blob: 74e1baa7ac233c25eb68770d7b3d0697115cf27e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "attestation/common/tpm_utility_common.h"
#include <stdint.h>
#include <string>
#include <base/macros.h>
#include <openssl/rsa.h>
#include <trousers/scoped_tss_type.h>
#include <trousers/tss.h>
namespace attestation {
// A TpmUtility implementation for TPM v1.2 modules.
class TpmUtilityV1 : public TpmUtilityCommon {
TpmUtilityV1() = default;
TpmUtilityV1(const TpmUtilityV1&) = delete;
TpmUtilityV1& operator=(const TpmUtilityV1&) = delete;
~TpmUtilityV1() override;
// TpmUtility methods.
bool Initialize() override;
TpmVersion GetVersion() override { return TPM_1_2; }
bool ActivateIdentity(const std::string& identity_key_blob,
const std::string& asym_ca_contents,
const std::string& sym_ca_attestation,
std::string* credential) override;
bool ActivateIdentityForTpm2(KeyType key_type,
const std::string& identity_key_blob,
const std::string& encrypted_seed,
const std::string& credential_mac,
const std::string& wrapped_credential,
std::string* credential) override;
bool CreateCertifiedKey(KeyType key_type,
KeyUsage key_usage,
const std::string& identity_key_blob,
const std::string& external_data,
std::string* key_blob,
std::string* public_key_der,
std::string* public_key_tpm_format,
std::string* key_info,
std::string* proof) override;
bool SealToPCR0(const std::string& data, std::string* sealed_data) override;
bool Unseal(const std::string& sealed_data, std::string* data) override;
bool GetEndorsementPublicKey(KeyType key_type,
std::string* public_key_der) override;
bool GetEndorsementCertificate(KeyType key_type,
std::string* certificate) override;
bool Unbind(const std::string& key_blob,
const std::string& bound_data,
std::string* data) override;
bool Sign(const std::string& key_blob,
const std::string& data_to_sign,
std::string* signature) override;
bool QuotePCR(uint32_t pcr_index,
const std::string& key_blob,
std::string* quoted_pcr_value,
std::string* quoted_data,
std::string* quote) override;
bool IsQuoteForPCR(const std::string& quoted_pcr_value,
const std::string& quoted_data,
const std::string& quote,
uint32_t pcr_index) const override;
bool GetNVDataSize(uint32_t nv_index, uint16_t* nv_size) const override;
bool CertifyNV(uint32_t nv_index,
int nv_size,
const std::string& key_blob,
std::string* quoted_data,
std::string* quote) override;
bool ReadPCR(uint32_t pcr_index, std::string* pcr_value) override;
bool GetEndorsementPublicKeyModulus(KeyType key_type,
std::string* ekm) override;
bool CreateIdentity(KeyType key_type,
AttestationDatabase::Identity* identity) override;
bool GetRsuDeviceId(std::string* device_id) override;
std::string GetPCRValueForMode(const std::string& mode) override;
// Populates |context_handle| with a valid TSS_HCONTEXT and |tpm_handle|
// with its matching TPM object iff the context can be created and a TPM
// object exists in the TSS. Returns true on success.
bool ConnectContextAsUser(trousers::ScopedTssContext* context_handle,
TSS_HTPM* tpm_handle);
// Populates |context_handle| with a valid TSS_HCONTEXT and |tpm_handle| with
// its matching TPM object iff the owner password is available and
// authorization is successfully acquired.
bool ConnectContextAsOwner(const std::string& owner_password,
trousers::ScopedTssContext* context_handle,
TSS_HTPM* tpm_handle);
// Populates |context_handle| with a valid TSS_HCONTEXT and |tpm_handle|
// with its matching TPM object authorized by the given |delegate_blob| and
// |delegate_secret|. Returns true on success.
bool ConnectContextAsDelegate(const std::string& delegate_blob,
const std::string& delegate_secret,
trousers::ScopedTssContext* context,
TSS_HTPM* tpm);
// Set owner auth value to |tpm_handle|.
