ::perfetto::protos::pbzero::DebugAnnotation_NestedValue;
void set_name_iid(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_name(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(10,, value.size());
void set_name(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(10, data, size);
void set_bool_value(bool value) {
AppendTinyVarInt(2, value);
void set_uint_value(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void set_int_value(int64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(4, value);
void set_double_value(double value) {
AppendFixed(5, value);
void set_string_value(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(6,, value.size());
void set_string_value(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(6, data, size);
void set_pointer_value(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(7, value);
template <typename T = DebugAnnotation_NestedValue> T* set_nested_value() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(8);
void set_legacy_json_value(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(9,, value.size());
void set_legacy_json_value(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(9, data, size);
class DebugAnnotation_NestedValue_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/8, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/true> {
DebugAnnotation_NestedValue_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit DebugAnnotation_NestedValue_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit DebugAnnotation_NestedValue_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_nested_type() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
int32_t nested_type() const { return at<1>().as_int32(); }
bool has_dict_keys() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
::protozero::RepeatedFieldIterator<::protozero::ConstChars> dict_keys() const { return GetRepeated<::protozero::ConstChars>(2); }
bool has_dict_values() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
::protozero::RepeatedFieldIterator<::protozero::ConstBytes> dict_values() const { return GetRepeated<::protozero::ConstBytes>(3); }
bool has_array_values() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
::protozero::RepeatedFieldIterator<::protozero::ConstBytes> array_values() const { return GetRepeated<::protozero::ConstBytes>(4); }
bool has_int_value() const { return at<5>().valid(); }
int64_t int_value() const { return at<5>().as_int64(); }
bool has_double_value() const { return at<6>().valid(); }
double double_value() const { return at<6>().as_double(); }
bool has_bool_value() const { return at<7>().valid(); }
bool bool_value() const { return at<7>().as_bool(); }
bool has_string_value() const { return at<8>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars string_value() const { return at<8>().as_string(); }
class DebugAnnotation_NestedValue : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = DebugAnnotation_NestedValue_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kNestedTypeFieldNumber = 1,
kDictKeysFieldNumber = 2,
kDictValuesFieldNumber = 3,
kArrayValuesFieldNumber = 4,
kIntValueFieldNumber = 5,
kDoubleValueFieldNumber = 6,
kBoolValueFieldNumber = 7,
kStringValueFieldNumber = 8,
using NestedType = ::perfetto::protos::pbzero::DebugAnnotation_NestedValue_NestedType;
static const NestedType UNSPECIFIED = DebugAnnotation_NestedValue_NestedType_UNSPECIFIED;
static const NestedType DICT = DebugAnnotation_NestedValue_NestedType_DICT;
static const NestedType ARRAY = DebugAnnotation_NestedValue_NestedType_ARRAY;
void set_nested_type(::perfetto::protos::pbzero::DebugAnnotation_NestedValue_NestedType value) {
AppendTinyVarInt(1, value);
void add_dict_keys(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(2,, value.size());
void add_dict_keys(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(2, data, size);
template <typename T = DebugAnnotation_NestedValue> T* add_dict_values() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(3);
template <typename T = DebugAnnotation_NestedValue> T* add_array_values() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(4);
void set_int_value(int64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(5, value);
void set_double_value(double value) {
AppendFixed(6, value);
void set_bool_value(bool value) {
AppendTinyVarInt(7, value);
void set_string_value(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(8,, value.size());
void set_string_value(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(8, data, size);
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
#endif // Include guard.
// gen_amalgamated begin header: gen/protos/perfetto/trace/track_event/log_message.pbzero.h
// Autogenerated by the ProtoZero compiler plugin. DO NOT EDIT.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/message.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/packed_repeated_fields.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_decoder.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_utils.h"
namespace perfetto {
namespace protos {
namespace pbzero {
class LogMessageBody_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/2, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
LogMessageBody_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit LogMessageBody_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit LogMessageBody_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_iid() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t iid() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_body() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars body() const { return at<2>().as_string(); }
class LogMessageBody : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = LogMessageBody_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kIidFieldNumber = 1,
kBodyFieldNumber = 2,
void set_iid(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_body(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(2,, value.size());
void set_body(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(2, data, size);
class LogMessage_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/2, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
LogMessage_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit LogMessage_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit LogMessage_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_source_location_iid() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t source_location_iid() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_body_iid() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint64_t body_iid() const { return at<2>().as_uint64(); }
class LogMessage : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = LogMessage_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kSourceLocationIidFieldNumber = 1,
kBodyIidFieldNumber = 2,
void set_source_location_iid(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_body_iid(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
#endif // Include guard.
// gen_amalgamated begin header: gen/protos/perfetto/trace/track_event/process_descriptor.pbzero.h
// Autogenerated by the ProtoZero compiler plugin. DO NOT EDIT.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/message.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/packed_repeated_fields.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_decoder.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_utils.h"
namespace perfetto {
namespace protos {
namespace pbzero {
enum ProcessDescriptor_ChromeProcessType : int32_t;
enum ProcessDescriptor_ChromeProcessType : int32_t {
ProcessDescriptor_ChromeProcessType_PROCESS_UNSPECIFIED = 0,
ProcessDescriptor_ChromeProcessType_PROCESS_BROWSER = 1,
ProcessDescriptor_ChromeProcessType_PROCESS_RENDERER = 2,
ProcessDescriptor_ChromeProcessType_PROCESS_UTILITY = 3,
ProcessDescriptor_ChromeProcessType_PROCESS_ZYGOTE = 4,
ProcessDescriptor_ChromeProcessType_PROCESS_SANDBOX_HELPER = 5,
ProcessDescriptor_ChromeProcessType_PROCESS_GPU = 6,
ProcessDescriptor_ChromeProcessType_PROCESS_PPAPI_PLUGIN = 7,
ProcessDescriptor_ChromeProcessType_PROCESS_PPAPI_BROKER = 8,
const ProcessDescriptor_ChromeProcessType ProcessDescriptor_ChromeProcessType_MIN = ProcessDescriptor_ChromeProcessType_PROCESS_UNSPECIFIED;
const ProcessDescriptor_ChromeProcessType ProcessDescriptor_ChromeProcessType_MAX = ProcessDescriptor_ChromeProcessType_PROCESS_PPAPI_BROKER;
class ProcessDescriptor_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/6, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/true> {
ProcessDescriptor_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit ProcessDescriptor_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit ProcessDescriptor_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_pid() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
int32_t pid() const { return at<1>().as_int32(); }
bool has_cmdline() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
::protozero::RepeatedFieldIterator<::protozero::ConstChars> cmdline() const { return GetRepeated<::protozero::ConstChars>(2); }
bool has_process_name() const { return at<6>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars process_name() const { return at<6>().as_string(); }
bool has_process_priority() const { return at<5>().valid(); }
int32_t process_priority() const { return at<5>().as_int32(); }
bool has_chrome_process_type() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
int32_t chrome_process_type() const { return at<4>().as_int32(); }
bool has_legacy_sort_index() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
int32_t legacy_sort_index() const { return at<3>().as_int32(); }
class ProcessDescriptor : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = ProcessDescriptor_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kPidFieldNumber = 1,
kCmdlineFieldNumber = 2,
kProcessNameFieldNumber = 6,
kProcessPriorityFieldNumber = 5,
kChromeProcessTypeFieldNumber = 4,
kLegacySortIndexFieldNumber = 3,
using ChromeProcessType = ::perfetto::protos::pbzero::ProcessDescriptor_ChromeProcessType;
static const ChromeProcessType PROCESS_UNSPECIFIED = ProcessDescriptor_ChromeProcessType_PROCESS_UNSPECIFIED;
static const ChromeProcessType PROCESS_BROWSER = ProcessDescriptor_ChromeProcessType_PROCESS_BROWSER;
static const ChromeProcessType PROCESS_RENDERER = ProcessDescriptor_ChromeProcessType_PROCESS_RENDERER;
static const ChromeProcessType PROCESS_UTILITY = ProcessDescriptor_ChromeProcessType_PROCESS_UTILITY;
static const ChromeProcessType PROCESS_ZYGOTE = ProcessDescriptor_ChromeProcessType_PROCESS_ZYGOTE;
static const ChromeProcessType PROCESS_SANDBOX_HELPER = ProcessDescriptor_ChromeProcessType_PROCESS_SANDBOX_HELPER;
static const ChromeProcessType PROCESS_GPU = ProcessDescriptor_ChromeProcessType_PROCESS_GPU;
static const ChromeProcessType PROCESS_PPAPI_PLUGIN = ProcessDescriptor_ChromeProcessType_PROCESS_PPAPI_PLUGIN;
static const ChromeProcessType PROCESS_PPAPI_BROKER = ProcessDescriptor_ChromeProcessType_PROCESS_PPAPI_BROKER;
void set_pid(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void add_cmdline(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(2,, value.size());
void add_cmdline(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(2, data, size);
void set_process_name(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(6,, value.size());
void set_process_name(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(6, data, size);
void set_process_priority(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(5, value);
void set_chrome_process_type(::perfetto::protos::pbzero::ProcessDescriptor_ChromeProcessType value) {
AppendTinyVarInt(4, value);
void set_legacy_sort_index(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
#endif // Include guard.
// gen_amalgamated begin header: gen/protos/perfetto/trace/track_event/source_location.pbzero.h
// Autogenerated by the ProtoZero compiler plugin. DO NOT EDIT.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/message.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/packed_repeated_fields.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_decoder.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_utils.h"
namespace perfetto {
namespace protos {
namespace pbzero {
class SourceLocation_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/4, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
SourceLocation_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit SourceLocation_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit SourceLocation_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_iid() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t iid() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_file_name() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars file_name() const { return at<2>().as_string(); }
bool has_function_name() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars function_name() const { return at<3>().as_string(); }
bool has_line_number() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
uint32_t line_number() const { return at<4>().as_uint32(); }
class SourceLocation : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = SourceLocation_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kIidFieldNumber = 1,
kFileNameFieldNumber = 2,
kFunctionNameFieldNumber = 3,
kLineNumberFieldNumber = 4,
void set_iid(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_file_name(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(2,, value.size());
void set_file_name(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(2, data, size);
void set_function_name(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(3,, value.size());
void set_function_name(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(3, data, size);
void set_line_number(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(4, value);
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
#endif // Include guard.
// gen_amalgamated begin header: gen/protos/perfetto/trace/track_event/task_execution.pbzero.h
// Autogenerated by the ProtoZero compiler plugin. DO NOT EDIT.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/message.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/packed_repeated_fields.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_decoder.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_utils.h"
namespace perfetto {
namespace protos {
namespace pbzero {
class TaskExecution_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/1, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
TaskExecution_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit TaskExecution_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit TaskExecution_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_posted_from_iid() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t posted_from_iid() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
class TaskExecution : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = TaskExecution_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kPostedFromIidFieldNumber = 1,
void set_posted_from_iid(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
#endif // Include guard.
// gen_amalgamated begin header: gen/protos/perfetto/trace/track_event/thread_descriptor.pbzero.h
// Autogenerated by the ProtoZero compiler plugin. DO NOT EDIT.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/message.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/packed_repeated_fields.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_decoder.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_utils.h"
namespace perfetto {
namespace protos {
namespace pbzero {
enum ThreadDescriptor_ChromeThreadType : int32_t;
enum ThreadDescriptor_ChromeThreadType : int32_t {
ThreadDescriptor_ChromeThreadType_CHROME_THREAD_UNSPECIFIED = 0,
ThreadDescriptor_ChromeThreadType_CHROME_THREAD_MAIN = 1,
ThreadDescriptor_ChromeThreadType_CHROME_THREAD_IO = 2,
ThreadDescriptor_ChromeThreadType_CHROME_THREAD_POOL_BG_WORKER = 3,
ThreadDescriptor_ChromeThreadType_CHROME_THREAD_POOL_FG_WORKER = 4,
ThreadDescriptor_ChromeThreadType_CHROME_THREAD_POOL_FB_BLOCKING = 5,
ThreadDescriptor_ChromeThreadType_CHROME_THREAD_POOL_BG_BLOCKING = 6,
ThreadDescriptor_ChromeThreadType_CHROME_THREAD_POOL_SERVICE = 7,
ThreadDescriptor_ChromeThreadType_CHROME_THREAD_COMPOSITOR = 8,
ThreadDescriptor_ChromeThreadType_CHROME_THREAD_VIZ_COMPOSITOR = 9,
ThreadDescriptor_ChromeThreadType_CHROME_THREAD_COMPOSITOR_WORKER = 10,
ThreadDescriptor_ChromeThreadType_CHROME_THREAD_SERVICE_WORKER = 11,
ThreadDescriptor_ChromeThreadType_CHROME_THREAD_MEMORY_INFRA = 50,
ThreadDescriptor_ChromeThreadType_CHROME_THREAD_SAMPLING_PROFILER = 51,
const ThreadDescriptor_ChromeThreadType ThreadDescriptor_ChromeThreadType_MIN = ThreadDescriptor_ChromeThreadType_CHROME_THREAD_UNSPECIFIED;
const ThreadDescriptor_ChromeThreadType ThreadDescriptor_ChromeThreadType_MAX = ThreadDescriptor_ChromeThreadType_CHROME_THREAD_SAMPLING_PROFILER;
class ThreadDescriptor_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/8, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
ThreadDescriptor_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit ThreadDescriptor_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit ThreadDescriptor_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_pid() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
int32_t pid() const { return at<1>().as_int32(); }
bool has_tid() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
int32_t tid() const { return at<2>().as_int32(); }
bool has_thread_name() const { return at<5>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars thread_name() const { return at<5>().as_string(); }
bool has_chrome_thread_type() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
int32_t chrome_thread_type() const { return at<4>().as_int32(); }
bool has_reference_timestamp_us() const { return at<6>().valid(); }
int64_t reference_timestamp_us() const { return at<6>().as_int64(); }
bool has_reference_thread_time_us() const { return at<7>().valid(); }
int64_t reference_thread_time_us() const { return at<7>().as_int64(); }
bool has_reference_thread_instruction_count() const { return at<8>().valid(); }
int64_t reference_thread_instruction_count() const { return at<8>().as_int64(); }
bool has_legacy_sort_index() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
int32_t legacy_sort_index() const { return at<3>().as_int32(); }
class ThreadDescriptor : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = ThreadDescriptor_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kPidFieldNumber = 1,
kTidFieldNumber = 2,
kThreadNameFieldNumber = 5,
kChromeThreadTypeFieldNumber = 4,
kReferenceTimestampUsFieldNumber = 6,
kReferenceThreadTimeUsFieldNumber = 7,
kReferenceThreadInstructionCountFieldNumber = 8,
kLegacySortIndexFieldNumber = 3,
using ChromeThreadType = ::perfetto::protos::pbzero::ThreadDescriptor_ChromeThreadType;
static const ChromeThreadType CHROME_THREAD_UNSPECIFIED = ThreadDescriptor_ChromeThreadType_CHROME_THREAD_UNSPECIFIED;
static const ChromeThreadType CHROME_THREAD_MAIN = ThreadDescriptor_ChromeThreadType_CHROME_THREAD_MAIN;
static const ChromeThreadType CHROME_THREAD_IO = ThreadDescriptor_ChromeThreadType_CHROME_THREAD_IO;
static const ChromeThreadType CHROME_THREAD_POOL_BG_WORKER = ThreadDescriptor_ChromeThreadType_CHROME_THREAD_POOL_BG_WORKER;
static const ChromeThreadType CHROME_THREAD_POOL_FG_WORKER = ThreadDescriptor_ChromeThreadType_CHROME_THREAD_POOL_FG_WORKER;
static const ChromeThreadType CHROME_THREAD_POOL_FB_BLOCKING = ThreadDescriptor_ChromeThreadType_CHROME_THREAD_POOL_FB_BLOCKING;
static const ChromeThreadType CHROME_THREAD_POOL_BG_BLOCKING = ThreadDescriptor_ChromeThreadType_CHROME_THREAD_POOL_BG_BLOCKING;
static const ChromeThreadType CHROME_THREAD_POOL_SERVICE = ThreadDescriptor_ChromeThreadType_CHROME_THREAD_POOL_SERVICE;
static const ChromeThreadType CHROME_THREAD_COMPOSITOR = ThreadDescriptor_ChromeThreadType_CHROME_THREAD_COMPOSITOR;
static const ChromeThreadType CHROME_THREAD_VIZ_COMPOSITOR = ThreadDescriptor_ChromeThreadType_CHROME_THREAD_VIZ_COMPOSITOR;
static const ChromeThreadType CHROME_THREAD_COMPOSITOR_WORKER = ThreadDescriptor_ChromeThreadType_CHROME_THREAD_COMPOSITOR_WORKER;
static const ChromeThreadType CHROME_THREAD_SERVICE_WORKER = ThreadDescriptor_ChromeThreadType_CHROME_THREAD_SERVICE_WORKER;
static const ChromeThreadType CHROME_THREAD_MEMORY_INFRA = ThreadDescriptor_ChromeThreadType_CHROME_THREAD_MEMORY_INFRA;
static const ChromeThreadType CHROME_THREAD_SAMPLING_PROFILER = ThreadDescriptor_ChromeThreadType_CHROME_THREAD_SAMPLING_PROFILER;
void set_pid(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_tid(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_thread_name(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(5,, value.size());
void set_thread_name(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(5, data, size);
void set_chrome_thread_type(::perfetto::protos::pbzero::ThreadDescriptor_ChromeThreadType value) {
AppendTinyVarInt(4, value);
void set_reference_timestamp_us(int64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(6, value);
void set_reference_thread_time_us(int64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(7, value);
void set_reference_thread_instruction_count(int64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(8, value);
void set_legacy_sort_index(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
#endif // Include guard.
