blob: 499e09165d6d9066c77c6af6551e11070ad6f8b8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <cstdint>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <base/callback.h>
#include <base/files/scoped_file.h>
#include <base/macros.h>
#include <base/memory/ref_counted.h>
#include <base/strings/string_piece.h>
#include <brillo/dbus/async_event_sequencer.h>
#include <brillo/dbus/dbus_object.h>
#include <dbus/bus.h>
#include <mojo/public/cpp/bindings/binding.h>
#include "diagnostics/common/system/bluetooth_client.h"
#include "diagnostics/common/system/debugd_adapter.h"
#include "diagnostics/common/system/powerd_adapter.h"
#include "diagnostics/grpc_async_adapter/async_grpc_client.h"
#include "diagnostics/grpc_async_adapter/async_grpc_server.h"
#include "diagnostics/wilco_dtc_supportd/dbus_service.h"
#include "diagnostics/wilco_dtc_supportd/grpc_service.h"
#include "diagnostics/wilco_dtc_supportd/mojo_service.h"
#include "diagnostics/wilco_dtc_supportd/routine_service.h"
#include "diagnostics/wilco_dtc_supportd/telemetry/bluetooth_event_service.h"
#include "diagnostics/wilco_dtc_supportd/telemetry/ec_event_service.h"
#include "diagnostics/wilco_dtc_supportd/telemetry/powerd_event_service.h"
#include "mojo/cros_healthd.mojom.h"
#include "mojo/wilco_dtc_supportd.mojom.h"
#include "wilco_dtc.grpc.pb.h" // NOLINT(build/include)
#include "wilco_dtc_supportd.grpc.pb.h" // NOLINT(build/include)
namespace diagnostics {
// Integrates together all pieces which implement separate IPC services exposed
// by the wilco_dtc_supportd daemon and IPC clients.
class Core final : public DBusService::Delegate,
public GrpcService::Delegate,
public MojoService::Delegate,
public RoutineService::Delegate,
public chromeos::wilco_dtc_supportd::mojom::
public BluetoothEventService::Observer,
public EcEventService::Observer,
public PowerdEventService::Observer {
class Delegate {
using MojomWilcoDtcSupportdServiceFactory =
virtual ~Delegate() = default;
// Binds the given |mojo_service_factory| to the Mojo message pipe that
// works via the given |mojo_pipe_fd|. On success, returns the created Mojo
// binding, otherwise returns nullptr.
// In production this method must be called no more than once during the
// lifetime of the daemon, since Mojo EDK gives no guarantee to support
// repeated initialization with different parent handles.
virtual std::unique_ptr<mojo::Binding<MojomWilcoDtcSupportdServiceFactory>>
MojomWilcoDtcSupportdServiceFactory* mojo_service_factory,
base::ScopedFD mojo_pipe_fd) = 0;
// Begins the graceful shutdown of the wilco_dtc_supportd daemon.
virtual void BeginDaemonShutdown() = 0;
// Creates BluetoothClient. For performance reason, must be called no more
// than once.
virtual std::unique_ptr<BluetoothClient> CreateBluetoothClient(
const scoped_refptr<dbus::Bus>& bus) = 0;
// Creates DebugdAdapter. For performance reason, must be called no more
// than once.
virtual std::unique_ptr<DebugdAdapter> CreateDebugdAdapter(
const scoped_refptr<dbus::Bus>& bus) = 0;
// Creates PowerdAdapter. For performance reason, must be called no more
// than once.
virtual std::unique_ptr<PowerdAdapter> CreatePowerdAdapter(
const scoped_refptr<dbus::Bus>& bus) = 0;
// Creates BluetoothEventService. For performance reason, must be called no
// more than once.
virtual std::unique_ptr<BluetoothEventService> CreateBluetoothEventService(
BluetoothClient* bluetooth_client) = 0;
// Creates EcEventService. For performance reason, must be called no
// more than once.
virtual std::unique_ptr<EcEventService> CreateEcEventService() = 0;
// Creates PowerdEventService. For performance reason, must be called no
// more than once.
virtual std::unique_ptr<PowerdEventService> CreatePowerdEventService(
PowerdAdapter* powerd_adapter) = 0;
// |grpc_service_uris| are the URIs on which the gRPC interface exposed by the
// wilco_dtc_supportd daemon will be listening.
