blob: 3a666de72cb0b78818a4e10e1f92a881253dac27 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <gtk/gtk.h>
#include <gtk/gtkimmodule.h>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "backend/im_context_backend.h"
namespace cros_im {
class IMContextBackend;
namespace gtk {
// CrosGtkIMContext implements the GtkIMContext GObject interface via
// IMContextBackend, which supports the Wayland text-input-v1 protocol. Instead
// of handling key events via FilterKeypress, the compositor will directly send
// those to our backend.
class CrosGtkIMContext : public GtkIMContext {
// Must be called prior to creating objects.
static void RegisterType(GTypeModule* module);
static CrosGtkIMContext* Create();
// GtkIMContext implementation:
void SetClientWindow(GdkWindow* window);
void GetPreeditString(char** str, PangoAttrList** attrs, int* cursor_pos);
gboolean FilterKeypress(GdkEventKey* Key);
void FocusIn();
void FocusOut();
void Reset();
void SetCursorLocation(GdkRectangle* area);
void SetSurrounding(const char* text, int len, int cursor_index);
// CrosGtkIMContext can't implement this directly as it is a GObject and
// virtual methods break initialization -- GtkIMContext's members must be at
// the start of the object layout and virtual methods cause this to shift this
// by a vtable pointer.
class BackendObserver : public IMContextBackend::Observer {
explicit BackendObserver(CrosGtkIMContext* context);
virtual ~BackendObserver() {}
void SetPreedit(const std::string& preedit,
int cursor,
const std::vector<PreeditStyle>& styles) override;
void Commit(const std::string& commit) override;
void KeySym(uint32_t keysym, KeyState state) override;
CrosGtkIMContext* context_;
void Activate();
// Ref counted
GdkWindow* gdk_window_ = nullptr;
GdkWindow* top_level_gdk_window_ = nullptr;
GtkWindow* top_level_gtk_window_ = nullptr;
// Set if FocusIn() is called prior to SetClientWindow().
bool pending_activation_ = false;
std::string preedit_;
int32_t preedit_cursor_pos_ = 0;
std::vector<PreeditStyle> preedit_styles_;
BackendObserver backend_observer_;
std::unique_ptr<cros_im::IMContextBackend> backend_;
} // namespace gtk
} // namespace cros_im