blob: 515f2c803ff595e210af937b781d52efa786da8a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <cstdint>
#include <base/files/file_path.h>
#include <base/optional.h>
#include <base/time/time.h>
#include "diagnostics/common/statusor.h"
namespace diagnostics {
// Class for accessing I/O statistics of a device.
class DiskIoStat {
explicit DiskIoStat(const base::FilePath& dev_sys_path);
DiskIoStat(const DiskIoStat&) = delete;
DiskIoStat(DiskIoStat&&) = delete;
DiskIoStat& operator=(const DiskIoStat&) = delete;
DiskIoStat& operator=(DiskIoStat&&) = delete;
base::TimeDelta GetReadTime() const;
base::TimeDelta GetWriteTime() const;
uint64_t GetReadSectors() const;
uint64_t GetWrittenSectors() const;
base::TimeDelta GetIoTime() const;
base::Optional<base::TimeDelta> GetDiscardTime() const;
// Retrieves current I/O statistics for the device.
// Must be called before using getters of the class.
Status Update();
const base::FilePath dev_sys_path_;
// Whether Update() was called at least once.
bool iostat_populated_ = false;
// Whether the iostat contains the fields added in 4.18 kernel
bool extended_iostat_ = false;
// All fields are read, but there are accessors only to the ones which are
// actually used.
uint64_t read_ios = 0;
uint64_t read_merges = 0;
uint64_t read_sectors = 0;
uint64_t read_ticks = 0;
uint64_t write_ios = 0;
uint64_t write_merges = 0;
uint64_t write_sectors = 0;
uint64_t write_ticks = 0;
uint64_t in_flight = 0;
uint64_t io_ticks = 0;
uint64_t time_in_queue = 0;
uint64_t discard_ios = 0;
uint64_t discard_merges = 0;
uint64_t discard_sectors = 0;
uint64_t discard_ticks = 0;
} // namespace diagnostics