blob: 2226f731e43e69a8c9b2eaa8fe40abadad65d6fa [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "diagnostics/cros_healthd/utils/storage/device_resolver.h"
#include <list>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <base/files/file_enumerator.h>
#include <base/files/file_path.h>
#include <libmount/libmount.h>
#include "diagnostics/common/status_macros.h"
#include "diagnostics/common/statusor.h"
#include "mojo/cros_healthd_probe.mojom.h"
namespace diagnostics {
namespace {
namespace mojo_ipc = ::chromeos::cros_healthd::mojom;
constexpr char kDevFsPrefix[] = "/dev/";
constexpr char kSysBlockPath[] = "sys/block/";
constexpr char kProcSwapsPath[] = "proc/swaps";
constexpr char kDmPrefix[] = "dm-";
constexpr char kSlavesDir[] = "slaves/";
// Callback for the libmount parser.
int ParserErrCb(struct libmnt_table* unused, const char* filename, int line) {
LOG(ERROR) << filename << ": parser encountered error at line " << line;
return 1;
} // namespace
StatusOr<std::unique_ptr<StorageDeviceResolver>> StorageDeviceResolver::Create(
const base::FilePath& rootfs) {
ASSIGN_OR_RETURN(auto devs, GetSwapDevices(rootfs));
return std::unique_ptr<StorageDeviceResolver>(
new StorageDeviceResolver(devs));
const std::set<std::string>& swap_backing_devices)
: swap_backing_devices_(swap_backing_devices) {}
// GetSwapDevices parses /proc/swaps via libmount to retrieve the list of swap
// devices and then call into a method to find out the backing physical devices.
StatusOr<std::set<std::string>> StorageDeviceResolver::GetSwapDevices(
const base::FilePath& rootfs) {
auto table = mnt_new_table();
mnt_table_set_parser_errcb(table, ParserErrCb);
auto swaps_path = rootfs.Append(kProcSwapsPath);
if (mnt_table_parse_swaps(table, swaps_path.value().c_str()) != 0) {
return Status(StatusCode::kInvalidArgument,
"Invalid format of " + swaps_path.value());
std::list<std::string> swaps;
struct libmnt_fs* fs;
struct libmnt_iter* itr = mnt_new_iter(MNT_ITER_FORWARD);
while (mnt_table_next_fs(table, itr, &fs) == 0) {
std::string swap_dev = mnt_fs_get_srcpath(fs);
// We expect devices of the format "/dev/<blah>"
if (swap_dev.find(kDevFsPrefix) != 0) {
return Status(StatusCode::kUnavailable,
"Unexpected swap device location: " + swap_dev);
swap_dev = swap_dev.substr(std::string(kDevFsPrefix).length());
if (swap_dev.find("/") != std::string::npos) {
return Status(StatusCode::kUnavailable,
"Swap device name shall not contain slashes: " + swap_dev);
return ResolveDevices(rootfs, swaps);
// ResolveDevices determines which physical device is backing the swap device.
// For now check only for the simplest 0-indirection, or single devmapper layer
// for encryption and print an error in case any more complicated setup is
// observed.
StatusOr<std::set<std::string>> StorageDeviceResolver::ResolveDevices(
const base::FilePath& rootfs, const std::list<std::string>& swap_devs) {
std::set<std::string> result;
for (auto swap_dev : swap_devs) {
auto backing_dev = swap_dev;
if (swap_dev.find(kDmPrefix) == 0) {
auto path =
base::FileEnumerator lister(path, false,
std::list<std::string> slaves;
for (base::FilePath device_path = lister.Next(); !device_path.empty();
device_path = lister.Next()) {
if (slaves.size() == 0) {
return Status(StatusCode::kUnavailable,
"No physical backing devices found for: " + backing_dev);
if (slaves.size() > 1) {
return Status(
"Too many physical backing devices found for: " + backing_dev);
backing_dev = slaves.front();
if (backing_dev.find(kDmPrefix) == 0) {
return Status(StatusCode::kUnavailable,
"Multiple devmapper layers found for: " + backing_dev);
return result;
mojo_ipc::StorageDevicePurpose StorageDeviceResolver::GetDevicePurpose(
const std::string& dev_name) const {
if (swap_backing_devices_.find(dev_name) != swap_backing_devices_.end()) {
return mojo_ipc::StorageDevicePurpose::kSwapDevice;
return mojo_ipc::StorageDevicePurpose::kBootDevice;
} // namespace diagnostics