blob: dc73f7b0b63e7554f83c65f0ff6ff9ca1298a0cc [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2015-2020 Intel Corporation.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#define LOG_TAG "CameraDump"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <dirent.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>
#include <math.h>
#include "PlatformData.h"
#include "iutils/Errors.h"
#include "iutils/Utils.h"
#include "iutils/CameraLog.h"
#include "iutils/CameraDump.h"
#include "3a/AiqResult.h"
#include "3a/AiqResultStorage.h"
using std::string;
using std::shared_ptr;
namespace icamera {
int gDumpType = 0;
int gDumpFormat = 0;
uint32_t gDumpSkipNum = 0;
uint32_t gDumpRangeMin = 0;
uint32_t gDumpRangeMax = 0;
int gDumpFrequency = 1;
char gDumpPath[50];
bool gDumpRangeEnabled = false;
static const char *ModuleName[] = {
"na", // not available
}; // map to the ModuleType
static const char *StreamUsage[] = {
}; // map to the StreamUsage
void CameraDump::setDumpLevel(void)
const char* PROP_CAMERA_HAL_DUMP = "cameraDump";
const char* PROP_CAMERA_HAL_DUMP_FORMAT = "cameraDumpFormat";
const char* PROP_CAMERA_HAL_DUMP_PATH = "cameraDumpPath";
const char* PROP_CAMERA_HAL_DUMP_SKIP_NUM = "cameraDumpSkipNum";
const char* PROP_CAMERA_HAL_DUMP_RANGE = "cameraDumpRange";
const char* PROP_CAMERA_HAL_DUMP_FREQUENCY = "cameraDumpFrequency";
// dump, it's used to dump images or some parameters to a file.
char *dumpType = getenv(PROP_CAMERA_HAL_DUMP);
if (dumpType) {
gDumpType = strtoul(dumpType, nullptr, 0);
LOGD("Dump type is 0x%x", gDumpType);
char *dumpFormat = getenv(PROP_CAMERA_HAL_DUMP_FORMAT);
if (dumpFormat) {
gDumpFormat = strtoul(dumpFormat, nullptr, 0);
LOGD("Dump format is 0x%x", gDumpFormat);
char* cameraDumpPath = getenv(PROP_CAMERA_HAL_DUMP_PATH);
snprintf(gDumpPath, sizeof(gDumpPath), "%s", "./");
if (cameraDumpPath) {
snprintf(gDumpPath, sizeof(gDumpPath), "%s", cameraDumpPath);
char* cameraDumpSkipNum = getenv(PROP_CAMERA_HAL_DUMP_SKIP_NUM);
if (cameraDumpSkipNum) {
gDumpSkipNum = strtoul(cameraDumpSkipNum, nullptr, 0);
LOGD("Dump skip num is %d", gDumpSkipNum);
char* cameraDumpRange = getenv(PROP_CAMERA_HAL_DUMP_RANGE);
if (cameraDumpRange) {
int sz = strlen(cameraDumpRange);
char dumpRange[sz + 1];
char *savePtr = nullptr, *tablePtr = nullptr;
MEMCPY_S(dumpRange, sz, cameraDumpRange, sz);
dumpRange[sz] = '\0';
tablePtr = strtok_r(dumpRange, ",~-", &savePtr);
if (tablePtr)
gDumpRangeMin = strtoul(tablePtr, nullptr, 0);
tablePtr = strtok_r(nullptr, ",~-", &savePtr);
if (tablePtr)
gDumpRangeMax = strtoul(tablePtr, nullptr, 0);
gDumpRangeEnabled = true;
LOGD("Dump range is %d-%d", gDumpRangeMin, gDumpRangeMax);
char* cameraDumpFrequency = getenv(PROP_CAMERA_HAL_DUMP_FREQUENCY);
if (cameraDumpFrequency) {
gDumpFrequency = strtoul(cameraDumpFrequency, nullptr, 0);
if (gDumpFrequency == 0)
gDumpFrequency = 1;
LOGD("Dump frequency is %d", gDumpFrequency);
// the PG dump is implemented in libiacss
if (gDumpType & DUMP_PSYS_PG) {
const char* PROP_CAMERA_CSS_DEBUG = "camera_css_debug";
const char* PROP_CAMERA_CSS_DUMP_PATH = "camera_css_debug_dump_path";
char newCssDebugEnv[16];
char *cssDebugEnv = getenv(PROP_CAMERA_CSS_DEBUG);
int cssDebugType = cssDebugEnv ? strtoul(cssDebugEnv, nullptr, 0) : 0;