// gen_amalgamated begin header: gen/protos/perfetto/trace/track_event/track_descriptor.pbzero.h
// Autogenerated by the ProtoZero compiler plugin. DO NOT EDIT.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/message.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/packed_repeated_fields.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_decoder.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_utils.h"
namespace perfetto {
namespace protos {
namespace pbzero {
class ChromeProcessDescriptor;
class ChromeThreadDescriptor;
class CounterDescriptor;
class ProcessDescriptor;
class ThreadDescriptor;
class TrackDescriptor_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/8, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
TrackDescriptor_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit TrackDescriptor_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit TrackDescriptor_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_uuid() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t uuid() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_parent_uuid() const { return at<5>().valid(); }
uint64_t parent_uuid() const { return at<5>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_name() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars name() const { return at<2>().as_string(); }
bool has_process() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes process() const { return at<3>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_chrome_process() const { return at<6>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes chrome_process() const { return at<6>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_thread() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes thread() const { return at<4>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_chrome_thread() const { return at<7>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes chrome_thread() const { return at<7>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_counter() const { return at<8>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes counter() const { return at<8>().as_bytes(); }
class TrackDescriptor : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = TrackDescriptor_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kUuidFieldNumber = 1,
kParentUuidFieldNumber = 5,
kNameFieldNumber = 2,
kProcessFieldNumber = 3,
kChromeProcessFieldNumber = 6,
kThreadFieldNumber = 4,
kChromeThreadFieldNumber = 7,
kCounterFieldNumber = 8,
void set_uuid(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_parent_uuid(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(5, value);
void set_name(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(2,, value.size());
void set_name(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(2, data, size);
template <typename T = ProcessDescriptor> T* set_process() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(3);
template <typename T = ChromeProcessDescriptor> T* set_chrome_process() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(6);
template <typename T = ThreadDescriptor> T* set_thread() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(4);
template <typename T = ChromeThreadDescriptor> T* set_chrome_thread() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(7);
template <typename T = CounterDescriptor> T* set_counter() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(8);
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
#endif // Include guard.
// gen_amalgamated begin header: gen/protos/perfetto/trace/track_event/track_event.pbzero.h
// Autogenerated by the ProtoZero compiler plugin. DO NOT EDIT.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/message.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/packed_repeated_fields.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_decoder.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_utils.h"
namespace perfetto {
namespace protos {
namespace pbzero {
class ChromeCompositorSchedulerState;
class ChromeFrameReporter;
class ChromeHistogramSample;
class ChromeKeyedService;
class ChromeLatencyInfo;
class ChromeLegacyIpc;
class ChromeUserEvent;
class DebugAnnotation;
class LogMessage;
class TaskExecution;
class TrackEvent_LegacyEvent;
enum TrackEvent_LegacyEvent_FlowDirection : int32_t;
enum TrackEvent_LegacyEvent_InstantEventScope : int32_t;
enum TrackEvent_Type : int32_t;
enum TrackEvent_Type : int32_t {
TrackEvent_Type_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED = 0,
TrackEvent_Type_TYPE_SLICE_BEGIN = 1,
TrackEvent_Type_TYPE_SLICE_END = 2,
TrackEvent_Type_TYPE_INSTANT = 3,
TrackEvent_Type_TYPE_COUNTER = 4,
const TrackEvent_Type TrackEvent_Type_MIN = TrackEvent_Type_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED;
const TrackEvent_Type TrackEvent_Type_MAX = TrackEvent_Type_TYPE_COUNTER;
enum TrackEvent_LegacyEvent_FlowDirection : int32_t {
TrackEvent_LegacyEvent_FlowDirection_FLOW_UNSPECIFIED = 0,
TrackEvent_LegacyEvent_FlowDirection_FLOW_IN = 1,
TrackEvent_LegacyEvent_FlowDirection_FLOW_OUT = 2,
TrackEvent_LegacyEvent_FlowDirection_FLOW_INOUT = 3,
const TrackEvent_LegacyEvent_FlowDirection TrackEvent_LegacyEvent_FlowDirection_MIN = TrackEvent_LegacyEvent_FlowDirection_FLOW_UNSPECIFIED;
const TrackEvent_LegacyEvent_FlowDirection TrackEvent_LegacyEvent_FlowDirection_MAX = TrackEvent_LegacyEvent_FlowDirection_FLOW_INOUT;
enum TrackEvent_LegacyEvent_InstantEventScope : int32_t {
TrackEvent_LegacyEvent_InstantEventScope_SCOPE_UNSPECIFIED = 0,
TrackEvent_LegacyEvent_InstantEventScope_SCOPE_GLOBAL = 1,
TrackEvent_LegacyEvent_InstantEventScope_SCOPE_PROCESS = 2,
TrackEvent_LegacyEvent_InstantEventScope_SCOPE_THREAD = 3,
const TrackEvent_LegacyEvent_InstantEventScope TrackEvent_LegacyEvent_InstantEventScope_MIN = TrackEvent_LegacyEvent_InstantEventScope_SCOPE_UNSPECIFIED;
const TrackEvent_LegacyEvent_InstantEventScope TrackEvent_LegacyEvent_InstantEventScope_MAX = TrackEvent_LegacyEvent_InstantEventScope_SCOPE_THREAD;
class EventName_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/2, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
EventName_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit EventName_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit EventName_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_iid() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t iid() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_name() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars name() const { return at<2>().as_string(); }
class EventName : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = EventName_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kIidFieldNumber = 1,
kNameFieldNumber = 2,
void set_iid(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_name(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(2,, value.size());
void set_name(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(2, data, size);
class EventCategory_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/2, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
EventCategory_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit EventCategory_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit EventCategory_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_iid() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t iid() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_name() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars name() const { return at<2>().as_string(); }
class EventCategory : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = EventCategory_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kIidFieldNumber = 1,
kNameFieldNumber = 2,
void set_iid(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_name(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(2,, value.size());
void set_name(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(2, data, size);
class TrackEventDefaults_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/31, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/true> {
TrackEventDefaults_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit TrackEventDefaults_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit TrackEventDefaults_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_track_uuid() const { return at<11>().valid(); }
uint64_t track_uuid() const { return at<11>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_extra_counter_track_uuids() const { return at<31>().valid(); }
::protozero::RepeatedFieldIterator<uint64_t> extra_counter_track_uuids() const { return GetRepeated<uint64_t>(31); }
class TrackEventDefaults : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = TrackEventDefaults_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kTrackUuidFieldNumber = 11,
kExtraCounterTrackUuidsFieldNumber = 31,
void set_track_uuid(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(11, value);
void add_extra_counter_track_uuids(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(31, value);
class TrackEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/32, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/true> {
TrackEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit TrackEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit TrackEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_category_iids() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
::protozero::RepeatedFieldIterator<uint64_t> category_iids() const { return GetRepeated<uint64_t>(3); }
bool has_categories() const { return at<22>().valid(); }
::protozero::RepeatedFieldIterator<::protozero::ConstChars> categories() const { return GetRepeated<::protozero::ConstChars>(22); }
bool has_name_iid() const { return at<10>().valid(); }
uint64_t name_iid() const { return at<10>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_name() const { return at<23>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars name() const { return at<23>().as_string(); }
bool has_type() const { return at<9>().valid(); }
int32_t type() const { return at<9>().as_int32(); }
bool has_track_uuid() const { return at<11>().valid(); }
uint64_t track_uuid() const { return at<11>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_counter_value() const { return at<30>().valid(); }
int64_t counter_value() const { return at<30>().as_int64(); }
bool has_extra_counter_track_uuids() const { return at<31>().valid(); }
::protozero::RepeatedFieldIterator<uint64_t> extra_counter_track_uuids() const { return GetRepeated<uint64_t>(31); }
bool has_extra_counter_values() const { return at<12>().valid(); }
::protozero::RepeatedFieldIterator<int64_t> extra_counter_values() const { return GetRepeated<int64_t>(12); }
bool has_debug_annotations() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
::protozero::RepeatedFieldIterator<::protozero::ConstBytes> debug_annotations() const { return GetRepeated<::protozero::ConstBytes>(4); }
bool has_task_execution() const { return at<5>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes task_execution() const { return at<5>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_log_message() const { return at<21>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes log_message() const { return at<21>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_cc_scheduler_state() const { return at<24>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes cc_scheduler_state() const { return at<24>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_chrome_user_event() const { return at<25>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes chrome_user_event() const { return at<25>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_chrome_keyed_service() const { return at<26>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes chrome_keyed_service() const { return at<26>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_chrome_legacy_ipc() const { return at<27>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes chrome_legacy_ipc() const { return at<27>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_chrome_histogram_sample() const { return at<28>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes chrome_histogram_sample() const { return at<28>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_chrome_latency_info() const { return at<29>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes chrome_latency_info() const { return at<29>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_chrome_frame_reporter() const { return at<32>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes chrome_frame_reporter() const { return at<32>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_timestamp_delta_us() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
int64_t timestamp_delta_us() const { return at<1>().as_int64(); }
bool has_timestamp_absolute_us() const { return at<16>().valid(); }
int64_t timestamp_absolute_us() const { return at<16>().as_int64(); }
bool has_thread_time_delta_us() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
int64_t thread_time_delta_us() const { return at<2>().as_int64(); }
bool has_thread_time_absolute_us() const { return at<17>().valid(); }
int64_t thread_time_absolute_us() const { return at<17>().as_int64(); }
bool has_thread_instruction_count_delta() const { return at<8>().valid(); }
int64_t thread_instruction_count_delta() const { return at<8>().as_int64(); }
bool has_thread_instruction_count_absolute() const { return at<20>().valid(); }
int64_t thread_instruction_count_absolute() const { return at<20>().as_int64(); }
bool has_legacy_event() const { return at<6>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes legacy_event() const { return at<6>().as_bytes(); }
class TrackEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = TrackEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kCategoryIidsFieldNumber = 3,
kCategoriesFieldNumber = 22,
kNameIidFieldNumber = 10,
kNameFieldNumber = 23,
kTypeFieldNumber = 9,
kTrackUuidFieldNumber = 11,
kCounterValueFieldNumber = 30,
kExtraCounterTrackUuidsFieldNumber = 31,
kExtraCounterValuesFieldNumber = 12,
kDebugAnnotationsFieldNumber = 4,
kTaskExecutionFieldNumber = 5,
kLogMessageFieldNumber = 21,
kCcSchedulerStateFieldNumber = 24,
kChromeUserEventFieldNumber = 25,
kChromeKeyedServiceFieldNumber = 26,
kChromeLegacyIpcFieldNumber = 27,
kChromeHistogramSampleFieldNumber = 28,
kChromeLatencyInfoFieldNumber = 29,
kChromeFrameReporterFieldNumber = 32,
kTimestampDeltaUsFieldNumber = 1,
kTimestampAbsoluteUsFieldNumber = 16,
kThreadTimeDeltaUsFieldNumber = 2,
kThreadTimeAbsoluteUsFieldNumber = 17,
kThreadInstructionCountDeltaFieldNumber = 8,
kThreadInstructionCountAbsoluteFieldNumber = 20,
kLegacyEventFieldNumber = 6,
using LegacyEvent = ::perfetto::protos::pbzero::TrackEvent_LegacyEvent;
using Type = ::perfetto::protos::pbzero::TrackEvent_Type;
static const Type TYPE_UNSPECIFIED = TrackEvent_Type_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED;
static const Type TYPE_SLICE_BEGIN = TrackEvent_Type_TYPE_SLICE_BEGIN;
static const Type TYPE_SLICE_END = TrackEvent_Type_TYPE_SLICE_END;
static const Type TYPE_INSTANT = TrackEvent_Type_TYPE_INSTANT;
static const Type TYPE_COUNTER = TrackEvent_Type_TYPE_COUNTER;
void add_category_iids(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void add_categories(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(22,, value.size());
void add_categories(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(22, data, size);
void set_name_iid(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(10, value);
void set_name(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(23,, value.size());
void set_name(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(23, data, size);
void set_type(::perfetto::protos::pbzero::TrackEvent_Type value) {
AppendTinyVarInt(9, value);
void set_track_uuid(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(11, value);
void set_counter_value(int64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(30, value);
void add_extra_counter_track_uuids(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(31, value);
void add_extra_counter_values(int64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(12, value);
template <typename T = DebugAnnotation> T* add_debug_annotations() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(4);
template <typename T = TaskExecution> T* set_task_execution() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(5);
template <typename T = LogMessage> T* set_log_message() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(21);
template <typename T = ChromeCompositorSchedulerState> T* set_cc_scheduler_state() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(24);
template <typename T = ChromeUserEvent> T* set_chrome_user_event() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(25);
template <typename T = ChromeKeyedService> T* set_chrome_keyed_service() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(26);
template <typename T = ChromeLegacyIpc> T* set_chrome_legacy_ipc() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(27);
template <typename T = ChromeHistogramSample> T* set_chrome_histogram_sample() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(28);
template <typename T = ChromeLatencyInfo> T* set_chrome_latency_info() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(29);
template <typename T = ChromeFrameReporter> T* set_chrome_frame_reporter() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(32);
void set_timestamp_delta_us(int64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_timestamp_absolute_us(int64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(16, value);
void set_thread_time_delta_us(int64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_thread_time_absolute_us(int64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(17, value);
void set_thread_instruction_count_delta(int64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(8, value);
void set_thread_instruction_count_absolute(int64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(20, value);
template <typename T = TrackEvent_LegacyEvent> T* set_legacy_event() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(6);
class TrackEvent_LegacyEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/19, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
TrackEvent_LegacyEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit TrackEvent_LegacyEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit TrackEvent_LegacyEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_name_iid() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t name_iid() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_phase() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
int32_t phase() const { return at<2>().as_int32(); }
bool has_duration_us() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
int64_t duration_us() const { return at<3>().as_int64(); }
bool has_thread_duration_us() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
int64_t thread_duration_us() const { return at<4>().as_int64(); }
bool has_thread_instruction_delta() const { return at<15>().valid(); }
int64_t thread_instruction_delta() const { return at<15>().as_int64(); }
bool has_unscoped_id() const { return at<6>().valid(); }
uint64_t unscoped_id() const { return at<6>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_local_id() const { return at<10>().valid(); }
uint64_t local_id() const { return at<10>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_global_id() const { return at<11>().valid(); }
uint64_t global_id() const { return at<11>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_id_scope() const { return at<7>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars id_scope() const { return at<7>().as_string(); }
bool has_use_async_tts() const { return at<9>().valid(); }
bool use_async_tts() const { return at<9>().as_bool(); }
bool has_bind_id() const { return at<8>().valid(); }
uint64_t bind_id() const { return at<8>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_bind_to_enclosing() const { return at<12>().valid(); }
bool bind_to_enclosing() const { return at<12>().as_bool(); }
bool has_flow_direction() const { return at<13>().valid(); }
int32_t flow_direction() const { return at<13>().as_int32(); }
bool has_instant_event_scope() const { return at<14>().valid(); }
int32_t instant_event_scope() const { return at<14>().as_int32(); }
bool has_pid_override() const { return at<18>().valid(); }
int32_t pid_override() const { return at<18>().as_int32(); }
bool has_tid_override() const { return at<19>().valid(); }
int32_t tid_override() const { return at<19>().as_int32(); }
class TrackEvent_LegacyEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = TrackEvent_LegacyEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kNameIidFieldNumber = 1,
kPhaseFieldNumber = 2,
kDurationUsFieldNumber = 3,
kThreadDurationUsFieldNumber = 4,
kThreadInstructionDeltaFieldNumber = 15,
kUnscopedIdFieldNumber = 6,
kLocalIdFieldNumber = 10,
kGlobalIdFieldNumber = 11,
kIdScopeFieldNumber = 7,
kUseAsyncTtsFieldNumber = 9,
kBindIdFieldNumber = 8,
kBindToEnclosingFieldNumber = 12,
kFlowDirectionFieldNumber = 13,
kInstantEventScopeFieldNumber = 14,
kPidOverrideFieldNumber = 18,
kTidOverrideFieldNumber = 19,
using FlowDirection = ::perfetto::protos::pbzero::TrackEvent_LegacyEvent_FlowDirection;
using InstantEventScope = ::perfetto::protos::pbzero::TrackEvent_LegacyEvent_InstantEventScope;
static const FlowDirection FLOW_UNSPECIFIED = TrackEvent_LegacyEvent_FlowDirection_FLOW_UNSPECIFIED;
static const FlowDirection FLOW_IN = TrackEvent_LegacyEvent_FlowDirection_FLOW_IN;
static const FlowDirection FLOW_OUT = TrackEvent_LegacyEvent_FlowDirection_FLOW_OUT;
static const FlowDirection FLOW_INOUT = TrackEvent_LegacyEvent_FlowDirection_FLOW_INOUT;
static const InstantEventScope SCOPE_UNSPECIFIED = TrackEvent_LegacyEvent_InstantEventScope_SCOPE_UNSPECIFIED;
static const InstantEventScope SCOPE_GLOBAL = TrackEvent_LegacyEvent_InstantEventScope_SCOPE_GLOBAL;
static const InstantEventScope SCOPE_PROCESS = TrackEvent_LegacyEvent_InstantEventScope_SCOPE_PROCESS;
static const InstantEventScope SCOPE_THREAD = TrackEvent_LegacyEvent_InstantEventScope_SCOPE_THREAD;
void set_name_iid(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_phase(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_duration_us(int64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void set_thread_duration_us(int64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(4, value);
void set_thread_instruction_delta(int64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(15, value);
void set_unscoped_id(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(6, value);
void set_local_id(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(10, value);
void set_global_id(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(11, value);
void set_id_scope(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(7,, value.size());
void set_id_scope(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(7, data, size);
void set_use_async_tts(bool value) {
AppendTinyVarInt(9, value);
void set_bind_id(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(8, value);
void set_bind_to_enclosing(bool value) {
AppendTinyVarInt(12, value);
void set_flow_direction(::perfetto::protos::pbzero::TrackEvent_LegacyEvent_FlowDirection value) {
AppendTinyVarInt(13, value);
void set_instant_event_scope(::perfetto::protos::pbzero::TrackEvent_LegacyEvent_InstantEventScope value) {
AppendTinyVarInt(14, value);
void set_pid_override(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(18, value);
void set_tid_override(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(19, value);
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
#endif // Include guard.
