blob: e855edc289f63272dc7744f80712c576eb7b8d90 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include <base/test/task_environment.h>
#include <gmock/gmock.h>
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include "biod/fp_frame_command.h"
namespace biod {
namespace {
using ::testing::Return;
TEST(FpFrameCommand, FpFrameCommand) {
auto cmd = std::make_unique<FpFrameCommand>(0, 4096, 128);
EXPECT_EQ(cmd->Version(), 0);
EXPECT_EQ(cmd->Command(), EC_CMD_FP_FRAME);
// Mock the underlying EcCommand to test
class FpFrameCommandTest : public testing::Test {
class MockFpFrameCommand : public FpFrameCommand {
MockFpFrameCommand(int index, uint32_t frame_size, ssize_t max_read_size)
: FpFrameCommand(index, frame_size, max_read_size) {
// Unless overridden, return packets full of zeroes.
static FpFramePacket packet = {0};
ON_CALL(*this, Resp).WillByDefault(Return(&packet));
MOCK_METHOD(bool, EcCommandRun, (int fd), (override));
MOCK_METHOD(FpFramePacket*, Resp, (), (override));
MOCK_METHOD(uint32_t, Result, (), (const, override));
base::test::TaskEnvironment task_environment_{
TEST_F(FpFrameCommandTest, Success) {
FpFramePacket packet = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
EXPECT_EQ(packet.size(), 544);
constexpr int kMaxReadSize = 536; // SPI max packet size is 544. Subtract
// the sizeof(struct ec_host_response)
// to get 536.
static_assert(kMaxReadSize <= packet.size(),
"Read size must be less than or equal to packet size");
// Create a frame that has two full packets worth of data and one partial
// packet.
constexpr int kFrameSize = kMaxReadSize + kMaxReadSize + 10;
MockFpFrameCommand mock_fp_frame_command{0, kFrameSize, kMaxReadSize};
EXPECT_CALL(mock_fp_frame_command, Resp).WillOnce(Return(&packet));
EXPECT_CALL(mock_fp_frame_command, EcCommandRun).WillRepeatedly(Return(true));
const auto& frame = mock_fp_frame_command.frame();
// First chunk
std::vector<uint8_t> packet_vec(packet.begin(),
packet.begin() + kMaxReadSize);
auto frame_begin = frame.begin();
auto frame_end = frame.begin() + packet_vec.size();
std::vector<uint8_t> frame_chunk_1(frame_begin, frame_end);
EXPECT_EQ(packet_vec, frame_chunk_1);
// Second chunk
frame_begin += packet_vec.size();
frame_end += packet_vec.size();
std::vector<uint8_t> frame_chunk_2(frame_begin, frame_end);
EXPECT_EQ(packet_vec, frame_chunk_2);
// Last chunk (short)
frame_begin += packet_vec.size();
frame_end += 10;
std::vector<uint8_t> frame_chunk_3(frame_begin, frame_end);
EXPECT_EQ(packet_vec, frame_chunk_3);
TEST_F(FpFrameCommandTest, RetriesWhenBusy) {
MockFpFrameCommand mock_fp_frame_command_{0, 4096, 128};
EXPECT_CALL(mock_fp_frame_command_, Result).WillOnce(Return(EC_RES_BUSY));
EXPECT_CALL(mock_fp_frame_command_, EcCommandRun)
TEST_F(FpFrameCommandTest, FailsIfBusyAfterFirstRequest) {
MockFpFrameCommand mock_fp_frame_command_{0, 4096, 128};
EXPECT_CALL(mock_fp_frame_command_, Result).WillOnce(Return(EC_RES_BUSY));
EXPECT_CALL(mock_fp_frame_command_, EcCommandRun)
.WillOnce(Return(false)) // Failure on first request; triggers retry.
.WillOnce(Return(true)) // Retry succeeds.
.WillOnce(Return(false)); // Next request fails. Since it wasn't first
// request, no more retries.
TEST_F(FpFrameCommandTest, StopsBusyRetriesAfterMaxAttempts) {
MockFpFrameCommand mock_fp_frame_command_{0, 4096, 128};
EXPECT_CALL(mock_fp_frame_command_, EcCommandRun)
EXPECT_CALL(mock_fp_frame_command_, Result)
} // namespace
} // namespace biod