blob: 76ff06370f45629560fa1ab30f1111c1d99ed967 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
syntax = "proto2";
option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME;
package attestation;
option go_package = "attestation_proto";
// Enumerates various certificate profiles supported by the Attestation CA.
enum CertificateProfile {
// A certificate intended for enterprise-owned devices. It has the following
// subjectName fields:
// CN=<stable device identifier>
// OU=state:[verified|developer]
// O=Chrome Device Enterprise
// A certificate intended for enterprise-owned user accounts. It has the
// following subjectName fields:
// OU=state:[verified|developer]
// O=Chrome Device Enterprise
// A certificate intended for platform verification by providers of protected
// content. It has the following subjectName fields:
// O=Chrome Device Content Protection
// Like above, but it also includes a stable ID and origin.
// CN=<origin-specific device identifier>
// OU=<origin>
// O=Chrome Device Content Protection
// A certificate intended for cast devices.
// A certificate for enterprise enrollment.
// A certificate for signing Android Testsuite Results using CTS-in-a-box.
// An EK certificate for vTPM
enum TpmVersion {
TPM_1_2 = 1; // NOTE: This is the default. It must remain listed first.
TPM_2_0 = 2;
// Types of NVRAM quotes used for attestation.
enum NVRAMQuoteType {
// Quote of the Cr50-backed BoardID.
// Quote of the Cr50-backed SN+RMA bits.
SN_BITS = 1;
// Quote of the Cr50-backed RSA public endorsement key certificate.
// Quote of the Cr50-backed RSU device ID.
// Holds information about a quote generated by the TPM.
message Quote {
// The quote; a signature generated with the AIK.
optional bytes quote = 1;
// The serialized data that was quoted; this assists in verifying the quote.
optional bytes quoted_data = 2;
// The value of the PCR(s) at the time the quote was generated.
optional bytes quoted_pcr_value = 3;
// Source data which was originally used to extend the PCR. If this field
// exists it can be expected that SHA1(pcr_source_hint) was extended into the
// PCR.
optional bytes pcr_source_hint = 4;
// Holds encrypted data and information required to decrypt it.
message EncryptedData {
// A key that has been sealed to the TPM or wrapped by another key.
optional bytes wrapped_key = 2;
// The initialization vector used during encryption.
optional bytes iv = 3;
// MAC of (iv + encrypted_data).
optional bytes mac = 4;
optional bytes encrypted_data = 5;
// An identifier for the wrapping key to assist in decryption.
optional bytes wrapping_key_id = 6;
// The wrapper message of any data and its signature.
message SignedData {
// The data to be signed.
optional bytes data = 1;
// The signature of the data field.
optional bytes signature = 2;
// The first two fields are suitable for passing to Tspi_TPM_ActivateIdentity()
// directly when using TPM 1.2. For TPM 2.0 the first two fields are not used.
message EncryptedIdentityCredential {
// TPM_ASYM_CA_CONTENTS, encrypted with EK public key.
optional bytes asym_ca_contents = 1;
// TPM_SYM_CA_ATTESTATION, encrypted with the key in aysm_ca_contents.
optional bytes sym_ca_attestation = 2;
optional TpmVersion tpm_version = 3;
// The following fields are used only for TPM 2.0. For details see the TPM 2.0
// specification Part 1 Rev 1.16:
// - Section General description of the scheme.
// - Section 24: More details including how to use the seed to compute the
// values for 'credential_mac' and 'wrapped_certificate->
// wrapped_key'
// - Section B.10.4: Encrypting the seed with a RSA EK.
// - Section C.7.4: Encrypting the seed with an EC EK.
// A seed encrypted with the EK public key. The TPM will use this seed to
// derive both an HMAC key to verify the 'credential_mac' field and an AES key
// to unwrap the 'wrapped_certificate->wrapped_key' field.
optional bytes encrypted_seed = 4;
// An integrity value computed using HMAC-SHA256 over the
// 'wrapped_certificate.wrapped_key' field and the 'Name' of the identity key.
optional bytes credential_mac = 5;
// A certificate encrypted with a 'credential' that is decrypted by the TPM.