// defined in ia_log.h IA_CSS_LOG_LEVEL_DUMP = 64
const int IA_CSS_LOG_LEVEL_DUMP = 64;
snprintf(newCssDebugEnv, sizeof(newCssDebugEnv), "%d",
(cssDebugType | IA_CSS_LOG_LEVEL_DUMP));
// enable dump env in libiacss
if (setenv(PROP_CAMERA_CSS_DEBUG, newCssDebugEnv, 1)) {
LOGE("setenv error for %s, current value:%d\n", PROP_CAMERA_CSS_DEBUG,
const char* cssDumpPath = getenv(PROP_CAMERA_CSS_DUMP_PATH);
// set dump path to hal dump path
if (setenv(PROP_CAMERA_CSS_DUMP_PATH, gDumpPath, 1)) {
LOGE("setenv error for %s, current path:%s\n", PROP_CAMERA_CSS_DUMP_PATH,
cssDumpPath ? cssDumpPath : "null");
bool CameraDump::isDumpTypeEnable(int dumpType)
return gDumpType & dumpType;
bool CameraDump::isDumpFormatEnable(int dumpFormat)
return gDumpFormat & dumpFormat;
const char* CameraDump::getDumpPath(void)
return gDumpPath;
void CameraDump::writeData(const void* data, int size, const char* fileName) {
CheckError((data == nullptr || size == 0 || fileName == nullptr), VOID_VALUE, "Nothing needs to be dumped");
FILE *fp = fopen (fileName, "w+");
CheckError(fp == nullptr, VOID_VALUE, "open dump file %s failed", fileName);
LOG1("Write data to file:%s", fileName);
if ((fwrite(data, size, 1, fp)) != 1)
LOGW("Error or short count writing %d bytes to %s", size, fileName);
fclose (fp);
static string getNamePrefix(int cameraId, ModuleType_t type, Port port, int sUsage = 0)
const char* dumpPath = CameraDump::getDumpPath();
const char* sensorName = PlatformData::getSensorName(cameraId);
char prefix[MAX_NAME_LEN] = {'\0'};
if ((sUsage >= static_cast<int>(ARRAY_SIZE(StreamUsage))) || (sUsage < 0)) {
sUsage = 0;
if (icamera::CameraDump::isDumpFormatEnable(DUMP_FORMAT_IQSTUDIO)) {
snprintf(prefix, (MAX_NAME_LEN - 1), "%s/name#%s_%s", dumpPath, sensorName, StreamUsage[sUsage]);
} else {
if (port == INVALID_PORT) {
snprintf(prefix, (MAX_NAME_LEN - 1), "%s/cam%d_%s_%s_%s", dumpPath, cameraId,
sensorName, ModuleName[type], StreamUsage[sUsage]);
} else {
snprintf(prefix, (MAX_NAME_LEN - 1), "%s/cam%d_%s_%s_port%d_%s", dumpPath, cameraId,
sensorName, ModuleName[type], port, StreamUsage[sUsage]);
return string(prefix);
static string getAiqSettingAppendix(int cameraId, long sequence)
char settingAppendix[MAX_NAME_LEN] = {'\0'};
AiqResult* aiqResults = const_cast<AiqResult*>(AiqResultStorage::getInstance(cameraId)->getAiqResult(sequence));
if (aiqResults == nullptr) {
LOGW("%s: no result for sequence %ld! use the latest instead", __func__, sequence);
aiqResults = const_cast<AiqResult*>(AiqResultStorage::getInstance(cameraId)->getAiqResult());
CheckError((aiqResults == nullptr), string(settingAppendix), "Cannot find available aiq result.");
ia_aiq_exposure_sensor_parameters *sensorExposure =
ia_aiq_exposure_parameters *exposure =
CheckError((sensorExposure == nullptr || exposure == nullptr), string(settingAppendix), "Cannot find aiq exposures");
double ag = sensorExposure->analog_gain_code_global;
double dg = sensorExposure->digital_gain_global;
float ispDg = 1.0f;
LOG2("%s: original sensorExposure AG: %f, DG: %f, exposure: AG: %f, DG: %f",
__func__, ag, dg, exposure->analog_gain, exposure->digital_gain);
if (icamera::CameraDump::isDumpFormatEnable(DUMP_FORMAT_IQSTUDIO)) {
// Convert AG and DG per sensor for IQ Studio input.
