blob: a1058c3aa40380bc67ea47c5990791caadd77283 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <base/files/file_path.h>
#include <base/optional.h>
#include "diagnostics/cros_healthd/system/context.h"
#include "mojo/cros_healthd_probe.mojom.h"
namespace diagnostics {
// Relative path to DMI information.
extern const char kRelativeDmiInfoPath[];
// Files related to DMI information.
extern const char kBiosVersionFileName[];
extern const char kBoardNameFileName[];
extern const char kBoardVersionFileName[];
extern const char kChassisTypeFileName[];
extern const char kProductNameFileName[];
// Relative paths to cached VPD information.
extern const char kRelativeVpdRoPath[];
extern const char kRelativeVpdRwPath[];
// Files related to cached VPD information.
extern const char kFirstPowerDateFileName[];
extern const char kManufactureDateFileName[];
extern const char kSkuNumberFileName[];
class SystemFetcher final {
explicit SystemFetcher(Context* context);
SystemFetcher(const SystemFetcher&) = delete;
SystemFetcher& operator=(const SystemFetcher&) = delete;
// Returns either a structure with the system information or the error that
// occurred fetching the information.
chromeos::cros_healthd::mojom::SystemResultPtr FetchSystemInfo(
const base::FilePath& root_dir);
// Fetches information from cached VPD. On success, populates |output_info|
// with the fetched information and returns base::nullopt. When an error
// occurs, a ProbeError is returned and |output_info| does not contain valid
// information.
FetchCachedVpdInfo(const base::FilePath& root_dir,
chromeos::cros_healthd::mojom::SystemInfo* output_info);
// Fetches information from the master configuration using CrosConfig. Since
// this function does not read from a file, it does not check for errors.
void FetchMasterConfigInfo(
chromeos::cros_healthd::mojom::SystemInfo* output_info);
// Fetches the operating system version and populates the |output_info|
// structure.
base::Optional<chromeos::cros_healthd::mojom::ProbeErrorPtr> FetchOsVersion(
chromeos::cros_healthd::mojom::OsVersion* os_version);
// Unowned pointer that outlives this SystemFetcher instance.
Context* const context_ = nullptr;
} // namespace diagnostics