blob: 841fbfaa09223ab9c0c86aa9494057b409cbb271 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2020 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <queue>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <base/bind.h>
#include <base/synchronization/lock.h>
#include <base/thread_annotations.h>
#include <base/threading/thread.h>
#include <mojo/public/cpp/bindings/binding.h>
#include "common/libcamera_connector/camera_client_ops.h"
#include "common/libcamera_connector/camera_module_callbacks.h"
#include "common/libcamera_connector/types.h"
#include "cros-camera/camera_service_connector.h"
#include "mojo/camera_common.mojom.h"
#include "mojo/cros_camera_service.mojom.h"
namespace cros {
// CameraClient encapsulates the primary functionalities of a camera client. It
// fetches and manages the static information of the cameras connected to the
// device. It also handles the synchronization around the starting and stopping
// of a capture session.
// Expected usage of this class:
// 1. During initialization, the user of this class is expected to call Init()
// with a callback to receive mojom::CameraHalClientPtr and register it
// with CameraHalDispatcher. Init() is expected to be called exactly once.
// 2. CameraHalDispatcher should call SetUpChannel() to provide
// mojom::CameraModulePtr and CameraClient would query and store the static
// metadata of cameras.
// 3. The user can register a callback with SetCameraInfoCallback() to receive
// updates about cameras, including the addition or removal of a camera
// and/or its static metadata.
// 4. Capture can be started or stopped with StartCapture() and StopCapture().
// These calls can be called unlimited number of times before Exit() is
// called. Note that StartCapture() should not be called consecutively.
// There can only one active capture session any any given time.
// 5. During shutdown, Exit() is called and CameraClient would make sure the
// cameras are closed before the return of the call.
class CameraClient final : public mojom::CameraHalClient {
using RegisterClientCallback =
// Starts the thread and initializes the HAL client.
void Init(RegisterClientCallback register_client_callback,
IntOnceCallback init_callback);
// Disconnects the client from camera HAL dispatcher.
int Exit();
// Sets the callback for camera info changes and fires |callback| with the
// info of the cameras currently present.
int SetCameraInfoCallback(cros_cam_get_cam_info_cb_t callback, void* context);
// Starts capturing with the given parameters. Blocks until the device is
// opened.
// We recommend that all calls to StartCapture and StopCapture be
// sequenced, but in case they're not, the calls will be fulfilled in a FIFO
// order.
int StartCapture(const cros_cam_capture_request_t* request,
cros_cam_capture_cb_t callback,
void* context);
// Stops capturing immediately. Blocks until the camera device is closed.
// We recommend that all calls to StartCapture and StopCapture be
// sequenced, but in case they're not, the calls will be fulfilled in a FIFO
// order.
int StopCapture(int id);
// Implementation of cros::mojom::CameraHalClient. Called by camera HAL
// dispatcher to provide the camera module interface.
void SetUpChannel(mojom::CameraModulePtr camera_module) override;
struct CameraInfo {
int facing;
std::string name;
std::vector<cros_cam_format_info_t> format_info;
int32_t jpeg_max_size;
// SessionState indicates the state of a session:
// - |kIdle|: Session is idle.
// - Transitions to |kStarting| when we're starting a session.
// - |kStarting|: Session is starting.
// - Transitions to |kCapturing| when the device is opened.
// - Transitions to |kIdle| when an error is encountered while
// opening the device.
// - |kCapturing|: Session is started and actively calling capture
// callback to return capture result.
// - Transitions to |kStopping| when we're stopping a session.
// - |kStopping|: Session is stopping. Session is stopping and disallows any
// further capture results.
// - Transitions to |kIdle| after the device is closed, even when an error
// is encountered.
enum class SessionState { kIdle, kStarting, kCapturing, kStopping };
struct SessionInfo {
int32_t camera_id;
cros_cam_format_info_t format;
cros_cam_capture_cb_t capture_callback;
void* context;
// SessionRequestType indicates the type of a SessionRequest:
// - |kStart|: Starts a capture session.
// - |kStop|: Stops a capture session but allows additional capture results
// to be sent before the device is closed.
enum class SessionRequestType { kStart, kStop };
// SessionRequest specifies a request that starts or stops a capture session.
struct SessionRequest {
SessionRequestType type;
SessionInfo info;
// |result_callback| is associated with the future held by the caller who
// initiated the session. The caller would wait on the future, and
// |result_callback| is called when there is an error while processing the
// request. If no error is encountered, |result_callback| moved to
// |SessionContext| to be called later.