const int nSteps = 256;
const char* sensorName = PlatformData::getSensorName(cameraId);
ispDg = sensorExposure->digital_gain_global;
if (strstr(sensorName, "imx185") != nullptr) {
LOG2("%s: AG and DG conversion made for %s.", __func__, sensorName);
if ((double)sensorExposure->analog_gain_code_global * 0.3 > 24) {
ag = 16.0 * nSteps;
// real gain should be pwd(10, (db value / 20))
dg = nSteps * pow(10, ((double)sensorExposure->analog_gain_code_global * 0.3 - 24) / 20);
} else {
ag = nSteps * pow(10, ((double)sensorExposure->analog_gain_code_global * 0.3) / 20);
dg = 1.0 * nSteps;
LOG2("%s: converted AG: %f, DG: %f ispDG: %f for %s", __func__, ag, dg, ispDg, sensorName);
} else if (strstr(sensorName, "imx274") != nullptr) {
ag = nSteps * exposure->analog_gain;
dg = nSteps * PlatformData::getSensorDigitalGain(cameraId, exposure->digital_gain);
ispDg = nSteps * PlatformData::getIspDigitalGain(cameraId, exposure->digital_gain);
LOG2("%s: converted AG: %f, DG: %f ispDG: %f for %s", __func__, ag, dg, ispDg, sensorName);
if (aiqResults->mAeResults.num_exposures == 2) {
snprintf(settingAppendix, (MAX_NAME_LEN - 1), "~ag#%.0f~dg#%.0f~cmnt#ispdg_%.0f~exp#%d,%d",
ag, dg, ispDg, exposure->exposure_time_us,
} else {
snprintf(settingAppendix, (MAX_NAME_LEN - 1), "~ag#%.0f~dg#%.0f~cmnt#ispdg_%.0f~exp#%d",
ag, dg, ispDg, exposure->exposure_time_us);
} else {
if (PlatformData::isUsingIspDigitalGain(cameraId)) {
dg = PlatformData::getSensorDigitalGain(cameraId, exposure->digital_gain);
ispDg = PlatformData::getIspDigitalGain(cameraId, exposure->digital_gain);
if (aiqResults->mAeResults.num_exposures == 2) {
snprintf(settingAppendix, (MAX_NAME_LEN - 1), "_ag#%.0f_dg#%.0f_ispdg#%.3f_exp#%d,%d",
ag, dg, ispDg, exposure->exposure_time_us,
} else {
snprintf(settingAppendix, (MAX_NAME_LEN - 1), "_ag#%.0f_dg#%.0f_ispdg#%.3f_exp#%d",
ag, dg, ispDg, exposure->exposure_time_us);
return string(settingAppendix);
static string formatFrameFileName(const char *prefix,
const char *appendix,
const char *suffix,
long sequence,
int width, int height)
char fileName[MAX_NAME_LEN] = {'\0'};
if (icamera::CameraDump::isDumpFormatEnable(DUMP_FORMAT_IQSTUDIO)) {
if (strstr(suffix, "GRBG") || strstr(suffix, "RGGB")
|| strstr(suffix, "GBRG") || strstr(suffix, "BGGR")) {
snprintf(fileName, (MAX_NAME_LEN - 1), "%s~rev#v1~type#studio%s~msid#4442075~rep#%ld.raw",
prefix, appendix, sequence);
} else {
snprintf(fileName, (MAX_NAME_LEN - 1), "%s~rev#v1~type#studio%s~msid#4442075~rep#%ld.%s",
prefix, appendix, sequence, suffix);
} else {
snprintf(fileName, (MAX_NAME_LEN - 1), "%s_frame_%04ld_%dx%d%s.%s",
prefix, sequence, width, height, appendix, suffix);
