blob: 537885c051a24eda8c19683a5f5dbd881dcb3447 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <cstdint>
#include <string>
#include <base/files/file_path.h>
#include <base/optional.h>
#include "diagnostics/cros_healthd/routines/diag_routine.h"
#include "mojo/cros_healthd_diagnostics.mojom.h"
namespace diagnostics {
// Status messages reported by the AC power routine.
extern const char kAcPowerRoutineSucceededMessage[];
extern const char kAcPowerRoutineFailedNotOnlineMessage[];
extern const char kAcPowerRoutineFailedNotOfflineMessage[];
extern const char kAcPowerRoutineFailedMismatchedPowerTypesMessage[];
extern const char kAcPowerRoutineNoValidPowerSupplyMessage[];
extern const char kAcPowerRoutineCancelledMessage[];
// Progress percent reported when the routine is in the waiting state.
extern const uint32_t kAcPowerRoutineWaitingProgressPercent;
// Checks the status of the power supply and optionally checks to see if the
// type of the power supply matches the power_type argument.
class AcPowerRoutine final : public DiagnosticRoutine {
// Override |root_dir| for testing only.
chromeos::cros_healthd::mojom::AcPowerStatusEnum expected_status,
const base::Optional<std::string>& expected_power_type,
const base::FilePath& root_dir = base::FilePath("/"));
AcPowerRoutine(const AcPowerRoutine&) = delete;
AcPowerRoutine& operator=(const AcPowerRoutine&) = delete;
// DiagnosticRoutine overrides:
~AcPowerRoutine() override;
void Start() override;
void Resume() override;
void Cancel() override;
void PopulateStatusUpdate(
chromeos::cros_healthd::mojom::RoutineUpdate* response,
bool include_output) override;
chromeos::cros_healthd::mojom::DiagnosticRoutineStatusEnum GetStatus()
// Calculates the progress percent based on the current status.
void CalculateProgressPercent();
// Checks the machine state against the input parameters.
// Status of the routine, reported by GetStatus() or noninteractive routine
// updates.
chromeos::cros_healthd::mojom::DiagnosticRoutineStatusEnum status_;
// Expected status of the power supply.
chromeos::cros_healthd::mojom::AcPowerStatusEnum expected_power_status_;
// Expected type of the power supply.
base::Optional<std::string> expected_power_type_;
// Details of the routine's status, reported in noninteractive status updates.
std::string status_message_;
// Root directory appended to relative paths used by the routine.
base::FilePath root_dir_;
// A measure of how far along the routine is, reported in all status updates.
uint32_t progress_percent_ = 0;
} // namespace diagnostics