blob: 091b3bdcc263bdecf592ae606a387555d06bba78 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "patchpanel/counters_service.h"
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
namespace patchpanel {
namespace {
constexpr char kMangleTable[] = "mangle";
} // namespace
CountersService::CountersService(ShillClient* shill_client,
MinijailedProcessRunner* runner)
: shill_client_(shill_client), runner_(runner) {
// Triggers the callback manually to make sure no device is missed.
OnDeviceChanged(shill_client_->get_devices(), {});
&CountersService::OnDeviceChanged, weak_factory_.GetWeakPtr()));
void CountersService::OnDeviceChanged(const std::set<std::string>& added,
const std::set<std::string>& removed) {
for (const auto& ifname : added)
void CountersService::IptablesNewChain(const std::string& chain_name) {
// There is no straightforward way to check if a chain exists or not.
runner_->iptables(kMangleTable, {"-N", chain_name, "-w"},
false /*log_failures*/);
runner_->ip6tables(kMangleTable, {"-N", chain_name, "-w"},
false /*log_failures*/);
void CountersService::IptablesNewRule(std::vector<std::string> params) {
DCHECK_GT(params.size(), 0);
const std::string action = params[0];
DCHECK(action == "-I" || action == "-A");
params[0] = "-C";
if (runner_->iptables(kMangleTable, params, false /*log_failures*/) != 0) {
params[0] = action;
runner_->iptables(kMangleTable, params);
params[0] = "-C";
if (runner_->ip6tables(kMangleTable, params, false /*log_failures*/) != 0) {
params[0] = action;
runner_->ip6tables(kMangleTable, params);
void CountersService::SetupChainsAndRules(const std::string& ifname) {
// For each group, we need to create 1) an accounting chain, 2) a jumping rule
// matching |ifname|, and 3) accounting rule(s) in the chain.
// Note that the length of a chain name must less than 29 chars and IFNAMSIZ
// is 16 so we can only use at most 12 chars for the prefix.
// Egress traffic in FORWARD chain. Only traffic for interface-type sources
// will be counted by these rules.
const std::string egress_forward_chain = "tx_fwd_" + ifname;
IptablesNewRule({"-A", "FORWARD", "-o", ifname, "-j", egress_forward_chain});
// Egress traffic in POSTROUTING chain. Only traffic for host-type sources
// will be counted by these rules, by having a "-m owner --socket-exists" in
// the jumping rule. Traffic via "FORWARD -> POSTROUTING" does not have a
// socket so will only be counted in FORWARD, while traffic from OUTPUT will
// always have an associated socket.
const std::string egress_postrouting_chain = "tx_postrt_" + ifname;
IptablesNewRule({"-A", "POSTROUTING", "-o", ifname, "-m", "owner",
"--socket-exists", "-j", egress_postrouting_chain});
// Ingress traffic in FORWARD chain. Only traffic for interface-type sources
// will be counted by these rules.
const std::string ingress_forward_chain = "rx_fwd_" + ifname;
IptablesNewRule({"-A", "FORWARD", "-i", ifname, "-j", ingress_forward_chain});
// Ingress traffic in INPUT chain. Only traffic for host-type sources will be
// counted by these rules.
const std::string ingress_input_chain = "rx_input_" + ifname;
IptablesNewRule({"-A", "INPUT", "-i", ifname, "-j", ingress_input_chain});
void CountersService::SetupAccountingRules(const std::string& chain_name) {
// TODO(jiejiang): This function will be extended to matching on fwmark for
// different sources.
IptablesNewRule({"-A", chain_name});
} // namespace patchpanel