blob: 55ef371e82bb294d38896570c021accecf47f783 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2019 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
description "Start camera GPU algorithm service"
author ""
start on starting cros-camera
stop on stopping cros-camera
oom score 600
expect fork
respawn limit 10 5
env SECCOMP_POLICY_FILE=/usr/share/policy/cros-camera-gpu-algo.policy
# Start constructing minijail0 args...
set --
# Enter a new mount, network, PID, IPC and cgroup namespace.
set -- "$@" -v -e -p -l -N
# Change user and group to arc-camera. Need -G to inherit video group for GPU
# access.
set -- "$@" -u arc-camera -g arc-camera -G
# Set -i to fork and daemonize an init-like process that Upstart will track
# as the service.
set -- "$@" -i
# Chroot and mount /dev, /sys, /proc, /tmp and /run/camera. This service uses
# either /dev/mali0 (arm) or /dev/dri/* (amd64) for GPU access.
set -- "$@" -P /mnt/empty -b / -b /proc -b /dev -b /sys
if [ -c "/dev/mali0" ]; then
set -- "$@" -b /dev/mali0,,1
if [ -d "/dev/dri" ]; then
set -- "$@" -b /dev/dri,,1
set -- "$@" -k 'tmpfs,/run,tmpfs,MS_NOSUID|MS_NODEV|MS_NOEXEC'
set -- "$@" -b /run/camera,,1 -b /run/systemd/journal -t
# Mount /run/chromeos-config/v1 for access to chromeos-config.
set -- "$@" -b /run/chromeos-config/v1
# Assume static ELF binary to give arc-camera access to /proc/self.
set -- "$@" -Tstatic
# Drop privileges and set seccomp filter.
set -- "$@" -n -S "${SECCOMP_POLICY_FILE}"
set -- "$@" -- /usr/bin/cros_camera_algo --type=gpu
exec minijail0 "$@"
end script