bool SetTpmOwnerAuth(const std::string& owner_password,
TSS_HCONTEXT context_handle,
TSS_HTPM tpm_handle);
// Reads an NVRAM space using the given context.
bool ReadNvram(TSS_HCONTEXT context_handle,
TSS_HTPM tpm_handle,
TSS_HPOLICY policy_handle,
uint32_t index,
std::string* blob);
// Returns if an Nvram space exists using the given context.
bool IsNvramDefined(TSS_HCONTEXT context_handle,
TSS_HTPM tpm_handle,
uint32_t index);
// TODO(cylai): make the return type right or change the definition of return
// value.
// Returns the size of the specified NVRAM space.
// Parameters
// context_handle - The context handle for the TPM session
// index - NVRAM Space index
// Returns -1 if the index, handle, or space is invalid.
unsigned int GetNvramSize(TSS_HCONTEXT context_handle,
TSS_HTPM tpm_handle,
uint32_t index);
// Sets up srk_handle_ if necessary. Returns true iff the SRK is ready.
bool SetupSrk();
// Loads the storage root key (SRK) and populates |srk_handle|. The
// |context_handle| must be connected and valid. Returns true on success.
bool LoadSrk(TSS_HCONTEXT context_handle, trousers::ScopedTssKey* srk_handle);
// Loads a key in the TPM given a |key_blob| and a |parent_key_handle|. The
// |context_handle| must be connected and valid. Returns true and populates
// |key_handle| on success.
bool LoadKeyFromBlob(const std::string& key_blob,
TSS_HCONTEXT context_handle,
TSS_HKEY parent_key_handle,
trousers::ScopedTssKey* key_handle);
// Retrieves a |data| attribute defined by |flag| and |sub_flag| from a TSS
// |object_handle|. The |context_handle| is only used for TSS memory
// management.
bool GetDataAttribute(TSS_HCONTEXT context_handle,
TSS_HOBJECT object_handle,
TSS_FLAG flag,
TSS_FLAG sub_flag,
std::string* data);
// Convert a |tpm_public_key_object|, that is, a serialized TPM_PUBKEY for
// TPM 1.2, to a DER encoded PKCS #1
bool GetRSAPublicKeyFromTpmPublicKey(const std::string& tpm_public_key_object,
std::string* public_key_der);
// Creates an Attestation Identity Key (AIK). This method requires TPM owner
// privilege.
// Parameters
// identity_public_key_der - The AIK public key in DER encoded form.
// identity_public_key - The AIK public key in serialized TPM_PUBKEY form.
// identity_key_blob - The AIK key in blob form.
// identity_binding - The EK-AIK binding (i.e. public key signature).
// identity_label - The label used to create the identity binding.
// pca_public_key - The public key of the temporary PCA used to create the
// identity binding in serialized TPM_PUBKEY form.
// Returns true on success.
bool MakeIdentity(std::string* identity_public_key_der,
std::string* identity_public_key,
std::string* identity_key_blob,
std::string* identity_binding,
std::string* identity_label,
std::string* pca_public_key);
// Decrypts and parses an identity request.
// Parameters
// pca_key - The private key of the Privacy CA.
// request - The identity request data.
// identityBinding - The EK-AIK binding (i.e. public key signature).
// Returns true on success.
bool DecryptIdentityRequest(RSA* pca_key,
const std::string& request,
std::string* identity_binding);
// Initializes |context_handle_| if not yet. |consumer_name| refers to the
// consumer of |context_handle_| after initialization; usually it is the
// function name of the caller.
bool InitializeContextHandle(const std::string& consumer_name);
// Long-live TSS context in order reduce the overhead of context connection.
trousers::ScopedTssContext context_handle_;
TSS_HTPM tpm_handle_{0};
trousers::ScopedTssKey srk_handle_{0};
} // namespace attestation