// gen_amalgamated begin header: gen/protos/perfetto/trace/interned_data/interned_data.pbzero.h
// Autogenerated by the ProtoZero compiler plugin. DO NOT EDIT.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/message.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/packed_repeated_fields.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_decoder.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_utils.h"
namespace perfetto {
namespace protos {
namespace pbzero {
class Callstack;
class DebugAnnotationName;
class EventCategory;
class EventName;
class Frame;
class InternedGpuRenderStageSpecification;
class InternedGraphicsContext;
class InternedString;
class LogMessageBody;
class Mapping;
class ProfiledFrameSymbols;
class SourceLocation;
class InternedData_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/24, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/true> {
InternedData_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit InternedData_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit InternedData_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_event_categories() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
::protozero::RepeatedFieldIterator<::protozero::ConstBytes> event_categories() const { return GetRepeated<::protozero::ConstBytes>(1); }
bool has_event_names() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
::protozero::RepeatedFieldIterator<::protozero::ConstBytes> event_names() const { return GetRepeated<::protozero::ConstBytes>(2); }
bool has_debug_annotation_names() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
::protozero::RepeatedFieldIterator<::protozero::ConstBytes> debug_annotation_names() const { return GetRepeated<::protozero::ConstBytes>(3); }
bool has_source_locations() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
::protozero::RepeatedFieldIterator<::protozero::ConstBytes> source_locations() const { return GetRepeated<::protozero::ConstBytes>(4); }
bool has_log_message_body() const { return at<20>().valid(); }
::protozero::RepeatedFieldIterator<::protozero::ConstBytes> log_message_body() const { return GetRepeated<::protozero::ConstBytes>(20); }
bool has_build_ids() const { return at<16>().valid(); }
::protozero::RepeatedFieldIterator<::protozero::ConstBytes> build_ids() const { return GetRepeated<::protozero::ConstBytes>(16); }
bool has_mapping_paths() const { return at<17>().valid(); }
::protozero::RepeatedFieldIterator<::protozero::ConstBytes> mapping_paths() const { return GetRepeated<::protozero::ConstBytes>(17); }
bool has_source_paths() const { return at<18>().valid(); }
::protozero::RepeatedFieldIterator<::protozero::ConstBytes> source_paths() const { return GetRepeated<::protozero::ConstBytes>(18); }
bool has_function_names() const { return at<5>().valid(); }
::protozero::RepeatedFieldIterator<::protozero::ConstBytes> function_names() const { return GetRepeated<::protozero::ConstBytes>(5); }
bool has_profiled_frame_symbols() const { return at<21>().valid(); }
::protozero::RepeatedFieldIterator<::protozero::ConstBytes> profiled_frame_symbols() const { return GetRepeated<::protozero::ConstBytes>(21); }
bool has_mappings() const { return at<19>().valid(); }
::protozero::RepeatedFieldIterator<::protozero::ConstBytes> mappings() const { return GetRepeated<::protozero::ConstBytes>(19); }
bool has_frames() const { return at<6>().valid(); }
::protozero::RepeatedFieldIterator<::protozero::ConstBytes> frames() const { return GetRepeated<::protozero::ConstBytes>(6); }
bool has_callstacks() const { return at<7>().valid(); }
::protozero::RepeatedFieldIterator<::protozero::ConstBytes> callstacks() const { return GetRepeated<::protozero::ConstBytes>(7); }
bool has_vulkan_memory_keys() const { return at<22>().valid(); }
::protozero::RepeatedFieldIterator<::protozero::ConstBytes> vulkan_memory_keys() const { return GetRepeated<::protozero::ConstBytes>(22); }
bool has_graphics_contexts() const { return at<23>().valid(); }
::protozero::RepeatedFieldIterator<::protozero::ConstBytes> graphics_contexts() const { return GetRepeated<::protozero::ConstBytes>(23); }
bool has_gpu_specifications() const { return at<24>().valid(); }
::protozero::RepeatedFieldIterator<::protozero::ConstBytes> gpu_specifications() const { return GetRepeated<::protozero::ConstBytes>(24); }
class InternedData : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = InternedData_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kEventCategoriesFieldNumber = 1,
kEventNamesFieldNumber = 2,
kDebugAnnotationNamesFieldNumber = 3,
kSourceLocationsFieldNumber = 4,
kLogMessageBodyFieldNumber = 20,
kBuildIdsFieldNumber = 16,
kMappingPathsFieldNumber = 17,
kSourcePathsFieldNumber = 18,
kFunctionNamesFieldNumber = 5,
kProfiledFrameSymbolsFieldNumber = 21,
kMappingsFieldNumber = 19,
kFramesFieldNumber = 6,
kCallstacksFieldNumber = 7,
kVulkanMemoryKeysFieldNumber = 22,
kGraphicsContextsFieldNumber = 23,
kGpuSpecificationsFieldNumber = 24,
template <typename T = EventCategory> T* add_event_categories() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(1);
template <typename T = EventName> T* add_event_names() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(2);
template <typename T = DebugAnnotationName> T* add_debug_annotation_names() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(3);
template <typename T = SourceLocation> T* add_source_locations() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(4);
template <typename T = LogMessageBody> T* add_log_message_body() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(20);
template <typename T = InternedString> T* add_build_ids() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(16);
template <typename T = InternedString> T* add_mapping_paths() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(17);
template <typename T = InternedString> T* add_source_paths() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(18);
template <typename T = InternedString> T* add_function_names() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(5);
template <typename T = ProfiledFrameSymbols> T* add_profiled_frame_symbols() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(21);
template <typename T = Mapping> T* add_mappings() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(19);
template <typename T = Frame> T* add_frames() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(6);
template <typename T = Callstack> T* add_callstacks() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(7);
template <typename T = InternedString> T* add_vulkan_memory_keys() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(22);
template <typename T = InternedGraphicsContext> T* add_graphics_contexts() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(23);
template <typename T = InternedGpuRenderStageSpecification> T* add_gpu_specifications() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(24);
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
#endif // Include guard.
// gen_amalgamated begin header: gen/protos/perfetto/trace/perfetto/perfetto_metatrace.pbzero.h
// Autogenerated by the ProtoZero compiler plugin. DO NOT EDIT.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/message.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/packed_repeated_fields.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_decoder.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_utils.h"
namespace perfetto {
namespace protos {
namespace pbzero {
class PerfettoMetatrace_Arg;
class PerfettoMetatrace_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/9, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/true> {
PerfettoMetatrace_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit PerfettoMetatrace_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit PerfettoMetatrace_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_event_id() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint32_t event_id() const { return at<1>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_counter_id() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint32_t counter_id() const { return at<2>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_event_name() const { return at<8>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars event_name() const { return at<8>().as_string(); }
bool has_counter_name() const { return at<9>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars counter_name() const { return at<9>().as_string(); }
bool has_event_duration_ns() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
uint32_t event_duration_ns() const { return at<3>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_counter_value() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
int32_t counter_value() const { return at<4>().as_int32(); }
bool has_thread_id() const { return at<5>().valid(); }
uint32_t thread_id() const { return at<5>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_has_overruns() const { return at<6>().valid(); }
bool has_overruns() const { return at<6>().as_bool(); }
bool has_args() const { return at<7>().valid(); }
::protozero::RepeatedFieldIterator<::protozero::ConstBytes> args() const { return GetRepeated<::protozero::ConstBytes>(7); }
class PerfettoMetatrace : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = PerfettoMetatrace_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kEventIdFieldNumber = 1,
kCounterIdFieldNumber = 2,
kEventNameFieldNumber = 8,
kCounterNameFieldNumber = 9,
kEventDurationNsFieldNumber = 3,
kCounterValueFieldNumber = 4,
kThreadIdFieldNumber = 5,
kHasOverrunsFieldNumber = 6,
kArgsFieldNumber = 7,
using Arg = ::perfetto::protos::pbzero::PerfettoMetatrace_Arg;
void set_event_id(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_counter_id(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_event_name(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(8,, value.size());
void set_event_name(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(8, data, size);
void set_counter_name(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(9,, value.size());
void set_counter_name(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(9, data, size);
void set_event_duration_ns(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void set_counter_value(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(4, value);
void set_thread_id(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(5, value);
void set_has_overruns(bool value) {
AppendTinyVarInt(6, value);
template <typename T = PerfettoMetatrace_Arg> T* add_args() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(7);
class PerfettoMetatrace_Arg_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/2, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
PerfettoMetatrace_Arg_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit PerfettoMetatrace_Arg_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit PerfettoMetatrace_Arg_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_key() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars key() const { return at<1>().as_string(); }
bool has_value() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars value() const { return at<2>().as_string(); }
class PerfettoMetatrace_Arg : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = PerfettoMetatrace_Arg_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kKeyFieldNumber = 1,
kValueFieldNumber = 2,
void set_key(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(1,, value.size());
void set_key(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(1, data, size);
void set_value(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(2,, value.size());
void set_value(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(2, data, size);
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
#endif // Include guard.
// gen_amalgamated begin header: gen/protos/perfetto/trace/perfetto/tracing_service_event.pbzero.h
// Autogenerated by the ProtoZero compiler plugin. DO NOT EDIT.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/message.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/packed_repeated_fields.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_decoder.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_utils.h"
namespace perfetto {
namespace protos {
namespace pbzero {
class TracingServiceEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/1, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
TracingServiceEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit TracingServiceEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit TracingServiceEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_all_data_sources_started() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
bool all_data_sources_started() const { return at<1>().as_bool(); }
class TracingServiceEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = TracingServiceEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kAllDataSourcesStartedFieldNumber = 1,
void set_all_data_sources_started(bool value) {
AppendTinyVarInt(1, value);
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
#endif // Include guard.
// gen_amalgamated begin header: gen/protos/perfetto/trace/power/battery_counters.pbzero.h
// Autogenerated by the ProtoZero compiler plugin. DO NOT EDIT.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/message.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/packed_repeated_fields.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_decoder.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_utils.h"
namespace perfetto {
namespace protos {
namespace pbzero {
class BatteryCounters_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/4, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
BatteryCounters_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit BatteryCounters_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit BatteryCounters_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_charge_counter_uah() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
int64_t charge_counter_uah() const { return at<1>().as_int64(); }
bool has_capacity_percent() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
float capacity_percent() const { return at<2>().as_float(); }
bool has_current_ua() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
int64_t current_ua() const { return at<3>().as_int64(); }
bool has_current_avg_ua() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
int64_t current_avg_ua() const { return at<4>().as_int64(); }
class BatteryCounters : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = BatteryCounters_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kChargeCounterUahFieldNumber = 1,
kCapacityPercentFieldNumber = 2,
kCurrentUaFieldNumber = 3,
kCurrentAvgUaFieldNumber = 4,
void set_charge_counter_uah(int64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_capacity_percent(float value) {
AppendFixed(2, value);
void set_current_ua(int64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void set_current_avg_ua(int64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(4, value);
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
#endif // Include guard.
// gen_amalgamated begin header: gen/protos/perfetto/trace/power/power_rails.pbzero.h
// Autogenerated by the ProtoZero compiler plugin. DO NOT EDIT.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/message.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/packed_repeated_fields.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_decoder.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_utils.h"
namespace perfetto {
namespace protos {
namespace pbzero {
class PowerRails_EnergyData;
class PowerRails_RailDescriptor;
class PowerRails_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/2, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/true> {
PowerRails_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit PowerRails_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit PowerRails_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_rail_descriptor() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
::protozero::RepeatedFieldIterator<::protozero::ConstBytes> rail_descriptor() const { return GetRepeated<::protozero::ConstBytes>(1); }
bool has_energy_data() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
::protozero::RepeatedFieldIterator<::protozero::ConstBytes> energy_data() const { return GetRepeated<::protozero::ConstBytes>(2); }
class PowerRails : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = PowerRails_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kRailDescriptorFieldNumber = 1,
kEnergyDataFieldNumber = 2,
using RailDescriptor = ::perfetto::protos::pbzero::PowerRails_RailDescriptor;
using EnergyData = ::perfetto::protos::pbzero::PowerRails_EnergyData;
template <typename T = PowerRails_RailDescriptor> T* add_rail_descriptor() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(1);
template <typename T = PowerRails_EnergyData> T* add_energy_data() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(2);
class PowerRails_EnergyData_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/3, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
PowerRails_EnergyData_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit PowerRails_EnergyData_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit PowerRails_EnergyData_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_index() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint32_t index() const { return at<1>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_timestamp_ms() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint64_t timestamp_ms() const { return at<2>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_energy() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
uint64_t energy() const { return at<3>().as_uint64(); }
class PowerRails_EnergyData : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = PowerRails_EnergyData_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kIndexFieldNumber = 1,
kTimestampMsFieldNumber = 2,
kEnergyFieldNumber = 3,
void set_index(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_timestamp_ms(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_energy(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
class PowerRails_RailDescriptor_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/4, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
PowerRails_RailDescriptor_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit PowerRails_RailDescriptor_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit PowerRails_RailDescriptor_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_index() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint32_t index() const { return at<1>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_rail_name() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars rail_name() const { return at<2>().as_string(); }
bool has_subsys_name() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars subsys_name() const { return at<3>().as_string(); }
bool has_sampling_rate() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
uint32_t sampling_rate() const { return at<4>().as_uint32(); }
class PowerRails_RailDescriptor : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = PowerRails_RailDescriptor_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kIndexFieldNumber = 1,
kRailNameFieldNumber = 2,
kSubsysNameFieldNumber = 3,
kSamplingRateFieldNumber = 4,
void set_index(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_rail_name(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(2,, value.size());
void set_rail_name(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(2, data, size);
void set_subsys_name(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(3,, value.size());
void set_subsys_name(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(3, data, size);
void set_sampling_rate(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(4, value);
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
#endif // Include guard.
