blob: 2227931fea8a1dd08331a10b166251f77faac6f9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "vm_tools/concierge/balloon_policy.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <assert.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <optional>
#include <base/check.h>
#include <base/files/file_util.h>
#include <base/logging.h>
#include <base/process/process_metrics.h>
#include <base/strings/string_number_conversions.h>
#include <base/strings/string_split.h>
#include <base/strings/string_util.h>
#include <base/strings/stringprintf.h>
#include <brillo/process/process.h>
namespace vm_tools {
namespace concierge {
// LMKD's minfree level for killing the lowest priority apps. See
// mOomMinFreeHigh in Android's
// frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/am/
// NB: 64-bit systems multiply the last entry by 1.75, and the second last by
// 1.5.
constexpr int64_t MAX_OOM_MIN_FREE = 322560 * KIB;
int64_t critical_host_available,
int64_t guest_available_bias,
const std::string& vm)
: critical_host_available_(critical_host_available),
critical_guest_available_(400 * MIB) {
LOG(INFO) << "BalloonInit: { "
<< "\"type\": \"BalanceAvailableBalloonPolicy\","
<< "\"vm\": \"" << vm << "\","
<< "\"critical_margin\": " << critical_host_available << ","
<< "\"bias\": " << guest_available_bias << " }";
int64_t BalanceAvailableBalloonPolicy::ComputeBalloonDelta(
const BalloonStats& stats,
uint64_t host_available,
bool game_mode,
const std::string& vm) {
// returns delta size of balloon
constexpr int64_t MAX_CRITICAL_DELTA = 10 * MIB;
const int64_t balloon_actual = stats.balloon_actual;
const int64_t guest_free = stats.free_memory;
const int64_t guest_cached = stats.disk_caches;
const int64_t guest_total = stats.total_memory;
// NB: max_balloon_actual_ should start at a resonably high value, but we
// don't know how much memory the guest has until we get some BalloonStats, so
// update it here instead of the constructor.
if (max_balloon_actual_ == 0) {
max_balloon_actual_ = (guest_total * 3) / 4;
max_balloon_actual_ = std::max(max_balloon_actual_, balloon_actual);
const int64_t guest_available = guest_free + guest_cached;
const int64_t balloon_full_percent =
max_balloon_actual_ > 0 ? balloon_actual * 100 / max_balloon_actual_ : 0;
if (guest_available < critical_guest_available_ &&
balloon_full_percent < 95) {
if (prev_guest_available_ < critical_guest_available_ &&
prev_balloon_full_percent_ < 95) {
critical_guest_available_ = prev_guest_available_;
const int64_t bias = guest_available_bias_ * balloon_full_percent / 100;
const int64_t guest_above_critical =
guest_available - critical_guest_available_ - bias;
const int64_t host_above_critical = host_available - critical_host_available_;
// Find the midpoint to account for the fact that inflating/deflating the
// balloon will decrease/increase the host available memory.
const int64_t balloon_delta =
(guest_above_critical - host_above_critical) / 2;
// To avoid killing apps accidentally, cap the delta here by leaving the space
// We can remove this if clause
// TODO(hikalium): Consider changing 2nd argument of clamp to
// guest_above_critical + MAX_CRITICAL_DELTA
const int64_t balloon_delta_capped = std::clamp(
balloon_delta, -(host_above_critical + MAX_CRITICAL_DELTA),
guest_available - critical_guest_available_ + MAX_CRITICAL_DELTA);
prev_guest_available_ = guest_available;
prev_balloon_full_percent_ = balloon_full_percent;
const int64_t balloon_delta_abs =
std::abs(balloon_delta); // should be balloon_delta_capped???
// Only return a value if target would change available above critical
// by more than 1%, or we are within 1 MB of critical in host or guest.
// Division by guest_above_critical and host_above_critical here are
// safe since they will not be evaluated on that condition.
if (guest_above_critical < 1 * MIB || host_above_critical < 1 * MIB ||
balloon_delta_abs * 100 / guest_above_critical > 1 ||
balloon_delta_abs * 100 / host_above_critical > 1) {
// Finally, make sure the balloon delta won't cause a negative size.