// The 'wrapped_key' field contains the encrypted credential which is
// encrypted using AES-256-CFB with a zero IV. The encryption of the
// certificate itself uses AES-256-CBC with PKCS #5 padding and a random IV.
// The encryption key is derived from the 'credential' using:
// SHA256('ENCRYPT' + credential)
// The mac uses HMAC-SHA256 with a key derived using:
// SHA256('MAC' + credential)
optional EncryptedData wrapped_certificate = 6;
// This message holds all information to be sent to the attestation server in
// order to complete enrollment.
message AttestationEnrollmentRequest {
// The EK cert, in X.509 form, encrypted using the server's public key with
// the following parameters:
// Key encryption: RSA-OAEP with no custom parameters.
// Data encryption: 256-bit key, AES-CBC with PKCS5 padding.
// MAC: HMAC-SHA-512 using the AES key.
optional EncryptedData encrypted_endorsement_credential = 1;
// The AIK public key, the raw TPM format. (TPM_PUBKEY for TPM 1.2,
// TPMT_PUBLIC for TPM 2.0).
optional bytes identity_public_key = 2;
// PCR0 quoted by AIK.
optional Quote pcr0_quote = 3;
// PCR1 quoted by AIK.
optional Quote pcr1_quote = 4;
// DEN for enterprise zero-touch enrollment (crbug/624187).
optional bytes enterprise_enrollment_nonce = 5;
// The device TPM version.
optional TpmVersion tpm_version = 6;
// An encrypted quote of the RSA EK cert, in X.509 form, if the endorsement
// credential is not RSA.
optional EncryptedData encrypted_rsa_endorsement_quote = 7;
enum ResponseStatus {
OK = 0;
// Internal server error.
// The server cannot parse the request.
// The server rejects the request.
// Only appears in enrollment response. The server returns the same generated
// id and reports the quota limit exceeded status when the number of reset
// action in a specified time window is more than self reset limitation.
// The response from the attestation server for the enrollment request.
message AttestationEnrollmentResponse {
optional ResponseStatus status = 1;
// Short detail response message. Included when the result is not OK.
optional string detail = 2;
optional EncryptedIdentityCredential encrypted_identity_credential = 3;
// Extra details included when the result is not OK.
optional string extra_details = 4;
// The certificate request to be sent to the attestation server.
message AttestationCertificateRequest {
// The AIK cert in X.509 format.
optional bytes identity_credential = 1;
// A certified public key in TPM_PUBKEY (TPMT_PUBLIC for TPM 2.0).
optional bytes certified_public_key = 3;
// The serialized TPM_CERTIFY_INFO (TPMS_ATTEST for TPM 2.0) for the
// certified key.
optional bytes certified_key_info = 4;
// The signature of the TPM_CERTIFY_INFO (TPMS_ATTEST for TPM 2.0) by the AIK.
optional bytes certified_key_proof = 5;
// A message identifier to be included in the response.
optional bytes message_id = 10;
// The certificate profile defines the type of certificate to issue.
optional CertificateProfile profile = 11;
// Information about the origin of the request which may be used depending on
// the certificate profile.
optional string origin = 12;
// The index of a temporal value. This may be used or ignored depending on
// the certificate profile.
optional int32 temporal_index = 13;
// The device TPM version.
optional TpmVersion tpm_version = 14;
// NVRAM quoted by AIK. Keys are values of the NVRAMQuoteType. This is only
// used for enrollment certificates.
map<int32, Quote> nvram_quotes = 15;
// The response from the attestation server for the certificate request.
message AttestationCertificateResponse {
optional ResponseStatus status = 1;
// Short detail response message. Included when the result is not OK.
optional string detail = 2;
// The credential of the certified key in X.509 format.
optional bytes certified_key_credential = 3;
// The issuer intermediate CA certificate in X.509 format.
optional bytes intermediate_ca_cert = 5;
// A message identifier from the request this message is responding to.
optional bytes message_id = 6;
// Additional intermediate CA certificates that can help in validation.