// gen_amalgamated begin header: gen/protos/perfetto/trace/ps/process_stats.pbzero.h
// Autogenerated by the ProtoZero compiler plugin. DO NOT EDIT.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/message.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/packed_repeated_fields.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_decoder.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_utils.h"
namespace perfetto {
namespace protos {
namespace pbzero {
class ProcessStats_Process;
class ProcessStats_Thread;
class ProcessStats_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/2, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/true> {
ProcessStats_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit ProcessStats_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit ProcessStats_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_processes() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
::protozero::RepeatedFieldIterator<::protozero::ConstBytes> processes() const { return GetRepeated<::protozero::ConstBytes>(1); }
bool has_collection_end_timestamp() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint64_t collection_end_timestamp() const { return at<2>().as_uint64(); }
class ProcessStats : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = ProcessStats_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kProcessesFieldNumber = 1,
kCollectionEndTimestampFieldNumber = 2,
using Thread = ::perfetto::protos::pbzero::ProcessStats_Thread;
using Process = ::perfetto::protos::pbzero::ProcessStats_Process;
template <typename T = ProcessStats_Process> T* add_processes() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(1);
void set_collection_end_timestamp(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
class ProcessStats_Process_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/11, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/true> {
ProcessStats_Process_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit ProcessStats_Process_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit ProcessStats_Process_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_pid() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
int32_t pid() const { return at<1>().as_int32(); }
bool has_vm_size_kb() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint64_t vm_size_kb() const { return at<2>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_vm_rss_kb() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
uint64_t vm_rss_kb() const { return at<3>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_rss_anon_kb() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
uint64_t rss_anon_kb() const { return at<4>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_rss_file_kb() const { return at<5>().valid(); }
uint64_t rss_file_kb() const { return at<5>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_rss_shmem_kb() const { return at<6>().valid(); }
uint64_t rss_shmem_kb() const { return at<6>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_vm_swap_kb() const { return at<7>().valid(); }
uint64_t vm_swap_kb() const { return at<7>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_vm_locked_kb() const { return at<8>().valid(); }
uint64_t vm_locked_kb() const { return at<8>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_vm_hwm_kb() const { return at<9>().valid(); }
uint64_t vm_hwm_kb() const { return at<9>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_oom_score_adj() const { return at<10>().valid(); }
int64_t oom_score_adj() const { return at<10>().as_int64(); }
bool has_threads() const { return at<11>().valid(); }
::protozero::RepeatedFieldIterator<::protozero::ConstBytes> threads() const { return GetRepeated<::protozero::ConstBytes>(11); }
class ProcessStats_Process : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = ProcessStats_Process_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kPidFieldNumber = 1,
kVmSizeKbFieldNumber = 2,
kVmRssKbFieldNumber = 3,
kRssAnonKbFieldNumber = 4,
kRssFileKbFieldNumber = 5,
kRssShmemKbFieldNumber = 6,
kVmSwapKbFieldNumber = 7,
kVmLockedKbFieldNumber = 8,
kVmHwmKbFieldNumber = 9,
kOomScoreAdjFieldNumber = 10,
kThreadsFieldNumber = 11,
void set_pid(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_vm_size_kb(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_vm_rss_kb(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void set_rss_anon_kb(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(4, value);
void set_rss_file_kb(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(5, value);
void set_rss_shmem_kb(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(6, value);
void set_vm_swap_kb(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(7, value);
void set_vm_locked_kb(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(8, value);
void set_vm_hwm_kb(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(9, value);
void set_oom_score_adj(int64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(10, value);
template <typename T = ProcessStats_Thread> T* add_threads() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(11);
class ProcessStats_Thread_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/4, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/true> {
ProcessStats_Thread_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit ProcessStats_Thread_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit ProcessStats_Thread_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_tid() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
int32_t tid() const { return at<1>().as_int32(); }
bool has_cpu_freq_indices() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
::protozero::RepeatedFieldIterator<uint32_t> cpu_freq_indices() const { return GetRepeated<uint32_t>(2); }
bool has_cpu_freq_ticks() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
::protozero::RepeatedFieldIterator<uint64_t> cpu_freq_ticks() const { return GetRepeated<uint64_t>(3); }
bool has_cpu_freq_full() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
bool cpu_freq_full() const { return at<4>().as_bool(); }
class ProcessStats_Thread : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = ProcessStats_Thread_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kTidFieldNumber = 1,
kCpuFreqIndicesFieldNumber = 2,
kCpuFreqTicksFieldNumber = 3,
kCpuFreqFullFieldNumber = 4,
void set_tid(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void add_cpu_freq_indices(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void add_cpu_freq_ticks(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void set_cpu_freq_full(bool value) {
AppendTinyVarInt(4, value);
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
#endif // Include guard.
// gen_amalgamated begin header: gen/protos/perfetto/trace/ps/process_tree.pbzero.h
// Autogenerated by the ProtoZero compiler plugin. DO NOT EDIT.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/message.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/packed_repeated_fields.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_decoder.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_utils.h"
namespace perfetto {
namespace protos {
namespace pbzero {
class ProcessTree_Process;
class ProcessTree_Thread;
class ProcessTree_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/3, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/true> {
ProcessTree_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit ProcessTree_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit ProcessTree_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_processes() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
::protozero::RepeatedFieldIterator<::protozero::ConstBytes> processes() const { return GetRepeated<::protozero::ConstBytes>(1); }
bool has_threads() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
::protozero::RepeatedFieldIterator<::protozero::ConstBytes> threads() const { return GetRepeated<::protozero::ConstBytes>(2); }
bool has_collection_end_timestamp() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
uint64_t collection_end_timestamp() const { return at<3>().as_uint64(); }
class ProcessTree : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = ProcessTree_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kProcessesFieldNumber = 1,
kThreadsFieldNumber = 2,
kCollectionEndTimestampFieldNumber = 3,
using Thread = ::perfetto::protos::pbzero::ProcessTree_Thread;
using Process = ::perfetto::protos::pbzero::ProcessTree_Process;
template <typename T = ProcessTree_Process> T* add_processes() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(1);
template <typename T = ProcessTree_Thread> T* add_threads() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(2);
void set_collection_end_timestamp(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
class ProcessTree_Process_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/5, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/true> {
ProcessTree_Process_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit ProcessTree_Process_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit ProcessTree_Process_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_pid() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
int32_t pid() const { return at<1>().as_int32(); }
bool has_ppid() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
int32_t ppid() const { return at<2>().as_int32(); }
bool has_cmdline() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
::protozero::RepeatedFieldIterator<::protozero::ConstChars> cmdline() const { return GetRepeated<::protozero::ConstChars>(3); }
bool has_threads_deprecated() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
::protozero::RepeatedFieldIterator<::protozero::ConstBytes> threads_deprecated() const { return GetRepeated<::protozero::ConstBytes>(4); }
bool has_uid() const { return at<5>().valid(); }
int32_t uid() const { return at<5>().as_int32(); }
class ProcessTree_Process : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = ProcessTree_Process_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kPidFieldNumber = 1,
kPpidFieldNumber = 2,
kCmdlineFieldNumber = 3,
kThreadsDeprecatedFieldNumber = 4,
kUidFieldNumber = 5,
void set_pid(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_ppid(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void add_cmdline(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(3,, value.size());
void add_cmdline(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(3, data, size);
template <typename T = ProcessTree_Thread> T* add_threads_deprecated() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(4);
void set_uid(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(5, value);
class ProcessTree_Thread_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/3, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
ProcessTree_Thread_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit ProcessTree_Thread_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit ProcessTree_Thread_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_tid() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
int32_t tid() const { return at<1>().as_int32(); }
bool has_tgid() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
int32_t tgid() const { return at<3>().as_int32(); }
bool has_name() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars name() const { return at<2>().as_string(); }
class ProcessTree_Thread : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = ProcessTree_Thread_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kTidFieldNumber = 1,
kTgidFieldNumber = 3,
kNameFieldNumber = 2,
void set_tid(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_tgid(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void set_name(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(2,, value.size());
void set_name(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(2, data, size);
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
#endif // Include guard.
// gen_amalgamated begin header: gen/protos/perfetto/trace/sys_stats/sys_stats.pbzero.h
// Autogenerated by the ProtoZero compiler plugin. DO NOT EDIT.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/message.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/packed_repeated_fields.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_decoder.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_utils.h"
namespace perfetto {
namespace protos {
namespace pbzero {
class SysStats_CpuTimes;
class SysStats_InterruptCount;
class SysStats_MeminfoValue;
class SysStats_VmstatValue;
enum MeminfoCounters : int32_t;
enum VmstatCounters : int32_t;
class SysStats_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/9, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/true> {
SysStats_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit SysStats_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit SysStats_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_meminfo() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
::protozero::RepeatedFieldIterator<::protozero::ConstBytes> meminfo() const { return GetRepeated<::protozero::ConstBytes>(1); }
bool has_vmstat() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
::protozero::RepeatedFieldIterator<::protozero::ConstBytes> vmstat() const { return GetRepeated<::protozero::ConstBytes>(2); }
bool has_cpu_stat() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
::protozero::RepeatedFieldIterator<::protozero::ConstBytes> cpu_stat() const { return GetRepeated<::protozero::ConstBytes>(3); }
bool has_num_forks() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
uint64_t num_forks() const { return at<4>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_num_irq_total() const { return at<5>().valid(); }
uint64_t num_irq_total() const { return at<5>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_num_irq() const { return at<6>().valid(); }
::protozero::RepeatedFieldIterator<::protozero::ConstBytes> num_irq() const { return GetRepeated<::protozero::ConstBytes>(6); }
bool has_num_softirq_total() const { return at<7>().valid(); }
uint64_t num_softirq_total() const { return at<7>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_num_softirq() const { return at<8>().valid(); }
::protozero::RepeatedFieldIterator<::protozero::ConstBytes> num_softirq() const { return GetRepeated<::protozero::ConstBytes>(8); }
bool has_collection_end_timestamp() const { return at<9>().valid(); }
uint64_t collection_end_timestamp() const { return at<9>().as_uint64(); }
class SysStats : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = SysStats_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kMeminfoFieldNumber = 1,
kVmstatFieldNumber = 2,
kCpuStatFieldNumber = 3,
kNumForksFieldNumber = 4,
kNumIrqTotalFieldNumber = 5,
kNumIrqFieldNumber = 6,
kNumSoftirqTotalFieldNumber = 7,
kNumSoftirqFieldNumber = 8,
kCollectionEndTimestampFieldNumber = 9,
using MeminfoValue = ::perfetto::protos::pbzero::SysStats_MeminfoValue;
using VmstatValue = ::perfetto::protos::pbzero::SysStats_VmstatValue;
using CpuTimes = ::perfetto::protos::pbzero::SysStats_CpuTimes;
using InterruptCount = ::perfetto::protos::pbzero::SysStats_InterruptCount;
template <typename T = SysStats_MeminfoValue> T* add_meminfo() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(1);
template <typename T = SysStats_VmstatValue> T* add_vmstat() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(2);
template <typename T = SysStats_CpuTimes> T* add_cpu_stat() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(3);
void set_num_forks(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(4, value);
void set_num_irq_total(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(5, value);
template <typename T = SysStats_InterruptCount> T* add_num_irq() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(6);
void set_num_softirq_total(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(7, value);
template <typename T = SysStats_InterruptCount> T* add_num_softirq() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(8);
void set_collection_end_timestamp(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(9, value);
class SysStats_InterruptCount_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/2, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
SysStats_InterruptCount_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit SysStats_InterruptCount_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit SysStats_InterruptCount_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_irq() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
int32_t irq() const { return at<1>().as_int32(); }
bool has_count() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint64_t count() const { return at<2>().as_uint64(); }
class SysStats_InterruptCount : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = SysStats_InterruptCount_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kIrqFieldNumber = 1,
kCountFieldNumber = 2,
void set_irq(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_count(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
class SysStats_CpuTimes_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/8, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
SysStats_CpuTimes_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit SysStats_CpuTimes_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit SysStats_CpuTimes_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_cpu_id() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint32_t cpu_id() const { return at<1>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_user_ns() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint64_t user_ns() const { return at<2>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_user_ice_ns() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
uint64_t user_ice_ns() const { return at<3>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_system_mode_ns() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
uint64_t system_mode_ns() const { return at<4>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_idle_ns() const { return at<5>().valid(); }
uint64_t idle_ns() const { return at<5>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_io_wait_ns() const { return at<6>().valid(); }
uint64_t io_wait_ns() const { return at<6>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_irq_ns() const { return at<7>().valid(); }
uint64_t irq_ns() const { return at<7>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_softirq_ns() const { return at<8>().valid(); }
uint64_t softirq_ns() const { return at<8>().as_uint64(); }
class SysStats_CpuTimes : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = SysStats_CpuTimes_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kCpuIdFieldNumber = 1,
kUserNsFieldNumber = 2,
kUserIceNsFieldNumber = 3,
kSystemModeNsFieldNumber = 4,
kIdleNsFieldNumber = 5,
kIoWaitNsFieldNumber = 6,
kIrqNsFieldNumber = 7,
kSoftirqNsFieldNumber = 8,
void set_cpu_id(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_user_ns(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_user_ice_ns(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void set_system_mode_ns(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(4, value);
void set_idle_ns(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(5, value);
void set_io_wait_ns(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(6, value);
void set_irq_ns(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(7, value);
void set_softirq_ns(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(8, value);
class SysStats_VmstatValue_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/2, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
SysStats_VmstatValue_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit SysStats_VmstatValue_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit SysStats_VmstatValue_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_key() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
int32_t key() const { return at<1>().as_int32(); }
bool has_value() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint64_t value() const { return at<2>().as_uint64(); }
class SysStats_VmstatValue : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = SysStats_VmstatValue_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kKeyFieldNumber = 1,
kValueFieldNumber = 2,
void set_key(::perfetto::protos::pbzero::VmstatCounters value) {
AppendTinyVarInt(1, value);
void set_value(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
class SysStats_MeminfoValue_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/2, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
SysStats_MeminfoValue_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit SysStats_MeminfoValue_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit SysStats_MeminfoValue_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_key() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
int32_t key() const { return at<1>().as_int32(); }
bool has_value() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint64_t value() const { return at<2>().as_uint64(); }
class SysStats_MeminfoValue : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = SysStats_MeminfoValue_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kKeyFieldNumber = 1,
kValueFieldNumber = 2,
void set_key(::perfetto::protos::pbzero::MeminfoCounters value) {
AppendTinyVarInt(1, value);
void set_value(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
#endif // Include guard.
// gen_amalgamated begin header: gen/protos/perfetto/trace/system_info/cpu_info.pbzero.h
// Autogenerated by the ProtoZero compiler plugin. DO NOT EDIT.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/message.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/packed_repeated_fields.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_decoder.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_utils.h"
namespace perfetto {
namespace protos {
namespace pbzero {
class CpuInfo_Cpu;
class CpuInfo_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/1, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/true> {
CpuInfo_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit CpuInfo_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit CpuInfo_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_cpus() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
::protozero::RepeatedFieldIterator<::protozero::ConstBytes> cpus() const { return GetRepeated<::protozero::ConstBytes>(1); }
class CpuInfo : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = CpuInfo_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kCpusFieldNumber = 1,
using Cpu = ::perfetto::protos::pbzero::CpuInfo_Cpu;
template <typename T = CpuInfo_Cpu> T* add_cpus() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(1);
class CpuInfo_Cpu_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/2, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/true> {
CpuInfo_Cpu_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit CpuInfo_Cpu_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit CpuInfo_Cpu_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_processor() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars processor() const { return at<1>().as_string(); }
bool has_frequencies() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
::protozero::RepeatedFieldIterator<uint32_t> frequencies() const { return GetRepeated<uint32_t>(2); }
class CpuInfo_Cpu : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = CpuInfo_Cpu_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kProcessorFieldNumber = 1,
kFrequenciesFieldNumber = 2,
void set_processor(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(1,, value.size());
void set_processor(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(1, data, size);
void add_frequencies(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
#endif // Include guard.
// gen_amalgamated begin header: gen/protos/perfetto/trace/trace_packet_defaults.pbzero.h
// Autogenerated by the ProtoZero compiler plugin. DO NOT EDIT.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/message.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/packed_repeated_fields.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_decoder.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_utils.h"
namespace perfetto {
namespace protos {
namespace pbzero {
class TrackEventDefaults;
class TracePacketDefaults_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/58, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
TracePacketDefaults_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit TracePacketDefaults_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit TracePacketDefaults_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_timestamp_clock_id() const { return at<58>().valid(); }
uint32_t timestamp_clock_id() const { return at<58>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_track_event_defaults() const { return at<11>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes track_event_defaults() const { return at<11>().as_bytes(); }
class TracePacketDefaults : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = TracePacketDefaults_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kTimestampClockIdFieldNumber = 58,
kTrackEventDefaultsFieldNumber = 11,
void set_timestamp_clock_id(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(58, value);
template <typename T = TrackEventDefaults> T* set_track_event_defaults() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(11);
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
#endif // Include guard.
// gen_amalgamated begin header: gen/protos/perfetto/trace/test_event.pbzero.h
// Autogenerated by the ProtoZero compiler plugin. DO NOT EDIT.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/message.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/packed_repeated_fields.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_decoder.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_utils.h"
namespace perfetto {
namespace protos {
namespace pbzero {
class TestEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/2, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
TestEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit TestEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit TestEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_str() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars str() const { return at<1>().as_string(); }
bool has_seq_value() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
uint32_t seq_value() const { return at<2>().as_uint32(); }
class TestEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = TestEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kStrFieldNumber = 1,
kSeqValueFieldNumber = 2,
void set_str(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(1,, value.size());
void set_str(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(1, data, size);
void set_seq_value(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
#endif // Include guard.