IntOnceCallback result_callback;
// |SessionContext| stores all the contextual information of a session.
struct SessionContext {
SessionState state;
SessionInfo info;
// |result_callback| is moved from the SessionRequest that initiated the
// context. |result_callback| is called when we finish starting or stopping
// the session.
IntOnceCallback result_callback;
CameraClientOps client_ops;
// Registers the client at camera HAL dispatcher.
void RegisterClient(RegisterClientCallback register_client_callback);
// Closes the message pipe associated with this client.
void CloseOnIpcThread();
void ResetClientState();
// Gets the camera info of all the cameras connected to the device.
void GetAllCameraInfo();
void OnGotNumberOfCameras(int32_t num_builtin_cameras);
void SetCallbacks();
void OnSetCallbacks(int32_t result);
void GetCameraInfo();
void OnGotCameraInfo(int32_t camera_id,
int32_t result,
mojom::CameraInfoPtr info);
void SendCameraInfo(const std::set<int32_t>& camera_id_set, int is_removed);
void SendCameraInfoAsync(const std::set<int32_t>& camera_id_set,
int is_removed);
void SendCameraInfoAsyncOnInfoThread(std::set<int32_t> camera_id_set,
int is_removed);
void GenerateAndSendCameraInfo(int32_t camera_id, int is_removed);
// PushSessionRequest is called by anyone initiating a SessionRequest from
// a different thread.
void PushSessionRequest(SessionRequest request);
// Pushes |request| into |pending_session_requests_| and calls
// TryProcessSessionRequests().
void PushSessionRequestOnIpcThread(SessionRequest request);
// Tries to process session requests in |pending_session_requests_| in a FIFO
// order. Note that we may process multiple session requests at once due to
// same-state transitions. (e.g., consecutive stops).
void TryProcessSessionRequests();
// Tries to process the specified session request, |request|. Returns 0 if
// it's processed.
int ProcessSessionRequest(SessionRequest* request);
// Clear out |pending_session_requests_|. Can be called to launch an immediate
// SessionRequest.
// TODO(lnishan): Take camera id as input for multi-device streaming.
void FlushInflightSessionRequests(int error);
int StartCaptureOnIpcThread(SessionRequest* request);
void OnOpenedDevice(int32_t result);
int StopCaptureOnIpcThread(SessionRequest* request);
void OnClosedDevice(int32_t result);
bool IsDeviceActive(int device);
void OnDeviceStatusChange(int32_t camera_id, bool is_present);
void SendCaptureResult(const cros_cam_capture_result_t& result);
void OnStoppedCaptureFromCallback(int result);
base::Thread ipc_thread_;
base::Thread info_thread_;
mojom::CameraModulePtr camera_module_;
mojo::Binding<mojom::CameraHalClient> camera_hal_client_;
CameraModuleCallbacks camera_module_callbacks_;
IntOnceCallback init_callback_;
base::Lock camera_info_lock_;
cros_cam_get_cam_info_cb_t cam_info_callback_ GUARDED_BY(camera_info_lock_);
void* cam_info_context_ GUARDED_BY(camera_info_lock_);
// |camera_id_set_| stores the set of present camera IDs. It's identical to
// the keys in |camera_info_map_| but we kept a set to allow a quick access to
// the list of all the present cameras.
std::set<int32_t> camera_id_set_ GUARDED_BY(camera_info_lock_);
std::map<int32_t, CameraInfo> camera_info_map_ GUARDED_BY(camera_info_lock_);
// |pending_camera_id_set_| stores the camera IDs on which we haven't called
// CameraModule::GetCameraInfo().
std::set<int32_t> pending_camera_id_set_;
// |processing_camera_id_set_| stores the camera IDs on which we have called
// CameraModule::GetCameraInfo() but haven't received the info.
std::set<int32_t> processing_camera_id_set_;
// TODO(lnishan): Support multi-device streaming by using a mapping from
// camera ID to SessionContext.
SessionContext context_;
std::queue<SessionRequest> pending_session_requests_;
} // namespace cros