blob: 5ecaa57228537cb902e8a0c16599ea17844ee961 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <base/macros.h>
#include <brillo/errors/error.h>
#include "debugd/src/subprocess_tool.h"
namespace debugd {
class VerifyRoTool : public SubprocessTool {
VerifyRoTool() = default;
~VerifyRoTool() override = default;
// Returns the USB-connected DUT's Cr50 RW firmware version on success or
// an error messages if the DUT isn't available or compatible or if an error
// happens. A normal output on success looks like
// RW_FW_VER=0.3.10
std::string GetGscOnUsbRWFirmwareVer();
// Returns the USB-connected DUT's board ID on success or an error messages if
// the DUT isn't available or compatible or if an error happens. A normal
// output on success looks like
// BID_TYPE=5a534b4d
// BID_TYPE_INV=a5acb4b2
// BID_FLAGS=00007f80
std::string GetGscOnUsbBoardID();
// Returns the RW firmware version in the given GSC |image_file| on success or
// an error message if an error happens. The output looks like
// IMAGE_RW_FW_VER=0.3.10
std::string GetGscImageRWFirmwareVer(const std::string& image_file);
// Returns the board ID in the given GSC |image_file| on success or
// an error message if an error happens. The output looks like
// IMAGE_BID_STRING=01234567
// IMAGE_BID_MASK=00001111
// IMAGE_BID_FLAGS=76543210
std::string GetGscImageBoardID(const std::string& image_file);
// Flashes the USB-connected DUT's Cr50 FW. If it failed, at least one error
// message will be added to |error|. Returns whether the FW flashing is
// successful.
bool FlashImageToGscOnUsb(
brillo::ErrorPtr* error, const std::string& image_file);
// Verifies AP and EC RO FW integrity of the USB-connected DUT. If it failed,
// at least one error message will be added to |error|. Returns whether the
// verification is successful.
bool VerifyDeviceOnUsbROIntegrity(
brillo::ErrorPtr* error, const std::string& ro_desc_file);
// Reads contents of the given firmware |image_file| and gets the values of
// |keys| from the contents. Returns lines of the "key=value" pairs, one line
// per pair, or an error message if not all |keys| are found or if there is a
// problem reading |image_file|.
std::string GetKeysValuesFromImage(const std::string& image_file,
const std::vector<std::string>& keys);
} // namespace debugd