blob: ce6331aeb4c6171d638b202d23f729a8ba9ad929 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2021 The ChromiumOS Authors
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include <base/callback.h>
#include "cros-camera/camera_mojo_channel_manager_token.h"
#include "cros-camera/export.h"
namespace cros {
// SamplesObserver imitates the iioservice mojo interface:
// cros::mojom::SensorDeviceSamplesObserver, which waits for samples and errors
// from iioservice.
// The user should implement this virtual class to get notified when samples and
// errors come in the mojo IPC thread, which is the thread that
// CameraMojoChannelManager uses to communicate with iioservice in mojo
// channels.
// Note that the user should NOT block in the mojo IPC thread, as it's used to
// send and receive multiple IPC calls. Most SensorHalClient's functions defined
// below are blocking functions and therefore should not be used in the mojo IPC
// thread.
class CROS_CAMERA_EXPORT SamplesObserver {
struct Sample {
double x_value;
double y_value;
double z_value;
int64_t timestamp;
// Enumeration of receiver errors.
enum class ErrorType {
// Mojo connection to SensorHalDispatcher is broken.
// Abort all usages.
// Error when setting configurations to iioservice.
// Abort all usages.
// A sample read failed. Other samples should still be read. If this
// happens too frequently, the user could abort all usages.
// The device is removed from the system and is no longer available. The
// user should abort all usages and choose other devices instead.
// The SamplesObserver will be automatically unregistered in
// SensorHalClient.
// |OnSampleUpdated| and |OnErrorOccurred| are guaranteed to be called in
// sequence (in the IPC thread). Users can send them to other sequences by
// posting tasks.
// |sample| contains the 3d calibrated and scaled data in x, y, and z axes.
// |sample.timestamp| contains the timestamp of |sample|.
virtual void OnSampleUpdated(Sample sample) = 0;
virtual void OnErrorOccurred(ErrorType error) = 0;
// SensorHalClient is a wrapper class of the iioservice mojo interfaces, which
// gets connected to chromium's SensorHalDispatcher and iioservice, retrieves
// the information of devices, and lets the user register SamplesObservers.
// Note that the user should not use SensorHalClient's methods in the IPC
// thread, which is the thread to receive samples and errors in SamplesObserver,
// as they are blocking functions and will wait for callbacks in the IPC thread.
// Example:
// SensorHalClient* sensor_hal_client = SensorHalClient::GetInstance(token);
// // Look for the accelerometer on LID.
// if (!sensor_hal_client->HasDevice(SensorHalClient::DeviceType::kAccel,
// SensorHalClient::Location::kLid)) {
// // No accel on LID. Abort.
// }
// // Implement an observer based on SamplesObserver.
// SamplesObserverImpl samples_observer;
// // Register |samples_observer| with 100Hz on the accelerometer on lid.
// sensor_hal_client->RegisterSamplesObserver(
// SensorHalClient::DeviceType::kAccel,
// SensorHalClient::Location::kLid,
// 100.0,
// &samples_observer);
// // Wait for samples or errors on the IPC thread.
// // Unregister |samples_observer| before destructing it.
// sensor_hal_client->UnregisterSamplesObserver(&samples_observer);
class CROS_CAMERA_EXPORT SensorHalClient {
enum class DeviceType {
kNone = 0, // Not used. Just making the order the same with iioservice:
// cros::mojom::DeviceType.
kAccel = 1, // Accelerometer.
kAnglVel = 2, // Gyroscope.
kMagn = 3, // Magnetometer.
kGravity = 4, // Gravity fusion sensor.
enum class Location {
kNone = 0, // The device doesn't have the location attribute.
kBase = 1,
kLid = 2,
kCamera = 3,
static SensorHalClient* GetInstance(CameraMojoChannelManagerToken* token);
virtual ~SensorHalClient() = default;
// Check if a device exists by |type| and |location|.
virtual bool HasDevice(DeviceType type, Location location) = 0;
// Register |samples_observer| with |frequency| to the device with |type| and
// |location|. The pair of |type| and |location| should exist in the result of
// the previous query: |HasDevice|.
// It's the user's responsibility to ensure |samples_observer| is valid until
// UnregisterSamplesObserver is called.
// Return true if success; Return false if device with |type| and |location|
// doesn't exist, or |frequency| is invalid, or |samples_observer| is already
// registered to another device.
virtual bool RegisterSamplesObserver(DeviceType type,
Location location,
double frequency,
SamplesObserver* samples_observer) = 0;
// Unregister |samples_observer| to prevent getting more samples. It should be
// called before destructing |samples_observer|.
virtual void UnregisterSamplesObserver(SamplesObserver* samples_observer) = 0;
} // namespace cros