blob: 975be2c337bd5318c79d5f99b8b207e5f4cf4e08 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "login_manager/device_policy_service.h"
#include <secmodt.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include <base/bind.h>
#include <base/check.h>
#include <base/files/file_path.h>
#include <base/files/file_util.h>
#include <base/logging.h>
#include <base/memory/ptr_util.h>
#include <base/strings/string_util.h>
#include <base/strings/stringprintf.h>
#include <chromeos/dbus/service_constants.h>
#include <chromeos/switches/chrome_switches.h>
#include <crypto/rsa_private_key.h>
#include <crypto/scoped_nss_types.h>
#include <install_attributes/libinstallattributes.h>
#include "bindings/chrome_device_policy.pb.h"
#include "bindings/device_management_backend.pb.h"
#include "login_manager/blob_util.h"
#include "login_manager/crossystem.h"
#include "login_manager/dbus_util.h"
#include "login_manager/feature_flags_util.h"
#include "login_manager/key_generator.h"
#include "login_manager/login_metrics.h"
#include "login_manager/nss_util.h"
#include "login_manager/owner_key_loss_mitigator.h"
#include "login_manager/policy_key.h"
#include "login_manager/policy_store.h"
#include "login_manager/session_manager_impl.h"
#include "login_manager/system_utils.h"
namespace em = enterprise_management;
namespace login_manager {
using crypto::RSAPrivateKey;
using google::protobuf::RepeatedPtrField;
namespace {
// Returns true if |policy| was not pushed by an enterprise.
bool IsConsumerPolicy(const em::PolicyFetchResponse& policy) {
em::PolicyData poldata;
if (!policy.has_policy_data() ||
!poldata.ParseFromString(policy.policy_data())) {
return false;
// Look at management_mode first. Refer to PolicyData::management_mode docs
// for details.
if (poldata.has_management_mode())
return poldata.management_mode() == em::PolicyData::LOCAL_OWNER;
return !poldata.has_request_token() && poldata.has_username();
void HandleVpdUpdateCompletion(bool ignore_error,
const PolicyService::Completion& completion,
bool success) {
if (completion.is_null()) {
if (success || ignore_error) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to update VPD";
CreateError(dbus_error::kVpdUpdateFailed, "Failed to update VPD"));
} // namespace
// Note: Rollback (go/rollback-data-restore) saves and restores device policy
// files. Any change in format or location of those files that is not backwards
// compatible might break rollback.
// static
const char DevicePolicyService::kPolicyDir[] = "/var/lib/devicesettings";
// static
const char DevicePolicyService::kDevicePolicyType[] = "google/chromeos/device";
// static
const char DevicePolicyService::kExtensionPolicyType[] =
// static
const char DevicePolicyService::kRemoteCommandPolicyType[] =
DevicePolicyService::~DevicePolicyService() = default;
// static
std::unique_ptr<DevicePolicyService> DevicePolicyService::Create(
PolicyKey* owner_key,
LoginMetrics* metrics,
OwnerKeyLossMitigator* mitigator,
NssUtil* nss,
SystemUtils* system,
Crossystem* crossystem,
VpdProcess* vpd_process,
InstallAttributesReader* install_attributes_reader) {
return base::WrapUnique(new DevicePolicyService(
base::FilePath(kPolicyDir), owner_key, metrics, mitigator, nss, system,
crossystem, vpd_process, install_attributes_reader));
bool DevicePolicyService::CheckAndHandleOwnerLogin(
const std::string& current_user,
PK11SlotDescriptor* desc,
bool* is_owner,
brillo::ErrorPtr* error) {
// Record metrics around consumer usage of user allowlisting.
const em::PolicyFetchResponse& policy = GetChromeStore()->Get();
if (IsConsumerPolicy(policy))
// If the current user is the owner, and isn't allowlisted or set as the owner
// in the settings blob, then do so.
brillo::ErrorPtr key_error;
std::unique_ptr<RSAPrivateKey> signing_key =
GetOwnerKeyForGivenUser(key()->public_key_der(), desc, &key_error);
// Now, the flip side... if we believe the current user to be the owner based
// on the user field in policy, and they DON'T have the private half of the
// public key, we must mitigate.