// gen_amalgamated begin header: gen/protos/perfetto/trace/trace_packet.pbzero.h
// Autogenerated by the ProtoZero compiler plugin. DO NOT EDIT.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/message.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/packed_repeated_fields.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_decoder.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_utils.h"
namespace perfetto {
namespace protos {
namespace pbzero {
class AndroidLogPacket;
class BatteryCounters;
class ChromeBenchmarkMetadata;
class ChromeEventBundle;
class ChromeMetadataPacket;
class ClockSnapshot;
class CpuInfo;
class DeobfuscationMapping;
class FtraceEventBundle;
class FtraceStats;
class GpuCounterEvent;
class GpuLog;
class GpuMemTotalEvent;
class GpuRenderStageEvent;
class GraphicsFrameEvent;
class HeapGraph;
class InitialDisplayState;
class InodeFileMap;
class InternedData;
class ModuleSymbols;
class PackagesList;
class PerfSample;
class PerfettoMetatrace;
class PowerRails;
class ProcessDescriptor;
class ProcessStats;
class ProcessTree;
class ProfilePacket;
class ProfiledFrameSymbols;
class SmapsPacket;
class StreamingProfilePacket;
class SysStats;
class SystemInfo;
class TestEvent;
class ThreadDescriptor;
class TraceConfig;
class TracePacketDefaults;
class TraceStats;
class TracingServiceEvent;
class TrackDescriptor;
class TrackEvent;
class Trigger;
class VulkanApiEvent;
class VulkanMemoryEvent;
enum TracePacket_SequenceFlags : int32_t {
TracePacket_SequenceFlags_SEQ_UNSPECIFIED = 0,
TracePacket_SequenceFlags_SEQ_INCREMENTAL_STATE_CLEARED = 1,
TracePacket_SequenceFlags_SEQ_NEEDS_INCREMENTAL_STATE = 2,
const TracePacket_SequenceFlags TracePacket_SequenceFlags_MIN = TracePacket_SequenceFlags_SEQ_UNSPECIFIED;
const TracePacket_SequenceFlags TracePacket_SequenceFlags_MAX = TracePacket_SequenceFlags_SEQ_NEEDS_INCREMENTAL_STATE;
class TracePacket_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/900, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
TracePacket_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit TracePacket_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit TracePacket_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_timestamp() const { return at<8>().valid(); }
uint64_t timestamp() const { return at<8>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_timestamp_clock_id() const { return at<58>().valid(); }
uint32_t timestamp_clock_id() const { return at<58>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_process_tree() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes process_tree() const { return at<2>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_process_stats() const { return at<9>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes process_stats() const { return at<9>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_inode_file_map() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes inode_file_map() const { return at<4>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_chrome_events() const { return at<5>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes chrome_events() const { return at<5>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_clock_snapshot() const { return at<6>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes clock_snapshot() const { return at<6>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_sys_stats() const { return at<7>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes sys_stats() const { return at<7>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_track_event() const { return at<11>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes track_event() const { return at<11>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_trace_config() const { return at<33>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes trace_config() const { return at<33>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_ftrace_stats() const { return at<34>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes ftrace_stats() const { return at<34>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_trace_stats() const { return at<35>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes trace_stats() const { return at<35>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_profile_packet() const { return at<37>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes profile_packet() const { return at<37>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_battery() const { return at<38>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes battery() const { return at<38>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_power_rails() const { return at<40>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes power_rails() const { return at<40>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_android_log() const { return at<39>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes android_log() const { return at<39>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_system_info() const { return at<45>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes system_info() const { return at<45>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_trigger() const { return at<46>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes trigger() const { return at<46>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_packages_list() const { return at<47>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes packages_list() const { return at<47>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_chrome_benchmark_metadata() const { return at<48>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes chrome_benchmark_metadata() const { return at<48>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_perfetto_metatrace() const { return at<49>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes perfetto_metatrace() const { return at<49>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_chrome_metadata() const { return at<51>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes chrome_metadata() const { return at<51>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_gpu_counter_event() const { return at<52>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes gpu_counter_event() const { return at<52>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_gpu_render_stage_event() const { return at<53>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes gpu_render_stage_event() const { return at<53>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_streaming_profile_packet() const { return at<54>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes streaming_profile_packet() const { return at<54>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_heap_graph() const { return at<56>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes heap_graph() const { return at<56>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_graphics_frame_event() const { return at<57>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes graphics_frame_event() const { return at<57>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_vulkan_memory_event() const { return at<62>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes vulkan_memory_event() const { return at<62>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_gpu_log() const { return at<63>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes gpu_log() const { return at<63>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_vulkan_api_event() const { return at<65>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes vulkan_api_event() const { return at<65>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_perf_sample() const { return at<66>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes perf_sample() const { return at<66>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_cpu_info() const { return at<67>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes cpu_info() const { return at<67>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_smaps_packet() const { return at<68>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes smaps_packet() const { return at<68>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_service_event() const { return at<69>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes service_event() const { return at<69>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_initial_display_state() const { return at<70>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes initial_display_state() const { return at<70>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_gpu_mem_total_event() const { return at<71>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes gpu_mem_total_event() const { return at<71>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_profiled_frame_symbols() const { return at<55>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes profiled_frame_symbols() const { return at<55>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_module_symbols() const { return at<61>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes module_symbols() const { return at<61>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_deobfuscation_mapping() const { return at<64>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes deobfuscation_mapping() const { return at<64>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_track_descriptor() const { return at<60>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes track_descriptor() const { return at<60>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_process_descriptor() const { return at<43>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes process_descriptor() const { return at<43>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_thread_descriptor() const { return at<44>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes thread_descriptor() const { return at<44>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_ftrace_events() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes ftrace_events() const { return at<1>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_synchronization_marker() const { return at<36>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes synchronization_marker() const { return at<36>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_compressed_packets() const { return at<50>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes compressed_packets() const { return at<50>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_for_testing() const { return at<900>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes for_testing() const { return at<900>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_trusted_uid() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
int32_t trusted_uid() const { return at<3>().as_int32(); }
bool has_trusted_packet_sequence_id() const { return at<10>().valid(); }
uint32_t trusted_packet_sequence_id() const { return at<10>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_interned_data() const { return at<12>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes interned_data() const { return at<12>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_sequence_flags() const { return at<13>().valid(); }
uint32_t sequence_flags() const { return at<13>().as_uint32(); }
bool has_incremental_state_cleared() const { return at<41>().valid(); }
bool incremental_state_cleared() const { return at<41>().as_bool(); }
bool has_trace_packet_defaults() const { return at<59>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes trace_packet_defaults() const { return at<59>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_previous_packet_dropped() const { return at<42>().valid(); }
bool previous_packet_dropped() const { return at<42>().as_bool(); }
class TracePacket : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = TracePacket_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kTimestampFieldNumber = 8,
kTimestampClockIdFieldNumber = 58,
kProcessTreeFieldNumber = 2,
kProcessStatsFieldNumber = 9,
kInodeFileMapFieldNumber = 4,
kChromeEventsFieldNumber = 5,
kClockSnapshotFieldNumber = 6,
kSysStatsFieldNumber = 7,
kTrackEventFieldNumber = 11,
kTraceConfigFieldNumber = 33,
kFtraceStatsFieldNumber = 34,
kTraceStatsFieldNumber = 35,
kProfilePacketFieldNumber = 37,
kBatteryFieldNumber = 38,
kPowerRailsFieldNumber = 40,
kAndroidLogFieldNumber = 39,
kSystemInfoFieldNumber = 45,
kTriggerFieldNumber = 46,
kPackagesListFieldNumber = 47,
kChromeBenchmarkMetadataFieldNumber = 48,
kPerfettoMetatraceFieldNumber = 49,
kChromeMetadataFieldNumber = 51,
kGpuCounterEventFieldNumber = 52,
kGpuRenderStageEventFieldNumber = 53,
kStreamingProfilePacketFieldNumber = 54,
kHeapGraphFieldNumber = 56,
kGraphicsFrameEventFieldNumber = 57,
kVulkanMemoryEventFieldNumber = 62,
kGpuLogFieldNumber = 63,
kVulkanApiEventFieldNumber = 65,
kPerfSampleFieldNumber = 66,
kCpuInfoFieldNumber = 67,
kSmapsPacketFieldNumber = 68,
kServiceEventFieldNumber = 69,
kInitialDisplayStateFieldNumber = 70,
kGpuMemTotalEventFieldNumber = 71,
kProfiledFrameSymbolsFieldNumber = 55,
kModuleSymbolsFieldNumber = 61,
kDeobfuscationMappingFieldNumber = 64,
kTrackDescriptorFieldNumber = 60,
kProcessDescriptorFieldNumber = 43,
kThreadDescriptorFieldNumber = 44,
kFtraceEventsFieldNumber = 1,
kSynchronizationMarkerFieldNumber = 36,
kCompressedPacketsFieldNumber = 50,
kForTestingFieldNumber = 900,
kTrustedUidFieldNumber = 3,
kTrustedPacketSequenceIdFieldNumber = 10,
kInternedDataFieldNumber = 12,
kSequenceFlagsFieldNumber = 13,
kIncrementalStateClearedFieldNumber = 41,
kTracePacketDefaultsFieldNumber = 59,
kPreviousPacketDroppedFieldNumber = 42,
using SequenceFlags = ::perfetto::protos::pbzero::TracePacket_SequenceFlags;
static const SequenceFlags SEQ_UNSPECIFIED = TracePacket_SequenceFlags_SEQ_UNSPECIFIED;
static const SequenceFlags SEQ_NEEDS_INCREMENTAL_STATE = TracePacket_SequenceFlags_SEQ_NEEDS_INCREMENTAL_STATE;
void set_timestamp(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(8, value);
void set_timestamp_clock_id(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(58, value);
template <typename T = ProcessTree> T* set_process_tree() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(2);
template <typename T = ProcessStats> T* set_process_stats() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(9);
template <typename T = InodeFileMap> T* set_inode_file_map() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(4);
template <typename T = ChromeEventBundle> T* set_chrome_events() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(5);
template <typename T = ClockSnapshot> T* set_clock_snapshot() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(6);
template <typename T = SysStats> T* set_sys_stats() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(7);
template <typename T = TrackEvent> T* set_track_event() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(11);
template <typename T = TraceConfig> T* set_trace_config() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(33);
template <typename T = FtraceStats> T* set_ftrace_stats() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(34);
template <typename T = TraceStats> T* set_trace_stats() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(35);
template <typename T = ProfilePacket> T* set_profile_packet() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(37);
template <typename T = BatteryCounters> T* set_battery() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(38);
template <typename T = PowerRails> T* set_power_rails() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(40);
template <typename T = AndroidLogPacket> T* set_android_log() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(39);
template <typename T = SystemInfo> T* set_system_info() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(45);
template <typename T = Trigger> T* set_trigger() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(46);
template <typename T = PackagesList> T* set_packages_list() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(47);
template <typename T = ChromeBenchmarkMetadata> T* set_chrome_benchmark_metadata() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(48);
template <typename T = PerfettoMetatrace> T* set_perfetto_metatrace() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(49);
template <typename T = ChromeMetadataPacket> T* set_chrome_metadata() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(51);
template <typename T = GpuCounterEvent> T* set_gpu_counter_event() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(52);
template <typename T = GpuRenderStageEvent> T* set_gpu_render_stage_event() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(53);
template <typename T = StreamingProfilePacket> T* set_streaming_profile_packet() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(54);
template <typename T = HeapGraph> T* set_heap_graph() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(56);
template <typename T = GraphicsFrameEvent> T* set_graphics_frame_event() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(57);
template <typename T = VulkanMemoryEvent> T* set_vulkan_memory_event() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(62);
template <typename T = GpuLog> T* set_gpu_log() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(63);
template <typename T = VulkanApiEvent> T* set_vulkan_api_event() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(65);
template <typename T = PerfSample> T* set_perf_sample() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(66);
template <typename T = CpuInfo> T* set_cpu_info() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(67);
template <typename T = SmapsPacket> T* set_smaps_packet() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(68);
template <typename T = TracingServiceEvent> T* set_service_event() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(69);
template <typename T = InitialDisplayState> T* set_initial_display_state() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(70);
template <typename T = GpuMemTotalEvent> T* set_gpu_mem_total_event() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(71);
template <typename T = ProfiledFrameSymbols> T* set_profiled_frame_symbols() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(55);
template <typename T = ModuleSymbols> T* set_module_symbols() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(61);
template <typename T = DeobfuscationMapping> T* set_deobfuscation_mapping() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(64);
template <typename T = TrackDescriptor> T* set_track_descriptor() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(60);
template <typename T = ProcessDescriptor> T* set_process_descriptor() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(43);
template <typename T = ThreadDescriptor> T* set_thread_descriptor() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(44);
template <typename T = FtraceEventBundle> T* set_ftrace_events() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(1);
void set_synchronization_marker(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(36,, value.size());
void set_synchronization_marker(const uint8_t* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(36, data, size);
void set_compressed_packets(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(50,, value.size());
void set_compressed_packets(const uint8_t* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(50, data, size);
template <typename T = TestEvent> T* set_for_testing() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(900);
void set_trusted_uid(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void set_trusted_packet_sequence_id(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(10, value);
template <typename T = InternedData> T* set_interned_data() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(12);
void set_sequence_flags(uint32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(13, value);
void set_incremental_state_cleared(bool value) {
AppendTinyVarInt(41, value);
template <typename T = TracePacketDefaults> T* set_trace_packet_defaults() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(59);
void set_previous_packet_dropped(bool value) {
AppendTinyVarInt(42, value);
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
#endif // Include guard.
// gen_amalgamated begin header: gen/protos/perfetto/trace/trace.pbzero.h
// Autogenerated by the ProtoZero compiler plugin. DO NOT EDIT.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/message.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/packed_repeated_fields.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_decoder.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_utils.h"
namespace perfetto {
namespace protos {
namespace pbzero {
class TracePacket;
class Trace_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/1, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/true> {
Trace_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit Trace_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit Trace_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_packet() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
::protozero::RepeatedFieldIterator<::protozero::ConstBytes> packet() const { return GetRepeated<::protozero::ConstBytes>(1); }
class Trace : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = Trace_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kPacketFieldNumber = 1,
template <typename T = TracePacket> T* add_packet() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(1);
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
#endif // Include guard.
// gen_amalgamated begin header: include/perfetto/protozero/contiguous_memory_range.h
* Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <assert.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
namespace protozero {
// Keep this struct trivially constructible (no ctors, no default initializers).
struct ContiguousMemoryRange {
uint8_t* begin;
uint8_t* end; // STL style: one byte past the end of the buffer.
inline bool is_valid() const { return begin != nullptr; }
inline void reset() { begin = nullptr; }
inline size_t size() const { return static_cast<size_t>(end - begin); }
} // namespace protozero
// gen_amalgamated begin header: include/perfetto/protozero/copyable_ptr.h
* Copyright (C) 2019 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <memory>
namespace protozero {
// This class is essentially a std::vector<T> of fixed size = 1.
// It's a pointer wrapper with deep copying and deep equality comparison.
// At all effects this wrapper behaves like the underlying T, with the exception
// of the heap indirection.
// Conversely to a std::unique_ptr, the pointer will be always valid, never
// null. The problem it solves is the following: when generating C++ classes
// from proto files, we want to keep each header hermetic (i.e. not #include
// headers of dependent types). As such we can't directly instantiate T
// field members but we can instead rely on pointers, so only the .cc file needs
// to see the actual definition of T. If the generated classes were move-only we
// could just use a unique_ptr there. But they aren't, hence this wrapper.
// Converesely to unique_ptr, this wrapper:
// - Default constructs the T instance in its constructor.
// - Implements deep comparison in operator== instead of pointer comparison.
template <typename T>
class CopyablePtr {
CopyablePtr() : ptr_(new T()) {}
~CopyablePtr() = default;
// Copy operators.
CopyablePtr(const CopyablePtr& other) : ptr_(new T(*other.ptr_)) {}
CopyablePtr& operator=(const CopyablePtr& other) {
*ptr_ = *other.ptr_;
return *this;
// Move operators.
CopyablePtr(CopyablePtr&& other) noexcept : ptr_(std::move(other.ptr_)) {
other.ptr_.reset(new T());
CopyablePtr& operator=(CopyablePtr&& other) {
ptr_ = std::move(other.ptr_);
other.ptr_.reset(new T());
return *this;
T* get() { return ptr_.get(); }
const T* get() const { return ptr_.get(); }
T* operator->() { return ptr_.get(); }
const T* operator->() const { return ptr_.get(); }
T& operator*() { return *ptr_; }
const T& operator*() const { return *ptr_; }
friend bool operator==(const CopyablePtr& lhs, const CopyablePtr& rhs) {
return *lhs == *rhs;
friend bool operator!=(const CopyablePtr& lhs, const CopyablePtr& rhs) {
// In theory the underlying type might have a special operator!=
// implementation which is not just !(x == y). Respect that.
return *lhs != *rhs;
std::unique_ptr<T> ptr_;
} // namespace protozero
// gen_amalgamated begin header: include/perfetto/protozero/cpp_message_obj.h
* Copyright (C) 2019 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/base/export.h"
namespace protozero {
// Base class for generated .gen.h classes, which are full C++ objects that
// support both ser and deserialization (but are not zero-copy).