return string(fileName);
static string formatBinFileName(int cameraId, const char *prefix, BinParam_t *binParam)
char fileName[MAX_NAME_LEN] = {'\0'};
string appendix;
switch(binParam->bType) {
snprintf(fileName, (MAX_NAME_LEN - 1), "%s_bin_%04ld_%s.bin",
prefix, binParam->sequence, binParam->gParam.appendix);
snprintf(fileName, (MAX_NAME_LEN - 1),
prefix, binParam->sequence,
binParam->sParam.gridWidth, binParam->sParam.gridHeight,
snprintf(fileName, (MAX_NAME_LEN - 1),
prefix, binParam->sequence,
binParam->mParam.width, binParam->mParam.height,
appendix = getAiqSettingAppendix(cameraId, binParam->sequence);
return formatFrameFileName(prefix, appendix.c_str(),
binParam->bParam.width, binParam->bParam.height);
LOGW("Unknow binary type:%d", binParam->bType);
return string(fileName);
void CameraDump::dumpImage(int cameraId, const shared_ptr<CameraBuffer> &camBuffer,
ModuleType_t type, Port port)
CheckError(camBuffer == nullptr, VOID_VALUE, "invalid param");
if (camBuffer->getSequence() < gDumpSkipNum) return;
if (gDumpRangeEnabled &&
(camBuffer->getSequence() < gDumpRangeMin
|| camBuffer->getSequence() > gDumpRangeMax)) {
if (camBuffer->getSequence() % gDumpFrequency != 0) return;
string prefix = getNamePrefix(cameraId, type, port, camBuffer->getUserBuffer()->s.usage);
string appendix = getAiqSettingAppendix(cameraId, camBuffer->getSequence());
string fileName = formatFrameFileName(prefix.c_str(), appendix.c_str(),
camBuffer->getWidth(), camBuffer->getHeight());
int fd = camBuffer->getFd();
int bufferSize = camBuffer->getBufferSize();
int memoryType = camBuffer->getMemory();
void* pBuf = (memoryType == V4L2_MEMORY_DMABUF)
? CameraBuffer::mapDmaBufferAddr(fd, bufferSize)
: camBuffer->getBufferAddr();
LOGD("@%s, fd:%d, buffersize:%d, buf:%p, memoryType:%d, fileName:%s",
__func__, fd, bufferSize, pBuf, memoryType, fileName.c_str());
writeData(pBuf, bufferSize, fileName.c_str());
if (memoryType == V4L2_MEMORY_DMABUF) {
CameraBuffer::unmapDmaBufferAddr(pBuf, bufferSize);
void CameraDump::dumpBinary(int cameraId, const void *data, int size, BinParam_t *binParam)
CheckError(binParam == nullptr, VOID_VALUE, "invalid param");
if (binParam->sequence < gDumpSkipNum) return;
if (gDumpRangeEnabled &&
(binParam->sequence < gDumpRangeMin
|| binParam->sequence > gDumpRangeMax)) {
if (binParam->sequence % gDumpFrequency != 0) return;
string prefix = getNamePrefix(cameraId, binParam->mType, INVALID_PORT, binParam->sUsage);
string fileName = formatBinFileName(cameraId, prefix.c_str(), binParam);
LOG2("@%s, fileName:%s", __func__, fileName.c_str());
writeData(data, size, fileName.c_str());
} //namespace icamera