*is_owner = GivenUserIsOwner(policy, current_user);
if (*is_owner && !signing_key.get()) {
if (!mitigator_->Mitigate(current_user, desc->ns_mnt_path)) {
*error = std::move(key_error);
return false;
return true;
bool DevicePolicyService::ValidateAndStoreOwnerKey(
const std::string& current_user,
const std::vector<uint8_t>& pub_key,
PK11SlotDescriptor* desc) {
std::unique_ptr<RSAPrivateKey> signing_key =
GetOwnerKeyForGivenUser(pub_key, desc, nullptr);
if (!signing_key.get())
return false;
if (mitigator_->Mitigating()) {
// Mitigating: Depending on whether the public key is still present, either
// clobber or populate regularly.
if (!(key()->IsPopulated() ? key()->ClobberCompromisedKey(pub_key)
: key()->PopulateFromBuffer(pub_key))) {
return false;
} else {
// Not mitigating, so regular key population should work.
if (!key()->PopulateFromBuffer(pub_key))
return false;
// Clear policy in case we're re-establishing ownership.
// TODO(cmasone): Remove this as well once the browser can tolerate it:
if (StoreOwnerProperties(current_user, signing_key.get())) {
PostPersistPolicyTask(MakeChromePolicyNamespace(), Completion());
} else {
LOG(WARNING) << "Could not immediately store owner properties in policy";
return true;
const base::FilePath& policy_dir,
PolicyKey* policy_key,
LoginMetrics* metrics,
OwnerKeyLossMitigator* mitigator,
NssUtil* nss,
SystemUtils* system,
Crossystem* crossystem,
VpdProcess* vpd_process,
InstallAttributesReader* install_attributes_reader)
: PolicyService(policy_dir, policy_key, metrics, true),
install_attributes_reader_(install_attributes_reader) {}
bool DevicePolicyService::KeyMissing() {
return key()->HaveCheckedDisk() && !key()->IsPopulated();
bool DevicePolicyService::Mitigating() {
return mitigator_->Mitigating();
bool DevicePolicyService::Initialize() {
bool key_success = key()->PopulateFromDiskIfPossible();
if (!key_success)
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to load device policy key from disk.";
bool policy_success = GetChromeStore()->EnsureLoadedOrCreated();
if (!policy_success)
LOG(WARNING) << "Failed to load device policy data, continuing anyway.";
if (!key_success && policy_success &&
GetChromeStore()->Get().has_new_public_key()) {
LOG(WARNING) << "Recovering missing owner key from policy blob!";
key_success = key()->PopulateFromBuffer(
if (key_success)
ReportPolicyFileMetrics(key_success, policy_success);
return key_success;
bool DevicePolicyService::Store(const PolicyNamespace& ns,
const std::vector<uint8_t>& policy_blob,
int key_flags,
SignatureCheck signature_check,
const Completion& completion) {
bool result = PolicyService::Store(ns, policy_blob, key_flags,
signature_check, completion);
if (result && ns == MakeChromePolicyNamespace()) {
// Flush the settings cache, the next read will decode the new settings.
return result;
void DevicePolicyService::ReportPolicyFileMetrics(bool key_success,
bool policy_success) {
LoginMetrics::PolicyFilesStatus status;
if (!key_success) { // Key load failed.
status.owner_key_file_state = LoginMetrics::MALFORMED;
} else {
if (key()->IsPopulated()) {
if (nss_->CheckPublicKeyBlob(key()->public_key_der()))
status.owner_key_file_state = LoginMetrics::GOOD;
status.owner_key_file_state = LoginMetrics::MALFORMED;
} else {
status.owner_key_file_state = LoginMetrics::NOT_PRESENT;
if (!policy_success) {
status.policy_file_state = LoginMetrics::MALFORMED;
} else {
std::string serialized;
if (!GetChromeStore()->Get().SerializeToString(&serialized))
status.policy_file_state = LoginMetrics::MALFORMED;
else if (serialized == "")
status.policy_file_state = LoginMetrics::NOT_PRESENT;
status.policy_file_state = LoginMetrics::GOOD;
if (GetChromeStore()->DefunctPrefsFilePresent())
status.defunct_prefs_file_state = LoginMetrics::GOOD;
std::vector<std::string> DevicePolicyService::GetFeatureFlags() {
using Status = LoginMetrics::SwitchToFeatureFlagMappingStatus;
auto status = Status::SWITCHES_ABSENT;
std::vector<std::string> feature_flags;
const em::ChromeDeviceSettingsProto& settings = GetSettings();
if (settings.feature_flags().feature_flags_size() > 0) {
for (const auto& feature_flag : settings.feature_flags().feature_flags()) {
} else {
// Previous versions of this code allowed raw switches to be specified in
// device settings, stored in the now deprecated |switches| proto message
// field. In order to keep existing device settings data files working, map
// these switches back to feature flags.