// This is only used by the "cpp" targets not the "pbzero" ones.
class PERFETTO_EXPORT CppMessageObj {
virtual ~CppMessageObj();
virtual std::string SerializeAsString() const = 0;
virtual std::vector<uint8_t> SerializeAsArray() const = 0;
virtual bool ParseFromArray(const void*, size_t) = 0;
bool ParseFromString(const std::string& str) {
return ParseFromArray(, str.size());
} // namespace protozero
// gen_amalgamated begin header: include/perfetto/protozero/field.h
* Copyright (C) 2019 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/base/logging.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/contiguous_memory_range.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_utils.h"
namespace protozero {
struct ConstBytes {
std::string ToStdString() const {
return std::string(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(data), size);
const uint8_t* data;
size_t size;
struct ConstChars {
// Allow implicit conversion to perfetto's base::StringView without depending
// on perfetto/base or viceversa.
static constexpr bool kConvertibleToStringView = true;
std::string ToStdString() const { return std::string(data, size); }
const char* data;
size_t size;
// A protobuf field decoded by the protozero proto decoders. It exposes
// convenience accessors with minimal debug checks.
// This class is used both by the iterator-based ProtoDecoder and by the
// one-shot TypedProtoDecoder.
// If the field is not valid the accessors consistently return zero-integers or
// null strings.
class Field {
bool valid() const { return id_ != 0; }
uint16_t id() const { return id_; }
explicit operator bool() const { return valid(); }
proto_utils::ProtoWireType type() const {
auto res = static_cast<proto_utils::ProtoWireType>(type_);
PERFETTO_DCHECK(res == proto_utils::ProtoWireType::kVarInt ||
res == proto_utils::ProtoWireType::kLengthDelimited ||
res == proto_utils::ProtoWireType::kFixed32 ||
res == proto_utils::ProtoWireType::kFixed64);
return res;
bool as_bool() const {
PERFETTO_DCHECK(!valid() || type() == proto_utils::ProtoWireType::kVarInt);
return static_cast<bool>(int_value_);
uint32_t as_uint32() const {
PERFETTO_DCHECK(!valid() || type() == proto_utils::ProtoWireType::kVarInt ||
type() == proto_utils::ProtoWireType::kFixed32);
return static_cast<uint32_t>(int_value_);
int32_t as_int32() const {
PERFETTO_DCHECK(!valid() || type() == proto_utils::ProtoWireType::kVarInt ||
type() == proto_utils::ProtoWireType::kFixed32);
return static_cast<int32_t>(int_value_);
int32_t as_sint32() const {
PERFETTO_DCHECK(!valid() || type() == proto_utils::ProtoWireType::kVarInt);
return proto_utils::ZigZagDecode(static_cast<uint32_t>(int_value_));
uint64_t as_uint64() const {
PERFETTO_DCHECK(!valid() || type() == proto_utils::ProtoWireType::kVarInt ||
type() == proto_utils::ProtoWireType::kFixed32 ||
type() == proto_utils::ProtoWireType::kFixed64);
return int_value_;
int64_t as_int64() const {
PERFETTO_DCHECK(!valid() || type() == proto_utils::ProtoWireType::kVarInt ||
type() == proto_utils::ProtoWireType::kFixed32 ||
type() == proto_utils::ProtoWireType::kFixed64);
return static_cast<int64_t>(int_value_);
int64_t as_sint64() const {
PERFETTO_DCHECK(!valid() || type() == proto_utils::ProtoWireType::kVarInt);
return proto_utils::ZigZagDecode(static_cast<uint64_t>(int_value_));
float as_float() const {
PERFETTO_DCHECK(!valid() || type() == proto_utils::ProtoWireType::kFixed32);
float res;
uint32_t value32 = static_cast<uint32_t>(int_value_);
memcpy(&res, &value32, sizeof(res));
return res;
double as_double() const {
PERFETTO_DCHECK(!valid() || type() == proto_utils::ProtoWireType::kFixed64);
double res;
memcpy(&res, &int_value_, sizeof(res));
return res;
ConstChars as_string() const {
type() == proto_utils::ProtoWireType::kLengthDelimited);
return ConstChars{reinterpret_cast<const char*>(data()), size_};
std::string as_std_string() const { return as_string().ToStdString(); }
ConstBytes as_bytes() const {
type() == proto_utils::ProtoWireType::kLengthDelimited);
return ConstBytes{data(), size_};
const uint8_t* data() const {
type() == proto_utils::ProtoWireType::kLengthDelimited);
return reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(int_value_);
size_t size() const {
type() == proto_utils::ProtoWireType::kLengthDelimited);
return size_;
uint64_t raw_int_value() const { return int_value_; }
void initialize(uint16_t id,
uint8_t type,
uint64_t int_value,
uint32_t size) {
id_ = id;
type_ = type;
int_value_ = int_value;
size_ = size;
// For use with templates. This is used by RepeatedFieldIterator::operator*().
void get(bool* val) const { *val = as_bool(); }
void get(uint32_t* val) const { *val = as_uint32(); }
void get(int32_t* val) const { *val = as_int32(); }
void get(uint64_t* val) const { *val = as_uint64(); }
void get(int64_t* val) const { *val = as_int64(); }
void get(float* val) const { *val = as_float(); }
void get(double* val) const { *val = as_double(); }
void get(std::string* val) const { *val = as_std_string(); }
void get(ConstChars* val) const { *val = as_string(); }
void get(ConstBytes* val) const { *val = as_bytes(); }
void get_signed(int32_t* val) const { *val = as_sint32(); }
void get_signed(int64_t* val) const { *val = as_sint64(); }
// For enum types.
template <typename T,
typename = typename std::enable_if<std::is_enum<T>::value, T>::type>
void get(T* val) const {
*val = static_cast<T>(as_int32());
// Serializes the field back into a proto-encoded byte stream and appends it
// to |dst|. |dst| is resized accordingly.
void SerializeAndAppendTo(std::string* dst) const;
// Serializes the field back into a proto-encoded byte stream and appends it
// to |dst|. |dst| is resized accordingly.
void SerializeAndAppendTo(std::vector<uint8_t>* dst) const;
template <typename Container>
void SerializeAndAppendToInternal(Container* dst) const;
// Fields are deliberately not initialized to keep the class trivially
// constructible. It makes a large perf difference for ProtoDecoder.
uint64_t int_value_; // In kLengthDelimited this contains the data() addr.
uint32_t size_; // Only valid when when type == kLengthDelimited.
uint16_t id_; // Proto field ordinal.
uint8_t type_; // proto_utils::ProtoWireType.
// The Field struct is used in a lot of perf-sensitive contexts.
static_assert(sizeof(Field) == 16, "Field struct too big");
} // namespace protozero
// gen_amalgamated begin header: include/perfetto/protozero/message.h
* Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <string>
#include <type_traits>
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/base/export.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/base/logging.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/contiguous_memory_range.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_utils.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/scattered_stream_writer.h"
namespace perfetto {
namespace shm_fuzz {
class FakeProducer;
} // namespace shm_fuzz
} // namespace perfetto
namespace protozero {
class MessageHandleBase;
// Base class extended by the proto C++ stubs generated by the ProtoZero
// compiler. This class provides the minimal runtime required to support
// append-only operations and is designed for performance. None of the methods
// require any dynamic memory allocation.
class PERFETTO_EXPORT Message {
friend class MessageHandleBase;
// Adjust the |nested_messages_arena_| size when changing this, or the
// static_assert in the .cc file will bark.
static constexpr uint32_t kMaxNestingDepth = 10;
// Ctor and Dtor of Message are never called, with the exeception
// of root (non-nested) messages. Nested messages are allocated via placement
// new in the |nested_messages_arena_| and implictly destroyed when the arena
// of the root message goes away. This is fine as long as all the fields are
// PODs, which is checked by the static_assert in the ctor (see the Reset()
// method in the .cc file).
Message() = default;
// Clears up the state, allowing the message to be reused as a fresh one.
void Reset(ScatteredStreamWriter*);
// Commits all the changes to the buffer (backfills the size field of this and
// all nested messages) and seals the message. Returns the size of the message
// (and all nested sub-messages), without taking into account any chunking.
// Finalize is idempotent and can be called several times w/o side effects.
uint32_t Finalize();
// Optional. If is_valid() == true, the corresponding memory region (its
// length == proto_utils::kMessageLengthFieldSize) is backfilled with the size
// of this message (minus |size_already_written| below). This is the mechanism
// used by messages to backfill their corresponding size field in the parent
// message.
uint8_t* size_field() const { return size_field_; }
void set_size_field(uint8_t* size_field) { size_field_ = size_field; }
// This is to deal with case of backfilling the size of a root (non-nested)
// message which is split into multiple chunks. Upon finalization only the
// partial size that lies in the last chunk has to be backfilled.
void inc_size_already_written(uint32_t sz) { size_already_written_ += sz; }
Message* nested_message() { return nested_message_; }
bool is_finalized() const { return finalized_; }
void set_handle(MessageHandleBase* handle) { handle_ = handle; }
// Proto types: uint64, uint32, int64, int32, bool, enum.
template <typename T>
void AppendVarInt(uint32_t field_id, T value) {
if (nested_message_)
uint8_t buffer[proto_utils::kMaxSimpleFieldEncodedSize];
uint8_t* pos = buffer;
pos = proto_utils::WriteVarInt(proto_utils::MakeTagVarInt(field_id), pos);
// WriteVarInt encodes signed values in two's complement form.
pos = proto_utils::WriteVarInt(value, pos);
WriteToStream(buffer, pos);
// Proto types: sint64, sint32.
template <typename T>
void AppendSignedVarInt(uint32_t field_id, T value) {
AppendVarInt(field_id, proto_utils::ZigZagEncode(value));
// Proto types: bool, enum (small).
// Faster version of AppendVarInt for tiny numbers.
void AppendTinyVarInt(uint32_t field_id, int32_t value) {
PERFETTO_DCHECK(0 <= value && value < 0x80);
if (nested_message_)
uint8_t buffer[proto_utils::kMaxSimpleFieldEncodedSize];
uint8_t* pos = buffer;
// MakeTagVarInt gets super optimized here for constexpr.
pos = proto_utils::WriteVarInt(proto_utils::MakeTagVarInt(field_id), pos);
*pos++ = static_cast<uint8_t>(value);
WriteToStream(buffer, pos);
// Proto types: fixed64, sfixed64, fixed32, sfixed32, double, float.
template <typename T>
void AppendFixed(uint32_t field_id, T value) {
if (nested_message_)
uint8_t buffer[proto_utils::kMaxSimpleFieldEncodedSize];
uint8_t* pos = buffer;
pos = proto_utils::WriteVarInt(proto_utils::MakeTagFixed<T>(field_id), pos);
memcpy(pos, &value, sizeof(T));
pos += sizeof(T);
// TODO: Optimize memcpy performance, see .
WriteToStream(buffer, pos);
void AppendString(uint32_t field_id, const char* str);
void AppendString(uint32_t field_id, const std::string& str) {
AppendBytes(field_id,, str.size());
void AppendBytes(uint32_t field_id, const void* value, size_t size);
// Append raw bytes for a field, using the supplied |ranges| to
// copy from |num_ranges| individual buffers.
size_t AppendScatteredBytes(uint32_t field_id,
ContiguousMemoryRange* ranges,
size_t num_ranges);
// Begins a nested message, using the static storage provided by the parent
// class (see comment in |nested_messages_arena_|). The nested message ends
// either when Finalize() is called or when any other Append* method is called
// in the parent class.
// The template argument T is supposed to be a stub class auto generated from
// a .proto, hence a subclass of Message.
template <class T>
T* BeginNestedMessage(uint32_t field_id) {
// This is to prevent subclasses (which should be autogenerated, though), to
// introduce extra state fields (which wouldn't be initialized by Reset()).
static_assert(std::is_base_of<Message, T>::value,
"T must be a subclass of Message");
static_assert(sizeof(T) == sizeof(Message),
"Message subclasses cannot introduce extra state.");
T* message = reinterpret_cast<T*>(nested_messages_arena_);
BeginNestedMessageInternal(field_id, message);
return message;
ScatteredStreamWriter* stream_writer_for_testing() { return stream_writer_; }
// Appends some raw bytes to the message. The use-case for this is preserving
// unknown fields in the decode -> re-encode path of classes
// generated by the
// The caller needs to guarantee that the appended data is properly
// proto-encoded and each field has a proto preamble.
void AppendRawProtoBytes(const void* data, size_t size) {
const uint8_t* src = reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(data);
WriteToStream(src, src + size);
Message(const Message&) = delete;
Message& operator=(const Message&) = delete;
void BeginNestedMessageInternal(uint32_t field_id, Message*);
// Called by Finalize and Append* methods.
void EndNestedMessage();
void WriteToStream(const uint8_t* src_begin, const uint8_t* src_end) {
PERFETTO_DCHECK(src_begin <= src_end);
const uint32_t size = static_cast<uint32_t>(src_end - src_begin);
stream_writer_->WriteBytes(src_begin, size);
size_ += size;
// Only POD fields are allowed. This class's dtor is never called.
// See the comment on the static_assert in the corresponding .cc file.
// The stream writer interface used for the serialization.
ScatteredStreamWriter* stream_writer_;
uint8_t* size_field_;
// Keeps track of the size of the current message.
uint32_t size_;
// See comment for inc_size_already_written().
uint32_t size_already_written_;
// When true, no more changes to the message are allowed. This is to DCHECK
// attempts of writing to a message which has been Finalize()-d.
bool finalized_;
// Used to detect attemps to create messages with a nesting level >
// kMaxNestingDepth. |nesting_depth_| == 0 for root (non-nested) messages.
uint8_t nesting_depth_;
// Current generation of message. Incremented on Reset.
// Used to detect stale handles.
uint32_t generation_;
MessageHandleBase* handle_;
// Pointer to the last child message created through BeginNestedMessage(), if
// any, nullptr otherwise. There is no need to keep track of more than one
// message per nesting level as the proto-zero API contract mandates that
// nested fields can be filled only in a stacked fashion. In other words,
// nested messages are finalized and sealed when any other field is set in the
// parent message (or the parent message itself is finalized) and cannot be
// accessed anymore afterwards.
// TODO(primiano): optimization: I think that nested_message_, when non-null.
// will always be @ (this) + offsetof(nested_messages_arena_).
Message* nested_message_;
// The root message owns the storage for all its nested messages, up to a max
// of kMaxNestingDepth levels (see the .cc file). Note that the boundaries of
// the arena are meaningful only for the root message.
// Unfortunately we cannot put the sizeof() math here because we cannot sizeof
// the current class in a header. However the .cc file has a static_assert
// that guarantees that (see the Reset() method in the .cc file).
alignas(sizeof(void*)) uint8_t nested_messages_arena_[512];
// DO NOT add any fields below |nested_messages_arena_|. The memory layout of
// nested messages would overflow the storage allocated by the root message.
} // namespace protozero
// gen_amalgamated begin header: include/perfetto/protozero/message_handle.h
* Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <functional>
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/base/export.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/message.h"
namespace protozero {
class Message;
// MessageHandle allows to decouple the lifetime of a proto message
// from the underlying storage. It gives the following guarantees:
// - The underlying message is finalized (if still alive) if the handle goes
// out of scope.
// - In Debug / DCHECK_ALWAYS_ON builds, the handle becomes null once the
// message is finalized. This is to enforce the append-only API. For instance
// when adding two repeated messages, the addition of the 2nd one forces
// the finalization of the first.
// Think about this as a WeakPtr<Message> which calls
// Message::Finalize() when going out of scope.
class PERFETTO_EXPORT MessageHandleBase {
// Move-only type.
MessageHandleBase(MessageHandleBase&&) noexcept;
MessageHandleBase& operator=(MessageHandleBase&&);
explicit operator bool() const {
PERFETTO_DCHECK(!message_ || generation_ == message_->generation_);
return !!message_;
explicit MessageHandleBase(Message* = nullptr);
Message* operator->() const {
PERFETTO_DCHECK(!message_ || generation_ == message_->generation_);
return message_;
Message& operator*() const { return *(operator->()); }
friend class Message;
MessageHandleBase(const MessageHandleBase&) = delete;
MessageHandleBase& operator=(const MessageHandleBase&) = delete;
void reset_message() {
// This is called by Message::Finalize().
message_ = nullptr;
void Move(MessageHandleBase&&);
void FinalizeMessage() { message_->Finalize(); }
Message* message_;
uint32_t generation_;
template <typename T>
class MessageHandle : public MessageHandleBase {
MessageHandle() : MessageHandle(nullptr) {}
explicit MessageHandle(T* message) : MessageHandleBase(message) {}
explicit operator bool() const { return MessageHandleBase::operator bool(); }
T& operator*() const {
return static_cast<T&>(MessageHandleBase::operator*());
T* operator->() const {
return static_cast<T*>(MessageHandleBase::operator->());
T* get() const { return static_cast<T*>(MessageHandleBase::operator->()); }
} // namespace protozero
// gen_amalgamated begin header: include/perfetto/protozero/packed_repeated_fields.h
* Copyright (C) 2019 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <array>
#include <memory>
#include <type_traits>
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/base/logging.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_utils.h"
namespace protozero {
// This file contains classes used when encoding packed repeated fields.
// To encode such a field, the caller is first expected to accumulate all of the
// values in one of the following types (depending on the wire type of the
// individual elements), defined below:
// * protozero::PackedVarInt
// * protozero::PackedFixedSizeInt</*element_type=*/ uint32_t>
// Then that buffer is passed to the protozero-generated setters as an argument.
