blob: 8f8ed755fc946cb6be4f6815e8c80ca85e22a1c1 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2018 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
group("all") {
deps = [
if (use.cheets) {
deps += [ ":core_collector" ]
if (use.test) {
deps += [
if (use.fuzzer) {
deps += [
pkg_config("libcrash_config") {
pkg_deps = [
static_library("libcrash") {
all_dependent_configs = [ ":libcrash_config" ]
sources = [
defines = [ "USE_DIRENCRYPTION=${use.direncryption}" ]
if (use.direncryption) {
libs = [ "keyutils" ]
pkg_config("libcrash_reporter_config") {
pkg_deps = [
static_library("libcrash_reporter") {
all_dependent_configs = [ ":libcrash_reporter_config" ]
sources = [
defines = [
if (use.cheets) {
sources += [
if (use.kvm_guest) {
sources += [ "" ]
pkg_config("crash_reporter_config") {
pkg_deps = [
if (use.kvm_guest) {
pkg_deps += [ "grpc++" ]
executable("crash_reporter") {
configs += [ ":crash_reporter_config" ]
sources = [ "" ]
defines = [
deps = [
pkg_config("libcrash_sender_config") {
pkg_deps = [
if (use.fuzzer) {
pkg_deps += [ "protobuf" ]
} else {
pkg_deps += [ "protobuf-lite" ]
proto_library("crash_sender_proto") {
proto_in_dir = "./proto"
proto_out_dir = "include/crash-reporter"
sources = [ "${proto_in_dir}/crash_sender.proto" ]
static_library("libcrash_sender") {
all_dependent_configs = [ ":libcrash_sender_config" ]
sources = [
defines = [ "USE_CHROMELESS_TTY=${use.chromeless_tty}" ]
deps = [ ":crash_sender_proto" ]
executable("crash_sender") {
sources = [ "" ]
deps = [
pkg_config("anomaly_detector_config") {
pkg_deps = [
# system_api depends on protobuf. It must appear before protobuf
# here or the linker flags won't be in the right order.
executable("anomaly_detector") {
configs += [ ":anomaly_detector_config" ]
sources = [
deps = [ ":libcrash" ]
libs = [
if (use.cheets) {
pkg_config("core_collector_config") {
pkg_deps = [ "breakpad-client" ]
executable("core_collector") {
configs += [ ":core_collector_config" ]
sources = [
# This condition matches the "use_i686" helper in the "cros-i686"
# eclass. The "amd64" check allows the "cros_i686" USE flag to be
# enabled for an overlay inherited by non-x86 boards.
if (use.cros_i686 && use.amd64) {
# We link the C & C++ runtime statically because dynamic libs for these
# (multilib) ABIs aren't installed. The eclasses handle forcing -static,
# and that doesn't work with PIE linking
configs -= [ "//common-mk:pie" ]
# This condition matches the "use_arm64" helper in the "cros-arm64"
# eclass. The "arm" check allows the "cros_arm64" USE flag to be
# enabled for an overlay inherited by non-arm boards.
if (use.cros_arm64 && use.arm) {
# We link the C & C++ runtime statically because dynamic libs for these
# (multilib) ABIs aren't installed. The eclasses handle forcing -static,
# and that doesn't work with PIE linking
configs -= [ "//common-mk:pie" ]
if (use.test || use.fuzzer) {
pkg_config("crash_reporter_test_config") {
pkg_deps = [
if (use.kvm_guest) {
pkg_deps += [ "grpc++" ]
static_library("libcrash_test_util") {
all_dependent_configs = [
configs += [
sources = [ "" ]
if (use.test) {
pkg_config("test_helper_config") {
pkg_deps = [
executable("lock_file_tester") {
configs += [
sources = [ "" ]
executable("hold_lock_file") {
configs += [
sources = [ "" ]
executable("crash_reporter_test") {
configs += [
sources = [
defines = [
deps = [
if (use.cheets) {
sources += [
executable("anomaly_detector_test") {
configs += [
sources = [
deps = [
libs = [ "system_api-anomaly_detector-protos" ]
executable("anomaly_detector_text_file_reader_test") {
configs += [
sources = [
deps = [
libs = [ "system_api-anomaly_detector-protos" ]
executable("anomaly_detector_log_reader_test") {
configs += [
sources = [
deps = [
libs = [ "system_api-anomaly_detector-protos" ]
if (use.fuzzer) {
executable("crash_sender_fuzzer") {
configs += [ "//common-mk/common_fuzzer:common_fuzzer" ]
deps = [
sources = [ "" ]
executable("chrome_collector_fuzzer") {
configs += [
deps = [
sources = [ "" ]
executable("anomaly_detector_fuzzer") {
configs += [
deps = [
sources = [
libs = [ "system_api-anomaly_detector-protos" ]