// Certificate chaining order is from the leaf to the root. That is,
// |certified_key_credential| is signed by
// |intermediate_ca_cert|, which is signed by
// |additional_intermediate_ca_cert(0)|, which is signed by
// |additional_intermediate_ca_cert(1)|, ... and so on.
repeated bytes additional_intermediate_ca_cert = 7;
// Extra details included when the result is not OK.
optional string extra_details = 8;
// The reset request to be sent to the attestation server.
message AttestationResetRequest {
// The AIK cert, in X.509 form, encrypted using the server's public key with
// the following parameters:
// Key encryption: RSA-OAEP with no custom parameters.
// Data encryption: 256-bit key, AES-CBC with PKCS5 padding.
// MAC: HMAC-SHA-512 using the AES key.
optional EncryptedData encrypted_identity_credential = 1;
// The one time token to make sure the reset process can be triggered only
// once.
optional bytes token = 2;
// The EK cert, in X.509 form, encrypted using the server's public key with
// the following parameters:
// Key encryption: RSA-OAEP with no custom parameters.
// Data encryption: 256-bit key, AES-CBC with PKCS5 padding.
// MAC: HMAC-SHA-512 using the AES key.
optional EncryptedData encrypted_endorsement_credential = 3;
// The response from the attestation server for the reset request.
message AttestationResetResponse {
// The response status.
optional ResponseStatus status = 1;
// Short detail response message. Included when the result is not OK.
optional string detail = 2;
// Extra details included when the result is not OK.
optional string extra_details = 3;
// The challenge data (as in challenge-response) generated by the server.
// Before transmitted to the client, this message will be wrapped as a
// SignedData message, in which the data field is the serialized Challenge
// message, and the signature field is the signature of the data field signed
// by the enterprise server using a hard-coded key. The signature algorithm is
// RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5-SHA256.
message Challenge {
// A string for the client to sanity check a legitimate challenge.
optional string prefix = 1;
// A 256-bit random value generated by the server.
optional bytes nonce = 2;
// A timestamp for a stateless server to limit the timeframe during which the
// challenge may be replayed.
optional int64 timestamp = 3;
// The response data (as in challenge-response) generated by the client.
// Before transmitted to the server, this message will be wrapped as a
// SignedData message, in which the data field is the serialized
// ChallengeResponse message, and the signature field is the signature of the
// data field signed by the client using the key being challenged. The
// signature algorithm is RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5-SHA256.
message ChallengeResponse {
// The original challenge data.
optional SignedData challenge = 1;
// A 256-bit random value generated by the client. Mixing in this nonce
// prevents a caller from using a challenge to sign arbitrary data.
optional bytes nonce = 2;
// The KeyInfo message encrypted using a public encryption key, pushed via
// policy with the following parameters:
// Key encryption: RSA-OAEP with no custom parameters.
// Data encryption: 256-bit key, AES-CBC with PKCS5 padding.
// MAC: HMAC-SHA-512 using the AES key.
optional EncryptedData encrypted_key_info = 3;
// The data type of the message decrypted from
// ChallengeResponse.encrypted_key_info.encrypted_data field. This message holds
// information required by enterprise server to complete the verification.
message KeyInfo {
// Indicates whether the key is an EMK or EUK.
optional KeyProfile key_type = 1;
// Domain information about the device or user associated with the key. For an
// EMK, this value is the enrolled domain. For an EUK, this value is the
// user's email address.
optional string domain = 2;
// The virtual device ID associated with the device or user.
optional bytes device_id = 3;
// If the key is an EUK, this value is the PCA-issued certificate for the key.
optional bytes certificate = 4;
// If the key is an EUK, this value may hold a SignedPublicKeyAndChallenge
// with a random challenge. The SignedPublicKeyAndChallenge specification is
// here:
optional bytes signed_public_key_and_challenge = 5;
// The identifier of the customer, as defined by the Google Admin SDK at
optional string customer_id = 6;
enum KeyProfile {
// Enterprise machine key.
EMK = 0;
// Enterprise user key.
EUK = 1;