// After calling the setter, the buffer can be destroyed.
// An example of encoding a packed field:
// protozero::HeapBuffered<protozero::Message> msg;
// protozero::PackedVarInt buf;
// buf.Append(42);
// buf.Append(-1);
// msg->set_fieldname(buf);
// msg.SerializeAsString();
class PackedBufferBase {
PackedBufferBase() { Reset(); }
// Copy or move is disabled due to pointers to stack addresses.
PackedBufferBase(const PackedBufferBase&) = delete;
PackedBufferBase(PackedBufferBase&&) = delete;
PackedBufferBase& operator=(const PackedBufferBase&) = delete;
PackedBufferBase& operator=(PackedBufferBase&&) = delete;
void Reset();
const uint8_t* data() const { return storage_begin_; }
size_t size() const {
return static_cast<size_t>(write_ptr_ - storage_begin_);
void GrowIfNeeded() {
PERFETTO_DCHECK(write_ptr_ >= storage_begin_ && write_ptr_ <= storage_end_);
if (PERFETTO_UNLIKELY(write_ptr_ + kMaxElementSize > storage_end_)) {
void GrowSlowpath();
// max(uint64_t varint encoding, biggest fixed type (uint64)).
static constexpr size_t kMaxElementSize = 10;
// So sizeof(this) == 8k.
static constexpr size_t kOnStackStorageSize = 8192 - 32;
uint8_t* storage_begin_;
uint8_t* storage_end_;
uint8_t* write_ptr_;
std::unique_ptr<uint8_t[]> heap_buf_;
alignas(uint64_t) uint8_t stack_buf_[kOnStackStorageSize];
class PackedVarInt : public PackedBufferBase {
template <typename T>
void Append(T value) {
write_ptr_ = proto_utils::WriteVarInt(value, write_ptr_);
template <typename T /* e.g. uint32_t for Fixed32 */>
class PackedFixedSizeInt : public PackedBufferBase {
void Append(T value) {
static_assert(sizeof(T) == 4 || sizeof(T) == 8,
"PackedFixedSizeInt should be used only with 32/64-bit ints");
static_assert(sizeof(T) <= kMaxElementSize,
"kMaxElementSize needs to be updated");
PERFETTO_DCHECK(reinterpret_cast<size_t>(write_ptr_) % alignof(T) == 0);
memcpy(reinterpret_cast<T*>(write_ptr_), &value, sizeof(T));
write_ptr_ += sizeof(T);
} // namespace protozero
// gen_amalgamated begin header: include/perfetto/protozero/proto_decoder.h
* Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <array>
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/base/compiler.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/base/logging.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/field.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/proto_utils.h"
namespace protozero {
// A generic protobuf decoder. Doesn't require any knowledge about the proto
// schema. It tokenizes fields, retrieves their ID and type and exposes
// accessors to retrieve its values.
// It does NOT recurse in nested submessages, instead it just computes their
// boundaries, recursion is left to the caller.
// This class is designed to be used in perf-sensitive contexts. It does not
// allocate and does not perform any proto semantic checks (e.g. repeated /
// required / optional). It's supposedly safe wrt out-of-bounds memory accesses
// (see
// This class serves also as a building block for TypedProtoDecoder, used when
// the schema is known at compile time.
class PERFETTO_EXPORT ProtoDecoder {
// Creates a ProtoDecoder using the given |buffer| with size |length| bytes.
ProtoDecoder(const void* buffer, size_t length)
: begin_(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(buffer)),
end_(begin_ + length),
read_ptr_(begin_) {}
ProtoDecoder(const std::string& str) : ProtoDecoder(, str.size()) {}
ProtoDecoder(const ConstBytes& cb) : ProtoDecoder(, cb.size) {}
// Reads the next field from the buffer and advances the read cursor. If a
// full field cannot be read, the returned Field will be invalid (i.e.
// field.valid() == false).
Field ReadField();
// Finds the first field with the given id. Doesn't affect the read cursor.
Field FindField(uint32_t field_id);
// Resets the read cursor to the start of the buffer.
void Reset() { read_ptr_ = begin_; }
// Resets the read cursor to the given position (must be within the buffer).
void Reset(const uint8_t* pos) {
PERFETTO_DCHECK(pos >= begin_ && pos < end_);
read_ptr_ = pos;
// Returns the position of read cursor, relative to the start of the buffer.
size_t read_offset() const { return static_cast<size_t>(read_ptr_ - begin_); }
size_t bytes_left() const {
PERFETTO_DCHECK(read_ptr_ <= end_);
return static_cast<size_t>(end_ - read_ptr_);
const uint8_t* begin() const { return begin_; }
const uint8_t* end() const { return end_; }
const uint8_t* const begin_;
const uint8_t* const end_;
const uint8_t* read_ptr_ = nullptr;
// An iterator-like class used to iterate through repeated fields. Used by
// TypedProtoDecoder. The iteration sequence is a bit counter-intuitive due to
// the fact that fields_[field_id] holds the *last* value of the field, not the
// first, but the remaining storage holds repeated fields in FIFO order.
// Assume that we push the 10,11,12 into a repeated field with ID=1.
// Decoder memory layout: [ fields storage ] [ repeated fields storage ]
// 1st iteration: 10
// 2nd iteration: 11 10
// 3rd iteration: 12 10 11
// We start the iteration @ fields_[num_fields], which is the start of the
// repeated fields storage, proceed until the end and lastly jump @ fields_[id].
template <typename T>
class RepeatedFieldIterator {
RepeatedFieldIterator(uint32_t field_id,
const Field* begin,
const Field* end,
const Field* last)
: field_id_(field_id), iter_(begin), end_(end), last_(last) {
// Constructs an invalid iterator.
: field_id_(0u), iter_(nullptr), end_(nullptr), last_(nullptr) {}
explicit operator bool() const { return iter_ != end_; }
const Field& field() const { return *iter_; }
T operator*() const {
T val{};
return val;
const Field* operator->() const { return iter_; }
RepeatedFieldIterator& operator++() {
PERFETTO_DCHECK(iter_ != end_);
if (iter_ == last_) {
iter_ = end_;
return *this;
return *this;
RepeatedFieldIterator operator++(int) {
PERFETTO_DCHECK(iter_ != end_);
RepeatedFieldIterator it(*this);
return it;
void FindNextMatchingId() {
PERFETTO_DCHECK(iter_ != last_);
for (; iter_ != end_; ++iter_) {
if (iter_->id() == field_id_)
iter_ = last_->valid() ? last_ : end_;
uint32_t field_id_;
// Initially points to the beginning of the repeated field storage, then is
// incremented as we call operator++().
const Field* iter_;
// Always points to fields_[size_], i.e. past the end of the storage.
const Field* end_;
// Always points to fields_[field_id].
const Field* last_;
// As RepeatedFieldIterator, but allows iterating over a packed repeated field
// (which will be initially stored as a single length-delimited field).
// See |GetPackedRepeatedField| for details.
// Assumes little endianness, and that the input buffers are well formed -
// containing an exact multiple of encoded elements.
template <proto_utils::ProtoWireType wire_type, typename CppType>
class PackedRepeatedFieldIterator {
PackedRepeatedFieldIterator(const uint8_t* data_begin,
size_t size,
bool* parse_error_ptr)
: data_end_(data_begin ? data_begin + size : nullptr),
parse_error_(parse_error_ptr) {
using proto_utils::ProtoWireType;
static_assert(wire_type == ProtoWireType::kVarInt ||
wire_type == ProtoWireType::kFixed32 ||
wire_type == ProtoWireType::kFixed64,
"invalid type");
// Either the field is unset (and there are no data pointer), or the field
// is set with a zero length payload. Mark the iterator as invalid in both
// cases.
if (size == 0) {
curr_value_valid_ = false;
if ((wire_type == ProtoWireType::kFixed32 && (size % 4) != 0) ||
(wire_type == ProtoWireType::kFixed64 && (size % 8) != 0)) {
*parse_error_ = true;
curr_value_valid_ = false;
const CppType operator*() const { return curr_value_; }
explicit operator bool() const { return curr_value_valid_; }
PackedRepeatedFieldIterator& operator++() {
using proto_utils::ProtoWireType;
if (PERFETTO_UNLIKELY(!curr_value_valid_))
return *this;
if (PERFETTO_UNLIKELY(read_ptr_ == data_end_)) {
curr_value_valid_ = false;
return *this;
if (wire_type == ProtoWireType::kVarInt) {
uint64_t new_value = 0;
const uint8_t* new_pos =
proto_utils::ParseVarInt(read_ptr_, data_end_, &new_value);
if (PERFETTO_UNLIKELY(new_pos == read_ptr_)) {
// Failed to decode the varint (probably incomplete buffer).
*parse_error_ = true;
curr_value_valid_ = false;
} else {
read_ptr_ = new_pos;
curr_value_ = static_cast<CppType>(new_value);
} else { // kFixed32 or kFixed64
constexpr size_t kStep = wire_type == ProtoWireType::kFixed32 ? 4 : 8;
// NB: the raw buffer is not guaranteed to be aligned, so neither are
// these copies.
memcpy(&curr_value_, read_ptr_, sizeof(CppType));
read_ptr_ += kStep;
return *this;
PackedRepeatedFieldIterator operator++(int) {
PackedRepeatedFieldIterator it(*this);
return it;
// Might be null if the backing proto field isn't set.
const uint8_t* const data_end_;
// The iterator looks ahead by an element, so |curr_value| holds the value
// to be returned when the caller dereferences the iterator, and |read_ptr_|
// points at the start of the next element to be decoded.
// |read_ptr_| might be null if the backing proto field isn't set.
const uint8_t* read_ptr_;
CppType curr_value_ = 0;
// Set to false once we've exhausted the iterator, or encountered an error.
bool curr_value_valid_ = true;
// Where to set parsing errors, supplied by the caller.
bool* const parse_error_;
// This decoder loads all fields upfront, without recursing in nested messages.
// It is used as a base class for typed decoders generated by the pbzero plugin.
// The split between TypedProtoDecoderBase and TypedProtoDecoder<> is to have
// unique definition of functions like ParseAllFields() and ExpandHeapStorage().
// The storage (either on-stack or on-heap) for this class is organized as
// follows:
// |-------------------------- fields_ ----------------------|
// [ field 0 (invalid) ] [ fields 1 .. N ] [ repeated fields ]
// ^ ^
// num_fields_ size_
class PERFETTO_EXPORT TypedProtoDecoderBase : public ProtoDecoder {
// If the field |id| is known at compile time, prefer the templated
// specialization at<kFieldNumber>().
const Field& Get(uint32_t id) const {
return PERFETTO_LIKELY(id < num_fields_) ? fields_[id] : fields_[0];
// Returns an object that allows to iterate over all instances of a repeated
// field given its id. Example usage:
// for (auto it = decoder.GetRepeated<int32_t>(N); it; ++it) { ... }
template <typename T>
RepeatedFieldIterator<T> GetRepeated(uint32_t field_id) const {
return RepeatedFieldIterator<T>(field_id, &fields_[num_fields_],
&fields_[size_], &fields_[field_id]);
// Returns an objects that allows to iterate over all entries of a packed
// repeated field given its id and type. The |wire_type| is necessary for
// decoding the packed field, the |cpp_type| is for convenience & stronger
// typing.
// The caller must also supply a pointer to a bool that is set to true if the
// packed buffer is found to be malformed while iterating (so you need to
// exhaust the iterator if you want to check the full extent of the buffer).
// Note that unlike standard protobuf parsers, protozero does not allow
// treating of packed repeated fields as non-packed and vice-versa (therefore
// not making the packed option forwards and backwards compatible). So
// the caller needs to use the right accessor for correct results.
template <proto_utils::ProtoWireType wire_type, typename cpp_type>
PackedRepeatedFieldIterator<wire_type, cpp_type> GetPackedRepeated(
uint32_t field_id,
bool* parse_error_location) const {
const Field& field = Get(field_id);
if (field.valid()) {
return PackedRepeatedFieldIterator<wire_type, cpp_type>(, field.size(), parse_error_location);
} else {
return PackedRepeatedFieldIterator<wire_type, cpp_type>(
nullptr, 0, parse_error_location);
TypedProtoDecoderBase(Field* storage,
uint32_t num_fields,
uint32_t capacity,
const uint8_t* buffer,
size_t length)
: ProtoDecoder(buffer, length),
capacity_(capacity) {
// The reason why Field needs to be trivially de/constructible is to avoid
// implicit initializers on all the ~1000 entries. We need it to initialize
// only on the first |max_field_id| fields, the remaining capacity doesn't
// require initialization.
static_assert(std::is_trivially_constructible<Field>::value &&
std::is_trivially_destructible<Field>::value &&
"Field must be a trivial aggregate type");
memset(fields_, 0, sizeof(Field) * num_fields_);
void ParseAllFields();
// Called when the default on-stack storage is exhausted and new repeated
// fields need to be pushed.
void ExpandHeapStorage();
// Used only in presence of a large number of repeated fields, when the
// default on-stack storage is exhausted.
std::unique_ptr<Field[]> heap_storage_;
// Points to the storage, either on-stack (default, provided by the template
// specialization) or |heap_storage_| after ExpandHeapStorage() is called, in
// case of a large number of repeated fields.
Field* fields_;
// Number of fields without accounting repeated storage. This is equal to
// MAX_FIELD_ID + 1 (to account for the invalid 0th field).
// This value is always <= size_ (and hence <= capacity);
uint32_t num_fields_;
// Number of active |fields_| entries. This is initially equal to the highest
// number of fields for the message (num_fields_ == MAX_FIELD_ID + 1) and can
// grow up to |capacity_| in the case of repeated fields.
uint32_t size_;
// Initially equal to kFieldsCapacity of the TypedProtoDecoder
// specialization. Can grow when falling back on heap-based storage, in which
// case it represents the size (#fields with each entry of a repeated field
// counted individually) of the |heap_storage_| array.
uint32_t capacity_;
// Template class instantiated by the auto-generated decoder classes declared in
// xxx.pbzero.h files.
class TypedProtoDecoder : public TypedProtoDecoderBase {
TypedProtoDecoder(const uint8_t* buffer, size_t length)
: TypedProtoDecoderBase(on_stack_storage_,
/*num_fields=*/MAX_FIELD_ID + 1,
length) {
static_assert(MAX_FIELD_ID <= kMaxDecoderFieldId, "Field ordinal too high");
template <uint32_t FIELD_ID>
const Field& at() const {
return fields_[FIELD_ID];
TypedProtoDecoder(TypedProtoDecoder&& other) noexcept
: TypedProtoDecoderBase(std::move(other)) {
// If the moved-from decoder was using on-stack storage, we need to update
// our pointer to point to this decoder's on-stack storage.
if (fields_ == other.on_stack_storage_) {
fields_ = on_stack_storage_;
memcpy(on_stack_storage_, other.on_stack_storage_,
// In the case of non-repeated fields, this constant defines the highest field
// id we are able to decode. This is to limit the on-stack storage.
// In the case of repeated fields, this constant defines the max number of
// repeated fields that we'll be able to store before falling back on the
// heap. Keep this value in sync with the one in
static constexpr size_t kMaxDecoderFieldId = 999;
// If we the message has no repeated fields we need at most N Field entries
// in the on-stack storage, where N is the highest field id.
// Otherwise we need some room to store repeated fields.
static constexpr size_t kCapacity =
Field on_stack_storage_[kCapacity];
} // namespace protozero
// gen_amalgamated begin header: include/perfetto/protozero/proto_utils.h
* Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <type_traits>
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/base/logging.h"
namespace protozero {
namespace proto_utils {
// See wire types.
// This is a type encoded into the proto that provides just enough info to
// find the length of the following value.
enum class ProtoWireType : uint32_t {
kVarInt = 0,
kFixed64 = 1,
kLengthDelimited = 2,
kFixed32 = 5,
// This is the type defined in the proto for each field. This information
// is used to decide the translation strategy when writing the trace.
enum class ProtoSchemaType {
kUnknown = 0,
kGroup, // Deprecated (proto2 only)
inline const char* ProtoSchemaToString(ProtoSchemaType v) {
switch (v) {
case ProtoSchemaType::kUnknown:
return "unknown";
case ProtoSchemaType::kDouble:
return "double";
case ProtoSchemaType::kFloat:
return "float";
case ProtoSchemaType::kInt64:
return "int64";
case ProtoSchemaType::kUint64:
return "uint64";
case ProtoSchemaType::kInt32:
return "int32";
case ProtoSchemaType::kFixed64:
return "fixed64";
case ProtoSchemaType::kFixed32:
return "fixed32";
case ProtoSchemaType::kBool:
return "bool";
case ProtoSchemaType::kString:
return "string";
case ProtoSchemaType::kGroup:
return "group";
case ProtoSchemaType::kMessage:
return "message";
case ProtoSchemaType::kBytes:
return "bytes";
case ProtoSchemaType::kUint32:
return "uint32";
case ProtoSchemaType::kEnum:
return "enum";
case ProtoSchemaType::kSfixed32:
return "sfixed32";
case ProtoSchemaType::kSfixed64:
return "sfixed64";
case ProtoSchemaType::kSint32:
return "sint32";
case ProtoSchemaType::kSint64:
return "sint64";
// For gcc:
return "";
// Maximum message size supported: 256 MiB (4 x 7-bit due to varint encoding).
constexpr size_t kMessageLengthFieldSize = 4;
constexpr size_t kMaxMessageLength = (1u << (kMessageLengthFieldSize * 7)) - 1;
// Field tag is encoded as 32-bit varint (5 bytes at most).