// |ui_message_receiver_wilco_dtc_grpc_uri| is the URI which is
// used for making requests to the gRPC interface exposed by the
// wilco_dtc daemon which is explicitly eligible to receive
// messages from UI extension (hosted by browser), no other gRPC client
// recieves messages from UI extension.
// |wilco_dtc_grpc_uris| is the list of URI's which are used for
// making requests to the gRPC interface exposed by the wilco_dtc
// daemons. Should not contain the URI equal to
// |ui_message_receiver_wilco_dtc_grpc_uri|.
Core(const std::vector<std::string>& grpc_service_uris,
const std::string& ui_message_receiver_wilco_dtc_grpc_uri,
const std::vector<std::string>& wilco_dtc_grpc_uris,
Delegate* delegate);
~Core() override;
// Overrides the file system root directory for file operations in tests.
void set_root_dir_for_testing(const base::FilePath& root_dir) {
// Overrides EC event fd events for |poll()| function in |ec_event_service_|
// service in tests.
void set_ec_event_service_fd_events_for_testing(int16_t events) {
// Starts gRPC servers, gRPC clients and EC event service.
bool Start();
// Performs asynchronous shutdown and cleanup of gRPC servers, gRPC clients
// and EC event service. Destroys |dbus_object_| object.
// This must be used before deleting this instance in case Start() was
// called and returned success - in that case, the instance must be
// destroyed only after |on_shutdown_callback| has been called.
void ShutDown(const base::Closure& on_shutdown_callback);
// Register the D-Bus object that the wilco_dtc_supportd daemon exposes and
// tie methods exposed by this object with the actual implementation.
void RegisterDBusObjectsAsync(
const scoped_refptr<dbus::Bus>& bus,
brillo::dbus_utils::AsyncEventSequencer* sequencer);
using MojoEvent = chromeos::wilco_dtc_supportd::mojom::WilcoDtcSupportdEvent;
using MojomWilcoDtcSupportdClientPtr =
using MojomWilcoDtcSupportdServiceRequest =
// DBusService::Delegate overrides:
bool StartMojoServiceFactory(base::ScopedFD mojo_pipe_fd,
std::string* error_message) override;
// Shuts down the self instance after a Mojo fatal error happens.
void ShutDownDueToMojoError(const std::string& debug_reason);
// WilcoDtcSupportdGrpcService::Delegate overrides:
void SendWilcoDtcMessageToUi(
const std::string& json_message,
const SendMessageToUiCallback& callback) override;
void PerformWebRequestToBrowser(
WebRequestHttpMethod http_method,
const std::string& url,
const std::vector<std::string>& headers,
const std::string& request_body,
const PerformWebRequestToBrowserCallback& callback) override;
void GetAvailableRoutinesToService(
const GetAvailableRoutinesToServiceCallback& callback) override;
void RunRoutineToService(
const grpc_api::RunRoutineRequest& request,
const RunRoutineToServiceCallback& callback) override;
void GetRoutineUpdateRequestToService(
int uuid,
grpc_api::GetRoutineUpdateRequest::Command command,
bool include_output,
const GetRoutineUpdateRequestToServiceCallback& callback) override;
void GetConfigurationDataFromBrowser(
const GetConfigurationDataFromBrowserCallback& callback) override;
void GetDriveSystemData(DriveSystemDataType data_type,
const GetDriveSystemDataCallback& callback) override;
void RequestBluetoothDataNotification() override;
// MojoService::Delegate overrides:
void SendGrpcUiMessageToWilcoDtc(
base::StringPiece json_message,
const SendGrpcUiMessageToWilcoDtcCallback& callback) override;
void NotifyConfigurationDataChangedToWilcoDtc() override;
// RoutineService::Delegate overrides:
bool GetCrosHealthdDiagnosticsService(
service) override;
// chromeos::wilco_dtc_supportd::mojom::WilcoDtcSupportdServiceFactory
// overrides:
void GetService(MojomWilcoDtcSupportdServiceRequest service,
MojomWilcoDtcSupportdClientPtr client,
GetServiceCallback callback) override;
// BluetoothEventService::Observer overrides:
void BluetoothAdapterDataChanged(
const std::vector<BluetoothEventService::AdapterData>& adapters) override;
// EcEventService::Observer overrides:
void OnEcEvent(const EcEventService::EcEvent& ec_event) override;
// PowerdEventService::Observer overrides:
void OnPowerdEvent(PowerEventType type) override;
// OnEcEvent should trigger the following:
void SendGrpcEcEventToWilcoDtc(const EcEventService::EcEvent& ec_event);
void SendMojoEcEventToBrowser(const MojoEvent& mojo_event);
// Called by BluetoothAdapterDataChanged and RequestBluetoothDataNotification.
