blob: 9976459708b702a61ccc8f71a111051071e11f48 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
namespace diagnostics {
// Status messages reported by the battery discharge routine.
extern const char kBatteryDischargeRoutineSucceededMessage[];
extern const char kBatteryDischargeRoutineNotDischargingMessage[];
extern const char kBatteryDischargeRoutineFailedExcessiveDischargeMessage[];
extern const char
extern const char kBatteryDischargeRoutineInvalidParametersMessage[];
extern const char kBatteryDischargeRoutineCancelledMessage[];
extern const char kBatteryDischargeRoutineRunningMessage[];
// File and directory names used by the battery discharge routine.
extern const char kBatteryDirectoryPath[];
extern const char kBatteryChargeNowFileName[];
extern const char kBatteryChargeFullFileName[];
extern const char kBatteryStatusFileName[];
// Value of the status file that indicates the battery is discharging.
extern const char kBatteryStatusDischargingValue[];
} // namespace diagnostics