const int64_t delta = std::max(balloon_delta_capped, -balloon_actual);
LOG(INFO) << "BalloonTrace: { "
<< "\"vm\": \"" << vm << "\", "
<< "\"game_mode\": " << (game_mode ? "true" : "false") << ", "
<< "\"balloon\": " << balloon_actual << ", "
<< "\"guest_cached\": " << guest_cached << ", "
<< "\"guest_free\": " << guest_free << ", "
<< "\"host_available\": " << host_available << ", "
<< "\"delta\": " << delta << " }";
return delta;
return 0;
LimitCacheBalloonPolicy::LimitCacheBalloonPolicy(const MemoryMargins& margins,
int64_t host_lwm,
ZoneInfoStats guest_zoneinfo,
const Params& params,
const std::string& vm)
: margins_(margins),
params_(params) {
LOG(INFO) << "BalloonInit: { "
<< "\"type\": \"LimitCacheBalloonPolicy\","
<< "\"vm\": \"" << vm << "\","
<< "\"moderate_margin\": " << margins.moderate << ","
<< "\"critical_margin\": " << margins.critical << ","
<< "\"host_lwm\": " << host_lwm << ","
<< "\"guest_lwm\": " << guest_zoneinfo.sum_low << ","
<< "\"guest_totalreserve\": " << guest_zoneinfo.totalreserve << ","
<< "\"max_free\": " << MaxFree() << ","
<< "\"min_free\": " << MinFree() << ","
<< "\"reclaim_target_cache\": " << params.reclaim_target_cache
<< ","
<< "\"critical_target_cache\": " << params.critical_target_cache
<< ","
<< "\"moderate_target_cache\": " << params.moderate_target_cache
<< " }";
int64_t LimitCacheBalloonPolicy::ComputeBalloonDelta(const BalloonStats& stats,
uint64_t uhost_available,
bool game_mode,
const std::string& vm) {
base::SystemMemoryInfoKB meminfo;
if (!base::GetSystemMemoryInfo(&meminfo)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to get system memory info";
return 0;
const int64_t host_free = static_cast<int64_t>( * KIB;
return ComputeBalloonDeltaImpl(host_free, stats, uhost_available, game_mode,
int64_t LimitCacheBalloonPolicy::ComputeBalloonDeltaImpl(
int64_t host_free,
const BalloonStats& stats,
int64_t host_available,
bool game_mode,
const std::string& vm) {
const int64_t max_free = MaxFree();
const int64_t min_free = MinFree();
const int64_t guest_free = stats.free_memory;
const int64_t guest_unreclaimable =
stats.shared_memory + stats.unevictable_memory;
const int64_t guest_cache = std::max(stats.disk_caches - guest_unreclaimable,
const int64_t guest_lwm = guest_zoneinfo_.sum_low;
const int64_t critical_margin = margins_.critical;
const int64_t moderate_margin = margins_.moderate;
int64_t target_free = max_free;
int64_t target_cache = guest_cache;
// Look for a reason to give the guest less than max_free memory.
if (params_.reclaim_target_cache > 0) {
const int64_t reclaim_target_free =
std::max(guest_lwm + host_free - host_lwm_, min_free);
if (reclaim_target_free < max_free &&
guest_cache > params_.reclaim_target_cache) {
// We are close enough to reclaiming in the host that we should restrict
// guest memory AND the guest has enough cache that it's safe to force it
// to reclaim.
target_free = std::min(target_free, reclaim_target_free);
target_cache = std::min(target_cache, params_.reclaim_target_cache);
if (params_.critical_target_cache > 0) {
const int64_t critical_target_free =
std::max(guest_lwm + host_available - critical_margin, min_free);
if (critical_target_free < max_free &&
guest_cache > params_.critical_target_cache) {
// We are close enough to discarding tabs in Chrome that we should
// restrict guest memory AND the guest has enough cache that it's safe to
// force it to reclaim.
target_free = std::min(target_free, critical_target_free);
target_cache = std::min(target_cache, params_.critical_target_cache);
if (params_.moderate_target_cache > 0) {
const int64_t moderate_target_free =
std::max(guest_lwm + host_available - moderate_margin, min_free);
if (moderate_target_free < max_free &&
guest_cache > params_.moderate_target_cache) {
// We are close enough to per-process reclaim in Chrome that we should
// restrict guest memory AND the guest has enough cache that it's safe to
// force it to reclaim.
target_free = std::min(target_free, moderate_target_free);
target_cache = std::min(target_cache, params_.moderate_target_cache);
int64_t delta = guest_free - target_free;
// In addition, don't let the balloon inflate more than the amount of cache
// we want to reclaim. To avoid overshooting.
if (target_free != max_free) {
// NB: guest_cache > target_cache, because if it were less, we would have
// left target_free == max_free.
delta = std::min(delta, guest_cache - target_cache);
// Reduce how often we change the balloon size.
