blob: 1ef7eba52a86516017aa0af48be4414dd482443a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <base/macros.h>
#include <base/time/time.h>
#include <chromeos/dbus/service_constants.h>
#include "power_manager/common/power_constants.h"
#include "power_manager/powerd/system/backlight_interface.h"
namespace power_manager {
class PowerManagementPolicy;
namespace policy {
class BacklightControllerObserver;
// Interface implemented by classes that control the backlight.
class BacklightController {
// Different ways to transition between brightness levels.
enum class Transition {
BacklightController() {}
virtual ~BacklightController() {}
// Adds or removes an observer.
virtual void AddObserver(BacklightControllerObserver* observer) = 0;
virtual void RemoveObserver(BacklightControllerObserver* observer) = 0;
// Handles the system's source of power being changed.
virtual void HandlePowerSourceChange(PowerSource source) = 0;
// Handles the display mode changing.
virtual void HandleDisplayModeChange(DisplayMode mode) = 0;
// Handles the session state changing.
virtual void HandleSessionStateChange(SessionState state) = 0;
// Handles the power button being pressed.
virtual void HandlePowerButtonPress() = 0;
// Handles user activity. Note that screen dimming and undimming in
// response to user inactivity/activity are controlled via
// SetDimmingForInactivity(); this method should only be used for e.g.
// ensuring that the user-set brightness is nonzero.
virtual void HandleUserActivity(UserActivityType type) = 0;
// Handles a notification of video activity. This is called periodically while
// video is ongoing.
virtual void HandleVideoActivity(bool is_fullscreen) = 0;
// Handles the user's hands moving to or away from the touchpad or keyboard.
virtual void HandleHoverStateChange(bool hovering) = 0;
// Handles the system (if convertible) entering or exiting tablet mode.
virtual void HandleTabletModeChange(TabletMode mode) = 0;
// Handles an updated policy.
virtual void HandlePolicyChange(const PowerManagementPolicy& policy) = 0;
// Handles Chrome starting (as detected by the ownership of its D-Bus object
// changing).
virtual void HandleDisplayServiceStart() = 0;
// Sets whether the backlight should be immediately dimmed in response to
// user inactivity. Note that other states take precedence over this
// one, e.g. the backlight will be turned off if SetOffForInactivity(true)
// is called after SetDimmedForInactivity(true).
virtual void SetDimmedForInactivity(bool dimmed) = 0;
// Sets whether the backlight should be immediately turned off in
// response to user inactivity.
virtual void SetOffForInactivity(bool off) = 0;
// Sets whether the backlight should be prepared for the system being
// suspended.
virtual void SetSuspended(bool suspended) = 0;
// Sets whether the backlight should be prepared for imminent shutdown.
virtual void SetShuttingDown(bool shutting_down) = 0;
// Sets whether the system is in "docked mode" (external display
// connected while lid closed).
virtual void SetDocked(bool docked) = 0;
// Forces the backlight off.
virtual void SetForcedOff(bool forced_off) = 0;
// Returns the state most recently passed to SetForcedOff.
virtual bool GetForcedOff() = 0;
// Gets the brightness that the backlight currently using or
// transitioning to, in the range [0.0, 100.0].
virtual bool GetBrightnessPercent(double* percent) = 0;
// Sets the brightness of the backlight in the range [0.0, 100.0] in
// response to a user request. Note that the change may not take effect
// immediately (e.g. the screen may be dimmed or turned off). Returns
// true if the brightness was changed.
virtual bool SetUserBrightnessPercent(double percent,
Transition transition) = 0;
// Increases the brightness level of the backlight by one step in
// response to a user request. Returns true if the brightness was
// changed.
virtual bool IncreaseUserBrightness() = 0;
// Decreases the brightness level of the backlight by one step in
// response to a user request. Returns true if the brightness was
// changed.
// If |allow_off| is false, the backlight will never be entirely turned off.
// This should be used with on-screen controls to prevent their becoming
// impossible for the user to see.
virtual bool DecreaseUserBrightness(bool allow_off) = 0;
// Returns the number of times that the backlight has been adjusted as a
// result of ALS readings or user requests during the current session.
virtual int GetNumAmbientLightSensorAdjustments() const = 0;
virtual int GetNumUserAdjustments() const = 0;
// Converts between a (possibly-non-linear) brightness percent in the range
// [0.0, 100.0] and a hardware-specific brightness level (as exposed by the
// backlight driver).
virtual int64_t PercentToLevel(double percent) const = 0;
virtual double LevelToPercent(int64_t level) const = 0;
} // namespace policy
} // namespace power_manager