void NotifyClientsBluetoothAdapterState(
const std::vector<BluetoothEventService::AdapterData>& adapters);
// Unsubscribes Core from observing events in preparation to shut down.
void UnsubscribeFromEventServices();
// Unowned. The delegate should outlive this instance.
Delegate* const delegate_;
// gRPC-related members:
// gRPC URIs on which the |grpc_server_| is listening for incoming requests.
const std::vector<std::string> grpc_service_uris_;
// gRPC URI which is used by
// |ui_message_receiver_wilco_dtc_grpc_client_| for sending UI
// messages and EC notifications over the gRPC interface.
const std::string ui_message_receiver_wilco_dtc_grpc_uri_;
// gRPC URIs which are used by |wilco_dtc_grpc_clients_| for
// accessing the gRPC interface exposed by the wilco_dtc daemons.
const std::vector<std::string> wilco_dtc_grpc_uris_;
// Implementation of the gRPC interface exposed by the wilco_dtc_supportd
// daemon.
GrpcService grpc_service_{this /* delegate */};
// Connects |grpc_service_| with the gRPC server that listens for incoming
// requests.
AsyncGrpcServer<grpc_api::WilcoDtcSupportd::AsyncService> grpc_server_;
// Allows to make outgoing requests to the gRPC interfaces exposed by the
// wilco_dtc daemons.
// The pre-defined gRPC client that is allowed to respond to UI messages.
// Owned by |wilco_dtc_grpc_clients_|.
// D-Bus-related members:
// Implementation of the D-Bus interface exposed by the wilco_dtc_supportd
// daemon.
DBusService dbus_service_{this /* delegate */};
// Connects |dbus_service_| with the methods of the D-Bus object exposed by
// the wilco_dtc_supportd daemon.
std::unique_ptr<brillo::dbus_utils::DBusObject> dbus_object_;
// Mojo-related members:
// Binding that connects this instance (which is an implementation of
// chromeos::wilco_dtc_supportd::mojom::WilcoDtcSupportdServiceFactory) with
// the message pipe set up on top of the received file descriptor.
// Gets created after the BootstrapMojoConnection D-Bus method is called.
// Implementation of the Mojo interface exposed by the wilco_dtc_supportd
// daemon and a proxy that allows sending outgoing Mojo requests.
// Gets created after the GetService() Mojo method is called.
std::unique_ptr<MojoService> mojo_service_;
// Whether binding of the Mojo service was attempted.
// This flag is needed for detecting repeated Mojo bootstrapping attempts
// (alternative ways, like checking |mojo_service_factory_binding_|, are
// unreliable during shutdown).
bool mojo_service_bind_attempted_ = false;
// D-Bus adapters for system daemons.
std::unique_ptr<BluetoothClient> bluetooth_client_;
std::unique_ptr<DebugdAdapter> debugd_adapter_;
std::unique_ptr<PowerdAdapter> powerd_adapter_;
// Telemetry services:
std::unique_ptr<BluetoothEventService> bluetooth_event_service_;
std::unique_ptr<EcEventService> ec_event_service_;
std::unique_ptr<PowerdEventService> powerd_event_service_;
// Diagnostic routine-related members:
// Implementation of the diagnostic routine interface exposed by the
// wilco_dtc_supportd daemon.
RoutineService routine_service_{this /* delegate */};
} // namespace diagnostics