blob: 25cc975166c8b9564c8dabb42cbd27d130d7fcc0 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2015 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <base/macros.h>
#include "hal/usb_v1/common_types.h"
namespace arc {
// CameraDeviceDelegate should match the one in Android camera HAL.
class CameraDeviceDelegate {
CameraDeviceDelegate() {}
virtual ~CameraDeviceDelegate() {}
// Connect camera device with |device_path|. Return 0 if device is opened
// successfully. Otherwise, return -|errno|.
virtual int Connect(const std::string& device_path) = 0;
// Disconnect camera device. This function is a no-op if the camera device
// is not connected. If the stream is on, this function will also stop the
// stream.
virtual void Disconnect() = 0;
// Enable camera device stream. Setup captured frame with |width|x|height|
// resolution, |pixel_format|, and |frame_rate|. Get frame buffer file
// descriptors |fds| and |buffer_size|. |buffer_size| is the size allocated
// for each buffer. The ownership of |fds| are transferred to the caller and
// |fds| should be closed when done. Caller can memory map |fds| and should
// unmap when done. Return 0 if device supports the format. Otherwise, return
// -|errno|. This function should be called after Connect().
virtual int StreamOn(uint32_t width,
uint32_t height,
uint32_t pixel_format,
float frame_rate,
std::vector<int>* fds,
uint32_t* buffer_size) = 0;
// Disable camera device stream. Return 0 if device disables stream
// successfully. Otherwise, return -|errno|. This function is a no-op if the
// stream is already stopped.
virtual int StreamOff() = 0;
// Get next frame buffer from device. Device returns the corresponding
// buffer with |buffer_id| and |data_size| bytes. |data_size| is how many
// bytes used in the buffer for this frame. Return 0 if device gets the
// buffer successfully. Otherwise, return -|errno|. Return -EAGAIN immediately
// if next frame buffer is not ready. This function should be called after
// StreamOn().
virtual int GetNextFrameBuffer(uint32_t* buffer_id, uint32_t* data_size) = 0;
// Return |buffer_id| buffer to device. Return 0 if the buffer is returned
// successfully. Otherwise, return -|errno|. This function should be called
// after StreamOn().
virtual int ReuseFrameBuffer(uint32_t buffer_id) = 0;
// Get all supported formats of device by |device_path|. This function can be
// called without calling Connect().
virtual const SupportedFormats GetDeviceSupportedFormats(
const std::string& device_path) = 0;
// Get all camera devices information. This function can be called without
// calling Connect().
virtual const DeviceInfos GetCameraDeviceInfos() = 0;
} // namespace arc