// TODO(crbug/1104193): Remove compatibility code when no longer needed.
#pragma GCC diagnostic push
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wdeprecated-declarations"
if (settings.feature_flags().switches_size() > 0) {
status = Status::SWITCHES_VALID;
for (const auto& switch_string : settings.feature_flags().switches()) {
if (!MapSwitchToFeatureFlags(switch_string, &feature_flags)) {
LOG(WARNING) << "Invalid feature flag switch: " << switch_string;
status = Status::SWITCHES_INVALID;
#pragma GCC diagnostic pop
return feature_flags;
const em::ChromeDeviceSettingsProto& DevicePolicyService::GetSettings() {
if (!settings_.get()) {
settings_.reset(new em::ChromeDeviceSettingsProto());
em::PolicyData policy_data;
if (!policy_data.ParseFromString(GetChromeStore()->Get().policy_data()) ||
!settings_->ParseFromString(policy_data.policy_value())) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to parse device settings, using empty defaults.";
return *settings_;
// static
bool DevicePolicyService::PolicyAllowsNewUsers(
const em::PolicyFetchResponse& policy) {
em::PolicyData poldata;
if (!policy.has_policy_data() ||
!poldata.ParseFromString(policy.policy_data())) {
return false;
em::ChromeDeviceSettingsProto polval;
if (!poldata.has_policy_type() ||
poldata.policy_type() != DevicePolicyService::kDevicePolicyType ||
!poldata.has_policy_value() ||
!polval.ParseFromString(poldata.policy_value())) {
return false;
// TODO( - remove whitelist support when no longer supported
// by DMServer.
bool has_whitelist_only =
polval.has_user_whitelist() && !polval.has_user_allowlist();
bool has_allowlist = has_whitelist_only || polval.has_user_allowlist();
// Use the allowlist proto by default, and only look at the whitelist proto
// iff there are no values set for the allowlist proto.
bool non_empty_allowlist =
has_whitelist_only ? (polval.has_user_whitelist() &&
polval.user_whitelist().user_whitelist_size() > 0)
: (polval.has_user_allowlist() &&
polval.user_allowlist().user_allowlist_size() > 0);
// Explicitly states that new users are allowed.
bool explicitly_allowed = (polval.has_allow_new_users() &&
// Doesn't state that new users are allowed, but also doesn't have a
// non-empty whitelist or allowlist.
bool not_disallowed = !polval.has_allow_new_users() && !non_empty_allowlist;
// States that new users are not allowed, but doesn't specify a whitelist.
// So, we fail open. Such policies are the result of a long-fixed bug, but
// we're not certain all users ever got migrated.
bool failed_open = polval.has_allow_new_users() &&
!polval.allow_new_users().allow_new_users() &&
return explicitly_allowed || not_disallowed || failed_open;
// static
bool DevicePolicyService::GivenUserIsOwner(
const enterprise_management::PolicyFetchResponse& policy,
const std::string& current_user) {
em::PolicyData poldata;
if (!policy.has_policy_data() ||
!poldata.ParseFromString(policy.policy_data())) {
return false;
if (!IsConsumerPolicy(policy))
return false;
return (poldata.has_username() && poldata.username() == current_user);
bool DevicePolicyService::StoreOwnerProperties(const std::string& current_user,
RSAPrivateKey* signing_key) {
const em::PolicyFetchResponse& policy = GetChromeStore()->Get();
em::PolicyData poldata;
if (policy.has_policy_data())
em::ChromeDeviceSettingsProto polval;
if (poldata.has_policy_type() && poldata.policy_type() == kDevicePolicyType) {
if (poldata.has_policy_value())
} else {
// TODO( - remove whitelist support when no longer supported
// by DMServer.
bool has_whitelist_only =
polval.has_user_whitelist() && !polval.has_user_allowlist();
// If there existed some device policy, we've got it now!
// Update the UserWhitelistProto inside the ChromeDeviceSettingsProto we made.
bool on_list = false;
RepeatedPtrField<std::string>* allowlist =
? polval.mutable_user_whitelist()->mutable_user_whitelist()
: polval.mutable_user_allowlist()->mutable_user_allowlist();
for (const auto& user : *allowlist) {
if (current_user == user) {
on_list = true;
if (poldata.has_username() && poldata.username() == current_user && on_list &&
key()->Equals(policy.new_public_key())) {
return true; // No changes are needed.
if (!on_list) {
// Add owner to the allowlist and turn off allowlist enforcement if it is
// currently not explicitly turned on or off.
if (!polval.has_allow_new_users())
// We have now updated the allowlist and owner setting in |polval|.