// Largest value of simple (not length-delimited) field is 64-bit varint
// (10 bytes at most). 15 bytes buffer is enough to store a simple field.
constexpr size_t kMaxTagEncodedSize = 5;
constexpr size_t kMaxSimpleFieldEncodedSize = kMaxTagEncodedSize + 10;
// Proto types: (int|uint|sint)(32|64), bool, enum.
constexpr uint32_t MakeTagVarInt(uint32_t field_id) {
return (field_id << 3) | static_cast<uint32_t>(ProtoWireType::kVarInt);
// Proto types: fixed64, sfixed64, fixed32, sfixed32, double, float.
template <typename T>
constexpr uint32_t MakeTagFixed(uint32_t field_id) {
static_assert(sizeof(T) == 8 || sizeof(T) == 4, "Value must be 4 or 8 bytes");
return (field_id << 3) |
static_cast<uint32_t>((sizeof(T) == 8 ? ProtoWireType::kFixed64
: ProtoWireType::kFixed32));
// Proto types: string, bytes, embedded messages.
constexpr uint32_t MakeTagLengthDelimited(uint32_t field_id) {
return (field_id << 3) |
// Proto types: sint64, sint32.
template <typename T>
inline typename std::make_unsigned<T>::type ZigZagEncode(T value) {
using UnsignedType = typename std::make_unsigned<T>::type;
// Right-shift of negative values is implementation specific.
// Assert the implementation does what we expect, which is that shifting any
// positive value by sizeof(T) * 8 - 1 gives an all 0 bitmap, and a negative
// value gives and all 1 bitmap.
constexpr uint64_t kUnsignedZero = 0u;
constexpr int64_t kNegativeOne = -1;
constexpr int64_t kPositiveOne = 1;
static_assert(static_cast<uint64_t>(kNegativeOne >> 63) == ~kUnsignedZero,
"implementation does not support assumed rightshift");
static_assert(static_cast<uint64_t>(kPositiveOne >> 63) == kUnsignedZero,
"implementation does not support assumed rightshift");
return (static_cast<UnsignedType>(value) << 1) ^
static_cast<UnsignedType>(value >> (sizeof(T) * 8 - 1));
// Proto types: sint64, sint32.
template <typename T>
inline typename std::make_signed<T>::type ZigZagDecode(T value) {
using UnsignedType = typename std::make_unsigned<T>::type;
auto u_value = static_cast<UnsignedType>(value);
return static_cast<typename std::make_signed<T>::type>(
((u_value >> 1) ^ -(u_value & 1)));
template <typename T>
inline uint8_t* WriteVarInt(T value, uint8_t* target) {
// If value is <= 0 we must first sign extend to int64_t (see [1]).
// Finally we always cast to an unsigned value to to avoid arithmetic
// (sign expanding) shifts in the while loop.
// [1]: "If you use int32 or int64 as the type for a negative number, the
// resulting varint is always ten bytes long".
// -
// So for each input type we do the following casts:
// uintX_t -> uintX_t -> uintX_t
// int8_t -> int64_t -> uint64_t
// int16_t -> int64_t -> uint64_t
// int32_t -> int64_t -> uint64_t
// int64_t -> int64_t -> uint64_t
using MaybeExtendedType =
typename std::conditional<std::is_unsigned<T>::value, T, int64_t>::type;
using UnsignedType = typename std::make_unsigned<MaybeExtendedType>::type;
MaybeExtendedType extended_value = static_cast<MaybeExtendedType>(value);
UnsignedType unsigned_value = static_cast<UnsignedType>(extended_value);
while (unsigned_value >= 0x80) {
*target++ = static_cast<uint8_t>(unsigned_value) | 0x80;
unsigned_value >>= 7;
*target = static_cast<uint8_t>(unsigned_value);
return target + 1;
// Writes a fixed-size redundant encoding of the given |value|. This is
// used to backfill fixed-size reservations for the length field using a
// non-canonical varint encoding (e.g. \x81\x80\x80\x00 instead of \x01).
// See
// In particular, this is used for nested messages. The size of a nested message
// is not known until all its field have been written. |kMessageLengthFieldSize|
// bytes are reserved to encode the size field and backfilled at the end.
inline void WriteRedundantVarInt(uint32_t value, uint8_t* buf) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < kMessageLengthFieldSize; ++i) {
const uint8_t msb = (i < kMessageLengthFieldSize - 1) ? 0x80 : 0;
buf[i] = static_cast<uint8_t>(value) | msb;
value >>= 7;
template <uint32_t field_id>
void StaticAssertSingleBytePreamble() {
static_assert(field_id < 16,
"Proto field id too big to fit in a single byte preamble");
// Parses a VarInt from the encoded buffer [start, end). |end| is STL-style and
// points one byte past the end of buffer.
// The parsed int value is stored in the output arg |value|. Returns a pointer
// to the next unconsumed byte (so start < retval <= end) or |start| if the
// VarInt could not be fully parsed because there was not enough space in the
// buffer.
inline const uint8_t* ParseVarInt(const uint8_t* start,
const uint8_t* end,
uint64_t* out_value) {
const uint8_t* pos = start;
uint64_t value = 0;
for (uint32_t shift = 0; pos < end && shift < 64u; shift += 7) {
// Cache *pos into |cur_byte| to prevent that the compiler dereferences the
// pointer twice (here and in the if() below) due to char* aliasing rules.
uint8_t cur_byte = *pos++;
value |= static_cast<uint64_t>(cur_byte & 0x7f) << shift;
if ((cur_byte & 0x80) == 0) {
// In valid cases we get here.
*out_value = value;
return pos;
*out_value = 0;
return start;
} // namespace proto_utils
} // namespace protozero
// gen_amalgamated begin header: include/perfetto/protozero/scattered_heap_buffer.h
* Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/base/export.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/base/logging.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/scattered_stream_writer.h"
namespace protozero {
class Message;
class PERFETTO_EXPORT ScatteredHeapBuffer
: public protozero::ScatteredStreamWriter::Delegate {
explicit Slice(size_t size);
Slice(Slice&& slice) noexcept;
Slice& operator=(Slice&&);
inline protozero::ContiguousMemoryRange GetTotalRange() const {
return {buffer_.get(), buffer_.get() + size_};
inline protozero::ContiguousMemoryRange GetUsedRange() const {
return {buffer_.get(), buffer_.get() + size_ - unused_bytes_};
uint8_t* start() const { return buffer_.get(); }
size_t size() const { return size_; }
size_t unused_bytes() const { return unused_bytes_; }
void set_unused_bytes(size_t unused_bytes) {
PERFETTO_DCHECK(unused_bytes_ <= size_);
unused_bytes_ = unused_bytes;
void Clear();
std::unique_ptr<uint8_t[]> buffer_;
size_t size_;
size_t unused_bytes_;
ScatteredHeapBuffer(size_t initial_slice_size_bytes = 128,
size_t maximum_slice_size_bytes = 128 * 1024);
~ScatteredHeapBuffer() override;
// protozero::ScatteredStreamWriter::Delegate implementation.
protozero::ContiguousMemoryRange GetNewBuffer() override;
// Stitch all the slices into a single contiguous buffer.
std::vector<uint8_t> StitchSlices();
// Note that the returned ranges point back to this buffer and thus cannot
// outlive it.
std::vector<protozero::ContiguousMemoryRange> GetRanges();
const std::vector<Slice>& slices() const { return slices_; }
void set_writer(protozero::ScatteredStreamWriter* writer) {
writer_ = writer;
// Update unused_bytes() of the current |Slice| based on the writer's state.
void AdjustUsedSizeOfCurrentSlice();
// Returns the total size the slices occupy in heap memory (including unused).
size_t GetTotalSize();
// Reset the contents of this buffer but retain one slice allocation (if it
// exists) to be reused for future writes.
void Reset();
size_t next_slice_size_;
const size_t maximum_slice_size_;
protozero::ScatteredStreamWriter* writer_ = nullptr;
std::vector<Slice> slices_;
// Used to keep an allocated slice around after this buffer is reset.
Slice cached_slice_;
// Helper function to create heap-based protozero messages in one line.
// Useful when manually serializing a protozero message (primarily in
// tests/utilities). So instead of the following:
// protozero::MyMessage msg;
// protozero::ScatteredHeapBuffer shb;
// protozero::ScatteredStreamWriter writer(&shb);
// shb.set_writer(&writer);
// msg.Reset(&writer);
// ...
// You can write:
// protozero::HeapBuffered<protozero::MyMessage> msg;
// msg->set_stuff(...);
// msg.SerializeAsString();
template <typename T = ::protozero::Message>
class HeapBuffered {
HeapBuffered() : HeapBuffered(4096, 4096) {}
HeapBuffered(size_t initial_slice_size_bytes, size_t maximum_slice_size_bytes)
: shb_(initial_slice_size_bytes, maximum_slice_size_bytes),
writer_(&shb_) {
// This can't be neither copied nor moved because Message hands out pointers
// to itself when creating submessages.
HeapBuffered(const HeapBuffered&) = delete;
HeapBuffered& operator=(const HeapBuffered&) = delete;
HeapBuffered(HeapBuffered&&) = delete;
HeapBuffered& operator=(HeapBuffered&&) = delete;
T* get() { return &msg_; }
T* operator->() { return &msg_; }
bool empty() const { return shb_.slices().empty(); }
std::vector<uint8_t> SerializeAsArray() {
return shb_.StitchSlices();
std::string SerializeAsString() {
auto vec = SerializeAsArray();
return std::string(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(, vec.size());
std::vector<protozero::ContiguousMemoryRange> GetRanges() {
return shb_.GetRanges();
void Reset() {
ScatteredHeapBuffer shb_;
ScatteredStreamWriter writer_;
T msg_;
} // namespace protozero
// gen_amalgamated begin header: include/perfetto/protozero/scattered_stream_null_delegate.h
* Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/base/export.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/base/logging.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/contiguous_memory_range.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/scattered_stream_writer.h"
namespace protozero {
class PERFETTO_EXPORT ScatteredStreamWriterNullDelegate
: public ScatteredStreamWriter::Delegate {
explicit ScatteredStreamWriterNullDelegate(size_t chunk_size);
~ScatteredStreamWriterNullDelegate() override;
// protozero::ScatteredStreamWriter::Delegate implementation.
ContiguousMemoryRange GetNewBuffer() override;
const size_t chunk_size_;
std::unique_ptr<uint8_t[]> chunk_;
} // namespace protozero
// gen_amalgamated begin header: include/perfetto/protozero/scattered_stream_writer.h
* Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <assert.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <string.h>
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/base/compiler.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/base/export.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/contiguous_memory_range.h"
namespace protozero {
// This class deals with the following problem: append-only proto messages want
// to write a stream of bytes, without caring about the implementation of the
// underlying buffer (which concretely will be either the trace ring buffer
// or a heap-allocated buffer). The main deal is: proto messages don't know in
// advance what their size will be.
// Due to the tracing buffer being split into fixed-size chunks, on some
// occasions, these writes need to be spread over two (or more) non-contiguous
// chunks of memory. Similarly, when the buffer is backed by the heap, we want
// to avoid realloc() calls, as they might cause a full copy of the contents
// of the buffer.
// The purpose of this class is to abstract away the non-contiguous write logic.
// This class knows how to deal with writes as long as they fall in the same
// ContiguousMemoryRange and defers the chunk-chaining logic to the Delegate.
class PERFETTO_EXPORT ScatteredStreamWriter {
class PERFETTO_EXPORT Delegate {
virtual ~Delegate();
virtual ContiguousMemoryRange GetNewBuffer() = 0;
explicit ScatteredStreamWriter(Delegate* delegate);
inline void WriteByte(uint8_t value) {
if (write_ptr_ >= cur_range_.end)
*write_ptr_++ = value;
// Assumes that the caller checked that there is enough headroom.
// TODO(primiano): perf optimization, this is a tracing hot path. The
// compiler can make strong optimization on memcpy if the size arg is a
// constexpr. Make a templated variant of this for fixed-size writes.
// TODO(primiano): restrict / noalias might also help.
inline void WriteBytesUnsafe(const uint8_t* src, size_t size) {
uint8_t* const end = write_ptr_ + size;
assert(end <= cur_range_.end);
memcpy(write_ptr_, src, size);
write_ptr_ = end;
inline void WriteBytes(const uint8_t* src, size_t size) {
uint8_t* const end = write_ptr_ + size;
if (PERFETTO_LIKELY(end <= cur_range_.end))
return WriteBytesUnsafe(src, size);
WriteBytesSlowPath(src, size);
void WriteBytesSlowPath(const uint8_t* src, size_t size);
// Reserves a fixed amount of bytes to be backfilled later. The reserved range
// is guaranteed to be contiguous and not span across chunks. |size| has to be
// <= than the size of a new buffer returned by the Delegate::GetNewBuffer().
uint8_t* ReserveBytes(size_t size);
// Fast (but unsafe) version of the above. The caller must have previously
// checked that there are at least |size| contiguous bytes available.
// Returns only the start pointer of the reservation.
uint8_t* ReserveBytesUnsafe(size_t size) {
uint8_t* begin = write_ptr_;
write_ptr_ += size;
assert(write_ptr_ <= cur_range_.end);
return begin;
// Resets the buffer boundaries and the write pointer to the given |range|.
// Subsequent WriteByte(s) will write into |range|.
void Reset(ContiguousMemoryRange range);
// Number of contiguous free bytes in |cur_range_| that can be written without
// requesting a new buffer.
size_t bytes_available() const {
return static_cast<size_t>(cur_range_.end - write_ptr_);
uint8_t* write_ptr() const { return write_ptr_; }
uint64_t written() const {
return written_previously_ +
static_cast<uint64_t>(write_ptr_ - cur_range_.begin);
ScatteredStreamWriter(const ScatteredStreamWriter&) = delete;
ScatteredStreamWriter& operator=(const ScatteredStreamWriter&) = delete;
void Extend();
Delegate* const delegate_;
ContiguousMemoryRange cur_range_;
uint8_t* write_ptr_;
uint64_t written_previously_ = 0;
} // namespace protozero
// gen_amalgamated begin header: include/perfetto/protozero/static_buffer.h
* Copyright (C) 2019 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/base/export.h"
// gen_amalgamated expanded: #include "perfetto/protozero/scattered_stream_writer.h"
namespace protozero {
class Message;
// A simple implementation of ScatteredStreamWriter::Delegate backed by a
// fixed-size buffer. It doesn't support expansion. The caller needs to ensure
// to never write more than the size of the buffer. Will CHECK() otherwise.
class PERFETTO_EXPORT StaticBufferDelegate
: public ScatteredStreamWriter::Delegate {
StaticBufferDelegate(uint8_t* buf, size_t len) : range_{buf, buf + len} {}
~StaticBufferDelegate() override;
// ScatteredStreamWriter::Delegate implementation.
ContiguousMemoryRange GetNewBuffer() override;
ContiguousMemoryRange const range_;
bool get_new_buffer_called_once_ = false;
// Helper function to create protozero messages backed by a fixed-size buffer
// in one line. You can write:
// protozero::Static<protozero::MyMessage> msg(, buf.size());
// msg->set_stuff(...);
// size_t bytes_encoded = msg.Finalize();
template <typename T /* protozero::Message */>
class StaticBuffered {
StaticBuffered(void* buf, size_t len)
: delegate_(reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(buf), len), writer_(&delegate_) {
// This can't be neither copied nor moved because Message hands out pointers
// to itself when creating submessages.
StaticBuffered(const StaticBuffered&) = delete;
StaticBuffered& operator=(const StaticBuffered&) = delete;
StaticBuffered(StaticBuffered&&) = delete;
StaticBuffered& operator=(StaticBuffered&&) = delete;
T* get() { return &msg_; }
T* operator->() { return &msg_; }
// The lack of a size() method is deliberate. It's to prevent that one
// accidentally calls size() before Finalize().
// Returns the number of encoded bytes (<= the size passed in the ctor).
size_t Finalize() {
return static_cast<size_t>(writer_.write_ptr() - delegate_.range_.begin);
StaticBufferDelegate delegate_;
ScatteredStreamWriter writer_;
T msg_;
// Helper function to create stack-based protozero messages in one line.
// You can write:
// protozero::StackBuffered<protozero::MyMessage, 16> msg;
// msg->set_stuff(...);
// size_t bytes_encoded = msg.Finalize();
template <typename T /* protozero::Message */, size_t N>
class StackBuffered : public StaticBuffered<T> {
StackBuffered() : StaticBuffered<T>(&buf_[0], N) {}
uint8_t buf_[N]; // Deliberately not initialized.
} // namespace protozero