// When there is a multi-thread workload running in VM, frequent memory
// ballooning would trigger a huge number of VM-EXIT caused by external
// interrupts (Function call interrupt and TLB shootdowns). This hurts
// performance heavily. To mitigate the performance hit, try the best
// to reduce the ballooning triger frequency.
const bool target_not_low = target_free == max_free;
const bool guest_not_low =
guest_free >= (min_free + (max_free - min_free) / 4 * 3);
const bool delta_not_big =
(guest_free / max_free) == ((guest_free + delta) / max_free);
if (target_not_low && guest_not_low && delta_not_big) {
return 0;
LOG(INFO) << "BalloonTrace: { "
<< "\"vm\": \"" << vm << "\", "
<< "\"game_mode\": " << (game_mode ? "true" : "false") << ", "
<< "\"balloon\": " << stats.balloon_actual << ", "
<< "\"guest_cached\": " << guest_cache << ", "
<< "\"guest_unreclaimable\": " << guest_unreclaimable << ", "
<< "\"guest_free\": " << guest_free << ", "
<< "\"target_free\": " << target_free << ", "
<< "\"host_available\": " << host_available << ", "
<< "\"host_free\": " << host_free << ", "
<< "\"delta\": " << delta << " }";
return delta;
int64_t LimitCacheBalloonPolicy::MaxFree() {
// TODO(b:225085765): Once we properly respond to LMKD telling us to deflate
// the balloon, remove the `margins_.critical` term here, as we won't need the
// buffer to avoid killing fast allocating Apps.
// margins_.critical is used because it is a reasonable size and scales
// linearly with RAM size (unlike zone watermarks), and it's conveniently
// accessible from this scope. Otherwise, using a host specific counter inside
// the guest doesn't make much sense.
// guest_zoneinfo_.totalreserve + MAX_OOM_MIN_FREE is the amount of memory
// LMKD needs to not kill even the lowest priority App.
return guest_zoneinfo_.totalreserve + MAX_OOM_MIN_FREE + margins_.critical;
std::optional<uint64_t> HostZoneLowSum(bool log_on_error) {
constexpr char kProcZoneinfo[] = "/proc/zoneinfo";
const base::FilePath zoneinfo_path(kProcZoneinfo);
std::string zoneinfo;
if (!base::ReadFileToString(zoneinfo_path, &zoneinfo)) {
if (log_on_error) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to read /proc/zoneinfo";
return std::nullopt;
auto stats = ParseZoneInfoStats(zoneinfo);
if (!stats) {
return std::nullopt;
return std::optional<uint64_t>(stats->sum_low);
std::optional<ZoneInfoStats> ParseZoneInfoStats(const std::string& zoneinfo) {
auto lines = base::SplitStringPiece(zoneinfo, "\n", base::TRIM_WHITESPACE,
ZoneInfoStats stats = {0, 0};
int64_t high = -1;
for (auto line : lines) {
if (base::StartsWith(line, "low ")) {
auto cols = base::SplitStringPiece(line, " ", base::TRIM_WHITESPACE,
int64_t low;
if (cols.size() != 2 || !base::StringToInt64(cols[1], &low)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to parse low watermark line \"" << line << "\"";
return std::nullopt;
stats.sum_low += low * PAGE_BYTES;
} else if (base::StartsWith(line, "high ")) {
if (high != -1) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Found zone protection before any high watermark line";
return std::nullopt;
auto cols = base::SplitStringPiece(line, " ", base::TRIM_WHITESPACE,
if (cols.size() != 2 || !base::StringToInt64(cols[1], &high)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to parse high watermark line \"" << line << "\"";
return std::nullopt;
// High is saved until we see a "protection" line.
} else if (base::StartsWith(line, "protection: (")) {
if (high == -1) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Found zone protection before any high watermark line";
return std::nullopt;
// NB: we only care about page counts, so to simplify indexing into
// columns, add all the letters of "protection" to the delimiters.
auto cols =
base::SplitStringPiece(line, "protecin: (,)", base::TRIM_WHITESPACE,
int64_t max_protection = 0;
for (auto col : cols) {
int64_t protection;
if (!base::StringToInt64(col, &protection)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to parse protection \"" << col
<< "\" in line \"" << line << "\"";
return std::nullopt;
if (max_protection < protection) {
max_protection = protection;
// Zone watermarks can be boosted by up to 50%, so to be conservative,
// totalreserve should use the maximum zone size.
high = high + (high >> 1);
stats.totalreserve += (max_protection + high) * PAGE_BYTES;
high = -1;
if (high != -1) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Zone high watermark without a following protection line";
return std::nullopt;
if (stats.sum_low == 0) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to find any non-zero zone low watermarks";
return std::nullopt;
if (stats.totalreserve == 0) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to find any non-zero zone high watermarks";
return std::nullopt;
return std::optional<ZoneInfoStats>(stats);
} // namespace concierge
} // namespace vm_tools