// We need to put it into |poldata|, serialize that, sign it, and
// write it back.
std::string new_data = poldata.SerializeAsString();
std::vector<uint8_t> sig;
if (!nss_->Sign(StringToBlob(new_data), signing_key, &sig)) {
LOG(WARNING) << "Could not sign policy containing new owner data.";
return false;
em::PolicyFetchResponse new_policy;
return true;
std::unique_ptr<RSAPrivateKey> DevicePolicyService::GetOwnerKeyForGivenUser(
const std::vector<uint8_t>& key,
PK11SlotDescriptor* desc,
brillo::ErrorPtr* error) {
std::unique_ptr<RSAPrivateKey> result(nss_->GetPrivateKeyForUser(key, desc));
if (!result) {
constexpr char kMessage[] =
"Could not verify that owner key belongs to this user.";
LOG(WARNING) << kMessage;
if (error)
*error = CreateError(dbus_error::kPubkeySetIllegal, kMessage);
return nullptr;
return result;
void DevicePolicyService::PersistPolicy(const PolicyNamespace& ns,
const Completion& completion) {
// Run base method for everything other than Chrome device policy.
if (ns != MakeChromePolicyNamespace()) {
PolicyService::PersistPolicy(ns, completion);
if (!GetOrCreateStore(ns)->Persist()) {
OnPolicyPersisted(completion, dbus_error::kSigEncodeFail);
if (!MayUpdateSystemSettings()) {
OnPolicyPersisted(completion, dbus_error::kNone);
if (UpdateSystemSettings(completion)) {
// |vpd_process_| will run |completion| when it's done, so pass a null
// completion to OnPolicyPersisted().
OnPolicyPersisted(Completion(), dbus_error::kNone);
} else {
OnPolicyPersisted(completion, dbus_error::kVpdUpdateFailed);
bool DevicePolicyService::MayUpdateSystemSettings() {
// Check if device ownership is established or if device is enrolled to Active
// Directory (Chromad).
if (!key()->IsPopulated() &&
GetEnterpriseMode() != InstallAttributesReader::kDeviceModeEnterpriseAD) {
return false;
// Check whether device is running on Chrome OS firmware.
char buffer[Crossystem::kVbMaxStringProperty];
if (!crossystem_->VbGetSystemPropertyString(Crossystem::kMainfwType, buffer,
sizeof(buffer)) ||
strcmp(Crossystem::kMainfwTypeNonchrome, buffer) == 0) {
return false;
return true;
bool DevicePolicyService::UpdateSystemSettings(const Completion& completion) {
const int block_devmode_setting =
int block_devmode_value =
if (block_devmode_value == -1) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to read block_devmode flag!";
// Set crossystem block_devmode flag.
if (block_devmode_value != block_devmode_setting) {
if (crossystem_->VbSetSystemPropertyInt(Crossystem::kBlockDevmode,
block_devmode_setting) != 0) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to write block_devmode flag!";
} else {
block_devmode_value = block_devmode_setting;
// Clear nvram_cleared if block_devmode has the correct state now. (This is
// OK as long as block_devmode is the only consumer of nvram_cleared. Once
// other use cases crop up, clearing has to be done in cooperation.)
if (block_devmode_value == block_devmode_setting) {
const int nvram_cleared_value =
if (nvram_cleared_value == -1) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to read nvram_cleared flag!";
if (nvram_cleared_value != 0) {
if (crossystem_->VbSetSystemPropertyInt(Crossystem::kNvramCleared, 0) !=
0) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to clear nvram_cleared flag!";
// Used to keep the update key-value pairs for the VPD updater script.
std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string>> updates;
// Check if device is enrolled. The flag for enrolled device is written to VPD
// but will never get deleted. Existence of the flag is one of the triggers
// for FRE check during OOBE.
const std::string& mode = GetEnterpriseMode();
if (mode != InstallAttributesReader::kDeviceModeEnterprise &&
mode != InstallAttributesReader::kDeviceModeEnterpriseAD &&
mode != InstallAttributesReader::kDeviceModeConsumer) {
// Probably the first sign in, install attributes file is not created yet.
if (!completion.is_null())
return true;
// If the install attributes are finalized (OOBE completed) and the device is
// not AD managed, try to delete the Chromad migration skip OOBE flag. This
// insures that the file gets deleted when it's no longer needed.
if (!mode.empty() &&
mode != InstallAttributesReader::kDeviceModeEnterpriseAD) {
bool is_enrolled = (mode == InstallAttributesReader::kDeviceModeEnterprise ||
mode == InstallAttributesReader::kDeviceModeEnterpriseAD);
// It's impossible for block_devmode to be true and the device to not be
// enrolled. If we end up in this situation, log the error and don't update
// anything in VPD. The exception is if the device is in devmode, but we are
// fine with this limitation, since user can update VPD in devmode manually.
if (block_devmode_setting && !is_enrolled) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Can't store contradictory values in VPD";
// Return true to be on the safe side here since not allowing to continue
// would make the device unusable.
if (!completion.is_null())
return true;
// Note that VPD update errors will be ignored if the device is not enrolled
// or if device is enrolled to Active Directory (Chromad).
// TODO( Revisit ignoring VPD update errors for Chromad
// after better solution is found.
bool ignore_errors =
!is_enrolled || mode == InstallAttributesReader::kDeviceModeEnterpriseAD;
return vpd_process_->RunInBackground(
updates, false,
base::Bind(&HandleVpdUpdateCompletion, ignore_errors, completion));
void DevicePolicyService::ClearForcedReEnrollmentFlags(
const Completion& completion) {
LOG(WARNING) << "Clear enrollment requested";
// The block_devmode system property needs to be set to 0 as well to unblock
// dev mode. It is stored independently from VPD and firmware management
// parameters.
if (crossystem_->VbSetSystemPropertyInt(Crossystem::kBlockDevmode, 0) != 0) {
"Failed to set block_devmode system property to 0."));
if (!vpd_process_->RunInBackground(
{{Crossystem::kBlockDevmode, "0"},
{Crossystem::kCheckEnrollment, "0"}},
false, base::Bind(&HandleVpdUpdateCompletion, false, completion))) {
"Failed to run VPD update in the background."));
bool DevicePolicyService::ValidateRemoteDeviceWipeCommand(
const std::vector<uint8_t>& in_signed_command) {
// Parse the SignedData that was sent over the DBus call.
em::SignedData signed_data;
if (!signed_data.ParseFromArray(,
in_signed_command.size()) ||
!signed_data.has_data() || !signed_data.has_signature()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "SignedData parsing failed.";
return false;
// TODO(isandrk, 1000627): Move into a common Verify() function that everyone
// uses (signature verification & policy_type checking).
// Verify the command signature.
if (!key()->Verify(StringToBlob(,
StringToBlob(signed_data.signature()))) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid command signature.";
return false;
// Parse the PolicyData from the raw data.
em::PolicyData policy_data;
if (!policy_data.ParseFromString( {
LOG(ERROR) << "PolicyData parsing failed.";
return false;
// Verify that this PolicyData really contains the RemoteCommand.
if (policy_data.policy_type() != kRemoteCommandPolicyType) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Received PolicyData doesn't contain the RemoteCommand.";
return false;
// Parse the RemoteCommand from the PolicyData.
em::RemoteCommand remote_command;
if (!remote_command.ParseFromString(policy_data.policy_value())) {
LOG(ERROR) << "RemoteCommand parsing failed.";
return false;
// Also verify command type and target device id here.
if (remote_command.type() != em::RemoteCommand_Type_DEVICE_REMOTE_POWERWASH) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid remote command type.";
return false;
if (remote_command.target_device_id() != GetDeviceId()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid remote command target_device_id.";
return false;
// Note: the code here doesn't protect against replay attacks, but that is not
// an issue for remote powerwash since after execution the device ID will no
// longer match. In case more commands are to be added in the future, replay
// protection must be considered and added if deemed necessary.
return true;
PolicyStore* DevicePolicyService::GetChromeStore() {
return GetOrCreateStore(MakeChromePolicyNamespace());
std::string DevicePolicyService::GetDeviceId() {
em::PolicyData policy_data;
if (!policy_data.ParseFromString(GetChromeStore()->Get().policy_data()) ||
!policy_data.has_device_id()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to parse policy data, returning empty device id.";
return std::string();
return policy_data.device_id();
const std::string& DevicePolicyService::GetEnterpriseMode() {
return install_attributes_reader_->GetAttribute(
bool DevicePolicyService::IsChromeStoreResilientForTesting() {
return GetChromeStore()->resilient_for_testing();
} // namespace login_manager